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in which karen teller saves expat fairy celegorm from zombies
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She wants to keep him. Not just so he'll be happy but for herself, she wants to keep him!


She really really wants to keep him. If he thinks this is good and not terrible she might melt into a happy snuggly puddle about it for a bit honestly.


She likes him she wants to keep him.


Snuggle. She likes him so much. She wants to keep him forever and not ever have to lose him. Maybe this is selfish? But she keeps on wanting it no matter how suspect her brain declares it to be. He's pretty and good and he likes her and he's hers and she wants him to stay that way.


She wants him forever. She's worried it's bad (it's not) and she still wants it.


Aaaah happy happy snuggles. He likes her so much and still thinks she's good no matter how ridiculously inappropriately much she wants him. He wants to be hers. Hers hers hers -


He snuggles her contentedly for a while. He likes being wanted. He doesn't think about much. 


Her brain kind of keeps producing the desire to touch him more deliberately than she is. She keeps telling it to hush, this is really nice and it would be better to just do this probably. Also she hasn't processed the screaming's objections yet. Also they're still sharing a room with a three year old who could theoretically wake up whenever.

Her brain basically accepts that this is a terrible idea, but it's a terrible idea she keeps having anyway. She is so bad at not thinking about things.


Why's it a terrible idea? - you can't get pregnant fast, does she know that? Maybe she didn't want to know that and now everything will be awkward uh oh.


She did not know this but she doesn't feel like it changes that much because anything that could otherwise result in pregnancy would be a terrible idea anyway. She is not entirely sure if there are reasons why she thinks this besides the presence of a three-year-old and a bunch of stuff she doesn't believe anymore, but. Three-year-old. 


He doesn't know much about humans but if she says that's a big problem then he'll take her word for it. Humans do seem really different than fairies about sex.

Permalink are fairies about sex.


Uh well a lot of his knowledge about fairies turns out to be kind of unreliable so he doesn't even know that for sure. But his father was fascinated when Matt explained that humans seem to care whether or not people had had sex before and not just in a 'they won't know what they're doing' way  and also humans don't even talk about it, like it's some big terrible secret or something, except when they won't shut up about it and then they're mostly lying. And it's kind of weird.


- do fairies, like, not even think that sex is a big deal? Not even have the concept that it could be a big deal? And also keep slaves and have sex with them? - oh god she's really glad she happened to get the debt spell literally like four hours before they were captured -


- yeah it's kind of a good thing that that happened. He wouldn't, like, have sex with someone who was upset about it? - but also he wouldn't have done the other things these fairies did, so.


Aaaaaah. Like it didn't happen or anything so it's kind of ridiculous to be getting upset about it now but aaaaaaah.


- hug?


Yes please hugs are good. Well. These hugs.


She doesn't really know what to tell him about how humans in general think about sex, there are kind of a lot of different ways, so maybe they just have to read more books for that, but - before she stopped believing in Catholicism, uh - Catholics, and also the kind of thing she was before she was a Catholic, think you shouldn't have sex outside of marriage, and also that not having sex outside of marriage is important enough that you should not do things that might make you tempted to have sex with people you are not married to, such as repeatedly making out with people who want to have sex with you on your bed in your room while telepathically reading all of their thoughts and occasionally getting snatches of them thinking about sex. Really this is already incredibly scandalous by her standards. Maybe this goes some way in explaining why thinking about doing anything else makes her kind of panic.


That sounds pretty hard? You're only allowed to be married to one person if he understands marriage correctly?


Yeah? Uh humans do sometimes have trouble with this and end up having sex with other people while married to a different person, so probably it is hard for some people, but everyone pretty much agrees that that's bad and you should not do that. Like, even people who think that not having sex before marriage is ridiculously puritanical do pretty much universally these days think that being married to someone and then having sex with someone else is really bad.


Huh. Well, humans don't live very long so maybe it's pretty doable to only have sex with one person for that long? Or maybe they're different than fairies so that it's easier? Or maybe lots of them do things they think are really bad, she did kind of imply that happened a lot. 


Humans do kind of do wrong things a lot. Actually the idea that humans are literally incapable of not doing stuff wrong is kind of a bedrock assumption of Catholicism and it is not the reason why she decided that Catholicism was probably fake. But it's, like - they still do actually think that it's really bad, people who get cheated on are usually pretty crushed by it.


This seems less convenient than the fairy thing. - would it make her sad if he had sex with someone else. Obviously they are not married but he is her slave and she wants to (keep! him! forever!) and stuff so it seems like she might have opinions about -


Yyyyyyyyeah that would make her pretty sad. How big of a deal would not doing that be for him exactly.


You're totally allowed to tell your slaves not to have sex with other people. Usually you do this because you are into it, but it doesn't have to be for that reason or anything. And usually you're having sex with them but that's hardly required either. Aaand sometimes you tell them not to get themselves off either but that's almost always because you are into it and usually not for very long but like, hypothetically, also within bounds.

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