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in which karen teller saves expat fairy celegorm from zombies
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....that's kind of - she's just going to bury her face in this pillow and think about how his dog's name is dog. Dog dog dog.

If he could not have sex with anyone else at least until she has figured out what she thinks about sex in general that would be great.


Confused apologetic snuggling. Of course. 


No no no it's not his fault at all it's just she momentarily thought about him wanting to get off and not being allowed to and it was arguably a nice thought and AAAAH she wants to die she is dead she cannot have any more thoughts just bury her corpse under this pillow here please tell Azalea she died of something cooler than this.


She's so cute and he's pretty sure people don't die of discovering they are into stuff. - at least fairies don't. Maybe humans do? He doesn't know how to do CPR? He remember you shove people in the chest to the beat of Dancing Queen but he's never heard Dancing Queen. Shit.


- he's so adorable. Sorry. She's not actually going to die she's just thinking ridiculous things because she's possibly having a panic attack or something. Probably not even a real panic attack. Aaaaaaaah. It's okay whatever it is happens with some regularity it'll pass it always does. Aaaaaah.


Oh good. - can he, like, do something helpful? Like he could hold her. Or alternatively he could go away. 


He should not go away please. Maybe she should turn off the telepathy or something until she's calmer? And until then he can hold her and she can keep blushing into this pillow.


Yeah he can do that. Much nicer than going away.


Hug. "Sorry. Don't want you to go away. Just. Sorry. Did not mean to - sorry."


"'m kind of confused about why you are sorry. But okay. - you're so good."


He cannot hear her thoughts right now but he can still hear her quietly laughing with something akin to relief and then snuggling him more.




"Didn't mean to - panic and stuff - I guess that's probably obvious - "


"Yeah. You're really cute. And good."


"'S very reassuring that you still think so."


"I have no idea why you think I would! I'm not going to like you less because something sounds interesting to you! Even if it was the kind of thing I wouldn't want you to do! And I haven't told you about anything I wouldn't want you to do!"


More blushing. "I - at least partly mean the panic attack but that's - good to know."


"Well I'm also not gonna dislike you for having panic attacks, that'd just be being a dick."



"You're very good."


"'m yours." Snuggle.


Happy sigh.

"Little calmer. Do you wanna - did we have more telepathy to do or is that - good, for tonight, d'you think."


" - maybe that's good for tonight."


Nodnod. Snuggle.


"Feels - inconsiderate, or something, to have a panic attack when you're doing telepathy. Like - it's bad enough I have to listen to it without making anyone else listen, too."


"I don't mind you having a panic attack. But I don't want to throw too much at you, knowing that it's a big deal for you and just a lot of stuff I know, to me."


Nodnod. "Don't really know what to - do, with any of it. Like - I like you, and I like touching you, I guess, but - I had a framework, and now I don't really know what people are supposed to do, and I don't really know what I think of anything, but I still have - feelings. About stuff. Apparently."

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