Eclipse Bell in Arda
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That probably depends on how convincing Isabella finds straight-faced protestations of uncertainty intermingled with moaning and gasping and laughing and looking at Isabella like she's the center of the universe.


Not very, but this way is more fun. I love the way you look at me.


Isabella's getting there. Meanwhile nibbling.


Eventually - Somebody's looking for you, resorts to osanwë interruption in twelve minutes.


Awww. I should probably not let it get that far. Kiss.


Kiss. Probably.


Clothes! Office! The person wanders in three minutes later, the Vanyar think the Noldor aren't moderating the Internet enough and would like to appoint their own representatives to do that, should we just let them because it's ended up being a lot of person-hours necessary to make sure the Internet isn't completely horrible, if the Vanyar don't have anything better to do -


Maitimë suggests that a conference be scheduled for a Year from now to work out jurisdiction over Valinor's Internet, and writes a couple hundred people who will want them very delicately worded invitations, and then it's time to pop in at the end of a lecture series arranged for the human mages and psions on Arda's early history and the problem of orcs and answer some questions - the humans are all very earnestly upset about orcs and eager to fix it, it's reassuring - 


- and when she next passes her grandmother in the palace hallways her grandmother says, "dear, I hear it you've gotten even more invested in Endorë?"

"Ulmo honored me with his conviction that it was a good idea. Valinor is unsuited to housing large populations of humans, because they're not very peaceable, and it might not be suited to deoathed orcs either. The Noldor were right to choose a safe place to grow out our wings, but we can fly, now, grandmother - not even metaphorically -"

"Yes, yes, I heard. Let's talk about it sometime."

"Of course," Maitimë says, and a while later to Isabella, you're invited to another audience to explain ourselves to the Queen.


Isn't there another eclipse coming up? Would you rather get this settled before that or after, I'm sure I can push her off that far if we're so inclined.


Before, I'll be frazzled for a bit after.


And an hour in advance Isabella begins cheating.


The Queen is significantly more indulgent of empire-building expeditions if Ulmo supports them and with a rationale for leaving Valinor that the girls are actually willing to explain. It should only take her a few tries to land on an explanation that gets a satisfied nod.


(And, if she bounces any of this to Maitimë, a few more tries to get an explanation that gets a satisfied nod without a searching glance between her granddaughter and Isabella and a very slightly raised eyebrow.)


Yes, definitely copying Maitimë on this, Maitimë is good at people stuff and this is people stuff.


Then Maitimë can help her sort out her grandmother's reactions and find the right things to say, and they can go in well-armed with explanations and reassurances.


"...okay. And Earth's comfortable with a portal open to a continent that has lots of miscellaneous monsters running around?"


"It'd certainly be guarded, but yes."


"Have they been informed on the risk? Are you confident you're yourselves informed on the risk? What are you planning to do if Endorë's full of orcs, if it's full of the descendents of the Elves who stayed behind..."


"There'll be exploratory expeditions long before we start building infrastructure or settling civilians, promise."


"Precogs, remote viewers."


"All right. Good skill. Do you have a sense of what you want the relationship of this - outpost - to the rest of our people to be?"


"It makes more sense to govern it independently. Being formally independent would make a lot of things simpler, but I understand that it would do our people a disservice to put them in the position of in any sense choosing between loyalties."

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