A dragon explores space, finds Amenta.
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"Right! We've done twenty takes of this one now. We'll probably use the one with you - it'll be great hype even if the screenwriter's going to grumble about it not having much to do with the theme - but we can also splice in bits from other scenes, like in take six there was a scorpion wandering by in the foreground, we might get the editors to blend the takes so we can have both."


I can do that a few more times if you want more to choose from.


"Sure, let's do another." The dinner props are swapped out, the actors checked for any touchups they might need, and the whole thing rerolled.


He tries to fly in a slightly different way this time. Smoother.


"All right. Running out of sunset. Let's set up scene 12 to catch as much night as we can before we crash for the night. Thanks for stopping by!" she tells Sunwind.


He goes back to the conference and pulls another trick landing and looks around for the horde of producers.


The producers are over there! The one who sent him to the set is cheerful.


Hello! That was informative and pretty fun. Thank you for arranging it. I've thought about it some more and the sequel clause is... Probably acceptable. With a few small additions.


"What kind of additions?"


First: If the great Elders of my kind call me forth or bid me leave the planet, I will obey, penalty clause or not, sequel clause or not. It is the obligation of all Draak to obey the Elders in matters of grave importance. It is not spelled out in our laws, but it is such a core part of Tradition that it might as well be. It might be better for everyone if I would only not get paid if this unlikely event happens, instead of adding further penalties and debts that would be unlikely to ever be fulfilled.

Second: I want either a small zero-interest loan or a small personal budget, to buy trinkets and such with, to be repaid when I get the full payout.

And third: If I am paid more than the minimum based on the original's percentage-scale, the sequel's minimum payout goes up to match three-of-four of what the first movie's payout was. The percentage can stay the same.


"How small do you mean?" inquires the producer.


He has consulted with some other Draak about how big amounts of money are. It's small. About enough to get one restaurant meal a day.


"We can do that. How'd you pick the pay scale you have in mind for the sequel, it's a bit odd."


I don't understand your economy but I considered how I would feel if I made vast wealth on one movie, was called for a sequel, and made almost nothing on the sequel. Then I increased how much I made on the sequel until it didn't feel like loss. That rule is not necessarily in that exact form, but the minimum pay must go up for a sequel. 


"We can boost the minimum pay for a sequel, but I can tell you now the yellows'll pitch a fit about doing it in terms of the first movie's take. Sequels usually make less - they're more reliable than a new standalone, but they don't bring in as much as whatever they follow."


Alright then. Show me something tomorrow and perhaps I will sign it. I'll be back at the ships tomorrow, on guard duty - it's getting late and I'm sleepy.

For the first clause, the only scenario I see the Seeker telling me to get off the planet is war. Rather unlikely, and if it does happen there are bigger things to worry about than a movie.


"Yeah, we can put in an escape clause for if you're - drafted or whatever."


...Ooh, new word. 'Drafted' is a good way to think about it. That's almost exactly what would happen in such a case. Yes.


"That won't be a problem," nods the producer.

"I've got a contract ready whenever you are for a short fight-choreo film," says the one who knows the people who did something in that genre.


He wants this one read to him too, to be thorough, but there's probably nothing objectionable in it?


It doesn't have a sequel clause and since this contract is of a sort often applied to greys there's actually already a clause about military service exits. Comes with a per diem.


How will schedule conflicts get resolved after I sign both? He asks the two producers.


They hash that out amongst themselves after not too long and adjust the contracts.


He considers both contracts for a while longer, then asks, Would it be much of a burden for you two to come see me tomorrow? I want to see if I have any dreams to warn me away from this, and then I can hunt up the right inks to sign my name as we write it.


"...we can come back tomorrow. Is this more magic?"

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