Eclipse Bell in Arda
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If you believe the most grandiose claims, about fifteen hundred years old. Oldest credibly verified is a mage coming up on six centuries.


It's weird to think that if the portal between our worlds had been discovered a thousand Earth years ago, your world would be utterly unrecognizable and I'd have been - pretty much the same.


That is sort of weird, yeah...


The Valinor time effect made - a sort of sense, when we had eternity and there was no urgency - but now that there are problems we could have been better equipped to solve I know my mother feels as if she was robbed.


I'm not finding it that hard to compensate for especially since it helps me sleep less, but if I hadn't noticed it - yeah.


Should've taken that trip to the edge of the world that we were planning for once the twins were older, then maybe we'd have noticed it.


It's still weird that your world has an edge.


Knowing that it's weird makes me all the more eager to go poke it sometime!


Perfectly understandable impulse!


If counterproductive. The Valar are sensitive about the edge of the world, you're not supposed to go bother it.


They're sensitive about it?


Maybe the wrong word, given they don't have very humanlike emotions, but it gives you a closer model than any other word I could have picked. 


Is it crinklier than they wanted it to be or something?


Maybe it looked better on paper and they were kind of disappointed when it was all created but didn't want to start over.


I actually don't know why, when they were having - creative differences - with Melkor, they didn't just go make a new planet somewhere else and let Melkor fill this one with volcanos. Unless they thought Eru was committed to putting Elves on this one, and - why would Eru do that -


Eru prioritizes in mysterious ways.


As far as I am concerned Eru can go right on being mysterious.


Better than many of the alternatives!


Is anyone going to miss me soon?


- in thirty minutes somebody turns out to have been looking for you for twenty.


Can't have that. Kiss. Later.


Fëanáre is eventually dragged back from Tampa by the necessity of being near the Trees for Tree-capturing and by the twins' birthday; they are twelve, as Valinor counts years, and there are no eclipses in Arda and even if Maitimë had completed plans for a set of tests of eclipsing interactions with different species and with interworld transit, she would not have tested it on the two of them. 

Someone anonymously releases a magic song for accelerated perception, and half of Tirion's musicians take excitedly to refining it. 


Are anonymous song releases common?

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