A dragon explores space, finds Amenta.
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...I suppose it is if Amentans can't properly dream. I intend to enter the Dreaming and see what the elements tell me... Water. Or maybe Fire. A final reassurance, a spiritual approval on my course of action.



"Good... luck with that."


I will see you both in the morning!


"See you in the morning!" And off they go.



In the morning, he is guarding ships but has gotten two small vials of very shiny special ink. A good sign, presumably.


They have brought paper versions of the revised contracts!


My dreams were inconclusive, so in the absence of a dire warning I will move forward with this venture!

He uses the tips of two claws to sign both contracts with the swoopy almost-pictographic sigils of the Draak writing system, two inside each other, in red and silvery-whitish ink.


The producers appreciate that very much and would like an email address for him so they can give him updates as things move forward and tell him where and when to show up!


He knows what 'email' is by now but still doesn't actually have one. Also he can't read Amentan, or Tapap, whichever. But he can follow them or fly somewhere pointed out on a map right now, the guard captain officially released him!


Okay, how about he go over here where the movie production studio is, and they'll get him an intern to translate his email.


Sure! He will totally fly there and look for a good spot to land.


There's a lot for truck deliveries, currently pretty roomy as all that's there are a van delivering sandwiches to craft services and a bottled water supplier.


He lands and waits. Ech. Hopefully most of the time the work will be in more open places instead of... Here.


Pretty soon somebody comes out to meet him, a purple, who turns out to be his promised intern. "Hi, I'm Nuan Meksi. How was your flight?"


I am called Sunwind! Flying is always a joyous thing. A bit less with all the cities and things, but they are not going away any time soon.


"This isn't really a city, it's more of an exurb, I think, but I guess it's still got some midsize buildings to get in your way. I'm supposed to show you to whatever you want to see, bring you stuff, and be your translator for email as necessary. There's a set getting broken down right now and when that's done you're welcome to move in there. Unless you want to live in a set for Prince Antumas, I guess."


If I had free choice I'd rather live in a cave somewhere. Or tunnels, maybe. I could dig some. What's Prince Antumas like? When do we talk about the story with people?


"I don't think we have a cave. Or even a cave set. And if you dig in a settled area you'll hit pipes and wires and subway. I think the Draak who lives in Baravi lives in a warehouse? Uh, Prince Antumas is a comedic space fantasy TV show. The preliminary pitch meeting is the day after tomorrow, the writers need time to throw together a starter idea to suggest."


I could dig around and below those things if I knew where they were! Or do it in an unsettled area. Yes, but that Creator of Flourishing is such a quiet and patient sort. It might be fine if I just go flying a lot, I don't know. I'll wait until the set is gone either way.


"I can... ask someone about getting permission to tunnel somewhere."


Yes, yes, I know you have to go to someone else. Everyone does in your world. All that seems so silly to me. I wonder if I should show off everything I can do to you, so you can tell whoever needs to know, the director and screenwriter and so on?


"I could record it for them? I think trying to describe acrobatics in words wouldn't work very well."


Good point. And not just acrobatics. I can change my color temporarily, for example. Though that takes focus. My breath can be an inferno or a blowtorch. I have trained every aspect of myself rigorously, for my body and skills are the only thing that I definitely won't lose or have stolen.


"Ooh, they definitely need to know you can change color." She pulls out her everything.


The magic of camouflage is in the domain of Water, which I am far from a master of...

He holds absolutely still and slowly takes on the color of the concrete. Including a white line where he lied on a lane marking, that runs up his flank before turning blurry and splotchy and fading into the grey.

Matching my surroundings is easy enough. I can hold the color when I move, for a short while. But I can't pick any arbitrary color and become it. If my skill in Water were greater, perhaps I could.

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