A dragon explores space, finds Amenta.
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Awwwww what a good egg.

The greens arrive at their cabin in the woods and propose a big pile of leaves like that one over there that they raked up as a warmish place for an egg to be.


Toama thinks this sounds fun since leaves are dead bits of trees and make appealing crunchy sounds!


They do! Amentan children like to jump in leaf piles.


They are right to like it! Running around with leaves and trees and hills is going to be so fun!


Oh, the Amentans should know how Draak can be best cleaned, when they get dirty.


The egg's mother can tell them all about proper grooming, from feather care to plucking bad scales and more.

Hatchlings mostly get clean just by swimming in streams and running claws through their feathers and such. The breathing-fire-on-yourself trick only works when you have enough skill in magic to not get burned. Soap probably won't hurt them?


Can the mother test some soaps to make sure?


She's kind of bemused, but sure. She can even stop doing the being-super-tough magic for the test. It gets to the point of being subconscious but you can always deliberately stop.


They get a variety.


Most of these soaps are okay. A few will mess up the long wing and crest feathers. These two will mess up the short downy feathers that cover the whole body, too.


They take notes on which soaps are okay for which feathers so they will be able to mop up their baby Draak if she jumps in a leaf pile and squishes a slug, or something.


(She wonders if slugs are tasty...)


It's okay to eat a slug if she would like to try one and it isn't a poisonous slug, just not okay to have slug goo on her feathers.


That makes sense. Feathers are supposed to be clean.

...The mom is suddenly concerned. There are a couple of plants that are potent addictive drugs for Draak. Do the greens recognize this mental image of poison ivy or its relatives that make the same toxin?


They're not botanists but don't recognize that plant.


Can they please email someone at the conference to ask the two Draak doctors and whoever else to figure out if Amenta has this dangerous plant.


Of course! They describe it as best they can and the mycologist can sketch adequately from the mental image but if there's no photograph they will probably have to get a botanist in front of a Draak.


The relevant plants or equivalents probably do not exist here but I want to be sure. My hatchlings should not have the chance to stumble into the herb by accident. All Draak should avoid it without exception, in my opinion. It makes you act strangely and excessive use can be addictive and even deadly.


"We can't rule out that some plant here might have a similar effect we can't predict."


We can't. But my worry about this one could be soothed.


Someone at the conference gets a botanist on the scene to see if they recognize a mental image of the offensive plant. They don't.


Well, that's a relief.


Movie producers are also appearing on the scene to tell the would-be movie-star Draak about what scriptwriters they have on tap and what actors they could hire for him to appear with and suchlike.


He doesn't really know any of the names or understand movie business at all. He liked the hostile fauna in Planet Alone? Those were some good fights, even faked.


This producer thinks she can get the choreographer from Planet Alone! That one thinks he can get the lead animator!

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