Before, the image of Kim Hye-jin in his mind was unassailable, inviolable, and most of all not someone he could ever do anything for. He needed her; she didn't need him. That's what he thought. That is, in hindsight, one of the big drivers of why he failed so hard at supporting her. She didn't look like she needed it. He could only take, never give, because he didn't have anything to offer.
Tae-gun knows that was wrong, now, though. Ever since she asked to be pampered, that day, something changed in him. Like some switch flicking, some angle of reality shifting that made him see things in a way he couldn't. She does need him. She needs him, and, God damn it, he's going to be there for her. He can't be anything short of perfect, that's who he is. He is Lee Tae-gun, Korea's only S-rank esper boyfriend. And while he has a long way to go to get there, he knows that the only way is through, it's putting in the work. This means that he's paying attention.
So while Tae-gun's tried to give her some space and taken the couple of rebukes she gave him lightly, he's... noticed. He's noticed that she's not fine. He's watching for it. He can tell. And it's getting to be a bit too much, she's a bit too distant, and he knows what she looks like when she's demolishing dungeons because they're fun and it's not this.
He needs to talk to her about this. He's not sure how, but the only way to figure it out is by trying.