Eclipse Bell in Arda
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Uh, less that, more I-care-about-my-family-and-my-family-cares-about-this?


Makes sense.


Is Isabella still interested in dinosaur steaks and dodo bird eggs because those happen to be available.


She is! They sound delicious! (She has been doing enough magic that cardboard kinda sounds delicious but dodo eggs and dino steaks are definitely a step up.)


Well, here are dinosaur steaks and dodo eggs, they're nothing at all like cardboard! "Giving out eidetic memory left and right?"


"I'm trying to keep it down to single digits per day, I only have so much stomach capacity, but yes."


"Are non-eclipsed humans desperately envious of eclipsed? All the eating whatever you want?"


"The ones who don't personally know any eclipsed are. The ones who do, less so, it really does get to be a major inconvenience."


"I can imagine, yeah. Is there any magic where that seems to be an actual hard limit - like, humans can't eat enough to do it?"


"No, calorie intake doesn't scale that neatly with magic use. It doesn't cost me much more to look ahead to the limit of my range now than it did when I only had thirty seconds."


"That's good, at least. What's the next project?"


"Attentional capacity!"


"Oooh. That one eventually shareable, or is it one that'd require ongoing maintenance?"


"Maintenance, alas. It'll speed me up, though."


"I bet. How does it play with magic songs for sped-up perception?"


"I bet really well, because I'm doing parallel and those do serial!"


"Cool! I should iron out the kinks in one of those, then - Laurië used to be possessive of all the groundbreaking mind-affecting magic music stuff but now that she's run off to pay our bills she published it all, she'll be so disappointed if no one gets anywhere with it-


- actually, no she wouldn't be, she'd be really smug. But still."


"I'm looking forward to trying the perception acceleration out. And somewhat freaked out by the rest of the category, but oh well psions already existed."


"I've been letting the kids play with mood songs that wear off when you stop singing, and no one's developed anything yet that doesn't, though I don't know if that's because we're not evil or because it's a limit of the magic. You could do horrible stuff with artifacts but probably not worse than, yeah, psions already are."


"There is some comfort in the learning curve required to do serious combat psionics as compared to that necessary to play a song, but, yeah."


"Designing the song's slow. As long as no one designs really scary ones - and it doesn't look like you can do magic composition on Earth - it at least doesn't get scarier than 'slipping people drugs', which is apparently a thing that exists."


"Yeah, it happens now and then. Drugs tend to be higher variance - so not safer but less appealing to someone with delicate goals in mind -"


"That's good to know. Do psions do mental protection -"


"Of ourselves. Requires specialization and maintenance to do for anyone else - psions are less soft targets than nonpsions for mental architecture reasons, actual defense proper is its own skill -"

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