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in which karen teller saves expat fairy celegorm from zombies
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"We don't know. You don't - stop existing, the Grim Reaper takes you somewhere, apparently, but we have no idea what it's like."


"Kinda scary."


"Yeah. I mean, like, it's dying, people are in fact pretty scared of it."


"Fairies are too but it's not - inevitable, it happens if you fuck up instead of happening no matter what you do."


"Yeah. I think people mostly don't go around being scared of dying of old age, though, just because, like - it is inevitable. So being afraid of it won't really do you any good. I guess."


"Huh." Shiver. 




"I wonder if there's a way to become immortal with magic. It would kind of surprise me, just because it seems - like too much, somehow, but I don't really know what all magic can do."


"It doesn't seem more powerful than the fairy thing to me. The fairy thing's really powerful."


"The fairy thing is really powerful if you live with fairies. Which I mostly don't, other than you, present circumstances notwithstanding. But I guess that probably doesn't matter much in terms of what the book can do."


"Yeah. I know you probably won't use it to conquer the whole fairy world but you could."


"I guess. I feel like someone would probably figure out how to kill me if I tried, I don't think I'm smart enough to avoid that."


"Could start by grabbing Matt. But I don't think you should do that, it sounds horrible and I don't think you'd even like it. I just think the spellbook doesn't mind giving you stuff that powerful."


"Yeah, it does sound pretty horrible. But I guess it does - we don't know how high-powered it goes but it's possible the fairy debt thing isn't an anomaly."


"Yeah. Wow."


"Of course we don't actually know whether I can control what I get yet."


"Guess we should jump off some more trees."


"Yeah... after we leave little Connor a note, though."


"Sounds good."

The fairies can provide paper.


Then she can write little Connor a note explaining that they were abducted by fairies, and they're going to be fine but he should get someone on this list of chill people to drive him back to the hotel, here is the key, they will be back for sure in the morning. If something in this plan goes wrong he should get his grandparents rather than attempting to heroically sleep in the forest or something.

And then she can deliver her note and the key, and then they can jump off trees again.


Spell: Feather fall

When you fall, you'll always land on your feet at a safe speed.

To learn this spell, jump off something of a height where you can land safely. While falling, say 'besloor'.


She reads her spell to Connor.

"So hey, it's not flight, but this means we were right about the mechanism, right? Like, this is clearly a 'you keep jumping off of trees' sort of thing."


"Yeah. It might not know what you're hoping for? Just what you're doing?"


"Yeah, I guess that makes sense? So you have to do things that are, like, related to the thing you want to do, I guess. Which means it'll probably be harder to get things that are further away from anything you can currently do, but maybe you can get to them through more magic, or something?"


"That sounds probably right? Like, now that you have feather fall you can jump from even higher, or go skydiving once we're slow again, and then maybe it'll get the hint about flying."


"Yeah, that makes sense. 

"Wonder how you'd get immortality. Or, like resurrection."

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