A dragon explores space, finds Amenta.
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"It's how hang gliders do it, let me show you -" He finds a picture of a grey dangling by a harness from a glider.


...That looks like it would work. And it would leave their arms free. But it looks deeply strange to me. And takeoffs and landings might be a bit dangerous if I have to keep my body well clear of the ground.


"They usually jump off things, I think, and run to a stop for landings, and it'd sure be a trick to coordinate it with you without breaking somebody's leg, I'll grant you that. How about sitting on your back behind your wings, would that throw your balance off too much?"


...That should work... They'll push the wing surface out a bit unless they're very far back, but the edges provide most of the control anyway.


"So that'll give the plot some flexibility to add or remove tack from the equation, though in real life the stuntgrey'll be firmly attached. Word is you can do camouflage. A thing I'm likely to do is have part or all of the rig in a color we can tell the cameras to ignore, will that throw your color thing off?"


Probably at first. I expect I can probably learn the trick if I try hard and believe in myself.


"I can get you samples of stuff in those colors if it'll help."


It would definitely help. I may as well practice now if we're waiting for you to make something, for the writers to write something, and so on. Not everything can be exciting.


"All right. And I'll put together some prototypes and get back to you. Might take me a few days."


I am excited for the result! May you be blessed.


"Thanks!" And off he lopes.


Do you think that set is disassembled yet? He asks Meksi. And does my email say anything about the short martial arts film I am also going to be doing?


"Looks like it's broken down, they're vacuuming for you and then it'll be all set. I'll check." And she reads him an email with a map to the studio where they'll work on that, and a calendar with both producers and their assistants shared on it so they can come to agreements about timesharing him.


It looks like flying between these places will take about an hour. Two if the weather's bad.


"Yeah, it looks like they're going to minimize you going back and forth too much. The other studio might be far enough into the boonies that you could have a tunnel there but you'll have to ask them."


Aww, nowhere to dig around here? Maybe hanging from the support beams will be close enough to a cave.


"...dunno if they're rated for that. I did ask about digging here but I think there might just be too much stuff, nobody's gotten back to me yet."


We are a bit lighter than we look... I won't try it. I have to pay for things I break and there seem to be a lot of those.


"Do you know how much you weigh?"


We don't have much to do with numbers and measuring things unless one is doing science or manufacturing. So, no. Less than a truck, maybe?


"Maybe we can get access to a really big scale and find out if it's safe for you to climb around in the rafters."


I think I might have seen one by a road while I was flying? Trucks went on it and a number appeared.


"Yeah, that kind. I don't know if they charge to use it or anything."


Me neither. You are the expert on Amenta here.


"I'll ask. - and they're done vacuuming, you can come this way and see the place."

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