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fate meets ellie
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Pity. She'd been hoping to get him alone.


The game stipulates that no one should notice, but she can likely do that with illusions...

Does he seem inclined to wrap up any time soon?


It's just about time for the midday meal, which he will be taking alone.



She's waiting for him where he takes his meals, after having checked the room for hidden passages. She unveils just her eyes from the chameleon technique, enough to catch him in a paralysis illusion.


He doesn't move, appropriately.


A chakra string pulls him forwards, forcing him to his knees.

And Hisame unveils herself, Eliana, and the girl.


His eyes flash with rage on seeing his daughter.

"I would have expected this of your brother," he sneers at her, "were he not so incompetent. You I thought at least capable of winning your own war."


Azula is possibly obviously a captive, too, given her injuries.

Still, she glares at him. "Call it efficiency, then."


"Weak. Like your mother."


"You're the weak one," she says, softly. "An insecure coward who projects his daddy issues onto the world."


The Fire Lord takes a deep breath, and exhales blinding flame.

His brother might be the Dragon of the West, but Ozai is a good enough firebender to copy the technique once it's been demonstrated, even if he would never stoop to such a display in public.


It can get eaten by black fire that's really unreasonably dark!

"Tsk tsk tsk, how rude. You know, your daughter refused to help us torture you? And she did try to defend your little army, though I'm quite afraid she was no match for us."


"I have no interest in your swagger, upstart."


"For a successful conqueror, you're really not perceptive, nor very sensible. You think my powers are those of an upstart, do you? How... Disappointing. Your daughter had noticed the truth quite quickly."


"You think yourself strong? I have built an empire. It lives for me, and it will die with me, a pyre to scorch the world. That is power."


"If it dies with you it's because you suck at leading, and they decide to kill me before I fix your fuck ups. A single point of failure isn't how you rule, in case you were wondering, dipshit."


"And again you fail to see the point, brat."


"I tire of this conversation," Eliana says, palming a knife and walking around behind the kneeling Fire Lord. She draws the blade lightly across his throat, leaving a thin red line gently weeping.

Then she sets his blood aflame.


Ozai screams.


The girl tries to turn her head away.


"Now, none of that," Hisame purrs, forcing her to look.

And then joining in the fun, of course.


Unfortunately, a courtier is going to check in if Ozai is gone for much longer than he usually is.


Short, sweet, and to the point, then.

Hisame arranges his body rather artfully, then hides their group of three. (She'd so love to stay to watch some of the chaos.)


The first to find him shouts his alarm, and that brings the guards. They hustle him out and seal the room. There is then a bit of confusion about who they should call to do something about this. It seems the Fire Lord wasn't exactly encouraging of personal initiative.


Safely hidden by her muffling technique: "I'm tempted to drop our little friend somewhere public, now. See how she deals with this."


"Dip her hands in his blood first, I think."

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