A dragon explores space, finds Amenta.
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"I think meat plants will be good for hypersensitives. Plants are cleaner."


It's like the springs thing. The Elders were talking about finding things that are good for both species, instead of just being offended and ranting and raging about how you tear up nature like there's no tomorrow.


"I guess I'm glad you're not doing that, yeah. I'll go get you more screens."

She brings in batches of them till he has enough.


Four batches is enough to make a pretty involved maze. He happily arranges them until either the rigger's color sample comes in or Meksi finds a scale for him to go use.


The rigger sends an intern over with color samples. Meksi determines that it's okay for him to use the truck scale.


It turns out he weighs just under one and a half tons. Regardless of whether or not this means he can clamber over the roof supports, he starts practicing with the color samples.


The set architect doesn't think he should try it.



Are there any good cliffs I could go visit instead, perhaps? Bridges, maybe? Since things heavier than me drive on them all day. Or could something sturdy enough be made up in a few weeks? I don't want to finish the movie and realize I've forgotten how to properly climb!


"We'd only have access to a bridge if we were shooting at one and I don't think we are now. I can try emailing the government? Or get back to the set architect to ask if he can build you stuff."


I don't know what will work to get me somewhere I can climb. It's not something I need today or tomorrow or the day after that, but I want it eventually... It'll help me stay in top form for flying around and looking cool on screen too, if that convinces people!


"Oh, yeah, I believe you. I'll figure something out."


Good! I look forward to it. He goes back to practicing the color-shift.


Back at the conference in Tapa, Bloom spots Ruan and heads over towards him.

Hello. It's very busy here. I hope you are willing to speak to my colleagues. They are being frustrating.


"...sure, I'm happy to talk to them. What's going on?"


They're still thinking about telling me to go home! After all this work, when I have laid down the structure of a new art, minimalist Enkindling. When I have started a great work the likes of which comes once a century - a carefully controlled shift to an entire species' nature!


"Can they make you go home, if you don't want to?"


I very much hope it doesn't come to that point. It would be... Bad.


"I don't doubt it. Can you summarize the argument so far?"


The Seeker argues that this program makes Amentans approve of us, and less desperate and thus less dangerous, and abandoning it will be a betrayal. I argue that art and skill is its own reward and that exploring this method shows us new aspects of the Onesong. Everyone complained that I am too young to have legitimate insight on the subject. Then they said that Enkindling is not meant to be applied lightly to so many, it's supposed to be a deep bond and partnership between a Draak and their uplifted animal servants, it's wrong to Enkindle people who do not become your servants. And that the music of Draak, our inner magic, was something that should never belong to the Tailless who corrupt nature and bring about the grey future of concrete and steel and glass. That by Enkindling Amentans we are demeaning and debasing our superior natures.


"Are tails actually specifically theologically important?"


-No. The thing of theological importance is that the Humans are Other-Seed, brought to Oldhome by colony ships. Invaders. Tailless is just the usual term for them.


"And it isn't clear to everyone that we aren't humans?"


Not on an emotional level, I think.


"Well. I'm happy to join you but you should know I've never taken a theology class and if I had it would've covered different things." He follows her over.


Most of these Draak are bigger and therefore probably older than Bloom.

I bring Ruan, who has organized my work and lodgings and study and managed volunteers. Please speak in whole ideas for the comfort of the Amentan.

A Sapphire clacks their teeth in Ruan's general direction. (That was rude of her, Bloom comments to Ruan.)

Someone else asks, What do you imagine he could say to change our minds? We have gone around and around in circles on this. The only thing left is to vote.

Not yet, a third Draak responds. There is legitimate uncertainty in many of our cores.

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