A dragon explores space, finds Amenta.
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"Sure, I can get you on the set of Sojourner, they're doing location shoots in the Apta Desert so there'll be room for you."


Okay. If I see nothing there that makes me think it would be horrible and awful I can probably accept the sequel clause. Where is it?


"Apta's about two hundred fifty miles northwestish of here, I can show you on a map."


That's not far at all by wing.

...He sends a burst of excitement. I should show your choreographer flying tricks!


"She'd be ecstatic!"


Please show me where they are. The sooner I reassure myself it will be exciting instead of horrible and awful, the sooner good things will happen.


Here is where the set is on a map.


Sunwind flies there at high speed and looks around!


By the time he arrives the people there have been told to expect him! He is waved down by some purples and a yellow jogs over to meet him.


He shows off on the landing, diving sharply and spiraling in midair, then flaring wings to swoop to a gentle stop. Behold!


The purples applaud!

"Wow, that's sweet!" says the yellow. "Boss says you want a set tour?"


Indeed, my skill in flight is great! Yes. I want to be in a movie but the contract is scary! Seeing how it's done will make it less scary I hope.


"Sure thing!" And the yellow can show him the trailers and the tents where they're doing makeup and catering and costuming and so on, and he can sit over here out of the way of the cameras and watch this scene. "Boss says if you want to try flying across the background in the next shot they're setting up, to get used to it, he's cleared that with the director."


Thoughtful tail-thump. The idea is to feel what it's like to act as instructed?


"Yup! Doing a few takes, taking direction, that kind of thing."


Very good. That is exactly what I want to know. The moment-to-moment experience of doing a movie. The director is in charge? I thought the producer was.


"The producer does the business side, more or less. The director does artistic detail."


I see... I think. Draak don't work together much.

I should speak to them before doing this, yes?


"Sure, between scenes! I'll tell you when." There are more set minutiae on the tour while they get enough takes of the one scene.


This is all very complicated but they seem to know what they're doing and the final product was impressive. He muses to his guide that someone here probably knows how to make a good flight harness.


"Sure, after you've met the director we can ask the propsmaster about that! Or the grip, that might be a grip thing."


Flying is fun! And carrying someone is probably cinematic. It might be pretty difficult, though.


"Because we'd be too heavy?"


A lot of it is weight, but also balance and wind resistance. I can fly with three hundred pounds of rocks in my belly. I did that for training. It's hard and I can't go as fast or use the same tricks, but I can do it.


"Makes sense. Some stuntgreys are little."

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