Eclipse Bell in Arda
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No, actually, it takes years to make a magic song safe and effective and you usually feel at least a little proprietary. 



Well, what will Isabella think of it if she tries this one -


Useful! As she observed, it improves serial, not parallel, processing. Moving feels a tiny bit like moving through water but you get used to it quickly.


Fun stuff. She puts it on her phone and has it on during any downtime when she's doing principally mental work - meditating on magic mostly, but it's also useful for exploring a forthcoming hour in more detail in less time.


And they sign on some psions with remote viewing for preliminary exploration of Endorë.


Endorë looks like: this! It's dark there. They can pay a little extra for remote viewers whose remote viewing is better than their own vision. Osanwë is convenient for communicating the results.


Can they get enough detail to find, say, local populations, scout for the monsters that might or might not roam the land...


If they'll pay for the time the remote viewers will pan around a lot. Isabella can supplement by telling them which directions are promising.


They'll pay for the time; next step is a precog with enough range to foresee a whole expedition to Endorë and that's a fair bit pricier. She has a landscape artist in to sketch what they can see. 


One of the remote viewers turns out to be willing to put in a lot of work for a tap from Isabella the Eidetic Memory Fairy - it'll save her years - so that's convenient. It's even one of the ones who can see fine by starlight.


There are people in Endorë! This complicates their lives tremendously, of course, but she's delighted anyway - it hadn't been obvious that the Elves who declined the invitation of the Valar would survive, let alone in numbers sufficient to be running around the treetops singing. And yet there they are, running around the treetops singing.



Orcs take longer to find, but yep, there are orcs. They get some grim and terrifying sketches of Utumno, half-crumbled, the site of the final battle of the war of the Valar and Melkor.


But at least it's in ruins!


It is. Not even anything moving; if Melkor's servants remained behind to carry on the fight, they went elsewhere. When Isabella doesn't foresee any of the remaining checks being promising they thank the remote viewers and someone takes them out to dinner in Tirion.


"Looks like we'll have orc neighbors. I have no idea what they're like when Melkor isn't toying with them."


"Does Mandos know? She must have some around, maybe they chat or something."


"I'll ask."


She does. 


Orcs mostly refuse to cooperate with Mandos; Melkor has told them they'll be tortured by the Elf-gods when they die. Mandos can't do anything without consent, so she has no interaction with most of them. Some - younger, or less credulous, or more defiant - are willing to interact. They do not seem inherently evil, but Mandos finds them very confusing.


She relays this. Not that that means much - Mandos finds us very confusing too.


She could let the orcs talk to us by proxy -

- actually I've never tried talking directly to a dead person maybe I should do that since the ones here are so talkable-to.


Should I start with an orc, or...?


Might be best to start with an Elf, actually? Since they are less likely to believe they're in the hold of torturers - wonder if you could reach my grandfather -


I can try it. Anything I should say?



So if she says hi to Maitimë's grandfather -


She gets a very confused hello in response.


And if she then explains that she is an alien with psychic powers checking to see if she can communicate with the dead?


...have you met my daughter? I feel as if you'd get along.

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