A dragon explores space, finds Amenta.
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Well, that would depend a lot on what the calm baby wanted to do. The blues know some important people if he wants to meet any of those, and can get him tutors in anything he wants to learn about, and they themselves like hiking and drawing and having picnics and sometimes throwing parties. The purples administer the farm and there's a bunch of kids around at any given time, various extended family from the hinge spouse's side who also work on the same farm, if baby Draak like other kids to play with; they know Draak mostly eat meat but they heard they'll eat other things and fruit is best fresh off the tree, and their family likes playing sports and doing weird amateur art projects and baking and photography if any of that sounds fun.


...Lots of other kids around sounds a little scary. And he liked hearing about measuring things from the national park greens, so tutors sound probably nice. And hiking seems probably nice. He chooses the blues.


The purples are kind of bummed but they go home.

The blues and the greens would like to know if they should take the eggs with them soon or wait till they're almost hatched, and how often they should visit if the latter.


They should be taken to where they will hatch sooner rather than later. We can visit as often as either set of you want - we have no business more pressing.


"Will they miss each other? Should we plan on having them see each other?"


Hmm... Our understanding is that Draak are naturally solitary and introspective minds. Perhaps different acculturation will change that, but I'd wait and see if they want to visit each other.

We do think it will be good to have occasional visits from an adult Draak, us or whoever else is available, to remind them of their heritage. Once or twice a year at least. Perhaps as tutors, even.


"Has anyone already expressed interest in that or should we just ask around?" wonders one of the blues.


The Seeker of New Truths has expressed interest in our hatchlings' fate. He surely has many, many things demanding his attention, but he has expressed interest.


"That's lovely," says the blue. "- do new hatchlings usually have names at all, or do they go without till they pick something?"


There's a pause and a thoughtful tail-swish.

We usually have no need of names at a very young age. I think they will be able to pick something quickly, though we do change our names sometimes.


"So we shouldn't name them," says one of the greens.


You could name them. I think it would be interesting. But if they reject your names and choose their own, then I would suggest acquiescing.


"Oh, naturally," agrees the green.

The greens name their egg Toama and the blues name theirs Katmem.


The eggs want to know what those names mean!


There is no known etymology for the name Toama but it's a popular green name and a main character in a classic film the climatologist likes. Katmem is derived from the name of the astronomer who discovered the planet Katme.


Hmm. Toama will want to watch this 'film' thing before deciding if the name is acceptable.

Katmem wants to know about the planet Katme.


They can tell him all about the planet Katme.


...He's not really feeling it but doesn't have any other name in mind. Did they pick that because he's from a different planet?


That was the general idea.


Yeah, it works for now. Space is pretty exciting, after all!


It is! And the astronomer is very famous as astronomers go.


The smaller of the two parents comments, It's... Something like a mark of foolishness and rudeness to name yourself directly after another Draak, especially if it's only because they're famous, but that seems to be something Amentans do differently.


"We'd run out of names," points out the mycologist. "If we didn't re-use them. Some cultures don't name people after other people, but it's not uncommon."


Quite true. I'm sure there are a few dozen Rivers and Clouds and Sunlights even with our relatively few numbers. It's just that calling oneself Seeker of New Truths or Guardian of the Green or any variation of Darktooth or the Architect of Vaults or Weaver of Essence, without being the Seeker or Guardian or Darktooth or Architect or Weaver, could make others think less of you for your presumption.


"That makes sense," says a blue. "It's flattering, here, if someone names their kids after you."

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