Eclipse Bell in Arda
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"So maybe I should nudge some artifact people into trying for that, unless that's likely to start an arms race -"


"Arms race is kind of already ongoing between various Earth militaries, I don't think you'll have a negative impact increasing the standard of defense."


"All right. Will do. Should we open a restaurant selling dinosaur steaks on Earth, would that be popular?"


"It would. You could also export the dinosaurs themselves."


"I will flag down Tyelcormë so we can think about it. You might not have anywhere prepared to give them a decent quality of life."


"Undoubtedly not, but one could be constructed. Expect movie references, there was a movie about a dinosaur zoo gone horribly wrong."


"That's such a human thing to make a movie about. I'll have to look it up."


"It's a pretty good movie! The dinosaurs are designed based on fossil record, though, we didn't have real ones to look at, so they won't look very dinosaury to you."


"I will write angry letters to the director on the Internet. That's what it's for, right?"


"I think you will have a hard time getting Steven Spielberg's personal attention and also it's not his fault dinosaurs are extinct on Earth."


"But what if I offer him the chance to do a remake with real dinosaurs? And how'd they go extinct, come to think of it, that might be relevant to whether we can send them back -"


" may be able to get his attention to suggest a real dinosaur remake. They last lived on Earth sixty-five million years ago, leading theory is that a comet hit the planet."


"Yikes. Okay. I might in fact arrange for various goofing off with dinosaurs, if we're leaving Valinor on dubious terms with the Valar that's one thing a lot of people will miss."


"Dinosaurs are pretty great. ...and delicious." Nom.


"Glad you like them. I'd take you to see them but you're too squishy."


"I am pretty squishable. It's all right, I've never seen, like, a whale in person either."


"We took the other humans down to Alqualondë and out to sea a couple months back, they had a nice time. Though they're not as busy as you are."


"I like being busy. Does limit my travel options when only some of the work is portable though."


"What else are you working on?"


"Besides magic? I'm still doing a lot of Earth/Elf relations stuff, miscellaneous precogging, still go Earthside to work eclipses, working on the Endorë nationbuilding... and now I'm handing out eidetic memories too."


"Okay. I'll let you get back to it. Tell Maitimë hi."


"Will do."

And so later:

Findekáne says hi.


You ran into her? Checking on the humans again?


Eating extinct food. Extinct in the sense that dodos and dinosaurs once lived but no longer live on Earth, not in the sense that hopefully everything I eat has ceased to live by that time.


Oooh. We could incorporate that into our Earth marketing.

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