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in which karen teller saves expat fairy celegorm from zombies
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She kind of thinks maybe he should possibly rethink the kidnapping thing at least until he knows how to do it better than these fairies, these fairies kind of suck at kidnapping people without hurting them. She's kind of unclear on how being a good or bad person works but probably he is at least better than they are.


Yeah he's kind of reconsidering the kidnapping thing except he doesn't super know what else to do and also it's confusing that this was so much worse than it should've been. Matt probably knows what he needs to know to kidnap people successfully? He is gonna talk this over with Matt once they get back. 


Possibly he could live in her house and keep working at the cemetery sometimes and doing chores and raising his dog and playing with her niblings until she like died or something. This would make her very happy except oh shit she was trying not to admit that because it seems selfish and embarrassing. Also it does not really solve his long-term problems in terms of what to do with himself after she dies probably.


That has also crossed his mind except that, like, that's a really really long time and for his family it'd be even longer, much longer, many thousands of years, and they'll all move on without him which is kind of terrifying. And also at some point probably she'll want, like, a husband who works a normal job and isn't stupid and has other desirable qualities of humans and even if the husband doesn't mind about the slave which it really kind of seems like he would, it ...doesn't seem like it would be nice, to be her slave after that, not that he's sure why, exactly, and - well, if she wants him she can keep him so it's kind of a moot point but.


- so in this scenario probably there is not another person because, like, um, they are sort of dating and stuff, except it's kind of weird because of the whole slavery thing, but she's kissing him a lot, and she can't really date anyone else while she's kissing  him all the time, and like, honestly this entire thing is kind of silly because, like, she's in high school, she's not really sure if she's allowed to make plans that go this far out about anything, it is kind of ridiculous and pathetic to assume that she can have, like, genuine real adult feelings about anything, or have feelings about getting married, because she's like seventeen still, but - she really likes him and it makes her way happier when he's with her and she's not really sure why she would want anyone else, except that, like, it is maybe kind of hard to think about some stuff if she feels like he's going to leave after a couple more years?

Also she does not think he's stupid. At all. He can't read but that's not really the same thing at all.

...the thing about his family moving on without him makes sense and probably if that makes him sad he shouldn't stay with her forever.


It's really good it makes him happier when she's with him. It seemed like it made her really sad at first and he's not sure he was confident that stopped being the case. It's kind of inconvenient suddenly having a slave when you don't want one. 

The family thing is - maybe there's a solution? Maybe every day he could go out to their circle for like ten minutes and bring them stuff off a wishlist and they'd appreciate him and he could hear about all the adventures they'd had in the last three years and it'd be okay except it kind of sounds like a lot? He should think about it more sometime probably but it's kind of intimidating to think about? 

Or he could try being a fairy for three years and come back to her the next day.

There's probably a way to make this work on the whole though if he were her he'd make his slave promise to come back since three years is kind of a long time.


Maybe it would be okay for him to leave for three years once a week, except then being with her would be like a tiny tiny slice of his life overall and she feels kind of weird about that. She's not sure that she should make him promise anything because if he stops wanting to be with her then probably he shouldn't come back, although the thought of him not wanting to be with her makes her kind of sad, and probably she's going to be that sad anyway when he leaves but now she's thinking about it and she's sad and she would like more snuggles now possibly.


Snuggle. He kind of thinks that she's maybe underrating the benefits of being sure he'll come back? She was just thinking about how not knowing if he'd be around in a couple years was affecting her planning though he's not really sure what planning? (Sex? But if she wanted that she'd probably have ever done that and he had decided not to think about this the dog is named Dog) He is pretty sure he'd spend his time in fairyland wandering in the wilderness mostly but he's not sure that improves anything or what there even is to be improved and probably if they were going to do this they should try it for a while to make sure it works before making any claims about it in the long term - also she can keep him and it doesn't actually matter what he thinks about it - except to her - she's really very good -


Lots of snuggles. She's like - well yeah maybe it's at all about sex and being married or whatever (ahh does he think about having sex with her - honestly of course he does - she hopes he isn't disappointed about how she's not really sure what she wants sometimes, it's not that she doesn't like him it's just that she's a teenager still and a mess, see), but a lot of it is that she just doesn't think about the time after he's going to leave at all, because it's sad, and if she doesn't think about it then she doesn't have to be sad until it actually happens, but it does mean she can't feel secure about anything the way she would if she knew what was going to happen in four years -

- now that she's thinking about it she really really wants him to stay, kind of a pathetic amount, really? She hopes he doesn't think this is as pathetic as she does, because she thinks it is really really pathetic to want to keep him as much as she does, so pathetic she kind of feels like it hurts just being aware of it, but - she'd still let him go, right, obviously, she wants him to be happy - she'll be sad if he leaves but he gets to, the slavery thing gives her lots of weird intense (pathetic?) fluttery feelings but she's not sure she really believes in it the way he does, if it ever stopped being good for him then she's pretty sure that would be more important - she really hopes he keeps thinking she's good and not pathetic for wanting him to stay so much -


He's trying to think of reasons that would be pathetic and he is not coming up with any. Maybe humans think it is pathetic to form an attachment to another person except he knows that humans date and even get married so that's probably not it. Maybe humans think it's pathetic to form an attachment to a slave in particular? That might make sense given that the way humans are, slavery's different for them - and also illegal and stuff -


- possibly she mostly feels like it's pathetic to want anything this much, because she should want everything less, so she can be, like, convenient, and nice, and sweet, and the thing he's thinking about her whenever he says that she's very good, and yeah, it is kind of pathetic to want a slave in particular so much because - because cool non-pathetic people know that people won't leave them if they stop belonging to them, and figure they can get the things they want without infringing on anybody else's rights, and also maybe don't want anything this much, and - it's not pathetic to like him, but the thing where she wants him to be hers, wants him to prefer staying with her to leaving forever with his family, wants him to be happy about belonging to her and not just to himself, that's pathetic, if she were less pathetic then probably she would be less needy and less contolling and more certain of everything and less dependent on other people - 


The thing he is thinking about when he says that she is very good is the thing where she saved him from zombies and secretly covers for her dead sister and conquered an entire court, and stuff, it's not really about being convenient. It's about being inconvenient for your enemies and convenient for your allies but that seems - importantly different, because the ideal traits of an ally are not 'small' or 'sweet'. 

He's still pretty sure that it's a normal emotion to want a slave and want them to belong to you but he doesn't know much about humans so maybe it's a rare human emotion and he got lucky having a human who actually wants him. Wow. It would really suck if he had a human who didn't even want him to belong to them and spent the whole time holding him off at a distance like he smelled because they were too afraid of being dependent on other people or infringing on their rights or what the fuck ever. He's hers.


- she's going to hold him very close and think about how much she loves him right now. She was not completely sure she loved him a minute ago so probably in another minute she'll be less sure again but right now she loves him, loves him, wants him, wants him, hopes he'll be okay with staying with her for a long time.


He feels - he's never felt anyone thinking they love him at him before - it's really good - she should have it too - he's stuck too much in his head for it though - he's pretty sure that for him loving someone is not really a narrated thought and right now he's thinking too much about thinking and all his thoughts are all narrated and - what happened earlier was she kissed him, like she wanted to do that, like she wanted him, and it was the most important and necessary and wanted he had ever felt and - it was her - and he feels all - it's kind of like this, see, there aren't any words to it -


- that's so good, she feels so warm and nice and happy all over from it, all fluttery and safe and loved, with only the tiniest bit of pathetic in the background that she doesn't have to listen to at all. She should be kissing him right now. She does that, like before, if she can remember what she felt before - she felt like he was hers and she could do anything she wanted with him and he wouldn't object because he liked belonging to her, and this was the thing she wanted, holding him and kissing him just like this, because he's wonderful and beautiful and hers - she wants to get to feel his thoughts while she's thinking about that, wants to make him so so happy and feel so so sure he's hers to kiss, her wonderful beautiful incredible slave - she's not completely sure she should even think the word, but it's such a nice word to think as long as it's about him specifically -


Happy happy happy happy wanted and happy.  


Oh good.

She will do this for a while (it is good that he is HAPPY because he is GOOD) and then eventually she will stop touching him so they can both, like, think normally again.


"Well. That sure is a spell."


"I like that spell."


"Yeah. I - probably should actually test whether I can touch people without mind melding with them, it'll be kind of a weird disability if I can't. Worth it, like, I can wear gloves or whatever, but."

She takes his hand again and tries to see if she can turn the telepathy off.


Now she is holding him and not reading his mind.


"Okay! No weird obligatory mind reading disability, that's good. Don't have to constantly wear gloves just in case. Also if it takes us a while to be able to - do that, without having a number of emotions that makes sleeping kind of impossible, doesn't have to interfere with snuggles."


"That's good. Since it might. Take a while."


"Yeah. It's - a lot. A good a lot! But probably too much for sleeping. At least until we have, like, practice."


"And it seems like it might be bad if we were having a fight or something."


"Yeah. It is good that it turns off. I keep kind of worrying that someday one of them will just be an effect that's on all the time, but so far it hasn't happened."

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