Eclipse Bell in Arda
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Nod. We need to check what happens if humans are in Arda during the eclipse closest to their twelfth, we're not prepared if the answer is that they still eclipse somehow and there's a disaster waiting to happen if it's that they eclipse when they next go back to Earth. But it'd take such a large sample size, it'll be really hard to check -


We could be ready for any of the obvious possibilities - if they eclipse when they go back to Earth they just need to still be fasted, if they eclipse next time there's an eclipse they just have to fast again then - the real risk would that it would be something bizarre no one's watching for.


Something like the equivalent of an eclipse here even though we don't have a moon - why is it eclipses, does anyone know -


Complete mystery. It's also only total, lunar eclipses, not solar ones or partials, and it affects the whole planet at once even the parts from which the eclipse isn't visible.


I also want to know if it happens for Elves if you take them to Earth but there aren't anywhere near enough Elves around the right age, and also that age happens to be infancy, so -


It could also be some other age for Elves, we're kind of already taking a risk on it having Elves on Earth during eclipses.


Didn't think of that. Could suggest to them they fast just in case. ...there are really a lot of ways this can interact badly, and none of them straightforward to check for-


Fasting might not even work, or require longer periods, you don't need to eat as much as humans do.


Yes, to get an Elf as hungry as a human would be after two Earth days you'd need probably twenty. Though part of that's Valinor being Valinor - sorry, I actually sincerely didn't mean to wake you up with politics -


It's okay, politics is fun. Did you mean to wake me up with something in particular?


Not really, everything's taken care of.


Good. Snuggle.


Yeah. Have humans researched what happens if you live on your Moon -


I assume you don't mean, like, 'it would fuck up our bone density'? Yeah we have no idea what that would do to eclipsing.


I should invite people to come up with maximally inconvenient ways it could work, plan for them or check for them somehow-


If it would somehow allow deliberate production of eclipses in people who actually want to be eclipsed that would be ridiculously important, and the slightest possibility that it could is worth the investment in a long-term precog but you'd still have to squeeze the entire project inside their range and nobody's pulled that together yet.


What's the best range out there, a year?


Two, but he doesn't take commissions; a year's the best you'll be able to buy.


I can also try persuasion if it's looking achievable in two but not in one, or is he just unreachable?


Hard to get ahold of but not impossible. I'm not sure what his deal is so I don't know how hard he'd be to persuade.


I will look into various outrageous space-exploration and/or massive relocation experiments I could conceivably pull off if I threw all our resources at them and then possibly bother him. ...though I guess he might already know whether I end up doing that.


One assumes. I don't know his actual lookahead habits.


Two years. How long does it take to pull that off?


I assume he found it particularly efficient to work on precognition, just happened to click with how he thinks. But certainly at least a few decades - he's a couple hundred years old, he's been getting de-aged.


How old are the oldest humans -

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