A dragon explores space, finds Amenta.
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He follows into the studio's halls. Tight spaces don't much bother Ruby Draak.


And here is an empty room they build sets in, recently vacuumed. Concrete with some metal supports for the ceiling, lots of space.


Not particularly cavey.

He stands tall and leans slightly on one of the metal pillars.

Probably good enough for a while. I might want somewhere else or stuff in here later.


"Any stuff you'd like right now?"


Poles and rope and curtains to divide it up a bit. Being visible from the entrance itches at my hiding instincts. Something I can definitely climb on like one of those grey playgrounds would be nice, but that sounds harder.


"I can get you divider screens if those are okay substitutes. I don't know about playground equipment, that usually has to be bolted to the ground, but maybe pretend rocks or car wreck props, if those would be okay?"


Divider screens work. Not quite! I don't want to neglect my climbing exercises but I haven't had a chance to do much since I left Newhome. Oh, and I want to go shopping for shiny trinkets at some point! That's what I asked for a loan for. A preview of all the Treasure I'll get when I get paid.


"Shopping online or at like a mall?"


A mall would be better. I can see what I'm getting directly. Not that there are art stores specializing in what we Draak like yet.


"There aren't, yeah, there aren't enough of you around for people to try starting a store catering to you. I can get you screens and when you've arranged those I can take you to a mall - though by then your hams will be here."


Eating doesn't exactly take a long time. And maybe the rigger's test material will show up at some point too, I can start on that. Turns out there's lots to do even if the scripts are delayed for a few days.


"Okay, I'll be back with your screens in a jiffy." Off she jogs.


...He decides to lurk in a corner of the big room and blend in for when she returns. Because it might be funny.


She doesn't spot him right away! She drops the screens - lightweight wood frames with paper across them in various colors - and turns on the spot. "Shiiiit..." She pulls out her pocket everything when she can't find him.


I'm still here. In the corner to your right.

He starts un-hiding.


"- oh. You scared me!"


Good to know I am capable of being scary! Being visible from the entrance is aversive... And I thought it would be funny. I wouldn't have wandered into another set or anything like that.


"I thought you might have gotten lost. Anyway." She stands up the dividers and shows him how to accordion them out.


They are kind of flimsy but accomplish the goal of breaking up the space.

I appreciate these. It'll be relaxing to rearrange them into mazes. Could I get some more later, perhaps?


"Sure, I'll go get your food and then another armload of these."


Excellent. This will help make this place comfortable a lot. Preparing ground, mazes and traps and the like, is fundamentally satisfying to a part of the Draak mind. At least for Rubies.


"...if you put traps in here you gotta warn me so I don't step in them."


No traps. When I make those, I make them to seriously hurt Draak intruders, and harmless ones just aren't the same.


"Okay. Hams in a jiffy." She runs off and comes back with them, wrapped in plastic.


He messily noms down the hams.

I hope the meat-plants they're making work out. Everyone needs to eat, but it does seem a bit sad when there's a possible way to not kill for it.

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