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epilogue: it hurts, and i'm tired
I have no place to call home
Permalink Mark Unread

Kim Hye-jin has been soloing a lot of dungeons.

It wasn't concerning at first, because it made sense as a way to take power back from the people that tried to kill her, be powerful, and at the same time give every other exhausted esper after the confluence a break.

It's now perhaps starting to get concerning.

Outwardly, though, she... seems fine? Just really work focused. Distant towards everyone, maybe.

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Before, the image of Kim Hye-jin in his mind was unassailable, inviolable, and most of all not someone he could ever do anything for. He needed her; she didn't need him. That's what he thought. That is, in hindsight, one of the big drivers of why he failed so hard at supporting her. She didn't look like she needed it. He could only take, never give, because he didn't have anything to offer.

Tae-gun knows that was wrong, now, though. Ever since she asked to be pampered, that day, something changed in him. Like some switch flicking, some angle of reality shifting that made him see things in a way he couldn't. She does need him. She needs him, and, God damn it, he's going to be there for her. He can't be anything short of perfect, that's who he is. He is Lee Tae-gun, Korea's only S-rank esper boyfriend. And while he has a long way to go to get there, he knows that the only way is through, it's putting in the work. This means that he's paying attention.

So while Tae-gun's tried to give her some space and taken the couple of rebukes she gave him lightly, he's... noticed. He's noticed that she's not fine. He's watching for it. He can tell. And it's getting to be a bit too much, she's a bit too distant, and he knows what she looks like when she's demolishing dungeons because they're fun and it's not this.

He needs to talk to her about this. He's not sure how, but the only way to figure it out is by trying.

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She arrives back from her latest (soloed) dungeon, cheerily half-singing her, "Tadaima!"

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Tae-gun has also been soloing some dungeons, if not quite matching her intensity (which is a wild emotional state to inhabit), so he's also somewhat actively backlashed.

"Okaeri," he calls back, somewhat less energetically than he usually does but not wanting to rain on her parade.

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In a short period of time, he has a girlfriend on his lap!

"Hi," she purrs, before she immediately moves to kissing him.

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—right, he's somewhat backlashed but also he still has a lot of backlog and all it takes is one touch for his motor to rev all the way up. He's so predictable. 

He's caught her in his arms and is kissing her back, hungrily, thoughts of Having A Conversation momentarily forgotten, and it takes him all of his willpower to pull away and say, "Do you want water or something before I ravish you?"

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"No, ravish away!" she chirps, brightly.

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He can do that. He can start ravishing her right there and then, and then he can move them to the bedroom, and then there can be some more ravishing on their way to the shower because he accidentally looked at her and remembered how hot she is and how much he likes her, and he should probably give her a break and not ravish her all night long. Her backlash was dealt with a ravish and a half ago anyway.

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Mmmmm but it's so nice though, and she doesn't want to have those pesky thoughts anyway.

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...okay maybe a little an extra ravishing, as a treat?

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She's still at least pretending to be sensible though, so: water and food? While snuggling? She does have more dungeons scheduled for tomorrow, it wouldn't do to show up to them starved and dehydrated.

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Mmhmmmmmm. Tae-gun can cook her something nice, he's been looking up and favouring some new recipes to try so that he can be a better boyfriend.

But speaking of being a better boyfriend, "Hye-jin-ah."

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"Mmm?" she wonders, a little sleepily, from where she's perched for food.

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There's a bit of a break in the cooking while things are being heated up so he can sit on the stool across the kitchen counter from her and hold her hand, running circles on her skin with his thumb.

"I like you. Really quite an unreasonable amount."

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"I like you, too," she replies, with one of her pretty smiles.

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"So... I... promised things would change for the better and, and I don't know all of what that means yet. I think I'm, I'm probably gonna make mistakes along the way while I figure out how to be a good boyfriend. But I think a good boyfriend pays attention, and tries to make his girlfriend feel better rather than worse, and tries to support her and be there for her and listen to her. 

"Hye-jin-ah, I've seen you demolish a bunch of dungeons solo while you're having fun, and it doesn't look like this."

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She opens her mouth, then closes it.

".... I..." she begins, then stops. She looks down. "It's."

She shrinks a little in her seat, and murmurs:

"They're the only place I feel powerful and in control."

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...he lifts her hand up to his lips and kisses her knuckles. "That's so relatable it hurts."

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"Yeah. I've heard someone mention before that they think we're both from the same alien planet, they might be onto something," she snorts.

"Bright side, me handling my baggage with this particular vice will help knock out your backlog faster, so, as long as I don't accidentally die, no loss?"

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"...no loss? Hye-jin-ah, I wouldn't wish what I've gone through on anyone. The fact that you can't feel in control of the rest of your life, that's, that's a loss."

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"Sure, but. ... I don't know how to fix it. How to regain control. It, just. I still don't even really believe everything is over, you know?"

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"I... get that." Still running slow circles on her skin with his thumb. "But it's—it shouldn't be something you do on your own. I also promised I'd be there for you and support you, so let me fulfill that promise. Lean on me. Share your burden with me, let's try to deal with it together."

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"I'll - try? Am trying, just." She shrugs helplessly. "I feel like there are worse coping mechanisms than flattening a bunch of dungeons solo and giving everyone else a break? I don't know what else to do."

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"That's... fair, I don't know, either, but... that was... 'I don't know what else to do' isn't the same as 'we don't know what else to do' and I think even if you and I don't know what else to do that doesn't mean that we don't... Um, I'm not sure that was a good way to put it."

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"I think I understood that? Uh. I wasn't... including you in my calculus of 'welp, better fling myself into as many dungeons as they'll let me and see if it makes me feel better,' which. ... I probably should have. Sorry."

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He squeezes her hand, kisses it again, then gets up to go finish up the food now that it's probably cooked. 

"And also that there's... things neither you nor I can do alone that we could do together. ...not that I'm thinking of any right now but thinking is also a thing we can do together."

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"Yeah. I'll work on it. Try to, you know. Think with you."

"... I did attempt to find a therapist, actually. I haven't mentioned it because it. Didn't go well. She was, ugh, I don't even know how to describe it, she wanted me to talk about how I was victimized and how I was hurt and it was all, just. What part of S-rank combat esper was unclear to you, ma'am, I was shot in the head in a closing dungeon and still managed to survive, don't - ... take away my power like that. I've had enough power taken from me, thanks, someone else doesn't get to dictate my narrative, either."

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He flinches. "Yeah. I—told Woo-young something like that once, that I—hated how much of it made me feel so—helpless. Like things were just happening to me and there wasn't anything I could do. Kang Jaeha happened to me, and then I was broken for years, and then—it wasn't because of anything I did that things started getting better for me, either.

"But I don't want to try to—be a thing that just happens to you, either. Just—I don't know. And we don't have to figure it all out right now but I just wanted to—not ignore it, it's... I noticed before and I thought that maybe if... but maybe I should've said something sooner, I don't know."

He serves them their food and brings it over to Hye-jin then sits next to her to lean his head on her shoulder.

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"I don't think you just... had me happen to you," she snorts, reaching over to pet him. While, yes, eating food with her other hand. "It - takes a lot of courage, to try again? You wanted to reach out to your friends again, too. I was just the one compatible person from out of meddling range, who was good at holding still and not scaring the shy bunny."

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He chokes on his food and reaches for the peach juice to try to clear his throat up.

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"You know in English it even rhymes with your name! What do you think, is bunny-gunny, or hunny-bunny better? I feel hunny-bunny flows better, but then people might get confused about who I'm talking about...."

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"I'm not a bunny!!"

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"No? Is there another shy, skittish woodland animal you feel fits you better?"

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"I'm not a shy skittish woodland animal," he chokes.

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"Maybe a deer, I could see some kind of deer," she muses, as if he hadn't said anything at all.

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He's gonna resume stuffing his face with food rather than engage with any of that. That's what he'll do.

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Sounds good to her!

(He's totally a bunny, though.)

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let's hang out

not like right now but let's go get drunk or something

I guess you don't like getting drunk


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I do, yeah. But no getting actually drunk for me, thank you.
Just hanging out would be nice.
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when are you free

I'm joking I saw your goddamn schedule

free up some time for me

also feel free to bring hunny gunny with you if you want ig

lmk if you want me to bring Hana too 

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I see I've been caught
No double date for me I think?
idk I'm trying to not be joined at the hip with him, get out more
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ha I guessed right

kudos points for me

ok find me time and let me know

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Will do.
Maybe I'll send Tae-gun-ah off to hang out with his hyungs if they're free.
Social enrichment for both workaholic introverts.
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I'm sure if he asks both of them will be willing to free up their own schedules for him

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Truly, my fickle whims could move mountains
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you literally killed a dungeon called Volcanic Range

like girl

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Those were volcanoes!
They're totally different.
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they're literally not

if you poke a hole in a thing it becomes thing with hole it doesn't become a new thing

...I guess a bun becomes a bagel if you poke a hole in it


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I think they're made differently.
Like volcanoes and mountains.
This is a chance to educate yourself! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volcano
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Well done! We'll have you making more correct observations about the state of the world in no time!
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that sounds like SO much effort

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But so fun!
Live a little, delight in the complexity and beauty of the world around you!
Also freed up a space on Friday night, that work okay for you?
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aces, Friday's awesome

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Cool, see you then!
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see you!

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She gets an email from one jeong.hoyeon@quasarguild.co.kr. It's listing her some resources she might want that they could offer, ✨just in case✨. It's suggesting that taking breaks is normal and healthy and good. It has links and various people who could be points of contact for her if she wanted this or that.

It's trying to not be overly familiar, but the message is clear: Are you okay? Can we help? Is there anything we can do?

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Quasar is so garbage at the detached impersonal corporate attempt to - assist. It's clear with her added context that someone, somewhere in the guild (possibly several someones, actually!), noticed and was worried about her. Then they worked very hard to try to help her at a great remove, handicapped by not interacting with her at all, and then very carefully and very deliberately scrubbed all of the personalization and personhood from this email, and sent it to her in an attempt to reassure her that they're respecting her boundaries. When, clearly, the problem to Hye-jin is that a corporation does not get to have access to her innermost self, whereas people - have a better chance. Stop having those mix. Those should not mix. When those mix it is threatening, actually.

To: jeong.hoyeon@quasarguild.co.kr
From: kimhyejin@gmail.com

Listen, while I appreciate the attempt to help me in a - safe corporate way that doesn't overstep my boundaries, it's really misunderstanding my discomfort? You have clearly spent all of this time and effort to find resources specifically for me, to try to help me, and then you scrubbed all hints of the person responsible from it all, and frankly, that just freaks me out. I don't want a nebulous corporate entity taking interest in my affairs and mental health, I want a person, preferably with minimal strings leading back to nebulous corporate entities that can screw me over.

So: can I have an agent or representative, to interface with Quasar for me? I'd wanted to find something out of guild to represent me in such a way, but, well. Kang Jaeha. I still want that, but I can have a Quasar based representative of me in the interim, and then pick back up my own personal side projects as I'm able. I think it would be both more constructive and more comfortable than this.
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To: kimhyejin@gmail.com
From: jeong.hoyeon@quasarguild.co.kr

Cool! I'll start over. 

Hi, Kim Hye-jin-shi! Nice to meet you! I'm Jeong Ho-yeon. I can be that representative. Just tell me what you need! You can also message me on the company app, and my work phone is in my signature below.

Hope we can work together productively!

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To: jeong.hoyeon@quasarguild.co.kr
From: kimhyejin@gmail.com

I hope so too! Thank you, that's much less disconcerting.

On a direct resources level: I've got a real estate agent already for selling my house, I'm okay on that front. What I'm having more trouble with is finding a therapist. Not in house, please, I realize that means they will probably be worse but I'm already pushing it as it is on trusting Quasar an inch. Just please help me narrow down some options for my extremely weird circumstances, with special care towards avoiding being victimized.

Actually, since it'll be relevant to representing me in the future: how much of my history with White Star, Quasar, and Lee Tae-gun's whole situation do you know of? Because I feel it's important for you to have context of wtf is going on with me and why I'm so wary of corporations, including Quasar. I expect you've heard prez pissed me off, but I think it's still not clear as to how he managed it?
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To: kimhyejin@gmail.com
From: jeong.hoyeon@quasarguild.co.kr

I don't know the details of Lee Tae-gun-shi's backlash situation but my understanding of it is that it was really, really bad but he didn't want to have a new partner for what is now clear were Kang Jaeha reasons so prez decided to surprise him with a new one, except he didn't tell you you were going to be a surprise either so you were used as a weapon against Lee Tae-gun-shi against your will. Is that about right?

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To: jeong.hoyeon@quasarguild.co.kr
From: kimhyejin@gmail.com

Yeah, that's most of it. I also didn't have a heads up about how bad his situation was - I thought he was some kind of alien or had several other side partners or something, not that I was needed for an ongoing medical emergency. But it was approximately the worst intro Quasar could have possibly made, aside from holding my parents hostage or something, because - it was a lot, to trust a guild enough to leave Japan. I was trusting your company to help me adjust. It sucks to trust someone to catch you and help you get settled in a strange new country, and then immediately get dropped in favor of being weaponized against someone else. Prez did not help by pitching his attempt at an apology as 'think of all the people you're disappointing by cutting contact and all the friends you could make,' which just sounded like entitlement and potential traps to me.

I have since been forced by circumstance to get over it, because Kang Jaeha. I didn't really have any other choice. Frankly, I haven't been particularly impressed with Quasar's ability to interface with me as a corporate entity. No offense to you, I really do appreciate the attempt to help me, just, the way your company is organized means I slipped through a lot of cracks, and no one seemed to care. There were a lot of ways that Quasar could have helped me - sending me links to resources, promising to protect me in legal situations, laying out the rules for whether or not I could tell my parents that I was being stalked by an S-rank psychic esper, helping me find alternatives to Quasar resources - that it didn't, or did later rather than sooner. Hell, I didn't know where the fucking blankets were in the silo Tae-gun brought me to the first day.

So, uh. That's where I am. I do not expect my relationship with Quasar as a corporate entity is salvagable to the point where I'm going to be just another ordinary esper in this guild. I'm going to be weird and traumatized and fighty, and I am and have been holding my nose to work with Quasar as a company this entire time. I trust several people in Quasar, but that's different. Probably all important information in representing/interfacing with me.
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To: kimhyejin@gmail.com
From: jeong.hoyeon@quasarguild.co.kr

Man, prez really messed up, huh.

Well, I'll do my best to help. We actually don't have any in-house therapists because it'd be a conflict of interest to have someone who's counselling you about personal things to be in any way employed by your employers, but I have a directory that I can triage and send to you based on recs, how does that sound?

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To: jeong.hoyeon@quasarguild.co.kr
From: kimhyejin@gmail.com

He really did, yeah. Downright artful snipe of my traumas, it's in retrospect pretty impressive.

That sounds great, thanks!
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To: kimhyejin@gmail.com
From: jeong.hoyeon@quasarguild.co.kr

Alright! I'll get back to you asap. Cheers!

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Nothing comes up to interrupt her time out with Woo-young, probably to be yelled at that she's being stupid and breaking herself, but, well. He's allowed to be worried about her.

Anyway, here she is! Attempting to do a social!

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And so is he! He thinks they are well past the "hugging" stage of friendship so he will hug her, incompatibility be damned.

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Aww. Yeah, hugs are fine, incompatibility be damned. Hug.

"Hi. You doing okay?"

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"I am! I've mostly been feeding Quasar's sadly depleted batteries of my powers post-confluence, recently."

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"Oh, yeah, I bet. That sounds restful. Hopefully not too boring?"

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"I could use some boring. Unlike some people I know." He can move, which means he can sit at the table of the nice Japanese restaurant they're at, and gesture for her to do same.

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Yep. Here they go. Sigh.

She sits, though, giving an awkward shrug.

"Boring just... still feels like an opening for an attack right now, you know?"

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"...sorry, I'm not trying to get on your case about it. I'm sure hyung'll do it better than me. Just—it was—I saw your schedule and I thought, she needs a break and she's not gonna take one so I'm gonna be a break and—I should walk the talk and not talk about that, how about."

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Aw. She relaxes, a little. Not entirely, but a little. He's trying, and she appreciates it.

"Thanks. I'm - not self destructing, though, just. Letting off steam and chipping away at Tae-gun-ah's terrible backlog at the same time." Shrug. "Anyway."

No idea what thing to talk about instead though.

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That's the problem with workaholics, isn't it.

"Hyung showed me the video games you introduced him to a while ago."

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"Did he! So he actually played them! Aw, good, I'm so proud."

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"He did. God, it was so stupid, he was still in the, like, that was back when he was still pretending he didn't like you? And he was all like, well they're not that useful I think, though they're interesting and make me think in twisty ways, and I went, are you having fun, and he was quiet for like ten seconds and said I guess??? and I was like then that's probably mission accomplished!! and he looked like I'd grown a second head."

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This earns a giggle!

"Of course. What is a fun, can you use it to vanquish more dungeons, if not, then why does it exist?"

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"When I suggested that you might possibly maybe perhaps have positive regard for him as a person he looked like he'd never heard of the concept. —anyway I played them, too, and they are fun."

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"They are!! I'm glad you had fun. The developer of the - I forget the name, the colored squares through 3D one - is making another puzzle game, it looks neat."

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"Oh I should look it up, I was actually really mad about that one because it looked so perfect to have a level editor like Portal 2 does but it just doesn't? For some reason? Like what if I want to keep playing, what then, I've got to do something with my time when I'm sitting bored feeding a battery!"

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Giggle!!! "Oh no. Do I need to give you media recommendations? I did a lot of killing time back at White Star, before, uh, my relationship with Hideyoshi went sailing majestically on its maiden voyage off that cliff." As in: before they filled the backlash hours with sex. Cough. "So my knowledge is a little out of date, but I might know something else."

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"I'm not gonna say no, read anything good recently?"

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"Yeah, actually!"

She still of course reads, even with Tae-gun present to fill her hours with really-quite-efficient-for-backlash-reduction techniques.

Does Woo-young want strong literary opinions from her, because she sure does have them! (And tries not to think of when she last remembers speaking of her strong literary opinions.)

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Hell yeah he'll hear them. He is also pretty opinionated about media—well, perhaps he's just opinionated in general—but he's the type that likes hearing other people's opinions, too, even when they're objectively wrong.

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Nope. She's totally right about everything, thank you, especially her dumb shipping opinions. Those two would have been great together if they had ever been put in the same room, the canon pairings are dumb and stupid and they act like idiots!

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No he's with her on a lot of those actually, the average writer is just so bad at making the obviously correct pairings happen. Woo-young got queer-pilled on that too after he came out of the closet and realised just how many pairings in stories are just coasting on the fact that the main characters happen to be attractive able-bodied specimens of opposite sexes who spend some time together even while having zero onscreen chemistry or reason to stay together whatsoever, so he started aggressively pairing the girls with girls and the boys with boys in his head and now it's a hobby. Everyone's gay if they try hard and believe in themselves.

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Right! Or - well, okay, she doesn't actually aim for same sex pairings in particular, she tends to go with people that have similar sorts of aesthetics? They need to have a similar sort of - feel to them, that they're on at least one similar wavelength while still being different enough that they offer something to one another. But it turns out that because of writing tropes, often that means that the answer is lesbianism (or whatever)! So. They have come to the same conclusion by different methods. Therefore: they are both right. There can be peace in the literary opinion kingdom. On this one topic.

(Okay but like the pacing of that third book was awful, no you cannot convince her otherwise, you're just wrong -)

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See, now she went and had a wrong opinion in front of him! The pacing was great, the whole point of what that book was going for was that they were in a chaotic mess of their own making and the feeling of being jerked around by some stuff happening too fast and other stuff happening too slow was meant to instill that same sense in the reader! It was very true to life, too, feeling like time is passing at inconsistent rates because of the shit going on in your life is extremely relatable.

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Ahuh, ahuh, except that if it's meant to instill that sense in the reader it also should have given the reader less information, the signal to noise ratio was all wrong. Also, this is probably genuinely personal taste, but why would she want a book to instill the sense that she's being jerked around and things are happening too fast? She has enough of that in her work life! She doesn't want it badly simulated for her in literature!

She is perfectly happy to continue on in this vein for a while. Companionable literature arguing.

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They get food, and its arrival prompts Woo-young to start telling Hye-jin about his favourite restaurants in Seoul, since he has a sneaking suspicion the literal only times Hye-jin went out to eat were the single-digit ones he was personally witness to plus that one time on Christmas Tae-gun told him about. Seoul may not be Paris or New York or São Paulo but it has plenty of culinary landscape to be explored, too!

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Oooooooo, yes, those are great, and - yeah, he's totally right about her inability to go out to eat. She's down to explore some culinary landscape options!

(She wishes she had more friends to invite to these places, but that is probably a solvable problem.)

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...does she want to be matchmade? Most of his friends are espers but not all of them are Quasar and she might get along with some of Tae-hwan's old friends she met on his birthday. Also Woo-young's twin isn't an esper and has a non-esper social network so that might help too?

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... Yeah, she can be matchmade. With potential friend options. Um. If that wouldn't be too much trouble.

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Sure! Does she want aliens like hyung and her, though, those might be harder to find.

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She can in fact interact with people that originate from this planet, thank you, just. ... Please be selective, she's an introvert and, er, a bit... sensitive right now. (Read: she's kind of a massive moody bitch.)

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Okay, introverted, thick skin, any other requirements? Oh or does she prefer to be friends with extroverts so they'll drag her places?

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Nope, absolutely not, that is Tae-gun's thing, she will resist and furthermore resent being dragged places.

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"Alright, I have some people in mind maybe and I'll tell noona about it, too. You do already know Kim Chun-hee, though, she fits the bill, other than being Quasar."

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Nod. "I - can try to make friends with her." Considering she.... kind of also.... already got to know her carnally.... ahem.

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He peers at her face. "Okay, spill it, what about what I said is making you look like that?"

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"Nothing! Nothing, don't worry about it, she's very nice and that is a good plan."

She admittedly might have already ruined it by making it weird via that whole orgy thing but probably it's fine! Esper culture! It's fine.

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"She's very nice, is she? I don't think I remember you interacting with her all that much last time we all got together..."

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"It was - there were - anyway I approve of this plan so far just, you know, um, I am going to take it slow on the social front and keep being a crazy workaholic because I do find soloing dungeons kind of empowering and, I mean, it lets other people take a break after what was probably the worst confluence in decades, it chips away at Tae-gun-ah's backlash backlog, everybody wins really..."

She's babbling. Worse, she's being too honest in her babbling.

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"Hey girl I'm not gonna stop you from using the coping mechanisms you have available to you to get through your life as a sane and functional human being, it'd be real hypocritical of me, I smoke cigarettes. Just, you know. Having nice things in life is nice, regardless of whether it's anything to do with, like, being healthy or whatever. Some video games are just fun."

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"... Yeah. Yeah. Thank you."

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"Mmhm! And speaking of nice things, have you tried this onigiri here? It's to die for, I would literally trade my soul for the recipe for the filling, it's just spiced salmon but it's delicious."

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"I feel like on a matter of general principle you should avoid selling your soul for material goods," says Hye-jin, amused. "But no, I haven't tried it, maybe it really is worth a sketchy backalley soul sale for."

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He plucks one and places it on her plate.

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Nom nom nom.

"Delicious! But not worth selling my soul for," she confirms.

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"Adding that to my little compiled list of incorrect opinions you hoild."

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"I feel like this one is more arguable as objectively correct, considering it means I get to keep my soul! Better for my long term interests!"

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"Well on the bright side they only charge money and not souls for these so the question is moot. You have plenty of that."

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"It's true, I do. I actually even leveraged some out of Kang Jaeha out of principle, when in doubt apparently my go-to is ask for money."

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"I've heard it can generally be exchanged for goods and services so it's not a bad pick."

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"Right! And making the world better. I figure there are worse things than extracting maximum financial value out of things and then throwing them at half-decent causes."

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"What kinds of causes?"

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"So I usually go for disease eradication or containment, because there really isn't any argument about whether or not pathogens are bad for humans, just math about how efficiently it should be done. For me in particular, throwing money to research and then patent vaccines and then make them free to reproduce is the kind of fantastic absurd big spending only someone like I can do, but I also have a fondness for energy efficiency now after my silo -"

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"Yo! You actually showed up!"

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"...I was the one who suggested it."

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"Yeah but I was 50/50 on you deciding last minute you didn't want to."

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"Hey Tae-gun."

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"Hi, hyung."

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"Shall we?"

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Tae-gun made a reservation, so they're expected, and are quickly shown their private room.

"What made you pick this place?"

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"...I dunno. We all like barbecue?"

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"Fancy barbecue."

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"I'm rich."

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"That you are."

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"You said Kim Hye-jin was going out to hang out with Woo-young? Are they close?"

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"...I guess."

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"Come on, Tae-gun, I know you pay a lot more attention than you pretend you do. Gimme more than that."

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"...he was my only friend for half a decade—"

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"—and he's—Woo-young. I dunno, he's, he's, he does a thing that's like the thing she does. Of being good at—expressing what he wants. And he stood up for her, and supported her in ways that I couldn't, and then we were there for him when he lost Tae-hwan, so I guess they got close."

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"Yeah, see, you do pay attention," says Si-yeon, gently.

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"So we're just—hanging out? Nothing major happening?"

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"Yeah. ...oh, your wedding is in a couple of weeks, right?"

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"Yes, Tae-gun, it is. I hope you weren't about to forget."

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"I wasn't! I was just thinking about it."

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"I'm just teasing."

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"And nervous."

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"...why? Don't you guys already live together and all? And you've got couple rings, right?"

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"It's just different. She'll be my wife. Like, what if I fuck up, what if I'm not a good husband, what if her family hates me—"

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"Her mom has said, and I quote, 'I wish you were my son instead of this good-for-nothing bum', multiple times over the years, and that was just within my earshot."

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"That's just friendly teasing. Hyun-jae's dongsaeng is fine."

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"You're fine, my guy. Noona's lucky to have you, she loves you to pieces, she's the one who proposed."

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"I know, but still."

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(...so many moments with his friends he missed, over the years...)

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"...I'm not actually worried. Not for real. Just, you know. Anxiety. I'm mostly excited and really happy."

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(...but he can be there for all new moments in the future. Like the wedding.)

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"You guys doing a paebaek?"

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"Yeah. Parents insisted."

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"You'd probably look good in a hanbok."

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"No flirting with the groom-to-be, Tae-gun-ah."

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"Well, he would."

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"I'm sure my mum will love to share pictures of the whole thing but until then you're going to have to live with just your imagination."

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"Are you guys... planning to, um. Have kids?" Is that a weird question? He's not sure if it's a weird question. The only other long-term relationship Tae-gun's been in was—you know—and then he was removed from society for years.

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"No, probably not. My mum really wants us to, especially since I'm an only child, but... neither of us really wants to stop working, and noona's backlash would be—particularly hard to carry to term with. Not to mention after."

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"...but you wanted to?"

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"As, you know, sort of a pipe dream, I guess? It would be nice to be a dad. But I don't think it's in the cards for us."

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Si-yeon leans on Juheon and rests his head on Juheon's shoulder. "I think you'd be a great dad."

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Tae-gun drags his cushion around the table closer to Juheon so that he can do the same. "Yeah, me too."

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"Awww, you guys are gonna make me tear up."

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"We like you."

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He wraps one arm around each of the two of them and squeezes them close, kissing the tops of each of their heads. "I like you guys, too."

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Jeong Ho-yeon sends Hye-jin a small but varied list of therapists, organised by type (CBT, DBT, psychoanalysis, a handful of others) and whether they do remote, in-person, or both. Each has a short description with their main area of interest, and Jeong Ho-yeon has also highlighted the three therapists (two DBT and one CBT) he thinks are most likely to be able to help with Hye-jin's problems in particular.

Whether she'll have time to actually look into them will depend on how willing she is to reduce her workload. Quasar does require at minimum four days off a month of its espers, so though, so she could use one of those instead.

And until then, she has dungeons to clear.

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She's - cranky about attempting therapists, or perhaps guarded and wary, so she focuses on something she's really really good at instead. That being dungeons.

As dramatic as sending Hye-jin alone to kill a dungeon is, it's not really the norm. She doesn't need any kind of martial backup, she's fully capable of destroying a dungeon on her own, but being directed and supported means she spends less time wandering around and more time being a one woman demolition and firepower team. There are usually teams of (armed and trained) non-espers trailing along behind her to escort rescues to the exit, or direct her to pockets of monsters she might've missed on her own, or relay updates from the dungeon's central command.

She burns through the lock on the door of the last kidnapping victim of the psych-ward themed dungeon, kicks it open (because it's fun), and steps out of the way of her minions assistants to let them do the fiddly bits of freeing the poor soul from the straitjacket the dungeon stuffed them in.

"That's the last one?" confirms Hye-jin, on her comms.

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"That I can see," confirms Minseo. "The core seems to be in a chomping deathtrap... thing. Mostly metal. I recommend backup of someone that can pry open things instead of melting through them."

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"It'll probably grab someone else in the time it takes to get backup," says Hye-jin, flatly. "Even if it's Tae-gun-ah and he teleports right over."

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"... Yeah," agrees Minseo, who does not need to be a sensor to see where this is going.

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"And the resource extraction of the fancy glass panes is all done already?"

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There's another pause, then:

"Yeah. All done."

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"Okay. Then let's get this done before it grabs someone else. Spot me so I don't accidentally destroy the core in my path of destruction?"

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"... Fine," says Minseo, who really doesn't like this, but: she's not, actually, the boss of Hye-jin, and she already made her recommendation.

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"Begin evacuation of the support crew in case I fuck up my aim," she says, as she then marches off to melt through metal.

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She does not, actually, fuck up her aim. She neatly and efficiently (and with great unspoken glee) cuts through every single great big chompy death-trap thing that is in her way, along with the spikes and the buzz saws. The pit of fire is neatly flown over, it not actually being all that threatening to the fire esper.

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"And the core's in the middle of the pillar directly in front of you - wait, there's something weird with the -"

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A small hole opens up in the floor, right under her right foot, then almost immediately closes.

Oh her foot.

Just as neatly as Hye-jin's earlier surgical precision, it slices it off at the ankle.

The walls of the trap were, of course, sharp.

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"Floor, fuck, medic we're going to need an extraction team to -"

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"I'm, fine," hisses Hye-jin, falling to her knees and biting back her scream. She doesn't pass out from pain only because the lava bath was worse than this, actually. "Give me that - back - "

It is hard to think properly while she's in agony, so instead of something with a bit more finesse, she lights her hands on fire and reaches down to the offending hole to rip it open with her bare hands. Her skin sizzles under the heat, but the metal bends accordingly, and her severed foot is retrieved.

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She is not really sure if this is going to work, but she doesn't see why it wouldn't - line severed foot back up with her leg, cauterize the edges so it all stays together - that time she screams, though she turns her comms off before she does it - and then - wiggle her toes to test? Yes? Functional? Awesome.

"- done," she says, clipped and business-like. "Retrieving core now."

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Her hands are already a bit shot from the whole 'ripping apart molten metal' thing, so, might as well do it again, right? Right. She stands on wobbly feet, limps forward (carefully avoiding anymore floor based traps), and then promptly rips the pillar open.

She takes a few seconds to let the ambient heat cool a bit, so as not to destroy the core. (That she spends the time panting in pain is irrelevant to her mission.) Then she reaches forward with blistered hands and grabs it.

"Got it. Coming back."

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"What the fuck was that," hisses the one woman who saw everything.

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"......... efficiency???"

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"The fuck did you do to your hands. And you're even walking on -" begins Minseo, who then stops and takes a deep breath. "- just get back, I'll yell at you in the debriefing later. Evacuation of the dungeon's nearly complete."

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Oh dear.

She's in trouble, isn't she.

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Minseo exits the dungeon before Hye-jin makes it to the portal, after confirming that she's past all of the bad death traps. She's not going to bother yelling at her personally, in favor of submitting a (short) report with the recommendation that she not be allowed to do dungeons until further notice, and sending a message to the guy who's going to be way better at yelling at her than Minseo is. She can touch type for exactly this reason, and she's a fast typer.

Hye-jin needs to take a break from doing dungeons. She just got her foot chopped off, and her reaction was to blister her own hands getting it back without assistance, before she cauterized it back on her own leg.
She's walking on it now. It hasn't fully healed yet.
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Is she on her way to the silo?

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Idk, she hasn't left the dungeon yet. I'm going back in for the final look over, wanted to tell you ASAP.
Gotta go.

And back into the portal goes the sensor.
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Hye-jin is awkwardly standing on the other side, still holding the core.

"Um," she begins.

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"Gimme that. Out," snaps Minseo, snatching the core from her without looking. (With her eyes, anyway. She's lost her ordinary vision, and is accordingly cheating with her powers.)

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"Yeah, okay," agrees Hye-jin, who slinks through the portal with her injured hands and legs, uh, definitely still not fully healed up yet, looking sheepish.

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Tae-gun is waiting outside, looking perfectly neutral.

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And then he sees her and, still looking perfectly neutral, wraps his arms around her.

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"Are you okay?" he whispers, with the barest hint of a tremble in his voice.

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Well now she feels terrible for scaring him.

"Yes," she says softly, leaning into him. "Uh - silo time, I'm sorry..."

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He doesn't say anything to that and just teleports home. Once they're there, he doesn't let go of her, and just continues standing up and holding her, but he's starting to shake a bit.

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Yeah. She'll. She'll just hold him. And consider how much of an idiot she was being - she should have just waited for backup, Tae-gun could have iced over the floor and prevented all of that, and - in retrospect she was going too fast for Minseo to catch everything, in her bid to avoid the dungeon snatching anyone else.

"Sorry," she repeats, feeling like the word is so small and useless and stupid.

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"I'm just—I don't want to—I—" He shivers. "Hye-jin-ah, I've lost you twice already," Tae-gun whispers. "I, I can't—I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm making everything about me, I—"

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"I was being very self centered and stupid and I really should have just waited for backup - I mean, look how long it took you to show up, it wouldn't even have - sorry." Lean. "I, I didn't mean to scare you. It wouldn't have killed me, even though I - was being very stupid."

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He nods and takes a deep, sniffling breath, and pulls away. "Are you—healed enough that I can—guide you?"

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"Um - I should have someone look over my leg probably, because, I, might've..." messed up, considering she reattached it herself.

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Knock knock your appointment with me is now
get your ass to my ward asap or you'll never do another dungeon again if I have anything to say about it
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"- we should teleport over to Ji-woo-sunbae," says Hye-jin, who gets to - oh she just has to accept the teleport, how efficient, and Tae-gun can come too - bwip.

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Bwip indeed. He doesn't bother trying to fix his face before accepting the teleport but he does wipe his eyes as soon as he gets there.

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Good news for Tae-gun! Ji-woo does not care. She is a very angry healer.

"Foot," she demands, without further elaboration.

Being partners with the sensor that saw the whole thing means that she got all of the gorey details.

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There's a pause, then -

"You fucked up your nerves," says Ji-woo, flatly. "Never do another field attachment unless your life depends on it ever again, do you hear me? This is a fucking mess to clean up, would have been cheaper to reattach it myself - rrrgh, got it." From her pained expression, fixing the fuckup was not cheap. "Now shoo. You have used up your stupid allotment for the next six months."

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"yes sunbae-nim, sorry sunbae-nim."

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"Thank you, Ji-woo-sunbae," Tae-gun says and then yeah back to silo.

(Note to self: if Hye-jin ever loses a limb again, go see Ji-woo-sunbae first.)

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(Hopefully this won't come up again!!! Hye-jin feels really bad, actually!!!!)

She'll just quietly and meekly lean into her boyfriend and murmur another apology. And, um. Maybe cry a little, actually, she feels horrible about - everyone being upset and scared and making Ji-woo's backlash worse.

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Yeah. Okay. And he can get them sofa-wards, probably—it'll need a cleaning but what's S-rank esper money if not this—to hug her some more. There is a part of him that's kind of mad, but it's much, much smaller than the part of him that's just worried and scared and upset, and furthermore he thinks that expressing anger will help no one, she's probably beating herself up enough. For the moment he just wants to hold her and make sure that she's here and whole and alive, they can figure out what to do next later.

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"I'll, take a break from doing dungeons," she volunteers, after a while of being held and - quietly crying into his shoulder about how she's the worst and most stupid person ever.

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He nods, running his fingers through her hair. "Okay."

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"Sorry," she repeats, for what is quite possibly the billionth time.

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"I forgive you," he says, for the first.

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Well that makes her feel worse.

"You probably shouldn't - I was really very stupid, and, and most of it was motivated by pride instead of sense or logic, and objectively I feel you should be mad at me for getting myself critically injured in a fucking B-rank," which she should probably unpack, normal people don't go 'it's just a B-rank,' actually...

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Well he's not normal either. "I don't want to be mad. Hye-jin-ah, you're—very special to me. I want to, to take care of you, I want you to be happy, and I don't want to—I'm not your dad. I'm your boyfriend. You're going through a tough time. I want to help you through it, not, not—scold you. Especially not when you're—there's going to be enough other people who'll do that, yourself included. You don't need to add me to the mix."

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"You can be mad at me if you want to be," she offers, even though he - already went and said he doesn't. "You're allowed."

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"Okay. I'll keep that in mind for if I want to be."

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... She gives a little watery giggle.

"You're very good. I'll - do my best not to scare you again. And. Spend my copious amounts of free time trying to find therapists, how about, because fuck do I seem to need one."

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He nods. "How about I draw a bath and then give you a massage? Do you like bath bombs?"

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"Only if they're not the glittery ones," she sniffles. She'd protest about the bath if she were going to have it alone, but - she's not, so. It sounds good.

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"Oh, no, I'd object to the glittery ones, that stuff gets everywhere." Hyup, he can carry her upstairs.

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"We'd be finding glitter in our underwear and sheets for months!" She kisses his nose before he reaches the stairs. "Thank you."

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"What, for not getting glittery bath bombs? You're welcome!"

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"That, but also. This. Thank you. You're a good boyfriend."

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"I'm the only S-rank boyfriend in Korea."

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"Yes you are." Smooch!

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Smoooooooch he is getting the BEST GRADE in being a BOYFRIEND.

Anyway! Bath time! It is time to pamper his girlfriend.