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mixed with the lightning of slaughter
fate meets ellie
Permalink Mark Unread

When Uchiha Hisame had agreed to participate in the Fourth Shinobi War she had not, particularly, been expecting the random moon alien. Confusing the hell out of everyone by switching sides for the... Honestly even she's lost count how many times, sure. Making people uncomfortable to have to fight beside her, definitely. Potentially going out in a blaze of glory against Madara, why not.

Floating ghost ancestor reluctantly granting her even more magic eye bullshit had been weird, but Kaguya had taken the cake.

Hisame's been busy not allowing her new (old?) allies to die, though, and, well, maybe if she was more dedicated, more focused she could have harried Kaguya better.

Now, the world unravels around her, her old team screaming as they're torn apart.

Hisame scowls, as her Susano'o alone sustains her.

Kaguya glows before her, rising, swelling with the power of the universe destroyed - 

She's horribly vulnerable to Hisame's knife in her back.

Kaguya falls, her body dissolving into the nothing the same way the universe had, and Hisame pauses, waits to see if that will somehow magically fix things.

It does not.


Hisame sighs, exhausted, and reaches out mentally, tearing open a rift in... Some reality. She's not sure which. But it's just large enough to step through, and it closes behind her easily.


Where is she?

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Hard to tell, it's rather dark. Some sort of... room or tunnel or road, maybe. The walls, floor and ceiling are all stone, the latter rough and unworked, the former carved smooth. Faintly luminescent lichen crawls up the walls providing just enough light to make out vague details.

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She lands in a crouch, the rift in nothingness sealing behind her.

She takes a deep breath, closes her eyes (the Rinnegan is thoroughly distracting) and tries to center herself enough to sense chakra. (She's been trying to master silent killing, after all). 

Can she feel anyone alive?

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As far as chakra is concerned, this place is completely, utterly dead.

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She opens her eyes again, places her hand on one wall, and starts walking forward. She'd ideally like to find somewhere defensible to rest - she's been fighting several days, now, and she is low on chakra without Naruto to continually top her off.

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Absence of chakra or no, it's not long before she hears the sounds of battle, down the left of a T-intersection. Bestial screaming, metallic crashes, and the crackles and snap of stranger powers.

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She's exhausted, but she's fought in worse circumstances, and this might be fun. And she might even acquire an ally, if she plays the big damn hero correctly.

She heads left.

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There's a young woman facing a horde of monstrous humanoids. She's flanked by five ghostly figures. One looks very much like her and doesn't seem to be doing anything. Another wreathes her in a glowing shield, while the others toss various forms of destruction into the writhing mass. A sixth ghost rampages through the melee, like a malformed dog the size of a small car, knocking bodies aside with each swing of its arms.

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Oh, fun!

She hasn't seen a technique exactly like that before - she wonders if it's like Kakuzu's stolen hearts, or Pein's puppeted bodies.


She doesn't need much chakra to throw a set of terrifyingly accurate kunai into the monsters, slamming through eyes into brains fast enough to cause little cracks like thunder.

And then with that opening she can chirp: "Get to the side!"

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The blood and brain matter that spatters out is black and putrid.

She turns her head to look at the new arrival. "...Who the fuck are you?"

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"Uchiha Hisame! I won't repeat myself, you know, and I'm not sure my aim with thrown lightning is going to handle going around you gracefully."

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She gestures, and one of the ghosts at her side vanishes, replaced by another that begins throwing lightning into the horde. The beasts scream as their flesh is charred.

"I can handle my own lightning." She gestures again, and the lightning ghost swaps out for the previous one. "But in this case I prefer not to, as the smell of them cooking is the only thing worse than their natural odor." An errant current of air brings the stench back to them. It is, indeed, appallingly disgusting.

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She laughs. "Very well. The slow way, then."

And she blurs, sprinting into the horde at speeds worthy of the fastest shinobi, drawing her sword and cutting a bloody swath through the creatures, deftly avoiding getting any actually on her, treating the walls and ceiling and floor and monsters alike as equally valid places to be running.

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During the course of the battle, three basic types of monsters distinguish themselves. There are the basically human-sized ones that are most numerous, short, stocky ones that are slightly harder to kill, and the tall ones that move very quickly and seem to bend almost bonelessly. The monsters wear a mix of chain and plate armor, and are armed primarily with swords. A few carry shields, and some of the ones towards the back of the press have crossbows. Still, none of them are very intelligent. Between the two (or eight, depending how you count) of them, it doesn't take much longer before the pack of monsters are all dead.

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Little bounce. (She's perfectly clean, still.)

Hisame turns to the stranger: "You're a good fighter."

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"Mm." Her voice, now that it's quieter, has an odd quality to it. An echo, like it comes from more than one throat. She flicks her hand absently, and the lineup of ghosts changes. The shielder remains, as does the one that mimics her appearance. "As are you. Where did you come from?" That speed and strength are not natural, and there was mention of throwing lightning. Yet she senses no shard in this stranger, and sees no Tinker equipment. More evidence, as if it were needed, that she has traveled far indeed.

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"From a rather unfortunately ended world. I fell between realities, and stepped out here. You're the first person I've met since. Do you know where this is?"

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"Underground somewhere. This is not my home either."

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"Interesting. I wonder if this labyrinth has its own end, or if I will need to start going straight up."

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"None I have found in the past day. Many of these monsters, however, which seem to have a knack for interrupting whenever I begin making my own exit." She points up at the ceiling, which higher and rougher than in other areas.

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"Well, if you can cover for me if more show up, I can open holes fairly quickly."

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"Be about it, then. We are," she cocks her head toward one of the ghosts, as though listening. "One and one-quarter miles below the surface, at this point."

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She smiles, backs off from her new friend, and points her sword up (it's an entirely unnecessary dramatic gesture, but Hisame doesn't know a single Uchiha who would ever pass up an opportunity for unnecessary drama). 

And lightning surges from her sword. It won't connect to the sky, not a mile and a quarter down, but it's going to blast through at least a few hundred feet.

It leaves her aching and sore - she'll be able to keep fighting a day yet, but it wouldn't be pleasant.

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She smiles, almost despite herself.

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Then turns, at a thumping rapidly approaching. "A big one," she murmurs.

It turns out to be two big ones, monstrous giants, fifteen feet tall and proportioned to match. Their roar when they see the two girls shakes loose rock from the roof.

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It's just rock above them, no other floors to duck into, and she doubts the other woman will want to be carried while Hisame clings to the side of the wall - 

She blasts again, and again, and again, each cutting a bit more shallowly than the last, but all of them turning rock to a fine dust.

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She calls out the larger ghost again, and it charges into one of the big monsters. They seem an even match for strength. The others she sets to the task of killing the unoccupied monster, which is not of inconsequential difficulty. It is stubbornly resilient, and continues its advance even as its flesh sags, melts, and vaporizes under the onslaught until it finally collapses, broken horns hitting the ground less than a yard from her feet. The other has by this time lost an arm and half a leg, but fights still, until the additional attention puts it to rest as well.

"Have you finished yet?"

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"Yes; can you make your own way up?"

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In answer to that, she swaps out the large ghost for one that surrounds her in a soft yellow nimbus and begins rising through the air, up the shaft.

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She smiles and jumps to start running up the walls, bouncing to the other side of the rough tunnel when she meets an inconvenient bump - she's ahead of the other woman, but not running at full tilt.

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Seeing that she won't need to lift her, she speeds up, making it to the top in a leisurely fifteen seconds. She sets down on the- mountainside, apparently, at the surface. It's late afternoon. To the south, a sea glitters in the rays. The land is rocky and jagged, meeting the shore in a line of uneven cliffs.

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"This place is pretty," she says, looking out over the sea. Then, with a grin, she looks back to the other woman. "I don't think you ever introduced yourself, you know."

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"We are the Keres," she says in her chorus. "Harvesters of the slain."

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"Fun! I haven't picked up any fancy titles yet. That I know of. They probably used to call me something uninspired back home. I swear, there's fifty different 'Demon of So-and-So' running around... Perhaps I should select something to introduce myself by, now that I'm going new places."

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"We find a cultivated reputation is useful in winnowing out those not worth our time," she says.

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"Definitely - though my name was enough of a reputation, last world."

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"It seems we both must rebuild. And an opportunity to do so presents itself." She points to the east, where a party of twenty or so can be seen making its way over to their position.

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"Let one or two go to spread the word, shall we?"

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"That is most effective." She changes her lineup of ghosts once again and a creeping darkness begins spreading from one of them, carrying with it an aura of dread.

As the party gets closer, it becomes apparent they are lead by the three in front, a dark-haired man and two shorter, blond men. One of the blonds unlimbers the massive crossbow from his back and says something indistinct to the others. The tall one barks a laugh and flips the staff he carries into a fighting position. The crystal at the top begins glowing. The remaining member of the leadership falls back, angrily gesturing at the other party members, who hurriedly get their own weapons ready.

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She tries to catch the gaze of one of the lead three - she's no Itachi, but even at this distance Hisame can drive someone into the Tsukiyomi. And most minds break so easily.

Whoever she catches is going to collapse, screaming or silently - hopefully screaming.

(She's expecting to catch the one with the crystal, or else the one gesturing to the others.)

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She gets Staff, and he falls down screaming. "Hawke!" Crossbow shouts and fires a hail of bolts-

-which halt in midair as one of the ghosts holds its hands up, then reverse themselves to rain down among the company. At the same time, two ghosts charge in to engage at close range. One has a massive sword with a cannon attached, the other simply uses its fists but is no less effective for that.

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She pulls a out a dagger - it's not the best design for stabbing, but it creates a musical whistle when she swings it, which combined with a wonderful little trick she learned in Hidden Sound...

She darts forward, and starts to dance among the crowd, a sound like a mad flute building around her, casting phantasms dancing about her and among the people - that overlay allies and fade like mist when swung through.

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Fear and panic spread rapidly amongst the enemy, helped along by random blazes of fire and the way the ground seems to be coming alive to fight against them as well.

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There is one man who seems mostly immune to the panic, with a scruffy beard and ragged ponytail. He also seems able to counter the illusions and seize control of the flames.

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Not her usual type, but he seems more fun than these others at least.

She closes with him, drawing her short sword.

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He pushes her back with a shock of concussive force and a blast of ice reaches up to freeze her in place.

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She switches places with him.

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His eyes begin glowing, and he growls in fashion best described as demonic. Cracks of light spiderweb across his body as though he's coming apart.

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She rushes him, sword sheathed in lightning.

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He bats it aside as though it's nothing more than a stick. His strikes are magically enhanced in speed and strength.

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She laughs.

"You're good!"

And black fire lances for him.

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"You are dead!"

The man bursts into a different sort of fire, shimmering pale green, that the black slides off of.

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Very powerful indeed.

Can she drain his chakra with her Rinnegan? (She's hoping to disrupt him long enough to touch him, at least.)

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He's not using chakra, so no, she can't drain it. But he's not trying especially hard not to get hit.

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Well, this is a bit of a gamble...

She lunges for him, grabs an exposed bit of skin, and tries to yank.

This should drag his soul out of his body, giving her the information he knows, but she's only ever seen it used, so.

(She also tries to channel lightning through him. No kill like overkill.)

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The soul she grabs is not entirely human. She gets flashes of a hard childhood, big dogs sleeping together for warmth-

-certainty, the knowledge of balance, of fairness, of justice-

-the men in the armor, the tower, the fear, the magic-

-when something is wrong, it cannot stand it must be put right-

-the escape, the templars hunting him, the keep by the shore, the Warden who saved him, who gave him a place and a purpose-

-a tear in the Veil, a man betrayed, the sure and certain course that becomes fraught with unexpected nuance-

There is a partnership, an alliance of convenience and necessity. It becomes something more, and when one vessel fails, he offers himself. Where there were two, now there is one. Justice warped by desire becomes Vengeance, and that is the purpose that overrides all other concerns.

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That is... Disorienting, and not something she thinks she will use except in extreme circumstances.

Still, she knows something of this world now.

Is he actually properly dead?

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Looks like. So are most of the rest of the group.

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Well, time to go thoroughly terrify someone to let run off (and she won't kill the collapsed person with the staff; let him wake to a field of his dead friends).

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The shouty short blond (a dwarf, her stolen knowledge supplies, named Bartrand, sponsor of this little expedition to the Deep Roads. Anders didn't want to go back to the Deep Roads, but he had the map and Hawke is so very persuasive.) is still alive, as some of the hirelings.

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The dwarf can likely spread the news farther.

She dashes for him, aiming to knock him over and shove her sword through his shoulder.

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He's not hard to knock over. (A merchant, soft, no good in a fight no matter how vicious the Kirkwall Merchants' Guild meetings are.)

The Keres appears at her shoulder in a swirl of dust. "This is the one, then?"

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"Yes. Seems he was the sponsor. I'll leave the one with the staff alive, too, assuming he's still breathing."

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"I believe he is, yes." There are brief, cut-off screams as her ghosts finish off the other wounded.

The dwarf flinches.

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She kneels over him, smiling. 

"Anders was hesitant over this, wasn't he?" she teases. "He knew it was unsafe, but you - oh you insisted. Still, you're the one alive now, and Anders is dead."

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"You- you're crazy," he stammers. "We didn't do nothing to you-"

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"And your brother," the Keres whispers. "Finally made a mess he couldn't clean up."

The dwarf starts crying.

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"Are you really going to break so quickly? Pity."

She twists her sword.

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Pained whimper.

"What do- what do you want, dammit."

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"Fame, fortune, fun... More the last. This was terribly entertaining."

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"I don't even know your name..."

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"I am Hisame, handmaiden of Death." 

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"And we are the Keres, harvesters of the slain. Run back to your city, little man. When next we see you, it will be your death."

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She steps back, pulling out her sword and flicking the blood off.

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The Keres gestures, and a kiss of flame seals his wound. Then an unseen hand picks him up and flings him back in the direction whence he came.

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She laughs. "He seems like the type to tell stories, at least."

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"Quite. What did you do to that one?" She indicates the fallen man with the staff.

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"Torture illusion! I need eye contact, but it's quite fun to inflict and very unpleasant to experience."

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"How long does it last?" she asks curiously.

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"Three seconds, which he experienced as three days, but most people don't recover mentally very quickly at all. I'm not talented at it - my sister once put me in a coma for a month with that same technique - so he'll probably wake up before he dies of exposure."

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"Is it customizable?"

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"Yes. Though I can't hook it into someone's individual fears and traumas if I don't already know those. But it would be useful for communication, or purely mental training. It doesn't have to be torture - that's merely traditional."

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"It is! I hope I'll have a chance to get better at it, over time."

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"The nearest city is where these came from. It is, if I understand correctly, rather squalid. There will be no shortage of victims."

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"You know, I've never gotten the opportunity to go after a city before. Should be fun. Should we start with stalking the streets, slowly building fear... Or something more dramatic?"

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"I've done it both ways. The trick to either approach is to first remove any threats that might actually be dangerous before beginning the game in earnest."

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"I would like to leave at least one challenge for later - preferably someone intelligent. Though I can acknowledge that's not the safest when playing a new game."

Hisame possibly has the exact opposite of a self preservation instinct.

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"It depends on the caliber of opponent. This world seems to have its own magic, and I have not yet determined its rules."

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"I know some of them, or at least what that Anders knew."

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"Perhaps we could acquire another subject for interrogation."

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"Perhaps. Maybe another magic user, though I'd rather avoid the technique I used on Anders again. It's... Disorienting."

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"How so?"

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"I've only tried it the once, but I apparently get my target's memories all jumbled together. I rather prefer my brain belonging only to authorized users."

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"Understandable. Shall we move on? I see the carrion birds are beginning to wheel overhead. We inhibit the start of their feast."

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She laughs a little. "Wouldn't want that. To the city, then?"

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"That is the obvious destination." She begins walking, her ghosts trailing after obediently.

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Hisame walks along. "Are we planning a closer alliance than simply escaping those tunnels together?"

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"I appreciate your displayed skill and you are so far not intolerable company. Certainly better than the last group I worked with."

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She smiles. "I like your style and your skills. And good allies are dreadfully hard to come by."

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"As long as our goals align, then."

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"I'd prefer an amicable parting if they cease to align, as well. I do not much like fighting allies, even lapsed ones."

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"Well enough."

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"How far is this city?"

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"Ten miles or so."

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That is so near and she could cross it so quickly and it's been five years since she had to walk somewhere.

She hums, bouncing a bit. 

Still, walking probably is sensible given how tired she is...

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Best to arrive under cover of darkness. Besides, it would be somewhat awkward to follow directly on the heels of that dwarf.

"What is your world like?"

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"Greener than here, at least where I lived. It was a very beautiful world."

"The type of magic user I am - shinobi - organized themselves by clans of related individuals, who were traditionally mercenaries, and the clans a few decades ago joined into Hidden Villages - a sort of mercenary guild. Unfortunately, they developed a dreadful number of rules over the years. Told me to be a good little soldier and not get any of my icky emotions anywhere, and of course kill whoever they pointed me at and no one else."

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"How terribly restrictive. Where I come from, no one is supposed to kill at all."

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"How dreadfully boring of them. Though I had a good friend who was trying to make our world more peaceful; perhaps he could've made something interesting of that."

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"People with powers had only been appearing for thirty years or so. The world was still adapting. Some parts of it were more lawless, if someone strong decided to stake their claim."

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"How strange. We've had magic a thousand years, though it's been rather destabilizing, all told."

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"That is quite a long time."

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"I suppose so! I hear we had an Empire for a while, but it fell when it ran out of heirs, some centuries ago."

"In my own life - I didn't agree at all with a soldierly life, and left, though they quite unfairly declared me a traitor for it. Still, I'd slipped out with enough stealth they lost my trail for a time, and I was able to go to someone who had offered me shelter and a promise of training. I would not name him an ally - I could have, he was certainly imaginative enough, but he had no respect for loyalty, and betrayed me first. I left him dead, gathered a small group of my own, and went to find my sister, who had left our home when I was a child after a rather impressive massacre."

"Events conspired, here and there, and some idiot decided to resurrect a god - or a being close enough to divinity - that'd been sealed at the beginning of magic. That drama rendered my universe rather uninhabitable, assuming it still exists at all."

"What of you? What of your world? And you mentioned a rather - I supposed uninspired group?"

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"I was raised by a small-minded woman with the ability to call lightning and a consuming fascination for herself almost to the exclusion of everything else. Killing her was the first thing I did when I gained my power, and it was then that I learned I could take the powers of those who die near me and put them to use. I set out to enlarge my collection. People with powers called themselves 'heroes' and 'villains' and acted out those roles as though playing a game, without taking it seriously. I did take things seriously, and so they sought to remove me, to preserve their game. A man named Jack Slash approached me, to recruit me into his group, the Slaughterhouse Nine. He also wished to upset the order of things and so I went along for a time, until it became clear that he was playing a game of his own, and did not intend to allow me to gain more power than he could handle. We quarreled, and I left on poor terms. Later, I returned to kill him. That was the second most satisfying death I have participated in."

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"How unimaginative of them all. Systems are for breaking; and why should you handle an ally?"

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"He was, it turned out, more useful to me dead than alive. Perhaps he had an inkling of this. But I have no wish to ruminate overlong on his particular psychology."

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"Entirely reasonable."

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"In any case, following his death, I decided that I was finished with playing any sort of game, and proceeded directly to the end. The reason powers only started appearing in the world thirty years ago is that we were visited by alien entities of nearly incomprehensible power who would gift small pieces of themselves to us, in order to see what we would do with them. There were two entities, but through a string of poor fortune, one was killed upon its arrival, and without it, the other wandered lost. I approached him with the offer of using my power to replace his companion. We were in the process of gathering her scattered shards when I found myself suddenly in this world. It was not treachery on his part, for he does not understand the concept. I suspect the work of an agency entirely foreign, for he has not found me nor am I able to return myself."

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"Interesting. I know how I got here - I fell between realities and stepped out - but I don't know what else could have moved you."

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"The multiverse is deep and wide. Determining the reasons for my traversal may be a long-term project."

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"Hopefully an enjoyable one. Once I've rested, I might even be able to duplicate the trick that got me here."

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"If it can be targeted, that would be useful."

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"Haven't tried that yet!"

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"A risky experiment, if not."

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"Well, I survived the first time, and if I'm rested I should be able to manage quite a few types of hostile environment..."

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"Can you take passengers?"

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"I haven't tried. The woman I was copying could both open portals and simply move herself and others, like a teleport."

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"Mm. I do not have any means of dimensional transit, myself."

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"I suspect I'll have an easier time with portals, at least, but I'm not planning on stranding you somewhere unpleasant, even if figuring out transit takes a while."

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"Speaking of unpleasant places..."

The city comes into view before them. It is built on cliffs, a rough half circle encompassing a jagged cut in by the sea. Even from this distance, it is clear that the lower tiers of the city are much less pleasant than the higher. A palace caps the northeastern edge. A quarter of the circular walls around is what looks to be the main gate, with a road stretching broad to the north before curving west. In the southwest, a fortress guards the coastal entrance. The outer walls are interrupted at intervals by carved figures with bowed heads, stretching up almost their full height.

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"How quaint."

"I suppose we're sneaking in?"

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"Unless you have a sorely pressing wish to do otherwise."

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She laughs. "Not particularly."

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"Stealth, then." She contemplates the city for a moment, then points at a particular section of wall. "Crossing there affords us the best chance of success."

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She examines the city. "That's my analysis, too. I can go through the wall, probably, or almost certainly under it."

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"I can get us through wall. And veil our passage from the sentries."

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"Oh, good. A very useful skill."

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"One of many I possess. Stay close." One of the ghosts spreads something like a net over the two of them. The colors of the world outside become faded, washed-out, and the two of them within the net's confines look brighter to their own eyes, more vibrant.

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She looks around with interest.

"Do I need to stay silent for this?"

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"If this power were working alone, yes. But I have compensated for that shortcoming." She gestures for them to begin walking. They'll need to stay within arm's reach of each other.

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Hisame stays close enough, humming.

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She brings them right up to the base of the wall. The carved figures, on closer inspection, have chains around wrists, ankles, and necks.

She conjures a ghost that raises its arms and presses its hands to the wall. A black doorway opens between them, and it steps away.

"Through here."

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They have strange taste in architecture.

She steps through.

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It only takes a single step, and they're on the other side of the wall. The alley they find themselves is littered with rubbish, with weeds both brown and green tangling through the cracks of the cobblestones and a pair of rats gnawing on a dead pigeon.

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"Maybe we can inspire them to start a public cleanup while we're terrorizing them," she says, wrinkling her nose.

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"One hopes they will at least have sewers."

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"If they don't, I suggest torching the place."

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"I," she says firmly, "quite agree. Let us see if the main street is better maintained." To their left is a gap between estates, and beyond, the street. It is, thankfully, clear of trash and dead animals.

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An improvement, at least. She examines the people she can see, trying to find if she can glean anything about them.

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There aren't that many still on the streets, with the sun's last light a fading memory. Those that are still out are walking quickly, finding their homes and locking the doors after. Some wear fine clothing, well-tailored and extravagantly dyed. Others have less extravagant clothing, but no one visible is shabby.

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A nicer neighborhood, perhaps. She's certainly not dressed like a local, still wearing her sword at her hip, her loose-wrapped white top and flaring black pants - certainly nice enough fabric, but practical, not fancy.

None of these people look particularly powerful; they'll have to widen their search, for whoever seems likely able to mount a resistance.


"What are we planning on doing for tonight?" she asks her new friend. "I haven't slept in a few days already, and don't particularly mind a rooftop, but still..." She's injured and low on chakra enough she can't reasonably keep skipping sleep.

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"Some of these houses look nice. I was thinking we might take one."

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She smiles. "That'd be quite fun. Though I don't go for kids; they're of no real interest to me. Still, this place doesn't seem to be crawling with them."

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"Mm. Three doors down. A father and two grown sons. The mother... dead, not six months ago."

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"Oh, that's quite a good target, and a very nice power."

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"Do you prefer to be involved in the taking, or merely the aftermath?"

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"Both, if you don't mind."

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"All right. Take the back, find the kitchen entrance. There should be one servant. I'll give you five minutes, then herd the family that way."

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"Will do."

And she's less noticeable, somehow, perceivable but like something you've seen a thousand times before. 

She glides off, perfectly silent, towards the back.

She focuses on her Rinnegan, removing the technique she'd had hiding its distinctive appearance, revealing a world awash with color to her. Where are the people, and how many, and how healthy? Is the kitchen entrance obvious - not that she's one for doors.

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The house has two floors aboveground, and one below. Three males, two in the middle the first floor and one towards the front on the second, none with any detectable chakra. The younger two are relatively fit, the older has let himself go. One female, in the back of the first floor, probably in the kitchen given her proximity to the door. She doesn't have any chakra either, nor is she remarkably strong.

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It's exceptionally strange, being in a world without chakra.

She can't make solid things invisible to her sight, not like a Hyuuga could, but she can layer a camouflage technique over herself and sink into the ground, emerging slowly enough into the kitchen that she shouldn't be causing obvious ripples.

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The woman is busy with a pot hung over a fire, and doesn't notice her entrance.

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She should probably just slit the woman's throat.

But she has five minutes.

She goes to lurk just behind the woman, carefully, so her breath will just tickle the back of the woman's neck.

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She startles, ladle in her right hand jumping and sloshing hot soup across the floor.

"Maker's breath!" She looks over her shoulder worriedly.

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...Not giggling at that is really hard but 'random disembodied giggling' isn't Hisame's game right now.

Hisame leans into her space a bit more, right hand ghosting over the woman's hip, just hard enough to send shivers over most people's skin.

(She's ready to grab and muffle the woman if she looks like she'll flinch hard enough to knock into the pot and make noise, or like she'll scream - Hisame has her sharingan active, she'll practically know these things before the woman does.)

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She is indeed about to scream and send the pot crashing into the fire.

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Hisame pulls the woman into her, hand over her mouth - still camouflaged.

"What a naughty girl, trying to scream," she murmurs, pressing their bodies together as she steps back.

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Her eyes are wide with terror. She says something behind Hisame's hand, which she can perhaps make out.

"Andraste preserve us, Andraste preserve us, Andraste preserve us, Andraste preserve us, Andraste preserve us..." Her mantra is fervent and quick.

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"Andraste isn't here, darling. I am." And unfortunately she lacks the time to draw this out very well. "But I'm merciful, when I wish. Let's make a little deal, hm? I'll let you turn around, and I want you to look me in the eyes and smile and give me a little kiss. I'll make it nice and painless, then."

"If you scream... Well, if you're lucky I'll get bored of playing with you in a few days."

"Or I can steal your voice and break your legs and let you watch as I kill this family, and then maybe keep you for a little bit."

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Her mantra changes to a wordless moan of fear.

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She loosens her grip, and, sing-song, says "Tick-tock! What's your poison, darling?"

(She'll still be able to react before any actual screaming.)

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"I- I-"

"T-th-the f-f-first?"

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Brightly: "Good choice!" Though she'd been hoping for a pet.

She lets her prize go and drops her camouflage. (Her mismatched crimson and lavender eyes still focused firmly on the woman, though, alert for any betrayal.)

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She turns around slowly. The fear in her eyes is tinged by confusion when she sees Hisame. Haltingly, she attempts a smile. It's not a very good one.

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She'll take it, smiling back with an enthusiasm that would put Naruto to shame.

"And a kiss?"

(Though already she's layering an illusion over the woman, to hopefully make her feel floating and free of pain.)

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She hesitates, then closes her eyes and leans in, lips pursed.

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A soft, gentle kiss - 

And a touch to the woman's sternum - 

And Hisame stops her heart.

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And so she dies.

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And then, the rest of the household reaches the kitchen. Thrown with unseen force through the door one by one, to crumble against the opposite wall. The first is missing both eyes, three fingers of the right hand, and his right leg is broken. The jaw of the next is a mangled ruin and both arms bend at unseemly angles. The last does not so much crumble against the wall squish downwards, making crunching noises as he does so. They are, all three, still alive.

The Keres follows them in, more sedately, a self-satisfied smirk gracing her lips.

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She sets the woman down, gently. 

"Looks like the fun's begun in full, now," she says, clasping her hands together.

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She raises an eyebrow at Hisame's armful. "Make a friend, did you? However briefly."

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"Yes! Sadly she didn't want to be my pet..."

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"Alas. Well, there will be others."

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"Indeed. And for now, the entertainment before us."

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The Keres has several ghosts with healing abilities. Enough to keep the unfortunate entertainment alive long beyond what their ordinary expiration point would be.

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Hisame has any medical abilities, as well, and can cause very creative damage with those.

Still, civilians are often so boring; she'll stop wanting to play with these once they break.

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She disposes of the trash by having one of her ghosts eat it.

There is perhaps half the night remaining.

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"Morning alright for investigating the city?"

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She nods in assent.

"There are three bedrooms upstairs; for the couple and each of the sons, one assumes. You may choose first, if you wish."

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She picks the most opulent and overstuffed one, naturally.

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Then presumably she will have opulent and overstuffed dreams.

When she wakes, the Keres will be in the kitchen, frying eggs and sausage and pancakes. Not using any of the kitchen untensils, mind, purely through various applications of powers she has collected.

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Hisame does so love mundane applications of extraordinary powers.

She is, however, not a morning person. She groggily thanks the Keres and then valiantly avoids collapsing into her breakfast by sheer willpower.

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An understandable position. She herself avoided a similar fate by rising early enough to have gotten through that stage of the day already.

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"For a while I was on a team with someone who would start chattering the instant he rolled out of bed," she grumbles. "Sweet boy, but there were times I got quite tempted to shut him up."

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"My sympathies. I do not enjoy mornings myself."

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She nods and goes back to picking at her food.

(Why in all the hells and heavens does she miss that blond idiot...)

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She'll let her companion finish dealing with the new day in her own fashion. That is how she prefers it.

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Once she's woken up a bit more, and thoroughly tossed the house (except the Keres' bedroom) for any reading material: "Let's start on identifying who might be able to stop us today, hm?"

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Most of the books have already been gathered. The Keres has done some reading of her own already.

"Agreed. I do not think the mundane forces will pose any significant danger; the technology level is too low. I am more concerned about the mages, and their guardians, the templars."

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"I suspect we'd likely win even a pitched battle - I've hardly shown off everything I can do when rested - but there are risks and then there are stupidities."

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"Just so. Fortunately for us, both templars and mages reside in the same place, the fortress by the water. The locals call it 'the Gallows'."

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She closes her eyes, sorting through memories - 

"I don't much like the idea of making mages Tranquil. Perhaps we will find some yet free who would like to join us in a little uprising."

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"A mages' rebellion is a great fear of many. There is a country to the north which is apparently ruled by mages."

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"I do so love granting people their fears."

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"To the Gallows, then?"

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"To the Gallows!"

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Off they set. The streets are more crowded in the daytime, and they can even see a few pointy-eared elves dressed in servant's clothes scurrying about.

The Gallows is only accessible by water, and they're in Hightown now. To get there conventionally, they'll have to pass through the markets to Lowtown and thence to the docks, to take a ferry over.

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"I can go effectively invisible and walk on water. I'm unsure if I'd rather go through the markets or over the rooftops, right now. You?"

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"Not having consumed the mind of a native, I believe I will walk, to further familiarize myself with the world."

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"Alright! Getting to know new people's always fun..."

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Hightown and Lowtown are separated by a set of stairs and a pair of gates. The streets of Lowtown are significantly less well-maintained than those of Hightown. There aren't any pigeon corpses, but one suspects that that's only because the residents would have claimed them as food. There are a lot of people in Lowtown, and all of them are ragged and worn down.

"I would hate to see the alleyways."

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"Indeed. I have no idea what it is with nobles and not taking pride in their cities - if you're going to bother with laws at all..."

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"Gives them something to feel superior to the commoners over- at least they don't live in filth."

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One of said commoners brushes past the pair and bumps into Hisame. He takes the opportunity to sneak a hand into her pocket in search of a coinpurse.

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She carries everything that isn't a fairly commonly used weapon in tattoo seals, so.

She twists, grabbing his wrist and leaning into his space - her other hand liberating him of something from his own pockets as she does so. "Now, that wasn't very smart, was it? You should practice sizing up your mark a bit better, hm?"

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"Ack- Lemme go! Sorry, all right?"

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She dangles whatever she stole in front of him. Looks boring to her, but maybe valuable to him. "You're fortunate I have somewhere to be. I'll be keeping this, though." And throwing it in the gutter. She still doesn't let him go, her grip like iron.

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He makes a grab for it with his free hand. "That's my lucky ratknife, come on!"

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She grins.

"Very well."

It goes through his foot.

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"Andraste's TITS you fucking bitch-"

He still has his second-lucky ratknife. He makes to grab it out of its pocket and swing it at her face.

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"Oh, that's not nice or smart."

She lets him get the knife out, then grabs his other wrist, swiftly pressing on pressure points that should force someone untrained to open their hand.

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His hand pops open.

(They've accumulated a small clear space, but no one's lingering to watch.)

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"If you want to keep your hands, I suggest apologizing very profusely to me."

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"Shitting darkspawn whore Maker-blasted goatsucker-" He's too busy cursing to apologize.

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"I'm starting to think I might do the world a favor were I to remove you from it."

(She applies just a sliver of killing intent. If it hasn't occurred to him to be afraid, that she's dangerous - well, it should now. Usually she doesn't bother with such brute force methods, but this idiot seems rather too dumb to learn his new position without more of a detour than she's in the mood for.)

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His jaw clicks shut.

"Sorry." His voice is abruptly higher-pitched.

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She lets go of his injured hand to pat him on the cheek.

"Do remember this lesson. I'd hate for my time instructing you to go to waste, after all."

And she's letting go entirely to walk away from him.

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He turns smartly about and limps the exact opposite direction.

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The Keres is smiling at her.

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She grins back. "Sorry about the delay. I hope it was at least an entertaining show."

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"It was at that. You have... a certain talent."

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"Thanks! Being terrifying at people's one of my favorite hobbies."

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"It is my hope I will be privileged to observe you ever new heights in the practice thereof."

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She smiles, more softly than she usually does.

"Perhaps we may learn from each other, here."

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Another, brief smile, and she turns back to their course.

They go past a marketplace, with stalls selling armor, weapons, fine dwarven crafts direct from Orzammar, and all manner of sundries. Each stall has one or two toughs lurking nearby glaring suspiciously at those who get too close without intent to purchase, except for one which offers a variety of herbs and potions and is run by a well-dressed woman with a tastefully made-up face.

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What sorts of potions and herbs do they at least think are effective? (It's very telling about a society and its anxieties, that sort of thing.)

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Elfroot for your ills and deathroot for your enemies. Embrium for the lungs and spindleweed for the bones. The stallkeeper introduces herself as Lady Elegant and adds that specialty items are available on request for the more... discerning customer.

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Hisame honestly trusts her own poisons more (she doesn't say this) (she does briefly wonder if her snakes survived the universe collapsing).

She's fairly sure the specialty items are lyrium potions, which, no.

She does smile a bit but makes her excuses and moves on.

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The Keres does purchase a handful of small vials before moving on, making them vanish smoothly inside her robes.

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Hisame window shops some at the other booths - she likes the blades she has, but collecting new knives from this world seems thematically appropriate. Of course, she'll only go for quality.

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For quality, she will have to look elsewhere. Some few of the items on display approach serviceable to the experienced eye.

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Not acceptable at all.

She notes the general patterns - what blades might be useful for what tasks, to hint at what fighting styles people might use - but she moves on.

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Past a run-down foundry district then, and another set of gates and stairs brings them to the docks. The buildings here are mostly warehouses. The most interesting thing they pass is the street that has been blocked off by a ramshackle gate with two seven-feet tall, horned, broadly muscled Qunari standing guard in front of it, arms crossed impassively over bare chests.

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...Hmmmm perhaps something to investigate on the way back, given that she doesn't particularly want to dawdle nor waste chakra on a clone.

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The Qunari give every impression they'll still be there, solid as stone even should the city burst into flame around them.

The docks proper are tightly packed with ships of all sizes, flying all sorts of colors. They're not the only people seeking passage to the Gallows; there are more than a few small craft for which ferrying people to and fro seems to be their primary purpose.

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"Preferences on which ship?"

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"One that won't sink halfway across the harbor," she says, eyeing two men bailing out a small rowboat with suspicion. She looks around. "There," she points at a bulky man with one peg leg standing next to a boat with room for six passengers. She marches up to him. "Passage to the Gallows," she says, tossing him two golden coins. "No other passengers, and you will wait there to bring us back," tossing him two more.

He catches them out of the air, bites down on one to test it. "Right y'are, missies. In y'get, then."

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She boards, smiling briefly at the man.

"I think I've been on a boat all of twice - what, four, five years ago," she says to the Keres with a bit of a laugh.

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"...We used to go out to the lake, when I was very small."

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"Sounds peaceful. We had a river, but most of it was too swift for children to be playing in."

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"It was. Briefly."

Her gaze snaps to their conductor, whose eyes have been roaming appreciatively across his two passengers. He quails under the weight of her glare.

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She laughs.

"Maybe pay attention to our route," she suggests to the conductor, voice still merry.

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He coughs, and bends back to his tasks. The voyage is, if not record-setting, not precisely leisurely.

The Gallows' docks are watched over by templars, with full plate armor, longswords, and tall shields bearing their order's sigil: a sword wreathed in flame, point up. Peaceable visitors are allowed to pass by into the fortress courtyard without comment.

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That's definitely them, peaceable sorts. No revolution or murder to be seen here.

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The skeptical expressions this assertion would cause on the more perceptive sort of templar are hidden behind their bucket-like helmets. And the fact that such an assertion is left unvoiced. And that there are, in fact, none of the more perceptive sort of templar standing guard at the moment. The courtyard is ringed by metal statues of people in chains, similar to the carvings on the city wall. Along one wall is an actual gallows, sized for fifteen nooses at once, though only a pair are occupied at the moment. The bodies are slowly decomposing, eyes and bits of flesh from the faces already picked off by scavengers. But the main attraction is on the other side, where the Circle mages have space to sell enchanted items to the public, under watchful guard.

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The Keres makes straight for that last.

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She admires the decorations a bit, then following, gaze sweeping over what's for sale, analyzing the guards and how dangerous they might be (she suspects 'not very'). 

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They've clearly had extensive training, but it's unlikely they'll be a threat to her in particular. They seem more concerned with the mages than visitors. But of the fifteen or so Circle representatives, only two are mages still capable of their craft. The rest are Tranquil, bearing the distinctive forehead brand of that ritual and speaking in emotionless monotone.

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She makes a face when she sees the brand.

Interacting with the Tranquil is intensely disquieting, though she doesn't let most of that show. (She wonders if there's a way to make them feel again, however briefly, so they can at least know fear before she kills them.)

What's for sale?

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Boxes to keep food cool, cups that keep drinks hot. Cloth supernaturally impermeable to water, or that will act as a heater in cold weather. An array of potions and herbs similar to that carried by Lady Elegant, but with a much heavier emphasis on healing and vastly fewer poisons. Imbued gauntlets that will increase the wearer's strength. Bows that will set fire to an arrow as it's shot and daggers that crackle with electricity.

The Keres is toying with one of these, drawing it lazily through the air and observing that sparks that jump off.

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She'll look at the bows - her last one broke, and 'sets fire to things' sounds aesthetic.

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Shortbows, longbows, crossbows... None are artisanal masterworks, but they all exceed the 'serviceable' bar. (Arrows not included.)

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(Eh, with the stresses she puts weapons under... Still, she might be able to dissect one, or play with the magic somehow. She still hasn't explored the full potential of her Rinnegan.)

She'll take a short bow.

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The cost is ten sovereigns. (The gold coins, and twice as much as a high-quality, unenchanted bow. There was enough coin in the manor for this to be a comfortable purchase.)

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She might try to obtain an unenchanted bow later, as well.

She pays it, and asks if there's a fletcher the seller would recommend. (She probably still has some arrows sealed away somewhere, but.)

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"I know very little of the manufacture of arrows," is the flat, glassy-eyed reply. "They are not permitted within the Circle."

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(She is going to burn this place to the ground. She bets the templars scream beautifully. People who think they're so far above others always have the most delicious fear...)

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"Would you care to purchase anything else? I am told the red cloth is suitable for a person of your coloration."

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"Oh, I do so love red..." And really she'll eventually need more than the three outfits she has on her, and it's not like she can't steal more money if she runs out.

She picks the bloodiest shade, of course. One of the impermeable to water ones.

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That runs her another seven sovereigns.

The Keres purchases the knife she was playing with, another selection of potions and herbs, and a few lengths of cloth of her own. All of it vanishes inside her robes when the guards aren't looking.

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Hisame's storage seals take a bit more creativity to hide the function of, but it's a challenge now.

Away go the bow and cloth, into new tattoos on her forearm and hip respectively. 

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Their legal business here taken care of, she walks over near the hanged men again.

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She spends the walk cataloguing local defenses and how quickly they'll likely be able to respond to Hisame's usual brand of chaos.

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The courtyard is easily sealed off, and the walls are thick and sheer.

"I don't think the templars will pose a danger," she murmurs when Hisame is close enough. "They are well trained, but against those not wielding their magic, that is their only advantage. The mages have a wide breadth of ability, but nothing evinced says to me that is insurmountable. And there is deep animosity between the templars and their charges. It would not be difficult at all to arrange events such that we face but one faction at a time."

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Not much of a problem for someone who can fly if she feels like spending the chakra, or run up walls nearly as easily as she'd run across a flat surface.

"They seem to rely very heavily on their physical sureties - their walls and gates. I doubt they will do well at all against attacks from unexpected directions."

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"I agree. We could demolish the fortress here and have our run of the city unimpeded, if we wished."

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She grins. "That could be a fun opening move! Imagine the panic sweeping through them..."

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"They would not know how to react, the lynchpin of their defense stripped before they knew they needed it."

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"They'd be oh so vulnerable, afraid at every turn and bump..."

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"Though for full effect, we might wish to wait for the dwarf's tale to percolate through the city more fully."

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"Patience does so often pay off - though I am very tempted to set a clone to following him, and see if I can't get him telling it to a crowded room at the same moment we act."

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"A clone?"

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"I can't show it here, but I can make a duplicate of myself out of chakra. They're called shadow clones. Fairly fragile and expensive, so not entirely effective in combat, but when they dismiss I get their memories. A rather wonderful espionage tool."

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"I see. That sounds like a good idea, then. We could also use the time to prepare the ground with either the templars or the mages, if we wish to do more than simply incite terror."

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"I'd like to see the end of that nasty Tranquil business, at least."

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"Mm. It is unfortunate."

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"I can't imagine Tranquil mages would be at all fun to kill - I wonder if there's a way of restoring them..."

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She is about to say something when a templar approaches the two of them.

     "Excuse me ladies, but the Gallows is not a gathering spot. If you have no further business here, you need to move on."

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"Oh, I'm quite sorry. Just admiring the view, you know. Do we have further business?" She turns the question to the Keres.

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"-None the good knight-lieutenant here need to concern himself with, I think. It would not do to distract him, lest his charges summon more demons under his nose. The weather here is better than in the south, don't you think? And the promotion suits you."

     "I..." He looks vaguely stunned. "Y- Move along." He waves his hand, though it's unclear if the gesture is to urge them on, ward them off, or dispell an unpleasant odor.

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She laughs, walking away from the stunned knight-captain - but not back to the boat.

Once she's plausibly out of earshot: "Want to try slipping inside? I can split off a clone now, too, to go look for our erstwhile dwarf."

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"Yes. All the interesting mages are kept inside, I think."

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There's an immensely faint shimmer as Hisame forms a clone and immediately layers a chameleon technique over it.

Clone takes off back to the city, to stalk the dwarf and probably get distracted by random alleyways. (If she sees any exceptionally tempting targets, murders while they have a solid alibi would be very fun.)

"That would fit the pattern."

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"Yes. Circle around outside or sneak in from here?"

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"I could manage either, though from here might be interestingly challenging."

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"There's a door at the top of this wall that leads into the tower and is presently unguarded on either side. Would you like to make it a race?"

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"Sure," says the clone Hisame leaves in her place as she darts off, invisible.

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There's a flash of light among the Circle mages, drawing everyone's attention. The Keres teleports to the door and steps through it, passing through like a ghost.

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Oh, if they're playing with teleports...

Hisame swaps places with the Keres.

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Tch. Almost made it. She blinks back up and moves through the door again. It's still locked, so if Hisame can't phase through it, she might yet win.

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Hisame needs to meld through the wall beside the door, and that's slower than just turning into a ghost.

Hisame's clone, on the other hand, is still standing in the crowd, and proceeds to also swap with the Keres.

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If that's the way she wants to play it-

Blink up, an unseen hand taps both Hisames-

And eighty-seven seconds later, the Keres is waiting for her inside the tower.

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"Well played!" Hisame says, laughing. "Did you just pause me? That's exceptionally weird, by the way, having two of my bodies offline, but not the third."

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"A temporal lock of random duration, yes. I imagine it would be odd to have one's consciousness split like that. Are you experiencing any issues with resynchronization?"

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"Not at all, but I'm used to shadow clones - usually they have separate consciousnesses that re-merge when they're destroyed. The syncing is a new power."

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"Good, then. I would have hated for our little game to cause you problems."

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"It would've been good to find out if it did, though, when we're relatively unpressured."

"Still, you won, fair and square." Teasingly: "I suppose you get a prize, now."

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"Do I now? And what manner of prize might that be?" Her smirk says she knows exactly what sort of prize she wants.

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She steps closer, until she's in the Keres' space a bit, looking up through her eyelashes. Soft, quick kiss, and then stepping back to smirk. "A little taste, perhaps."

Though from her posture she doesn't look like she'd react hostilely to someone declaring that too little a prize.

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She matches her step back.

"I am not one," she says, bending her head down to be level with Hisame's, "to be satisfied with a taste."

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"Oh? How much do you plan to take, then?"

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"As much as I can, naturally." Her breath is soft and hot on Hisame's lips, and she's smiling as she leans in to close the final gap.

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Hisame might give her another few challenges for anything past kissing, but for now, kissing is quite delightful.

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They're not exactly in friendly territory, so she won't push beyond that. For now.

She breaks off the kiss with a self-satisfied smile and steps back. "There."

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That is a very good kiss. Hisame is not usually the taken.

She smirks. "I think we're off to a good start."

"Onwards to chaos, death, destruction, and the buildup to the grand finale?"

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"Perhaps not immediately if we wish to recruit any mages. But far be it from me to say no to you."

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She laughs. "I'm fine with building tension for a while."

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Then it's off to explore the Gallows. The fortress isn't terribly labyrinthine, but it does get a bit crowded when they get further in. The city of Kirkwall is home to around a hundred and eighty mages and close to five hundred templars, and they all live here.

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She makes a bit of a game of avoiding people - having already dismissed the non-dwarf-seeking clone - but she can use the chameleon technique, so.

Any of the mages exceptionally interesting?

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A group of young mages practicing spells against target dummies, under the watchful eyes of their templar guards. Some in the library, studying. A few shut away in their quarters, furtively reading strange books. A pair shut away in their room having sex. First Enchanter Orsino, a grey-haired elf doing paperwork in his study, muttering imprecations against Knight-Commander Meredith under his breath.

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The furtive ones seem most promising for a little revolution, though Orsino might have levers they can push...

Does the Keres have insight on what they're reading about?

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Illegal erotic literature, a history of Tevinter, and... a book on forbidden blood magic.

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(At the blood magic. Erotic literature might be fun to steal as a pet, though, depending on the literature.)

She wants to go spy on blood magic mage closer!

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(The literature is blandly vanilla and not all that well-written.)

The blood magic mage is taking notes and keeps glancing somewhat nervously at a knife laid to one side of the bed.

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(Too bad. Well, she'll keep looking.)

Hisame wants to at least scare the blood mage, if not recruit them.

...She moves the knife while the mage isn't looking. Just a little.

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They twitch when they notice, then shake their head and refocus.

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Move it again, making a faint scraping noise.

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They shut the book with a snap, and thrust both it and the knife under the bed.

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Hmmm, what else is in this room for her to mess with...

(She'll let them stew while she identifies targets.)

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The room's pretty bare; mages of this Circle aren't allowed much in the way of frills. Which perhaps explains why even the boring erotica is illegal.

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She leans a bit into their space, whispering, "What fascinating interests you have."

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They let out a high-pitched eeping noise.

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"How would you like to know more, little mage?"

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"But- but- I didn't even do anything!"

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The Keres stifle an amused snort.

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"You could though. You could do so much."

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"I, uh, show yourself, demon. I won't make a deal with anyone I can't see." Their attempt to sound commanding is almost cute.

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"Do you expect to see Death as she comes?"

She does not show herself.

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"Death?! No. No. I don't want death. I wanted a desire demon."

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"And there is no one you desire the Death of, hm?"

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"Well. Knight-Commander Meredith, I guess. And Ser Alrik. And Imerios. And Seffie. Wait, no. No death, demon. I absolutely forbid you from going on a killing spree."

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She laughs.

"Oh, but you didn't do anything, did you?"

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"So why do you think you can command me?"

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"Um. Isn't that how demons work? That's what all the books said..."

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"You're kind of adorably dumb, so I won't kill you, but I just can't let that sort of disrespect slide, you know. I'd be the laughing stock of the demon world."

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"Um. Please don't hurt me?"

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"Oh, this won't hurt you a bit."

And he can be trapped in a mild illusion of everyone she's seen here dying around him! It even won't knock him out for a month. See how nice she is?

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He whimpers a little as he kind of flops backwards.

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"Not very intelligent, this one." She bends to retrieve the book from under the bed.

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She laughs and steals his knife. "I hope some of them are cleverer, at least."

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"Perhaps. Where next?"

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"Not many of them seemed to have much potential. Perhaps that lead enchanter?"

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She nods. "What tack do you wish to take with him?"

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"Hm. He's survived to be old. He'll be too cautious, I think, for revenge fantasies. Offer him freedom. Hope for the youth. Ascendancy for his people."

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"I'll follow your lead. You have more of a talent for people than I do."

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"I shan't disappoint, then."

To spy more closely on Orsino!

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Still dealing with paperwork. He has more things than the other mage did, his office is cluttered with various curios, not all of them magical. A staff with three dragon heads leans up in one corner.

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And how long does it take him to notice her moving things when he's not looking? (This is both hilarious and a good test of how observant and wary potential allies - or potential targets - are.)

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Not very long at all. He casts a spell, and a pulse of force sweeps out across the room at chest height, high enough to avoid disturbing his things but low enough that any hidden intruders will be caught by it and knocked against the wall.

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She ducks, like a sensible shinobi.

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And the Keres is, of course, unaffected. It's unwise to beard a mage in his den without putting precautions in place.

Orsino frowns at the lack of effect. "Very well, then. Show yourself."

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She likes the 'disembodied voice' routine, but she thinks he'll be more receptive if she plays along.

She appears, modifying the chameleon technique a bit so her normal colors slowly bleed back into her, starting from the head down.


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"No demon, and not one of the mages here. You're no Starkhaven refugee, either. Who are you, and why have you come?"

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"A harbinger of the change to come, and I am here because you seemed to have more... Ambition, let's say."

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"Ambition?" He scoffs. "Hardly. I have a spine, and refuse to cower just because the templars snarl."

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"They're much the same, aren't they? To stand strong. To stand free."

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His eyes narrow. "Where did you come from?"

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"That's not an answer."

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"I have walked the place between worlds. I have seen more than their narrow minds can imagine. Chains broken, power where it should be..."

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"And where is that?"

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"Surely you have answers of your own. I'm merely a passing gust of wind."

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"The breeze doesn't usually stop to chat," he says dryly.

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"You must not listen very often."

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"Not all elves are Dalish. I have enough to do without that sort of superstition."

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"Fair enough."

"What is your desire?"

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"I desire for mages to be accorded respect as people and not treated as unexploded bombs, and for Meredith Stannard to be removed from command and broken of her paranoia."

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"You don't desire to rule?"

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"Managing one Circle is headache enough."

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"Such droll dreams. Quite disappointing, really."

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"They're not for your amusement."

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"I would think this whole world was."

"But I do wish to help. I am not much fond of chains - and the Tranquil. A horrid practice."

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"Somehow I suspect your notion of help won't exactly be constructive."

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She laughs. "It is so very hard to build anything at all without breaking a few things."

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"What do you intend on breaking?"

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Orsino sighs. "There's no mage who likes the existence of that ritual. How do you propose to do that?"

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"I doubt the templars could do much if they didn't exist."

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"Even if you could kill all the templars in Kirkwall, the Chantry would just send more."

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"And you don't think you could make that a very costly mistake?"

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"The Chantry has power even in here. The Circle would be divided against itself."

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"If you act before this little breeze moves on, I think you'll find that all the armies of the continent could not do much against a proper uprising."

Hisame is very certain the average shinobi could take the average mage or templar, and while Hisame isn't quite as powerful as Madara, she's certainly in that weight class.

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"I'd need- time, to prepare things. Make sure the right people are in place."

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"Very well."

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"How can I contact you?"

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She gestures, and a small mottled grey snake appears in her hand. "My friend here will carry any messages for you." And spy for her.

The snake flicks his tongue.

(Hisame is delighted she can still summon her snakes. She likes them.)

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"I... see. Just leave it on the desk, then."

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She lets the snake slither over to the desk. "His name is Doku. I'm sure you'll both get along wonderfully."

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"I'm sure we will." This is not the face of someone who likes snakes.

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Awwww, but snakes are delightful!

"Good luck."

And she wraps herself in the chameleon technique again.

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He looks around, waits a moment, then edges around his desk and out the door.

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The Keres steps aside to let him pass.

"That was successful, I think."

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"Could have gone more smoothly, but I don't think there's anyone here with true ambition, so."

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"I suppose now the question is what to do to fill the time until he's ready."

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"I think it'd be fun to do a very thoroughly planned campaign. Identify targets in the order we want to hit them, rather than running by our whim."

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"We should go find some templars, then. This Knight-Commander Meredith, her subordinates."

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"Quite. They'd be almost necessary, for an opening move."

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"We might also consider the Chantry's power structure, and the secular leadership."

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She nods. "They'll be so much more vulnerable without their heads."

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Off to find some templars. Meredith is leading a group of trainees in training exercises. She's an older woman with a harsh voice, and is clearly used to command. The templars are all in fear or awe or both of her.

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...Hisame can't resist a few illusory sounds that only Meredith will be able to hear. Just to damage her reputation a little, get her twitchy...

But her main goal is figuring out the chain of command, here.

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If Meredith gets twitchy, she hides it well.

The command structure seems to be as follows: the Knight-Commander, who directs all the local templars. Eight Knight-Captains, who report to her and manage three Knight-Lieutenants each. A Knight-Lieutenant leads a squad of up to twenty regular templars.

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Such a tiny little organization. 

Which of the Knight-Captains seem most competent, most nervous, most paranoid...

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There's a spectrum. She can get a pretty good idea of everyone's basic characteristics over some time of covert observation.

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She fucks with the Knight Commander a bit more, slow creeping plausible deniability hallucinations, overheard conversations no one's actually having...

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She gets visibly frazzled as the day goes on. Her subordinates step even lighter than usual as she gets snappier.

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Hisame eventually lets the hallucinations fade out.

She's getting a bit bored here, and thinks they've gotten a good first round of information, especially since they aren't blowing up the Gallows quite yet. 

Unless the Keres has other business here, she'd like to return to the city.

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Back to the city is fine by her. Their boatman is napping. A column of water lifts out to slap him in the face. He startles awake. "Whazzat- Oh. Y'back."

"We return. No talking."

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She laughs, and looks out over the water on the ride back, filtering through any assorted chaos her clone has gotten up to (surprisingly no murders) so she can update the Keres when they get back to the house.

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The Qunari they passed on the way to the docks guard the entrance to an entire enclave full of the ox-men. They've barricaded off and fortified an entire block. It's much cleaner and more orderly within their borders than without. A representative of the viscount came by while Hisame's clone was sneaking around to ask again if the Qunari knew when they would be moving on. The leader, the Arishok, said that they are waiting for a ship. The representative asked if they had any word on when the ship would arrive. The Arishok said nothing. The representative left, defeated. Afterwards, the Arishok gave orders that the search for the woman and her stolen prize be redoubled. The Qunari are very disciplined, and don't react amusingly to attempted mischief.

As far as finding Bartrand the dwarf goes, she knows he's merchant, which makes the dwarven Merchant's Guild building in Hightown a logical place to begin. From there, she can pick up his trail, which leads to a bar in Lowtown, the Hanged Man. A former favorite of his dead brother. He's drowning his sorrows and telling his story to anyone who'll listen. Apparently, Hisame and the Keres are dreadful demons with wings of shadow, seven feet tall and half-darkspawn, who have but to look at a man to make him fall over stone dead.

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This is all intensely amusing, and she somewhat idly relays it to the Keres.

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"Quite the effect we've had on him."

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"Apparently he didn't think at all to mount a rescue expedition for the one I knocked out! And I could have sworn I mentioned that one was alive."

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"Some people have no sense of priorities. I do hope he recovered quickly enough. Eaten by wildlife while unconscious is such an ignominious end."

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"I hope so as well. He might present an interesting challenge when he returns."

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"Mm. We still have some daylight left. The Chantry or the Viscount's Keep?"

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"Chantry, how about?"

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"All right." She smiles for no particular reason. "Let's go see what these people worship."

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She laughs. "Lead the way."

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The Kirkwall Chantry is in Hightown, one of the grander buildings there. Outside is the Chanter's Board, where the Chantry posts worthy requests for help. A sister stands by the board, reciting the Chant of Light, the story of Andraste's struggle against the Tevinter Imperium of old, in a voice that's a cross between a speech and a song.

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She reads over the board, somewhat idly.

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Someone needs help moving, a soup kitchen needs volunteers, donations for the orphanage, a bounty on a group of mercenaries by someone calling himself Prince of Starkhaven...

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Boring, boring, boring, maybe interesting if she gets bored and it's too early for their reign of terror.

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Inside, the walls are decorated with frescoes depicting scenes from Andraste's life: childhood in a fishing village, marriage to Maferath, leading the first Exalted March, alliance with the elf Shartan, Maferath's betrayal and her execution at the hands of Archon Hessarian. The main nave is dominated by a statue of the woman herself, and another cleric is singing a different portion of the Chant of Light in front of it.

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Is it obvious where to go with questions about the religion?

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There are a couple small groups of sisters standing around who don't seem to be doing anything important.

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"Excuse me, sisters," she says, striding up to them.

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"Yes, child? How may we help you?"

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"I was quite curious about Andraste's teachings, sister."

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"Our doors are always open to those who would listen. 'Speak only the Word, sing only the Chant. Then the Golden City is thine.'"

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"I am here to listen, then."

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"Sister Nathalie is beginning the Canticle of Transfigurations, where Andraste's wisdom is preserved," she says, indicating the woman singing at the foot of the statue.

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She hums briefly, and turns to listen.

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"These truths the Maker has revealed to me:
As there is but one world,
One life, one death, there is
But one god, and He is our Maker.
They are sinners, who have given their love
To false gods.

All men are the Work of our Maker's Hands,
From the lowest slaves
To the highest kings.
Those who bring harm
Without provocation to the least of His children
Are hated and accursed by the Maker.

All things in this world are finite.
What one man gains, another has lost.
Those who steal from their brothers and sisters
Do harm to their livelihood and to their peace of mind.
Our Maker sees this with a heavy heart.

Those who bear false witness
And work to deceive others, know this:
There is but one Truth.
All things are known to our Maker
And He shall judge their lies.

Magic exists to serve man, and never to rule over him.
Foul and corrupt are they
Who have taken His gift
And turned it against His children.
They shall be named Maleficar, accursed ones.
They shall find no rest in this world
Or beyond."

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A fascinating doctrine.

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"Many are those who wander in sin,
Despairing that they are lost forever,
But the one who repents, who has faith
Unshaken by the darkness of the world,
And boasts not, nor gloats
Over the misfortunes of the weak, but takes delight
In the Maker's law and creations, she shall know
The peace of the Maker's benediction.
The Light shall lead her safely
Through the paths of this world, and into the next.

For she who trusts in the Maker, fire is her water.
As the moth sees light and goes toward flame,
She should see fire and go towards Light.
The Veil holds no uncertainty for her,
And she will know no fear of death, for the Maker
Shall be her beacon and her shield, her foundation and her sword."

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Isn't the flame the destruction of the moth, Hisame would argue...

She is getting so much material for tormenting the faithful with!

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The Chant of Light is very long. It will continue in this vein for as long as Hisame is prepared to listen to it.

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She gets bored after a few more verses, thanks the sister who'd been talking to her, and wanders off to elsewhere. What's public, or at least tantalizingly non-public?

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There's some more artwork, a few classrooms or meeting spaces. The living quarters are off-limits to the public.

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Hisame has never heard of an 'off limits' that applies to a determined enough shinobi.

Effectively invisible snooping!

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The clerics are almost as boring as the mages, but without the guard dog excuse.

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Such a pity. She was hoping for at least a few repressed desires.

She thinks they've learned all they easily can here, though. The Chantry will likely serve as a bastion of moral support - not a concrete, direct threat, but they might be able to organize adventurers against threats, and a strike to them would be dreadfully demoralizing.

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It's dark out when they leave.

"That was... enlightening."

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She laughs. "They certainly like their creepy tenets, don't they?"

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"The mythos surrounding Andraste is fascinatingly complex. I can almost believe most of it is real history."

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"It seems likely there was a real figure somewhere. Of course, my world was also destroyed by a fable, so."

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"I'll keep an open mind. Shall we see if this town has any nightlife to speak of?"

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"Perhaps we'll finally meet someone interesting."

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"That might be nice." Off they set through the city streets.

Before long, a perceptive observer might notice they're being tailed from the shadows by multiple people.

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There's a very minor visual discontinuity as Hisame swaps places with a clone, quickly moving to a rooftop (she arranges to be out of easy line of sight during this).

Whosoever might be following them, hm?

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A gang of lowlife thugs who want to kill them and take their stuff, it seems. One of them rushes the Keres and is very surprised when his sword bounces off her robes. He is then summarily blasted back and into a wall, hitting with an unpleasant crunch and leaving a crater where he had been standing.

     "She's a mage! Rush her!" someone shouts, and the other fifteen barrel in.

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Five of the fifteen get knives in their spines courtesy of a hidden Hisame, as her clone darts towards the one dumb enough to shout, drawing her sword.

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The thugs are not at all skilled, and entirely unprepared for opponents of this caliber

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They die so disappointingly easy.

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"You can come back down now," she says to the clone after it's over, standing in the midst of the bodies. "I don't think those were the interesting people we were looking for."

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She jumps down, dismissing her clone. "Pity. They were barely good target practice."

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"And here I was hoping you'd leave at least one of them alive," says a new voice appearing down the street. She's dressed strangely compared to others they've seen here, with robes looser and of lighter cloth, and has a different accent. "Why, might I ask, are you looking for interesting people?"

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"I apologize sincerely for not leaving you - prey? Someone to interrogate? I was unfortunately unaware of your interest, and they didn't strike me as likely to play at all enjoyably."

"And this place and its people been dreadfully boring so far. I'm used to cities having a bit more spice to them."

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"A warm and breathing body was what I sought. I targeted these because it seemed unlikely anyone would miss them. As for spice, one simply needs to know where to look. There is a long and sordid history lurking beneath this city's surface."

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"Sounds like all we've been missing was a local guide."

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"I don't think she's a local."

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"Indeed not. I am a visitor from the Tevinter Imperium. Even so, for some reason I suspect that is more local than the two of you."

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"Clever. We're not local at all, no."

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"Where do you come from?"

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"I'm from a lost world, sadly. Not at all like this one."

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"What makes it lost?"

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"The main fabric of space-time was destroyed, though at least one attached sub-dimension survived."

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"I... see." She turns to the Keres. "And you?"

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"I come from yet another world, different to both. Once visited by entities of nearly immeasurable power. I was in the process of gathering this power to myself when I was removed and found myself here."

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"Hm. Well then, strangers. My name is Eliana Fabil, member of the Minrathous Circle and magister of the Tevinter Imperium." She bows in an elaborately courtly fashion. "Welcome to Kirkwall."

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She bows back, in a manner suitable to the courts of her own world.

"Thank you. I am Uchiha Hisame - Hisame being my given name, Uchiha my clan."

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"And we," she says, ghosts shimmering into visibility around her, "are the Keres." She declines to bow.

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"Now that we all know each other, perhaps we can move along? The Guard's patrols are infrequent, but still extant. They will not be pleased with this scene."

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She laughs. "I imagine not. Still, let us be off. You have somewhere in mind for a destination?"

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"I am in possession of a house here in the city where we may speak in comfort, if that is acceptable to you."

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"I'm alright with that."

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"Very well."

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She leads the two of them back to her house, which is amusingly on the same street as the one they appropriated for themselves. Two elves meet them at the door, and Eliana directs them to fetch food and wine for her guests as she shows the way to the sitting room.

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She's not going to tell Eliana where they're living just yet, but she notes the mild hilarity.

Hisame finds an appropriately plush seat to sprawl in.

"What did you need someone living for, by the way?" she asks, idly.

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The Keres takes a seat next to Hisame.

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Eliana sits herself opposite them.

"For my research. I am a blood mage."

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"Fun! I'm afraid I don't know as much about that as I could, but it sounds fascinating."

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"It is the practice of using the life energy inherent in blood to fuel or augment spellcasting, rather than drawing solely from the Fade, as is traditional. It can be more powerful, but trades off against having a more sharply limited reservoir, depending on how willing one is to take blood by force. It is also the gateway to more subtle effects, like mental suggestion and domination."

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Hopefully she can negate any 'more subtle' effects - she can in her native system, but.

"How fascinating."

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"Blood magic is officially forbidden everywhere. Andraste did speak against the practice, after all. But it is still widely, if quietly, practiced in the Tevinter Imperium, and is not unheard of in here in the south. This city in particular is a hotbed of maleficarum, which is one of the reasons I am here."

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"Perhaps we'll be able to find some, then."

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"Besides me, you mean? I wouldn't necessarily advise it. The Veil is thin here, and those who come to blood magic in this place find it easier than it should be to summon demons. This has unfortunate consequences for their mental stability, continued survival, and the safety of those around them."

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"Maybe I can do a public service or two. Or give a few little nudges here and there..."

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"I would not complain if the competition thinned. And it might get the templars to ease back."

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"How does one find a blood mage?"

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"Follow the corpses. Look for unexplained disappearances, demon sightings, cults that have grown too quickly."

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"Perhaps easier when you're established in a place. But an interesting challenge regardless." She mentally directs her dwarf-watching clone to keep an ear open for rumors potentially related to blood mages.

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The two elves return, with wine and drink and little breaded fish. They place the trays on the table between the chairs, then withdraw to stand quietly at the side of the room, heads down.

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Hisame drinks and eats in moderation, though she's complimentary on the tastes.

"What do you do here, besides experiments?"

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"Theoretically I represent the Imperium's political and economic interests to the Viscount's court. In practice, since the outlawing of the slave trade a century and a half ago, such interests are practically nonexistent and my duties are primarily social, a reminder to the southern barbarians that the Tevinter Imperium still exists."

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She laughs. "It must be hard, keeping that in their minds."

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"I have a lot of time to myself."

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She nods. "And how do you pass the time?"

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"By doing this and that. Currently I am investigating rumors that one of the Forbidden Ones is bound somewhere within the city."

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"What are the Forbidden Ones?"

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"Ancient desire demons, purportedly the first ever encountered by Tevinter mages. It is said the art of blood magic was learned originally from them. There are three whose names are known: Gaxkang, Imshael, and Xebenkeck."

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"Somebody thought I might be a desire demon once, before he decided I was a death demon. They sound interesting."

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"Desire demons are the second most powerful type of demon commonly summoned, after the pride demon, but they're easier to deal with. It is already in their nature to offer what you want, after all. There's no such thing as a death demon, by the way."

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"He was adorably dumb. What do desire demons want in return?"

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"It varies. Usually some flavor of fleshly experience. This usually ends with the incautious mage possessed and made an abomination."

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"Not something to play lightly with, then."

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"Demons rarely are."

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"What would you do, if these great desire demons could be found?"

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"Take whatever power and secrets they have to offer and use that to cement my position in the Magisterium against any who would challenge me. Satisfy my own curiosity on a few points of history they may have been witness to. And either bind or banish them, as seems expedient."

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"That's all?" Her voice is somewhat teasing.

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"Only someone truly idiotic looks to a desire demon for the fulfillment of physical pleasure."

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She laughs. "Not actually what I meant! But duly noted."

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"Sadly, most mages are that stupid. To what were you referring, then?"

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"You don't want to turn the world on its head?"

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"To what end?"

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"Fun? Chaos? Aesthetic objections to the Chantry?"

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"One demon, no matter how ancient, would not give power enough for me to feel secure in doing that."

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"I could see wanting to make sure your own footing is stable first, yes."

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"Is that what you're here to do? Turn the world on its head?"

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"I landed here by accident, honestly. But I don't particularly like the status quo if I am to spend any time here. And I am confident I could come out of turning the world upside down quite alive and well."

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"Fair enough. I have not such love for the way the world stands that I would find myself compelled to stand in your way, save to ensure my own survival."

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"I'll be careful of your life, then," she says, entirely sincerely. 

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"I appreciate that. Do you have a plan?"

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"Our current thought had been to identify anyone in this city who could challenge us, and to time at least the start of their removal with a little uprising on behalf of the Gallows mages. I might have implied to one mage I'd be willing to take on anyone the Chantry sent to oppose them; we'll see if I'm in that sort of mood when the time comes."

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"I wouldn't have thought the Circle to be in the mood for a rebellion. Who did you talk to?"

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"First Enchanter Orsino, he was called."

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"Hm. Hidden depths, I suppose. I would not have expected it of him."

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"I think he was sufficiently frustrated with that Meredith to want her out of the way. Though he did take some reassuring."

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Eliana makes a face of disgust.

"Meredith Stannard. I will not be sorry at all to see her dead. Though I shall miss the look on her face when she remembers that I am a mage she cannot imprison without inviting Tevinter to war."

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She snickers.

"I had some fun making her think she was hallucinating, for a bit."

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"I would have liked to have seen that. I assume, then, that you've identified your targets among the templar leadership?"

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"Subject to some discussion, but, yes."

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"I would also recommend removing Viscount Dumar, his seneschal, Bran, the captain of the guard, Aveline Vallen, as well Elthina, the Grand Cleric, if you wish to truly decapitate any resistance before it forms."

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She nods. "Thank you."

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"What sort of timetable are you thinking of?"

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"It'll depend on that mage's readiness in part, of course. Still, I might go harass him if I haven't heard anything in, oh, three days? I expect I can entertain myself otherwise until then." She'd also like to give the mage she'd knocked out that first day a chance to get back to the city, assuming he's alive.

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"Remarkably quick. Well, my calendar is clear until the end of the week. If you require any further local guidance, I may be amenable."

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"I've been told impatience is one of my flaws. Still, a tour sometime would be delightful."

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"Of course."

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"Do you have any other questions of us?" She leans forward slightly, smiling to herself.

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"Oh, many. The worlds you come from, their histories, your abilities..."

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"I could go on for quite a time about my world, though I don't know if that would try my companion's patience..." She glances at the Keres, still smirking.

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The Keres has been steadily working through the fish, floating them over to her one at a time without touching the plate.

"I would also," she says softly, "be interested in hearing more about you."

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"Very well. Where to start..."

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"I find beginnings are usually a good place."

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"You mentioned a village. And a massacre."

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"My own beginning, then, for my world's would require a thousand years at least of quite contextless history to unfold."

"I was born to the clan head of Uchiha, a prominent, noble clan of shinobi - magic users, warriors, spies, and assassins. Alongside the Senju, the Uchiha had been one of the two founders of the Village Hidden in the Leaves - a fanciful term, for the Leaf was one of the largest cities in our nation. It served as a sort of worker's union for the mercenary clans of the Land of Fire, and eventually became a political force in its own right."

"But not all was well in the Leaf's heart. The first two leaders - elected fairly, mind you - had been Senju. The third was a Senju ally. The fourth was some no-name orphan. The Uchiha felt somewhat maligned, you must understand, but this was not more than a bit of grumbling."

"And then, a mere three month after our birth, our city was attacked by a monster. The Nine Tailed Demon Fox could clear a mountain with a single leap, raises tsunamis and cause earthquakes with one swipe of a tail. The leader at the time gave his life to seal it away in his infant son. The fox was one of those beasts the people of old feared, and it was rumored a skilled enough Uchiha might hypnotize it. The Uchiha were blamed for the attack - subtly, indirectly, but the suspicion had been cast. Discriminatory laws found their way onto the books. We were secluded into a ghetto of our own, easily monitored."

"And, when my parents grew sick of their treatment, easily removed. My older sister was the sword of our city, then. She carried out her mission on the condition that my life would be spared. That was ten years ago, now. I was seven."

"I became a full soldier of the Leaf at twelve, unknowing of my sister's mission. I'd been told, like everyone had been told, that she simply snapped one day. Not that I particularly cared; I liked her more, you see, and figured our parents must have betrayed her somehow."

"Time passed, and I grew strong, and I even made a friend of one of my teammates - Uzumaki Naruto, who I must assure you that other than his charm is as unlike me as someone could be. Didn't much like the other two, but, well, beggars can't be choosers."

"When I was thirteen, I received an invitation to leave the Leaf and grow strong away from their chains, from an old enemy of the place. The leadership quite refused to accept my resignation - we were slaves to them in all but name - so I slipped out. The man I joined wouldn't have known what to do with loyalty, though, and betrayed me in the end. So, I killed him when I was sixteen, and sought out my sister."

"Now, there's something you must know about the power of the Uchiha. Our bloodline, the Sharingan, arises only in great need. When we should die, or else lose whatever is precious to us, without it. I awakened mine defending Naruto, the first time."

"The Sharingan's ultimate expression arises only in the maddest grief. To see the death of one you love, and know it was your fault. It's cost is blindness, over time, unless you take the eyes of a sibling with the same power for your own."

"My sister had killed our cousin for it. She had gone quite blind, and felt she could no longer protect me. She asked me to kill her, so she may be my power and my light. I did, though I kept her for a while first."

"Of course, then some idiot asshole decided to capture all nine of the Tailed Beasts - of which the fox from the beginning of this tale was the greatest - and combine them into an ultimate weapon. This started a rather dramatic war, and it turned out he'd been manipulated by an ancestor of mine, who'd been manipulated in turn by the embodied will of an ancient alien. Kaguya had come to our world a thousand years ago, in search of something called the God Tree - a source of magic. A source of power utterly without cost. She consumed it, and was the spark that spread chakra - our magic - to our world. Of course, she turned out to be rather anti-social, so she was sealed away after a war like none that followed..."

"Until the war that resulted in her unsealing. She decided to destroy us, I know not to what end, and quite succeeded. I struck her down as she was most vulnerable in her moment of triumph, and then came to this world."

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"Fascinating. I thank you for sharing."

"And you?" she asks the Keres.

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The Keres has her eyes fixed on Hisame.

"Hm? Ah. My story. I think I will represent it visually, as you've heard most of it already, Hisame." She gestures and a new pair of ghosts step into the space between the three. One cups a ball of light in its hands, and the other begins pulling threads out of it, shaping them into figures. These act out the tale as she recounts it, adding a few details that were missed the first time. The machine city and her first meeting with the golden man, the encounter with Eidolon, the initiation rituals of the Nine, Boston, the Endbringers, Cauldron.

"And then I was brought here, rather rudely. A most unsatisfactory conclusion."

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She's fascinated by the light show.

"Indeed. Though I can't say I am sad to see you here."

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"A bright side has made itself apparent, in that a new tale has begun."

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"And we'll make something memorable of it!"

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Eliana takes a sip of wine.

"Interesting lives you've both led."

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"I'd be quite put out if mine had been less interesting, at least."

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"I'm afraid I must seem quite dull by comparison. I was born to an ignoble family but my magical ability was discovered at a young age and I was removed from those circumstances. I was schooled in the Minrathous Circle of Magi and did well enough to catch the attention of the Archon, who took me as a personal apprentice. My first trip out of the Imperium was as part of a delegation to Ferelden last year."

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"Interest is what we make of ourselves, really. Most people in my world led dreadfully boring lives."

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"Some would say that boring means safe."

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She shrugs.

"Safe or not, they're all dead now."

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"...Was there not a Blight happening in Ferelden last year?"

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"The shortest on record. We had left Denerim before the seige, but we had a few encounters with roving bands of darkspawn while on the road."

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"That sounds interesting, at least."

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"More so than perhaps it should have been. We were returning in failure after the death of the one who headed the delegation. That I brought anyone back alive was cause enough for the Archon to grant me a seat in the Magisterium."

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"What did you then do that saw you posted here?"

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"I was not the immediate successor to the leader of the delegation. The one who was received a wound from one of the darkspawn we fought, and it festered. I ended his life before the taint could turn him and endanger us further. This mercy was not appreciated by his allies in Minrathous."

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"His allies sound like fools, then."

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"A misplaced notion of vengeance, for a seat they felt that ought to have been his."

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"People are the same in any world, then, I suppose."

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"What a distressing conclusion for this meeting to arrive at."

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She laughs. "Maybe I'll keep going across worlds until I find somewhere full of only people who are entirely sensible."

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"Given the present three examples, you may be searching for some time."

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"I'm rather hoping to make myself immortal at some point."

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"I would be in favor of that."

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"Use caution if you attempt such an endeavor with powers found on this world. The last mortals who came close were cursed by the Maker himself, and brought the darkspawn taint to the world. Or so the story goes."

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She laughs. "Maybe elsewhere, then."

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"Perhaps there will be a world full of sensible immortals."

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"Probably dreadfully fun to upset."

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"You really do delight in chaos, don't you?"

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"It's a bit of a specialty."

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"You might consider visiting the Qunari when you finish here. They have the most strictly regimented society in all of Thedas."

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"I found one of their enclaves earlier! They didn't respond very amusingly to minor provocations, but they might go major ones."

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"The Qunari here in Kirkwall are somewhat odd. There's no reason they should be here in the first place or not have gone home already."

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"And why wouldn't they be here?"

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"There's nothing here for them. They've never had an interest in Kirkwall."

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"Then something must have changed."

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"Evidently, but just what that may be is frustratingly opaque."

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"Hopefully investigating will be a fun past-time, then."

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"I hope you have better luck than the residents of this city have had for the past year."

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"I suspect this city's residents have fewer resources than me."

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"A bold claim, but not one I care to challenge."

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She laughs. "I can't read minds, alas, but I can walk effectively invisibly, and sometimes if you're willing to knock over a few essential blocks... Quite a bit can come tumbling out."

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"I'm sure. You, after all, don't have to live here."

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She laughs. "Would you rather I not, then?"

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"I am quite sure that, if they felt the inclination, the Qunari here now could take over the city. I have no desire to live under the Qun. I like my lips unstitched."

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"I'm fairly sure I could stop them from stepping up, and kill them if they try. And a bit of preemptive chaos among their ranks will surely reduce their inclination to seize the city while it's weak."

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"It is a solvable problem. As long as you're aware of it."

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"Thank you for the warning, regardless. Are there any other little groups who could be inconveniences like that?"

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"None on the same scale. There are a handful of gangs of various sizes. Most are like those you killed tonight, but the Carta has a significant presence in Darktown and hooks in the Merchants' Guild. They maintain nearly exclusive control over the dwarven black market and don't look kindly on anything that cuts into their profits."

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"So they might try to annoy us."

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"Assassins, economic sanctions... I suppose that's what it would cash out to, yes."

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"If I expected to be impressed by their assassins I'd take out a bounty on my own head."

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She laughs. "Fair enough."

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She smiles, fondly. "Did you have anything else for us? Or else another request?"

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"Not at the present, I believe."

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"This has been a delightful visit. May we come by again, if we wish to talk, or have further questions?"

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"Of course. As I said, my schedule is clear until the end of the week."

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"Then we'll get out of your hair, how about?"

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"Of course. Let me show you out." She stands, and snaps her fingers. She leads the guests back to the door while the two elves being tidying up behind them.

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"We'll be seeing you."

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"Fare you both well, til our next meeting." She closes the door after them.

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"I do believe we found someone interesting after all."

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"Exceptionally so!" Hisame chirps, starting the walk back home. "I want to send her gifts, I think. Lowlifes tied up with pretty little bows, maybe. I'll need to source ribbon first..."

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"We never did pin her down on what she wanted to do with them, did we? Something gruesome, I'd imagine."

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"Maybe she'll let me peek if I bring her the materials."

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"Worth asking, I suppose."

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She grins. "I think I'll leave her a few unattributed gifts first, though."

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She smiles.

"You're like a cat, you know."

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"I like to think so! A noble creature, cats."

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"I wonder what it sounds like when you purr..." she muses.

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"Perhaps you can find out."

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"Is that an invitation? Or a challenge?"

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"Why can't it be both?"

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"Mmm. We should get back to the house. It's been a long day."

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"Of course."

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Back to the house. They are, unfortunately, not ambushed on the way.

"I wonder how long it will be before the neighbors notice something is awry."

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"Hopefully at least a few days. Though I can change my appearance."

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"Perhaps we should preempt them and expand our holdings." She steps closer. "On the other hand, it is nice to have you to myself for a while."

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"You... possess a strength of will that is quite attractive to me. I find myself fascinated by the prospect of seeing what you'll do next. And... I want to ensure I'm a part of it."

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"I would like you to be."

She steps closer. "Though I find myself curious... What of my tale earlier fascinated you so?"

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"I am not sure. The teller, perhaps. The character revealed."

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She smiles more softly. "I like the one revealed by your tale, as well. It's harder to say, what I like about someone, but - I find myself quite fond of you."

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"A fortuitous alignment, then." They're almost touching.

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Eyes firmly fixed on lips: "Indeed."

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Hisame presses back, kissing more forcibly than last time.

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The Keres presses aggressively, hungrily.

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She's hungry back. And oh, this is exciting, having someone at her level -

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The Keres is of the opinion that if this is going to go on much longer, as seems likely, they should find somewhere to sit. Or possibly lie.

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There are quite a number of beds in this house.

She starts pulling the Keres to one.

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She wakes first again the next morning, and gently disentangles herself to construct a breakfast.

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Hisame snaps awake as soon as the Keres moves, but then stretches languidly and goes back to sleep.

She's at the breakfast table with a smug, lazy smile thirty minutes later.

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She's not the only one.

"Good morning."

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"A quite delightful one!"

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Mmmm. Cute.

"And what adventure awaits us this day?"

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"I was thinking we could explore - darktown was it? Though that might be best as a nighttime activity. It would also be sensible to investigate the viscount, or else one of the other leaders."

She'd dismissed her clone last night, too, having decided that the dwarf was being boring and that maintaining the clone was disrupting her sleep, so - "I can also be in multiple places today. I could make two clones to maintain all day, without significantly disrupting my own defensive abilities. I might set one on general disorder."

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"Darktown at night is trivial. If it's still dark during the day, that would be worthy of note."

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She laughs. "I could do that, but not as a permanent effect." 

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"As could I. But I would like to see what the locals have done. And a trip to the viscount's also seems warranted."

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"I will be horribly disappointed if the place is merely grimy." 

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"I doubt it will be any less so than the other parts of the city."

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"Well, as long as it's not worse."

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"If it is, I doubt anyone would miss it much if we burned it down."

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She laughs. "A sorely needed public service. We could bill ourselves as cleaners and pest control."

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"Greetings, Viscount. We are the ones who have burned down half your city. Would you prefer to receive our bill yourself or shall we present it directly to the treasury?"

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She almost falls out of her chair from laughing.

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"Perhaps after we've started the revolution. Wouldn't want to spook our mage friend."

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"Of course."

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"Darktown first, then?"

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"As soon as you feel prepared to face the day, little kitten."

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"Maybe a kiss, first, to wake me up."

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A request she can oblige. But only a short one; it wouldn't do to spoil her.

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Spoiled murder kittens. Surely a plague upon the world.

She declares herself ready afterwards.

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Then it's off to Darktown. The first step is to determine where it is. A brief inquiry will reveal that Darktown is the name for the part of Kirkwall resident in the cliffside caves beneath a portion of Hightown.

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She is continually blown away by how uncreative their names are.

Still, underground has potential...

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The nearest entrance to them is a rickety wooden elevator, driven by a mule yoked to a winch and run by a crew of dwarves, all with broad, blocky tattoos across their faces.

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This is weirdly fascinating! She smiles only slightly terrifyingly at the dwarves and stares at the mechanics with interest, and isn't at all bothered by the 'rickety' part.

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Ahem. There's a fee to ride.

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Well, as long as it's reasonable... (It's not like this is her money she's burning.)

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(It's definitely not reasonable. It's also significantly more than what the last group of passengers was charged.)

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Aw. Are they sure about that?

(She could possibly make them think she's paid. She prefers scaring them.)

(She's leaking a playful sort of killing intent.)

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The youngest present is looking a bit nervous, but the others seem unaffected and he's toughing it out. There's some conspicuous 'casual displaying of weapons' going on.

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"Oh dear. Though I'm quite curious why you think we wouldn't just take our business elsewhere?" 

She's resting her hand on the hilt of her sword. Still smiling, of course. 

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They're more than welcome to walk halfway around the city and take the stairs. But if they want to use the elevator, they'll have to pay.

One of the dwarves mutters something about sky-addled grassthumpers.

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"Oh, I don't mind paying at all. I just find your business practices a bit objectionable, you see."

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And the midden over yonder is where the spokesdwarf grows his field of fucks. Behold, for it is barren and full of horseshit.

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She laughs and steps closer to him. The temperature's perhaps dropping a bit, but she's oh so enchanting. And terrifying, of course. "I wonder how far you'll dig your heels in, for I do believe we're at a bit of an impasse. Will you give in after losing a bit of blood? Or perhaps your head?"

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"Carta don't run, surfacer bitch. Get 'em, lads!"

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If they don't run then surely they won't object when she flits behind them and starts cutting hamstrings.

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Not in so many words, no. There's some screaming, though. And ineffectual attempts to cut her back.

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(The Keres is making sure this little drama goes unnoticed by passers-by. She doesn't want it interrupted.)

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How rude! (Of the dwarves. The Keres is lovely.)

She finishes, dances to a stop in front of them - out of easy reach - and chirps, "Well, I'm certainly not expecting you to run away. That'd be quite difficult! But perhaps we can reach a mutually beneficial agreement still?"

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"Fuck you and the gurn you rode in on," he spits. "Carta's gonna come for you. You'll pay for this."

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"Do I strike you as someone who pays fees she objects to? After all this?"

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"Ha! We're just the muscle. You're gonna get the professionals. You ain't gonna like it, neither."

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"I think someone with some professional standards sounds quite fun, myself."

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"Go shove a rusty pick up your gaper, you nughumping blightspawned c-"

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He is interrupted by a bolt of lightning from the Keres' general vicinity. It cooks him with a sizzle. This stuns the others into absolute silence.

"I will not tolerate such language in this context," she says, icily quiet. "If you have nothing constructive to say, be silent."

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Awwwww, the Keres is sweet. Hisame grins at her, then turns a sharper grin to the other dwarves.

"Should I give you more examples, or is our point understood?"

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Nods all around. They didn't sign up to mess with mages who can actually do magic to them.

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She clasps her hands together. "I'm so glad we could come to an understanding! Do send the Carta my regards. From Hisame and the Keres, if you need a name."

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"These are the ones that fat-" "Shut up!"

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"So you have heard of us."

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"I do so love having a reputation. What are they saying about us? Anything flattering?"

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"Uh. That you massacred that entire expedition for no reason, and you can kill a man by looking at him, and you drag darkspawn behind you in chains to feast on the corpses you leave." The speaker looks around behind them nervously.

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"I had a reason! I was bored. Perfectly good reason, that."

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No one wants to argue with the crazy murderess who kills people for fun.

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She smiles, and turns to investigate the shaft. Actually using the elevator seems pointless at this time, so she sees if the depth is easily determined.

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Not with the elevator in the way at the top.

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"Thoughts between setting this on fire and jumping, and having a clone lower us down, darling?" she says go the Keres.

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Some of the dwarves visibly wince at the metion of 'set fire'.

"I don't see any reason to leave this intact to let them continue to profit from it."

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She laughs, and sets the elevator ablaze, flames bright and hot and hungry.

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The wood is old and dry, and won't take long to burn through. The blaze spooks the mule, which begins moving in its yoke, lowering the elevator.

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Well, it can make a pretty little light show on its way down, then.

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Darktown will know they're coming, at least.

And it turns out the bottom of the shaft is about eighty feet down.

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Thoroughly jump-able! 

She's not really in the mood for drama at the bottom, and turning invisible seems like a hilarious way to infiltrate them after this, if the Keres is up for that?

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Suits her.

The flaming elevator from hell above has in fact attracted a small crowd of onlookers, including some more Carta-type dwarves.

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She's unable to resist messing with a few. Seeing if she can cause hallucinations (they seemed more resistant to her killing intent than humans, so), poking them and then stepping back (still camouflaged), but she does eventually move on to explore the 'town.'

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Dwarf heads are hard like stone; it's difficult to get inside them.

Darktown is indeed dark, both physically and metaphorically. Other names that might apply: Squalidtown, Rattown, Trashtown, Poortown, Homelesstown, Crimetown, Stinktown.

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"Well put."

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"I think my eyes are getting grime in them from looking at this." 

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"I do not understand why this place is... allowed."

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"They're too incompetent to create a functioning society and want their poor out of their faces?"

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"Plausible. Hmm." She looks around and overhead at the ceiling of the cavern. "A sufficiently hot fire would crack the rock, potentially precipitating a large-scale subsidence, if the cracks were located strategically."

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She snickers.

"Perhaps as a parting gift."

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One of the Carta dwarfs runs past in an awful hurry.

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"I do wonder where they're going..."

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"Looks like a messenger. Probably going to relay news of our attack."

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"I'm very tempted to be a fly on the wall in that conversation."

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"I'm sure it would be enlightening. We may even be able to save our assassin the trouble of hunting us down."

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"Oh, let's please ambush the assassin. That would be dreadfully hilarious."

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"All right."

Their quarry is taking a direct route. He doesn't seem concerned about potentially being followed.

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Pity for him! She follows, after double checking her camouflage.

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He leads them, all unawares, to an apparently nondescript cave wall. He presses a certain section, and a cunningly-hinged door made of the wall swings out. He pulls it shut after he enters.

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The rock is, presumably, as vulnerable as all rock to being merged with and traveled through.

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People here don't really have any sort of system of defense against that, so yes.

The other side is a system of dwarf-sized tunnels, thankfully much cleaner than outside. The Keres has to stoop. She's not thrilled about this.

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She avoids giggling at the look on the Keres' face but is still smirking perhaps a bit.

She's not crouching much at all.

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They pass a few side passages, leading to storage rooms and dormitories and a refectory. But the main attraction is the large meeting room that lies at the center of the complex, and the leader to whom the messenger is making his report. She does not look pleased by what he has to say.

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And what does he have to say?

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That the two demons Tethras has been raving about destroyed the lift and mauled the guards. And no one saw them do this until after it had already been done. And it's going to take several weeks to repair. And their shipments will be delayed in the meantime. And that one of them is a mage who can cast magic on dwarfs.

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Naughty, pretending those dwarves didn't play a role in what happened. But Hisame will let this slide.

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The leader wants eyes on the two vandals. And she's putting a sizeable bounty on them. And she wants someone to contact the Antivan.

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Does anyone mention what the Antivan is? (Or are her stolen memories from earlier helpful?)

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Antiva is a country north of Kirkwall, known for its wine, merchant navy, and assassin's guild. The Antivan Crows are without question the premier assassins in all of Thedas. It's somewhat odd that the Carta leader is referring to 'the Antivan' specifically, rather than 'the Crows' generally.

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Perhaps one very good assassin? She does hope so.

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Some people hurry off to arrange spies and bounties and assassins. The rest begin discussing how they're going to move their product without the elevator. Apparently the new captain has been stepping up patrols in the docks, and bribery has become less effective.

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This grows boring.

Time to go elsewhere, it seems.

She steers them back towards the wider darktown. 

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It remains much as they left it.

Possibly the most interesting thing they find is a stall marketing a variety of nasty poisons to the various unsavory types who pass through regularly. It's run by the Carta, though, so showing their faces to purchase anything might be somewhat fraught.

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Her snakes are unparalleled at poison making. She'll pass, but if nothing else interesting crops up she'll get bored with this space.

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Some miscellaneous gang violence and a couple random beatings. Other than that, they've exhausted the charms of the place.

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Ah well.

On to investigate and possibly terrorize the Viscount? 

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They'll have to take the long way out; up some stairs and out through Lowtown. The upside of this is that they'll have the chance to see a blond elf and the mage from the first day hurrying in to Darktown as they're leaving.

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- She about faces and starts following them.

Her mage survived! (The extent to which he is actually hers is debatable, but she does feel a bit possessive.)

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"So the short one just... looked at you, and you passed out?" the elf is saying.

     "It was some kind of illusion," the other growls. "She tortured me for three days, then I wake up and get back here and find out it's only been a day and a half."

"Sounds like fun."

     "It really, really wasn't."

"Did Isabela ever tell you about the time she and I-"

     "I don't want to hear it, Zevran."

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Oh, this Zevran might make an interesting pet...

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"It's all in the mindset, you know-"

     " I said I don't want to hear it. Let's just get to the Carta and find out what they know.

"I don't think they'll be in much of a mood to talk, my friend."

     "Good. Neither am I. They can take my help and answer my questions and we'll all get what we want that much faster, or they can refuse and there'll be one less gang in town."

"Isabela was right. You are crazy."

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"I think the blond's our assassin."

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"I think so too! And my mage seems delightful so far. I might want to see about keeping them, for at least a short time."

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"You'll be responsible for housebreaking them, then."

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...She misses her sister suddenly.

Still, she nods, and says, "Of course."

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"We should find a spot for an ambush, and lay a trail."

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"Yes. That does seem likely to be fun."

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"The house would be convenient. You wouldn't have to drag them very far."

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"I do, for what it's worth, generally prefer to offer someone some sort of option when it comes to captivity. But I doubt there's something they wouldn't trade for a bit of quality time."

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"How... considerate."

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She shrugs. "I have an aesthetic preference for everyone having freedom of action. Sometimes the collision of that results in them getting tortured, but, well, not my problem."

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"Quite. Well, as long as you're happy."

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"I have been, lately!"

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She grins. "I know."

Back to the house?

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Back to the house!

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"What sort of traps would you like?"

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She describes a few - non-fatal, moderately but not extremely injurious, more focused on leaving her victim helpless.

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The Keres summons some ghosts that haven't shown up before.

"...I believe I can set something in that genre up, if you want to begin laying a trail."

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"Alright. Should we invite that Eliana? She might have a bit of fun with this, though unfortunately I haven't managed any gifts for her yet..."

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"If you want to. It wouldn't hurt to ask."

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"Perhaps I'll find a gift while I'm out, and that can be part of my trail."

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"Have fun." And a kiss for good luck.

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"Oh, I will."

And she's off.

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And the Keres sets her Tinker shards to trapmaking.

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Hisame goes to visit Eliana first, approaching so she won't be seen by the neighbors. Wouldn't do to hook Eliana's reputation to theirs at all thoroughly this early in the game.

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One of the elves opens the back door for her.

"The mistress will meet you in the sitting room. Please, follow me."

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She nods and does so.

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To the room of sits.

"She will be with you presently. Do you care for refreshments?"

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"Certainly. Something light on the stomach, perhaps."

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"As you wish." The elf bows and withdraws.

Hisame will have a few moments alone.

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She examines the room, but doesn't cause any chaos.

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The room is fancily decorated, but not in a way that really implies any personality, more like a standard basic pattern.

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Her host steps in.

"Hello again. Is it just you today?"

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"Hello! And for this visit, yes. It's a delight to see you again, though, even if it's a pity I didn't have the time to pick up a gift on my way."

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She smiles pleasantly.

"That is more than all right. I am no Old God to demand blood sacrifice at every turn."

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"You'd be a quite awe-inspiring goddess."

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"It is kind of you to say so. What may I do for you?"

The elf returns, bearing crackers and a selection of cheeses.

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She stacks unholy combinations of crackers and cheese and eats them like they definitely belong in the same bite.

"The Keres and I managed to draw the attention of the Carta - or perhaps it's more accurate to say they drew our attention - and that mage I spared made it back around the same time, incidentally deciding to alert the Carta to us. We believe the mage and someone named Zevran, who appears to also be some assassin named the Antivan, will be seeking us out soon. We'd like to set up a little ambush and have some fun with them."

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"How... exciting."

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"We're hoping to ambush them at home, though I'd also like to avoid drawing any undue attention towards you? Being so nearby, and all."

"And you're welcome to join the ambush, as well as any after party. Depending on their life choices, I may want to keep one or both, though."

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"I appreciate that you thought to extend an invitation, especially after so short a time acquainted. If a Circle rebellion is brewing, I doubt any attention directed my way will last very long. I am curious what sort of afterparty you intend; it is very difficult to keep a mage captive for any length of time."

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"Perhaps I won't keep him, then, but I have an aesthetic preference against straightforward captivities. Perhaps I will offer him something he wants more than the release of death. Certainly it won't be pleasant for them, unless they're peculiar sorts - but the details might be up to improvisation."

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"I see. Interesting. Do you think it likely the Carta will send other representatives to this little soiree?"

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"If they do, I won't have any special interest in keeping those."

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"I would be pleased to accept your invitation, then."

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"Thank you. I'm planning on laying a trail after this. Hopefully they will arrive soon, but if you have other business I can contact you once they're ensnared?"

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"Nothing that can't be put on hold."

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"Excellent! The Keres is currently preparing the field. I can let you know when they come, or you could join her?"

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"I'll join her, if that won't be unduly distracting."

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"I suspect not."

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"How long do expect before you'll be luring them in?"

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"Probably early night - well before dawn, certainly."

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"Acceptable. You do not require any assistance with that?"

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"No. This sort of thing is quite in the area of my specialty."

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"Very well. Which house have you claimed?"

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She gives the address.

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"Then I will you see there this night, if there is nothing else you require of me."

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"Not at the moment, no."

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"Good hunting."

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"Thank you."

And she sets out to do just that. She creates two clones, one to hunt her little mage and assassin, and herself and a second to begin identifying how she might lay a trail.

A literal blood trail is tempting, but will work best if she can get them already close.

Well, the second clone can make fleeting appearances near the neighborhood, at least. Not exactly revealing herself, of course, but creating a distinct area of dread.

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This provokes some talking in the streets. The residents are not a fan of this new aura.

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Then she will have a lot of fun trying to set rumors and a trail. Not too obvious, of course...

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Meanwhile, the Keres has a visitor. No one was compelled to take note of her arrival, so she knocks on the front door.

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She's left waiting a couple minutes.

Finally, the door opens. "...Why are you here."

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"I was invited. By your friend. I thought perhaps you might benefit from some advice on local capabilities in your trapmaking. Might I come in?"

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"If you must. Stay to the left." She turns from the door, leaving it open behind her.

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Eliana enters and shuts the door, keeping carefully to the left half of the foyer.

"How far along have you gotten?"

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"Far enough."

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"I sense a certain degree of hostility. Would you prefer I left?"

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"It was not," she says deliberately, "my idea to invite you. But now that you are here, you may as well stay."

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"I... see. This tension will not serve us well if it comes to a fight."

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"That sounds like your problem. I won't be the one dying."

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"Mm." She regards the other for a moment. "You know, you remind me of a younger version of myself, somewhat. Might I offer some words drawn from that perspective?"

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"Why not."

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"You have, or wish to have, a relationship with Hisame." She pauses, gauging the Keres' reaction, then continues. "I am no thief. I have no wish to step between the two of you. However, your relationship will not exist in a vacuum. There will always be other people. She has needs that cannot be met by you alone, for some of them are mutually contradictory. This is not any special knowledge of her, rather it is a general principle of the way people work. You may wish to discuss with her your needs, or otherwise address the topic."

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"Is that all?"

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"That is all."

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She's quiet for a long time.


"How does one disable a mage without being a templar? I have solutions to incapacitate an ordinary person, but I am unclear on the exact mechanics of spellcasting."

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"It depends on the level of skill of the mage in question. Spells are cast through an expression of will, aided by words and gestures. For most, words are not necessary, but almost all mages lean on some sort of movement as an aid to concentration. What sorts of things do you already have in place?"

They can spend a productive while refining the killing field.

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Hisame, meanwhile, is getting up to a delightful amount of not-very-subtle chaos!

Her clone summons a few snakes to help in the tracking - and in the laying of a trail, somewhat.

Here mage, here assassin, a ninja wants to play with you...

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It seems to be working. They're getting close to finding the house, accompanied by a dark woman with a blue bandana over her hair, pearl earrings, and tall leather boots.

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Oh good, one toy for each of them! And Hisame quite likes the woman's style. 

Speaking of, this seems like an appropriate time for a blood splatter trail. She has a paralytic snake stun some low-life who won't be missed, and starts artfully arranging the resulting blood. (She suspects Eliana won't mind disposing of this one, either.)

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Zevran is the first to spot the blood. Hawke picks up the pace.

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Blood splatter grows increasingly but non-fatally concerning! Here's some evidence of a person being dragged, then the dots lightening but still continuing...

Towards a single house, with bloody fingerprints on the knob.

(Hisame takes her bait to perch on the roof, and stops the bleeding.)

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Hawke and the woman hang back while Zevran scouts around the house. He doesn't find anything else suspicious about the outside, tries the back door and finds it locked and blocked from within. Nothing is visible through the windows. He goes back to report this to the others.

"Straight through the front then," says Hawke.

"That's what I like about him," the woman says to Zevran. "He's so refreshingly direct." Zevran laughs.

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She's ridiculously eager to see what her friends have made for them. Practically vibrating with it, in fact.

She likes this woman, too, she thinks, and it seems to have been a good decision, choosing Hawke to spare.

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They go up to the front door and Hawke kicks it open. They enter.

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"If you stay up here, you won't be able to see anything," the Keres' voice says from just behind Hisame's shoulder. "I didn't want the entire neighborhood to join us. The back door will work for you."

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"Thank you, darling."

She body-flickers down, props her present for Eliana up against a fence, camouflages him and sets a snake to watch him, and strolls in. (This takes her maybe a second.)

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Once inside, she can hear the hiss and crackle of flame from the front entrance.

And the Keres is there to meet her. "A flame trap by the entrance, to get them warmed up," she says. "And-" there's a crack, and the noise of fire dies away. "-boost their confidence. To draw them further in after dealing with the initial threat relatively easily."

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"Clever. Is there an ideal place for me to watch from? Or places. I can afford to create a few clones for this, I think."

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She explains the maze she's made of the house and notes where the more interesting traps are and the points where Eliana is planning to harass them. She's folded the space inside the house so it's bigger than it was and has more twists and turns. The final path leads to the central dining room.

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She should be able to navigate that. She'll create three clones, having already dismissed her earlier two, and have them falling back as they observe fun moments. Her main body will be the one who falls back to the dining room, of course.

Is there a role for Hisame to play, here, in the initial capture? (She's fine observing their handiwork, of course - it does seem so delightful.)

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She can do the taunting, if she likes.

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"You get me the best presents. Taunting them sounds delightful."

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She smiles.

"There's a shortcut to the dining room here."

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She nods. "I suspect my clones will be able to keep up on their own, yes. Which way to the dining room?"

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"Through the cabinet." She opens it, and leads the way. The room has been turned into a fairly obvious theater with the back, where they now are, as the center of attention. She's concentrated most of the immobilizing and disabling traps here, and she explains where they trigger and how to activate them.

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She starts identifying places to lurk dramatically. Best to plan an entrance properly, after all. And she knows a few good sound-based techniques, perfect for modifying her voice, making it enchanting, making it echo or originate weirdly - which means getting a sense of acoustics to do this right.

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Time through the maze is adjustable. Her audience will arrive more or less when she's ready for them.

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Eliana precedes them slightly, stepping neatly through the minefield to the back. A pulsing orb of blood hangs in the air behind her, following.

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Hisame settles in to watch the show, then, and eagerly await her turns.

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The three of them tumble through the far door one at a time, narrowly evading the swishing bladed arms of an automaton. Hawke freezes it in place with a burst of ice, and the woman shatters it with a hard blow of her knife, the ice and the robot bursting to pieces. "Nice one, Isabela," Hawke says.

"It's too early to celebrate, I think," says Zevran, looking at the opposite side of the room. "This looks to be the end of the gauntlet."

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She silently dismisses her clones.

Her voice echoes, sourceless, when she speaks.

"Oh? Do you think the fun will be wrapped up so soon?"

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"Enough misdirection," Hawke snaps. "Come out and fight." They're all three injured, though none seriously. Bruised, torn, and bleeding.

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A breath of air on the back of his neck, and a warm voice whispering, "Why should I?"

(She isn't actually behind him. This is all techniques.)

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"ENOUGH!" He sweeps his hand in a broad gesture, and a wall of fire springs out of nothing and pushes towards the back wall.

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A rain of blood flows down from the ceiling. It extinguishes the fire like it's water.

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"A bit jumpy, are we?" 

Her voice is located right in front of him, this time.

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He declines to answer, opting instead to stride forward, blasting apart a noose that drops from the ceiling to strangle him.

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Behind him, the cuts on Isabela's arm starts glowing, and she whips her knife into Zevran's path.

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She laughs, and flicks out a bit of exceptionally fine ninja wire to trip Zevran up if he tries to dodge.

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He gets cut, and then he starts fighting Isabela as she fights him. They're both moving inexpertly, but they're thoroughly occupied.

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"Such a pity, when you can't even trust those you love, isn't it?"

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"I don't know that I'd call it love, exactly," Zevran says, voice strained.

     "Zev! I'm hurt," Isabela says, then gasps in pain as he scores a cut along her ribs. "Ow. And now I am hurt."

Hawke is fighting off a nest of ropes that have unraveled from the tablecloth. He seems to be losing.

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Her laughter chases itself around the room.

"Surely you must be fond of one another?"

(Her voice is beguiling, relaxing, like a lullaby - )

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They're both susceptible to her illusion.

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She doesn't do it hard enough to actually affect their behavior strongly - she's aiming more to freak them out, cause a bit of adrenaline... Which will be enough to break this, she's being so gentle.

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The two are made to fight each other a while longer while Hawke bulls through a few more traps, but eventually all three are in a position where they can't fight back.

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"Oh, too bad. Looks like the opening act is drawing to a close."

She appears, sitting on the edge of the stage, legs crossed primly.

"Of course, Act Two will be quite the thriller."

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"Do I want to know what Act Two entails?" asks Isabela.

"You just asked, so I think the answer is yes," Zevran says.

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"Oh, but why spoil all the fun?"

"Though I must say - classically, Act Two is when it is decided who will make it to Act Three. Quite a suspenseful time."

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"Oh, are we being asked to surrender?" Isabela says. "Because I would like to surrender."

"Dammit, Isabela-" Hawke says, struggling.

"Sorry, Hawke. You're cute, but I won't die for you."

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She clasps her hands. "You surely don't need to decide now, but the choice is this - "

"My friends and I are going to have some fun with you all. Well, fun for us. You'd have to be of an exceptionally peculiar mindset to find it fun for yourselves. But maybe some of you are - Hawke dearest certainly held up well. Out for only a day and a half is rather impressive after what I did."

"At the end, there'll be two paths before you. One is quite short, though you'll get to discover whatever lies after death. One is - well, its length depends on how well you entertain me. I don't get bored easily, but if I do... I've never actually had a pet who didn't want very earnestly to die, but I suppose I could let you go, then. If it'd be amusing."

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"So let me see if I understand this," says Zevran. "You're going to torture us, and then give us a choice between death and more torture?"

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She taps her chin a bit dramatically. "Pretty much!"

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"I don't suppose there's a third option?" he asks.

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"What do you have in mind? Something narratively appropriate, I hope?"

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"Oh, well, what would you like? Gold, killings in your name, earthly desires...?"

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"You see, I have quite the dilemma here! I would like a pet. Which I suppose is a sort of earthly desire. Killing - I can certainly handle that myself. If you want freedom before I get bored, well, you'll have to get a bit creative. Half the fun here is seeing what you put on a platter - there's very little I want that I can't just take."

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"That does seem like a problem. For us, of course, not so much you."

"Maybe you'd like a cooperative pet," Isabela does the best sultry voice she can in her condition. "I could be... flexible."

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"What about you, Hawke dearest?"

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Hawke curses backstabbing Rivaini and treacherous elves and hell-bitches spawned from the depths of the Fade.

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She moves, suddenly before him, finger under his chin. "Now that's not very nice of you at all, is it? Surely there's something you want, some boon, some price?"

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"I want you dead," he spits in her face.

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It doesn't land.

"Awww. And here I was hoping we could be friends."

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"You're evil, and I won't give in to you."

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"Pity. I suppose I'll be killing you, then."

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"Fuck you."

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"Oh, trust me, I have plans for that."

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He renews his futile efforts to break free.

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She just smiles more broadly.

"And Zevran? Though you could, of course, wait for a taste first..."

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"I am technically still under contract. But I've already betrayed the Crows, adding the Carta to my list of enemies won't make it that much worse."

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"Oh, not a single one of them will be able to get to you while I have you. I doubt they'll even know you're alive."

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"That takes care of one downside, then."

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"Excellent. Well, let's not keep ourselves from the fun now, hm?"

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"I can't wait." He forces a smile.

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The Keres steps up beside Hisame, smiling.

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"Since you're so eager..."

It's natural, to start with him after that. (Of course, there's three of them, and three toys. Quite a natural arrangement, here, and no one needs to be left out.)

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What fun.

The Keres is more interested in joining Hisame than playing her own game.

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Eliana is somewhat more restrained, and will stay out of their way.

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Hisame might sometimes be using their victims as a mechanism through which to flirt. She certainly seems to be giving the Keres lots of fond grins and choice entertainments.

(Her girlfriend is so delightful.)

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Torture flirting is fun. She is in a very good mood.

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Oh, wonderful!

(She does make sure their toys don't feel neglected, of course. But the Keres is utterly distracting.)

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Her toys (or two of them, anyway) do their best to encourage her to spread her attention over to the Keres. They're quick learners.

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Such fun!

She will eventually get bored with Hawke's continued anger, and say, off-handed to Eliana, "If you want him for your experiments, feel free to claim him."

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"I believe I will, thank you."

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"I also used some low-life to draw them here. He's alive. I left him paralyzed in the backyard. My guard snake will know to let you take him, and can provide the antivenom."

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"Very generous." She casts a spell to make Hawke float through the air after her, his eyes still full of rage. "Until our next meeting, then."

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"See you then!"

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And she's off.

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Leaving just Hisame, the Keres, and the two unfortunate souls on the floor in front of them.

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Hisame gives the Keres a quick kiss.

"I think it might be good to put these two aside for the night, hm?" she asks breathily. "Unless you have more ideas for tonight..."

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"Nothing that requires their participation. I want you alone for a while."

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"Oh, good."

And the two toys can be summarily knocked out and put under serpentine guard.

"Where to, darling?"

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"It's a surprise. Close your eyes."

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She does so.

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There's an absent sense of movement, a vaguely rushing wind. A minute later, the Keres says, "You can open your eyes now."

They're standing in midair, miles above the surface. The city is directly below them, an ugly orange spot against a darkly pounding ocean. Snow-capped mountains to the north, and plains to the east.

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"Oh, it's beautiful up here!"

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"Sometimes it's nice to get a different perspective."

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"Have you gotten other perspectives, recently?"

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"Mmm. Perhaps."

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"Well, this is a lovely view. A lovely perspective. Perhaps I shall find something profound in thinking on it, someday, but for now - what would you have of me?"

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"I would have... yourself, entire. I... do not want to share."

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" - Share in what way?"

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"If we're- together, I don't want there to be anyone else."

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"I'm not sure how you're defining - I still don't know in what way? I would have called myself 'together' with at least one of my past pets, and that doesn't seem something you're interested in being?"

"Do you mean sexually? Who I'm fond of? Who I flirt with? Who I let tell me what to do? Who I keep? Whose opinions I take into account?"

"Some - ways of being 'together' are more tractable than others, when it comes to limiting myself."

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"It's- nnh." She rubs her face. "I want- to be the first one. That you care about, think about. The one who stays. You- are a good thing. I want to keep you. I want to know you won't leave."

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"You're not - going to be my first consideration. My first consideration is, actually, the only person I have ever regretted killing. I am intentionally leaving her dead, even though I could put her back rather trivially, because it would be difficult to make her optimally happy without compromising my own desires, and I'd rather have some time to play, first, even though I'd be happier now if I had her."

"I care very intensely about you. I do wish to keep you, and I'm not one to stop being fond of someone. Becoming fond of you hasn't made me any less fond of those I've loved before. People don't - replace each other in my heart."

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"That- makes sense."

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"I'm sorry that my mind doesn't work in a - monogamous way."


"Do you want a hug?"

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She does.

She gives a bare nod.

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Hug! Tight, clingy hug, like she's trying to anchor the Keres in place.

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This is helpful. She hugs back, fiercely.

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"You're good, and important, and mine..." she mutters. (She'd probably be injuring a baseline, with how hard she's got her arms wrapped around the Keres.)

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That helps too. (The Keres is much harder to hurt than a normal person.)

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Well Hisame isn't going to end this hug, but she is going to keep murmuring praise for her girlfriend.

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She recollects herself into a semblance of her normal equanimity after a bit, and returns them to the ground.

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She leans up to give her girlfriend a soft kiss. "To bed, darling?"

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"Mm. Yes, kitten."

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She laughs.

"You do know I'd stab anyone else who tried to call me that, right? But I like it from you."

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"That's one of the things I like about you."

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And pulling her girlfriend to bed.

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The only problem with going to bed is that you have to wake up in the morning. On this morning, she would prefer not to wake up.

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They can spend a very good amount of time cuddling, first.

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Yes, good. This makes the morning almost tolerable.

But eventually they have to face the day.

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As long as the Keres doesn't mind Hisame following her a bit, being -

Not quite verbally attentive, it's way too early in the morning, but friendly and aware, her focus on her girlfriend intense.

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She does the opposite of mind, in fact. The attention is... very good.

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Oh, good.

"So what are our plans for today, darling?"

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"We did get somewhat distracted from the viscount yesterday."

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"That we did! And we can't let him feel neglected, after all."

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"Have you heard from the mage yet?"

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"My snake hasn't contacted me, but I can check in."

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"If you haven't, then we can still take our time about the reconnaissance."

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She nods.


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"I am that. Most of the time."

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She laughs. "You are indeed. Viscount first thing, or a bit of entertainment first?"

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"Business first. Then we can enjoy ourselves."

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"Alright. That'll leave us more time at a stretch, anyways."

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Then it's off to the castle, which is not too far from the Chantry. It is open to the public, at least in the parts that aren't living quarters or private offices.

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Oh, that makes this a bit easier, then, though Hisame is dreadfully fond of sneaking around.

What secrets can they pry out, hm?

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Viscount Dumar delegates most of the day-to-day running of the city to his seneschal, Bran, a serious and diligent man. Bran doesn't get on with the guard captain, Aveline, because she keeps asking for more budget for the guardsmen. She takes her duties seriously, and is respected by her command, if not exactly beloved. She's too much a stickler for the rules to really get to that point. Dumar likes her; she's much less corrupt than the last captain he had, and as a Ferelden immigrant, doesn't take sides in the perennial flareups between the Marchers and Orlesians. Dumar has a son, Saemus, who is rebellious in the way of teenagers everywhere.

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They'll want to remove Dumar, Bran, and Aveline all together, then.

How old is Saemus? ('Teenager' is a broad range, after all.)

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He's about seventeen.

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Her age! Wonderful, and plenty old enough to kill, though if he's incompetent it might be better to leave him at the helm to crash the city. (She's not assuming anyone old enough to hold a knife is incompetent, of course.)

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Rumor has it that he tried to run off and convert to the Qunari religion a couple months back.

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Impulsive, but doesn't mean he can't govern. Still, he's unlikely to be respected, she thinks.

They can leave him alive, initially.

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Their three targets here seem to have fairly rigid schedules. They shouldn't be hard to find when the time comes.

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Oh, good.

Where to next?

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The Chantry? They haven't identified Grand Mother Elthina yet.

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Sounds good to Hisame!

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Today in the Chantry, they're singing the Canticle of Threnodies, which tells of the creation of the world and the fall of man.

"And So is the Golden City blackened
With each step you take in my Hall.
Marvel at perfection, for it is fleeting.
You have brought Sin to Heaven
And doom upon all the world."

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...She barely avoids bursting into giggles.

Sounds like life goals, to her.

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"Violently were they cast down,
For no mortal may walk bodily
In the realm of dreams,
Bearing the mark of their Crime:
Bodies so maimed
And distorted that none should see them
And know them for men.

Deep into the earth they fled,
Away from the Light.
In Darkness eternal they searched
For those who had goaded them on,
Until at last they found their prize,
Their god, their betrayer:
The sleeping dragon Dumat. Their taint
Twisted even the false-god, and the whisperer
Awoke at last, in pain and horror, and led
Them to wreak havoc upon all the nations of the world:
The first Blight."

An older woman, grey hair pulled into a severe bun, comes down the stairs from above, in fancier robes than the rest and accompanied by two sisters. "-and another petition from the Circle, Grand Mother," one is saying.

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Their Grand Mother, good.

And Hisame is rather tempted to stain the halls of these gods...

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The Keres wouldn't exactly argue with her if she decided to.

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Might be a bit more of a commitment than they'd initially planned. Still, they can play it by ear.

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"Do you want to kill her quietly or make a spectacle?"

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"Oh - can we make a spectacle? And perhaps have the others found in their beds, quite dead, when they try to rouse the guard captain..."

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"That sounds like a fine start."

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"Ideally we'll time it as a distraction for the uprising..."

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"It's been two days. We should prod Orsino."

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"Gently, perhaps, but yes. Appear in person, or have my snake ask him?"

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"The snake is probably gentler, if that's a concern."

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"Less out of our way, too."

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"Also a positive."

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"Let me do that, then."

And she steps aside to summon a messenger snake, who'll be able to go to her other snake's side right away, to bother Orsino.

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Orsino is technically ready. More time would be better, of course. But his people are prepared and and in position to take control when the opportunity arises.

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She relays this to the Keres. "Perhaps tomorrow, darling? As the sun rises would be aesthetic, though that might be dreadfully early..."

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"For this, I believe I could wake myself."

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"As could I. And we could make an early night of it."

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"Tomorrow morning, then. Let him know that is when we will strike."

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"Right away."

She passes on the message via her snakes.

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The mages will be ready at dawn, then.

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(Perhaps Hisame and the Keres can spend the rest of the day on pleasure? Their pieces all seem quite in line.)

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Business taken care of, pleasure naturally follows.

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Mmm, and even with a very early night, they have quite a few hours for fun...

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And two toys that haven't quite worn out yet. Even so, the Keres is more interested in being touchy with Hisame than them, though if Hisame wants to include them, she won't tell her no.

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Hisame has clones for this! The Keres can have a dedicated Hisame, while two clones put on a show.

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Ooh. She likes this.

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This is definitely Hisame's new favorite use of clones.

(She finds she especially likes watching her main body and the Keres through the clones' eyes. That her main body would enjoy the clones' show goes without saying.)

And when it's time to put their toys up and go to bed, the Keres can have all three Hisame's for a short time.

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She makes best use of this. She loves the way her kitten plays.

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Then the Keres is going to get a very satisfied Hisame!

...Who is making a low, content sound that could be mistaken for a purr.

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She tightens her grip.

"So you do purr, kitten."

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"Caught red handed, I suppose," she says, voice husky, deepening her purr. "Red pawed? Red whiskered? Well, there's certainly blood involved."

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"I suppose I'll have to clean you off, then."

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"I suppose you might!"

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There's a very particular fashion in which cats clean themselves. The Keres takes it upon herself to demonstrate for Hisame.

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Hisame is apparently ticklish! 

(They're going to have trouble going to bed at a sensible hour, at this rate.)

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Some sacrifices are worth making.

But yes, they should perhaps wind things down.

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The Keres can have a delighted snuggly kitten to cuddle through the night, then.

She's just as much of a zombie as normal the next morning, though since the next morning starts before dawn she seems capable of adjusting before their grand performance.

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Good, there's still a bit of preparation to do before the main event. Mostly in the way of quiet assassination. It might be most efficient if they split up a bit and handle the targets close to simultaneously.

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Hisame can stretch her number of clones for this, too, and her snakes can handle the softer targets on their own.

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Then they can make it to the Chantry as the horizon begins to lighten, with the scene set for their appearance.

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Hisame favors appearing in a dramatic crack of lightning, for this.

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It seems the Grand Cleric is an early riser, as she's among the group of sisters who emerge from the Chantry to investigate.

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Hisame throws her arms wide. 

"Welcome, sisters! I'd apologize for staining your halls, but, well... I'm not really all that sorry."

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The sisters find themselves slowly dragged down to stand in front of Hisame and the Keres, just out of arms' reach.

Elthina musters herself. "What is the meaning of this, daughters?" she asks.

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"Oh, what's that song - look upon perfection, for it is fleeting. Your very touch stains the halls of gold, you bring doom upon the world..."

She leans forward. 

"I am the thing the light flees from."

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One of the sisters whimpers and faints. An invisible force keeps her upright.

"Though all before me is shadow, yet shall the Maker be my guide," Elthina quotes. "For there is no darkness in the Maker's Light and nothing that He has wrought shall be lost." The others seem to take strength from this.

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She steps very close to Elthina, so her breath is ghosting over the woman's cheek. "Not even your mind?"

Her hand rests on Elthina's hip...

And a jolt of lightning arcs through the woman.

Just enough to make her seize, back arching, pushing into Hisame.

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"But my faith sustains me; I shall not fear the legion, should they set themselves against me," she gasps.

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Almost kissing her: "You'll find I'm quite a bit more terrifying than the legion..." The lightning continues to arc out in irregular jolts.

How many sisters are there conscious, other than Elthina? If it's equal to or less than four, Hisame makes a clone for each.

Of course, some of these will be very quickly made examples of.

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There are three still awake.

"O Maker, hear my cry-"

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"I'm afraid it's only us here."

She grabs Elthina by the hips, spinning her around, so she can see what Hisame's three clones are doing to her underlings. Breathing into her ear: "Now, don't close your eyes. That'd be quite disrespectful, wouldn't it?"

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"S-seat me by Your side in death, m-m-make me one w-with Your glory-" she closes her eyes.

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"Naughty girl..."

One of the underlings screams, high and loud.

"I'll have to make this more an auditory experience if you're not watching, you know. Certainly a longer experience."

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She moans, but opens her eyes.

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And Hisame can paint quite the spectacular scene for her.

While making sure Elthina has her fair share of pain, and the Keres has a good view, of course. So many considerations to balance!

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Her multitasking ability is most appreciated.

And not just by her immediate audience. The sounds of widespread panic begin to swell outside.

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Perhaps they can take this show to that wider audience?

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The Keres has been broadcasting, but an in-person demonstration would surely be appreciated.

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Such a delightful girlfriend!

She takes her toys well above the crowds (benefiting, of course, from the Keres' power here, though she could make do without) so everyone has a good view.

And then she kills one of the women, dropping her body into the crowd, and wakes up the one who'd fainted to take her place.

(She won't drag this on too much - but she's got a snake wrapped in her hair, head near her ear, to warn her when the mage rebellion will become most obvious to the people on the street.)

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The crowd screams even louder when the sister drops from the sky. She has time to get through two more before the Gallows starts erupting.

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She dramatically cuts open the last of the unnamed sisters, and rises higher with a still conscious Elthina.

"See what is to become of your city, sister?"

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Elthina has been weeping for some time now, but manages to pull herself together enough to shout, loud enough to be heard below: "Maker, though the darkness comes upon me, I shall embrace the Light. I shall weather-"

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"Oh, you're cute."

And her vocal chords - but just those - can be seared, painfully, with a quick burst of medical chakra as Hisame's hand caresses Elthina's throat.

"I might even leave you alive - helpless, of course, but able to appreciate all I do."

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Elthina struggles, weakly. The people of Kirkwall below look on in horror.

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Medical chakra is so useful for precision work. Like breaking Elthina's bones, one by one.

Hisame ultimately kills her; leaving her useless had been more of a taunt than a plan.

She casts the body down and laughs.

Now, do there seem to be any organized resistances she should handle?

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Their decapitating strike seems to have been fairly effective in that regard.

There's one knot of guardsmen who are attempting to clear themselves enough space to start shooting at Hisame.

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She laughs and neatly strikes them - just them - down.

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That clears them a space pretty quick.

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She descends. "People of the city! Welcome to a new dawn! The world will turn upside down. Order will become chaos. Life will become death. The mighty shall be cast down, and the weak shall rise."

Dramatic pause.

"I suggest you panic."

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They do, obligingly.

From the back, she can see a wedge of Qunari pushing forward in an ordered fashion, approaching her position.

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She casts a hand forward, a single knife flying from her hand fast enough to thunder, aimed for the throat of the one in front.

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He collapses, and is stepped over. The others close ranks and raise their shields. The ones in back launch a flight of javelins at her.

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She could destroy their javelins in a blast of lightning. She could dodge them. She could deflect them. All of these would be fairly cheap, fairly easy.

Hisame spreads her arms, and unveils her Susano.

The ghostly warrior wraps around her, blood red. Wings limned with black fire spill from the monstrosity's back, and four arms wield a sword of flame, a shield of glass, and a bow of lightning.

The javelins clatter uselessly against her majesty.


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From the middle of the formation, the Saarebas unleashes elemental fury against her. Lightning, a hailstorm, a tornado of fire. The earth beneath her quakes violently.

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Her Susano doesn't even seem to notice.

She waits for the storm to stop, then chirps: "My turn!"

Black fire falls among them, lightning lances from the sky, wind whips dust into projectiles...

And it's all wonderfully, beautifully controlled.

Hisame doesn't burn a single non-Qunari.

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The Saarebas tries to fend it off. He fails.

The Qunari hold their discipline to the last, leaving charred corpses still in the wedge.

This only increases the unrest in the other people still unwisely present.

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She gestures, and the black fire vanishes.

Her wings spread.

"Anyone else feel like challenging me?"

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It. Uh. It doesn't seem like anyone does, no.

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She laughs and ascends, projection growing as she rises above the city, until she's surely visible from every corner.

Her wings grow, black fire spreading them so they arc from wall to wall.

A hand reaching out -

And lightning slams into the chantry, destroying it.

"Where are your gods now, mortals?" she demands, trusting the Keres to make sure her voice carries. "Do they strike me down for defiling their halls? Do they chastize me, for challenging them?"

She spreads her arms, and pauses.

(It'll be quite amusing, if something does manifest. An interesting challenge.)

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Her destruction is unanswered by any higher power.

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"Your gods are silent."

"But I will be merciful."

"I will not raze this city to its foundations. Instead I will leave you - free of chains. Free of masters. Free of gods. Free people of this city - cast off any who would chain you! Set away the fetters on your heart! And let this city be a monument."

Flame swirls around her - 

And she vanishes.

(She is actually now just camouflaged, Susano dismissed, but she can now drop silently, back towards the Keres.)

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"That," the Keres says to her, "was masterfully done."

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"Why, thank you darling. I so rarely get a chance to show off like that."

"I wonder what place we'll get in their mythologies?"

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"They don't seem to have any existing trickster or anti-god. I suppose we've carved ourselves a fresh niche."

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"Trickster and rebellious gods are so important, though! Every structure needs someone setting fires at the base."

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The Keres smiles. "Quite. Speaking of structural fires, the Gallows has been burning for some time now. Shall we see if that little struggle has produced a victor yet?"

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"Let's. Hopefully Orsino doesn't need too much help; I'd be dreadfully disappointed if we had to handle this whole rebellion for him."

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"That would speak sadly of his competence."

Off to the Gallows. There's less need to conceal their power now, and so they can take a direct route. The fortress is burning across one entire half, otherworldly flames that eat even stone. Demons of all sorts prowl within, hunting any they can find, be they mage or templar. Rage demons in bodies of fire, sloth and hunger demons wrapped in tattered shrouds, a desire demon beguiling a room full of novices, a pair of pride demons, enormous and spiky, advancing on a small formation of templars.

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Certainly delightfully chaotic, but doesn't speak well of someone planning to have a force left to rule at the end of this.

Is Orsino findable? Does he seem to at least think he has control?

(She kills any demons - or templars - who even think about challenging her.)

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Orsino is findable. It's hard to say whether he thinks he has control or not, but given his head is separated from his body by several feet and a trail of blood, it's likely that in actuality, he doesn't.

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"Can't get good help these days at all."

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"Such a terrible shame. Last we met, he seemed to have a good head on his shoulders."

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She sighs dramatically. "I suppose that's why they removed it! Though, really, I'm not impressed. Not impressed at all. I think I shan't even bother putting him back."

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"I don't think he'd do any better the second time around. I'd wager the situation has only gotten worse."

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"I don't think I'm in the mood to try managing them, really. I do feel somewhat sheepish for leaving Eliana with this much of a mess. Perhaps we can offer to help her skip town. Broaden her horizons."

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"That would be only polite. Though I'm sure she could manage without, if she had to."

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"Oh, of course. She's quite competent. But I do prefer having manners."

Quick kiss.

"And while she's cute, I do like you better, darling."

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"That's good to know."

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"So what do you say we go find her, and decide what to do with our toys?"

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"That seems as sound a plan as any. Lead on, kitten."

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She does!

The toy conversation can happen on the way over.

"I'm not entirely in the mood to bother taking those two with us - they haven't been that interesting, really."

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"I agree. Briefly amusing, but not worth taking any trouble over."

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"Exactly. We should have at least a bit more fun; I suppose then the question is between killing them and dropping them on the street to try to make their own way."

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"I don't think they're in a state to survive very long outside," she says. "In which case, I'd prefer to kill them personally."

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"I was thinking of healing them first. I am sporting like that."

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"Ah. In that case... perhaps leave them to fend for themselves. Who knows, we may be back someday."

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"That'd be delightful! Just when they think they're rid of us..."

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"The looks on their faces..."

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"It'd almost be worth it to come back just for that!"

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Fires have broken out in several parts of the city, and rioters run rampant. Eliana's house stands untouched, encased in a shimmeringly translucent green bubble.

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Well, at least Eliana's alright. 

She wants to detour first to get their toys out of the way, then - 

Does the bubble do anything when they approach?

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Not of its own accord, but a person size hole is opened at the base by Eliana.

"I assume you'd like to come in?"

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"Well, we'd like to talk, and presume you'd prefer a more comfortable place."

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"Yes." She gestures them in, and the barrier drops back into place behind them. "Quite a stir you've caused. I believe that was the most dramatic execution I've ever witnessed."

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"Thank you! We are sorry for any mess we've caused you - our backup plan for restoring order rather lost his head - but it was dreadfully fun."

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"You seemed to be enjoying yourself. I especially liked the part at the end, where you dared the Maker to strike you down. Would you like anything to eat or drink? I am attempting to empty the larder of perishables before leaving."

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"Refreshments would be delightful! And speaking of leaving - we wanted to offer you our assistance in that, if you'd like."

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"Oh?" There's spread laid out already on the dining room table. She gestures for them to help themselves.

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"We're planning on skipping town. We haven't yet decided if that means to elsewhere in this world, or another world entirely. We're both very good at moving things and people around very quickly, and I can open portals between worlds, though my aim for specific ones is shaky. You could come with us, at the very least to be dropped off elsewhere, though we wouldn't mind your company for at least some of our travels."

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"I see." She glances at the Keres.

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The Keres gives a small nod, expressionless.

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"Travel to another world does sound exciting," she continues. "Though I should at least start my servants on their journey back to Minrathous."

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She leans into her girlfriend. "We can set them down a good bit of the way there, perhaps."

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"Not that close, I think. I don't want them to be the first news of events here. Far enough away that they won't be caught up in any local upheavals."

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She nods. "Sensible. It might help to have somewhere pointed out on a map, but we can likely improvise."

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"I do have maps." Many of them, in fact, some of them quite pretty. She indicates a point to the west, in a country called Nevarra. "The roads from here to Minrathous are straightforward, and relatively safe."

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"Alright." To the Keres: "Does putting her servants there seem acceptable, darling?"

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"Entirely feasible. You do not wish to bring them with you?"

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"That would not serve them best, in company such as this."

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She nods. "And it's important to look after allies, especially those under your responsibility."

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"Just so."

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"Anything else before we get to setting out?"

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"I will need a few moments to finish setting things straight here."

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"We can wait, then."

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She explains to her servants what will be happening and sends them off to gather their things, then disappears down to the basement for a while. The servants reappear before she does, with a bag of things apiece. Eliana comes back up with a satchel of her own across her shoulders, wiping off a bloody knife on a spare cloth.

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"Clearing up some old experiments?"

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"Just putting the place back the way I found it. With old bodies in the basement."

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She laughs. "It's a pity we're having to leave Kirkwall so soon."

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"There will be other basements. And bodies."

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"We'll certainly even cause a good number."

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"I believe we're ready to depart, then."

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"Very well. The servants first, perhaps - if you would, darling?"

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"Very well." She stands and beckons the servants along. "Outside then." The three of them depart, and the Keres returns alone ten minutes later.

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"Ready for a voyage to another world, then?"

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"Do show the way."

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She gestures, dramatically - 

And a black portal, oval, sized for a human, appears in midair before them.

"Be my guest. I'll need to be the last through, though, I do believe."

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"Into the unknown, then." Eliana steps through.

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The Keres follows.

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And Hisame brings up the rear.

They're in an alleyway, buildings made of brick, metal bleeding into them from the steel grey wall sealing off one end. The alleyway is clean, scrupulously so, except for a trail of foul-smelling black oil leading down and away from the steel wall - the Keres will recognize it as gasoline. It's night, though there's a yellow glow reflecting off thick clouds over their heads and winding around the buildings.

"What is it with us and alleyways?"

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"They're convenient if you don't want to be seen, I suppose."

She pulls out an array of sensor-type powers, looking to find out if there are any threats in their immediate vicinity, physical and temporal.

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Eliana examines the metal wall.

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The wall is made of steel, maybe, thick plates with regular overlaps and massive rivets. It was clearly industrially made - no human hand could have formed this. 

Whatever is behind that wall - which seems to stretch into the clouds - is fuck off nope. As in, the Keres does not have a power that does not immediately start screaming when looking at it. Temporally, the nope isn't encroaching on them. It's moderately connected, clinging like static, to the trail of oil, but touching the oil probably isn't dangerous.

There's an echo of the nope just past the open end of the alleyway. Not exactly a threat, but definitely something the powers are having to squint at sideways to see.

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"I would avoid touching that, were I you."

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She pulls her hand back.

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"There is something behind there that might truly threaten us," she says to Hisame.

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She valiantly resists the urge to poke it with a stick. She's not alone, after all, and might get her girlfriend and friend in trouble. 

"Then perhaps we should find a local to question about it."

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The Keres looks for the direction of the nearest people, their number, and emotional disposition, and relays this information.

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Someone outside the alley, singular, the oily feel hovering around her. She's starting to walk away at a brisk pace. She's nervous, almost scared.

People in the houses, mostly sleeping or having normal nighttime emotions, though there's a pall of worry over this area of the city. Most people aren't in rooms alone.

There's no one on the street nearest them except the oil-woman.

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"It seems there's only one obvious target, then."

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"Well, hopefully she'll be rather entertaining..."


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Out of the alley and after her. Once she's in view, the Keres teleports in a flash of light to directly in front of her, leaving the others to cut off rearward escape routes.

"A moment, please. We have some questions for you."

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She's drenched in oil, is the most obvious thing about her, hair shining with it, splattered across her face like blood, hands dripping.

She doesn't seem at all startled by the other's movements, or worried by the pincer closing around her. (There's a pervasive sense of panic deep in her breast. The Keres is not the cause of it in the slightest.)

"Train station's not around here, if you're looking to go back to the Void," she says, voice sharp.

The oil is now less dripping than curling like smoke.

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...She swaps to a defensive array, with a more focused precog.

"And why," she asks, "Would I want to go back to the Void?"

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"Humans don't usually teleport."

"But you don't know what the Void is, do you?"

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"An astute observation. Tell me, what did you think I was?"

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"Some people call them the fey. The things that board the trains through the Void. Person-shaped, usually. Fond of questions. No one can ever remember them, except the people they talked to, and no one remembers their faces."

"Whatever you are, I suspect you bleed like a human."

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Her danger precog isn't pinging, so-

"No, I don't believe I do."

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Eliana does, though. Ordinary magic is not working, for some reason, so she's made a small cut on her hand. Clenching the fist, she draws the power from the blood to create a fist of force, hammering down from the sky to knock the woman down.

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Now she's dangerous!

Also that doesn't work.

The woman didn't even bother reacting.

"I just finished ripping apart a god with my bare hands. You're cute, so I'll tolerate a few questions, in exchange for a few of my own, and if you don't piss me off I don't decide to see what you bleed, hm?"

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(Hisame's giggling and wishing she had popcorn.)

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"How does one rip a god apart?"

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"By being better than it."

"Where are you from?"

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"A place far from here. What made it a god?"

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"Being one of the dancers in the Void."

"The three of you are from different places. What are they like?"

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"My world is more like this than either of theirs. Is there music to dance to in the Void?"

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"If you listen. Sometimes it sounds like screaming."

"Were you always the kind of thing you are now?"

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"No. Were you?" She swaps a ghost out and starts it looking for a power combination that can hurt this woman without leaving her vulnerable.

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"Had a very dramatic change of state quite recently."

"What are your intentions here?"

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"We're just looking for a good time. What prompted your change of state?"

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"Aren't we all."

"And a train wreck."

"And what does your fun look like? Should I be pointing you to the dance hall, the tea rooms, more choice pursuits?"

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"In the last city we visited, we assassinated the head of state, the chief of police, and the local military command structure before publicly torturing and executing a high priest in order to spark a revolution and a citywide descent into anarchy. So I suppose that would be the choice pursuits. Why is everyone here so afraid?"

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"The person whose body this usually is might object to some of that."

"They're afraid because the wall's been growing lately."

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"Who put the wall there?"

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"No one."

"Are you the only one in your head?"

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"Yes. What would happen if it were removed?"

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"This city would crumble into the Void. Or the Void would crumble into the city. Hard to say."

"And that sounds very lonely. How does your magic work, if you don't have someone to help?"

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"Well enough for most purposes. How did the wall come to be?"

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"It formed when the cities broke."

"What do your ghosts do, then?"

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"What they were designed to. How long has it been since the citites broke?"

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"Since before I can remember."

"Who designed them?"

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"A blind, idiot god. How many cities are there?"

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"Why do you have the powers you do?"

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"To replace the god. How long do you intend to keep playing this game?"

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"It's a fun game! And I've never gotten to talk to a person outside my body before. We can move on to other things if you'd rather, though."

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The Keres glances at Hisame.

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"like her." Then, to the woman: "Though I'm rather curious - there's another person in your body? What are they like?"

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"She's my person. But she isn't talking right now."

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"And why is that?" Eliana asks.

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"Our train crashed. We fell into the Void, and I stepped forward to protect her. She hasn't spoken since."

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"Do the trains go between cities, as well as into the Void?"

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"The Void is what's between cities. The trains go between the cities, always, though sometimes you'll get a new track forming. Sometimes it goes somewhere sensible. Sometimes the explorers never come back."

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"What made you decide to protect your person?"

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"It's what I do."

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"Are you a fey?"

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"No. I'm my person's headmate. She made me. I don't know that she's a normal human, at least not anymore, but we were born in a city."

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"I see."

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"I'm curious what you all are planning to do with me, now that you have some answers for your questions."

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"It seems we are in need of a native guide. And this group appears to make somewhat a habit of challenging gods, so you may fit in well."

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She laughs.

"I don't know this city - haven't even figured out where I washed up yet - but I suppose I can be helpful all the same."

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"A strangely familiar set of priorities," the Keres says, teleporting back to stand beside Hisame. "To fight a god before determining your location."

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"Perhaps we'll get along, then."

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"It is to be hoped."

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"What should I call all of you?"

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"I am Eliana Fabil, a magister of Tevinter."

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"We are the Keres, harvesters of the slain."

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"I am Uchiha Hisame, bringer of death. Though truly, call me Hisame."

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"You may call both inhabitants of this body Nausicaa, then, I suppose. Her name for me is a bit more private."

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"As you like then, Nausicaa. What were you doing before we accosted you?"

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"Finding somewhere to clean up, hopefully before I get accused of being fey."

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"The... oil is a typical sign of that? What are the consequences of being thought fey?"

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"The oil's not really typical, but it's weird and means I might have come through the Void. And the fey are rarely noticed while they're here, but I imagine people would be rather afraid and aggressive and it'd escalate so dreadfully, and the other Nausicaa would be quite put out to come back to that mess."

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"What does escalation look like?"

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"Trying to take me in for questioning. Trying to drive me back over the wall. Trying to capture me for study. Trying to kill me."

"Of course, realistically, it'd end in many of them dead."

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"Ripped apart."

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"How else would you kill them?"

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"Knives are a classic, I believe, and there's something... Poetic, about an even chance. Though I haven't gotten much practice in assorted forms at all. The other Nausicaa usually isn't one for killing."

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"Not with magic?"

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"Well I could, but why would I pass up a good knife if that would do the job? I suppose if I had some sort of dramatic show to put on."

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(Hisame is nodding and grinning.)

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"I grow weary of standing in the street," Eliana says. "Perhaps we can find somewhere more comfortable to speak."

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"Of course. There's more empty buildings than not, along most walls - it's either that or apartments." She tilts her head. "That way should be somewhere we can go uninterrupted."

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"Lead on."

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She nods, turning to do so.

The buildings remain brick, but the fullness peters out as they go on. The streetlights are fewer and farther between. 

There's a building she finds, half eaten by metal, single lamp burning dimly before it in the darkness. It's three floors, an old bed and breakfast, linens and furnishings still there, apparently untouched by the passage of time.

Except for the metallic back wall, of course.

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"Does the metal expand over time?"

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"Usually externally first, then internally. And it's safe to touch. Sometimes entire new buildings grow out of the wall. They make good apartments. Sturdy, never get roach problems..."

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"What lies on the other side?"

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"The Void."

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"And what, exactly, is that?"

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"It's everything that isn't. Something that can't exist, squeezing into the shadows cast by reality. Existing in it... I wouldn't recommend it, if you're used to being a body."

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"Yes. Very much so."

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"So what does civilization look like, here in reality?"

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"People mostly go about their days? They live, they trade, they love, they work, they go to sleep at night and wake in the morning. Most people have at least one headmate, which might be rather different than what you're used to, and that does affect politeness rules some."

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"In my world, if you are in possession of a headmate, you are called an abomination and killed."

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"That seems an unhappy place, then. It'd be dreadful, being alone in our head."

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"Most things liable to become a person's headmate do not have their best interests at heart, so the practice is understandable."

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"You don't make them?"

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"That is a subject of some debate amongst the philosophers, but the consesus is that no, demons are not created by human imaginings. We may give them form in the physical world, but their essence exists separately within the Fade."

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"I was made. My Nausicaa was made too, by this body's original."

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"Clearly the rules here are different."

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"It's interesting that anything's the same at all, really."

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"All the more given the highlight of the differences, yes."

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"I was somewhat filtering for that, for what it's worth - at least for an atmosphere and such friendly to human life. Though it's odd that's fetched us worlds with humans so far."

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"Perhaps humans are very common."

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"I'd be curious why! My world might have been interfered with, certainly - but if our worlds aren't divergences of each other, why should we have familiar species?"

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"It may be that your filter is stricter than you think."

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"Possibly! We should play around with that, next world."

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"I don't know that I like this one very much."

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"It seems to have its charms. Certainly some delightful people."

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"You just met me."

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"And you immediately had very accurate opinions about my girlfriend's cuteness!"

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"You are easy to get along with."

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"What can I say, I'm adorable."

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"I would like to hear more about the fey," Eliana says to Nausicaa.

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"Do you have specific questions? I'm afraid we don't know much about them, but I can probably describe some things..."

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"How do they relate to the gods of the Void, or for that matter, the Void itself? Do they do favors? Grant wishes? Have any joined human society permanently? Do people run away to join the fey? Do fey have headmates?"

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"They're from the Void. I don't know if there's any other relationship. They don't do favors, grant wishes, or interact with cities. They appear on trains sometimes, and then are gone by the time the train pulls into the station. Some people jump into the Void and are never heard from again, but I think they're usually not trying to join the fey. I've never spoken to a fey, so I wouldn't know if they have headmates."

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"What sort of questions do they ask?"

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"A lot of people don't seem to remember. They seem to be attracted to odd situations, though."

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"Perhaps we ought to take a ride on one of these trains."

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"Might be informative. We'd need money, but that's easy enough to obtain, and I wouldn't mind continuing on our journey at least some of the way. We'd been after answers of our own."

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"In regards to what?"

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"Our original's mother vanished when she was young - and my Nausicaa doesn't have any of those memories. There was something strange about our mother, as far as we can tell, and, well, we want to find some whisper of her."

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"Ah, the search for answers regarding one's parentage. A timeless pursuit."

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"Seems unusually common."

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"It makes for a good story."

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"Do you have any good stories in your history?"

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"Personally or my world in general?"

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"Whichever you think paints a better picture of you."

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"'Better' is subjective. To what standard am I being compared?"

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"However you'd like me to see you, I suppose."

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"I appreciate your honesty. Very well. In my world, there are two sorts of magic. First is the ordinary kind, which draws its power from the Fade, an intangible realm of dreams and demons. The second is blood magic, which draws its power from sacrificed life, as might be inferred from the name. Blood magic is officially condemned by the Circle of Magi, which governs mages, and forbidden by the Chantry, the primary religious institution. The reason for this dates dates back to some of our earliest recorded history."

"In those days, the Tevinter Imperium, the modern-day incarnation of which I am a citizen, controlled nearly the entire known world, save for a few barbarian tribes in the frozen south. At the height of their power, nine of the leading magisters declared their intention to enter the Fade physically, a feat never before accomplished. They believed that their gods resided within the Fade and in doing so, they would be able to serve them in person. To do so, they would need blood magic of unprecedented scale. A hundred thousand slaves each, collected from across the empire and killed simultaneously. With the enormous power released, they rent asunder the Veil that separates the Fade from reality and saw before them the Golden City that had haunted their dreams in all its splendor, imagined home of their gods."

"But as soon as they stepped through, the city changed around them, becoming dark and corrupt. The Golden City became the Blackened City, and the nine magisters were the catalyst of its change. They too were caught up, and their very flesh withered and failed before their eyes.Hunted by their shame, they fled back to the physical world and thence underground, to become the first of the darkspawn, who have scourged the world ever since. Their first invasion of the surface lasted three hundred years and broke the back of the Tevinter Imperium, which has never reclaimed its previous glory. The lesson commonly taken, then, is this: blood magic grants power beyond the ability of mortals to control and so engenders a hubris which leads to destruction exceeding even that. It must therefore be locked away from all, and any who use it must be punished as though they sought the end of the world no matter their true intentions."

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"To return the favor - you may also say there are two sorts of magic, here, though it's all the same thing. To call upon your own strength, or to beseech another to act for you. Novices who try to call upon themselves must have ritual, and chants, and a whole production of it. The possession of a headmate simplifies this, for a headmate may act in the ritual space of the mind, limited only by their own attention span and memory. Multiple headmates make magic swifter and easier."

"Most people are not, themselves, very strong. They may light a simple fire. They may heal a simple cut. They may find their steps sure, their course true - but not immune to interference."

"To call upon others always requires a ritual, a prayer - something. The closer you are to the one you call, the simpler it is. This is far, far more powerful, generally, if only because there's no point in calling on someone weak."

"Most people who use this type of magic call upon assorted Void-things. Gods, if they're particularly stupid. The Void-things' motives are not like ours, but sometimes they can be spoken to. Bargained with. And sometimes they'll give the foolish, foolish human who called upon them something of a gift, though it is oft hard to say if that gift is a boon or a bane."

"As for what you can get a god to do... Why, I don't know there's much of a limit, if you're reckless enough."

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"Interesting. Could one call upon another human?"

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"Maybe! I don't know how that would work, but some humans are certainly more powerful than others."

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"What are examples of notable things gods have been called upon to do?"

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"Remove genetic illnesses, give someone powerful children, revive the dead, make the caller immortal... Usually that last backfires, you should really do it with your own strength."

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"How difficult is that to do?"

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"It takes a lot of research, I'll admit, and knowledge of advanced magic is often a closely guarded secret - but simple immortality? Without such a hassle as jumping between bodies? I expect most of the scholarly-minded could manage, especially with a few years of study."

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"I see."

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"Is that rare, in your world?"

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"One's lifespan can be theoretically be extended through judicious application of blood magic, but true immortality is, so far as I am aware, not something it is possible to achieve."

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"Pity. Maybe we can test whether I can be called on in a ritual sometime."

"Though ours doesn't protect you from violence, as far as I'm aware."

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"That seems a deficiency amenable to sufficient application of power."

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"Or having an ally with resurrection."

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"A convenient thing to have, if you can find one."

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"Allies are convenient in general! It's dreadful, trying to do things entirely alone."

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"It is in your nature to think that, is it not?"

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"You could say that, though I suspect I wouldn't know how lonely I was if I'd been made alone in my own head, and might realize that less."

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She nods. "Just so."

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"I don't mind being your ally with resurrection, though."

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"Very kind of you. Though you'll understand if endeavor not to require such services."

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"Obviously. You seem a bit more cautious than me."

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"Measure twice, cut once."

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"Or just have some fun with your cuts."

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"I am not usually in a position to be so profligate with my materials."

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"Such a pity. Of course, I haven't even had any yet... I'm mostly limited to making suggestions to my Nausicaa."

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"She has not yet followed through on any of them?"

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"Some. She's rather less murderous than me, though."

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"Do you intend to change that during your time in the fore?"

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"Not in a way that'd upset her, or get her in trouble. I - think I would enjoy killing, but I love her."

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"I have heard it said that love is a powerful motivator."

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"I think it is, in some ways, at least as far as it influences who we want to be."

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"You seem to think differently, though."

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"The emotion does not seem relevant to me, nor likely to become so."

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"If that works for you. Still, I find it rather wonderful."

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"As you like."

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She laughs. "Do you have any other questions for me?"

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"None that immediately spring to mind."

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She nods, sprawling back on the couch she'd claimed for herself.

She then inclines her head to where Hisame and the Keres have gotten a bit distracted with each other. "They do that often?"

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"Usually not in public, but then, I have only known them two days."

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"Two women is considered quite scandalous most places. Though so is making out in public in general. Very conservative place, this."

"I'd suggest passionately kissing in church if you want to maximize the horrified looks."

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"As long as they kept it to two, it would not be unusual in the world I come from. Though there are similar norms against public displays."

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"I'm unsure if I'd rather a world where I could find as many girlfriends and boyfriends and assorted others as I want without annoying barriers, or one with stuffy old dodgers to horrify," she says with a laugh.

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"The former seems less troublesome."

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"And I'm sure I could find people to horrify regardless."

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"That's often not hard to do."

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"Hopefully my Nausicaa will wake soon. I'd dread to know what I can get up to when bored."

She stretches a bit languidly. 

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"Is she effective at staving off your boredom?"

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"Very much so. Such a delightful mind."

She glances at the two others again. "Though being the one in control of this body has been interesting."

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"I'd imagine so, if you've only been a passenger til now."

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"I find myself eager to test out certain thrills."

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"If that was an invitation, then you ought to know the possibility your passenger will awaken unexpectedly makes me somewhat hesitant."

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She laughs. "I think I'll have warning, and that she won't step forward automatically."

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"Perhaps another room, then. I do prefer some privacy."

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"There was a rather lovely bedroom a floor up..."

She stands. (She cleaned up earlier, before their conversation, which she's grateful for now.)

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Upstairs, then.

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For quite a lot of fun.

Nausicaa goes back to her own room to sleep, and then when morning comes is as slow as Hisame to fully wake.

Still, once she's joined the land of the conscious, she mentions they'll want to find money - and which city they're even in - if they want to take a train somewhere to poke the fey.

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None of them, it seems, are morning people.

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"Stories about train hijacking used to be an entire genre of entertainment," the Keres comments.

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She laughs. "I think we had some from the - what, late eighteen hundreds? Mid eighteen hundreds? Whenever that cowboy nonsense was, before the breaking - but they're mostly horror stories, now."

"Sensible people who like their brains to work in normal human fashion don't cause troubles on the train, you know."

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"That... sounds very much like exactly to what I was referring. The cowboys, not the breaking."

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"Did you also have people being assholes to native 'savages'?"

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"That sounds like the westward expansion of the United States, yes."

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"...I'm fairly sure the United States of America was a country? Before the breaking?"

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"Interesting. An alternate history, or perhaps interrupted is more appropriate."

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"I don't know if we ever didn't have the magic system we do now, though I suppose it might've once been secret."

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"When did the breaking happen?"

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"Turn of the century, a bit short of thirty years ago."

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"You're ahead of where I was, then."

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"What year was that?"

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"Two thousand eleven."

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She shakes her head. "It's nineteen twenty eight, right now."

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"Ah? I had assumed you were a century ahead."

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"No. Eighteen hundreds feel like a lifetime ago but they weren't really."

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"My mistake, then. I'd offer investment advice, but I doubt any of it would be applicable."

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She laughs. "Not at all! I'm not certain we even really have - what was the thing, stock markets? Anymore."

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"In any case, we still need to ascertain our whereabouts and acquire fare for the passage."

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She nods. "I expect I can find the train station, and that should have information about this city and the fare amount - or there will be newspapers on the corners, which will have city information."

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"Shall we be off, then?"

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"I'm ready," she says.

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Hisame nods. "Perhaps we'll find some entertainment on the way."

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"We'll keep our eyes open."

And off they go.

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The city is alive, now, people thronging the streets, hawkers on the side of the road selling newspapers as well as assorted items. The first newspaper they acquire identifies the city as Memphis, once of Tennessee. The headline news is of a crashed train that washed up, with no survivors. It includes lurid black and white photographs of the twisted metal.

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"What an... interesting piece of machinery," Eliana says.

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"The intact ones are very interesting. Do you want to see one up close?"

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"I would, yes."

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"This way, then."

The train station is already crowded with people coming and going, but Nausicaa leads them to an overlook, with a good view of one of the enormous diesel engines currently at the station.

"Beautiful, aren't they?"

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"Intricate, certainly. Speaking of care and thought in their design. I don't know that I would use such a word as beautiful in reference to a machine, however."

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"There's a poetry to them. Perhaps I'd like them less, were I to live in any other world."

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"Some of it is context, I am sure."

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She laughs.

"Still, let's find fare, and perhaps I can then look the other way on a spot of entertainment." Still, she sounds wistful.

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"You should join us," Hisame says. "I know your Nausicaa is not much one for murder - but surely she wants you happy, and nothing says we have to kill whatever toy we find."

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Nausicaa ducks her head, looking contemplative.

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"Would it help, if whoever we find agrees?"

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Quietly: "...Yes."

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"An interesting challenge, then."

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"We'll have to filter our search more carefully."

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"What's life without a little challenge here and there?"

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She smiles fondly. "True enough."

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"Should we search together, or try a race?"

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"Separately, or in teams?"

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"In teams, I should think."

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"That might be fun."

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"The question then becomes how we divide our teams... I propose our local guide and the Keres should be on different teams, to balance out local knowledge versus a greater array of information-gathering powers."

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"That sounds reasonable to me. I will allow you first choice of partner."

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She leans into her girlfriend!

"I think we could use some quality time, maybe."

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"It will be you and I, then," Eliana says to Nausicaa.

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"That's alright. Should we start on three?"

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"That is traditional."

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"Very well."

And she counts, a bit slowly and dramatically -

Of course, it's pretty quick to get to 'three.'

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The Keres takes Hisame's hand and pulls her away.

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She doesn't take Eliana's hand, recognizing the woman seems to want a bit of space.

"I think around here's good," she says, softly. "More people looking for something they don't have."

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"That makes sense, as a point of transit."

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She smiles, and sets out to look for anyone looking lost and alone.

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Hisame, meanwhile, is definitely focusing on the hunt, and only somewhat on her adorable girlfriend. The focus on her girlfriend is mostly appreciative glances; the Keres is wonderful when hunting like this. It wouldn't do to disturb her too much.

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Really? That's a shame. She might quite like to be disturbed.

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Hmmmmm maybe a little bit of disturbing.

(She's figuring they can afford some distraction, after all. They're the proper hunter team.)

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(She can afford to lose this little game. She already has the prize she wanted.)

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"So we are looking for someone alone. Lost and unsure. In need of direction."

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"Exactly. Waiting near the train station, perhaps - I doubt someone panhandling, though, but maybe... Still, there's a few types of places that tend to attract starving artists and dreamers..."

She starts walking, looking around. Anyone looking at them, too, perhaps with longing...

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Not with longing in particular, but one blonde girl blushes when she sees them. She had been looking wistfully at the trains arriving and departing before her gaze happened to catch glimpse of the two women.

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Well, flirting certainly won't hurt.

"Good morning," Nausicaa says, stepping up beside the girl, her best friendly-flirty voice on, glancing sideways at the girl. "Enjoying the view?"

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"Um..." She looks quickly back to the trains and shrugs. "Maybe?"

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Her eyes are definitely on the girl. "It's rather lovely."

"I've always loved trains. The places they can take you, far away, the strange people... And the feeling of passing through the Void, that darkness swirling outside your window. Tantalizing, almost."

She eyes the girl, but - she's fairly certain this is one of those unfortunate souls alone in their head.

"It's like being a little less alone."

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"...I've always been alone," she says quietly.

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"You don't have to be," she says, almost gently.

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"No one wants me," she says. "Can't even..." she rubs at her eyes. "Never mind."

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She steps closer. "Can't even what? A pretty girl like you should have the world, if she wants it."

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This startles a laugh out of her. "Ha! Um." She fidgets a bit. "I just. Um. Can't even decide if I want to leave or not."

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"And you don't like where you are."

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"I'm not really anywhere."

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She steps closer. "Would you like to be somewhere?"

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She's breathing a bit quicker. "Um. Like where?"

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"Wherever I want."

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"Oh. Um. Um. That. Sounds nice?" She's half-smiling, borne of a combination of nervousness and genuine happiness.

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"Of course, I could do whatever I wanted... But you wouldn't be alone." Step, until she can feel the woman's warmth on her skin. "Not ever."

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"I want that..." she murmurs.

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"Well, I'd like to keep you. You're such a pretty girl..."

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She smiles, tentatively. "What... do you want to do with me?"

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"I'll have to see. But to start... I bet you have a beautiful scream."

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"S-scream?" Her eyes grow wide.

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"From pleasure or pain... I'd like to hear both."

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Her lips are slightly parted, and she seems captivated by Nausicaa's gaze as she nods. "Oh. Okay."

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"Let's go somewhere a bit more private, shall we?"

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She takes the girl's hand, pulling her firmly back to the house, and shooting a quick, victorious grin at Eliana.

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She gives a smile in answer.

     "Is- is she coming too?" the girl asks.

"Will that be a problem?"

     "Um. No." She seems a little excited at the prospect.

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And back to the house soon enough!

Nausicaa is buzzing with ideas.

Some of them on ways to use her magic to hurt people, too, or simply to cause assorted sensations, but she'll be delighted to take suggestions.

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Eliana is quite practiced in a variety of ways to restrain and hurt a person, magical or otherwise, and happy to share.

Their guest seems very happy to be dragged into this, and is positively eager to follow any and all directives given to her.

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Oh, she never knew what she was missing -

(Such a good pet, perfect and obedient and wonderful - Nausicaa isn't shy at all about expressing her appreciation, here.)

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The pet preens under the attention.

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They'll have had quite a bit of fun by the time the Keres and Hisame deign to show back up, she predicts.

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Indeed they will. (She usually does this sort of thing by herself. Having a partner for it is a nice change. Opens up some interesting possibilities.)

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It does!!!

And Nausicaa is a partner with a flexible magic system and a lot of creativity.

Still, she winds down some by the time their erstwhile roommates reappear, pulling her pet's head into her lap for hair-pats and smirking lazily at the two as they enter.

"Got distracted, you two?"

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"For a time. And then we thought you might appreciate some time to yourselves."

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"It seems like you've had quite a bit of fun, regardless. And such a lovely pet!"

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"She is!" Nausicaa says, delighted.

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"Congratulations, then, on your win."

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"Thank you. Would you like to play with her a bit?"

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"I don't know. Kitten, would we? She seems a touch worn out."

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"Since we are planning to keep her, I'd suggest letting her rest a bit, before the next act."

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She laughs. "Very well. I'll be keeping her with me, then."

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Eliana smirks.

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"Any household business to discuss?"

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"I should be able to transmute the coins we collected from our last stop to a form that will be acceptable here, so train fare will not be an issue."

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"Good. And my pet might at least have some examples. I believe her dress is over there somewhere." She gestures lazily.

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"I don't believe we will be going anywhere until tomorrow, unless there is some manner of midnight train."

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"There are, but they're usually less enjoyable. The nice trains leave at a decent hour in the morning or early afternoon, and I'm sure we'll want a private room, if not a whole car."

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"Then the most pressing question facing us, I believe, is tonight's dinner."

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"I can go shopping - unless you two got groceries while you were out?" This she directs to the Keres and Hisame. "Or we can go out to a restaurant, I suppose."

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"We did not," the Keres says, spreading an array of coins out on a nearby table.

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"I would prefer not to eat out."

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"Then I suppose you will all have to keep my pet company. Unless you'd rather accompany me, or be unconscious while I'm gone, darling?" she directs towards her pet. (She feels the pet would rather have the decision made for her, but, well, Nausicaa is still learning her way around the pet's detailed preferences.)

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"I want whatever makes you happy," her pet says.

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Pat. "Such a wonderful pet. Why don't you come with me? You can carry my things, and we can walk arm in arm." Oil curls under her skin, and the pet's injuries are healed with a wave that sends shivers up the spine.

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"Mmmmm Yes, mistress."

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"Are you going to redress her?"

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"I was planning to. Do you have an alternate suggestion?"

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"I was just wondering how much trouble you might get in if you didn't."

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She laughs. "There'd be public order officers involved. Dreadful business."

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"Party crashers. Alas. We shall await your return, then."

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"I look forward to it."

And she gets her pet decent, then heads out to grocery shop, returning soon enough with enough supplies for meals for the night and morning.

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Eliana is a fair cook, it turns out.

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Both Nausicaa and Hisame are apparently culinary hedonists, as well as the more conventional sort, and are suitably complimentary.

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The food is good.

And after dinner, entertainment?

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They do have this lovely new pet, now properly rested...

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Seize the opportunity, then.

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Nausicaa plays the good owner more, this time, since they have the Keres and Hisame here for a full dose of cruelty. Good to keep things balanced.

She'll probably still start feeling sleepy before the others, though, and she'll take her pet with her when it's time for herself to retire. A few hours later. She is a night owl.

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Eliana takes her leave at the same time, as the intermediating party has left.

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And Hisame spends the rest of her waking period making sure her girlfriend remembers the Keres is her favorite.

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She does so appreciate Hisame.

They're liable to get a fairly late start the next morning, all things considered.

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Since Nausicaa's properly up before most of the rest of the household, she goes ahead and acquires the nicest tickets she can (they have their own car), then spends the rest on texts from a rather esoteric bookshop she finds shoved into a dark corner - mostly the things important to her own magic system, rituals and alchemic formulas... As well as a few books of poems she has a strong suspicion Hisame might appreciate.

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Eliana is next up, and starts breakfast. She's amusing herself by having the pet beg for scraps when Nausicaa returns.

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Nausicaa laughs, and has the pet kneel beside her chair, in easy patting range. Though the pet can feel free to keep begging.

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She does want to keep begging! It's a fun game that doesn't require her to make decisions and makes her keepers happy.

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"Good pet, though that wasn't a request, darling." (She can receive head scritches when she does especially well, though.)

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The Keres and Hisame emerge eventually, to partake in the meal.

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Hisame is miraculously navigating and eating with her eyes closed. It's debatable if she's actually awake.

Still, she'll be sufficiently de-zombified by the time they need to go to the train station.

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Eliana has not ridden a train before, nor anything similar. She is looking forward to the experience.

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The train hums. (It's less noisy than the Keres might expect). Their car is lushly appointed, with separate areas for sitting and dining and sleeping, and three (tiny) bedrooms. They're stocked with food and drink for the journey; the train's workers won't cross between cars while in the Void, though there's a carefully silent and very well paid man in a sharp red suit, who has his own room at the front, where he can see signals from the car ahead of them, which he stays entirely in. The windows show a view of the city, at first.

And then they pull into the Void.

The swirling view out the window here has a taste, a sound, a feel - 

Nausicaa seems to enjoy it, at least.

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Eliana does not, particularly.

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It intrigues the Keres, and she spends time having some of her sensorily-specialized ghosts observing it.

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Eliana can close the curtains near her, at least.

The Void is confusing, nonsensical chaos! Very dangerous nonsensical chaos. Precog flat out doesn't work, but sensory ghosts can get a confusing mass of sensations, each from a different part, each coming to a mutually exclusive half-hearted conclusion.

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Quite interesting. She wonders idly how it is possible to harness such energies. That seems to be how magic in this place works.

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If she points her powers at the natives, Nausicaa seems more attuned to the chaos, something in her pulsing alongside it, while their little pet only has the faintest echoes.

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Some support for that theory.

What about the others?

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There's some push and pull - especially with Hisame, almost like the energy that pervades her is adjusting to the local energy like two very riled up cats.

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"I think it might be productive," she says to everyone, "if we learned a little more about magic here."

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"I acquired those books I could from a semi-public bookstore, but most of the more interesting things will be in private libraries. Still, I had some of my own, back in Melbourne, though I lost the best volumes when that train crashed."

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"A shame. Good books are hard to come by."

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"They are. It was quite tragic."

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"Perhaps we can look through these, then."

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"Alright." She stands to fetch them. There's about ten books, mostly fairly slim, mostly in fairly archaic language, mostly not exceptionally useful, none of them exactly introductory primers...

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She thinks Hisame has the best chance of any of them of doing something with this information. She'll prod her into paying attention, if necessary.

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Hisame will pay attention! She likes archaic old books!

This one's rather fascinating too, really - it's an old alchemical text, easily from the middle ages, full of as much metaphor as substance but with formulas Nausicaa confirms work - 

Hisame is delighted, and gets into an extremely in depth and rapidly technical discussion with Nausicaa about differences in chemistry, magic, and magical chemistry between their worlds.

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This is good. She is glad.

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These chemistries bear a very bizarre and at times only figurative relationship to anything the Keres will be familiar with! Hisame's is more familiar, at least - she's mostly talking about the odd impacts of chakra on a sensible underlying chemistry.

Nausicaa's world's chemistry is downright weird for a world that manages to look at all familiar.

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Very strange indeed. She pulls out some tinkers with chemistry knowledge. This only helps a little.

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Nausicaa's description of the process she followed to become unaging sounds like it was written by someone high on something very interesting. It's possible this magic system doesn't make much intrinsic sense - though there's certainly an almost literary pattern to it.

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Odd way for a world to work. Smacks of intelligent design.

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Nausicaa's almost entirely sure the Christians are wrong, for what it's worth, but she can't claim there was no design involved anywhere...

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Of course. But it does bear a resemblance to creation myths, though perhaps in reverse. Chaos burgeoning out of raw order...

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Hm. She's fairly sure the chaos predates the order, in some ways... But it's hard to tell, though - 

Pre-Breaking writings suggest their world was something of an island of order in a sea of chaos.

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That does accord with the traditional order of things.

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But, yeah, figuring out what's the actual case might take more time, effort, or resources than they have or are willing to spend... It'd be fascinating, though.

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It will take longer than one train ride, certainly.

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Even a long one like this.

Eventually, even, it's time to sleep.

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The rocking takes some getting used to. Reminds her of sleep aboard a ship.

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The next morning - 

There's a woman in their car.

She's dressed well, in dark purples with flashes of white behind the black tufts of lace in her elaborate hat. Diamonds sparkle around her neck, trapped in cages of silver. Her face is hard to focus on.

She's sitting primly on one of their overstuffed chairs, hands folded in her lap, back straight, head turned as if she's looking out the window.

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A fey, presumably.


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"Hello," she says, voice melodic. "You're an interesting group. Eliana Fabil. Uchiha Hisame. Mora, of the body of Nausicaa Uzun." And a hint of a smile to her voice: "And one more... Though you wouldn't like it if I spoke your name, would you?"

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The Keres glares at the figure.

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"I fear you have us at a disadvantage," says the now-named Mora. "For we don't know your name at all."

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A tinkling laugh. "You may have it - for a price. For information is my bread and butter. Doesn't do to give my wares away freely. Though you have more pressing questions, do you not?"

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"I'm not sure that we do."

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"All of you are searching for something, drawing a trail of mysteries in your wake like little starlings."

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"That's as may be. Even so, I do not trust that any help you could possibly be would be worth the price."

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"A question for a question, an answer for an answer, is my usual price."

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"A dangerous trade. Questions can be pointed."

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"I know the value of my currency, thank you kindly, and I am no cheat."

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Eliana looks at the others.

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"I think we can afford a few questions," Mora says, softly.

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"I'm less sure," says Hisame. "I would recommend caution, here..."

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"Do not trust it," says the Keres, still scowling.

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"So cruel. I don't call you an 'it,' do I?"

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"I decline to play this game, and I begin to grow tired of your presence."

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"No curiosity at all?"

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A pair of ghosts begin collecting a ball of brilliant energies.

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"Be cautious of the car," Eliana advises, stepping back and to the side.

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The woman laughs. "Indeed. Do you really want to know what happens, when ordinary humans spill into the Void?"

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"Stop talking." A box-shaped forcefield appears around the woman, encasing her. The two ghosts thrust the ball of energy inside and release it. The inside of the forcefield is consumed by nuclear fire, bright as the sun.

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The woman is smiling when the light fades.


It's hard to tell without a face.

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She has more tools. A skein of metal, an edge to cut anything, poisons for a double dozen species, spatial distortion, piece-wise temporal manipulation, overwhelming grief, an irresistible command to kill oneself... Somewhere in the catalogue will be the answer.

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It's possibly debatable if the woman is actually there.

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Then this will at the very least keep her from talking.

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"You're very stubborn," she says during one bout. "Perhaps I will see you another time. After you've calmed down a little, hm?"

And she's not there anymore.

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The forcefield contract to a tiny point, compressing all within it, before winking out with a faint pop.


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"...Are you alright?"

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"I do not think I like the fey." Her voice is clipped and curt.

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"Many people don't."

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"Has one ever been killed?"

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"Not that I've heard."

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"First time for everything."

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"Well, if anyone can manage it..."

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"Your support is appreciated."

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She laughs. "It's a pity she was an ass. I would've liked to learn a few things."

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"You'll have to take a train ride without me."

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"They're not all that bad, but I'll take it into consideration."

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Did any of the books have information about the fey?

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One has speculations, but the 'things that come on trains to be creepy at you' are a relatively new phenomenon, and not much is known. The one with speculations was apparently written by someone who remembered his conversation with one, though, and contains a Dialogue chapter.

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And what does the Dialogue consist of?

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It seems the author was asking questions about a place he was going, and where to find what he was looking for! The answers are actually useful, albeit puzzling and indirect.

The fey was asking about why the author wanted what he wanted, and the last question is scratched out.

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Hmm. She wouldn't put it past these things to feed on desires, or some other such nonsense.

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The author's pretty sure they just feed on knowledge, and does include warnings of those who 'looked too deeply' - apparently some things shouldn't be known, and people have been known to be inflicted with a creeping madness. Usually after repeatedly seeking out the fey for long conversations.

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How much longer is the trip?

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It finishes by dinner of that day, the train pulling into New York City's massive main station.

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Good. She's had quite enough of it for now.

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"An impressive edifice," Eliana comments, looking around.

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"It really is! This was the first city to Break, you know," she comments, off-handed. "The first that fell into the Void."

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"Somehow I am not exactly surprised by that."

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She laughs. "Was it very strange in your world, too?"

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"It had a bit of a reputation. Home to some of the strongest powers."

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"Huh! I haven't heard of it as a center of the occult, here."

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"Partly that was a function of its size."

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She nods. "Small towns were more prone to occult activity, here."

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"That seems... narratively appropriate, if nothing else."

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Laugh. "Was Massachusetts also a hotbed of nonsense in your world?"

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"Not so much. Different genres, I suspect."

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Snicker. "Was occult Massachusetts eldritch nonsense ever a genre?"

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"Lovecraft. Stephen King. Though I suppose you diverged before those."

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"I don't recognize either name, no."

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"Their stories often involve eldritch beings from beyond the edge of reality summoned to a New England town."

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"Huh. 'Eldritch beings from beyond the edge of reality' actually sounds fairly accurate on some accounts..."

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"Perhaps they were relaying extradimensional histories."

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"Perhaps!" She laughs, a bit loudly. "I wonder if we have any bizarrely accurate tales!"

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"That would indicate something odd going on."

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"You were postulating intelligent design earlier..."

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"A transuniversal designer would be a step beyond even that."

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She nods. "Either that, or - ones able to look into other worlds?"

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"Alas, the one god we have challenged thus far did not deign to respond."

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"Perhaps we merely need to keep looking."

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"If such beings do exist, I'm sure we will find them eventually."

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"It'll be a fun meantime, regardless..."

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"It always is with you."

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She gives her girlfriend a quick kiss.

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"For the benefit of those of use unfamiliar with this or other New York Cities, what is there to do here?"

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"Lots of really nice nightlife! I haven't been here before, but there's supposed to be some amazing music clubs - jazz is popular, and you could do to a different club every hour and a different set every night for a month and not go to the same one twice."

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"How big is this city?"

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"...Millions? I'm pretty sure less than ten million in the main city - though this one I've heard is odd, because it has corridors connecting it to bits of other cities..."

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"That is... quite large."

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"Largest city in the world, supposedly."

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"Well. Let's get to it, then."

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"In the mood for some music, then?"

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"I think so."

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"Let's find somewhere! Perhaps a bit less crowded, a bit dimmer, a bit friendlier to dykes and bulldaggers - Probably a bit short of our sort of crowd, but not as much as some places will be."

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"That sounds acceptable."

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Onwards, then, to introduce Eliana and Hisame to the wonders of jazz and clandestine gay bars!

Mora turns out to have a nose for these.

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Jazz is... interestingly complicated.

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This particular bar seems to do a lot of improv! Which is really what jazz should be. Mora delights in it, and spends some time explaining different parts of the music.

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Eliana appreciates the context.

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They can go to a more dance focused place after this, if any of her companions feel like watching her try teaching Hisame to dance, or more music, or somewhere with very conveniently dark corners...

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The Keres thinks that dancing might be fun.

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Danceward it is!

There's a new dance just becoming popular, the Lindy Hop, and there's tango and the Foxtrot and all its variants - 

Mora has to laughingly scold Hisame out of doing blatantly impossible lifts a few times.

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Aw. But she wanted to try.

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Well, everyone is a bit drunk here...

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"Come on, kitten. Take me for a spin."

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"I would be delighted."

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Wonderful. They can take home the prize for the most athletic tango together.

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If they feel like cheating for some money, there are actual dance-until-you-drop contests...

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She's more in it for the time spent next to Hisame.

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Well, they can still dance the night away, until it seems more prudent to find somewhere to sleep, at least.

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In her world, New York was called the city that never sleeps.

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Well then, let's see how long they can keep up with it, hm?

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Some of them would prefer not to.

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"I think if we find somewhere to sleep they might just find us later..." she says with a laugh.

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"Let's do that, then."

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Finding somewhere already deserted in New York City is going to be significantly harder, but it's still early enough in the night Mora doesn't mind spending some time looking.

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They, or Eliana alone, could clear an appropriate place out. If the search is taking too tong.

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...She'd want to talk to Nausicaa before killing anyone herself, though she's certainly willing to be conspicuously, non-fatally terrifying...

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Then they mightn't need to spend as long looking for a place to stay. And Eliana can clean up any mess that this may cause.

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She gets notably excited, yearning, at the mess.

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Eliana can drag it out longer than she might otherwise, make a little show of it. It's astonishing how much blood a single human contains, and how much power there is in that blood if one is clever about using it.

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She is not going to kill people until Nausicaa says it's okay - 

But she is very squirmy.

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Another thing blood magic can do is control a victim's movements. Eliana sends the last survivor crawling across the floor to flip over at her feet. An enormous bloody slash cuts across their torso, pulsing with each heartbeat. Any slight disturbance will break the surface tension and cause them to bleed out within seconds.

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She holds her breath, feeling like she's teetering over an edge - 

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The blood pulses faster as the victim's heart speeds up, red and inviting, threatening to spill out on its own.

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Surely if he's going to die anyways - 

It's kinder, isn't it, to speed things along?

(Mora is possibly an immoral person modeling an amoral person's model of a moral person.)

She kneels down, and gently caresses the victim's chest.

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The surface breaks at her touch, coating her fingers crimson and staining what's left of the shirt and the floor. A few last pumps expel the remaining blood, and the light in their eyes dims and fades out entirely.

Eliana is smirking on the far side of the room.

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Squirm, and oh she might feel bad if Nausicaa later objects to that memory but she feels so good now - 

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"You look happy."

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"I am!!! I - really, really am - "

She laughs, high, relieved.

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"Good. Now, let me get this debris out of the way..."

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"Thank you."

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"What are friends for, after all." Blood drips upwards off the floor to collect and incinerate the bodies, without any lingering unpleasant odors or remains.

"Would you like me to clean your hands?"

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"If you don't mind."

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She gestures, and the blood on Mora's hands peels away gently, coiling into a thin rope which brushes gently over and across her wrists. Eliana draws it through the air like a streamer before it too burns.

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Mora shivers.

"You're very good at this."

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"A certain innate talent, and years of practice."

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"Mmm. It works out well."

A pause, and: "I think I'm in the mood to play with my pet a bit. Would you like to join?"

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"I would be delighted."

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Then to a rather fun night of their own!

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The Keres and Hisame do eventually find their way to the apartment the other two claimed.

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Mora is by then ensconced in her own room (with her pet of course).

She and Eliana will probably be the first ones up again.

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However reluctantly, yes.

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"Do you think they'll want to stick around this city for a time?" she asks.

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"I suspect the Keres at least will wish to prepare before the next train ride we take. I have no idea how long that might take her."

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She nods.

"One thing about this city - it's possible to get quite far without ever stepping foot on a train. And things circle around to here, very often."

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"Staying here for a time may be wise in any case, then."

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"My thoughts exactly. It's - Nausicaa had suspected she might find her mother here, as well. Or at least clues."

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"Do you care to share more details?"

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"...I can, yeah."

"We're - very unusually powerful. Humans don't survive falling into the Void - "


"Our mother's name is empty."

"It should be common. I remember it being common."

"I can't find any records of anyone ever named that."

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"...That sounds like a curse of some kind."

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"There's magic around knowledge. Magic around information, and names, and words - "

"Some things are - so dreadful their true names leak."

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"Leak out or in?"

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"To - other names. Other epithets. Any reference to them, if you use it often enough - it's like it becomes them."

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"How odd."

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"Our magic frequently is."

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"So. Is there a way to... track the leakage of names? Find a trail which to follow?"

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"I'm not entirely sure. I think - there's a hum. I'm not sure anyone else can feel it, but - "

"I suspect if I walk around the city with my eyes closed, when I open them I will be - somewhere important, at least."

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"I see. If you care for company on your search, then, I shall be pleased to provide it."

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"Thank you."

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The Keres emerges from the room she shared with Hisame, vaguely suspicious of the new day.

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Days are pretty suspicious. Especially given the non-visible sky. They could be up to anything!

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She'll have her and the pet take care of breakfast, at least.

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The Keres becomes something resembling human again after the application of breakfast.

"Do we have any plans for the day?"

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"Eliana and I were talking about going out to look for clues towards my Nausicaa's mother's trail. It also wouldn't hurt to track down occult bookshops - though I suspect you're more likely to find a concentration of those up the northern corridor, in Boston."

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"I would like to acquire more occult information. We could split the duties."

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"I suspect that'll work very well, then."

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Then they split up after breakfast?

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That works for Mora!

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Is she really going to wander around with her eyes closed?

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She laughs - "Maybe a little. At least at intersections, I should try to get the pulse of things..."

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"I'll make sure no one runs into you."

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She smiles, softly. "Why, thank you. Though people tend to avoid me. I haven't the foggiest idea why." This last is perhaps said a bit sarcastically.

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"Natural caution, perhaps."

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She laughs. "Perhaps I can learn how to make cats hiss and milk curdle as I pass by."

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"That might prove inconvenient if we wish to keep dairy products in the house."

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"I'll pass on that part of the set, then."

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"Very accommodating of you."

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"I strive to be a team player!"

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"It'll be us versus the worlds."

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"I look forward to it. Though I would like my Nausicaa back, first, before venturing far afield..."

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"As is only natural." Shall they begin the search, then?

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The city is differently awake, in the morning. People walk with a sense of purpose. There's a cool wind winding through the streets.

Mora's path, including frequent pauses to close her eyes and listen, takes them all over. Past massive parks, through streets lined with cafes, through poorer regions, through places where the space between Void walls is only one street wide...

She - gets a sense. A pulse. 

But she's not sure she'll find anything today.

"It's almost like it's asleep," she says, softly. "Like some - nocturnal thing."

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"I don't know enough to know if that makes sense."

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"Neither do I."

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"We could try again tonight, I suppose."

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She nods. "That might be best."

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"What else is there to do in this city, then?"

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"I'm not entirely sure! There's supposed to be a wonderful daytime theater scene, though, and quite a few parks, and some museums..."

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"I should like to visit a museum, I think."

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"Art, science, or history?"

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"Very well! I think we passed one, actually..."

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Then they can backtrack to the museum. Eliana is interested in how the lack of easily accessible magic affected the development of history and culture. What sort of class and power distinctions arose? How did nations sustain themselves? What institutions seized power?

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The museum - and an energetic curator - contain answers to this not easily detailed in the margins of this tag! (This museum is about pre-Breaking history, mostly.)

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Eliana is a perceptive and thoughtful museum guest. She could easily spend most of the day with the exhibits and interrogating the curator.

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Fortunately, this museum's open pretty late!

Unfortunately closing hours exist.

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Is it late enough to resume the search?

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Mora had been interested enough to keep up with the museum conversations, and is privately of the opinion than Eliana is adorable when she's nerding out.

Mora restarts the process of wandering, her steps taking her towards some of the quieter, more out of the way music clubs.

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Eliana follows, vigilant.

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Mora frowns when she sees where her feet lead her - a quiet club, dim and smokey, with a door man who lets them with with a quiet nod. 

"I don't like this..." she mutters.

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"If trouble starts, shed some blood I can use," she replies.

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She smiles. "Will do. Up the stairs, then?"

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Into the club.

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It's muffled. The sounds of the street don't reach into here. The lighting is dim, the fabrics dark - 

Except in the room Mora walks into.

Every surface here is pure white, except little cream stars stitched into the silky cloth, barely visible.

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There's a woman, with vibrant red hair, standing facing away from them, also clothed in starry white.

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...Not exactly what she was expecting.

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"You're not precisely my daughter, are you, Mora?" the woman asks, not turning around. Her voice sounds odd, empty.

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Mora just takes a sharp, deep breath.

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"Who are you?"

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"The mother of Nausicaa Uzun. A traveler."

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"A traveler from where?"

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"Far, though not as far as you."

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"You seem to know quite a bit."

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"You could say that, I suppose, though less, here."

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"Why is that?"

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"This world drains the possibilities from existence. A rather dreadful place. Small, limited, though the people in it dream so wonderfully."

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Eliana glances at Mora.

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"Do you know how to wake Nausicaa up? My Nausicaa?"

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She pauses.

"I could. Though it would be difficult to not also wake the original."

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"...I don't know that the original wanted to be awake."

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...Three layers of people?

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"I would like to talk to my daughter."

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Mora glances away.

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"One cannot always achieve one's desires."

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"That is a problem with this world, yes. So limiting, to exist, with time linear, with only singular possibilities. Like the world is flat."

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Sounds like she's from the Void.

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"You. Girl. Do you plan to take Mora and the second Nausicaa with you, when you leave this world?"

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And displays an uncomfortable level of knowledge.

"If she wishes to accompany us, I see no reason we would deny her."

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"I would miss her."

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"That is a reason for you to deny us, not a reason for us to deny her."

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"You're more powerful - outside, right?"

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"It's more that more exists, but yes."

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"Can you split the original Nausicaa off, there?"

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"What would be the obstacles to doing that? Or undesirable outcomes?"

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"She could die. Or cease to be meaningfully capable of entering worlds like this, at least for a few centuries."

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"Who is 'she' referring to, here?"

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"All three of them, really."

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"Mm. How can that risk be minimized or mitigated?"

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"It depends entirely on their own presence of mind."

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"I see."

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"...I'll do it. I think... My Nausicaa would want the original to exist, somewhere, maybe someday happy."

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"If you're sure."

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"...I think I am. I'll want to warn the others, though, before I - leave."

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"Very well."

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"I'll be waiting here, when you are ready."

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Mora nods, and turns to leave.

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Eliana will follow her.

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She takes a few shuddering, deep breaths when they're well away, seeming deeply upset.

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Eliana offers an arm.

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She'll take it, leaning in a bit.

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Pat pat.

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"I don't like our mom."

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"Would it help if I told you that you are not required to? Many people dislike their parents, even those who are directly related. You exist as your own person. You are entitled to make your own decisions about what to do with that existence."

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"My Nausicaa just. Really wanted to find her."

"And I don't think she thinks we're her children."

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"There is a sense in which you are, and a sense in which you are not. Grandchildren might perhaps be a more appropriate descriptor."

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"Maybe. I think - we're different attached, than that."

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"You would know better than I."

"I am sure that somewhere in the many worlds is an easier way to awaken your Nausicaa and separate the original. If you would like."

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"I'd be worried she'd - be lost if I left. And that... I think the original didn't have the kindest life here, but - she was a good person, in a way I and my Nausicaa very are not. I would want to find a good world for her, and... I'm not sure our group will be seeking good worlds."

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"It would be more complicated, to be sure. In the end, this is your choice. Just be aware that the choice is not between this and nothing, it is between this and finding another way."

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"Thank you."

"I think - "

"The original decided she didn't want to - be awake - even while in this world."

"I think I'll... Try to find another world for her."

"But... I'm still really worried about losing my Nausicaa... Even if just for a long time. I don't know - how attached she is to this world, magically."

"I don't even know if I leave if I and my Nausicaa will stop existing and it'll just be the original in here."

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"The other two will have acquired books by now. We can do some research and see how likely that is."

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She nods. "Hopefully."

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Back to the apartment, then?

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Works for her, and she's put herself together enough now.

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Off they go.

Though Eliana doesn't have to let go of her if Mora would prefer she didn't.

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She'd prefer that, yeah.

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Arm-in-arm all the way back it is.

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The Keres and Hisame have indeed collected quite a haul of books, many of them of the rarer sort. The Keres has six open around her on the floor.

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She collects herself a bit more.

"Looks like you had some luck."

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"Hm? Oh. Yes."

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"Anything very interesting?"

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"Perhaps. I will let you know when I have finished learning this magic."

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"Any I should start in on? Ideally for now I'd like things about headmates..."

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She points to a stack on the table. "Second and third from the top would be be your best bets."

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She takes those, settling in for a long night spent reading.

(These books will take a while to get to their point, but she can skip a night of sleep.)

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As can the Keres.

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Eventually she finds - enough, at least.

"I think I'm willing to try leaving here, rather than staying and waiting for my Nausicaa, or risking our mother's help," she says to Eliana.

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"That is good."

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She nods. "Do you think they're likely to want to leave soon?"

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"The Keres seems still occupied. I am not sure about Hisame."

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Hisame has actually read through and memorized all the books, and is currently sorting out what she now knows and taking notes.

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"I suppose you'll have to ask."

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She nods, and decides to go to bother Hisame first.

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"Well, I'm enjoying the nightlife here, but don't feel any particular pressure to stay or leave. Darling?"

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"I would like to kill that fey, or one like it, before we go."

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She laughs. "Your wish is my command, then. Perhaps we shall lay a pretty trap."

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"Your help is appreciated."

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"I wouldn't mind asking one questions, but perhaps I can be the bait."

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"As you like."

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Hisame smiles at them both and leans into the Keres.

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She puts an arm around Hisame.

"I may require your assistance as well, once you have finished with your questions."

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"I expect so. The fey are - it's debatable how... Present they are. You might be - fighting a shadow of something larger."

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"So I have gleaned from these texts."

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"I'll help you, definitely, I just don't know how fast it might escalate."

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"A little exciting, yes?"

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She laughs. "Thrilling!"

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"As long as one is prepared."

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"Of course. Controlled risks are preferable."

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"I rather like risking it all, myself."

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"You have less to protect than she does, I think."

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"One point! My own darling is not particularly vulnerable, either."

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"Whereas I possess nothing but my own life. I suppose that is why I value it more."

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"Oh, no, I've always been horridly reckless with myself."

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"That seems a better way to die than to live, to me."

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"But then where's the fun in life?"

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"The extent, mainly."

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She laughs. "Life's often short, even for the cautious, at least where I'm from."

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"I am glad, then, that I am not of your world."

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"I'm sure you'd be disgusted by its sheer nonsense."

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"And it would have been tragic, if you'd died with the world."

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"That has already been established, I believe."

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She just smiles a bit. "Do we want to have any more fun, the next few days, while we prepare for our next little train ride?"

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"Those of us not engaged in study will need to pass the time somehow."

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"Hm, perhaps Eliana and I can entertain ourselves some, then. Though of course you two are invited."

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"Join them if you like, kitten," the Keres says. "I will attend the task I have set myself, as it seems I am the one we wait on."

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She leans against her girlfriend. "Alright, darling. I'll tell you all about what we get up to, hm?"

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"In detail, I'm sure."

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"Perhaps I can throw in a few illusions, for the more visually interesting parts..."

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"I'll look forward to it."

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Kiss! "I'll make you some art, then."

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And then back to the books.

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She'll leave her girlfriend to it.

To the other two: "Any ideas for tonight's entertainment?"

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"Perhaps we might invite another guest. Or two."

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"I'd like to involve our pet. I'm sure she's felt horribly neglected..."

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"Stuck here alone all day. I'm sure."

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"We can find her some playmates. For a short time, at least."

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"I think she will enjoy that."

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"Shall we, then?"

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Off to find more victims.

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Mora's far happier with the idea of nonconsensual victims now, too! Greatly expands the types of fun they can have.

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There is a different sort of pleasure to be had in breaking the unwilling.

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Which Hisame can show off thoroughly.

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Mora is really appreciating the stroke of luck that led this team to her.

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They are a blessing of good fortune. To those they take a liking to.

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Their hunt must be disrupted for a time, while Mora recovers from her laughter.

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Eliana waits patiently, a small smile playing across her own features.

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Friends are the best.

Onwards, now, to chaos, death, and destruction?

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And may the world quake in fear of their passage.

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Or at least the poor unfortunate souls who catch their attention.

Mora finds ones that look aesthetically pleasing arrayed next to their pet. Very important, that, though having interesting reactions is also important - still, something she's less talented at sorting for.

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They can do a little trial run before fully committing.

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Of course. And they're not keeping these, she assumes.

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Not unless somebody forms a sudden attachment. Which Eliana will not.

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She's not planning to. She has her Nausicaa, and her pet.

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Hisame will restrain herself.

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Then it's all in good fun.

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Such good, good fun.

And she makes rather excellent memories to share with her girlfriend!

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Her girlfriend greatly appreciates them, when she deems her studies sufficiently complete.

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Oh, good.

And if those studies are complete, are they moving onto the laying of traps?

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The easiest place to summon a fey is on a train, actually.

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Sounds fun!

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"I'll likely be stronger there as well."

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"We may need that, if something larger decides to take an interest."

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"I'll surely be able to help, then, especially with you all beside me."

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"No doubt."

The Keres' plan is straightforward. Book a train car on a sufficiently long trip, draw a fey in. Distract it while she cuts off avenues of escape, and then, make conditions inimical to its existence.

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"And my questions will be the distraction, then?"

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"That is the idea."

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"Good. As soon as we can get a ticket, then?"

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"I see no reason for delay."

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"Alright. I'll acquire us another private car, then."

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"Very kind of you."

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And off to do that, and get them set up financially for their journey.

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Meanwhile, the Keres can make up a bit of lost time with Hisame.

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Oh, yes.

She's still a bit floaty when it's time to board the train. This car's better appointed than the last, set up for a longer trip and for wealthier customers. 

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How luxurious. She begins her preparations an hour out of the station.

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And she draws a fey, in time.

A different one. Still feminine, still that same odd voice and face, though this time dressed in a soft teal suit. 

"There's been whispers about you four, up and down the tracks," she says, softly.

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She nods at Mora. When the questions start, she'll finish the trapping.

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Mora begins trading questions, asking after her mother and the nature of the Void and of magic, as she in turn answers about her path - each dancing around their actual answers, no one giving anything substantial - 

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And with a final hidden murmur, the binding is done.

She immediately begins the chant of dissolution.

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The woman laughs, watching her, unthreatened.

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Yeah, keep laughing. Soon you won't exist.

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That is definitely a smile on her nonexistent face, as the Keres rips her apart!

And then the ripping spreads.

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That- is suboptimal. She tries to contain it, limit the spread-

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The train starts to scream. Oil bubbles up through the carpet.

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"Some help," she says to Mora, "would be appreciated at this point."

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"Trying!" she says, voice strained. She's present, oddly, painful to look at, the world not really behaving around her - or perhaps behaving too much - 

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"Concentrate on the train. I'll take us." She knows these people, they will stay and not change- "Gather close," she says to the others.

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Hisame steps closer, until her shoulder's brushing her girlfriend's; Mora's concentrating too hard to move, but was close already.

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Eliana steps in, dragging the pet by the collar. She makes a cut along the pet's arm, and begins casting her own wards and protections around the group, for whatever good that does.

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A window melts into a jagged slash, like claws.

There's an eye outside it.

And then the train falls away.

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The Keres opens her eyes.

A dirt field, Bordering a small river. The sun overhead. No train.

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" - Well, that was weird," Hisame says. She's the only one standing, though she's staring off into the middle distance like someone stunned. "Does anyone else remember how we got here?"

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Mora's just moaning, barely conscious. And covered in oil.

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"Some unpleasant concatenation of circumstance, it seems."

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Eliana begins to stir.

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"This doesn't seem to be the same world as the one we left, either."

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"No. It doesn't."

She withdraws a vial of Thedosian healing potion from her sleeve and takes a sip, offering some to Hisame.

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"Thank you, darling," she says, taking a little bit, then going to check on the other three. Mora seems more mentally out of it than physically damaged, from a quick medical scan...

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Eliana is in a similar state, as is the pet. The latter is still unconscious.

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"We should seek shelter. Somewhere to recover, at least."

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"There's a village," the Keres says, pointing.

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And from that direction, a figure is coming towards them.

A girl, perhaps sixteen years old, barefoot and wearing dun-colored trousers and a dark green shirt without arms, both somewhat loose-fitting.

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Hisame waves. "Hello!" she calls. "Do you know where we are?"

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She stops a distance away, feet firmly planted. Hisame will recognize her stance as that of someone who knows how to fight, though not in any style she's familiar with.

"Southern Earth Kingdom. Three days from Gao Ling. Who are you, and where did you come from?"

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"We are some exceptionally lost travelers! From a land far enough away none of that rings a bell."

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"Mm. I felt you appear. I didn't feel you coming."

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"Ties into how we became lost, I suppose. We were in a very strange fight, the particulars of which I don't quite remember, and woke up here rather than there."

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"I recommend not picking a fight with spirits next time."

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"Fey, technically," Eliana says, sitting up.

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"In the place we were, the thing we were fighting was called a 'fey,'" Hisame explains, very unhelpfully. "Though I think it might be close enough to a spirit. Different world, different magic, bizarrely similar concepts."

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"Right." This is the face of a skeptical girl.

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She tilts her head, grinning -

And is suddenly over behind the girl - there was nothing very convenient to swap with, so she simply moved exceptionally quickly.

"You don't believe me?"

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The girls footing shifts slightly as Hisame moves and a shell of earth springs up around her, raised from the ground.

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She clasps her hand. "Good! I like seeing a new place's magic. Elemental - not quite a mental action, requires motion... Can you do anything other than elements?"

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The earth walls drop.

"Are you really from another world?"

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"We are! Four different ones, even. Is there a type of magic I could show off, that you wouldn't have?"

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"You don't seem like you'd be very entertained by that."

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"No offense, but I don't trust you."

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"I'm wounded, truly. Whyever not?"

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"You still haven't told me your names, for one."

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"My bad!" She bows dramatically. "I'm Hisame! My dear friends are Eliana, Mora, the Keres - and did we ever get the pet's name, darling?" She directs that last to her girlfriend.

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"I don't believe so, kitten."

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She points. "That one! More Mora's than anyone else's, but Mora shares. She seems to have taken our trip rather poorly. We would like to get her somewhere she - and the rest of us as well - can recover safely."

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"I don't think this village is a good place for you to do that."

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"Aw, why ever not?"

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"Because it's mine, and I like it boring."

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"You think we'd spice things up, just resting?"

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"Call it bender's intuition."

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"It's like you've met us! But we can behave, you know. Like a little vacation!"

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She stares at Hisame for a moment.

"One night," she says. "Wait here. I'll arrange... rooms. Then walk you in."

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"Alright. Thank you for your kindness!"

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She turns and goes back to the village.

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The Keres steps beside Hisame. "Going to follow her?"

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"I suspect we'd be noticed - at least if we kept to the ground, and I can't subtly fly. Though it may be worth it, to have her know she's watched. Assuming she keeps her word, though, it might be fun to reward her. Good help is so hard to find."

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"We seem to have done well enough so far. Two worlds, two people. Perhaps two and a half."

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"If the first person we drop on here is just as delightful as Mora, I'm going to be quite suspicious."

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"Third time is conspiracy, as they say."

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"Somebody leaving us treats, you think?"

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"They must want to be on our good side."

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"They have great taste, then!"

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"Oh, yes." She draws Hisame into a kiss.

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Mmmmmmmm girlfriend!

(...Though they should get their less conscious allies into more comfortable positions.)

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Of course.

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It's some twenty minutes before the local girl comes walking back out their way.

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Hisame's done some healing in that time!

She waves to the local girl when she comes into sight.

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"Can they move?" she asks.

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"We can carry them."

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"Come on, then."

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She picks up both Mora and the pet herself, following along after Eliko.

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The Keres follows after.

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The village she leads them into is tiny, a cluster of buildings centered around a crossroads, which doubles as a market square for passing caravans. The inn is in the center, facing the east-west road. It's a two-story affair with a relatively unweathered stone facade. The proprietor, a middle-aged man, is wiping out mugs behind a bar in the common room.

She nods at him as she shows them upstairs. They have two rooms, each with one large bed.

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Hisame will put Mora and the pet in with Eliana for now, then, if Eliana doesn't have an objection.

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That's fine by her.

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Then, to the local girl: "You know, I don't think we got your name."

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"It's Eliko."

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"Hello Eliko! We don't have much to offer you as repayment for your kindness unfortunately..."

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"You can repay me by not giving me cause to regret it."

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"No chaos in town, then?"

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"No. I neither need nor want any attention you would call down."

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"Aw. Would you like to have some non-town fun, then? Must be a dreadfully boring life out here..."

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"Peaceful. Not boring. If I wanted excitement I'd go sign up for the war."

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"Which war?"

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"The one where the Fire Nation is trying to conquer the world."

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"Shocking. Why is someone always trying that... Fire sounds fun, would you regret it if I picked a fight with them?"

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"No, but only because you'd have to go five hundred miles to find any of them."

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"I," she says, "Am very fast."

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"Good for you. Don't bring any of them back here, and don't leave a trail."

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"You don't want to play?"

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"Do I want to trust a stranger from another world I met less than an hour ago to whisk me five hundred miles away to a battle site I don't even know the exact location of, there to piss off at least one and possibly two armies, and then be whisked back in time for dinner? No. I don't."

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She laughs. "Reasonable, perhaps. Do you mind answering some of my questions about this world?"

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"Fine. Let's go downstairs."

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"Of course." She'll follow, then.

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Down to the common room. Eliko claims a corner table.

"Ask your questions."

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"Is the only magic here elemental? Can anyone use any of the elements, or are they limited to their Nations?"

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"Bending only affects the elements. Fire, air, water, earth. Only the Avatar can bend more than one. Not everyone's a bender."

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"What are spirits?"

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"Spirits are spirits. Animated expressions of nature, or something. No one really knows."

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She nods. "What's the Avatar?"

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"The bridge between humans and the spirit world."

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"And that allows them to use all four of your elements?"

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"Apparently. The one running around now has only been seen using air and wind."

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"Oh, there's an Avatar currently? Delightful."

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"She reappeared a year ago after being gone for almost a century."

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" - The same person?"

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"The Avatar's reincarnations cycle through the nations and between genders. They were a female airbender when they disappeared and they're a female airbender now. There haven't been seven others since then, so yeah. Same person."

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"Same age? How delightfully odd."

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"Yeah. And in the meantime the Fire Nation's burned half the world, so I think most people are a little too angry to ask questions about why and how."

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"Pity that."

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"What are the major polities in this world?"

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"Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, Northern Water Tribe. There's a Southern Water Tribe but they're practically extinct. All the Air Nomads are dead."

She slaps the wall behind her and a rough sketch of a map raises out of the stone, with borders drawn in. There's one main continent in the center, marked as Earth; an archipelago in the southwest, marked Fire; two capping landmasses at the north and south marked Water. Fire's claim extends over the northwestern quadrant of the main continent.

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"Huh. Seems rather few, to me..."

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"There's only four elements. And not all the land is populated. There's a desert here," she indicates a big chunk of the eastern middle of the continent.

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"I suppose if you had limited magic like that it might shake out to one polity per, yes. My world had dozens on a single continent, but for the most part everyone had the same magic."

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"Sounds complicated."

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"It could be, at times. Meant we rarely had the sort of fight where one person invades everyone else, at least."

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"Must be nice."

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"Heh. I think we spent more time at war overall, though. Hard to keep the peace when any one upstart can break it."

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"This war's been dragging for a hundred years, so..."

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"Longer than we managed stable polities! We only had reliable borders for about sixty or seventy years, at the last."

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"You must be horribly unimpressed with us."

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"I am reevaluating my opinion on the existence of the Avatar as a stabilizing force on international politics."

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"Oh? Why?"

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"Your account of your world recontextualizes Fire Nation expansionism and the beginnings of the war. The Avatar before the current one was Fire Nation. After he died, the Fire Nation built up their military and swept the Air Nomads before the next Avatar could become fully realized."

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"Ah, yes, a single powerful individual will often do that. Expansionist policies in my world were held in check by the threat of everyone else teaming up against you, mostly."

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"The Avatar is singular. Perhaps unfortunately."

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"Probably makes things more vulnerable to one vanishing, or happening to be bad at their job."

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"The past century is good evidence of that."

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"Sounds like a rather fascinating story, all told."

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"I guess."

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"I do so love history! It's a pity my world doesn't have good records - perhaps in one of these worlds I'll have to convince my friends to stick around long enough to get familiar with a library..."

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"There's no library in this village." And she's not inviting this woman back to her house to browse her private collection.

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"Do you know where we'd find one?"

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"There's a small repository in Gao Ling."

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"A nearby town?"

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"The closest big one. Three days east."

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"Thank you! I'll be sure to check them out, then."

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"Any book or other library recommendations?"

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"That's the only one I've been to. The one in Ba Sing Se is supposed to be almost as big as the Lost Library of Wan Shi Tong."

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"A Lost Library?"

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"Wan Shi Tong, He Who Knows Ten Thousand Things. A spirit. His Library is supposed to hold all the knowledge of the world, somewhere in the Si Wong Desert, but no one's found it in centuries."

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"Sounds like a challenge! Is he more likely to appear if you bring new knowledge? I memorized a significant number of books from my homeworld, and could copy them over."

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"I don't know."

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"Would you like to join me?"

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"...That's only slightly less a questionable decision than raiding a battlefield with you."

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"Aw. I promise I'll keep you safe, to the best of my ability. And you'll get books out of it."

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"...How fast can you go?"

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"Multiple times the speed of sound! And my girlfriend can teleport."

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A day trip to look for Wan Shi Tong's library.

"We'd have to be back by tonight."

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"Certainly! Should I write out the books ahead of time, do you think? Though that would require materials..."

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"There's not enough paper in town for multiple books."

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"Unfortunate. I might just dig through my seals, see if I have any already written and packed away - even though I can memorize them, I love the feel of a book..."

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"A rather excellent type of magic from my home world! It's a way of folding things into other things, through magical writing - so I could turn a book into a single inked symbol, and have a book of books, so to speak."

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"Sounds useful."

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"It is! Unfortunately, it takes quite a while to teach someone..."

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"Of course it does."

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"The good things usually do. I was able to get to quite a bit of mastery in three years, though I think you could manage sealing just one thing - like books - in a shorter time."

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"Would you want to go to the library soon, then?"

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"If we are going, yes."

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"Let me sort my books, then, and let my girlfriend know what I'm up to."

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"I'll wait here."

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And off to tell the Keres about Hisame's upcoming adventure! The Keres is invited, of course; Hisame can leave a clone here to protect their allies.

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A lost spirit library? Sounds like fun.

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Definitely! Though she'd rather not kill the librarian. Killing librarians tends to rather tragically lose you access to books! She suspects that goes double with weird spirit librarians.

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She'll restrain herself. As a favor to her kitten.

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And Hisame finds a book from each of her home world, from Eliana's world, and from Mora's world in her seals, all of which she's memorized and deemed both easy to re-copy later and not critical as reference manuals. (She picked up an entire stack of penny dreadfuls in Mora's world, and had raided their stolen homes for books in both worlds.)

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Downstairs, Eliko has prepared a thin stone map that shows the area they're going in more detail.

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Hisame's eyes flash red long enough to memorize it.

"This is a desert, you said?"

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"Well, we won't be out long enough for water concerns to become critical, at least..."

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"So one hopes."

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"Are you ready to be whisked away?"

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Her face tightens.


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"Darling, do you want to do the honors, or should I?"

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"You two can lead the way. I'll follow."

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Is Eliko willing to be carried? It's unfortunately the easiest way for Hisame to move people around.

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If she has to.

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Hisame will make a bridal carry as unawkward as possible!

And then they're zooming over the landscape, wind whipping past them - but not as much as it should, given how quickly the world falls away.

(Hisame is maybe pushing herself. She isn't as fast as Madara, not yet, but she's up there when motivated.)

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Definitely the fastest she's ever traveled.

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The Keres keeps pace.

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Soon enough, they've crossed the mountains and are deep into the sands of the desert. The best guess for the location of the library is somewhere near the center.

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Zoom! Until it seems reasonable to stop.

She puts down Eliko, turning to her girlfriend. "Any guesses on where to go, darling?"

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"Hmm..." She consults with a selection of ghosts, swapping some in and out.

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That's disturbing.

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"...That way feels like our best chance." She points.

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"Onwards, then!"

She'll scoop Eliko, after again waiting for permission, then much more slowly zoom towards the maybe-library.

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There's maybe a faint shimmer on the horizon.

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Does library respond to calling out that she's got some interdimensional books she knows the library won't have?

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Not really. But all it is is the tip of a tower rising out of the sand, so perhaps that's to be expected.

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She'll keep a hold on Eliko, and use a wind technique to blow away the sand in a spiral around the top - of course the sand will eventually fall back in, but she suspects this is easier than attempting to raise the tower.

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The tower is very tall, and actually is more like a spire on a larger building. There's no visible windows or doors as more of the building is exposed; the only entry point so far is the cupola at the top of the tower.

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Through that, then.

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There's a trapdoor, and a narrow spiral staircase, pitch black. The Keres sends one of her ghosts down, glowing with light. The shaft descends farther than the exterior of the tower they had revealed.

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She sets down Eliko, and descends.

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Eliko taps the walls as she walks down the stairs, and frowns.

"This building doesn't make any sense."

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"How so?"

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"Bigger than it should be. Spaces folding in on themselves."

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"Fascinating. Seems appropriate, for a spirit library."

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"I don't like it. Makes me dizzy."

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"You use your earth bending for your senses that much?"

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Shrug. "Habit I got into while I was learning. Most earthbenders don't."

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She nods. "It seems like it'd be more useful than not."

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"It is."

The bottom of the stairs is a ladder down into a wide atrium with a domed roof, light by a sourceless glow. Four wings split off on the sides, stacked with shelf upon towering shelf of books.

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She steps out into the middle, slowly turning around, a look of awe upon her face.

"I wonder how they're sorted..."

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"If indeed they are," the Keres says, floating the last little way down to the floor.

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There's a rustle of wings and an owl twice the height of a man swoops in to land on the floor before the group.

"How rude," it says clearly, though the beak doesn't seem to move. "My classification system is beyond reproach, perfected over millennia."

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She clasps her hands. "Wonderful! Every library needs a good classification system. I heard you have all the knowledge of this world?"

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"Yes. Wan Shi Tong I am, He Who Knows Ten Thousand Things. This library holds all the knowledge I possess. The price of entry is that you add to it. Tell me something I do not know."

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She pulls out her chosen books. "Three books, each from a different world other than this own. One is of the magic unique to its world; one is of the history of its own; and one is of the fears of its world."

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Wan Shi Tong grabs the books out of her hand with a taloned foot and bends its head to peer at them, then tucks them underneath a folded wing. "Three books. Three persons. Acceptable. No food. No drink. No fire. No running. Nothing leaves the building." It spreads its wings and flaps off into the stacks.

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"Hopefully that doesn't include knowledge," says Hisame, then makes as many clones as she can to start reading as many books as she can - faster than she can actually comprehend, since she can always review the sharingan memories later.

Can she figure out the organization scheme?

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It's rather opaque. There's a bit of a subtle elemental theme in each of the four wings, and she's never really surprised to find a given book wherever it is, even if she couldn't have predicted where it would be a priori.

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Well, she can easily assign one body per wing - her original body and three clones.

(How are her companions doing?)

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The Keres is wandering through each wing with a ring of six open books floating around her, their pages flipping on their own. When one is finished, it zooms back to its spot and another comes out to take its place.

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Eliko has taken several scrolls down from the Earth wing shelves and spread them out on the floor, and is studying them intently.

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Then Hisame can keep track of the time while memorizing any interesting looking books, until it's close to time to head back.

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Which it is, perhaps sooner than could be wished. Eliko rolls up her scrolls and puts them back. (She had moved on to studying similar ones from the other wings.)

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And everyone can meet back up in the atrium.

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Hisame is bouncing very delightedly! She also dismisses all three clones - no point keeping them out longer than she needs to.

"We definitely need to come back again sometime!"

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"Yes. I like this place."

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"So! Many! Books!"

Fortunately this civilization has few enough that Hisame can even start on reading a big chunk.

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...Maybe they're not all bad.

"Let's go."

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"As you wish."

Scoop and zoom back?

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Yes. The sun is setting when they get back.

"Dinner and breakfast are included with your rooms."

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"Thank you. Do you want to talk with us more tonight? We can tell something of ourselves, since you've been so helpful."

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"...All right."

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Sounds like story time over dinner, then!

Hisame is as vibrant and engaging a story-teller as ever.

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She will perhaps coax a small smile from Eliko with some of her stories.

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She's willing to count that as a success!

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The Keres shares a trimmed version of her tale.

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It sounds more fantastical than Hisame's did to Eliko.

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Sensible; there's a larger gap in magic and technology. In fact, this world and Hisame's seem to have the same underlying aesthetic, albeit one implemented in different ways.

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Which is somewhat strange, come to think about it.

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They've encountered a ridiculous number of examples of this type of nonsense! Hisame's theory is they're being simulated, or there's some over deity messing with them, which ultimately works out to the same thing.

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Eliko doesn't really care for either of those two theories.

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She laughs.

"Is the idea so objectionable?"

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"I'd prefer to be my own person."

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"I didn't say we weren't! I certainly feel like I have free will, though that might be an illusion, or I might be being simulated by an all-powerful version of myself so I only indirectly have free will..."

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"If it feels the same, does it really matter?"

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"Makes a difference how I feel about it."

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"I imagine I'd be far less cooperative if I had an unfriendly simulator."

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"That's a given."

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She laughs.

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Soon after, Eliko heads home.

She's up early the next morning, starting work on incorporating the airbending and waterbending techniques she saw in the library yesterday into her own style.

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- Something big flies overhead! Then loops around, back towards where Eliko is.

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Oh fuck. There's only one sky bison around.

She moves to one side of the field.

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The sky bison lands! And a very perky twelve year old dressed in oranges and reds vaults off, landing with a bounce.

Something about her face is familiar.

"Hi!" she chirps. "Your bending style's really interesting!"

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"I'm... self-taught."

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"Neat! You must have a really good understanding of it! Especially to combine styles; I've been trying to blend my air and water together, lately."

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"I've been working on it for a long time. Probably it helps that I can't accidentally bend something other than earth."

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"That does seem potentially helpful! Still, would you like to be my earth-bending teacher?"

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"I'm not sure I'm qualified..." Or that her village will survive the Avatar's presence.

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"You seem qualified to me! And most people don't want to teach me, or want to treat me like a weapon to be pointed... I would've thought Bumi would've known better than that, since he knew me before, but I suppose time dulls memories."

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"Maybe a few days' trial, then." She squints, then shakes her head.

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"Something wrong?"

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"You... look like someone I met recently." Who has hopefully already moved on. Agni, please let that group have left town already...

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"I suppose I might have one of those faces!"

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"Mm. Yeah."

"My name's Eliko, by the way. Did you want to start right away, or...?"

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"I'm Mara! And sure!"

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"Okay." Eliko takes a wide stance, torso angled leftward. Slowly, deliberately, she pulls her rear foot forwards, pushing the opposite hand down at the same time. The dirt beneath her flattens and hardens, the effect spreading out in a circle around her. When she has a big enough platform, she returns to a more neutral stance and beckons Mara over.

"The first step is your stance. Earth is hard to move. It won't listen to you if you're not grounded. Plant your feet here and here. Bend your knees a little. Square up your shoulders."

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She does!

...She seems to be having trouble with the 'grounded' part.

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Eliko stomps a foot and the field rolls like a wave.

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She goes tumbling!

And then bounces back to her feet, eyeing Eliko warily, in a loose stance.

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Eliko is standing in exactly the same manner and place she was.

"Grounded, I said. Not bouncing. If you're not as firm as the earth, it will knock you over."

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She keeps trying. Eliko's probably going to have to knock her over a few more times, though, but Mara doesn't seem frustrated about this.

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Eliko will knock her over as many times as it takes. If she can't get the stance, there's no point in going any further. (She's maybe a little more perfectionist than strictly necessary. But this is the Avatar. If anyone should do it right, it's her. And if this convinces her to give up and leave, well. So much the better.)

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And then a familiar voice is calling out - "Found a new friend, Eliko?"

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She turns. "One night, I said."

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"It was a night! And then I slept in. Who's this."

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"Her student," says her very dusty student, turning around. " - Why do you have my face?!?!"

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"I'd say it's my face, I appear to be older!"

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"She's from another world. Mara, this is Hisame. Hisame, Mara."

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"I'm pretty sure we're being simulated," she tells Mara, grinning.

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"Oh? By someone interesting, I hope?"

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"At least someone with good taste! Though I'm curious if you're actually a me..."

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"What would that even mean?"

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"Who we'd be if we swapped places - probably different from reincarnation, at least here, I'm certainly not the past Avatars - "

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She twists her foot and knocks Mara over again.

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Mara 'eeps.'

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Hisame starts laughing.

"Good luck explaining solid stances to anyone at all like me - though maybe I can knock some sense into her..."

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"She won't get anywhere with earthbending if she doesn't figure it out."

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"Then I'll do my best."

And she starts to very easily knock around the Avatar. She's faster, hits harder, and demonstrates very thoroughly that the Avatar can't avoid her.

And, lo and behold, the Avatar begins firming her stance, mostly after Hisame challenges her to take several blows head-on. 

The Avatar will probably come out of this with some broken bones, but, hey, she'll know the stance!

(Which Hisame has memorized, of course.)

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Eliko is, quietly, privately, impressed.

Is Hisame going to fix those bones?

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Yes, in fact - she notes she's not as good a healer as her girlfriend, but apparently she'd been careful not to do any damage she can't heal. She does, however, leave her student with some bruises, to let the lesson settle in.

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Good. Then she can have Mara use her newfound stance to start on the basics of gross manipulation, which is to say, punching boulders in half. Eliko has some buried under the field which she raises for this purpose.

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She seems to find this intensely fun, but isn't getting anywhere fast, again. Still, her stance stays as firm as it had been, and she does figure out fairly quickly she needs to be more forceful - though she still isn't committing.

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She observes her student for a while. Then-

The next boulder Mara attempts to break, Eliko will force to stay whole.

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She notices that.

She starts hitting harder, then - 

Finally throws herself into it.

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She lets it break.

"You're not taking this seriously enough. You have a poor attitude for an earthbender."

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"What should my attitude be, then?"

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"Attack me."

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She does! Mostly keeping to her airy style, though she's adaptable enough to mix in a bit of water.

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Eliko stays exactly where she is, shifting at most one foot at a time in precise, calculated movements to meet or turn aside the other girl's strikes. A mountain upon which Mara's storm breaks.

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And Mara starts to adapt.

She tries coming in like lightning, first.

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Lightning that strikes the earth is grounded harmlessly.

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Spin -

Deep breath.

And she settles.

She's still got a bit of fire in her, when she comes this time, but it's tempered by earth...

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Eliko endures the assault. "Better," she says, when she's pushed Mara back again.

And then she's the avalanche, rolling forward to crush everything in her path.

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She wavers for a split second -

And then she plants herself, pushes back.

(She can be stubborn, too.)

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Eliko opens a pit underneath her feet.

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Mara falls.

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Eliko walks over to the lip and looks down at Mara for a moment. Then she raises the bottom of the pit back up.

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"That was a good fight!" Mara says, jumping out with a gust of wind. "You're good!"

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"What did you learn?"

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"My air style doesn't work for everything. I need to adapt to my opponent, and sometimes I need to be in a different mindset, to do that."

"But I also shouldn't forget my best and most familiar tools, and I should watch my surroundings. Every enemy has surprises."

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She nods. "Fire burns, air blows, water flows. You fight like all of these. Earth stands. Earth waits. Earth watches. That is the attitude you lack."

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"It just seems so - boring. Sitting there, waiting..."

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"Like a tiger, or a trap ready to spring," Hisame interjects, smiling.

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"...I suppose."

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"Did I seem bored to you?"

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She hums. "Not really. More intent, I guess."

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"Watching is very much an active process. Gauge your opponent, judge them, find their vulnerability and the time to strike."

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"I suppose I'll need to practice that. Still, thinking of it - like a hunt, perhaps, rather than a trap."

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"If that's what grounds you."

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"It might! I'll have to try."

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"Back into position, then."

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"Yes ma'am."

And she does.

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Eliko sets her up a new set of exercises.

"Are you just going to stay here and watch?" she asks Hisame.

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"Watching people train is fun, and I'm learning a lot about your magic, doing this. But if you want me elsewhere, I suppose I could go entertain myself..."

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"Not in my village."

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She laughs. "I suppose I could go looking for that library again..."

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"I don't really care where you go as long as you don't cause trouble for me. I was just wondering."

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"If you don't mind, watching you is quite enjoyable."

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"Whatever. Just don't get your girlfriend mad at me."

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"I'll talk to her if she gets annoyed, but duly noted."

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Back to training Mara. She'll mix up the solo practice with brief sparring sessions to reinforce or highlight certain fine details, since she seems to respond well to that.

They're definitely not going to get to anything more advanced than rock-punching today. Basics are important, and Eliko won't tolerate less than perfection.

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Mara's a quick study, at least, and seems to share Eliko's opinion on perfecting the basics (relaying this involves several stories of the chaos she's previously caused with very basic air bending).

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Any chaos caused in town by careless or careful earthbending will be cause for her to cease training, to be clear.

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Awwwwww, alright.

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...Maybe they can take a trip to the mountains. If she's diligent.

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That sounds fun!!!

Mara will be very diligent.

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Then it's practice until sunset.

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"Do you want us to settle elsewhere for the night?" Hisame asks Eliko.

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"There's no caravan overnighting. You can stay."

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"Thank you, then."

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"Will you be staying with your bison?" she asks Mara.

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"Yeah! I'm used to sleeping outside. It's nice. And Appa'd get lonely without me."

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"Be back here tomorrow morning, then."

Eliko starts back to the village.

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"Hisame, was it, right?" Mara calls out before Hisame can leave, and draws her into a discussion - mostly comparing their life histories, patterns of thought...

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And then Hisame returns to the village an hour later. She is visibly excited and humming.

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"You seem happy."

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"Did Eliko tell you about her new student?"

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"She hasn't been by. I have been... experimenting." There is a minor alchemical lab set up in a corner of their room.

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"Fun! Anyways, the Avatar showed up, apparently, and wanted Eliko to teach her Earth-bending - and the Avatar looks exactly like I did at twelve! Quite startling, really."

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"Truly? That seems... beyond coincidence."

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"She's a lot like me! I'm pretty sure we're in a simulation, at this point. Her name's Mara, after a death demon, which is also something I'd name myself..."

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"I wonder if there's one of me somewhere."

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"We could look! Though you'll still be my favorite you."

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That's deserving of a kiss.

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After kiss: "I wonder if there's a me with less of a commitment already, though... Mara doesn't have anyone like my sister, so there might be a me without someone in that slot, who is a bit less - well, twelve. I was a brat at twelve."

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"I don't know that anyone else would quite... have your charms. Even another you."

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"You could have two me's - I happen to know I'm always incredibly charming."

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"Mmm. That sounds like fun."

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That sounds like time for fun with clones, maybe.

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Multiple Hisames. The possibilities astound.

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The next morning, Eliana feels herself sufficiently recovered to move around again.

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Mora is still mostly half conscious.

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Hisame's in the inn, easily findable! She waves to Eliana. "Feeling better?"

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"Not exactly. Where are we?"

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"Yet another world." She summarizes what's come up so far - including her small doppelganger.

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"How extraordinary. This is certainly the best evidence I've seen yet for a higher power."

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"I know! I wonder if there's more of the rest of us, too..."

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"That... might be quite interesting."

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"My girlfriend might get jealous if we find more of her, though, but more of everyone else would be simply fascinating!"

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"I wonder what tends to stay the same..."

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"Personality and appearance at the least, it seems."

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She nods. "Mara and I lacked any particular common life experiences, except for running away at twelve because of people trying to control us, and being orphans - though each was under rather different circumstances..."

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"I don't think I would expect many life experiences to be held in common."

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"I'd expect some, simply because some things shape us more than others, and some are a natural result of who we are."

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"Perhaps in broad outlines, But the worlds so far have not seem similar enough for close matches."

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She nods. "Part of why it's so fascinating, I suppose."

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"Mm. Well. What is there to do in this world?"

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Mostly their options seem to be "infinite library" or "poke the Fire Nation" (Hisame's tiny self is actually attached to her job as Avatar! Which is adorable. Hisame's thinking of assassinating the Fire Lord for her).

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What a dreary little backwater.

Eliana would be fine with either of those, though perhaps Hisame might prefer poking the Fire Nation for variety?

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It sounds fun! Though not anywhere nearby Eliko, since they do owe the locals a favor.

Eliana will get to see Hisame versus an army, maybe! Unless they want to start a slow campaign of terror, wiping out garrisons one by one...

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A bigger show would be more interesting, Eliana thinks.

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They should find the largest portion of the army, perhaps - or else give them provocation and time to gather their whole army anew.

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Eliana feels like instant gratification, at the moment.

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She'll bug Eliko for the place likely to have the biggest army, then!

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Ba Sing Se, probably. Or maybe regrouping on the Home Islands, after the fleet was smashed at the North Pole.

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Oooh, where's Ba Sing Se?

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Foot swipe. Dirt map.

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She thinks she wants an audience for this. They can visit the Home Islands second!

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Eliana assumes Hisame will be providing transport?

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(Does the Keres want to come along?)

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She's occupied with her alchemical experimentation. She's been meaning to run some analysis on the Thedosian plants and potions she's collected, and this seems like a fine opportunity to do so.

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Alright! Hisame will preserve the memories, all the same.

And then she and Eliana can zoom off to Ba Sing Se?

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"That is an absurd wall," is the first thing she says upon their arrival. Four hundred feet high and half as wide, it stretches into the distance in both directions, enclosing enough farmland to feed the city nestled inside another wall in the center, as well as an entire lake and several mountains.

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"Unfortunately we didn't come to sink it... That is very tempting, but I wanted to help Mara's campaign."

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"Let us find ourselves an army, then."

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Which isn't that hard to do. The encampment is on the south-western quadrant of the outer wall, around three huge half-built machines, giant drills on wheels.

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Hmmmmm is it cloudy at all, perhaps threatening thunder... Her most dramatic entrance here will be hard without that, though she could still figure something out.

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It's a bright, sunny summer's day. Unfortunately.

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Well, Amaterasu is possibly overkill, but it's fun overkill, and if Hisame forms her chakra correctly...

She positions Eliana as Eliana wishes, then moves to the top of Ba Sing Se's wall, dead set before the Fire Nation army, and drops her chameleon technique at the same time she lashes out, chakra carefully corralled so just the Susano's arrow appears - a mass of black lightning. Three bolts lash out, one for each of the drills.

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The drills start burning. There are some minor explosions within the innards of the rightmost one. The camp is thrown into utter panic. One officer has spotted her up on top of the wall and is attempting to muster a force to attack her.

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A more coordinated response is inhibited by the veritable rain of blood that has begun in the corner of the camp where Eliana was left.

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"Hello Fire Nation!" she yells, amplifying her voice with a small wind-natured technique. "I would appreciate it if you could at least try to be a challenge."

And then she jumps down, landing effortlessly at the very bottom of the four hundred foot drop.

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They do try. An enemy at the base of the wall is better than an enemy at the top. The first to reach her are the regular soldiers, who are very ordinary and very, very mortal.

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Then they will fall! She doesn't cheat, though, not yet. Other than being ridiculously fast and good with knives, of course.

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A line of fireballs arc over the ranks to crash down on her position.

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She jumps over the ranks! Who is sending her fireballs...

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A group of armored firebenders in death's-head helmets! They move as one and send a wave of fire washing at her.

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Her Amaterasu consumes their flame, and then she breathes a dragon of fire at them!

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Two of the group don't manage to deflect the dragon and burn horribly. The remaining four switch to rapid punches, each shooting a stream of small fireballs at her that explode concussively.

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Lightning spears! And body-flickering away from the explosions!

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The firebenders are less able to deal with lightning.

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Someone else is.

Hisame's lightning gets redirected safely into the ground.

There's a fire-bender in far nicer clothes standing before her, eyes narrowed.

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"Oh, are you going to be a challenge?" Hisame asks, teasingly. "These others have been so boring..."

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The soldiers back up to give the duel some room.

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But not too far back, because then they'd have to deal with the mage on the other side, who has now gotten the blood sacrifice chain rolling right along. The impressiveness of the effects begins to approach Hisame's level.

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The new woman is no slouch, fast and agile with hot fires and accurate lightning - 

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She's no Hisame, though.

Hisame starts making a game of using openings in the girl's guard not to press her advantage - but to kill the Fire Nation soldiers. Can't do, after all, to make the girl think she can get away with being boring.

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Eliana will obligingly keep herding soldiers in that direction, then.

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"Stop playing with me," the girl snarls, sending a wash of blue flame at Hisame.

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"Would you rather I killed you?" Hisame asks, her Susano flickering to life long enough to deflect the fire. "Or perhaps took you as my pet?"

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"Fuck off."

And lightning!

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Which Hisame dodges, then darts forward, striking the girl hard in the chest, enough to send her flying back.

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She springs back to her feet.

"What do you want?"

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"To challenge myself. To make a legend of myself. To scare people. To kill them."

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"I'd suggest the spirit Koh, if you want a real challenge. I'm the best human there is."

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"Perhaps I'll look them up."

And back to the dance.

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Hm. She seems to be running low on soldiers.

But she has discovered that she puppet benders with blood magic. She sends a few of them into the duel.

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The girl manages to disable them without killing them, though they're unlikely to ever walk unaided again.

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That's too bad. Eliana will just have to end their suffering, then, and throw the resulting surge of power at the girl. The Kirkwall Circle of Magi was known for specializing in so-called force magic, directly manipulating gravity and momentum and so forth. She's always been more of an elementalist, but she did pick up a few tricks. She combines a localized surge of gravity with an invisible hammer-blow from above to knock the girl down.

Such power there is in blood, and all hers for the taking.

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The girl goes down, and only shakily gets back to her feet.

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"If you surrender, we might let you live," Eliana says. "Though I don't think we'll be making any promises as to quality of life."

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"Such astonishingly good terms. I'm shocked and appalled. Truly," she says, deadpan. She still doesn't seem at all scared, just annoyed and disgusted, like she stepped in something nasty and is pissed about it.

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"Aw. Surely there's something we all want, some term of surrender you'd enjoy?" Hisame teases, leaning into the girl's space.

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"You fucking off away from my planet."

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"I was under the impression that there were yet other powers that challenged your Fire Nation dominance. That is why we are here outside this wall, yes? Playing with your toy soldiers. The Avatar certainly doesn't seem to feel this planet belongs to you."

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"It's everyone who belongs here. You do not."

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"That is hurtful. It's not as though we chose to come here."

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She scowls. "I'd be more sympathetic if your friend hadn't declared she was just bored. What's to stop you from razing this world in search of entertainment?"

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"You know, that is a fair question. I don't suppose you might have any ideas for what sorts of things there are to do?"

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"Assorted mild chaos that doesn't involve killing people. Learn bending from the spirits. Read. Assassinate the Fire Lord without anyone even knowing you're there. Lots of options."

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"Indeed." And do any of them seem to appeal to Hisame?

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"Aren't you one of the Fire Lord's subjects? I'd think you wouldn't be giving us such suggestions."

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"His daughter."

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"The conqueror of the world has a dysfunctional family. How surprising."

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"My sister killed my and her parents, you know. It's quite understandable. Would you like to help? Surely he owes you quite a bit of suffering."

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That is an immensely impressive unimpressed look!

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"I think that's a no."

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"It's a pity when they don't cooperate. Makes it harder to figure out if they'll be more entertaining dead or alive."

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"We could go kill the Fire Lord and come back. Perhaps she'll be more talkative then."

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"Perhaps! Or should we bring her with... It's not like she'll be able to escape either way."

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"Killing a parent can be a formative life experience."

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"And certainly it'll be entertaining, seeing his reactions to her there..."

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"Especially given she's supposed to be halfway across the world."

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"Then I suppose we are agreed about bringing along a little captive audience."

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And as the captive's opinion is presumably of no consequence, it's off to the Fire Nation with them.

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Hisame's hardly going to keep the girl long-term if she disagrees with the idea, but, well, this doesn't really count.

Hisame can, in fact, make them all undetectable by every sense she knows of, though some of this relies on illusions and won't work on people immune to having their minds messed with.

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It seems like this works, or at least, no alarms are raised as they infiltrate the Fire Lord's palace, housed in a dormant volcano's caldera, in the center of the capital city.

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...She is massively tempted to switch the volcano to 'active' but resists the urge. Partially because it's against the rules of the game.

Is the Fire Lord findable?

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Reasonably so. He's holding court in the main room of the palace, a curtain of flame separating him from the petitioners' view. The low throne he sits on is gold with a plush red cushion and has a dragon theme to the decorations.

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Pity. She'd been hoping to get him alone.


The game stipulates that no one should notice, but she can likely do that with illusions...

Does he seem inclined to wrap up any time soon?

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It's just about time for the midday meal, which he will be taking alone.

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She's waiting for him where he takes his meals, after having checked the room for hidden passages. She unveils just her eyes from the chameleon technique, enough to catch him in a paralysis illusion.

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He doesn't move, appropriately.

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A chakra string pulls him forwards, forcing him to his knees.

And Hisame unveils herself, Eliana, and the girl.

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His eyes flash with rage on seeing his daughter.

"I would have expected this of your brother," he sneers at her, "were he not so incompetent. You I thought at least capable of winning your own war."

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Azula is possibly obviously a captive, too, given her injuries.

Still, she glares at him. "Call it efficiency, then."

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"Weak. Like your mother."

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"You're the weak one," she says, softly. "An insecure coward who projects his daddy issues onto the world."

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The Fire Lord takes a deep breath, and exhales blinding flame.

His brother might be the Dragon of the West, but Ozai is a good enough firebender to copy the technique once it's been demonstrated, even if he would never stoop to such a display in public.

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It can get eaten by black fire that's really unreasonably dark!

"Tsk tsk tsk, how rude. You know, your daughter refused to help us torture you? And she did try to defend your little army, though I'm quite afraid she was no match for us."

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"I have no interest in your swagger, upstart."

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"For a successful conqueror, you're really not perceptive, nor very sensible. You think my powers are those of an upstart, do you? How... Disappointing. Your daughter had noticed the truth quite quickly."

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"You think yourself strong? I have built an empire. It lives for me, and it will die with me, a pyre to scorch the world. That is power."

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"If it dies with you it's because you suck at leading, and they decide to kill me before I fix your fuck ups. A single point of failure isn't how you rule, in case you were wondering, dipshit."

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"And again you fail to see the point, brat."

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"I tire of this conversation," Eliana says, palming a knife and walking around behind the kneeling Fire Lord. She draws the blade lightly across his throat, leaving a thin red line gently weeping.

Then she sets his blood aflame.

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Ozai screams.

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The girl tries to turn her head away.

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"Now, none of that," Hisame purrs, forcing her to look.

And then joining in the fun, of course.

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Unfortunately, a courtier is going to check in if Ozai is gone for much longer than he usually is.

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Short, sweet, and to the point, then.

Hisame arranges his body rather artfully, then hides their group of three. (She'd so love to stay to watch some of the chaos.)

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The first to find him shouts his alarm, and that brings the guards. They hustle him out and seal the room. There is then a bit of confusion about who they should call to do something about this. It seems the Fire Lord wasn't exactly encouraging of personal initiative.

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Safely hidden by her muffling technique: "I'm tempted to drop our little friend somewhere public, now. See how she deals with this."

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"Dip her hands in his blood first, I think."

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She laughs. 

"Healed, or wounded, then? Or with convenient burn injuries?"

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"With burns, why not. No reason to make this too easy for her."

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And then they can arrange that, and drop their little friend in a nearby room!

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Who tries to shake herself out of her shell-shock in time to get herself the fuck together.

She's going to need to project her best ruthless image hard, for this.

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It doesn't take her long to get found. She'll have a moment or two while the guard gets over the 'but should be halfway across the world right now'.

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She tilts her chin and starts issuing orders, indirectly claiming her father's death with a cruel sneer. (For how to arrange this, how to keep it quiet, to bring her their best burn-healer and water to wash in...)

She'll need to get presentable before her coronation, after all.

(And then she'll need to find her brother and uncle and send people to look for survivors from the mess at Ba Sing Se if they're not all dead or imprisoned - and she'll need to end this war, and smooth things over so stepping down looks like a natural conclusion - )

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Gratifyingly, no one questions her orders.

(It's nice that someone knows what they're doing.)

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She takes a bit of vindictive pleasure in this probably not being all that entertaining to her hidden watchers.

She's not going to go out of her way to immediately throw herself into the most boring routine tasks she can find, but she does keep up the ruthless confidence well past where she'd be shaking if she didn't have perfect control of herself, well past where her ability to form words is increasingly jumbled and she's having to keep her sentences short, sharp, considered.

(Transition is going to be a mess.)

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"I suppose this empire won't become a pyre after all," Eliana says to Hisame.

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"Aw. Though she's doing such a good job. It'd be quite unsporting of us, to yank the rug out from under her feet..."

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"We could decimate whatever army remains here."

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"Hm. That will leave her quite defenseless against retaliation..."

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"A bit of turn-about would do this country some good, I think."

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"It'll certainly be a challenge - though I'd rather not get her killed, I think, as I do believe my sister would quite like her, and that'll give an excuse to check back on this world, at least..."

"Perhaps we can strip everyone of their armies! Level the playing field!"

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"That does seem very fair. I am on board."

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"Perhaps we should start with the Earth nation. They've had just enough time to marvel at our success before their walls, after all. And it's aesthetic, to spread out from there."

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"A rippling wave, yes."

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"Say we get started? I feel throwing their grand wall down is an appropriate place to start."

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"It is very tall. I will need more blood."

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"Hm... Perhaps their army, then, and the casting of the wall as a finale - though I can certainly shatter it if I put my mind to it, just not all at once."

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"Perhaps if I slaughtered half the city contained within I could pull it all down at once. Though if I am going to such lengths for power, there are surely better objectives I might achieve."

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She laughs. "A ring of my Amaterasu, properly directed, could eat through it. And then they'd have a terrifying wall of fire! And it'd likely cause a storm, which makes throwing lightning bolts at people extra fun."

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"I would like to see that, I think."

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"I live to please."

And zooming off, back to Ba Sing Se?

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Back to Ba Sing Se, there to bring war.

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The ruins of the Fire Nation camp are still there, as is the wall. Some Earth Kingdom soldiers have gathered on top, keeping a watch on the camp. They shout when they see the two women return, and one goes running off, presumably to spread word of their arrival.

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She offers Eliana a hand. "Would you like a view?"

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She accepts. "Most kind of you."

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"Oh, it's no trouble."

And her Susano forms around her, and she takes off into the air, flying high above the city. Exactly how extensive is their wall?

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Very. It encloses an area practically the size of a small country.

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A challenge! The fight against Kaguya stretched her this far - time to see if the energy that's been humming under her skin ever since actually did anything to help.

Hisame begins to fly a circuit around the wall, laying down black fire that rapidly starts to eat through it - and anyone foolish enough to come too close.

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Horns start sounding up and down the wall. Soldiers unlucky enough to be caught too far away from the stairs fling themselves off in desperation.

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She laughs, speeding up, wings crackling with lightning - and the fire's hot enough, plentiful enough, to start affecting the air over it, forming little spouts of tornadoes that quickly dissipate.

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Earthbenders can't do much about the weather, and she's moving fast enough to stay ahead of any sort of coordinated response.

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Then zoom she will go, all the way around!

What's going on where she started?

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A pretty big storm is brewing, and the wall's burned about halfway to the ground. No sign of survivors.

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She heads back over the city, leisurely, and splits off a clone to drop, camouflaged, into the streets once she's past the farmland next to the wall.

Anything interesting happening on the ground?

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Mostly nervousness about the sudden storm. And the giant armored spirit zooming through the sky, that's worrisome.

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Aw. Can people not see their burning wall?

This is probably stupidly costly, but Hisame makes the flames surge, so surely they'll be visible from quite a distance.

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That starts some panic!

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And can she or her clone tell where a response is being coordinated from?

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The expressionless earthbenders with stone gloves who appear like ninjas to break up potential riots before they can really get going seem to be coming from the palace in the center.

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Her clone kills a few, just idly, and works her way in a zig-zag towards the palace.

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Palace: is palatial. Also host to a mustering army in its vast courtyards.

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Hello soldiers! There is a much bigger soldier landing on top of the palace! You may panic now.

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They do so, quite obligingly. Some of them scramble for ranged weapons, but their commanders stop them, for fear of damaging the palace.

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She'll solve that problem for them!

Lightning arcs from the sky, slamming into their formations. The courtyards are too big and the palace too small for this to damage the palace more than incidentally, though.

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The soldiers break and flee.

Some of the earthbender ninjas are swarming up the palace roof, launching their stone gauntlets to attack her.

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She is a proper ninja, thank you very much, and is fully capable of ignoring the stone gauntlets while she snaps forward to kill them all.

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They don't show quite the same compunction about ripping up the palace to hurt or delay her. But they die all the same.

No one else seems to be forthcoming to challenge her.

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"Quite well done."

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She laughs. "I need to work on my presentation a little, maybe, if I'm going to be terrorizing more defenseless cities. Usually someone could challenge me, back home!"

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"Build up to the impenetrable shell with unstoppable black fire, maybe. Start with burning one building at a time."

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She nods, rising into the air to pose her Susano dramatically over the city. "Harder with a city this size - I'm going to eat several meals and then sleep rather deeply when we return. I should also script announcements more, and abuse that sound amplification technique... Though I think here I'd rather leave them scared and wondering, given how I started."

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"There is one more nation, I believe. Do you wish to rest before we tackle them?"

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"I'd rather not, but I think it's for the best - it'd be dreadfully embarrassing if I fainted in the middle of a production."

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"I'd offer to take over, but the only way I have to match your scale would be a mass summoning of demons. Which is not an option in this world."

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She laughs. "Indeed! Though I think the news will spread slowly enough we have some time to rest. And maybe we can coordinate something with my mini-me dramatically banishing us! Help cement her reputation."

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"I'm sure she'd appreciate that."

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She smiles, and hovers over the city until the wall burns down completely, listening in to (and causing) the chaos on the streets through her clone.

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It looks like she's sparked some sort of peasant revolt. The poorer residents of the outer city are marching on the inner part around the palace, with torches and blunt instruments.

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The clone helps! Anyone officially trying to quell the peasant revolt can have a very bad time of it!

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Then Ba Sing Se will be mostly on fire when they leave.

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She returns them in a very delighted mood!

Also she is hungry. And tired. Very much so.

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Storytime can wait, then.

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(...She's going to have to buy extra food next time the caravan comes through.)

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Mara has plenty of food, and she's fine sharing it with her older self! As well as money. She seems to come into a suspicious amount of money.

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That will help reduce the impact on the village.

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Hisame sleeps until the next day, and is rather groggy and sluggish when morning rolls around.

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Sleepy girlfriend. Pet pet.

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Mmmmmm such a good girlfriend!

Hisame: is pat.

"We caused so much chaos!" she says, stretching languidly. "Though the armies here are really rather lackluster."

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"I don't think there's an army in any world that's entirely prepared for you, kitten."

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"Aw, you're so sweet! Maybe if we keep looking we'll find one, but I'm fine refining terrorizing defenseless nations for now."

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"Practice makes perfect, after all."

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Kiss! "And we'll get plenty of that in."

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"There's one more city you've yet to visit, yes? Since these Air Nomads are all dead."

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"Yes, except Mara. I was hoping to destroy all their armies - so the Water Tribe, then looping back to finish what we started with the Fire Nation."

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"I look forward to your tales of slaughter."

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Heeee! (And kiss!) "I'll be sure to make it plenty exciting."

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"Do enjoy yourself."

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"I might take it a bit more leisurely, though I think Mara was there recently, too, so she might have insight..."

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"Perhaps she can help you tailor the terror."

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"That'd be quite delightful. It's hard to hit all the right buttons, as an outsider..."

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"Very true."

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"I'm off to go plan, then!"

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One last kiss, for luck.

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Eliko is working with Mara out in the field again.

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She bounces over! And waits for an appropriate time to interrupt.

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After this set of exercises, Eliko looks over at her. "Need something?"

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"I was planning a bit of chaos involving the Northern Water Tribes, and was hoping to get some advice!"

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"I've never been. But your counterpart has, quite recently."

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"I'd rather you not use my face there - though I suspect I already have a strange reputation. While I was training there, the Fire Nation attacked, and I became quite overwhelmed. The Avatar spirit overtook me, and I destroyed the Fire Nation's fleet - I'm rather sad I don't remember a single bit of that!"

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"It was astonishingly brutal, by all accounts. Not a single ship was left intact, and hardly any of the sailors survived."

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"I suppose the Avatar spirit is a bit more thorough than me. I like leaving survivors around, sometimes."

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"The Avatar spirit isn't interested in making a spectacle."

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"I suspect people might sometimes prefer an incomplete spectacle over total, merciless destruction, though."

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"Maybe that's why past Avatars don't seem to have invoked it often."

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"It is quite strange, being in one place then another, surrounded by destruction you don't have the pleasure of remembering..."

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"I'd imagine so."

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"Well, I'll wear a different face while I do it, but do either of you have suggestions for me?"

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"I know very little about the Water Tribe."

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Mara has some advice, though she wasn't there very long at all, and they didn't much like her anyways.

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Good; then Hisame can be ready to go, soon.

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Room for a passenger again?

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Yes! She quite likes having someone to show off to, after all.

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Off to the North Pole, then.

The Northern Water Tribe's city is set on the coast, backing up into the glacier that caps the world. Their walls and buildings are made of ice. The harbor is deep and clear, enough so that one can see the mangled hulls of the Fire Nation navy that met its end here some months ago.

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"I'm tempted to try to flood them but actually not exceptionally good at water techniques..."

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"They must have provision for storms and heavy tides and the like. We could melt their ice on top of them."

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"Oh, sounds fun! Their entire city is just so vulnerable..."

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"I'm sure they think themselves rather hostile and remote."

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"Mara mentioned a sacred place under their palace - I'm thinking start there."

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"Nothing like a bit of blasphemy to start things off on the right foot."

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"Mara did ask me to refrain from killing any spirits, though. I don't want to make her job harder, after all."

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"Fair enough."

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She grins.

So, sneaking into the base of the palace! What seems the best path for that?

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They could drop over the cliff in the back, come up from one of the canals, or walk through the front gate.

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Hm... She favors dropping down from the cliff. Under camouflage, of course.

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It's a good thing Eliana has no fear of heights. She would like to kill someone soon, so she can warm up.

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Well, they can skim past any particularly out of the way guards on their way to the cliff, then, and vanish them to their untimely demise.

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Much appreciated.

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From the rear, the way in is pretty obvious. A tunnel leads down into a cavern with an opening up to the sky in the roof. Directly beneath is a pool, in which circle two koi fish. One is black, the other white, and the chase each other round and round, endlessly.

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She nods to the fish. "Those are the spirits Mara asked me to leave alone. Apparently the moon and the tide, without which Mara would have a rather interesting time of it."

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"Curious. I will refrain from beginning a private aquarium, then."

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"It'd be appreciated!"

And she starts examining the walls to see where the best places to start fires would be (she's assuming the fish can survive having more water around).

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Other than being made out of ice, there aren't really any tricks to the construction. Her keen destructive eye will soon be able to find an effective pattern.

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Then let's turn up the heat.

In the form of carefully placed black flames, of course.

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The walls start dripping.

"We may wish to move to higher ground."

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"Of course."

And they can make their way up, through a path that should melt later.

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Waterbenders are beginning to converge on the palace, attempting to refreeze the ice.

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She, of course, starts killing people.

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And once the blood starts flowing, so does Eliana.

The waterbenders pull from the canals, lashing tendrils and forming new icy barriers.

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(Her face is very hidden, by now, a blurred terrifying non-face.)

She laughs, and slams through their barriers, cutting them down and spreading her black fire.

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The waterbenders start shouting about how the Faceless One is here, Koh come to destroy their city.

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Well she's certainly not going to disabuse them of any such notions.

The city is, definitely, melting.

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More and more the benders attempt to break off the fight and attend to repairing their city.

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She'll let them evacuate, but she's not letting them fix this.

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As this becomes apparent, citizens starting taking to boats, flooding out of the harbor even as it deepens.

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She leaves a clone to monitor the palace specifically, to make sure the fire melts it in just the right way that it collapses dramatically, sending a wave of water through the canals.

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The final crash is dreadfully loud.

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"I wonder if those spirits will appreciate being rejoined with the ocean."

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"I suppose we'll have to find out! I think I would, if I was a spirit of something as wild as the moon and ocean."

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"Which would raise the question of why they allowed themselves to sit in that pool in the first place."

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"Maybe we should follow them and ask."

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"One hopes their speech can be heard above water. It is still frightfully cold for a swim."

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She laughs a little. "I have chakra techniques to keep me warm, at least."

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"Then I will let you do the talking, if events necessitate it."

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"Perhaps we can get them to surface - but I'm sure you've noticed I do rather like to talk."

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"Of course, the first obstacle will be finding them at all."

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"My Rinnegan might be able to see them if I focus correctly - it interacts with souls, back home."

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"Ah. Convenient."

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"My magic tends to be!"

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"Well, I think most of the rest of the city has fled the flood."

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"Let's take care of any straggler fighters, then go find some fish, perhaps?"

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"That sounds like a plan."

There are only a few brave souls left who are still fighting to save their city.

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Well, then they can join their fellows, sinking into the ocean as she melts away the last dregs of their city.

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Glub glub.

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And she walks out over the water, focusing on her Rinnegan's soul-sight. Here fishy fishy fishy...

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The fish...

...seem to be exactly where they were, moving in exactly the same pattern.

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She leans over them.

"Hello!" she calls.

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They don't respond at all.

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What if she sticks her hand in, in one's path?

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It swims around.

Her hand starts to feel a little tingly.

The water around her surges upward.

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Fascinating! She keeps trailing her hand through the water.

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The ocean's surface starts rocking, becoming choppier.

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"I think," Eliana says, "this begins to qualify as messing with spirits. Was it only killing Mara asked you to refrain from?"

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She pouts and removes her hand. "Sadly, she asked me to refrain from most forms of messing about."

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"I will not say I'm ungrateful for that. I find myself underprepared for a larger-scale conflict."

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"And we don't want to push our luck, after last time, and being already separated from our friends."

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"That, as well."

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"Back to them, then?"

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"Yes. It seems we've accomplished our goal, here."

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She nods, and sets about to zooming them back.

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"Did you meet with success?" Eliko asks upon their return.

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"Yes, though we didn't manage to talk to the water spirits."

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"Spirits don't really talk to people."

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"I got that sense! I suppose Mara's had success entirely because of the Avatar thing..."

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"Almost certainly."

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"I suppose our next step is to fully hobble the Fire Nation."

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"'As their wheat falls from the scythe, so shall their peace fall from a sword'," Eliko quotes.

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"You know, I never really got that quote," Mara pipes up from where she's doing exercises. "You want wheat to fall. That's the point. Can't eat it in the field raw."

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"Only after you've planted it in the first place," Eliko replies. "Before the monasteries and the necessity of their gardens, the Air Nomads didn't practice any sort of agriculture at all. That the rest of us did was... emblematic of our corruption."

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Mara laughs a bit. "Corruption's always been such a funny idea to me. Water's water, fire's fire, earth's earth, air's air, even if it sometimes has other stuff mixed into it. Moralizing about this or that being better's silly. You are what you are."

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"People like categories. Makes it easier to figure out what you are."

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"Doesn't mean you gotta go on about superiority, though."

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"When has something being unnecessary ever prevented people from doing it?"

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She laughs. "It should! People - there's something fulfilling, to everyone. Something they are. And they should pursue that, and have the freedom to pursue that, and not worry themselves about uninvolved people."

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"A nice thought. Unfortunately, we all still need to eat."

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"Well, some people quite like gardening, and it's easier to live on just what people feel like doing, if you have less people."

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"Of course."

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She laughs again. "Still, I'll help the balance as much as I can, now."

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"And thereby set an example for us all, I'm sure."

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"Maybe, maybe not."

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Back to training, then.

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And Hisame bounces off to find her girlfriend.

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She's not exactly hiding. Especially not from Hisame.

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Mmmmmm girlfriend!

"This world's so boring. The spirits wouldn't even talk to me. We should try to find somewhere more interesting, next time."

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"How rude of them. Perhaps they were the wrong spirits."

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"Perhaps. Though Mara says the only one inclined to talk to humans magically steals the face of anyone who shows emotion at him. Which, rude."

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"Indeed. Yes, I think a different sort of world next time is called for."

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Kiss! "Maybe one with some challenges."

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"Mm, fun."

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(The Fire Nation can wait on her finishing terrorizing them.)

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Back at the training field, Eliko nods in approval as Mara finishes a set.

"You are improving quickly."

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"Tomorrow, we will go to the mountains. I think you're ready."

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"Oh? For what?"

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"You'll see when we get there."

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"A surprise! I can't wait."

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"Rest well tonight. I'll meet you in the morning."

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And off to settle in for the night, though she can't stop grinning excitedly to herself.

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Bright and early the next morning, then.

"Normally I walk. It's a several day journey by foot."

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"Can we take Appa?"

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"If you like."

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"Well, it'll certainly be faster, and poor Appa hasn't gotten to stretch his legs, lately."

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"We'll take the bison, then."

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Appa is very eager to go and snuffles at Eliko in a friendly manner when they walk up.

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Great. Hi, Appa. He can have a pat before they set off.

It doesn't take very long to get to the base of the mountains by sky bison. Eliko directs them to the base of a certain rocky slope, and hops off Appa's back to land her bare feet on the ground again with perhaps a certain amount of relief.

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Appa is very fond of Eliko and has to be scolded out of trying to lick her.

Mara seems to enjoy the ride, and springs off with a delighted laugh.

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Eliko leads the way to a narrow crack in the wall, sets her hands inside it and pulls them apart, widening the crack enough to walk through.

"Appa will have to wait here."

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"Alright." She tells him to stay, reassures him she'll be back soon, and - "How long is this likely to take?" she asks Eliko. "So I can tell Appa."

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"The rest of the day, probably."

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She tells Appa he can sleep here, if he wants, but if she's not back by morning he needs to go find Hisame, okay?

He nods and then flops down.

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Eliko leads the way into the cave.

It's very, very dark, but the floor is strangely smooth.

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She's a bit fascinated by that! "What made this tunnel?" she asks.

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"Cousins of my teachers. Can you feel them?"

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If she stops, and focuses on the earth... Can she?

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There's Eliko's steady tread, and then deeper... a steady, rhythmic thumping. Earthbending on a scale beyond what she's yet seen.

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"Something big. Just - this massive, beautiful earthbending, like Appa's flight..."

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"That's them." She bends down and slaps the ground, tha-thunk, tha-thunk.

The big vibration changes, starts approaching.

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Mara bounces excitedly, then remembers she's meeting earthbenders and tries to ground herself.

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After a bit, the wall to their side breaks apart, and an enormous furry snout pokes out, snuffling. It swings over to Eliko and out comes the tongue.

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She pats the badgermole. "Hello to you too."

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"Hello!" she chirps.

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It noses Eliko up and down a bit more, then swings over to Mara's direction.

Snuffle. Snuffle snuffle.


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She laughs and pats the snout. "You're friendly, I see!" This is someone thoroughly used to being licked by very large furry creatures.

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"To people they like," Eliko says. "Those claws can eviscerate a wolfbat."

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Said claws scrape against the rock as the badgermole pulls itself out into the main tunnel and cuddles up closer to Eliko.

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"Of course! Wouldn't be a soft friend without proper claws!"

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The badgermole chuffs, perhaps in agreement.

It licks Eliko again, then starts off down the tunnel.

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"Time to go meet the rest of the family."

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"That sounds fun!"

She follows.

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The badgermole leads the way down the tunnel until they come to blank dead end. There, it starts burrowing into the wall with earthbending. Its motions are reminiscent of Eliko's style, and similar to some of the basic exercises she's been having Mara do.

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Mara watches with interest, feeling with her earth sense at the same time, to see if she can learn anything. And it's a pleasure, to watch a true master at their craft.

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There is much she can learn from the badgermole. Economy of motion, a firm stance, the way it works around the natural grain of the rock...

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They break into a large chamber. A double handful of baby badgermoles come snuffling up to Eliko, their eagerness betrayed in their bouncing. She sits down to distribute pets.

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!!! Baby fluff friends!!!

Can Mara pat too?

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After an appropriate period of snuffling around, yes! Also tiny licks.

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She heartily approves! And starts chattering a bit about the baby sky bison from the air temple. 

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...Eliko learned earthbending with baby badgermoles. Not these ones, another clan up north where she was born.

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She was technically supposed to be learning from the monks, but, yeah, she mostly learned directly from the sky bisons. They're more sensible.

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She didn't have the option of learning from humans.

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Not everyone would, no. Still, Mara would recommend the original source, for most people.

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It's worked out for Eliko.

One of the adult badgermoles comes over to snuffle-grunt at them. "Time to do some work," Eliko says, standing.

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"Alright!" she says, bouncing to her feet.

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They're led out to expand the tunnel network. Changing them around often keeps the wolfbats confused and away from the den, Eliko explains.

The adult badgermoles are not shy at all about booping Mara to correct her form.

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She's enthusiastic about helping, and fine with being booped. She doesn't tend to make the same mistakes twice, now that she has the mindset down.

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Then she can pick up lots of hints.

After a day's work, Eliko pronounces them done, and they can head back to the surface. Following, of course, the distribution of final pats.

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Obviously! She is very liberal with pats.

"Thank you," she says to Eliko. "This was helpful - and also nice. Like the best parts of home."

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"Yes," she says. "I visit when I can."

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"Hopefully I'll find more air bison some day. It'd be sad for Appa to be the last..."

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"If there are any herds remaining, they have kept themselves well-hidden, away from civilization."

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"I think they'd have the sense to. They're smart."

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"Then perhaps you may yet find some. Let us return."

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And back to Appa and then the village.

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The village is much as they left it. Eliko bids Mara a good night and sets off home.

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Meanwhile, Hisame's sprawled against her girlfriend. "Do you want to try finding that library again?" she asks. "I'm planning to terrorize the Fire Island's home fleet tomorrow, but I think we're rather running out of things to do, here."

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"I wouldn't mind visiting it again. We could take the other two."

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"Oh, yes. I think they'd like that, and I think Mora will be more awake tomorrow, too."

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"That sounds like a plan, then. As for the rest, yes I do think we are running out of things to do here."

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"Hopefully wherever we move onto next will be more entertaining."

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"I'm sure we'll find something. Do you think our new friends will want to come along?"

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"To the next world? Mara won't. She's very dedicated to her job as Avatar."

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"We'll have to figure out how to come back at some point."

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"Certainly. I'd also like to see how that Azula gets along."

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"She did sound interesting. Hopefully she survives the palace intrigue."

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"Hm. I think she will. They seemed quite scared of her, at least."

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"Fear is good, if she can maintain it."

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"I'm not sure she'll be wholly inclined, though she seemed a bit of a chameleon - I should recount the whole affair, proper, though."

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She makes a bit of a production of it!

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Best girlfriend.

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The next day: library trip?

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Library! She has yet more books, one for each of the people interested in going (Mora and Mara have both asked to tag along).

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That seems to make the entire party, then.

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The Keres will graciously assist with carrying those who don't fit into Hisame's arms.

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Zoooooooooooom all the way to where they left the library!

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The library is nowhere to be seen.

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Well, what if they keep looking through the desert? It's supposed to move around, after all.

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Nope, nothing.

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What if they try splitting up? Does this respond to any senses? Her Rinnegan, for instance?

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She can detect absolutely no evidence that any such thing as a library has ever existed in this desert.

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She's somewhere between angry and pouting!

Does the Keres want to just zoom back to the village?

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Doesn't seem to be much else to do. Unless setting the entire desert on fire would make her feel any better?

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She laughs - but, no, she doesn't want to make Mara's job harder, in case that pisses off any spirits.

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Then it's back to the village for everyone.

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Hisame is apparently very impressive at sulking, especially after Mara asks what she did to piss off the spirits.

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"There was a pool with a pair of fish. She stuck her hand in it."

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"That'd probably do it. Those two are pretty major."

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Nope Hisame is pouting.

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Actions have consequences, yep.

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It's okay, Hisame. Your girlfriend still loves you.

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Well, that's consoling, at least. How about she goes to terrorize the Fire Nation one last time, then they can leave this sorry world?

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The Keres will help. They can make a date of it.

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Maybe this evening. Or whenever the local sunset is, with the Fire Islands.

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It'll be a few hours after the sun sets here.

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Well, then they have plenty of ways to fill the time until then.

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And in due time, they set off for the Fire Nation's home islands.

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They arrive to find...

An awful lot of abandoned and even scuttled ships.

Hisame stares for a minute then bursts out laughing.

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"Our work seems to have been done for us."

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"I suspect that Azula figured out what we were planning. A decommissioned army is more use than a dead army, after all."

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"Clever girl."

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"We should definitely come back to this world, sometime."

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"Well agreed."

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"Should we cause a bit of a spectacle regardless, do you think, or fade quietly into the night?"

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"Hmm. Let her go with this, I think. It's important to reward behavior you want to see more of."

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"Let's head back, then."

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Back they shall go.

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Hisame relays the whole non-adventure to Mara, who agrees that Azula seems very fascinating. Very much so.

With their group: do they want to go ahead and move on?

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Doesn't seem like there's much else left to do here, with this library denied them.

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Then, after thanking Mara and their host again, and giving Appa a goodbye pat, Hisame dramatically unveils a portal to the next world.

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The new world, or at least this part of it, is marshy. Damp ground and a chill mist in the air. In the distance, a single ray of sunlight pierces the steely grey clouds overhead.

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"Huh!" says Hisame. "That's a bit of a change of climate, at least."

"I like this place's aesthetic, too."

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"It's a bit gloomy."

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"I am reminded of southern Ferelden."

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"Places should be dedicated when they do have an aesthetic! Perhaps we'll meet bog zombies here."

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"That would be interesting."

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"Hopefully challenging bog zombies. If I take down another army without breaking a sweat so soon I might cry."

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"I don't believe there are any armies in the vicinity."

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"Good. I look dreadful when I cry, you know."

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"I'll endeavor to never give you cause to."

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Quick kiss. "Thank you, darling."

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"A touching sentiment," comes a voice from behind the group. It echoes with a different quality than the Keres', as though one voice is speaking in all the languages the listener knows, and more besides. For all that, it's crystal clear and supremely easy to understand. The face to which the voice belongs is quite familiar. "Welcome, travelers, to my domain."

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" - Why do you look like my girlfriend."

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"You might as well ask why she looks like me." The woman smiles. "But I will spare you the confusion and tell you. It is because we are the same person, as is she." She gestures at Eliana. "Born into different worlds and different circumstances. This one and you are also of a kind," she indicates Hisame and Mora. "A most curious gathering. Beyond your means of arrival, this is why I greet you in person, as it were."

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"! More of us! Like Mara had been one of me! - That's a person we left, in the last world."

She is very delighted about the 'more of her girlfriend.' Even if her girlfriend has a rather different opinion on distinction of self and alt.

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Eliana is eyeing the Keres.

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Who is eyeing her right back.

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"How fascinating. Introductions, then. I am Ellayania, Goddess of Libraries and Fen. The land you stand upon now is my domain, my self."

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"Ooh, a goddess. I want a goddess alt..."

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"What am I, chopped liver?" mutters the not actually a goddess and probably more an eldritch abomination alt. "Also, somehow not surprised."

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"You're more a terrifying insult against reality," Hisame says, cheerfully.

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"Please refrain from insulting reality too egregiously while within my domain," the goddess says. "I would feel it most keenly."

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"I'll restrain myself. Somehow."

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"Is there a me here?" Hisame asks, which is definitely the relevant part here.

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"If there is, I have not met her. But the world is vast, and I am only one small part of it."

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"We should find you a me! If not here, then in another world."

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"I appreciate the thought. But I am the landscape around you far more than I am this body. I do not... require the same sorts of experiences."

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"Aw. Nothing you'd need of a human, then?"

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"Beyond the worship I ask of any who would settle here, no. I have one acolyte already who is quite sufficient to the needs here."

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"Huh. I suppose this is a rather peaceful world, then?"

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"Peace, it was discovered some time ago, is more profitable for the gods than war. We discourage our followers from wasting themselves needlessly." She smiles. "Gently, of course. Might I know your names?"

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"I'm Uchiha Hisame. This one is Mora - " gesturing to her alt. "Mora's head-mate is Nausicaa. My girlfriend is the Keres. My girlfriend's alt is Eliana Fabil. That other one over there's our pet."

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"A pleasure. Might I provide you with blessings? I offer the gifts of waterwalking, enhanced vision, enhanced memory, more stamina, faster speed, and resistance to the cold and damp. Normally, I limit to one or two for new visitors, but under the circumstances, each of you may have as many of them as you wish."

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"Oooooh, I wonder how the memory, vision, and speed stack with my own magic system's... Or stamina! Arguably my magic runs on something related to stamina."

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"I see no reason they would not. Blessings from different gods stack upon each other."

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"Hee. Then those, please!"

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She places a hand upon Hisame's and confers the four requested blessings.

The change is subtle, but apparent.

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She flashes her sharingan. "Neat! It does stack, for what it's worth - this is quite delightful."

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"You are welcome. Anyone else?"

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Eliana requests all six.

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The Keres will take all but the resistance.

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Mora would like all six, as well, and asks for water-walking, stamina, and resistance for the pet.

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Blessings are distributed.

"We are not too far from the coast and the main city of my domain, if you would care to take rest in comfort there."

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"Alright. Thank you. You mentioned worship - is there tribute you accept? I'm afraid I'm rather unfamiliar with gods, especially local ones..."

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"Offerings are customarily made at the temple. There is no set list; the thought behind the gift is what truly matters."

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"You like books," she says, confidently. "Especially ones on foreign magic."

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"It is as though you know me."

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She laughs.

"Which way to your city? We're rather good at moving quickly, fortunately."

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She indicates the direction. "If you could move this body with you, then, that will save me the effort of rebuilding it again."

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"Of course."

And zoom to the city outskirts!

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The city that rises from the mists is of a sort recognizable to Eliana and Hisame, most notable perhaps in that it is unwalled. Stone buildings not more than four stories carpeting the gently terraced hills leading down to the harbor.

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She sets down her passengers. 

"Where would be a good place to find blank books? I didn't happen to carry any good explanations of my magic system with me..."

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"There are several shops of that flavor near the temple." The goddess can lead the way there.

The temple is a relatively small building, distinguished from its neighbors in that it is of one piece, looking more like it was grown in place than built. There are shops not too far away that sell blank diaries, other books, and various knickknacks that might be suitable as offerings if one finds oneself lacking any worldly possessions at all.

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...Hm. Currency. Might be an issue.

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If they are in possession of any precious metals, the goddess can perform a currency conversion for them.

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The Keres still has some gold sovereigns from Thedas.

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Ellayania takes them in her hand, and they sink into her palm.

She holds out her other hand, and an approximately equal volume of local currency emerges.

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"Neat trick."

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"Different magics are so cool."

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The goddess smiles. "I will meet you in the temple when you have finished," she says, walking off.

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She heads into the shops.

She purchases a number of rather nice blank books - some to keep, both to replace the books she traded to the spirit library and for when this inevitably comes up again. They seem to run into quite a lot of opportunities to trade books, after all.

(She'll leave browsing through non-blank books to her girlfriend.)

And then: to quite quickly write out two very thorough introductions to her world's magic, history, sociology, geography, etcetera, as well as two copies of the most interesting similar book she found in the spirit library on that world. Two, because while she's relayed most of this verbally to her girlfriend, she suspects her girlfriend would like an actual copy of the book, and she doesn't think the Keres got a chance to read the library book she's copying.

Once she's done: is her party still hanging around?

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The Keres is still nearby.

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Eliana has wandered off a little further.

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Hisame gives the Keres her copies!

Then onward to the temple?

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Oh, how nice!

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The interior of the temple is surprisingly well-lit, with several nooks for reading and shelves full of books. In the back is an altar of plain black stone.

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They're greeted by a smiling blonde woman.

"Hi! You must be the visitors. I'm Pascale, Ellayania's acolyte."

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"Hello! We are, in fact, the visitors! Unless you have more lying around somewhere, of course."

"I'm Hisame. It's good to meet you."

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She laughs. "We do, but you're the noteworthy ones. Since it's your first time, let me show you around. We've got the reading areas, separated by genre. The selection changes regularly. You can spend as long as you like in any of them. In back is the altar; you can make your offerings there. Just place it on top. It's also customary to spend a minute or two in prayer."

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"About anything in particular?"

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"Not really. Whatever comes to mind."

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"Alright. I suppose we'll have that tour, then."

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Pascale shows them around! They end at the altar.

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And Hisame places the two books she made on the altar, thinking of how she made them with an eye to the Keres' interests, and she assumes that will transfer, and she doesn't know much of the goddess but surely being an alt of her girlfriend she must be quite wonderful, and also she's grateful for the information on althood, and the library selection here is very nice, too.

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The books sink into the stone without a trace.

"Your offering is accepted, and I thank you for it," the air whispers into her ear.

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She steps away, grinning.

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(Mora has a book from her homeworld, and a thanks, though she isn't besotted with an alt of the goddess and is correspondingly less overwhelmingly fond.)

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Her offering is likewise accepted, as are the Keres' and Eliana's in turn.

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Hisame goes to wander the stacks of the library for a time.

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There are a variety of books, in a variety of local languages.

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Enough indeed for everyone to get lost in.

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Some time later, Pascale appears again.

"Anyone hungry? I know some good restaurants down by the wharf."

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"I could use some food, yes. Lead the way."

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Everyone's in favor of food.

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"I figured that was a safe bet. Ellayania doesn't need to feed her body, but she still likes food."

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"The similarities are rather fascinating!"

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The restaurant Pascale takes them to has as its primary offering a fish-and-rice dish with a cream sauce, apparently a local specialty.

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"What's living in this world like?" Hisame asks. "I'm very unfamiliar with gods, for one..."

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"I only really have experience with the one world, so I'm not sure how best to explain! Gods are generally- distant but helpful? Benign's a good word, I guess."

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"And offerings are important to them somehow?"

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"Gods live on attention, on us thinking about them. Making an offering is a way of focusing, sort of. A concrete reminder to spend some time thinking. And they can use the offering itself, either directly or by taking it apart for raw materials."

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"I'm curious if time spent thinking about alts fuels them as well..."

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"That has never come up, as far as I know. And it'd be pretty hard to test. You'd need either a very small god or a lot of mentally disciplined people."

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"Might be worth it, someday."

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"Maybe someone could write a book about it."

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She hums. "What does it mean, for the goddess to be her land?"

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"Basically exactly that. Gods are in the land. The sort of god it is determines what the land looks like. Ellayania is a fen goddesss, so this area is swampy. There used to be a mountain god to the east, he's dead but the mountains are still there. There's ocean gods, plains gods, volcano gods, desert gods, river gods..."

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"Interesting! We had myths, in my home world, of gods of mountains and trees and such - but they were hardly supposed to have caused those."

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"I think it'd be very strange to live in a world without gods you could talk to."

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"It certainly sounds like it helps your world, in some ways. Most of the ones we visited had more warfare, I think."

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"There used to be holy wars and such, but those gods all died off due to uh, their worshippers dying off. Or running away to gods who wouldn't make them fight."

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She nods. "That makes sense, given how this world seems to work."

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"So what sorts of things do you guys like to do?"

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"Reading, learning new magics, meeting people, sowing chaos here and there - though I wouldn't dream of causing my girlfriend's alt any problems."

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"Yes, we would very much appreciate a minimum of chaos. Here or really anywhere else while you have Ellayania's blessings. That would have, uh, reputational effects."

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"I understand entirely. This will be a way-point world, for resting, and reading, and learning. No chaos whatsoever."

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"Much appreciated."

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"What is there to do around here, in terms of nice, law-abiding activities?"

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The port's pretty busy for its size, so there's a lot of different shops to explore down by the docks. There's a local theater troupe, specializing in historical and 'lost' plays, under Ellayania's patronage, and a history museum. A short walk out of the city, you can get to a nice overlook onto the ocean.

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Theater! Hisame loves the theater!

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They're doing a show tonight! 'The Tragedy of Fiol', very bloody. Hisame will probably enjoy it.

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It does sound like her thing, yes.

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Pascale can show them around a bit more until then, or leave them to wander on their own?

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Hisame wouldn't mind a tour, but doesn't want to drag Pascale away from any duties.

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She was instructed to place herself at their disposal.

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"A tour it is, then! Assuming my companions don't mind, of course."

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No objections here.

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Then a tour they can have! All the many (not that many) and varied (moderately varied) sights the city has to offer.

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Eh, it's still a new world, and therefore interesting.

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And then it's time for the play!

Revenge piles upon revenge in a sordid tale of brotherly infidelity, culminating in a night of slaughter that engulfs half the town before the god stirs itself to fold all the participants up beneath the earth, trapping their sin from sight evermore.

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Hisame's at the edge of her seat!

"Theater is so different here!" she comments afterwards.

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"What is it like in your world?"

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She describes it - the popular stuff relying on human actors is mostly very aesthetic and slow and dramatic and metaphorical. There's puppet theater she likes more, but it has very different tendencies.

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"That sounds very Nevarran," Eliana comments.

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"I'd imagine there'd be some repetition across worlds."

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"People will be people."

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"Bizarrely similar people, at that! I wonder if any playwrights repeat..."

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"You're welcome to search through our records."

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"I might if I'm here long enough, but I suspect we'll be moving on rather quickly."

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"Fair enough! do you need a place to sleep?"

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"We wouldn't mind somewhere to rest at all."

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Pascale takes them to an elegant guest-house near the temple, usually used by visiting acolytes and other dignitaries.

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"Thank you for showing us around," she says.

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"You're welcome! Enjoy your time here." And she heads off for the night.

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She flops in a very undignified manner. "Well, this wasn't quite the challenge we were looking for, but it's an interesting world."

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"Yes indeed. I think I make a fine goddess."

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She laughs. "You do."

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"Pity there's not one of you, kitten."

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Kiss. "Hopefully we'll find one, then, some world."

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Kiss. "The endless search."

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"Enough variety to keep us entertained, hopefully."

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"So," Eliana says to Mora. "What do you make of these... revelations?"

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"It's a bit strange, being one of her? I - both feel like it and don't. There's... Larger differences between us, than there were between her and Mara."

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"Mara doesn't have anyone else in her head."

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"...Yeah. I'm - influenced by that, very strongly."

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"It'd be hard not to be."

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She nods. "My Nausicaa isn't very moral, but - I don't think I'd be torn over behaving if she was moral. Hisame is quite wedded to her chaos, though."

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"She is chaotic to the degree that those who raised her wished her to be orderly, in my understanding. By imposing it on her from above, not by making it something she wanted."

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She nods. "I think that's in line, with us, though I don't think if someone tried imposing chaos on us we'd veer towards order."

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"Perhaps we will come across an example."

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"I suspect we will eventually, at the rate we're going."

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Eliana chuckles softly.

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"I'm starting to wonder if Hisame's right about there being some higher power messing with this, honestly, it's bizarre we keep running into more of us."

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"We are well past strained coincidence. And now we have met a god. It seems reasonable that there might be something more... metacausal lurking."

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"For all that Hisame's a force of chaos, she seems strangely enamored with the idea..."

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"It would mean that everything... meant something. That somebody likes us."

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"I suppose. And Hisame is likely modeling whoever introduced her to her girlfriend and keeps giving her opportunities for chaos as an ally."

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"Well, they don't seem to be working against us."

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"I still don't have my Nausicaa back, though - everything is... Not perfect, at least."

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"Now that you've brought it up again, maybe the next world will have a solution."

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"Then again," Eliana says, "what's a story without a little conflict?"

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"Point. Though it's hardly anything dramatic."

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"A small thing is made more poignant against the greater backdrop, perhaps."

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"It depends on their sense of humor, I suppose."

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"I suppose there's an extent to which we'll have to just see..."

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In the morning, the goddess's body is waiting downstairs.

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"Good morning!" Hisame chirps.

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"Good morning. I trust you were satisfied with my acolyte's guidance yesterday. She does love meeting new people."

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"We had quite a lovely tour!"

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"Excellent. There is a god of my acquaintance who I allow to maintain a small presence here that you may wish to meet. Her domain is preservation."

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"Oooh, yes, I do think that'd be in our interests. Thank you."

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"Allow me to lead you to her."

Ellayania shows the way to Tisvet's little enclave.

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Tisvet's little enclave is a modest, out of the way little building carved into a hill. The dark obsidian steps lead down to a warm and slightly humid nook with a matching floor. The walls are a green glass, back lit with a light that looks mysteriously like lava. In the back are another set of steps, leading down to a steaming pool of water that looks... rather like a hot spring, actually. Complete with little seats along the wall.

A redhead in a bikini is lounging in one, paging through a book perched on the lip of the pool.

"Hello!" she says brightly, her voice matching Ellayania's echoey panlingual quality. "My, yes, that's very interesting. I'm Tisvetaia, pleasure to meet you."

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"Greetings. I am Eliana Fabil." She points out each of her companions in turn. "Mora. Hisame. The Keres."

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"Hello!" she says. "The pleasure is ours."

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"I assume you'd all here for the holy nose boop of an extra decade of life?"

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"Is that what preservation is?"

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"For humans, yes. If I touch a mortal once a decade I can keep them young indefinitely. I also do it with Ellayania's books, it's one of the reasons we get along so well."

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"...I'm very tempted to try testing how that'd combine with some more interesting things from my world - does it make it harder for people to die, or do they stop aging, or do they age more slowly?"

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"It depends a bit on how old they are. For an adult, they stop aging at the exact moment I touch them. For children and teens, they keep aging normally and stop once they're done growing."

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"But they still can grow less healthy, or more tired, than they were when you touched them?"

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"Yes. At least ordinarily. I'd need to see your interesting otherworldly magic to say for certain, but health and energy aren't things I directly affect with just the preservation touch. One of my blessings might help, though."

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"The main power source for my magic is a combination of my own mental energy and my own physical energy. Using too much mental energy causes - what rounds off to depression and executive dysfunction. Using too much physical energy causes hypothermia and weakness. There are some techniques from my world that cause their user or target to age faster - one major example is a rapid-healing medical technique - or even to outright die - though that one seems like it'd yield more reluctantly to manipulation, since it involves trading one life for many of the recent dead. I can show off some of the other techniques, though."

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"Hm. Sure. I'm curious. May I poke you to bestow preservation and my blessing of healing?"

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"There you are."

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And then she does something very odd that makes the air around her feel exceptionally heavy. "Hm... I think it's not quite an infinite chakra exploit. It feels like it's influencing something else... I wonder if it'd help with severe exhaustion, though, since that gets to the point of doing direct physical damage... I only kind of know the rapid healing technique, and it's chakra intensive, but from a brief run of that I do think the preservation is stopping it from aging me."

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Tisvetaia tilts her head. "That's interesting. May I poke you again? I can see how much time is left on my preservation touch when renewing it."

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Boop! The goddess squints at her.

"Hm. It's subtle, but... about an hour's worth of preservation was used up, in the space of a couple of heartbeats. So it gives you a deeper well to draw from, that could be replenished by me, but not an infinite one."

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"Fascinating. Well, I think I'm capable of finding worlds again after I leave them. I suppose the main - well, at least not hilariously dangerous thing to test now is whether the healing blessing affects chakra exhaustion. Though the quickest ways to do that might alter the landscape a little, so I suppose I should get Ellayania's permission, there."

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"Not in town, if you please. And far enough away that you won't disrupt the local agricultural endeavors."

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"Alright. I might need quick medical aid, if this goes poorly, though I think the Keres's healing abilities should suffice there..."

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"Of course, kitten."

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"Have fun. Do you all want preservation pokes before you go experiment?"

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"If you would be so kind."

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Preservation pokes are distributed! Tisvetaia is polite enough to pass on poking anyone that would rather not, for some reason.

... Mora gets a confused look after her poke.

"I'm sorry, may I do that again? It did... something."

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Sometimes does, actually, feel odd...

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Tisvetaia squints at her.

"... Your manifestation is fraying. I don't know how long my touch will anchor you, it's hard to... look at, part of you is unbound by time... I do not expect it to do anything you wouldn't appreciate, but. That's. Very odd. I cannot say how soon you'll need a refresher."

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"...Yeah, that makes sense. I think - I think I can feel what it's doing, and I'll feel if it stops, so I should at least know when to come back."

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The preservation goddess nods thoughtfully.

"I think a luck blessing would do you more good than it would most mortals, would you, ah, like one from me?"

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"Yes, thank you."

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"Good fortune to you. You live a complicated existence."

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"Thanks. I wish you the same, though I don't have anything as convenient as a blessing to give."

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"Thank you. I am, for the most part, content. Though if you transport pieces of me to other worlds so that I could immortalize the inhabitants, I wouldn't say no."

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"Oh, that sounds like an excellent idea - to start with, we might want to sort for places with enough stability they wouldn't be disrupted, but I suspect there's plenty of those." Especially any where they have alts who prefer their worlds remain subject to a minimum of mayhem.

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"How does that work, pieces of you?"

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"Literal pieces. Consecrated earth. A god can spread into new places from such."

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"I'm not sure we've been anywhere that is exactly stable."

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"The Avatar's world might become that way soon - at least, that Azula and Mara seemed determined to make it so. Though their reincarnation cycle might interact weirdly with immortality."

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"Perhaps it would just put it on hold. But it occurs to me to wonder if Eliko was one of us."

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"The name seems right, at least, and something about her attitude was familiar."

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"Another reason to go back, then."

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"Exactly. Though for now I'd like to test the chakra exhaustion."

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Tisvetaia is thanked by all parties, and off they go.

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Hisame gains quite a bit of distance from any settlements or agricultural attempts, and then chakra starts pouring off her in waves, heavy enough to distort the air and cause plants to crumple or turn to ash in her vicinity, to cause the air to heat and a smell of ozone to form -

Enough to light something like a spark in the land, as the chakra settles into the nearest possible recipient.

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Well now. Isn't that interesting.

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Hisame doesn't seem to notice this happening, and continues trying to give herself chakra exhaustion.

The chakra she's venting changes, adapting to Ellayania, sinking especially into the water. The waterways seem to form natural pathways for the chakra, and it starts to circulate and experience a gentle pulse, even far downstream of Hisame's contributions.

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She will have to monitor this carefully. The book she was given contained a basic description of chakra manipulation, but she suspects she will need to alter the practices somewhat in her case.

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And then Hisame successfully gives herself chakra exhaustion!

She stumbles, collapsing against a tree, gasping for air - and the healing kicks in to stop any internal organs from shutting down.

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The Keres hurries over to aid the healing.

She does not like to see her girlfriend hurt like this.

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"Thank you, darling - and it seems that healing does in fact guard against overuse... And I think assists in recovering chakra at those low points - I feel like I've bounced back a bit."

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Ellayania's body walks up.

"A very interesting demonstration. But not one entirely without side effects."

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"Did something happen?"

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"I appear to have absorbed the chakra you expended."

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"Huh. Are you alright?"

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"Thus far I am suffering no ill effects. Though I will ask you for more detailed information about the nature of chakra and how it is manipulated."

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"Reasonable! Traditionally, direct instruction's considered best for that - there's some things you can only feel - and I can walk you through at a minimum the basics."

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"I would appreciate that, if you have the time."

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"It'd be faster if you had the same eyes as me - they allow me to view some hints of chakra and copy and memorize things - but still shouldn't take too long."

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"If you were to sacrifice one to me, I would be able to use it. And perhaps even replicate it, once I understand how it works."

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"...Does it matter if it's a bit damaged? I have my old set somewhere still."

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"If they still function correctly that should be fine. I am not confident that I will immediately see how to repair any damage."

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"I'd been almost entirely blind before I'd swapped out... And those wouldn't hold my Rinnegan, which is more useful anyways..." She shrugs. "Well, it'll be interesting to see if the healing blessing covers eye loss."

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"Please don't feel compelled to maim yourself on my account. A simple blessing will not regenerate an entire eye. If you are already capable of such things, it might accelerate the process."

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"I don't feel compelled - though healing my own eye would be a bit hard. I think. I haven't lost one since getting the Rinnegan, and transferring the Rinnegan around appears to work bizarrely..."

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"If the sharingan is biological in function, I may be able to heal it before we sacrifice it."

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"They're no less nor more magic than my entire body."

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"Worth a try, then."

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She unseals her old sharingan, then. They're indeed damaged, but oddly so, and restoring them should be easy.

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The Keres will set her ghosts to the task, then.

"There. Good as new, as far as I can tell."

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"Thank you, darling." To Ellayania: "Do we have to go back to the temple, to sacrifice these?"

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"I can take them here. You simply must intend to give them up to me." She holds out a hand.

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And she hands them over.

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They sink into her palm.

"That is... quite complicated. But I believe I see how the connection works." The eyeballs presently in her head to turn to mud, and she uses a finger to clean out the cavities. She blinks, and when she opens her eyes, they are glowing red.

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"Eee! Good! They'll use chakra, to keep active, but I think you should have plenty."

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"Is there a way one can tell how much chakra one has?"

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"It's possible - that's one of the exercises I'll guide you through - but part of getting a fine sense for it is just experience."

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"Fair enough. Do you prefer we move somewhere else?"

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"I'm comfortable wherever, really."

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"Here works for me, then."

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She nods. "I wonder if I can give other people chakra, too - it might save overall time, if I have multiple students, so."

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"I'm not sure anyone else could survive such an influx."

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"It'll probably require less, for others."

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"A fair point. If you wish to attempt to gather more students, I will wait."

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"Thank you." To the Keres: "Darling, would you like to try?"

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"I believe I would, yes."

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She holds out her hand.

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She takes it.

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And: chakra!

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Chakra? ...Aha, chakra.

"That is a strange feeling."

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"I wouldn't know to say. I'm used to it, after all."

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"Well, you can take it from me, then."

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Quick kiss. "I think Eliana will be interested, too - likely Mora as well, but I think less so, and I do want to conserve some chakra. Though I could also start the lesson with you two, and get them caught up once I've rested."

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"I think it makes sense to start with us, then."

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And the first lesson: identifying chakra and moving it about your body, which might be complicated for Ellayania. Usually you're supposed to move the chakra to your hands or forehead, and try to stick or repel a leaf to your skin. (She explains in detail how this works, and can let them feel her moving her chakra through her hands in that pattern.)

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This is indeed somewhat more complicated in Ellayania's case. But she does have a fully activated sharingan, so things balance out.

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And then she walks them through a few more basic exercises - "Do you two want to learn an actual technique? We can pretty much keep infinitely doing assorted chakra control exercises, though many of those are directly useful anyways..."

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"A technique would be good."

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She hums, mentally flipping through her known techniques for something useful but not chakra intensive nor complicated. "There's the transformation technique, though I don't know if Ellayania can already shift her appearance?"

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"Not without intensive effort."

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"Then I think it'll work well." And she explains the transformation technique - it's a ninjutsu, not an illusion, so it's an actual physical change, albeit hard to exploit to change yourself dramatically - in fairly fine detail, and demonstrates a few variants.

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They both pick it up fairly easily, Ellayania slightly more quickly than the Keres.

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She doesn't really believe in teaching people the overly simplified modern hand-sign system, and Ellayania has the sharingan, anyways, so when she starts showing them the basics of elemental manipulation next it involves hand-signs to help focus on chakra but not much else, just raw motion.

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Then by day's end they'll have made a decent start on learning ninjutsu. Though Ellayania's chakra capacity proves larger than the Keres'. Which is not unexpected, but still somewhat... vexing.

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Hisame probably doesn't help by finding her girlfriend's vexation adorable.

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Not as much as you'd think, no.

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Awww. Well, a lot of what matters is chakra control, anyways, and what you do with what you've got.

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She supposes that's true. (Gods are still unfair.)

Back to the others?

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Back to the others. Hisame needs to flop now, anyways.

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Best girlfriend.

The next day, Hisame finds more students to torment impart knowledge upon, and continues the lessons from the prior day, though it's probably apparent she's starting to get a bit vaguely restless.

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"Time to find somewhere new?" the Keres asks.

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"Maybe in the next day or two. Here's very pleasant as a way point, of course, but I think we've had quite an abundance of rest."

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"I would appreciate it if you would take some of me with you when you move on."

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"Of course! How much is needed for each place?"

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"I can spread from as little as a handful. More hastens the process, as would acquiring new believers."

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"If I'm rested, opening the portals isn't too exhausting - I'm wondering if for particularly choice sites it might be worth just portaling back. Though some of you with us would be good, too."

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"I would like to see what adventures you get up to, as well."

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"Of course!"

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"Thank you. My acolyte carries a vial similar to this one," which she is now holding, fully of muddy water, "if one of you would like to volunteer."

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"It'd probably end up broken eventually, around my neck," Hisame says with a laugh.

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"I can take it, though I'm not going to be in the center of most fights - still, we can probably just pass it around."

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She hands the vial to Mora, then.

"You need not be terribly careful with it. No great catastrophe will ensue if it breaks."

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"We'll keep that in mind."

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Until they leave, the hospitality of Ellayania's domain is at their disposal.

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She'll impose for a bit longer, teaching, reading books, copying out the books she's already traded away, and making copies of books she feels are important enough to have copies of, but then she'll want to leave pretty much the next day.

Is everyone else ready to move on?

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No objections.

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Then she'll make a new portal for them.

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There is a ruined city, overgrown with jungle. They are in a gap between buildings. A severed head is lodged in a high crack in one of the walls.

"Another alleyway."

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"We should start keeping track. Make a scoreboard."

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"I never did care for jungles," Eliana says.

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"Still better than Kirkwall."

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"Ha. Granted."

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She laughs. "Let's explore! That head makes me think something interesting is happening locally."

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"Yes, it is rather gruesome."

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And forward, to stick her head out of the alley - it opens to a ruined courtyard, of a good but not grand size, sheltered from the rest of the city by thick overgrowth.

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And is home to a number of shambling corpses, which turn to the visitor even as a red-skinned woman with pointed ears and a whiplike tail emerges from a tent in a far corner.

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That is a very familiar face even under all the red!

She grins. "Hello!"

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"Where in the Nine Hells did you come from?"

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The Keres follows Hisame out.

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"...and why are you a human version of me?"

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"We're interdimensional travelers! Apparently there's multiple versions of some people across worlds."

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"I have never heard of that happening across any of the planes I am familiar with."

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"We're probably from farther than those planes, but my theory is there's someone omnipotent or close enough messing with things."

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"Bah. Gods."

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She laughs. "I've met some nice ones!"

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"Uh huh."

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"What sort of person are you? My home world only had humans, though we've seen a few other types in our travels."

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"A tiefling. An admixture of human and demonic influence."

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"Cool!" She bounces a little. "Is there anything we can help you with? We've been looking for something to do, after all, and I like helping versions of you."

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"...Possibly. There is an underground complex below this city that a certain wizard has claimed. I am planning to kill this wizard because they are slowly siphoning off all the loose souls in the vicinity, including my own."

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"How rude! Fortunately, we're quite talented at killing things."

She focuses on the area with her Rinnegan...

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And suddenly seems quite concerned.

"What types of things do wizards do?"

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"Magic things. It's a fairly broad category, especially for ones as powerful as this."

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"Fair. This one seems to be screwing with a more broad range of souls than 'local.' Can wizards teleport? Conjure arbitrary material objects? Move and react faster than the speed of sound? Trap things in other things? Turn things into other things? Resurrect people?"

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"Yes, yes, no, yes, yes, not fully."

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"Increase or decrease gravity? Teleport other people, even without touching them? Read minds? Control minds? Create illusions?"

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"All yes."

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"Fight for three days on end without a break? Is there any cap on what powers they can be using simultaneously?"

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"Casting as quickly as they can, even the most powerful wizards would be exhausted at the end of ten minutes. But for an opponent to survive that sort of onslaught that long would be... impressive."

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"I once got in a long fight against an army of invulnerable undead - that was for three days - then after their leader was mind controlled into dismissing them I turned to fight one of the undead who'd successfully resisted the dismissal, then proceeded to arrange for his own resurrection, which was about a day - and he kept flinging meteors at any portion of our army that got too annoying, for a scale on his power - and then when he fell I spent another three days fighting a self-proclaimed goddess."

"Though I suspect my comparative advantage in a wizardly fight will actually be in killing them faster than they can react to me."

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The Keres drapes an arm across Hisame's shoulder.

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She snuggles into her girlfriend. "You can see why I've been wanting a challenge! Most worlds are really not up to that."

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"I imagine not."

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"Perhaps this world will be a nice break."

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"If you wish to go after the wizard below us, I will hardly stand in your way."

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"There's something odd with the dimension down there, so it might not be as straightforward as taking a portal in for murder, unfortunately..."

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"It's warded against scrying and extraplanar travel, including teleports. There are almost certainly an abundance of traps, most of them quite lethal and fiendishly hard to detect. In addition, I would expect a variety of monsters engaged as guards and sentries, any of whom would be difficult to defeat on their own, let alone whatever combinations the wizard might have forced upon them."

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"Is it warded against people walking through the earth?"

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"Almost certainly."

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"We might want to test a few other methods of breaking in non-conventionally, but if we have to go through the front door, so be it."

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"I suspect the front door will be the only available entrance, unless you bring something truly exotic with you. No one does security quite like a paranoid wizard."

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"Between us we might figure something out."

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"Perhaps. I have notes on my reconnaissance so far, one moment." She returns to the tent and emerges with a notebook in hand.

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"Neat! That'll help, thanks."

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She passes it over.

"You are welcome."

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And very quickly reading and memorizing it, then passing it over to the Keres for her perusal.

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She takes a little longer with it.

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"That was fast."

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"I can perceive and comprehend things very quickly, and memorize everything I see."

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"How useful. I wish I had that talent."

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"I can teach you to use my magic, though that might not be useful in the short term."

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"Perhaps when the immediate threat is dealt with."

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Now, on to plotting? Does the Keres have any ideas for breaking and entering in some unconventional manner? (It's possible since the Keres' powers are less magic they might circumvent anti-magic protections, too...)

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The dungeon is almost certainly not dimensionally congruent with this city. There's one known entrance area, and supposedly a puzzle you need nine puzzle cubes for. There's three entrances, two of them certainly false, and none of them are bypassable without the puzzle cubes. Possibly the river also extends into some portion of the dungeon, but the water's enchanted and entirely fills its passage at at least a few points.

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She can reliably point them to the true entrance, and might be able to bypass the lock. She has access to hydrokinetics, and ways to amplify their power. Depending on the nature of the enchantment, she might also be able to turn the river into an access point.

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Seems to mostly just make creatures fall asleep, but it's more persistent than similar enchantments.

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She can try damming the river and letting the water drain away.

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"That seems like a hilariously simple fix."

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"It may be the river doesn't actually enter the dungeon. Or the riverbed is enchanted."

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"Still, it'll be a useful place to start."

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The tiefling, who introduced herself as Elatra when introductions happened in a margin not shown here, takes them to the river.

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And the Keres spins through a series of ghosts and, arriving at a combination with a high probability of success, halts the river's flow.

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The river: is halted, and slowly drains away!

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Does the enchantment disappear with the water? Does anything else take its place?

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The enchantment seems to have mostly disappeared, though they probably shouldn't touch the mud with bare skin. Nothing else seems to be rising up yet.

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"The way seems to be clear now, so far as I can tell."

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"Good! Shall we see if this is our ticket in?"

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"I think so. If the waters will remain held?"

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"I can keep them back."

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Onward! Hisame takes the very bouncy lead.

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Elatra and the others follow.

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The passage very quickly darkens to 'pitch black.'

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Hardly an obstacle to her.

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Eliana makes a thin cut, the blood trailing off into a wreath of flame.

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Hisame does not appear to have noticed.

The path winds down, past several staircases. There's a few pockets of explosive or poisonous gas, which Hisame handles from a distance fairly adroitly.

And then there's the distant sound of a waterfall, growing closer now.

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"We may perhaps wish to wait until the water finishes draining out."

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"Sensible. It sounds fairly weak, at least. Do we want to investigate any of the stairs?"

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"The wizard will be in the deepest part of this place. I do not think we should more thoroughly announce our presence until we are closer."

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And then waiting for the last dregs of the waterfall to drain away it is. It takes a short time, but then not even Hisame can hear the trickle.


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"Let us continue."

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"Very well."

And onward.

They reach the path for the waterfall soon enough. It's a massive sink hole. A chest is visible on a far ledge opposite them. The hole falls perhaps two hundred feet - nothing someone like Hisame can't just jump.

"Anyone want help down?"

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"I would appreciate the assistance."

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As would Eliana.

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Then Hisame can make clones, to carry both women (as well as Mora, the pet having been deposited back safely in Ellayania's temple somewhere off screen) down the hole.

There's only one really clear passage out, that looks like it's where the water drained to. This area's fairly humid, the walls muddy and slimy with algae.

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Then that seems the way to go. Which is not to say they ought to proceed carelessly.

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Of course.

The passage seems to end in a lake. The lake doesn't seem to be in any hurry to drain, and is massive, filling most of an enormous cavern. The ceiling is covered with chains and gears, many of them in loud motion. It's hard to hear each other. A gigantic motionless stone cog rises from the water, with two matching cogs connected to it. Rusty metal conduits stretch from the cavern walls to the cogs. The water of the lake is slimy, with pinpricks of phosphorescent light twinkling in the murk. At least one cog seems to have a pathway to it, though it isn't connected.

Map of the Tomb Lower Level

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Presumably the lake water is enchanted?

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Seems to be!

"Well, I can walk on water," Hisame says, "And probably avoid anyone I'm carrying getting into too much contact."

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"I can let the river go and move us all over."

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"Doesn't seem much point keeping it contained any more, with all this water. Unless we want to go back to those stairs at some point."

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"Let's not backtrack. Forward will do."

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"And you'll want to swap out for different powers at some point, anyways. We can figure another way out when we're done."

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The Keres' ghosts change out, and everyone swoops through the air to middle of the nearest cog.

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The cog's top is a slippery stone, but there's now a pier with rowboats visible on the other side, and a path leading into the cavern wall from the pier.

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Any sources of danger lurking nearby?

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There's something large and idly dangerous in the lake. The door from the pier into the cavern wall is dangerous. There's something mildly dangerous behind the cavern wall the door opens into, though not immediately after it. Some of the slime is dangerous. There's some dangers inside the stone cogs.

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And which way from here has the best chance of reaching the wizard?

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She relays the information about the dangers to the others, and says that whatever wards against scrying the wizard has is preventing her from plotting a course to them.

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Hisame frowns. "Annoying. It seems our main options are going through one of the walls, or trying the door."

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"Taking out a wall would avoid the trap on the door, and might gain surprise against whatever waits beyond."

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She nods. "The rightward wall had fewer dangers, correct? And that passage off this cog does seem to go into it."

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"Let's make a new door, then."

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She jumps over to stand on top of the passage to the right, forming a hand sign and then touching the wall.

...Which does nothing.

Hisame frowns.

"That should've molded the stone."

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"More wards, maybe." She directs one of her ghosts to cut through the wall.

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This is really slow going. The wall is also possibly regenerating.

Still, she's making progress, albeit at a snail's pace. It might be faster to go down, though, into the passageway under them.

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Can she divine more specific information about the danger attached to the door?

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She combines a ghost who can cut through anything with one that extrudes metal and one that shapes metal. She makes a door-sized punch, and rams it through the wall, then hollows it out to allow them to walk through.

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This works.

The wall appears to be quickly repairing itself. It'll be fully restored within about six seconds. Still, especially with Hisame, they should be able to all cross into the tunnel within that time frame.

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...That's disturbing.

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And what awaits them now?

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Graven images of rotting corpses decorate this hall, and the floor is littered with tarnished coins, pieces of armor, broken shields, axe heads, and other bits of scrap metal. There's an archway on the end far from them, with a keystone adorned with an iron bull’s skull, which bites down on an ivory ring. To Elatra, the ring has a strong aura of necromancy. Through the archway is a shaft, with swirling winds lit with purple lightning. Barely visible, to the left near the archway, is a side passage.

Also, the first person who enters the hall has any non-magical items they're wearing corrode to uselessness.

Fortunately, that first person is Hisame, who quickly notices the edges of her shoe fraying and jumps back out.

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"Some sort of disintergration aura, I would say. That ivory ring might be the focal point, it fairly reeks of necromancy."

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She frowns, focuses, and the ivory ring gets consumed in a flash of black flame.

Further testing reveals her clothes are no longer disintegrating.

"Seems safe now."

She walks the length, peering down the side corridor - "Staircase down" - and through the archway - "Large moving chain, purple whirlwind at the top and bottom, freaky lightning effects, door on the opposite side of the shaft."

It's hard to identify what that means arcana wise from a description, but whatever's through the archway is probably at least moderately insanely dangerous.

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"Stay away from the archway for now. Is there anything down the stairs?" She moves to up to a closer vantage on the room beyond the arch.

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"Magical darkness, but I can see some small souls in the room at the bottom - I think children, though there's something odd about them - but my line of sight's cut off otherwise."

For Elatra:

Hot wind tinged with the smell of burning oil blows down a forty-foot-diameter vertical shaft. Stone balconies protrude from the walls on opposite sides of this expanse, with the west balcony fifteen feet higher than the east one. Two thick chains rattle in the gulf between the balconies — one ascending two hundred feet before disappearing into a cloudy vortex lit by arcs of purple lightning; the other wrapping around an enormous metal gear floating one hundred feet below. Another hundred feet below the gear, a second vortex rages.

She'll be able to easily identify the vortexes as planar - incredibly destructive and nearly impossible to survive if you were stupid enough to enter one. The chain's a Mechanus chain - usually found on the clockwork plane of Mechanus, used by the modrons there to keep their vast machinery moving. It seems corrupted, somehow, likely repurposed for the tomb. It can't be destroyed without multiple castings of the wish spell or divine intervention.

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"We'll not be going this way, I think." She moves back to take a look down the stairs.

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Magical darkness at the base.

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Can she dispel it?

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Not easily, but it's possible with a bit of effort.

The hallway clears, though due to the bend at the bottom of the staircase they can't see what's below very well.

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"Care to lead us down?" she says to Hisame. "You have the best reflexes here, I think."

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The staircase descends quite a distance into the earth, then opens into a hall, with twenty foot high vaulted ceilings.. Green smoke billows out from a bronze cauldron in the middle of it. Barely visible through the haze are three rocking chairs, several work benches heaped with haberdashery, a spinning wheel, and rusty iron cages containing prisoners. Galleries stand ten feet above the floor to either side of the room.

Three small figures are moving about in the smoke - and start scurrying towards the group. A straw doll with rusty pins in its face, a clay child with a blank face, and a stuffed monkey with its lower half replaced with a unicycle.

The figures stop a distance from the group, and the straw doll calls out, voice high and young: "You need to run away! The Sewn Sisters are going to be back any moment now!"

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Eliana flicks her gaze between the caged prisoners and the dolls. "Did they sew you into the doll?"

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The straw doll's head dips. "Yeah. I don't remember lots before being here, though, and the other two aren't good at talking. You gotta go, though."

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"We will be going. Forward. And if we meet these Sewn Sisters, we'll kill them, how about that?"

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The doll hesitates, then nods. "They've got the look-a-likes, though, that tell them about the people trying to stop them. Dunno if they've got ones of you. I can't see well. But they can go invisible and walk through stuff. And they work for the bad woman. They're feeding something for her, behind the skeleton gate."

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"Do you know where the skeleton gate is?"

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The doll points, to the opposite side of the room. "It's over there, through the smoke. But you gotta have all the skeleton keys to open it."

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"Let's go see this skeleton gate," Elatra says to her companions.

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The Keres will keep a couple ghosts' eyes open for danger.

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Hisame leads the way through the smoke. They pass by the cages; there's figures huddled in them - but it seems Elatra evaded whatever trap the Sewn Sisters laid to create a look-alike. Elatra might recognize a face or two, from other adventurers she'd met in the ruined city above.

On the opposite side of the room, there's twelve-foot-high, ten-foot-wide door, made of green stone, its surface carved with grinning goblin skeletons. A belt of smooth stone spans the door at a height of four feet, set with five gold symbols in a row: a triangle, a square, a pentagon, a hexagon, and an octagon. Each symbol is engraved on a recessed circular seal.

The Keres is going to notice they're being watched, by something not entirely contiguous with this plane.

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"And hese would be the keyholes, presumably. If the Sewn Sisters feed something behind this door, they must be able to open it."

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"We're being watched," the Keres says.

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Hisame twists around, focusing with her Rinnegan - "And those would be the Sewn Sisters, I do believe, unless there's someone else hanging around looking all stitched together?" she chirps. "Come out, come out, I know where you are!" she sing-songs.

The three figures fade into view, causing the three child dolls to scurry off in fright - though the dolls don't seem able to leave the room. Still, they're making a rather valiant attempt at hiding behind the party.

One of the hags has gold coins embedded in her skin, including over her eyes, and ants nesting in her skull. The other has a string of children's teeth around her neck, and numerous pouches made of humanoid skin about her waist. The third has a squirming leather sack sewn over her head, and a viper emerges from it, to hiss: "You think you're all very clever, don't you?"

"Yup!" is Hisame's only response.

And then one of the Sewn Sisters - the one wearing children's teeth - collapses, her soul folding into Hisame's palm, as Hisame darts by her.

"Ooooh, naughty, what you've all been up to," Hisame taunts.

The other two start moving to cast spells, but they've been taken rather thoroughly off guard.

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A freezing hail descends upon the sisters, and a pair of burly ghosts rush at them.

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Overpowering them's going to be rather easy, all told, given their rather slow reaction times compared to Hisame and the Keres. They get off a single spell - which hits Hisame, to no apparent effect.

"Well, I'm hardly impressed," Hisame says with a little laugh. "Though I wasn't able to get all their knowledge when I ripped that one's soul... Whatever's behind that door is blocked from me, as is the secrets of their magic. Still, I know how they were opening it."

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"Ought we do something about the prisoners, do you think?"

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"Of course. I wouldn't leave them languishing. Though the question becomes how to leave them a path out, of course - I suppose they could just follow behind us."

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"It may be wiser to wait until we are finished here. Lest they become collateral damage."

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"Sensible. We'll back track for them, then."

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Elatra gestures to the door. "After you, then."

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She steps forward, incanting a set of odd, twisting code words, causing the locks to turn. She opens the door, revealing a black marble staircase that descends another twenty feet, a dull red glow, and a blast of immense heat.

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"What's this, a door to hell?"

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She laughs, says, "Let's see!" and bounces downwards.

It's a door to a massive triangular chamber! Crumbling balconies overlook a pool of lava filling the base, above which is suspended an enormous crystal cylinder held in place by three adamantine struts. Wraithlike forms swirl inside the cylinder, and otherworldly screams hang in the air. Four long, writhing tentacles sprout from the cylinder’s cap. A shriveled monstrosity the size of an elephant floats near the cylinder. Its body is wet and malformed, its arms and legs are atrophied, and its oversized head drips black goo. The creature is attached to the cylinder by a twisted umbilical cord.

"Spooky. Good aesthetic," Hisame says, looking at the walls decorated with skull and bone motifs. And sometimes actual skulls and bones, of course.

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"I'd prefer an aesthetic that wasn't actively trying to kill me."

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"Sensible. The spooky cylinder is full of souls, by the way - I suspect that's at least connected to what we want to destroy, here."

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"Is it just me, or is that... thing... feeding off of them?"

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"Does seem to be. We'll be destroying that too, then. Possibly first."

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"It's quite unfortunate I can't let you do that. It'd be a shame to waste all my hard work, after all," echoes a voice around them.

The tone is familiar, though not quite exact -

The woman now standing on one of the balconies is very familiar. She's dressed in black robes with patterns of eyes decorating them, and has a helm of bone. Her eyes seem to have been replaced by rubies, though it's hard to tell at this distance.

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"You." Elatra snarls. Her undead followers lurch to attack, and she curls her necromantic power around the nastiest skeleton available, a large saurian.

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The saurian animates on an area where it can actually theoretically reach the woman, at least.

She laughs.

The saurian freezes in place.

"Aw, I'd been hoping for a bit more cleverness. And don't bother with those zombies. They won't attack me. I'm the master of all undead, after all."

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Hisame sighs. "Somehow I'm not surprised an alt of me's the local asshole... Don't suppose I can talk you out of this? No?"

She's moving before she could possibly get an answer, zipping along the struts, faster than an unenhanced eye can perceive -

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Acererak makes a grasping motion at her.

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Hisame stumbles.

And loses her footing.

Unfortunately, she's currently running above lava.

On the bright side, her heart doesn't physically leap out of her chest like it's trying to. Small mercy, that.

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She doesn't hit the lava's surface.

And Acererak is assailed by a multitude of energy blasts, projectiles, perturbations of time and space, other localized distortions of physical laws, mental assaults, and emotional attacks, cycling through as the Keres assesses their effects, seeking an attack or combination of attacks that works.

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Most of these are simply ignored. Any physical attacks. Perturbations of time and space - though from the feedback the Keres gets she's having to actively counteract these. Mental and emotional assaults. Energy blasts, though, she throws up a magical shield for.

"Quite an interesting challenge! You'll all make delightful additions to my collection."

And several things happen at once:

A tentacle from below the cylinder lashes out at the Keres.

The strange creature wails, in a way that shakes the walls - trying to deal mental damage.

And Acererak raises her hands, sending three blasts of Hellfire at the Keres.

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Eliana gestures, and the tentacle jerks back and then lashes out at Acererak.

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The globs of Hellfire freeze in midair, then splash down to the lava, as Hisame is brought back to ground.

The Keres settles on a rotating split of spatiotemporal manipulators and blasters attacking Acererak.

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"Shit!" Eliana hisses when Hisame gets near. She bends over her, hands glowing.

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Elatra points a Finger of Death at Acererak.

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Hisame is gaping, unable to breathe, her heart damaged by the wrench and blood rapidly filling her chest cavity as it keeps trying in vain to beat -

She has seen shinobi keep fighting when cut in half -

Black fire springs up around Acererak.

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Quite a bit of that actually hits.

Acererak vanishes.

(She's stopped time for everyone but herself, actually.)

She reappears behind them, fully healed, and screams.

It's a sound rather like death.

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The Keres has just enough warning to baffle the sound away from the group-

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Acererak teleports away.

And then the sphere of annihilation she'd been directing under them finishes cutting through the rock, causing their landing to split and begin to crumple into the lava.

At least the Keres will have some warning of this.

(The atropal starts trying to drain Hisame's life force. She seems tastiest. This doesn't work immediately.)


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A platform of solid light catches the group. The Keres seeks Acererak to continue the assault, to preempt the next thing she'll do-

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Elatra summons an air elemental, which rises up and whips into a whirlwind.

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Eliana has stopped the bleeding in Hisame's chest. That's about as much as she can do under the circumstances. She draws the loose blood out in a long whip, circling it around her, then drives it straight into the creature attached to the tank. The dark ichor that is released has a different flavor to it, but with this rush of power she thinks she can use it.

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What does the Keres fear?

This is quite relevant, because she's about to see that come to life.

Illusory, of course, though that doesn't make her fears any less deadly.

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An incomprehensible entity, of unknowable power-

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-but no, she's the only being like that here, and the other wouldn't attack her. And besides, she's too angry to have room for fear.

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Hisame starts trying to set the struts on fire. She's still out of breath, exhausted, but she doesn't feel like she's dying - just like she can't fight and that's almost as bad -

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Mora's ritual goes off, shackling Acererak - should stop her from fucking teleporting everywhere, or at least make it harder -

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Acererak's on the left balcony when that happens. It settles like the air's gone heavy around her. She laughs, says, "You're a clever bunch," and tilts her head, focusing on undoing the binding, apparently entirely nonchalant about the threat the team might represent if she gives them breathing room.

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The blood sinks into the monster. She could swing its attacks around, with Acererak in one place, but this abomination... she doesn't want it to continue to exist. She'll turn its destructive focus upon itself, and boil it from the inside out at the same time.

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"Oh, naughty, naughty, naughty," Acererak taunts. "Can't let you do that, can I?"

She makes the same grasping motion towards Eliana as she had towards Hisame. (Ripping people's hearts out is just so much fun.)

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It's surprisingly hard to concentrate enough to do magic when your heart is ripped out of your chest.

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The soulmonger doesn't particularly care about the origin of souls it reaps.

Acererak laughs.

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Hisame screams.

(She can't do anything, she's still weak and exhausted and limited - she's never going to be as healthy as she was, not without serious healing - )

(No. Think.)

(There are an awful, awful lot of souls in reach, right now. Some of them - many of them - are even powerful.)

A spectral gate appears behind her.

"Outer Path," she gasps out, "Samsara of Heavenly Life!"

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A blast of light pulses out from Hisame.

The soulmonger shatters. The atropal screeches, splitting open.

The wisps within both rush out, many of them pouring up in a tight spiral, out of the dungeon -

Many of them falling down into the chamber, lashing onto clear points.

A paladin, mace clutched tightly in her hand, hatred in her eyes as she glares at Acererak.

A wizard, straightening, already casting.

A cleric, standing now behind the group that had been fighting Acererak alone.

Dozens more, the most powerful and determined of the souls, their anger turned as one against the one who cursed them.

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And Hisame dies.

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"Well, this is awkward," says Acererak.

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The Keres screams, in rage and fear and grief.

Acererak vanishes beneath her assault.

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Acererak survives.

She's injured, though, and it gives an opening to her horde of opponents -

She's immensely powerful, of course, but so are they.

She stops time again.

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A glowing wound in reality rips open around Acererak as the Keres drags her forcibly back into the common timestream. She's not allowed to use that trick twice.

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The Keres is going to see every single failure she ever has had or ever will have.

It's mind-shattering, for most people, failure after failure after failure, stretching into eternity -

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"Oh, snap out of it," Elatra snarls, calling forth waves of blood.

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Eliana seizes control of them, taking the power to step into the Keres' place attacking Acererak. She duplicates the most effective strategems as best she can.

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Nearly all of Acererak's opponents see Eliana doing that.

Several of those replicate what Elatra's doing, making exponentially more blood for Eliana to control.

Acererak rips the air out of several people's lungs, slaughters twelve of the weaker of her opponents with a single gesture, kills one of the highest level ones with a pointed finger and a snarl -

And then a glowing paladin finishes working her way up to Acererak.

The explosion when her mace lands shakes the walls of the dungeon.

Acererak stumbles back, and begins to cast.

 - "She's trying to teleport!" one of the mages facing her shouts.

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With all this blood at Eliana's disposal, Acererak will find it exceptionally difficult to concentrate. In addition to fueling magical attacks, there's enough of it that she can use it to physically disrupt Acererak, winding around her limbs, slipping inside her eyes, forcing into her mouth and nose.

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Elatra counterspells-

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Acererak's teleport fails.

She's still dangerous, but she's now severely hampered by the blood, and she's quickly having to try not to be murdered by a very angry epic tier paladin - she gets a dagger lodged in the paladin's ribs and starts boiling her blood -

She kills half of the people now trying to engage her in physical combat with a scream -

Her ranged options are quickly dropping, and she's having trouble quickening her spells even as she starts burning her last ninth tier slots on attempts at swift teleportation -

Somewhere in that, a lucky blow gets through.

A look of horror passes over Acererak's face.

And she unwinds, like she'd been made of thread someone cut, the galaxies beneath her skin winking out -

Her gear falls to the ground, inert, as she turns into motes of light and fades.

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The Keres stumbles over to Hisame's body and falls to her knees.

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One of the clerics who'd been standing alongside them comes over.

"She was the one who broke the Soulmonger," he states more than asks, a weary look in his eyes. "I can put her back."

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"Do it."

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He starts to chant.

It takes a while. Ten minutes, in fact, during which most of the other clerics busy themselves using less powerful resurrection spells to raise their fallen comrades.

And then Hisame gasps to life.

The cleric pauses, incants something else, and then Hisame's previous health, before Acererak tried to rip her heart out, returns.

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The Keres hugs her tightly, crying into her shoulder.

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Confused hug back!

(She'd been talking to her sister, around a campfire at the border - she'd been so confused, when her sister said it wasn't her time yet - )

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"You- were dead."

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Tighter hug.


"Technique does that."

"You okay?"

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Very determined cuddles, like she can hug the okayness back.

"I'm alive, now."

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"Don't die again."

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"I'll do my best."

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They should probably leave, but she doesn't really feel up to moving right now.

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The cleric from earlier is still around.

He clears his throat.

"Ah, given that your party was instrumental in Acererak's defeat - I do believe any reasonable temple would be willing to provide future resurrections for free." He pauses. "I certainly would be. I can easily make up the cost of materials, and I quite appreciate not having my soul devoured."

There's some nice benefits to following a chaotic neutral god, like 'offering to no-questions-asked repeatedly resurrect the chaotic evil party' not being heresy.

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"Our thanks. Though we will endeavor not to require such services, I'm sure."

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He nods. "You'll also have your pick of the magic items from here - and I suspect of fairly arbitrary rewards from quite a large number of people, if you feel inclined to stick around."

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"Noted, thank you."

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Indeed, somebody soon after comes over with a portable hole, apparently full of books from a library they found - and checked for traps - and Acererak's gear. First spoils to the main adventuring party, is the explanation (you don't get to high tier without some adventuring ethics, if only purely from self preservation).

Hisame relays her information on the prisoners they'd passed - and the existence of the trapped children - to someone who comes over, and it's quickly confirmed her technique restored the children to life, too. There's fledgling attempts to get things under control here, and some of the good aligned adventurers are arranging a sweep back through the dungeon, to look for and potentially rescue anyone who'd been still inside or restored to life by Hisame's technique. Multiple people are also trying to find a way out - the protections against teleports and dimensional travel are apparently still up.

And then somebody (on a tip from Hisame, from her memories stolen from the hag) finds an exit, that's confirmed to take them back to the dungeon's start. Adventurers start leaving, a few after vague promises of future favors to the party.

"Do you want to go now, darling?" Hisame asks her girlfriend. (She's been very contentedly cuddling during all this.)

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"I don't- want to stay here."

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"Then let's get going."

Standing without breaking the cuddle is awkward but doable!

Hisame stays pressed along the Keres' side on the entire walk out, which involves heading through the misty portal at the back of the lava room, then a few twists and turns to an obelisk that apparently teleports you out when touched.

Hisame sighs once they're back in sunlight.

"Well, that was an adventure."

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"Indeed. I... regret that it proved so costly, even temporarily."

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"You 'regret'. Fuck you."

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Hisame is kind of aggressively leaning. "I don't regret. I'm fine, and I already knew resurrection existed here before I did it, and I don't want any alt of my girlfriend dying like that, especially if it's a version of me being the asshole. I even got to talk to some of the people I've lost, while I was on the other side."

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The Keres tightens her grip on Hisame and takes a deep breath.


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Quick kiss. Lean.

To Elatra: "I suspect most of the spoils we received will be of more use to you?" And, more to the Keres than anyone else: "And we might want to check if Ellayania wants to expand to this world, too, though I'll understand if you want to immediately move on, darling."

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She buries her face in Hisame's shoulder. "Moving on won't make it better," she mutters.

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"I suspect so. Who is Ellayania?"

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"Another one of us," Eliana says. "A goddess." She passes the portable hole over so Elatra can look through it.

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The portable hole contains very many magic items useful to a mage, some of them similar to ones Elatra already owns, but many of them better than or different from her gear. The most notable is a dagger with a nearly overwhelming aura of necromancy - she can't identify it at a glance, but it seems to have some hallmarks of an artifact.

The books include a very large number of lost and historic tomes on assorted points of lore, especially history, planar studies, and necromancy. There's a variety of spell books, most including spells Elatra doesn't know - including ones more powerful than what she has.

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Hisame, meanwhile, hugs her girlfriend. "Let's go somewhere calmer," she says, softly. "I can come back for anyone who wants to linger."

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Do Elatra and Eliana want to head to Ellayania's world in this trip?

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They'll stay.

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Mora will stay, too.

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So Hisame opens a portal, taking the Keres through and steering her straight to somewhere private.

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"I'm n- I'm not okay with you dying."

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Very aggressive cuddles.

"I'm sorry, darling."

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"Please don't do it again."

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"I'll try not to." And, a bit lightly: "Though I can't promise not to do something dumb if you're in danger again."

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That gets her a half chuckle.

"Me-me, or any of the mes?"

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"I promise I'll be even dumber over you-you." Kiss. "The others only get a little extra recklessness."

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"I'm not sure that should really make me feel better." Kiss. "But I think it does."

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Cuddles. "Good. And my recklessness is part of my unending charm, clearly."

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"Encouraging that belief would be extremely irresponsible of me."

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She laughs and kisses her girlfriend again.

"I might try to tone it down for a while. Pick opponents a bit less overwhelmingly challenging, maybe."

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"Just for a little bit."

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"Hm, I can do that." Dramatic catlike stretch over her girlfriend. "For you, darling."

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"Thank you, kitten."

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Delighted nuzzle.

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Meanwhile, Elatra has nearly finished cataloging the loot and has parceled out some of the less immediately relevant history and lore books to her remaining companions.

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Mora is very delighted by this acquisition! She's pretty sure it makes up for the couple seconds she spent wondering if she'd have to remake her physical form.

"Those two will probably be a while," she says, off handedly. "Any preferences for what to do until they show back up?"

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"There are some items here I cannot identify myself. I'd like to go somewhere I can purchase the necessary spellscrolls or find someone who can."

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"Sounds like a lower key adventure, at least."

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"Dying is not an experience I am especially eager to repeat."

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She nods. "We could use a few calmer ones, yeah."

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"Traveling to town should be relatively unexciting."

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And packing up to do that, then?

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Yes. Portable holes are, conveniently, portable.

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How are they getting to a city or town?

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Unless they feel like a several week trip by foot, Elatra can prepare a teleport spell overnight.

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Yeah, that seems best.

(Mora is kind of very intensely curious about this magic system! It seems maybe both somewhat like her magic system and a hell of a lot more friendly towards being used in the middle of actual combat.)

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Eliana would like to know more as well.

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Elatra is happy to explain while she's preparing!

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Oh, good.

Mora seems a pretty good student for this, though she's not going to get to even first level spells off a one-day montage.

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Very nice. She sees why the Keres likes Hisame.

And first thing the next morning, she teleports the group to a city.

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Cities here: are usually pretty obviously magical!

Mora's delighted as they step out of the area cleared for teleports in, spinning around to look at the colorful port city.

"So, where to now?"

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"The merchants, first. To see if I can find a scroll before asking others for help. And some of this is entirely useless to us."

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"Alright. What do you need a scroll of?"

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"The spell is called Identify, succinctly enough. Though I will need something a little more... sophisticated for the dagger."

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"Sounds it." She hums, still looking around.

Soon enough, they arrive at a larger shop, where Elatra will be able to find a retired adventurer who squints at her, but has a few scrolls of Identify already prepared, that being a low level spell and common enough for adventurers after a haul.

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She may be a tiefling, but her coin spends as well as anyone else's, thank you very much. They wouldn't happen to know where she can find a scroll of Legend Lore or someone to cast it, would they?

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He can cast it, sure thing. (They wouldn't happen to know anything about all the high level adventurers who've been teleporting through lately, would they, he asks conversationally.)

(He's actually squinting at the necromancy aura and also what someone that powerful's doing in his shop. Usually he sees idiot lower level people coming through.)

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Probably the ones freed when they defeated Acererak.

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He blinks, owlishly, opening and closing his mouth.

"Do you want a discount?" he asks after a long moment.

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"That seems fair."

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Then she can get a pretty significant discount on both the scroll and the spell! Legend Lore he has to cast on himself, but he dutifully relays all he can figure out about her dagger. Definitely an artifact, that. He can't get how to destroy it, not with this casting, but he figures she's unlikely to be interested in that. It requires its wielder to attune to it and is probably not itself intelligent. Its wielders are said to be immune to a massive array of conditions, to have undead refuse to attack them, and to be able to lay curses on their opponents. The dagger rots of the flesh of those it touches.

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How does one attune to the dagger?

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He describes this! It mostly looks like meditating with the dagger for some number of hours, likely variable with how closely aligned someone already is to the artifact.

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She thanks him for his assistance.

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She's welcome. Pleasure doing business with her and all.

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Do her companions want to buy anything?

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Mora can find a few things of sufficient interest and likelihood of being useful.

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As does Eliana.

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And with those additional purchases, then, they can wrap up their business here.

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"So where to next?"

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"I would like to find a place to attune this dagger."

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"So somewhere to settle for a few hours? I wouldn't mind a hotel, myself, or at least somewhere to get clean..."

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"There should be an inn to suit our purposes somewhere." And they can set off to find one.

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There are indeed inns that cater to variously wealthy adventurers. The main tavern room has an excess of corners for lurking dramatically in, there's private warm baths for more discerning adventurers, and so forth.

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Just the sort of place they were looking for. Elatra will buy them a pair of rooms for the night, and all associated services.

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Then Mora will get mud and blood and general gunk off of her, and turn to reviewing the lessons she'd gotten while Elatra attunes - unless Eliana wants to wander the city some?

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"It would be nice to see more of this world. The experience we've had so far has been somewhat restricted, don't you think?"

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"Very much so."

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They can go see what's what in this city together, then.

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Sounds wonderful to her.

The sun's high and hot, making the tropical air hang humid around them as a sunshower passes over.The distant sounds of a harbor — creaking ropes, slapping waves, heavy barrels rolling across cobblestones — mingle with voices shouting and cursing in an unfamiliar language filled with clicks, inhalations, and singsongy words that make it sound almost musical. The aroma of unfamiliar spices and tropical fruit mixes with the wharfside smells of fish, tar, and canvas.

Beyond all that, Port Nyanzaru is an explosion of color. Buildings are painted in bright shades of blue, green, orange, and salmon pink, or their walls are adorned with murals portraying giant reptiles and mythical heroes. Every building sports baskets and clay urns of colorful flowers or is draped in leafy, flowering vines. Minstrels in bright clothing adorned with feathers and shells perform on street corners. Multicolored pennants and sun awnings flutter atop the city walls. A crowd of children dressed in feathered hats and capes races past the two, squealing in delighted terror as a street performer costumed as a big-toothed lizard stomps and roars behind them. The whole city seems to be bustling, sweating, laughing, swearing, and singing.

Large reptiles are being used as beasts of burden in the wider streets, hauling two-wheeled carts and working along the canal. A few more colorful, slimmer reptiles serve as carriage-pullers for the wealthy. The gutters are as much as two feet wide in some places, with metal grates allowing pedestrians to cross over them. This is a city designed for deluges. The people are immensely diverse, in size and shape and species and color, with no particular type as a clearly dominant group. The city consists of a series of avenues connecting broad courtyards and squares, many of which have a fountain at their center. There's multiple grand markets, selling food, household items, trinkets, cloth, jewelry, animal parts, herbs and spices and alchemical ingredients... The grandest buildings are often temples, though there's also at least one massive library and a few impressive public bathhouses.

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"Reminds me of Minrathous," Eliana says. "Though most of the temples would be estates, and the lizards would be horses or oxen."

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"It's interesting! It's smaller than most of the very vibrant cities in my world, but - the energy is different, I guess."

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"Your world is a bit- denser, I think."

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"It is, perhaps unusually so - the cities feel normal, to me, but I guess even for most of our history we weren't so crowded."

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"My world and Hisame's were both more like this, as was what we saw of Ellayania's. Even with the Keres', I think your version of normal is still outnumbered."

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She laughs. "Unless we're going per capita, maybe."

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"That," Eliana says primly, "would be cheating."

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"I don't know, if you're polling people on what's normal... Or are we the only ones who count, here?"

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"Let the common rabble have a say? Utter madness."

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She giggles. "I'll admit, we have the best taste."

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"Just so. And hence my inevitable and unregrettable correctness."

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"We're going to need a larger sample size, for true surety."

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"Hopefully the next you is of better temperament."

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She nods. "I kind of want to apologize for being even vaguely associated with her, honestly... Not backing off when she identified alts is - very odd, for an us, I think."

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"There was... something more going on there. That creature feeding on the souls..."

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"It was growing. It felt - I'd have called it a god of the void, in my world."

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"The lure of such power can corrupt."

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"I'm - not sure that's what was happening. But I'm also clearly a non-central us in many ways..."

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"I don't know for sure. I'd say something like that would have been the reason if it were one of me, in that position."

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"I think if you give us a lot of power we get more people we can be assholes to, but - it feels like Acererak was... The opposite of the difference between Hisame and I, very extremely. Not just no one to anchor her, but - no desire for an anchor, including herself."

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"I wonder if her history is recorded anywhere."

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She nods. "I suspect Elatra would be the most likely to know, and it might be somewhere in those books we got."

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"A topic of conversation for tonight. Assuming she's done with... whatever it is she's doing."

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"Yeah. Unless we want to hit the library here, we won't find much just speculating, and it'd be better to start in on books after getting what she already knows."

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"I would, separately, like to hit the library here."

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"Seems like there'll be some quite interesting ones."

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"I hope so."

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Some more wandering around takes them past the denser centers of town, past more run down areas, to temples and smaller buildings built into the cliff walls.

"Anywhere other than the libraries you'd like to explore?"

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"Not pressingly."

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"Well, we can head back to one of the larger ones, then. Find somewhere to start, at least."

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"Sounds like a plan."

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She nods.

The biggest library near their inn is geared more towards arcane references. It has mythological scenes painted on the walls, depicting heroes and monsters and battles and natural disasters mixed among detailed paintings of the surrounding rainforest. They're only allowed at the non-fragile collection, though Mora's able to bluff her way in as a scholar and they have less supervision than some others. 

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Handy little girl, isn't she?

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Heee. She is a girl of many talents.

And: books! There's some introductory texts on magic and history and politics and religion, though they mostly so far assume you're actually from this plane. There's one planeswalker's guide to the local plane but it still assumes your home world works the same in terms of gods and magic systems, while explaining the concept of gravity being a consistent direction and the planet being finite.

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...Odd set of things to vary.

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Mora finds an introduction to nearby planes that seems to believe finite planets and consistent gravity are actually statistically pretty unusual!

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Huh. Hisame's targeting has been doing more work than she thought. Or this neighborhood is weird. Or both.

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"Hard to tell without a wider survey..."

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"It looks like there is a plane shift spell."

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"Perhaps we can start on some statistics, then, someday. And it'd be - good, to not be entirely reliant on Hisame for getting around."

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"It - would not have been good, for many reasons, if she'd stayed dead."

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"The Keres would have ripped the world apart."

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"I think Hisame is - probably not going to do that lightly again but I'm not sure she actually gets the - fundamental problem."

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"Do you think it would be worth attempting to explain it to her?"

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"I'm not sure. I can try?"

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"I'll distract the Keres. Wave a spellbook in her face or something."

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She laughs. "I might want help understanding the Keres, but I suppose if I come to an impasse with Hisame we can always do more than one conversation."

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"I am happy to assist if you have any specific questions."

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"I think you do - fondness very different than we do? There's - obstacles, people we don't care about, people we're fond of in a killing way, people we're fond of in a not-killing way, very important people we might make a few decisions differently for, and - central people? Who we'd define ourselves around. I have a central person, but I'm fairly sure Hisame doesn't. None of these are - singular? If I found a second central person they'd join Nausicaa. They wouldn't displace her."

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"Hm. For us- I would say very few people matter enough to think about at all? Either positively or negatively. But when we do find a person like that, they become... a focus. The Keres has bound a considerable portion of herself up in Hisame. If she loses Hisame, she loses herself."

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"The number of people we don't care about at all is - very small. And if I lost even Nausicaa, permanently, I'd recover. But - I think there are cases we could model that would make us lose ourselves, and I might be able to get her to understand that."

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Eliana nods.

"The other way to attack the problem, of course, is to give the Keres someone else to anchor herself to."

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"Hisame would be willing," she says, confidently, "Though she'd be more enthused about one of her own alts."

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"I suspect the Keres would be as well, though she would not want to share."

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"We might have to find an extra one of Hisame and me, then. Still, getting Hisame to be less - well, idiotic - shouldn't be impossible."

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"One hopes."

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"Well, they'll be glued to each other for a while, so we might as well study and explore, in the mean time."

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And on! To libraries and research, at least until the library people tell them to leave around sunset.

Mora gets herself a library card and two thick tomes to read in the hotel, through the process of somehow looking immensely trustworthy, and then a walk through the evening rain it is.

Is Elatra done meditating or whatever?

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She is, in fact. And looks moderately pleased with herself.

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"Meditation go well?"

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"Quite well, thank you. This dagger will be very useful."

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"Good! We explored some. Main highlight was the library, honestly."

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"Find any particularly interesting books?"

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"Some!" She describes the arcana, history, and planes books, noting the description of the local neighborhood is different from what they've encountered so far.

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All the planes previously known to her run on more-or-less the same set of magical rules. She's never heard of anything as exotic as where Mora and the others come from. It may be that this set of planes is something like a cluster or buds off a single plane, and they come from other clusters.

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That does seem possible - though it also then begs the question of why Mora and the Keres' worlds share an early history, despite having different magic systems... Planes that budded or clustered and then fractured, perhaps?

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Possibly! They are on the cusp of a fascinating new field of study.

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She laughs. "Maybe while the Keres and Hisame are busy we can start an actual survey and not a chaos speed run."

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"I'll look into customizing a plane shift spell, shall I?"

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She grins. "That'd be great!"

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"I'll need as many details of your worlds as you can give me."

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She has pretty thorough details about her world, and has ever talked with Hisame about Hisame's, but the Keres' world is a bit of a mystery to her other than apparently sharing some history with her own.

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Eliana can shed some light there, as well as about her own world.

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Elatra takes notes.

Modifying such a spell is no easy task. In her breaks, she continues teaching Eliana and Mora the arcane arts, and they come to a basic competency.

And then, the spell is ready.

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Somehow without Hisame and the Keres along, surveying the worlds is actually astonishingly uneventful. Amazing, that. Still, it's scientifically fascinating, and the worlds do indeed vary dramatically the farther they go. Similar or identical magic systems are often clustered, but there's also a few cases of similar world histories with divergent magic, often not clustered.

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The next place they land is a bit odd - it's vibrant, the air heavy and the sun oddly present. Large mushrooms grow at twisted angles from a swamp, the surface of the water slick.

There's also the sound of pitched combat from over a nearby hill, towards where a massive cliff rises to block their view.

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"Charming place."

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"Shall we take a look at the battle?"

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"Possibly from a distance, though if it looks beatable it might be good for Eliana and I to get some arcane practice."

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Off to see who is fighting about what.

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A teenaged girl, laughing as she ducks the swings of a giant, a glinting knife darting out as she dances in, then a glowing shield blocking the giant's swing. There's humanoid bodies scattered around, some fresher than others. The girl and the giant are the only ones standing.

Ellayania, in a vial around Mora's neck, will be able to identify her as the same sort of person as Mora and Hisame.

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"Another new face. Should we help, do you think?"

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It's unclear if she's winning, given that the giant - made of stitched together corpses inscribed with bloody runes - might have always looked like that, and its blows shake the ground whenever it misses her. A fine sheen of sweat has built up over her, and she's not using magic at every available opportunity.

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"She'd probably appreciate at least ranged support."

Giant can take some magic missiles to the face! They are not exceptionally effective.

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The girl laughs and dances away from the giant.

"You want the bone arrows! Or its brother's corpse, I suppose!" she calls, before darting back in to slash at the back of the giant's calves as it turns to the interlopers.

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Is its brother's corpse amenable to being raised?

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Isn't in this clearing but is nearby enough for government work, and apparently is a rather powerful undead.

The two can then fight, giving the girl room enough to back off, grab some white arrows and a bow from one of the corpses, and start shooting.

Between them, they can get the giant quite thoroughly dead!

"Awesome!" the girl says, spinning a bit. "This is a nice bow, too..." Then, turning to the newcomers: "Are you guys from the Shivering Isles, too, or are you adventurers?"

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"If the Shivering Isles is the name of this plane, then no. Which I suppose would make us adventurers."

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"Randomly hopping through Oblivion planes isn't safe, you know," she says, grinning. "Might run into odd sorts."

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"'Oblivion planes'. Is that the local term for this cluster?"

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"There's lots of planes. Mundus has Nirn, which's where I'm from, and the eight Aedric planes, and then two bits of Lorkhan's corpse. That's kind of in the middle, and the planes of Oblivion are around Mundus, and then there's the Void around Oblivion, and the Aetherius planes kind of on the outside of that. You guys must be from pretty far out if you don't know about - any of this. Or I could be hallucinating, but I don't think hallucinations can make zombies, and usually they ask weirder questions."

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"We are indeed from very far out. I am using the word 'plane' here somewhat interchangeably with 'universe'. In our experience, ones with similar magic systems tend to cluster together. Your setup sounds superficially rather similar to my home cluster, which has the Prime Material Plane, various heavens and hells, planes of order and of chaos, and so forth."

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"The universe is Aurbis, and I think all the planes in it were made by the same group of people. Oblivion's got tens of thousands of planes, but the big ones are those that belong to the Daedric Princes, who are powerful gods who're mostly evil. This's one of those, the Shivering Isles, led by the Mad God Sheogorath. Which, speaking of, I need to loot this thing's body for keys." She kicks the giant.

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"Keys to what?" she inquires.

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"The doors to Mania and Dementia! Which're hopefully through that arch, except I haven't scouted it yet because Gatekeeper." She, helpfully, points at a relatively small arched opening in the cliff. "I'm trying to find Sheogorath, and he's supposed to be through one of those somewhere."

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"She does sound like one of you, doesn't she?" Eliana comments to Mora.

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"Perhaps a bit more on Hisame's end," Mora says, laughing. "Hello, I'm Mora. Apparently if you jump far enough between universes people sometimes repeat."

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"Oh huh? Cool. I'm Glint." She starts quickly sorting through giant pockets, coming up with two keys made of bone in short order. "What about the rest of you?"

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"I am Eliana, and this is Elatra. We are also repeats of each other."

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"And Hisame's a non-present me? Neat. - Oh, are you guys planning on sticking around, I should probably explain the impending apocalypse if you guys are sticking around."

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"How pressingly impending is the apocalypse?"

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"I've been assuming I've got at least a month. Though the god that's gonna eat Nirn's getting more powerful about daily, and I don't know if he'll hit escape velocity on eating the universe after eating Nirn or not. And whenever the world tries to end it always does that in at least ten ways, so one of the other apocalypses might go off before that."

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"That seems a touch excessive. Well. We can offer an escape route if you'd rather not bother saving this world, or I think we'd be amenable to helping you."

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"Thanks. I like this world, though. Gonna save it."

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"Very well." Elatra walks over near Glint, inspecting the corpse she raised earlier. "So, why do you seek this Mad God?"

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"Trying to convince him to help against Alduin the World-Eater, mostly. He's not one of the apocalyptically inclined Princes."

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"One wonders that any god would be apocalyptically-inclined. It seems somewhat... self-defeating."

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"Usually they're trying to make their Oblivion planes bigger or conquer Nirn or something and wiping out living mortals is kind of a side thing? I think that's what Molag Bal's after, though, he's Lord of Domination and made vampires. I think the other apocalypse asshole, Mehrunes Dagon, just likes destroying stuff."

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"Ah, simple destruction. A familiar motive."

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She laughs. "I like the creative side of madness a bit more. Speaking of, come on, let's head." And she starts walking towards the arch.

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And what awaits at the arch?

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There's a man, standing there, in a rather formal and old fashioned red and black suit.

"Haskill!" Glint says, cheerfully. "Killed your Gatekeeper!"

"I see you did," he says, sighing. "Pity, that. Well, you'll now be able to enter the Realm proper. You'll notice there are two doors. One leads to the lands of Mania. The other to Dementia. Enter through either one. The lands are quite distinct, but both are Sheogorath's domain. You'll want to seek out Lord Sheogorath. I believe He has plans for you. Try not to disappoint Him."

Glint laughs. "Aw, you know I'm not someone who disappoints! What're Mania and Dementia like? I've heard some of the theology, but most of that's third hand at best."

He hums. "The lands of Mania are bright, vibrant, and full of color. You'll find its inhabitants reflect the land itself. If you wish to meet the residents of Mania, you'll find them in the settlements of Hale and Highcross. Take care, though. Though the citizens and creatures of Mania are colorful, they can often be quite deadly. I'm sure you can handle it, of course. For Dementia... Those lands reflect the darker side of its residents. It is easy to get lost among the tangle of roots growing out of the ground. If you wish to meet Dementia's citizens, seek them out in Deepwallow or Fellmoor. I'm sure they'll welcome one such as you with open arms."

Glint spins around to her companions. "So! Door one or two, you guys? I'm usually more aligned with Mania, and it sounds pretty, but Dementia sounds neat, too."

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"A town called Fellmoor sounds like an absolute bundle of joy. Let's try door one."

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"Awesome. Bye, Haskill!" she says, waving to the man, who nods at her then vanishes.

And skipping over to door number one, a tall set of double doors of gold with gemstone inlays, that swing open with a sound like a scream as Glint unlocks them.

The land beyond is even more colorful than here, full of vibrant mushrooms and tall trees with multi-colored leaves. The path is broad, and leans off to their left - the island's north.

"Well, come on, let's see what's to be seen, maybe figure out where we're all at, magic-wise?" Glint says, heading through. She laughs, then, taking another deep breath - "Oh, and I just got a blessing. Don't know if heretics like you will, though. Frenzy. Sounds fun."

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Elatra and the others follow.

"Can you tell what it does?"

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"Lets me target people and send everyone in thirty feet of them into a rage, where they'll attack anyone, friend or foe. Only briefly, mind. Still, it's a fun spell. This one's a one per day."

Glint seems to be the only one so blessed.

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"Sounds disruptive."

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"Good for clearing dungeons quick."

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"I tend to prefer a more direct approach."

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"Yeah. Frenzy's not as fun as sneaking around a dungeon, slitting everyone's throats, and leaving the bodies for their friends to find... Before you slit their throats next. But, hey, strategy's a thing that exists, apparently."

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"Send in a few undead, wait for them to flush everyone out, a few area effect spells, and then simply raise new servants to start again."

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She laughs. "Our undead either are pretty passively dumb or are, like, vampires and are gonna argue with that. You can start the party with a flame atronach, though, those are as aggressive as all Oblivion and throw exploding fireballs. Or an exploding fire wolf summon!"

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"Exploding fire wolf."

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"I can show off the spell once there's something for it to attack."

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"I'll just keep the big fellow in front of me, shall I?"

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She giggles. "You can! Though I know the blast radius. I'm not sending Ember against something next to us."

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"I'm sure we'll all appreciate that."

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"I should probably actually introduce you guys to my summons so they know you're friends, though Pyro might pout if there's no one to fight."

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"They can take a bite out of the minion if it will make them feel better."

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"Heh. Don't think it quite works like that. Anyways, she never holds being a bit boring against me."

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"Go on, then."

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Pyro: is a slim, short humanoid-ish pillar of fire, with bits of molded armor that look like settled lava. She floats, leaving a short trail of fire behind her, and shows off some thrown globs of fire that explode several mushroom-trees. She seems especially fascinated by Elatra.

Rei: is a tall, stocky conglomeration of icicles without much in the way of a face, who moves slowly. He shakes the ground a bit when he walks, and can stomp to send ice spikes out from the ground in a circle around him.

Sparky: is a stormy whirlwind with bits of floating rock mixed in, lightning arcing around her body and forming her eyes. She can, appropriately, throw lightning bolts.

Ember: looks a lot like Pyro, except wolfish, and more solid, the cracks between his bits of lava-rock filled with roiling lava rather than flickering flame. He does a lap around the party then runs off to go explode at some hapless jackalope. (Apparently he somewhat invariably explodes every time she summons him.)

"Pyro and Ember are from the same plane, Infernace. There's a bunch of collective planes that're pretty much one type of thing, like fire or ice or storm or cold fire."

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"Ah, elemental planes. I am familiar with the concept."

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"Ours kind of work by being built by all the daedra  in them. If you dumped a lot of frost atronachs on Infernace it'd get cold, at least locally."

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"Interesting. Mine are more- embodiments of the concept. A frost atronach on the Plane of Fire would simply melt."

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"Well, here the atronachs are the same sort of thing as the daedric princes and gods, just weaker. So the collective planes are where a bunch that can all agree on what they want got together to make a plane."

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"That is certainly a way for a world to work."

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"It is! Probably results in more weirdness, honestly, than other ways of doing things."

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"I wouldn't presume to judge, of course."

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She laughs a bit. "Anyways. We good to keep moving?"

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"I think so."

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She leads the way, explaining her spells as she goes - apparently she makes her own, as well as her own potions and poisons and enchanted items. Magic runs off of magicka, which spells burn. Magicka regenerates at various rates, but usually slowly enough you can't count on it in battle. There's potions that restore it, regenerate it, drain it, damage it, or fortify it (same with health and stamina). She's got a lava walking spell - modified off a water walking spell, since she's wandering Oblivion - and some spells that make her and her gear lighter, a spell that makes enemies run away from her and gives them a speed boost so they get more distance, a spell that paralyses and drains the health of her target, some stuff that lets her detect living beings and see in the dark, some stuff that makes her arrows more accurate and hit harder, a spell that simultaneously summons one of her buddies and sends her invisible because making people think she's a disguised daedra is hilarious, a spell that makes people weak to magic then drains their health, a shock spell that flash paralyzes someone to make them trip or drop their spell... Plus the normal spells, like fire bolts (set targets on fire), ice bolts (exhaust targets), lightning bolts (damage targets' magicka), runes of the same, wards like the one she used, calming illusions and frenzy illusions, lights...

Oh and she also has her stacked speed and jumping. One of them lets her jump forty feet straight up, and the other accelerates her over fifteen seconds such that she can cross a mile in that time. Which is how long it lasts. They basically cost all her magicka, though, and unless the interdimensional visitors come with an infinite magicka exploit she can't use the much cooler versions of them - those two are stacked five times, and she can stack up to forty spells theoretically. The jumping one also protects her from fall damage, so she's hoping to maybe stack that with the flight spell she's trying to reverse engineer and improve.

(They're passing the occasional aggressive - and odd - monster, many of them exceptionally colorful, which Glint treats as demonstration targets for her spells.)

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Elatra's magic is almost as versatile, but more limited in what she has available at any given time. Her spells need to be prepared in advance, and she can only cast so many of them a day. Nothing jumps out at her as obviously synergistic

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"Flight, anything making me harder to bump into while I'm invisible... Honestly though that's mostly 'maximizing chaos' stuff, not necessarily synergy... If I still had the Wabbajack we could probably have fun with that, but I handed that off to someone staying to fight the dragons..."

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"What is the Wabbajack?"

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"A Daedric artifact! Sheo gave it to me first time I met him, in the mind of Pelagius the Mad. S'why I figure he might listen to me. It's a staff with random effects. Mostly it either makes stuff I aim it at explode in a random element, or turns stuff into random other things, though it also sometimes does something weirder. Useful against dragons because you'd have to get really unlucky to make a dragon more dangerous."

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"How... inventive."

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"Sheo's like that! It's the mania side of things."

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"I fought a wizard once who used a wand of True Polymorph to turn his bed into a dragon."

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She laughs.

They can trade increasingly outlandish anecdotes for much of the rest of the walk. The path branches a few times, but usually onto smaller side routes, and Glint's fairly sure they need to stay on the main road. They pass a few camps in the distance, often nestled among the trees, and many ruins, and two cities off the main path that Glint bypasses, and then as they crest a hill a fairly large city sprawls before them. One half - the half closest to them - is a riot of colors and shapes. A wall runs through the city, and the farther half is dark and labyrinthine and dramatic. A massive palace, also split in half between colorful and foreboding, sits on the eastern side by the sea. A large temple, again split in half, sits on the western side.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure that's New Sheoth! Bliss's the part on our side, Crucible's the part on the Dementia side, unless they've changed their names since the last time that woman I talked to visited..."

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"A city split in half. Somehow thematic. I'm guessing we'll want to visit the temple?"

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"I'd check the palace first, myself, but we can go any order. He'll be where he feels like being."

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"I suppose they would both belong to him, wouldn't they."

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"Yeah. He's god and lord, here." Onward to the city gate?

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The gates - decorated with carved and painted multi-colored butterflies - are open, letting them into the spill of the street. Colors swirl over the houses, and there's multiple people playing instruments or dancing or orating (a mixture of poems and philosophies and prophecies of the many coming end times) or performing magical tricks or doing paintings for passerby in the street. People aren't all human, either - a variety of elves and cat people actually seem to make up the majority. There's a tiger arguing with a green-skinned elf who painted her skin in swirls of blue about some book or another. Golden women in golden coats of mail seem to act as guards, though they can hardly be called keepers of peace or order. Clothes are colorful, many of them showing signs of half finished embroideries. Indeed, a lot of the artistic endeavors here seem to have been abandoned partway through - the paintings on the side of nearly every house have missing pieces, there's a portable loom with most of a rug left abandoned against a wall, statues often are missing faces...

Glint fits right in, really.

They can rather easily get directions to New Sheoth Palace. The palace itself has three wings - one entirely on the Mania side, one on the Dementia side, and one split down the middle. The Mania side is guarded by the golden women, while the Dementia side is guarded by grey women with an odd sheen to their skin, dressed in jagged armor. Both sides guard the middle.

They are, of course, stopped at the gate to the palace, by one Mania guard and one Dementia guard. Glint skips up, identifying herself cheerfully as the most recent recipient of the Wabbajack, here to speak to her lord.

"Do you have the Wabbajack, to prove this?" the Dementia guard demands.

"Nope! Figured it's better being used, so left it with a friend who needed a ranged option and the ability to turn dragons into chickens," Glint says, still grinning.

"There's no proof to her claim," the Dementia guard says to the Mania guard, who smiles.

"I quite believe her, nevertheless," the Mania guard says. "Besides, our Lord is currently holding court."

The Dementia guard snorts. "And we're letting any random adventurer in to see him, now?"

Glint hums. "I could just set you on fire, you know!" Her tone is still as cheerful as ever. "Or stab you? I have some nice poisons, and testing if they work on your kind would be fun!"

The Dementia guard tilts her head, then: "Well, I'd thought you were a bit too much mania, but I suppose you'd fit right in in Dementia as well. Very well, then - you may see our Lord."

The two guards open the gate, bowing to the party.

Glint turns to her new friends, then, as she walks into the courtyard, which is also split between the flora of both halves. "Do you guys want to see Sheo with me? He's only dangerous half the time, so."

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"That's better than some gods I know of."

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She nods and leads the way to the great doors into the central wing. They're stained glass, the left half bright and cheerful and unfinished, the right dark and twisted and hinting at murder. The grand hall beyond soars over their heads, stretching into the depths of the palace. It, too, is split in half, running perfectly down the rug in the center.

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A man sits upon the throne at the other end.

"Welcome! Visitors to my realm! One I know, though the others I cannot say I've met nor tasted the madness of. Tell me, what are your names and businesses here in this fine universe?"

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"I am Elatra. This is Eliana and Mora. We are adventurers."

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"And who is the lovely little patch of dirt about - Mora is it? - Mora's neck? I do so like when all my visitors are announced."

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"That would be Ellayania."

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"Well! Now that we are all introduced properly, it is my turn - I am Sheogorath, Prince of Madness! Among some other things. I'm not talking about those, though, which you've likely figured out - or at least my delightful Glint has. I'm quite happy you're all here! So happy I could tear our your intestines and skip rope with them, in fact. Though now's not quite the time, is it? You've all made it so far. The least I can do is show some hospitality, hm? Perhaps a feast! Though the Wabbajack is best for making those - you didn't set it aside, did you, Glint?"

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"I gave it to Meridia's Champion! She needed some ranged options. Proper ones. A sword's a really terrible way to fight a dragon, even if it sometimes explodes."

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He laughs. "Meridia! A fine one to mess with. Very well, then. I'll let that slight go by, for now. Haskill!"

The man from the Gates appears, looking quite weary and done with all of this. "Yes, my Lord?" he asks.

"See to it that a feast is prepared for our visitors, while I speak to them."

Haskill bows before disappearing.

Sheogorath then turns back to the group. "Now, what would you have of me, hm?"

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"Fighting Alduin World-Eater, your Madness. Or at least sending aid. Your mortal worshipers have been quite beleaguered by him, especially since that little matter of the person prophesied to be able to stop him dying a bit prematurely. Funny how that happened."

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"We'll see."

Then he turns to the others: "Do any of you have requests, small or mighty?"

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"What requests might the God of Madness grant?"

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"Many people pray to me to cure madness! Or inflict it. Especially on their enemies. People so rarely give the gift of madness. Pity. Or they ask for luck, or help against another Prince, or to be transformed into something they aren't. The breaking of fate, the confusion of divination, the coming of a storm or the rise of an earthquake... I do quite a few things, when I feel like it."

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"I do not require any such gifts or services."

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...She super doesn't trust him to put Nausicaa back cleanly, even if that would fall under his domain.

She shakes her head. "The same, for me."

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"Very easy to please petitioners, aren't you. Nothing at all! Of course, your friend's request was quite grand enough for five - but let us retire to our feast, to discuss that, shall we?"

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"That was a remarkably quick preparation."

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"Depends on what your comparison is! But you'll find my mind can dream up the most wondrous feasts quite quickly, and it shall be to the mania side that we go for this. Mania is quite good for feasts."

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"I see."

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And to the feast hall! It's bright and colorful, with a repast both creative and well suited to their tastes. Sheogorath refuses to discuss anything of substance until they've all partaken some - excepting, of course, Ellayania, who obviously does not need to eat - and then says, "Unfortunately, about the matter of Alduin, I'm quite indisposed right now. All in a kerfluffle. Terribly disordered. Makes it quite difficult for me to go off fighting dragons. I've been having quite a bit of difficulty keeping up with my other duties! Though perhaps some adventurers such as you could help, there - and it'd certainly be an adventure, what I have in mind."

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"The Madgod finds difficulty in disorder? Scandalous."

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"Quite the contradiction, isn't it? But even madness must have a method! And method a madness."

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"And what method do you propose, then?"

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"My realm is currently being quite beset by Order. It's called the Greymarch. Happens every time the world tries to end. The Prince of Order - a rather dreadfully boring fellow by the name of Jyggalag - sends in his Knights of Order to turn things to crystal, and generally try to make this place behave. Predictable, really, but sometimes my people will defect and give him ideas. Sometimes he even learns from his mistakes! Usually ends with me having to rebuild my realm, which is always annoying, and means I can't in good conscience turn my attention elsewhere until it's all sorted."

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"And what? You want us to kill these Knights? The Prince? Aid them?"

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"Aiding them! That'd be quite the amusement. But, no. I want you to stop these Knights from even entering, kill any who do anyways, and convince my people to actually fight for once. There are defenses this realm has, though many have fallen into disrepair and must be reactivated."

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"That doesn't sound too difficult."

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"We'll see, shall we?"

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"What are the defenses like?"

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"Many of them, I'll admit, are repurposed tests for adventurers. Ones I had before the Fringe and its Gatekeeper, or that I use for other channels. They're tests, as much as barriers, but they can be set to maximum deadliness quite easily. Siren calls, to guide people towards one point or another, and then killing - or maddening - fields for them to pass through, for those who enter at odd places. Gates, like the one you entered through, each with their own little test."

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"Are you going to tell us how to manipulate these tests?"

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"Yes, yes, some of my underlings even insist on writing reports on them. One of them has a user manual! Bizarre, that, but I suppose it'll fit your needs well." He gestures, and a thin stack of notes and a small journal appears on the table. "Two are in Dementia, one is in Mania, one sunk under the sea and is probably a loss. Might help keep fish out. Or mermaids! Perhaps land sharks?"

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"I would say the sea would be a greater obstacle to the land sharks."

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"Hard to tell, with those. Perhaps they're feeling more sharky at the time."

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"Is that a going concern?"

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He laughs. "Maybe, maybe not. Though certainly Order is a greater threat to Madness than sharks walking about, don't you think?"

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"As you say."

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"Well, be off now. No sense in tarrying, hm?"

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Elatra gathers up the papers.

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"Thanks, Sheo!" Glint says. "We'll get those done pretty quick, I think."

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"Be sure you do," he says, taking a long sip of his wine and then vanishing.

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"He seemed fairly put together for a Madgod."

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"It's a bit weird? He was more rambly when we were in Pelagius's mind. Kept having conversations with himself or getting distracted by random thoughts. But the daedra are mostly just really powerful people, and he might be taking this more seriously or have been just screwing with me then. He was also - there? He wasn't treating me being not next to his avatar as a reason to stop talking to me, and he was having multiple conversations at once because he could be having his avatar say stuff while he was saying stuff, and he's not doing that now I don't think. He talked a lot more then, too."

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"Hm. Perhaps this Prince of Order is a threat."

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"In a making him take this serious way, or in a changing him way?"

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"I was thinking the former, but perhaps both."

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"He's not taking Alduin seriously, but I might be overestimating Alduin. Still, it's - we don't know. For now. But there's theology that the Shivering Isles are Sheogorath's mind."

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"Would that make the denizens his thoughts?"

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"Maybe? It's weird with Daedric Princes, though, 'cause a lot of the people here are other Daedra or people who came in from outside or their descendants. I dunno if he can just make people, or whether that was just a metaphor or something."

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"Well. Shall we go see what these tests are?"

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The notes are indeed for four facilities. The farthest is Xedilian, in southwest Dementia, which apparently used to serve as a gate similar to the Gates of Madness to an area much like the Fringe, when the dividing line of the Shivering Isle marched from southwest to northeast. Its defenses are poorly documented, but apparently consisted of a mushroom forest. The mushrooms, if touched (and many were small and hidden) would release poison, psychoactive drugs, or both.

The next farthest is also in Dementia, in a southeastern portion named Blood Bay. It's the earliest known such facility, from when Cylarne in the northwest was the capitol. It was more of a killing field than the others, designed to bog down adventurers - being rather appropriately located in a swampland - as they were tormented by the local denizens. The natural terrain rather neatly funnels people entering through that gate through the swamps, but now the area's depopulated. There's a proposal from someone who wants the monsters he's bred to be considered as guardians for a revived Blood Gate.

The nearest is in Mania, though just barely, noted as north of the town of Split. It's the one designed to catch anyone entering somewhere unapproved. It consists of a series of challenges meant to drive visitors insane, if they don't kill them, apparently a collaborative effort between mania and dementia (from back when the border line ran north to south). This one's very well documented.

There's also a few algae-damaged notes for a (now underwater) facility off Mania's northern coast, location not marked.

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"Start at the far end and work back, then finish up with whatever's left underwater?" Eliana suggests.

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"I'd probably start with the one near Split, actually, since it's grabbing anyone not entering through the main gates and probably anyone missed by the other gates."

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"True. There are other priorities than our own efficiency."

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"Also sounds fun!"

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"And there's that."

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"Onward to Split, then? I'll bother Haskill for a map, but I think I should be able to find it..."

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"Sounds like a plan." What do the papers have to say about the test at Split?

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Glint goes and acquires a map! With warnings it only sometimes vaguely applies.

The test at Split: intruders are pulled (usually upon arrival, sometimes afterwards, either by teleports or a 'siren call' that creates a mental compulsion in those who haven't passed any test to come to the facility) into a chamber, which contains a false gate upon one end - it permits entry from outside but not exit, and tricks people who entered in through other portals into thinking this was the portal's set end. The chamber has one usable exit, and is protected by the chaotic energies harnessed to create the facility from anyone taking unapproved exits.

This exit feeds into the first of a series of rooms. Each room contains a challenge, and is named for its central theme - Avarice, for instance - that usually has two modes (one Manic, one Demented, depending on the whim of the controller) that will either try to drive the occupants insane or try to kill them. Sometimes both! Intruders must pass through some number of rooms - the order and number is somewhat randomly determined - and only those who survive every room with their sanity intact may enter into the Shivering Isles. (Those who go insane are usually just incorporated into the Isles' population, eventually.)

It's the most orderly of the tests, in an odd way, which is cited as a reason for its retirement. The mechanisms have fallen into disrepair, though there's a - rambling, somewhat insane - user manual. Proposals to repair the mechanisms have been rejected.

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Are any of the repair proposals reasonable? Or thematically unreasonable, she supposes.

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There's a summary included. One person thinks the crystals used to shape the facility just need to be re-tuned with a tuning fork; that same person apparently thinks that this is nonsense and the crystals need to be manually realigned. Someone else either thinks the entire thing needs to be re-structured from the ground up, or that the control mechanism just needs a dusting and a good kick. A third person thinks the traps are actually all perfectly operational, it's the initial siren's call that needs repairing by realigning the owlery (spelling as in source), and the continued comment from this same person is that the owlery idea is of course nonsense, but surprisingly the fundamental structure of that argument is quite appropriately insane, and will naturally work with a bit of tweaking, and it's clearly the resonant crystals - clearly different from the control and formation crystals - need to be gotten back to the proper resonance, which is where the tuning fork comes in, because apparently (this person opines) they're surrounded by people who only approach the truth on accident.

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"Something to do with the crystals, it seems."

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"No idea what that works out to, but we can probably find locals to ask." She checks and memorizes the names of the three people cited.

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"At least if they're as unhelpful as the manual there will be someone to hit."

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She laughs. "There will be! Maybe they'll be more helpful if persuaded, then."

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"One can but hope."

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"Best to get moving, then!"

Out into the city and then the road? Cutting through Mania seems their fastest bet, here. The road's in better condition at least.

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If the road's available, it makes sense to take it.

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The road's the same for part of the walk, before they turn onto one of the side roads. The town of Split, to the facility's south, is like New Sheoth half Demented and half Manic construction, split along the border line.

This one's a bit different, though - it quickly becomes obvious either there was a rash of identical twins, or there's two of each person, one dressed in the styles of Mania and one in Dementia.

Glint hums, looking around.

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"Looks like we have two chances to ask questions."

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She heads over to one of the Manic residents, a male human, asking for the most recent of the commenters, Jastira, who seemed to know the most about what they were doing.

"Look, I really need to get back to work," he says, fidgeting, "Especially with those copies around."

"Awwww," Glint says. "Well, if you tell me where Jastira is, I'll stop bothering you, and I won't even torture you, and maybe I'll bother your copy!"

"That layabout won't think you're bothering him," he grouches. "They're a terrible drain on productivity... But, sure, Jastira's over there. The one counting everything. Both of them, actually, but you'll want to talk to the Manic one. Better sort."

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"What makes that one better?"

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"It's these damn Demented copies. They're all twisted. The wrong half of our originals," he says. "The Demented ones are all treacherous, and obsessed with killing or breaking things - Jastira's copy only counts dead and broken things."

Glint hums. "I don't know. Killing stuff's fun, sometimes, just as much as making stuff or transforming stuff! The treachery's no good, but what's creation without a little destruction?" she says. "You gotta have a bit of both, y'know."

He snorts. "Well, none of us have 'a bit of both.' Some damn mage came through a bit back and cast a spell splitting us all in half. We'd do a damn sight better if someone just killed all our copies - which we can't take care of ourselves, if we don't want to end up on the Hill of Suicides."

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"You don't want to be put back together?"

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"What? No! I'm better off without that damn layabout in me," the man says, sharply.

Glint rolls her eyes, but then hums. "Well, thanks for the pointer. We'll let you get back to work, maybe think about your little problem."

"Too much thinking these days, not enough doing," he grumbles, but wanders off.

Once he's out of earshot, Glint says: "I want to glomp them all back together. That sounds funny, even if we just tie them to each other, and will probably get us better answers about the facility anyways, 'cause otherwise we'll only get told how to do half of it."

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Elatra chuckles softly. "Agreed."

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"Probably gonna involve magic somehow, though... And this is when the Wabbajack would've come in handy, huh. Bet it'd reset people."

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"Wouldn't that be more of a sideways step?"

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"They turn back eventually! Sometimes. If they were turned into something animate, at least."

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Elatra laughs.

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"Of course stabbing them before they turn back generally prevents this." She hums. "I'm not sure the people here will be much help with putting themselves back together..."

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"Most of the spells I have ready now are focused on making people worse at things or killing them."

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"Well, let's go to the facility first, then - we might be able to figure it out without help, anyways, or there might be something helpful there."

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"After you."

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The facility has a back door that Glint's able to find pretty easily, and is otherwise mostly underground. The door's embedded in a tree, actually, with steps down inside. They come out into a control room, which has a number of crystals resonating at odd frequencies - out of tune with each other. One's cracked. There's four raised circular pads along the wall, and two exit doors.

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Eliana winces at the discordance.

"We should retune these crystals, if only to stave off the headache I can feel building."

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"Notes mentioned a tuning fork, right?"

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"They did." Is there one around?

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Not in easy evidence, even after Glint looks in fairly bizarre places.

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"I have something close to perfect pitch. We may be able to make do."

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"Good. Then how to change the tunes..."

Poking them seems to change the tunes, somewhat, as they wobble in and out of alignment.

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Eliana guides them into harmony.

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And the four pads develop glowing outlines and a soft shimmer inside when everything's aligned, though nothing else seems to change.

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"Is it working now?"

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"Dunno! Those look like teleport pads, though, probably to elsewhere in the building," she says, pointing to said pads.

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"Unmarked teleportation. My favorite."

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She laughs. "I'll go first, then!"

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"If you die in a particularly gruesome fashion, be sure to come back and warn us."

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"Well, ghosts are a thing. So I promise to be at least half as coherent in death as I am in life."

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"Very comforting."

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She laughs, steps onto the closest pad, and vanishes in a showy sparkle of light.

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And she's back a minute later.

"It's an observation room! For one of the torture chambers. I think it connects to some others in the sequence - there were other pads - and this's a shortcut to the last one. Also had a swanky chair for watching the fun. There's buttons for manic or demented tactics but they just caused errors when I push them. Maybe 'cause there's no one in the chamber? Errors weren't very informative."

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"Well, I'm not volunteering to be a test subject."

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"Perhaps we should find one."

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"Perhaps multiple. Oh! We could run some of the residents of Split through. It'd be funny, even if it doesn't help merge them. We'd have to get them into the entry chamber, but I think I can figure out how to do that."

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"That does sound like fun."

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"Then let's explore! Get ready for our guests and all."

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"It wouldn't do for them to know more about the mechanisms than we."

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"Let's see which of these connects to the start, then," she says, gesturing to the teleport pads.

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Time to explore. Are they activated simply by stepping on them?

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Seems so!

The four pads go to viewers for the start and the end, into a series of maintenance tunnels for individual rooms, and to a teleport pad with a hidden door into the actual front room that the captives will be dumped into. The viewing rooms are connected to each other by other teleport pads; there's a linear main progression but there's some room to play, and the controls look pretty intuitive. Glint's pretty sure that last teleport pad, into the entry, is going to be the easiest for the people of Split, assuming they're transporting everyone while unconscious.

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"So shall we bring them here and thence to the entrance?"

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She leads the way out into the village, easily identifying three more isolated people who shouldn't be missed too quickly - wouldn't do to alarm the populace. A Khajiit girl reading (both halves in fact seem to just read), a Manic Dunmer girl lurking in the woods with her Demented half stalking her, and a Dunmer man - the Manic half locked into his house, the Demented half lurking on rooftops to watch people.

They're all quite easily knocked out; Glint makes a game of doing that without anyone, including the people themselves, seeing her.

"I'm thinking we just drop them as-is," she says as they transport the six bodies back. "Handicaps might be fun for some of the later ones, though, who look like they'd have an easier time of this."

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"That is only fair. Two at a time, or all at once?"

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"Hm... All at once has some advantages, such that they're more likely to survive some challenges, but also more likely to form teams... Might be good to force both halves to work together... If we don't mind tarrying here a bit, two at a time might be a reasonable start. See how they do."

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"The catfolk girl first, then."

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The Khajiit girls awaken soon after being placed in the front chamber. They both scramble away from each other.

"What did you do?" the Manic one demands, bright eyes narrowed.

"Me? You're the one always behaving weirdly!" the Demented one says.

The Manic one makes an upset noise. "Stories that start like this don't go well."

The Demented one shakes her head. "It'll go poorly if you're here. I'm going to - to find who did this! And make them regret it."

She spins, finds the door, and stalks through.

The Manic one hesitates, looks for another door, and can't find one, following only reluctantly, her tail notably puffed up.

The room's not very large. There's a single twig monster in it, apparently ignoring the girls.

"One of these? They're not that scary..." the Demented girl says.

(In the observation room, there's two buttons. The grinning one for a Manic solution, the frowning for a Demented. The notes didn't really describe what either does, except saying that the Demented solution here is usually a bit less deadly than average.)

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On the one hand, making something they've just explicitly disregarded dangerous would be rather amusing. But on the other, if these two died on the first room, that would be slightly disappointing.

She pulls out a coin and flips it. It comes up tails, and she pushes the Dementia button.

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A swarm of little twig monsters pours from the ceiling and attacks! The girls scream, running in different directions, but both doors out are locked.

They get quite bloodied by the time the Manic one gets the lock to the next room open, defended by her Demented half. The door slams behind them, and they collapse, the Manic one crying and the Demented one twitching.

There's a pile of treasure, in this room, behind a locked gate, and a similar button set up.

The two girls look at it, say, "Trap," and then start arguing over tropes and whether it's really a trap, sure this one just said that but the other can't be trusted...

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Glint stops laughing to hum. "Probably the Manic solution for this is supposed to manipulate greed? And they don't seem like they'd fall for that. Pity. Dementia it is!"

She taps the button, and several tiles in the room beyond the observation screen start spitting fire.

The girls manage to jump to a (currently) clear tile before they get more than singed, and start leaping and jumping across the room, frantically looking for an exit.

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"Crispy kitties," Elatra laughs.

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Glint's laughing, too, especially whenever the girls stumble or don't move quickly enough.

The girls (fortunately for them at least) make it alive into the next room. It's full of columns and statues, and the walls have holes. The two girls collapse near the entrance.

"I think we let them get their breath and then hit mania?" Glint asks. "Should probably keep this balanced, and all, and this's only a four-room sequence."

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"Two and two. Very good."

She waits until they go themselves back up before pressing the next button.

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It goes dark in the room, though the view screen shifts to a desaturated view. The Manic girl shrieks, while the Demented just takes in a sharp breath. "We'll go by our whiskers, what kind of cat's scared of the dark you big sissy - " the Demented girl hisses.

Of course, that's when little puffs of air start escaping the holes.

And then there's a slithering sound, a skittering sound, a rushing sound...

Both girls jump and start looking for the exit. In the dark, of course, with an increasing number of creepy crawlies around them...

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Oh, that is a delightfully devilish little trap.

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Both seem on the verge of total breakdown by the time they find their way out.

The final room is bloody, full of corpses and skeletons (possibly fake given they don't rot).

The girls huddle together in the center, turning slowly to look for the way out. (There is none.)

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Of course not. Let's see if the Mania button reveals one, and what the cost of passage will be.

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...Apparently pulls their souls from their (shallowly breathing) bodies and binds them as ghosts.

The Demented one has started keening lowly. The Manic one seems to be having a full-blown panic attack about being dead.

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Ooh. That's a neat trick.

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"Bet we can figure out how that's done," Glint says, grinning at Elatra.

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"Twice the yield from the same body," she says. "That would be quite an efficiency bonus."

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"Well, we have an entire town of villagers to experiment on..."

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"And an impending apocalypse to avert, yes?"

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She laughs. "Well, we know it works, so we can sort villagers until we find some to run the chambers, then head off to the next thing? Should go pretty quickly, and we can come back here later. To finish helping the villagers with their splitting problem, of course."

She messes with some buttons - and the two ghost girls snap together and then into one body. "Hah!"

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"Aha," she says to the merging. "To finish helping them, yes."

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"Maybe once she stops crying we can ask her about helping run this for invaders! In the meantime, wanna run the other two sets through?"

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"We can try the other combinations."

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"Works! I think the last one should maybe stay as Mania, though, I'm pretty sure the Dementia option will be very fatal to most villagers and won't help with the merging?"

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"If you think that best."

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"Yeah. It'd be wasteful to get too many deaths from this."

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"Well. Let us retrieve the little lost cat and set up the others."

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Onward! The cat continues crying for a while, long enough for them to run the other two sets through - which both survive, though it's extremely close for the man, enough that Glint has to heal him at the end to keep him from finishing bleeding out. The Dunmer girls nearly kill each other, but seem to actually know any healing magic.

The Dunmer girl at the end just screams and cries, and hasn't finished by the time Glint's done cheerfully giving the Khajiit girl (who apparently is an avid reader and actually knows some theory about the facility) and the man (who says he's fine working here so long as he doesn't have to interact with the other villagers) a made up set of orders from 'on high,' to use the trapped rooms to kill off any intruders to the realms. (Neither the Khajiit girl nor the man seem particularly perturbed by having been tortured and briefly driven more insane than usual, and Glint has to scold herself to keep from getting into a tangent about literature with the Khajiit.)

Which there are, before the team can leave, a group of three crystalline knights passing through a gateway into the entry room.

"Oh, joy, we'll be able to test maximum lethality!" Glint says, clasping her hands together. "Though if they're already coming through we should maybe hurry to the next gate, hm..."

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"I would like to see the maximum lethality setting. I can burn a teleport to get us to the next set of defences."

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Buttons buttons buttons, who's got the buttons... Glint does!

The path between chambers can be rearranged so the Knights have to run all ten possible ones. Only one Knight makes it to the final chamber.

Apparently, the Demented button here reanimates all the corpses lying around, and turns the blood into whips. Maximum lethality here makes for a very, very short fight.

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Well, that was the intended lesson.

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"So, what do you need for a teleport to the next place?"

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"An accurate description of the location."

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Xedilian's better documented than the Blood Bay facility, and since the Blood Bay facility is between Xedilian and New Sheoth it's probably best to teleport to Xedilian then work their way back?

Regardless, getting a sufficiently accurate description of either's doable.

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Then everyone will need to hold hands while Elatra casts.

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Sure! Holding hands it is, for both Glint and Mora.

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And she finishes the incantation and they pop out of here and pop into there.

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The center of this facility is a dingy network of tunnels, containing mushroom labs, long since abandoned and left to the overgrowth.

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"Needs a touch of fire, I should say."

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She laughs. "Might release toxic spores!"

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"More than a touch, then."

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"A proper inferno, for a new start?"

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"If the mechanisms can withstand it, I suppose."

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"Let's investigate that, then."

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And how does this test work?

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Seems to be a lot more hands-off than the last. Portal in over yonder, mushroom forest between the weak spot and the gate into the Shivering Isles proper, and the facility they teleported into as a lab to cultivate new mushroom varieties. There's supposed to be two locked doors on the gate, with the keys hidden in the forest, but they've fallen into disrepair. (The people who live in this section of the Isles are reclusive, and don't seem to want to talk to the party.)

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"So it seems we need to either repair the gates, or devise a new trap to bar the way."

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"Hm! Probably whichever's fastest - and I don't think we need something that can be gotten through easily for now? We don't want to close off the people here, but I can suggest they evacuate into the mainland for now."

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"Eliana and I can set wards, perhaps. It will take me a day to do the work."

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"I can lay assorted explosive runes, though making resetting ones is hard. I think we have a day? It sounds like they're trying to free-teleport in, which's caught by Split, and it'll take them a bit to figure out how to route around that. Though it might make sense for Mora and I to split off and go take care of Blood Bay."

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"True, especially if it won't take as long."

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"I'll scatter some runes in the forest, then, to help those defenses and so I'm not getting in you guys' way, then we can split up?"

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"Sounds fair."

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"You want to meet back up here or in New Sheoh?"

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"Let's say New Sheo. I'm not sure how fit this area will be to occupy."

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She laughs. "That'll be fun! And yeah, it'll be easier to find each other there, anyways. I can also let the locals know to clear out while I'm laying runes, so's they don't get squished by the Knights. Getting squished by Order just seems sad."

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"Indeed. Especially for a denizen of this place."

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"Good luck with the murder wards, then!"

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"Try not to drown."

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"I'll be careful. Promise!"

And off! To lay an assortment of traps in the forest, and coordinate an evacuation of the peninsula with some unfriendly locals. She even gets everyone out alive! Probably.

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Well. Acceptable casualties, of course. One understands. Elatra and Eliana will move outwards from the gates as people evacuate.

And slightly more than a day later, the pair will make their way to the city.

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There's crystals springing up, some places. The chaotic world becoming set. Orderly. Symmetrical, almost, in an unnatural way. Trees should not look like they've been mirrored no matter which angle you view them from. Clouds should not look like the platonic ideal of a cloud, repeated endlessly.

The gates of the Dementia half of New Sheoth, Crucible, depict shadows and blood and sharp angles. The corruption is less, here.

Glint's pacing near the palace, Mora sitting nearby. Glint seems anxious.

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"The incursions continue."

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"Yeah. And Sheo had me talk to the Duke and Duchess of Mania and Dementia to 'understand madness' better - he's acting weird. Doesn't want to talk to you guys, just told me that the next thing was lighting the 'Flame of Agnon' way up in Cylarne, the old capital in Mania. Apparently Dementia and Mania are fighting over whose name it gets lit in, and he wants me to pick a side. Help just one of them win."

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"Hm. That seems... odd. Does it have to be dedicated to or the other?"

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"I don't know, but it'd be - a design choice, if it was?"

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"Well. Shall we make our way up and think it over on the way?"

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She nods. "It's the same road we came in on, most of the way." And onward?

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"I assume lighting the flame is somehow symbolic?"

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"Yeah. It's meant to give hope to the people, apparently, though I think it might also help strengthen the defenders."

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"They could use it," she says, looking at the repeated cloud.

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"Maybe it'll chaos things up a bit."

The land they're passing grows increasingly crystalline and regular as they get farther from the city - a stark contrast from the area they passed through on the way in. Still, there's a mild drop in order as they get closer to their destination.

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"I'm slightly tempted to start blasting some of these crystals."

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"Might actually help!"

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Then she'll try a few cantrips against the next one they come across.

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They're pretty breakable! And that seems to destroy some of the creeping order around them.

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Ah, excellent.

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Glint laughs and starts shooting off fireballs and bolts of lightning at crystals they pass.

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Fun for the whole family.

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They're approached by a scout shortly outside of Cylarne, in the golden raiment of a fighter of Mania.

"What's going on here?" Glint asks.

"We're being pressed by the Demented," the woman says, voice clipped. "If you're reinforcements, we could use your help. If not, stay out of our way."

"Why the fighting, though, especially with Order encroaching? Doesn't everyone, Manic or Demented, need hope right now?" Glint continues, eyes narrowing a bit.

"The Demented will do things wrong!" the woman says, grip tightening on her sword's hilt. "They always do. They're not the hope we need."

"Well, I've got orders from above. For both sides," Glint says, shrugging. "Can you get the generals into a room together?"

The scout shakes her head. "Never. But I'll let my general know you want to talk to her."

Glint sighs. "Well, I'll work with what I've got. You go do that, and I'll find a Demented scout to pass on the same message, how about?"

The woman nods, slowly, and slinks back into the undergrowth.

Once she's very gone, Glint says, "I want to find a way to unite the sides. This fighting's dumb."

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"Internecine squabbling. Smash their heads together until their eyes clear."

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"Very subtle," Eliana murmurs.

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"Politicking takes time, which we are somewhat short on."

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She laughs. "Honestly the fastest and dirtiest way to do this would be conquering both sides. Technically only the Duchies are taken over by murdering your predecessor - which is also stupidly wasteful - but we could probably swing being terrifying at everyone present enough they quiet down."

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"I like that plan."

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"'Murder promotions' it is, then!" she chirps, grinning. "Hm... Mania values poison as the ideal method, Dementia knives... Think we should do this stealthily, step up when both generals are dead for the credit and the challenge?"

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"We could knife the Manic and poison the Demented. In the interest of balance."

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She laughs. "Impress our claim on the opposite side! Or use a poisoned knife for both?"

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"I suppose it depends on what message you'd like to send."

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"Something about working together, and all being part of the same big sort of madness."

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"The poisoned knife, then, I think. A blend of flavors, more than the sum of their parts."

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"Exactly! Now to find the generals... Probably either ambush them when we're meeting with them, or as they're going about their usual business..."

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"The meeting means they'll come to us. And everyone will be expecting some sort of announcement after, I expect."

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"Good point. Perhaps we can make it seem like the actual trick is getting them into a room together? They'll be expecting one."

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"Layer our deceptions, yes. And keep them looking at each other."

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She nods, grinning. "Well, next thing is finding a Demented scout, then, and setting a meeting place."

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Off they go a-looking, then.

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Finding the Demented scout is easy, though it takes some clever finangaling to trick both generals into being in the same meeting point together. At Glint's insistence, they even only brought one guard a piece.

They, of course, start shouting at each other, even as Glint plays the careful mediator. Still, she lets the two generals get deep into their argument, backing off and - not quite fading from view, but certainly becoming far less noticeable.

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Elatra prods the argument on with choice comments, at times feeding one side or the other, depending on which has gotten the better of the last few exchanges.

And keeps both the guards in her view.

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She needs to get this timing right - ideally she'd knife them both at once, but...

She knows her poisons pretty well, though.

Onto one dagger goes an immensely toxic poison with a slight delay before its full effects.

On the other goes the closest she has to an instant poison.

She makes herself invisible and muffled once she's sure the guards are no longer paying her any mind, then slinks up behind the Manic general - gently now, a blade through the gaps in the woman's armor, and of course the woman notices when Glint cuts her, but Glint's already rolling away as the general calls to her guard, and the Demented contigent's on guard but that just makes this challenging...

Her knife goes across the Demented general's throat at nearly the same moment the Manic general collapses, twitching.

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Elatra raises both generals, and directs each to kill the other's guard.

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Eliana obligingly holds them still and silent.

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And the guards go down!

Glint cleans her blades.

"That was neat! Now, to take over the armies..."

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Elatra waves a hand at her new undead servants. "Will the sight of these two help, do you think?"

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"Hm... Possibly not? Sheo's not really associated with the undead - one of his enemies is - and there's cultural stuff around the treatment of bodies and all. That I'm not sure the Shivering Isles do as much? But it might send the wrong message."

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"Fair enough." She crooks a finger and the two fall over as though dead.

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"Great! Anything else before our dramatic announcement? Or suggestions for said announcement..."

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"Do you think you'll face much opposition?"

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"Not sure. There'll be grumbles, and there'll be some attempts to undermine me - but looking too clever to trick is different from looking too powerful to fight."

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"Which do you prefer?"

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"Too clever. I can take head-on fights, but if enough people try being clever someone's going to succeed."

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"Understandable. Hmm." Elatra thinks for a moment. "How much do you already know about these two armies and the people in them? We could identify the most likely sources of discontent and preemptively neutralize them."

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"I know... Basically nothing? About the people, at least. The Golden Saints tend to favor straightforward attacks, tend to be more openly aggressive? And the Dark Seducers tend to favor treachery and traps and assassinations."

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"The Dark Seducers might be more trouble, then. Without more time, I'm not sure there's much can be done in the way of preparing the ground."

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"Well, we'll just have to go for bold and confident, I guess. For me at least. My type of show, anyways."

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"I'm sure you'll be quite good at it."

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"Thanks! Are we ready, then, do you think?"

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"I think so, unless you wish to appear in a gout of flame or swirl of shadow or some such."

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"Ooooh, is the swirl of shadow relatively easy?"

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"Relatively, yes."

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"Then that'd be awesome."

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"Then it shall be so."

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Then Glint is going to have a lot of fun announcing her new generalship as theatrically as possible! After some posturing, and challenging a few soldiers to duels (which they don't take her up on), she gets the thirds in command (the first and second being dead) of both sides in a room, and plots how to light the flame for both halves.

And it's a huge flame, like two fires twirling together, one an inverse of the other. Glint gets acquainted with the martial situation, gives the soldiers their marching orders, quickly picks out squad leaders she deems 'properly insane,' and gives the scouts orders to bring word of the change in command out to the other soldiers - the Demented and Manic forces need to stop any skirmishes they're having with each other, and focus purely on repelling the Knights of Order and destroying the crystals.

"And we're good!" Glint says at last, having refused any escort. "Back to New Sheoth, then?" she asks her team.

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"It seems like we've accomplished our objectives here."

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"Pretty well!"

There's more crystals on the walk back, some of them turned into massive growths that Glint summons her atronachs to help blast apart. They encounter a small group of crystalline Knights near one, too - nothing their team can't handle, but Glint's especially vicious in reducing them to so much dust.

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As she should be, of course.

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The next step is taking an ever-burning branch from the Flame of Agnon to the temple, to impress on the priests there that Glint means it when she says it's lit in the name of both sides.

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Sheogorath's sitting in the back pews when they finish. It's unclear if he was there before.

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Glint heads over to him. "Got the fighting resolved and the flame lit!" she says, cheerfully.

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"I see that. You're proving quite the unusual Champion. But there's more before you yet."

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"Another task?"

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"Indeed. My current Duke of Mania and Duchess of Dementia are quite... Not entirely up to their jobs, you see."

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"And are we to fix them or replace them?"

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"Whichever seems expedient. Though I suspect replacing will be easier."

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"Why not do so yourself?"

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"There's procedures. A tradition to follow! It'd be bedlam, if I went around openly interfering in the duchies."

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"And that would be undesirable."

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"Perhaps it would be. Now, at least."

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"Uh huh."

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"Well, we'll get it done," Glint says, a bit cautiously.

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"All I can ask for."

And he vanishes.

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"I am now certain something else is happening."

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She nods. "He's not behaving like himself."

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"Do daedric princes die?"

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"...Only times I've heard of involved other gods."

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"I wonder if Alduin might count."

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"He's the World-Eater. He could. But the one threatening the realm right now is Jyggalag, who I haven't actually heard of before this whole adventure..."

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"I wonder if they're related."

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"Alduin and Jyggalag?"

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"Jyggalag and Sheogorath. Order and Madness have... thematic resonance."

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"They do."

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"And if this is Sheogorath's realm, the intrusions of Order could be... reflected, in him."

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She nods, slowly. "That - seems weird, I don't think Molag Bal changed except for getting kind of really pissed when Meridia forced a city of hers into his realm, but if Jyggalag and Sheogorath are tied together the rules might be different?"

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Elatra shrugs. "It is only a guess."

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"Yeah. The Daedric Princes are weird in general, anyways."

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"Not least the Prince of Madness. Shall we off to see the Duke and Duchess?"

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"Sure. Mania or Dementia first?"

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"Let's try Dementia. We haven't seen as much of them."

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"Alright. Duchess of Dementia's named Syl. Want to talk to her or just skip to replacement? I'm leaning replacement, since she didn't impress me when I met her, but I don't know who to put in her place."

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"I wouldn't know who to replace her with, either."

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"Well, I'll need to figure out how to replace her, and I guess the Dementia priest is who to ask about that, and they can maybe recommend someone."

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"Do you need someone to distract the Duchess while you do that?"

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"I don't think so, though we might want to move quickly after talking to the priest in case rumors spread."

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Elatra nods. "Of course."

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The priest is a man in poison green robes, walking peacefully around the temple.

"Hey!" Glint greets him. "I was curious about the Ritual of Ascension for Dementia?"

"Seldom is the subject ever bro-... wait a moment, did you want to hear the history of the Ritual?" he asks, turning to them.

"Not so much that, as how it would work if a new Duchess was needed," Glint says.

He nods. "Very well. To become ruler of Dementia, the current leader's heart must be cut out and brought to the Altar of Arden-Sul in the Sacellum. Once this is done, I can pronounce the heart-bearer a Duke or Duchess. Then, all that is required is the blessing of our lord, Sheogorath."

"...Can anyone bear the heart, or does it have to be the same person as the killer?" Glint asks, humming.

He shakes his head. "The latter. As it happened so many years ago, my lord Arden-Sul divined that there was a traitor in his people's midst. Not wishing to find himself on the wrong end of a blade, he gathered his flock here in the Sacellum. By poisoning the sacramental wine, Arden-Sul was able to suppress any such conspiracy in one fell swoop. He then removed their hearts from their bodies and used his ancient scrying technique known as visceromancy to read their lifeblood. When Arden-Sul couldn't divine the traitor's true nature in their hearts, he became distraught and took his own life in the same way, revealing himself as the traitor he'd foreseen. From that day on, the Ritual of Accession for the throne of Dementia was set."

"Huh. Is there anyone who could take over the throne, right now?" Glint asks.

"No," he says, evenly, "At least not of Dementia. Her lady the Duchess Syl has been rather thorough in weeding out discontent. Still, outsiders are allowed to ascend, though I don't think someone from Mania would be swiftly accepted."

She nods and thanks him, then once he walks on turns to her group. "Well, that's an interesting ritual."

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"Very macabre. And rather... constricting."

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"Unfortunately I don't think the Duchies can change it, even if I made myself Duchess."

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"What are the duties of the Duchies?"

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"I'm not entirely clear on that! I know they both hold court, and they address concerns of the populace, so I guess they might be judges and all when needed? Though I've heard Syl leaves the day-to-day running of her realm to her steward, so she doesn't have to interact with too many people. Probably they have some military function."

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"It seems to me that taking up such a mantle would interfere with any other activities one might wish to occupy their time with."

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"I bet my atronachs could kill her, and Rei's pretty competent... And I bet wouldn't be the first Duke they've had they couldn't understand... Though I can also ask someone what the duties are, that seems important, or figure out if it's abdicatable later."

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"More information, I think is the best bet."

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"Yeah. Hm, who though... I ran some errands for her after the whole blood bay thing, so I think I might have an idea who to ask?"

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"That is good, because I do not."

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And off to see the only person in Duchess Syl's court willing to talk to people who might want to unseat her. (Everyone, of course, is Syl's enemy, but funerals are usually fairly quick for those open about it.)

Syl hasn't actually been doing her duties, it's revealed - she stopped holding court a few days ago. The Dukes can, actually, step down peacefully, technically, but none of them have ever done it. A few outright arranged for their own assassinations instead. There'd probably be some disconcertion if tradition was broken, but as long as whoever stepped up was considered reliable and strong they likely wouldn't have to field too many assassins themselves. (The precedents for stepping down come from times Dukes died in accidents or similar, mostly, and someone new can step up or be elected. The person they're talking to suspects that in the case of someone stepping down, whoever they appoint would be considered to have their endorsement, rather than being guaranteed to be the next Duke.)

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"Well. We could just assassinate her and let them sort themselves out, but that seems somewhat counter to the spirit of the task."

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She laughs. "Really does! And I don't super want to spend time right now looking for someone to put in her place..."

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"So we could try forcing sense into her, or one of us could take her place."

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"Pretty much! And honestly from talking to her she super doesn't have much sense to go around."

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"If the title is not permanent to death, most of my objections to the latter course are nullified. Though as the native, you get first claim, naturally."

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"Thanks. I think I'll take it? I wouldn't mind trying to help fix this world up some anyways."

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"Then there's just the small business of the assassination."

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"Exactly! We should try for clean and no witnesses, even if we'd be powerful enough to walk in the front door and kill her - I think the people'll respect that more."

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"An invisibility spell, perhaps?"

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"I like the way you think. Mine's pretty short duration, though if I'm not using any other magic my magicka will regenerate before it runs out, so we'd just have to time being out of sight whenever it runs out."

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"I have one that lasts sixteen minutes."

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"Neat! What're the limits on it?"

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"It does not include silence, and will break if you directly attack anyone. You can manipulate inanimate objects, though they will remain visible if they were not on your person at the time of the casting. Anything you have will turn visible if it gets more than several feet away from you."

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"Well, that seems quite workable-with. Any of you want to accompany me?"

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"I think I will."

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"I'll pass."

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"I'll pass as well. Stealth isn't my strong suit."

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"Alright! Me and Elatra it is, then!"

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"So whereabouts is the Duchess?"

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"Probably in her wing of the Palace. I'll lead the way."

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"After you, then."

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Onward, to murder!

(The Duchess is guarded by some very scantily clad Dark Seducers, though fortunately for them their protection actually lies in their armor's magic. Unfortunately for them, they cannot see invisible people, and the Duchess does not appreciate having her carefully selected murderous eye candy in the room with her, given her paranoia. She's pacing and muttering to herself when Glint and Elatra slip in during an elaborate production with following a servant bearing food. The Duchess starts thoroughly investigating the rather plain meal for poisons.)

Glint slits her throat while she argues with herself about whether the skin test is reliable.

The Duchess goes down with a gurgle, and the invisibility spell on Glint fails.

Glint's grinning as she goes about cutting out her prize - she'll need to be holding the heart when she goes invisible again, so it's included in her spell.

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"What a lovely sight that was," Elatra comments, still invisible.

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She laughs.

"I aim to please."

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"And to kill, on occasion."

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"I'm quite good at both, if I do say so myself."

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"That you are. Ready to go back?"

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"Yeah. Let's get this to the temple."

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Elatra renews the invisibility spell on the pair of them.

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And out they can stroll - significantly easier than getting in, all things considered.

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As these things so often prove.

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As they're walking back: "We'll need to decide what to do about the Mania Duke next..."

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"For some reason I suspect we'll be faced with a similar situation."

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"Most likely."

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"I wonder if the same person has ever held the dukedom of both Mania and Dementia."

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"Sounds like a bit of a mad thing to try. I like it."

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Elatra laughs softly. "Thought you might."

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"Well, we can't find out how it'll go until after we've got this heart delivered."

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"True enough. The Sacellum, then."

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The ceremony is grand and definitely a ceremony. Sheogorath is in attendance.

And then the Duke of Mania storms in, berating Sheogorath for letting this happen and declaring that the Fringe has fallen, and Sheogorath's not doing enough to protect the realm...

Glint starts whispering with the priest.

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Well, it would be nice if they could just sort of tack an extra ascension onto this ceremony instead of going through a whole other one.

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Glint slides in behind the Duke, cutting the back of his neck with a poisoned dagger.

"That was hardly traditional!" the priest complains, as the Duke goes down. "Poisons are not made the same!"

Glint shrugs, turning to Sheogorath. "Your call, I guess."

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"In these hard times I'll allow it," Sheogorath says. "He was threatening to defect, anyways. The ascension must go on!"

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And so it does.

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It's so nice when things work out neatly.

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Their next few tasks are mostly military related. Retaking this or that lost position, rebuilding the Gatekeepers, defending the capitals of each half of the Shivering Isles... It turns out the Dark Seducers and Golden Saints can be returned to life automatically (by a process they have to re-enable after Order gums it up), so Glint will be able to continue delegating to whichever generals she feels most capable, without risking permanently losing them.

Sheogorath grows more somber, more distant as the invasion progresses, increasingly having his right hand man, Haskill, direct the team.

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Something is definitely fucky. One hopes it's not brewing betrayal.

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He summons them directly, after the latest round of tasks.

His expression is... Wistful, almost.

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A hopeful sign on the not-betrayal front. Not so much on the 'keep things relatively boring' front, if she's any judge.

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"Well. You've all been doing quite well. Better than anyone else has. Maybe it'll be enough..."

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"Enough for what?"

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"There's a secret I've kept, and no one here's been alive long enough to remember the last time it came out. The last time it was even relevant - the end of the Third Era."

"You see."

"Jyggalag is my enemy, yes."

"But he's me, as well."

"I become him, whenever the time of the world grows short. The defenders I summon are never enough, and I destroy my own realm, and then I shrivel back up into my madness, and rebuild once more. Pointless. Wasteful. I'm trying to stop it, but, well. Futility is the name of the game."

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Sigh. Heartfelt sigh.

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"Perhaps you can change it, though. My time's short, now, but Jyggalag can be defeated in a way I can't. Order breaks. Madness just becomes more mad."

He looks up.


"Good luck. I'll be doing my best to stop you, of course."

He disappears, and his staff, left behind, shatters into crystalline shards.

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"I really hate it when the vital information is left to the end. Trying to stop one person from turning into a different person is an entirely separate problem from routing an invasion."

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She nods. "Though the invasion stuff might be linked, I don't know. But, yeah, he should've just told us."

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"And now we have to kill a god."

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"Yeah. Let's go talk to the steward guy. Maybe he'll have advice."

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"Sounds a worthy plan."

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Steward guy gives a long, unimpressed sigh. "So much for being the only sane one here," he grouches, then: "I suspect we might be able to give Glint some of the - signifiers of office, such that she'd have some fraction at least of my Lord Sheogorath's power. It might help. It might not. But, quite frankly, she's expressed far more concern for the people of this realm than my Lord Sheogorath ever did."

"That feels like a really low bar for some reason," Glint says, sighing as well.

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"I suspect her taking up some of his mantle was at least part of his intent."

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"Yeah. Things do seem to have led that way."

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"Let us make the best of it, then."

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They'll need to make Glint a new staff of office - but that's something Glint will have to do alone. Still, she thinks she can get it done quickly, at least.

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Anything to be done while that's happening?

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The invasion by Order seems to have picked up quite dramatically, though Glint's main concern right now is covering evacuations of the populace to more defensible positions. It's decently easy to remake the Daedric servants, but the people who moved in will be harder to replace. Also, Glint has a plan to force the confrontation with Jyggalag to happen on their terms, and that involves some carefully planned strikes against the Knights of Order.

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Elatra and the others can employ carefully selected violence towards various ends, certainly.

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And then Glint returns with her staff of office. "So, found one of Jyggalag's old librarians who Sheogorath kept alive all this time. He was willing to tell me Jyggalag's weaknesses - he thinks his old boss losing here might free Jyggalag from the whole cycle thing."

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"Interesting. I suppose it might."

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She nods. "Yeah. Unfortunately I can't reshape the world yet - I've got some of Sheogorath's powers, not all - but I think I can help prepare our chosen ground. Make it harder for Jyggalag specifically."

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"That is good. Where shall we lay our trap?"

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The Fringe is highly defensible, a natural and recent entry point, and decently far from the places they've gotten civilians to - and Order's been making enough inroads there that she thinks it's the 'logical' place for Jyggalag to enter. Order: not much for subterfuge.

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Something they'll come to regret, she's sure.

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Since Order currently has footholds in the Fringe, they need to be careful while laying their traps - but 'gaining control of undead, which then hold still until the word' (including the longer dead Gatekeeper further in the Fringe) and moving Glint's forces into place both work, as do seeding in traps, fall back positions, and bombs.

Jyggalag is probably going to be weakest to the out-of-worlders - his librarian said he created a chronicle of everything that would logically happen from the beginning of time to the end, but only involving this set of worlds (which Sheogorath had burned). The librarian had known Glint would come - but not that she'd have foreign allies.

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Always a pleasure to disrupt the carefully-laid plans of others.

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And then, after carefully seeding the Fringe with traps...

They're ready for Jyggalag.

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Jyggalag's appearance is marked by the sudden crystallization of everything in the Fringe. Glint's forces freeze, turning to statues.

And a crystal man, bearing some distant resemblance to Sheogorath, begins to walk from the edge.

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Glint taps her staff on the ground, and the crystal shatters, her forces moving once more, flowers blossoming, trees turning into butterflies that swarm for Jyggalag.

And the battle is engaged.

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Elatra begins with summoning some blood to get Eliana started, then begins directing her undead minions to cause various havoc, looking out for opportunities to to turn the enemy against themselves.

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Narrowing down what things turn into what's a bit hard, but -

Her forces bleed human blood when they're cut, and they leave behind bodies, and the most useful of those are raised at Glint's side or at pre-prepared fonts to rush back in, rather than being returned straight to where they left their corpse. The butterflies explode in a shower of blood when Jyggalag destroys them, splattering him (and the mess sends cracks through his crystalline fields). The flowers start screaming (and weeping blood), at a pitch that shatters any Knights running by them. Glint hums and spins and gathers storm clouds, that don't rain a single speck of water nor flash a single bolt of electricity. (She makes an umbrella over their group when it starts raining knives, and sound dampening when the musical thunder grows a bit too loud). Trees lash around, groaning, slamming into the crystals nearest them when they can't reach Knights. She throws colorful bolts at Knights; the ones hit are turned into her own forces, or ten foot tall chickens, or sweet rolls, or butterfly swarms, or showers of golden coins, or (after some muttering and focus) showers of blood.

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Mora has a book open and a ritual long since begun, mostly empowering her allies and the land itself, seeding chaos and madness into the ground alongside Glint's efforts.

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Eliana is having, approximately, the time of her life. Vast swathes of elemental destruction rip across the battlefield at her command, tossing enemies like ragdolls and occasionally running into each other to erupt unpredictably.

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Every eruption is met by a delighted laugh from Glint! And rather more blood for Eliana to work with as she figures out appropriately chaotic and mad ways of generating it.

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And yet Jyggalag doesn't falter in his even, measured approach, a trail of stubborn crystal fanning out behind him.

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Looks like he needs some personalized attention. The ground around and in front of him shakes erratically and bursts open in gouts of flame while lightning swarms above him, striking at the crystalline formations with concussive force.

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A crystal path forms before him. Safe. Orderly.

His expression seems tight.

Under the onslaught - the lightning, the randomized rain, the blood, the corpses grasping at him, the ridiculous butterflies -

He misses a step.

He recovers.

He continues on.

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The attacks do not let up.

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And Glint's hitting her stride, magically, as Mora's ritual swells and helps her sink into the land.

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Jyggalag gets close - close enough that the edges of his crystals threaten to affect the group -

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And Glint draws a sword - made of vines and flowers and blood and looking absolutely like nothing that should be capable of cutting anyone - and leaps forward, separating herself from the team and engaging him directly.

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His crystal blade meets hers.

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Elatra inflicts a succession of curses on Jyggalag.

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And Glint dances.

Flowers bloom in her wake, their petals turning into butterflies as she spins around them again, the butterflies growing fangs at the edges of their wings, latching into Jyggalag's crystal skin -

Her sword rings musically whenever it meets Jyggalag's blade, like a flute then a drum then a lute, the sound building and weaving in and out of the tornado she's spinning from dreams and wishes -

Reality's unsticking from itself, a bit, ebbs and flows of purple tastes and bitter colors.

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And Jyggalag's starting to crack.

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Glint laughs, pressing her advantage, flowery blade still darting in and out.

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Jyggalag falls to his knees after one crescendoing blow.

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And Glint tucks the tip of her sword under his chin.

"This was a good fight," she says -

And turns him into a shower of glittering rainbow gems.

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Elatra applauds.

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Glint laughs, bowing dramatically.

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And crystal starts to swirl.

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"Should we be worried about that?"

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"Possibly..." Glint mutters, sword at the ready.

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Jyggalag seems to be having trouble holding his form. Still, he sheathes his sword.

"Enough! I am beaten. The Greymarch is ended. For millennia this drama has unfolded, and each time, I have conquered this land, only to be transformed back into that gibbering fool, Sheogorath. It was not always so. Once, I ruled this Realm, a world of perfect Order. My dominion expanded across the seas of Oblivion with each passing era. The other Princes, fearful of my power, cursed me with Madness, doomed me to live as Sheogorath, a broken soul reigning in a broken land. Whenever time grew thin, I was allowed my true form, conquering this world anew. And each time I did, the curse was renewed, damning me to exist as Sheogorath. Now, though, you have ended the cycle. You now hold the mantle of madness, and Jyggalag is free to roam the voids of Oblivion once more. I will take my leave, and you will remain here, mortal. Mortal...? King? God? It seems uncertain. This Realm is yours. Perhaps you will grow to your station."

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"Perhaps I will."

"Still, Jyggalag - Mad I may be, and Order you may be, but we have something in common, I believe. A frustration, at what we can't yet be. And a fondness for this world - this whole world, the Shivering Isles and beyond."

"Alduin seeks to destroy it all. Everything that could ever be. Every bit of Order, every bit of Madness - gone."

"I intend to fight."

"You are a good opponent, when you try."

"I would ask your aid."

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He laughs, sharply. "Madness and Order, work together?"

"Still, you have a point - I would not see this world destroyed, even if its imperfections vex me. Time has not yet spooled out to its full potential. We shall be allies for now, then, until the dragon is delayed once more."

"Fare thee well, Sheogorath, Prince of Madness. I will see you next in Sovngarde."

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She bows. "Fare thee well, Jyggalag, Prince of Order."

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And he disappears.

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"Well. I did not entirely see that one coming."

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"Hah! Three Daedric Princes, all allied! Take that, Alduin!" She giggles, spinning. "Thank you guys so much!"

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"You are quite welcome, of course."

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Eeeeeeee! She has the cutest helpers. Best smile.

She rubs the back of her head. "I should possibly fix up my Realm some before we go fist-fight a dragon, and let my ally know what happened, and all, but eeeeeee!"

She laughs.

"Do you guys need anything Madness-related, while I'm settling in?"

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"Not pressingly, I think."

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"She might be able to help with your problem," Eliana says to Mora.

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"What's up?" Glint asks.

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"I - used to just be the voice in someone's head. She disappeared after something happened, and I've been alone in the body since. It's unpleasant, and I'd like my Nausicaa back."

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"Well, voices in heads are straightforwardly my domain, fortunately!"

She squints, hums, and walks over to tap Mora on the forehead.

"And... There!"

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And someone else blinks Mora's - Nausicaa's - eyes open.

"...Well, that was odd."

She pauses, like she's listening.

"Thank you. I - Mora and I might need time to recover, I think."

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"No problem."

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"Thank you."

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"My pleasure. And - feel free to stay in my palace as long as you want. Whenever you want. All of you, your allies... I have a whole Realm now, apparently! ...I need to figure out how to set up automatic resurrections of everyone here, not just the daedra, if I'm going to be hosting any significant numbers of my own alts..."

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"That sounds quite convenient."

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She laughs. "If I'm a Daedric Prince I should be able to claim people's souls? Which's how that'd work. Man, there's so much I wanna do, though it's probably gotta wait for when I definitely am still gonna have a universe..."

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"Always best to make sure one's calendar is clear before scheduling further events."

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"Pretty much, yeah. Apocalypses are so impolite, sheesh."

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"Regardless, I think some time to regroup is in order."

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She nods. "I might want to come through to you guys so I can meet your friends and see if anyone else has something I can quickly help with, but I'll want to spend some time on diplomacy and local stuff before we go after Alduin. Still, once I've been to a world - it feels like I should be able to go back and forth on my own."

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"We could drop by Ellayania for a spell."

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"I don't think I got a full summary of everyone? It all seems so exciting..."

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"She's the one of Eliana and I who is a goddess, and also a landscape."

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"Fun! I might ask her for some tips, then. Help me figure out how to do right by my people."

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"I'll prepare a Plane Shift."

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"Thanks. You need to do that overnight?"

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She nods. "It's not something I can do at the drop of a hat, unfortunately."

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"Yet! It's important to have a growth mindset about this sort of thing."

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"Ha. Quite."

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"Like, maybe I can be Madness for a lot of worlds - that'd be fun."

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"I can think of one or two gods that could use a bit of healthy competition."

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"Competition's good for the soul!"

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"Just so."

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She teleports them back to her palace, since that's a thing she can do now (being a daedric prince is kind of awesome), and gets food and nicer rooms set up. She's somewhat immediately accosted by the troubles of reassuring people about the fight and what happened and her new station, but she still makes time to entertain her visitors - especially Elatra.

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Elatra is slightly preoccupied preparing the spell, but if they're not leaving til morning anyway, she can be distracted for a while.

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Gosh Glint has never actually distracted pretty girls this extensively before.

They can talk magic nerdery?

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Elatra is very easy to draw into conversation on the subject!

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Great! Glint knows a lot about the inner workings of local magic! Which is apparently very easy to teach, actually.

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...Though this rabbit hole is too deep to properly explore tonight.

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They'll just have to schedule more talks in the future then, won't they?

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She won't say no to the idea.

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Oh, good!

Nothing catastrophic or even especially unusual happens before the morning. (Glint discovers she doesn't need to sleep and gets caught up on ruling her realm while her guests are sleeping.)

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Then Elatra can shift them to Ellayania's world with a minimum of fuss.

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And Ellayania's world can be host to a daedric prince for the first time!

"Wow! It feels - really different than the Shivering Isles. Apparently I have a sense for that, now."

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"I'm not surprised it does." Ellayania has her avatar present to greet them. "It is me, rather than you."

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"Hello! Thank you for allowing me in your Realm."

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"You are quite welcome. Might I offer a blessing?"

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"Sure! I can probably return the favor when I figure out how my powers work."

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And with a tap, blessings are bestowed.

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"Thanks! These're neat."

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"You are welcome. Enjoy them in good health."

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"I'd like to talk to you sometime about ruling a Realm, too - I'd like to do well by my people, and your Realm's very nice. My people are of course very different, but, well... Could use some advice."

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"I take a hands-off approach, unless my attention is specifically requested. But I can share some observations, and I have several books of theory you may be interested in..."

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Then she'll wander off for a primer on god-ship.

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And Mora steps into the lead in her and Nausicaa's body, before going to find Hisame and the Keres.

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They are together, naturally. And quite cozy.

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Mmmmmm girlfriend cuddles.

"I think Mora wants to talk to me, darling," Hisame says. "It'd be dreadful to make her wait too long, you know."

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"Alas." Kiss. "I suppose I shall go occupy myself elsewhere for a time." She rises and stretches languorously before leaving.

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Alas indeed.

Hisame rolls out of bed and goes to meet Mora.

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"Hey," Mora says. "So - couple things. One, we found another of you and me, with a new face. Her name's Glint, and she's now a God of Madness. Apparently her universe is being threatened by a world-eating dragon god, so she's asked for help with that, but can probably make her own case to everyone together."

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"Delightful! And of course I'll listen to her. What else was there?"

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"I - wanted to talk to you about the whole - death thing."

"I'm on the low end of recklessness for us, I think, but - you're on the high end, and... You and the Keres are good for each other. I want you guys to be happy, and... Figured we could talk. Maybe figure out ways to - handle differences, and all, and maybe solicit explanations on her from her alts."

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"I - don't want to make her unhappy. I don't really understand why she was so upset that I died, but... I'll avoid being too reckless, from now on. I don't want to make her cry or anything, even if I'm just gone briefly."

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"...You do understand the concept of people dying meaning you can't talk to them anymore, right."

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"Of course. Plenty of people have died in my life, so it'd be silly for me to not understand that." She shrugs. "But - people die, whether you hold on or not. No one's going to be around forever, especially not me." A bit lightly: "I remember when I was a kid - my family was dead by then - and I heard that civilians come of age at twenty one. Twenty one! Such an old age, and - I was so sure I wouldn't reach that. It seemed an absolutely bizarre idea. Still haven't, of course, and technically I did die before then - but death's cheap, nowadays."

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"If Nausicaa was permanently gone - not just asleep until I could find a Mad God to wake her - I'd... It'd break me, I think, and most people don't come from a context where death is anything but permanent. The Keres cares about you quite a lot."

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She glances away. "Well, I'm from a context like that, too. Didn't stop me from killing my sister, and I'd dare say I cared about her nearly as much as you care about your Nausicaa."

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"...Why. Why would you - "

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"I was getting a bit bored, and she didn't like being alive too much, and I wanted to know what she looked like dead, and I wanted the Mangekyou, anyways - you can only get it from killing someone you love, and I wasn't sure I cared enough about anyone else." Shrug. "I'll put her back eventually, when I feel ready to retire from all this, though - she's happy in the Pure Land. I - met her, when I died, at the borders. So maybe I won't put her back, since it'd upset the Keres anyways, and she's at peace where she is."

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"What's the Pure Land like?"

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"Calm. We met by a river. She was sitting under a willow tree. I could hear bird song and music in the distance, past her, but - it was muffled. Somewhere else, of no real concern. It's - a nice place, I think, even if existing there would mean retiring. It's where souls go to heal. She told me that she'd been waiting for me, but that most people let themselves drift away down the river or on the wind. I guess the Pure Land proper is probably even nicer."

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"...I'm starting to suspect you surviving so long is mostly because you failed to meet a challenge capable of getting away with killing you until Acererak, isn't it."

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"Obviously? I don't have a death wish or anything - I'm hardly going to throw a fight - but why seek out fights if not for the challenge? Acererak was a good fight, and that would've been a good end to my story, all things considered - I just hadn't realized how much it'd upset my girlfriend. I do now, so there's no problem."

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She presses a palm over her face.

" - Wait. You'd mentioned not putting back your sister because it'd upset the Keres - "

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Shrug. "Yes? Apparently my girlfriend's not big on sharing."

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" - Okay so I just have to check because I'm in the potential blast radius of - actually pretty much everything that could possibly go wrong here, but - what is going to happen if you get bored, or start wondering what your girlfriend looks like dead, or decide you feel like retiring and the Pure Land sounds like a nice place to do that, or you get into a fight with, oh, let's say a dragon god and retreat's the only survivable option..."

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"...I'd retreat for that last one. Admittedly grudgingly, but I just said I don't want to upset my girlfriend."

She pauses.

"Boredom or wanting to die I'd probably talk to the Keres about? I'd make sure she was - set up with one of me before breaking up with her or anything like that, though - she's so delightful, that I can't imagine boredom that's entirely impossible to overcome around her."

She shrugs and looks away.

"And wondering what people look like dead's basically my default setting, anyways, and that hasn't become a problem yet, so it shouldn't."

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"Do you not have the - mental thing where betraying allies is bad."

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Shrug. "It's - suboptimal? But there's degrees of betrayal. Arguably my sister betrayed my family when she killed them, and my teacher was convinced she'd betrayed me too, but - she was good. She didn't do anything wrong, there, and the whole torture thing was for my own good, anyways, and she left me stronger than I would have been otherwise."

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"Right. That's. Concerning."

"...The torture thing."

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She waves a hand dismissively. "When Itachi killed my family, and again when we met five or so years later, she put me under a torture illusion for a few days. Helped me grow strong."

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That is concerning on so many levels. (Uncharitably, hopefully Hisame is now no longer the most powerful of their type, because Mora is very, very extremely concerned about all of her life choices.)

"Right. I - think I should talk to Eliana? To get - how to translate all this into... Ways to not have relationship problems. And possibly you should talk to Glint about - all of this."

Hopefully Madness covers therapy.

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She snorts. "You think I'm insane. For one of us, at least."

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"Honestly I think your world's massively fucked up, and that it's probably impossible to not come out of there at least a little fucked up too."

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"Fair. I'll talk to our Mad God, then. See you around, Mora."

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"See you."

And Mora's going to go find Eliana.

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Eliana is eminently findable. And conveniently already alone.

"I expect by your look of concern the talk did not go exceptionally well."

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"Hisame is. Just. Massively concerning as a person. I think she and the Keres are stable for now, but if we want to be immortal, Hisame is massively concerning."

She relays the conversation.

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"Ah. Yes. That sort of attitude is... rather nonconducive to long term stability."

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"I'm honestly mostly hoping Glint can - do something. Or at least explain anything better than I can."

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"I hope so as well. Death is... it means we've failed, lost. I can imagine situations in which I'd spit in someone's face as they killed me rather than back down, but- that's not something to be resigned to. That's motivation to become more powerful before that happens."

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"...There's - a bit of a thrill, a rush, when you know something's a bad idea and you're doing it anyways, when you're - dancing on the edge of a wire - and the bigger the thing you're risking the bigger the rush..."

"I'd expect most instances of me to always be a bit reckless with our lives, now and again. Maybe we're just gambling sorts."

"I think - for one, I don't think Hisame sees the Pure Land as - being dead. They reincarnate, supposedly. So to her, death's a vacation, and a chance to see everyone she misses, before a chance to try again. And if she becomes more powerful - it means she can take bigger risks and get away with it, but it also means that it's going to be harder for her to get that thrill, and I think uninterrupted that leads to her picking fights no one could win."

"Death - if it's something she gambled, that just means she got unlucky, but she was the one digging her grave - and I think her autonomy is extremely important to Hisame, more so than it is to me - and on the way out she hopefully - did something grand and memorable. I'd say for us failure is anything that results in us being alone. Maybe anything that leads to us doing what we're supposed to."

"This all - isn't inherent to who we are, and it's why I think Hisame's really fucked up. Glint's now literally a god, and - she's explicitly dedicating her energy to doing right by her people. I'd honestly probably do something similar with that power. There's - only so much of being an asshole that's entertaining, and past that we might as well give everyone the sort of things we want for ourselves."

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"I have been talking more with Ellayania, and I have come to the conclusion that she is something like my ideal end state. She has enough power that no one local can challenge her, and everyone at her level feels no need to. She has a space where she can be safe, and she has no demands on her time beyond what she herself imposes. She has the ability, but not the necessity, to do anything she might wish."

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"Huh. I think - of the ones we've met, Glint's the closest to ours? She's free. I spoke to her some, about our pasts, and - she had shittier parents than the rest of us, but... That balances her society being less the kind to suffocate us. And now she can set things up so anyone around her actively wants to be next to her right then, even given full knowledge of everything she is, and she can set things up so she - doesn't have to choose between doing what she wants and having interesting people around. She can create a world according to her own ideals, and she has enough mental freedom to - not get trapped in one path. She can behave when she feels like it, and not feel like she's being suffocated, and she can misbehave if she feels like it too, and - she isn't stuck trying to be the antithesis to her society."

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"Hm. Freedom versus security."

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"Pretty much, I think."

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"Those states aren't necessarily incompatible, which is a hopeful sign, I think."

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"Yeah. I think - Hisame has a lot of freedom, power-wise. And I think Glint can help her with mental freedom."

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"I don't think the Keres is very eager to settle down in the same way Ellayania is settled. She... brings her security with her. If Hisame's suicidal tendancies can be mitigated."

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"Yeah. I - it sounded like Hisame considers herself more attached to her sister, but... I think she's making more compromises for the Keres than she would for her sister. If we're lucky time and fondness will be enough, to get Hisame to reorient and consider the consequences of her actions, but... It's something to help along."

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"Right. And the Keres will probably be more protective than usual for the next while."

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"Which'll hopefully help it sink in and not lead to Hisame feeling stifled."

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"I think she'll just be quicker on the defense, and fending extra attention off."

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She nods. "Hisame might find it flattering for a time, anyways."

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"That's something, at least."

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"I'm not sure how to - condense all of this into advice for her, beyond just explaining it to her. And I guess Glint, who might be better at - bridging that gap."

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"'Your girlfriend is going to take you dying personally, whether or not you come back afterwards. Try not to.'?"

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"Yeah. It'd be a lot easier if Hisame had a functioning betrayal sense..."

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"Yes. But I'm not sure we can install one."

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"Might be a thing for - therapy with Glint, or something."

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"Perhaps. I wasn't sure if suggesting that would be in good taste."

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"Oh, no, I already told her she needs therapy. She finds the idea of being insane funny."

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Eliana sighs and rubs her forehead.

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She laughs. "Are you really surprised after Glint?"

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"I shouldn't be, and yet."

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"It's about - insanity's defined by society. People who - argue with the main narrative are insane. So it's a compliment, really."

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"Ah, of course."

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"And I might feel this more strongly because of my society's whole structure, but - sometimes you can only be free if you're a bit insane. That's... Probably why Glint ended up worshipping the Mad God, really. They can bind your body, but preventing people from being insane is - hard."

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"I prefer mental integrity, on the whole. Being able to trust my thoughts."

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"I think as long as we're not having delusions we're - alright, with the occasional mental quirk, and mental integrity's pretty easy to compromise for other ends."

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"If that's a tradeoff you're comfortable with."

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"Probably going to vary between us, but I think it is."

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"Fair enough. I think we've made some progress today."

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"Yeah. I'm - more concerned, but I think the actual situation's trending well."

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"Perhaps no one will die when we fight the world-eating dragon."

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"One can only hope. And if we actually have a month it might be worth trying to find more of us - or at least helping Glint with her diplomacy."

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"It's a pity we can't target people across worlds yet, despite our somewhat astounding luck thus far."

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"Or targeting situations. One problem with trying to find more of us is the risk of finding more drama..."

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"We don't want another Acererak, for certain."

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She nods. "And it's probably best to have one big drama at a time."

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"That way we can focus our attention."

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"Yeah. And minimize conflicting fall outs."

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"Shall I have a talk with the Keres, then?"

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"If you think it'd help. I can explain everything that's happened to Glint, too."

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"I think there might be some use in having more perspective on how her girlfriend will tend to think, if not necessarily any specifics."

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She nods. "I don't think Hisame will consider it a violation of privacy if you tell the Keres everything?"

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"My concern is more that full knowledge would be damaging to her stability."

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She nods. "There's - a lot in that that's unpleasant, and would be more unpleasant with someone you're very fond of."

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"Mm," Eliana agrees. "At the same time, if she finds out we've been hiding from her, that will also cause her stability to deteriorate. It's a fine line."

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"I don't think I'm going to talk to her much, but it might be good for me to caution Glint not to mention some things - Glint seems more likely to ever interact with her."

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"Do you have suggestions for - what to definitely not mention ever, or what to be gentle about..."

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"Don't talk about the suicidality. Avoid the torture if you can, it'll set her against Itachi if she ever comes back but Hisame might be able to mediate that herself."

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"Right. Hopefully by the time the Keres learns of any of this we'll be able to declare it 'fixed'..."

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"Maybe Glint even knows what therapeutic ethics are and won't talk about Hisame's - therapy or lack thereof."

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"That would be nice, wouldn't it?"

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"I'll add explaining the concept to my list."

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"What ever would they do without us."

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"I'm starting to think our main power here is 'common sense.'"

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Eliana laughs. "It does feel that way, doesn't it?"

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"Very often." Fond smile. "Well, I won't keep you. Good luck with talking to the Keres. May the powers of sense win the day."

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"Thank you."

And off she goes.

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The Keres is not hard to find.

"Ellayania told me you might like to talk."

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"I thought you would enjoy hearing somewhat of what we've been up to in your absence. Have you met Glint yet?"

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"I have not."

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"She's a rather interesting example of Hisame's kind. Practically a god."

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Eliana explains about Glint's world and Daedric Princes.

"I was speaking with Mora, and she suggested Glint might be the closest example to their ideal self that we have thus far."

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"How so?"

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"Freedom, in word. She can arrange her life how she likes it, and anyone who is interacting with her wants to be doing so, and accepts the consequences thereof. She doesn't have to make any tradeoffs she'd rather not."

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"Huh. Interesting."

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"Compare that with Ellayania and us."

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"She's very... settled."

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Eliana shrugs. "The nature of her power. I wouldn't mind having one place to dig into, but I don't think it's a strictly necessary component. Glint indicated she intended to take some lessons from Ellayania in the setting up of her demesnes."

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"In any case. Have you read anything particularly interesting here since we left?"

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The conversation moves on.

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And Mora goes to find Glint, explaining everything she's learned about Hisame and the Keres, and relaying a caution not to talk about Hisame's mental health directly to her girlfriend.

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"Of course I won't - unless something weird or emergency-ish happens, I won't even be talking it over with you and Eliana, no offense, without Hisame's permission. Control over your information's a type of freedom."

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"Thanks. You're a good one of us."

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"Heh. I'm going to confuse everyone who thinks Daedric Princes are all evil! It'll be delightful. Are you and Nausicaa settling in well, by the way?"

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"Very much so..."

And the conversation winds on, Mora using it as a spring board in a few places to catch Glint up to speed on everyone's adventures so far.

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And then Glint goes to find Hisame.

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Who is findable!

"I've been looking for you," she says, grinning. "It's a pity I missed out on your whole quest. Sounded fun."

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"Hah! It was. Still, you'll have a chance to help with the dragon, and I'm hoping to pretty my world all up for visitors, too, while we're preparing."

"How're you doing?"

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"Amused everyone keeps being concerned about that. I'm fine, myself. Bit worried about my girlfriend, of course."

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She nods. "That's good. I like her alt, Elatra. They're a fun sort. Is the Keres still upset over you dying?"

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She nods. "Even though I'm alive now..."

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"Security's important to them. Being safe. Being in control. Having enough power that their control over themselves is absolute, I guess you could say. A particular sort of freedom, and one important to a lot of people. She couldn't save your life - even though you came back, it's a hole in her security. A proof she doesn't have as steady a ground as she'd thought. It felt terrible, didn't it, when you were weakened by Acererak, and you couldn't do what you wanted to - for the Keres, you dying even briefly is like if that weakness had been permanent. You'd adjust, eventually. We always do. But the meantime would be horrid."

"And I think if she lost you to death forever - if she failed so horrendously - it'd be like chains, on our bodies and minds. Not just a loss of security - of freedom - but like it could never be gotten back."

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"I've been chained, before. It's unpleasant, and sometimes the only thing you can do is go mad. That's a state that's acceptable, to me, but..."

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"It wouldn't be if you wanted self control."

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She hugs her alt.

"It's important for you guys to be happy. Both of you, okay? And if you need a break - from her, from anyone - I can whirl you off somewhere pretty easily for a time."

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"I don't need one now, but I'll keep that in mind."

"Thank you, Glint."

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"No problem. Good luck, Hisame."

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And she goes to flop on her girlfriend.

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Girlfriend! Hug!

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"Glint's nice," she says. "I'd like to help her with her dragon problem."

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"Dragons could be fun," she allows agreeably.

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"Glint described the dragon as some sort of apocalypse god. Thinks she has at least a month before he tries to eat her world. Would be a fun fight, I think. Good to help her." Stretch out over girlfriend. "I'll be careful, though, and I was thinking we could get Glint to teach you her magic? It seems pretty high impact for the amount of time it takes to learn."

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"More magic is always good."

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"It is!" She tucks her head under the Keres' chin. "It'll be interesting, seeing what Glint does with her world, too."

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"What do you expect her to do?"

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"Dunno! I wouldn't keep a world. Far too much responsibility."

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"My little kitten is far too distractible, hmm?"

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"Possibly," she drawls, giggling. "How about if I ever get godly powers and a world I give you the powers and Glint the world, hm? Then there's no work whatsoever for me."

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"Seems like a fair and equitable distribution to me."

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And then off to find magic lessons and dragon-slaying plans?

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Time to swing back into activity.

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Glint, meanwhile, has gone to find Elatra.

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Elatra is working on spell development!

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Can Elatra be interrupted for nerd time?

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For Glint, she will make an exception.

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Glint's big curiosity right now is similarities and differences in spell design, actually...

(And also just spending time with Elatra, who is cute and wicked and smart and rather lovely, all told. (Glint is fairly open with this observation.))

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Flattery will get you quite far, though this information shouldn't be shared with the unworthy.

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Of course. It's important to have trade secrets. Makes life interesting for everyone trying to figure out your genius.

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Fortunately for all parties present, Elatra considers Glint quite worthy. And clever. And pretty.

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A good set of traits to have! And Elatra's certainly worthy of Glint's secrets.

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Then here's to a productive exchange of secrets.

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Between the cleverest girls around.

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Just so.

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Unfortunately, they are eventually found.

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Tch. They'll have to pick up later.

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Glint can start on the basics of actual spell casting, then, rather than the more esoteric theory. Gotta save that for the advanced class.

Does the class want to learn Restoration (healing, wards), Destruction (destructive elemental spells), Illusion (including lights and divination), or Alteration (changing stuff) first? Also should they find the others to include them in the lesson.

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Restoration seems like it will fill some gaps in their portfolio neatly.

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And probably the others will want to be present as well.

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Mora at least is findable and willing to follow the atronach Glint sends looking. Restoration does seem good, yes - most of them don't have a lot of good healing options.

(She takes over from Nausicaa for the lesson, since Nausicaa is not particularly academic.)

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Eliana will attend as well.

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And lessons! A spell that heals yourself over time is the most basic, and they can probably all have it down pretty quick - and it's a good test of magical capacity, too, to see how long they can run it for (she explains magicka, and how it increases as you use magic more, in addition to spells costing less magicka as you get better at their school).

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Eliana and the others set about testing their magicka capacities.

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The sort of people Eliana represents (they need to name their alt groups, really) seem to have more magicka overall than the sort of people Glint represents - there's some variation, of course, since Glint herself has a ridiculous amount. Hisame has the least, something Glint teases her over.

(Glint proposes that whatever her, Hisame, Mora, and maybe Mara if they go back to that world settle on their collective group noun should be 'a murder.')

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"We should find my girlfriend another me so we can be a harem, collectively. Or there could be the girlfriend alt group and the harem alt group."

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"I'm not sure that generalizes terribly well."

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She laughs. "What's your idea, then?"

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"'El' is a syllable most of use share in common."

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"A strike of Lightnings," Elatra suggests.

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"I like Lightnings! We could be a murder of Crows, then."

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"A mewing of Catbirds." The Keres sticks her tongue out at her girlfriend.

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"I'm the only kitten, though."

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"Annnnnnd that was too much information for me. Let's just call it at crows."

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Hisame just bursts into laughter. "I'll hold onto any tips for just harem members, then."

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"Moving back towards the topic. Would it be an effective use of downtime to repeatedly drain our magicka to build a larger store?"

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"Yeah. Especially if you're actually doing stuff - healing yourself while you're perfectly healthy's less useful learning-wise than healing yourself while you're hurt, though making it so you can idly heal yourself while doing other things is helpful, too, and you can practice that healthy. Conjuration's great for quickly building up stores, and that kind of practice also helps you build up a relationship with your summons. Conjuration's some of the costliest basic spells, though, so it's hard to learn when you're still new to the whole thing."

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"But we'll want to do it eventually, yes?"

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"Yeah. And I can afford to burn magicka potions, too, since I can grow my own ingredients now. Can teach you guys to summon spirits, next - those're generally easier and less dangerous than atronachs, especially animal spirits."

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"Does one get to choose the animal?"

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"Yeah - even a specific one, if you find someone you work well with."

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"Interesting. Are they more intelligent than standard?"

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"Spirit animals don't get much cleverer than dogs, but dogs are pretty smart. Atronachs are human-scale intelligent, just kind of alien and not talkative."

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"What choices are there?"

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"Wolves are kind of classics in Skyrim. They're smart and a pretty good size for fighting. You can also do snakes, or sharks, or giant spiders, or large cats - stuff much bigger than a tiger's hard - and I'm not actually sure if there's anything someone very determined couldn't summon. Still, spirit animals don't have venom or anything, so getting clever with snake species isn't helpful."

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Eliana and the Keres both fancy trying for a cat.

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Elatra will go for a wolf.

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Hisame, obviously, wants a tiger.

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Mora asks Glint about flying animals native to her universe, and then goes for a cliff-racer.

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And it takes longer than the healing spell, and a lot of magicka potions so they don't have to sit around waiting for magicka to regenerate, but eventually they'll all be able to summon at least one critter. (Glint hasn't summoned big cats, but there's a few wolves she can recommend for Elatra to try for.)

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Elatra appreciates Glint's recommendations.

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And next would be taking time to learn how to work alongside the summons - spirits are easier to control and more predictable, so this is less important than with atronachs, but it's still a good step, and will help their magicka capacity and magical skills anyways.

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Time to Make Friends With Animals.

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Fortunately the animals are pretty chill and easy to make friends with! (Hisame needs to circle through a few tigers before finding one who doesn't mind being petted).

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Elatra settles on a wolf with a fluffy grey coat.

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The Keres has a clouded leopard.

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And Eliana has summoned a small desert lion.

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"Great! Do you guys wanna keep learning more spells, or just work on what you've got now?"

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"Learning spells is easier with a larger magicka capacity, yes? I think we should work with what we have."

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"Yeah. I can supply you guys with potions if you wanna practice more - refilling your magicka capacity quickly or slowly doesn't matter for growing it - but I'll need to make more soon. Or, like, figure out how to use my spooky godly powers to make a magicka potion river."

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"Don't forget to coordinate with Ellayania if you put one here."

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"Can only edit the Shivering Isles, sadly. Though I should ask her if she wants a bit of her in my Realm..."

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"If you wouldn't mind having me, of course," the air says in Glint's ear.

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"I wouldn't mind at all," she says back.

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"Then I would be delighted."

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"Awesome! And feel free to remind me if it looks like I'm forgetting."

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"I will."

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Heeee, stuff's going so well.

If no one else has magic questions for her, she can go back to magic nerding at Elatra, or arranging things with her Realm, or diplomacy...

She actually kind of has a lot to do, whoops.

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Elatra is available for flirting via magic nerdery.

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Best kind of flirting, really.

Glint has a moment of inspiration in the middle of the flirting, concentrates, and makes a second her.

"Hah! So that's how they do it..."

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"A clone?"

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"A me!" they say together. "Kind of got my attention on both? Split," one says. "Probably could manage to not have my whole attention on one if I had to," says the other. "Useful for having conversations with myself," they both say.

And then, from the original body: "Daedric Princes can be in a lot of places at once, kind of, just attention-wise? And I need to figure out how to do that if I'm gonna get everything done, and then how to not do that so I can take a break."

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"You do have rather a lot on your plate at the moment."

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"Yeah. Madness thrives when busy, though."

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"Conveniently enough."

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"It'll probably take me a bit to figure out more, but, yeah, now spending time with you doesn't trade off against anything! Which is awesome, since you're great."

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"I am, it is true."

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That sounds like a cue to list Elatra's many virtues! With a stab at poetry, even, which is basically the same sort of thing as madness.

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How delightful.

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Glint's pretty sure Elatra's the delightful one.

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She's entitled to her opinion. Especially if she keeps having such good ones.

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It's important to be correct in these things.

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Elatra is not entirely convinced she can be as confident as Glint. Perhaps a closer, more personal inspection is warranted?

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And thorough testing! You can't be a mad scientist if you don't test things, after all.

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Nor, indeed, a wizard of any sanity level.

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They should test kissing. For a general skills survey, of course.

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Mm, yes. Thoroughly.

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Glint summons a pad of paper and makes very complimentary notes on Elatra's kissing abilities.

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That's adorable.

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Good note taking is a corner stone of science! Of course, she has to repeat these experiments a few times. Surely Elatra understands.

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Well of course. If a result can't be replicated, it has very little value.

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And these experiments are potentially very high value, after all.

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They are already beginning to pay for themselves, in fact.

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An important quality for experiments to have!

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Elsewhere, Glint's second body has returned to the Shivering Isles with some of Ellayania.

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Ellayania can spread from whatever corner is convenient for Glint.

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The residents of Dementia-of-old seem like they'll appreciate the aesthetic most, and it's important to have a refuge for them away from Glint's more colorful mind.

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Once Ellayania's soil has been dropped, she rapidly expands to claim several hundred square feet. The air becomes perceptibly cooler and a light mist begins to rise.

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And Ellayania's body appears.

"Ordinarily I would not expand so fast, but I find Hisame's chakra quite useful."

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"Seems like the sort of thing that would be, yeah. And I can spread the word that I endorse worship of you, and people can come here if they want to give you offerings and get blessings. Want help setting up a temple or shrine or something?"

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"A small shrine is no difficulty." One begins to form out of the ground. "Are there any local architectural customs for this sort of thing?"

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"The Daedric Princes all have different ones, and I don't think you wanna look like an Imperial temple to the Divines. I still need to figure out what I'm doing to replace the old Sheogorath's temple... I'm probably gonna go for, like, lots of little hidden places, and lots of little hidden details - I imagine the kind of people who live here would like that?"

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"I think I can work with that."

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"Heh, yeah - your whole sort of person's really creative. It's nice."

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The structure forms into a low dome, with descending stairs visible.

"A subterranean temple," Ellayania explains. "A series of caverns whose connections will change over time."

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"Oh, I like it. Very appropriately metaphorical."

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Ellayania smiles.

"Thank you."

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"I think I'll use a similar idea, when I'm redoing my Realm's architecture. The old Sheogorath had so much - obvious and exposed, and had a rather crude sense of metaphor, really. Best to get away from that."

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"A clean break is better. It will help smooth the transition."

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"Definitely. Would help keep people from thinking I'm the same Sheogorath in another form, too."

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"I can see how that might be the logical assumption."

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"Yeah. Definitely more common than apotheosis."

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"Ha. Quite."

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"That ever happens here - Talos was a legendary hero who became one of the Divines like six, seven hundred years ago, and there've been other mortals who made the leap - but it's pretty rare, and I haven't heard of someone stepping into someone else's position before."

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"Congratulations on making history."

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"Hah! Thanks, I guess."

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"So, what sort of preparations remain to be done for fighting a world-eating dragon?"

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"I need to contact Meridia, Daedric Prince of Infinite Energies - which I'm pretty sure is just fanciness for 'light.' And I need to maybe help my friend Lianda with getting the civil war that's ongoing in the mortal world to stop so they can focus on defending themselves against dragons, and there's some vampires trying to cause shit - I think on Molag Bal, Lord of Dominations', orders or encouragement, which's gonna distract Meridia - and Hermaeus Mora is also trying to cause distracting shit. He does, like, forbidden knowledge and stuff."

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"That all sounds very exciting."

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"Yeah. World never ends only one way, it seems."

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"Which first?"

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"Hermaeus Mora's gonna be hard to stop if he's not cut off at the root, and the - natural person to do that is rather unfortunately dead, so we'll want to move early while his foothold's still small. And, anyways, Meridia and her Champion are in a better position to handle the vampires, and there's people who're better than me at diplomacy on the civil war problem."

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"Forbidden knowledge seems appropriate to me, anyway."

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"Yeah. More our wheelhouse."

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"Where is he to be found?"

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"Trouble's in Mundus - the mortal plane - on an island called Solstheim. His actual Realm is the Oblivion plane of Apocrypha; facing him there would be - troublesome."

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"Bearding a god in their den often is. You have a means of transportation?"

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"Yeah. 'S hard, for most of the Daedric Princes to take physical form in the mortal world, but that's 'cause they're bad at it. I'm from that plane. It's just - a step sideways."

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She holds out a hand. "Lead on, then, by all means."

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She takes Ellayania's hand.

And they're elsewhere, on an ashy island, standing upon black cliffs overlooking a huddled little town.

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"Gloomy little place."

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"Yeah. Probably used to be better, but there was a volcanic eruption pretty recently. Made it a hard place to live."

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"Unmanaged eruptions tend to do that. Tisvetaia would be beside herself, I'm sure."

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"Maybe we can import her! People'd appreciate her more here than in the Shivering Isles, I think. Though the volcano's supposedly the heart of a dead god that was fired into the earth, which might complicate things..."

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"Possibly. I would not want to get her in any trouble."

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"This world's kind of weird in a 'designed by a committee of gods who all hate each other' kind of way. Still, we could - after we get rid of Alduin - experiment with what'll work well, maybe."

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"Yes. We'll see how things go."

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"I'm thinking we should head into town and ask around a bit. Unfortunately godhood didn't come with omniscience. Rude."

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"A good place to start. And this way you have something to grow towards."

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On the way down the cliffs, she explains why Solstheim - there's been some cultists of the First Dragonborn, who had been angry at the Last Dragonborn for 'heresy' before the Last Dragonborn died. Miraak, the First Dragonborn, is associated with Hermaeus Mora, and whatever he's going it looks to be very bad news and not particularly helpful. Hence stopping him.

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"So this Miraak is, what, back from the dead?"

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"Either that or suspended animation of some kind."

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"Pretty much."

And onward, to terrorize charm some rather wary and gruff residents into telling them everything they know.

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It's hard to tell a god 'no' in person, especially when you haven't met one before and they're talking like this.

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That does indeed get quite a few more stammered answers! Plus a few 'my Lord Sheogorath and - ah - friend - '. Still, people seem intensely confused about what's been going on lately - pretty much having no concrete memories from the last three weeks, and most are oddly listless.

(The dark elves here have more open daedra worship, Glint murmurs to Ellayania).

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That explains the fearful deference.

One of her blessings is enhanced memory. If theirs has been deleted, it won't help, but if the memories are merely suppressed, it might.

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It helps a few, a little bit.

There's - something about a stone. A place.

They don't remember.

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Well, that's frustrating.

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Glint hums, searching, tapping her fingers - people by now know an avatar of at least one Daedric Prince is wandering their village so most are trying to give them a wide berth without looking like that's what they're doing -

There's a young dark elf girl staring at them, intent in a way most people here aren't.

Glint crouches down, calling out, "Hey! Do you know anything about weird stones?"

The girl nods, seriously, and skips over before curtsying. "Yes my Lord. The cultists are making people work at the stones and the stones are stealing their personness and selfness and madness and every single -ness, really."

"Thank you," Glint says, sincerely. "We can't have anyone stealing people's madness. That's downright heresy. I'll reward you for telling me, since I know disobeying the cultists is risky, but I can give you more if I know more, okay? Do you know where the stones and the cultists came from?"

"The cultists are for the real Dragonborn. They're mean. There's a big temple in the middle of the island and my Skaal friend says there's spooky stuff coming out of it, and I think they carried the stones from there," the girl says. "I can point to a map but then I wanna be a wolf."

Glint hums. "I don't have a map, sadly... What do you say I take you flying and then you point it out? Do you wanna be a wolf here or in my Realm, or somewhere else?"

The girl claps. "Flying! And your Realm!"

Glint grins. "Well, good!" To Ellayania: "Want to tag along, or wait for me to get back with the temple location?"


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"I'd like to see this for myself."

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Now to turn her power to flying...

A step sideways, through the Shivering Isles...

And then they're hovering far over the island. Not falling, which is always a bonus.

"Hah! Got it!"

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Ellayania's eyes flash to red.

She has perfect recall anyway, but the sharingan has better visual acuity than standard eyes.

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The girl points out the temple, makes a few exclamations, and then Glint moves them back to the Shivering Isles, pats the girl on the head, and when she removes her hand the girl turns into a now very happy wolf pup.

"Well, we've done our good deed - now to wreck someone else's day," Glint says to Ellayania.

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"It has been quite a long time since I've given someone a bad day. I do hope I remember how."

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"Perhaps he'll be polite enough to leave us some minions as a refresher course."

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"That would be convenient."

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"It's pretty common around here, weirdly. People gotta have an aesthetic, I guess."

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"Their foolishness profits me, so I'll not question it."

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She laughs.

"We feeling sneaky or like blowing up the front door?"

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"What is the point of being a god if one must slink around like a common thief?"

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She snickers. "There's a few Daedric Princes I'd like to say that to. High explosives it is!"

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"To that temple, then?"

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And she shifts them to its front steps. It's buried in the earth, an engraved dome rising out of the stone, old and weathered and ash-covered.

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Ellayania has been practicing with Hisame's chakra techniques. She blasts the stone clear with a gust of wind.

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And Glint starts turning the cultists who run at them into random other things.

A merrily blasting they can go!

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She gets some practice in on other elemental jutsu, and, for a few especial unfortunates, the Amaterasu held by one of her eyes.

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Unfortunately, nothing here can much challenge them, even the undead in the lower layers.

The center contains a pedestal, hosting a single book, bound in something almost impossibly dark.

Glint scowls, closing her eyes and concentrating.

"Miraak's not - here, properly. That's one of Hermaeus Mora's black books. It's a link to Hermaeus's Realm, Apocrypha - Miraak must be using them to move between Realms." Sigh. "And now he's likely aware we're interested."

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"Perhaps if we kill the rest of his followers here and disrupt whatever it is he's doing with the stones, he'll be drawn back.

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She hums. "Or he might retreat further. He's old, and the Daedric Princes used to be even more active - he'll know to fear us."

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"This body is expendable; we could go after him."

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"It might allow him to strike back? Or attack us mentally. But - Hermaeus isn't one of the ones that can easily manifest outside his Realm, which suggests a shorter reach. I suspect we'll have an uphill battle but it won't be - any permanent damage."

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"Well, you are the native. I will defer to your judgement here."

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She laughs a bit. "Man, I think good judgement is the exact opposite of what I have. But, sure, let's go tell Hermaeus Mora to stop being such a dick to his face."

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"The decision is boldy made, which is the main point. I suppose we must open the book?"

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"I think I can get us across just holding it, though opening it might help."

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"If we don't have to open it, let's not. No reason to play along with this more than absolutely necessary."

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She taps the book, hums, and the air twists, dark in front of them, spreading -

Until it clears. They're in a library, the shelves tall, reaching like skeletal fingers up to a glass dome with a dizzying depiction of some kind of void beast. The pages whisper, rustling angrily.

"Hermaeus Mora! Hermaeus Mora! You have visitors!" Glint shouts, cupping her hands over her mouth.

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Certainly an aesthetic to have. Very eldritch.

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"Why should I acknowledge a child nattering at my ear?" a voice whispers from around them. It's layered, echoing, numerous voices at once.

"Awwww, don't be like that. I'm a Daedric Prince too, now, and Ellayania's a goddess in her own right," Glint says.

"And what does Madness want of Knowledge?" the voice demands.

"You noticed the World Eater, right? Big black dragon, bad attitude, voice like he's gargling gravel? I was thinking it's in everyone's interests to delay him. Hard to have a library in a god's stomach." Glint shrugs. "Or you can keep playing toy soldiers while your library burns."

Wind rushes by and around them. "Do not question my designs, child. I know everything that has been written since the dawn of time. There is no secret hidden from me, Marella."

"It's Lord Sheogorath, or Glint if I like you, and I'll have my respect, Hermaeus Mora," Glint says, voice sharp. "And will you know everything written after the end of time?"

"Do you assume I am so weak as to let myself be bound by this sphere of worlds, little girl? One clock may break, but the full symphony winds elsewhere," the voice says, scoffing.

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"And full it is with voices beyond the counting. I wonder if you might find your enjoyment somewhat curtailed were you to be hunted down across it."

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"You would threaten me?"

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"I do not deal in threats. I am simply speculating as to what, if any consequences, your intransigence might bring. It seems to me that one not inclined to participate in keeping the playing board tidy has already forfeited the courtesy of other players."

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"And man, if, like, you're trying to play chess with the multiverse, playing against Alduin's like playing against a pigeon. With rabies. What makes you think he won't knock over every board?" Glint asks.

"Birds cannot get rabies," the voice says, grouchily.

"...I'm going to be the prosocial one here and not take that as a challenge," Glint says. "And also I'm not trying to threaten you, I'm being the voice of unreason and pointing out that for a Daedric Prince of Knowledge you're being a dumbass. Letting Alduin win here just means he'll be even more of a pain in the ass later - and I'm aware we probably can't kill him yet, just delay him, but I'd also like to draw some big arrows pointing to that 'yet.' Something out there's letting our alts accumulate power. If you're a dick, if you're in our way, we won't play nice with you, either - and I'm not the most threatening me out there, not by a long shot."

There's a feeling of something circling. "All you have brought is threats and warnings. What do I gain, cooperating with you, hm?"

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"Apart from a fraction of our good will? I am the goddess of libraries, and I daresay my collection has things yours is lacking."

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"You think there's no secret written in those pages I cannot ferret out?" the voice asks. "No knowledge of the worlds I cannot know?"

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"He is very full of himself, isn't he?" Ellayania comments to Glint.

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Glint hums, grinning, then sing-songs: "Well, I think maybe we know something he doesn't."

"I am not in the mood to be taunted, child," the voice warns.

Glint laughs. "You don't know where alts come from, do you? How one person can be so alike another, across the boundaries of worlds... Nor do you know what hand guides who we find."

"And this is knowledge you have?" the voice asks.

Glint shrugs. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Maybe I will know someday. Maybe I won't. But if you haven't known in all the eons of the world - well, I don't think anyone's come along inclined to tell you what's up, have they?"

Rustling pages greet her question.

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"I'd take that for a no."

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"I like spreading knowledge! But only to people who aren't dicks about it, so..." Glint says with a grin.

The voice hums. It's a rather discordant noise. "Very well. I will not stand in the way of your efforts, though neither shall I extend myself against Alduin. The way to my little follower is clear; if you wish to be rid of his efforts, that is your own business."

And the presence withdraws, ever so slightly.

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"Marginally better than nothing."

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"Yeah. Well, off to deal with an obstacle?"

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"Yes." Is the way obvious, as well as clear?

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Fairly - there's a light coming from one door, at least.

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Onwards through, then.

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The door opens onto a large platform, a yellow cloudy sky stretching far above, the entire area filled with diffuse light.

Also, there's a dragon. Not Alduin - small, grey, serpentine, but he attacks all the same with a vicious, hissing roar.

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Ellayania whisks her body and Glint out of the path of the attack with blurred speed. Her eyes flash red.

And now the dragon is burning.

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That pisses the dragon off! His breath is apparently icy, creating massive frozen spikes to threaten the gods.

Glint just laughs and starts shattering his scales, making inroads for Ellayania's fire.

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More like 'threaten'. His attacks aren't exactly subtle, even without sharingan-based cheating.

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And he's not especially fire-resistant, at least not to Amaterasu.

He goes down, dead, rather quickly.

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And where's his master?

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Not readily apparent, though there's a likely-looking platform floating in the clouds in the distance.

"I can see where wings would be useful," Glint says. "Luckily I already figured out flight. Shall we?"

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"We oughtn't keep him waiting. I'm sure he's wondering what happened to his dragon."

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"How awful! We should go explain. Then reintroduce them!"

She laughs, gestures, and the two rise into the clouds.

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Ellayania has a small smile on her face. Flying is rather enjoyable. She ought to keep a bird or two like Tisvet does.

Fighting is also quite fun. She'd... forgotten, over the years. Recent events are stirring old memories.

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Well, maybe they can find some targets.

There's dragons circling around the platform, but they let the two past.

Glint lands them with a flourish and a swirl of rainbow light, calling out, "Miraak! Come out, come out, wherever you are! We'd like some tea and crumpets, and maybe a bit of murder~!"

A man in a mask of bone walks out of the shadows. "You two are pests. I will have fun killing you."

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The key to a believable illusion is verisimilitude. Fortunately, she has entirely perfect recall. And speaking of old memories, she'd like to introduce this man to one of the more unpleasant parts of her past. She catches his eye through the mask.

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And a lush jungle worms its way up through the stone platform, while dark thunderheads roll in overhead.

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Externally, he freezes, limbs stiff.

Internally, he spins, burning his surroundings - or trying to, at least.

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The jungle is much too damp to burn; the few flames that do catch sputter feebly.

"Well well well! What do we have here?" says a woman's voice, sourceless. "A little trespasser and amateur arsonist? You'll have to do much better than that to harm me, I'm afraid."

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He snarls and roars, sending frost rolling out from him in waves.

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The plants nearest to him freeze, but the greenery is so dense, the effect doesn't spread far.

"Not bad! But not quite good, either. Here, let me show you how it's done."

The sky splits as thunder cracks, bolt after bolt of lightning raining down upon him, lighting up each and every nerve in his body with agonizing pain, working systematically from his left side to his right.

"There. Now it's your turn again."

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He narrows his eyes, tries to summon one of his dragons - can't -

He rushes forward. He needs to escape this wood -

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A mocking laughter echoes behind him. The vines lash and roots rise unpredictably to trip, but he manages to run-


-until a perhaps-familiar dense knot of vegetation blocks his path. "Well well well!" says a sourceless woman's voice. "What have we here? A trespasser? Shall we play a game, little man?"

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"You will not drive me mad, Sheogorath - " he snarls, roaring flame -

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"How rude. That is not my name, you know." And thunder bellows as the sky cracks upon him again.

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And he fights -

And runs -

And fights -

And screams, first in anger -

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The pattern is always the same. The greeting, the game or the test or the imagined slight, the lightning, and the laughter. Always the mocking laughter, so smug and superior.

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And he grows angrier and angrier and angrier, frothing mad with it -

He rails - curses them - 

And he starts acting out, behaving randomly, trying to break the pattern -

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Nothing works. It always twists back around.

It is difficult to track time. It could be hours, years, days.

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"I am unsure how long he will remain unresponsive," Ellayania says to Glint, regarding the man's slack-jawed body. "Hisame indicated that victims' response to this technique varies."

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She's staring a bit starry eyed at Ellayania. "Oh, he'll be quite wonderfully insane when he wakes, I suspect. That was lovely work."

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"Why, thank you."

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Oh no she's cute.

"I wonder if Hermaeus would let me steal him..." Glint muses. "It'd be a shame to let such wonderful work go to waste..."

A tentacle spears Miraak's unresponsive body, before wrapping around him and pulling him towards the edge. "No. Now go away."

"Hermaeus, you're no fun!" Glint whines, sticking her tongue out in the tentacle's general direction.

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"He will be yours in spirit in any case."

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"Hah! Guess I'll let you have this one, Hermaeus," she says. "May your words ever drive mortals to madness!"

The tentacles grumble.

"And I think that's our cue to stop imposing on our host," Glint says, cheerily, before shifting them back to her Realm.

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"I think we can call that one a success."

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"Yeah!" She spins, laughing. "I'll have to check in with Meridia a bit later, see how she's doing in her Molag Bal grudge match. But, hey, everything's coming together, now. Thank you for the help!"

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"It was my pleasure. Please do not hesitate to ask if you wish to do this again."

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"Oh, I won't hesitate at all. Gonna be the terrors of Oblivion soon enough!" She beams.

"Though, ah, I had a - kind of probably awkward conversation I wanted to have?"

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"You're - cute and delightful and smart and knowledgeable and the right sort of vicious and did I mention delightful? And I definitely have 'oh no she's cute' warm fuzzies when I look at you, and I dunno - how that factors into being adjacent goddesses and how that factors into the fact that I'm already kissing Elatra and would like to continue without, like, being a dick to any of you at any point in this process? And I super don't want to do the melodramatic codependency thing the Keres and Hisame have got going on, but..." She shrugs. "Could - definitely see some major fondness developing, for both you and Elatra."

"So, uh, question is pretty much - do I keep my feelings to warm fuzzy friendship because you're not interested, or sigh dramatically at them because you're interested but unfortunately Lightnings are very monogamous, or have a more extensive polyamory conversation with Elatra than just 'is it cool if I non-seriously flirt with Meridia, because Meridia makes funny faces if you flirt with her.'"

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"Before today I would certainly have said the first. In fact, I did say something similar to the others in the past. However. I am now- reminded, of the salience of physicality. The third option, I think, may be your best course."

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She grins. "I'll have my other body bring it up, then, I think they're at a good point to pause for conversation right now? I - don't want Elatra feeling like I've hidden things from her."

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"A wise instinct. I advise you to trust it."

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"Heh. Thanks."

And, back in Ellayania's Realm, while hanging out reading with Elatra, once Elatra's attention has drifted back over to her:

"So, uh, Elatra - there's a thing I'd like to talk to you about?"

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"So you know how wonderful and cute and smart you are... And I - like kissing you and would like to continue being in a kissing relationship for the foreseeable future. And - that kind of comes with talking about - what do we both want, polyamory versus monogamy stuff... Especially polyamory stuff because - not getting crushes on people sometimes takes active effort on my part."

"And also I don't want you to feel deceived or led on or anything - starting the talk at this specific moment's been prompted by me realizing a few minutes ago I have something that could definitely be a crush sooner or later on Ellayania? And I can keep it to warm fuzzy friendship, but - figured talking about feelings is the mature thing to do, here."

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"Ah... A crush on her in her capacity as landscape, or...?"

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"Just in general? She's fun to talk to, and helped me with a quasi-diplomatic thing with another Daedric Prince - so in her capacity as herself? Like, I like you in your capacity as Elatra, not just 'cause you're smart, or a powerful necromancer, or pretty. And I don't think it's an alt thing, either - I don't have warm fuzzies about the other Lightnings." Shrug. "Just - I want to spend a lot of time with both of you, and flirt, and have stuff that's just us, and kiss or other stuff as much as there's interest."

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"I think... that I am not opposed."

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She's definitely grinning.

"That's great, you're great - we should probably also talk about flirting and crushes outside the three of us but for now I am possibly grinning too much, you guys are both just really delightful. And also I don't anticipate anything more serious than, like, thinking Meridia makes funny faces if you hit on her, so it's not a rush?"

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"It would be foolish of me to expect to occupy the entire attention of a god."

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Happy flop.

"You've got a good bit of my attention! But it's good to - not be all tangled up too much in someone, too. I would like to continue being the smart ones and not the alarming ones."

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"I like to think I'm capable of learning from observation."

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"You're certainly quite clever."

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"Oh, I know," she says with a self-satisfied smirk.

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That is definitely a cue for flirting time!

Back in the Shivering Isles, Glint's other body says, "I don't know if you were listening in, but she said she's not opposed."

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"You guys are."

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She laughs.

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"Well, do you wanna talk relationship stuff, then, or just see what develops?"

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"Let us see what happens. I believe I am in the mood for some spontaneity."

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"Fortunately, that's quite my specialty!"

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"Well, then."

Let's try for a kiss.

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Glint is, quite fortunately, a very experienced kisser!

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And Ellayania is a quick learner.

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Glint apparently makes excellent life choices because this is a delightful outcome.

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Then they're off to a good start.

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Oh good! Proper foundations are very important, for this sort of thing.

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Begin as you mean to go on, and so forth.

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Fortunately, Glint quite means to go on with kisses.

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Eventually, though, other concerns must intrude.

"Wanna go on a tour and meet my allies in this universe?" she asks. "Probably mostly - okay I'm not sure I have any godly allies other than Meridia but I've got a few mortal allies, too."

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"I would like that."

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She mentally stretches herself just enough to update her steward on where she's going, then - "Meridia first? She's fun. Serious, though."

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"I will attempt to restrain my prankster impulses."

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"Heh. I mostly know her followers - haven't actually talked to her directly before - and they're really big on fighting undead but I don't know how much of that is undead here being associated with Molag Bal, who's an asshole. She attracts intense sorts, generally, and lately's been attracting heroic types who want to defend the world against the apocalypses. Still, her older followers all are big on the free pursuit of knowledge. She recently had a shrine reclaimed, and they're making rebuilding the natural law and history library a priority."

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"We had better feel her out on the topic of undead not associated with Molag Bal before bringing Elatra into the picture."

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"Yeah. Ready to go?"

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"I believe so."

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And she whisks them away from the Shivering Isles.

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To a circular platform, clear, with shimmering iridescent lines like opal etched into it in complex patterns. They appear to be in a cavernous room, consisting of similarly clear pathways and platforms that wind through a garden of flowers in every shade of the rainbow. Light drifts down from above, and pulses from floating orbs, a green hue slowly shading into yellow.

There's a woman, her skin lit with rainbow light as if from within, walking along the path towards them.

"Sheogorath. Congratulations on your ascension. And welcome to Aurbis, visitor," she says. "I am Meridia, or more properly Merid-Nunda. I welcome you to my Colored Rooms."

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"I greet you, Merid-Nunda. I am Ellayania, Goddess of Fens and Libraries."

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"Thank you for the welcome, Merid-Nunda. I am delighted to meet you properly."

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"Yes." To Ellayania: "Libraries sounds like a rather interesting domain. I would not mind consulting with you on the state of scientific knowledge in each of our Realms, someday. Perhaps not now, though."

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"When this world's impending destruction has been averted, shall we say?"

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"Of course. My dedication to the alliance against Alduin stands, for what it is worth, and I have been working on the final designs of several new types of weapon. Unfortunately, balancing things such that they will harm Alduin without vaporizing a significant portion of the Realm he hides in is rather difficult."

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"We bring news of further allies, and new magic which may prove efficacious."

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"Interesting. Allies are often helpful. You are from a different universe than this one, yes? I have only seen the designs for a few, and this was the first one whose creation I was even peripherally involved in. I would be quite interested in investigating how they were put together. This universe was made with a horrid lack of attention to physics."

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"That is correct, and our allies are from yet others. We have begun something of a project of exploration, and have discovered that certain people arise in multiple universes. I am one such, as is Glint."

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"Multiple Sheogoraths. How will the multiverse survive," she says, a bit wryly.

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"Hopefully intact, if a bit crazier!" Glint says, laughing. "Ellayania can tell when people are alts, though, so we can let you know if we find any you's!"

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"I'd appreciate it."

"What would you say are the highlights of the magics you have found, for the purpose of fighting Alduin at least?"

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"Much of it is very well suited to offensive purposes. There is one that is based on an energy called chakra, that can do both physical enhancements and a variety of elemental manipulations, as well as more subtle illusions. It is transferable, so most of us have acquired it. However, it takes practice to use effectively, so I doubt transferring it further would be efficient at this time. If Alduin has blood inside his veins, there is an alt of myself who might be able to hamper him through her blood magic. An alt of Glint has what might be termed eldritch powers, and she may be able to affect something metaphysically in regards to his eating of the world. A different alt of myself has an astounding variety of physics-based powers, and might be suitable as a front-line combatant."

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"Some of that could be useful, yes - was it your full group that fought Jyggalag?"

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"No, only a portion."

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"The Daedric Princes are, in their own domain, generally more powerful than someone like Alduin. Still, Alduin's powers are more destructively focused, and he won't be trying to hold back."

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"In balance, I think that still bodes hopefully for our chances."

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"I'd think so, too."

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"Glint mentioned you might have a few problems of your own?"

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"Yes. Vampires have been causing problems, especially in the northern parts of Tamriel. I suspect Molag Bal is at least encouraging them. They're a more consistent threat to homesteads right now than the dragons, and I suspect they're searching for a way to block the light of Aestherius, which is deadly to them."

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"We can certainly look into that."

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She nods. "I'd appreciate it. My ability to act directly in the mortal Realm is curtailed."

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"What information do you have about them?"

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"They're an ancient group, with greater power than typical vampires. They call themselves Vampire Lords, and were granted their power directly by Molag Bal. Their leader is Harkon, though I suspect his court - and especially his family - will be full of fractures. Molag Bal is the Lord of Domination, and the sacrifices he demands of those who wish for his power are great. They were investigating the Elder Scrolls a few thousand years ago, though they've backed off and went underground since then. The Elder Scrolls contain all knowledge of things future and past - though individual Scrolls contain only a fraction of this. To read them is to go mad, but there are ways to ferret out their secrets. I suspect Harkon is after some prophecy he thinks will help him."

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"So if we kill this Harkon, how much of the problem will that solve?"

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"It'll at least delay their plans, and hopefully will stop their attacks while they regroup - especially if you take out his entire court. Past that, I'm uncertain."

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"Are there any special tricks to killing a vampire?"

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"They're weak to fire and sunlight - technically it's the light of Aetherius, and that energy is toxic to vampires. They're immune to poison. They can drain life-force and magicka if they hit you. Vampire Lords can hypnotize their targets, and have a more powerful drain. Otherwise, no; if you deal enough damage of any sort, they turn to ash. My Champion has a blade that can cause explosions of sunlight to harm them, but I suspect you will be moving too quickly for her to accompany you."

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"I am of the mind that a quick strike with overwhelming force is called for in this case, yes."

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"And my people can mop up the vampires once they scatter."

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"Very well."

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"Though we also had a question about your stance on extradimensional undead - who aren't associated with Molag Bal, since it seems likely to come up, ever."

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"Molag Bal started his fight with me, because of the threat I represent to his creations due to my association with the energies of Aetherius. I have gladly continued that fight, of course, but I have no quarrel with the concept of mortals playing around with life and death."

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"Good to know. There is among our number a necromancer."

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"Interesting. That is looked poorly upon most places in Tamriel, but I suspect people will be more alarmed about the Daedric Prince."

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"She puts things somewhat into perspective."

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"I'm certainly alarming! And charming! Alcharming? Charm alarm?" Glint says, in the peppy voice of someone who just noticed a new rhyme.

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"Chalarming, I think."

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"Sounds good to me."

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"I don't think it will be a problem, in any case. She doesn't seem inclined to terrorize civilians at random."

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"Good. Do you need anything else of me at this time?"

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"Do you know where Harkon keeps his court?"

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She shakes her head. "The location is hidden from me."

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"Well, we have ways around that. I think that is all, then."

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"I can't think of anything either. Thanks!"

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"Thank you. I'll return to my experiments, now, but I'll let my forces know about your efforts."

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"We'll get out of your hair, then."

And back to the Shivering Isles.

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"She was nice."

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"Yeah. A good ally."

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"So now we have a nest of vampires to exterminate. I think for this, we ought to bring in the Keres and Hisame. With luck, the vampires will be remote enough that collateral damage won't be a problem."

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"Heh. Hopefully. And I can probably convince people to evacuate if not."

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"With your chalarm. Shall I disseminate invitations to the party?"

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She laughs. "Sure. And I can let Elatra know."

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Ellayania relays to Hisame and the Keres an update on the situation, and the plan to take out the vampire leaders all in one fell swoop.

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"Sounds fun! And even if they're not a challenge, it'll be a chance to warm up before the dragon fight."

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"It would be nice to really cut loose."

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"It really would! And fighting several moderately powerful opponents is quite different than one god. More enjoyable, in my opinion."

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"Ideally we will not be giving them the opportunity to fight back. Vampires are like rats, as I understand it. Much easier to deal with if you don't give them a chance to leave alive."

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"Aww. Well, if they're in one location, we can do a strike from above. Or just block any underground exits and encircle them with flame."

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"It is our hope they are clustered, yes. We will need your clairvoyance to determine whether this is true, and their location, however."

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"It's nice to be needed."

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"Let's move out soon, then. I'm in the mood to stretch my legs."

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"We are ready to proceed when you are."

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To the Keres, "Is now good, darling?"

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"Let's go kill some bad people."

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She laughs. "A bit of a change from our usual." To Ellayania: "I haven't been to that world yet. Can you pass on word to Glint that we need a lift?"

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"It is done."

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And Glint can get everyone gathered. Does the Keres need to be on the same plane as her target?

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A brief experiment says yes.

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Then she lands them in northern Tamriel, outside a wilderness shrine of hers. Meridia's statue, holding a bright beacon, is visible to the southeast of them. Otherwise, they're surrounded by snowy mountains.

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And the Keres flickers through an assortment of ghosts, eventually declaring their target to be a remote fortress on a small island off the coast to the north.

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"It's almost like they're trying to make this easy for us."

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"It's probably magically shielded, and they didn't think to protect against the way I was scrying."

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She nods. "Still, as long as none of them can teleport, keeping them from fleeing should be no problem."

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"Is that likely to be in their capabilities?" the Keres asks Glint.

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"Not unless they have a portal somewhere. Teleportation is pretty much just deities, here, and they'd have to be really dumb to flee to Molag Bal. He doesn't tolerate failure."

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"Then this should be straightforward."

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"I'll handle keeping them from running, how about. My Amaterasu is good for that."

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"I'll take care of the main assault, then."

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"Any room for the rest of us, or are we on backup?"

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"Backup, I should say. I intend to quite level the place. You'll want to stand clear."

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"Heh. It'll be interesting to see."

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"We'll see. Shall we go?"

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The Keres lifts off into the air and leads the way to the vampire castle.

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Glint flies along, bringing Hisame with her.

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"Do you want to establish a perimeter first, kitten?"

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Hisame whips black flame around the edges of the island, quite swiftly due to its rather small size.

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And the castle folds in upon itself, like the walls are made of putty instead of stone. Then it begins to glow and melt.

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A very small handful escape this; some seem to have been merely near an exit - one jumps off a balcony - and one is in a monstrous form.

There's also gargoyles rising, their skin like stone.

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Lances of energy spear out to stab the runners, and the gargoyles find themselves unaccountably much, much heavier than they were a few seconds ago.

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A few gargoyles fall and shatter. The remaining two falter.

This court does not seem particularly able to offer any actual resistance.

A few things explode as the fort melts.

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Very satisfying.

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Hisame's laughing.

"None of them even reached my wall!" she says. "Marvelous."

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"So much for the vampires."

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"Hopefully the rest will be easy for Glint's friends to pick off."

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"No more magic castle to hide in, at least."

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"It'll help. Vampires aren't good at organizing usually, so. Thanks - that was impressive."

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"You are welcome."

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"We shouldn't get arrogant against Alduin, but we've got a better than good chance, I think."

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"That is fortunate for your world, then."

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"Yeah. Figuring out what to do if he wasn't beatable would be - hard. Might have to unmoor the entire Shivering Isles and drag them elsewhere."

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"And then of course he might have followed."

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"Yeah! Quite a hassle, all around, though I'd be more confident in my chances against him in my own Realm. I think the rules are different, there."

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"Makes sense, for a place run by one of you."

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"Yeah. Though I might hold off on opening it up for tours until I've finished actually remodeling, unless you guys wanna see the before and after."

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"Just the after will suffice for me, I think."

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"I think it might be good to force the confrontation with Alduin sooner rather than later - I suspect his power's increasing over time - even if we technically could afford to wait. You guys good for moving in the next day or two?"

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"I am. Kitten?"

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"Quite ready."

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"There you have it."

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"Heh. I'll let Meridia know to stop messing with her super weapon and start working on opening the way into Sovngarde - Alduin's hiding out in the Nordic afterlife, apparently, or at least Jyggalag claimed he was? Which means we don't wanna blow up the entire plane but bystanders should be all unkillable."

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"That is good news."

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"I'll let you guys know when we have a more certain time to attack."

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"All right. Do you want to go back or wander around here, kitten?"

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"That depends. Will Glint pout at me if I cause chaos?"

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"A bit! Pick as many fights as you like with dragons, or the dragon priests - they're undead guys who used to serve the dragons - but please avoid wiping out any mortal settlements."

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"Then I might like to go dragon hunting."

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"Oh, that sounds fun."

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"For what it's worth, they don't perma-die unless someone steals their soul, but they don't auto-resurrect and I think Alduin's the only one inclined to and capable of sticking them back."

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"I might try stealing a soul, then, see what happens!"

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"We can hang it on the wall above the mantle. When we get a place with a wall. And a mantle."

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She laughs. "Are the parts useful for anything, speaking of?"

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"Basically all of them! I don't want non-soul-stolen dragons in my Realm but I can probably finagle a dump point for bodies?"

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"The bodies don't get reused when they're resurrected?"

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"They regenerate from whatever damage's been done. I think Alduin just needs a small bit of them, and possibly not even that since they weren't made embodied; hiding or destroying the entire body would probably slow him down, though - he's been targeting where dragons were buried, probably for a reason."

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"It would just be a little awkward, to have your dragonhide shoes grow fangs again and bite your feet off."

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She laughs. "A bit! Though it's not something Alduin can do from a distance, at least, he's been right next to the graves all the times I've heard of."

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"I'll try stealing the soul of any dragons we're turning into shoes, how about?"

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"Sounds good to me."

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Quick kiss. "Off to terrorize the draconic population, then? We can pick out the prettiest ones for stealing parts off - you'd be rather dashing in a suit of scales."

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"You think so?"

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"I'm quite confident. Of course, you're attractive all the time."

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Heh. "Let's go find us a dragon."

She nods to Glint. "Thank you for the opportunity here."

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"Oh, it's no problem at all. Have fun!"

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The Keres takes over Hisame-flying duties, and off they go.

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They're able to spot a dragon pretty quickly, lounging on the top of a mountain near some ruins. He's certainly larger than them, but not sized like something out of myth, with a head about the size of one of their torsos. He snarls at them as they approach, flaring his wings and roaring something in a language they don't know before taking off, circling the mountain and then turning to charge them.

Hisame laughs and meets his blast of fire with her own Amaterasu. (He seems to be saying something as he roars. Still in that unknown language, though.)

He's a bit of a mottled brown, jagged with horns - not especially lovely, all things considered.

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"I hope we can find a nicer-looking one. But I wonder what it's saying."

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"Well, stealing souls gets me my target's knowledge, so I could try that and then we could just off-load the parts on Glint. Maybe someone wants very ugly armor. It could be an aesthetic."

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"As long as I don't have to participate in the aesthetic."

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"Of course."

"I'll need to touch the dragon to steal its soul. Cover me?"

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"Of course." She summons two fliers that split off to harass the dragon from behind, and another ghost to project a shimmering energy field in front of Hisame.

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The dragon snaps at the fliers but seems to recognize that Hisame and the Keres are the greater threats.

"Thank you, darling."

It's safer to maneuver under her own power, so she activates her Susano to take over her flight, darting forward with a loud crack. The dragon's unable to injure her, and Hisame dismisses the Susano only long enough to land on the dragon's back where it'll be unable to bite her. Her Rinnegan gleams as she kneels down, tapping the dragon's neck -

A rush of colored light, far greater than the last time Hisame tried this against a human, surges from the dragon and spins into Hisame. The dragon plummets, dead, and Hisame only reflexively catches herself, Susano unfolding around her and wings flaring.

"...Next time we should maybe force the dragon to land, first," she says.

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"...Yes. That is a good idea."

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She laughs. "Tear up the wings, maybe. Let's land, though, I need to sort through all this."

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Down to the ground, next to the dragon's corpse.

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"Got their language. Apparently the language itself is magic - speaking it causes effects. The dragon was literally shouting 'fire' at us. They need to understand the word fundamentally to use it as magic, but I got his understanding, too."

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"Oh, isn't that interesting."

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"It will definitely be fun! He didn't know all the words, but he's fought Alduin before - lost quickly, but I think between him and the other dragons we can put together a better idea of what Alduin can even do."

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The Keres smiles fondly. "Multipupose dragon hunting."

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"Exactly. And they're less disorienting to steal the souls of than humans, so I should be able to collect plenty."

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"Let's go find the next one."

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"Hopefully a pretty one."

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"Maybe something in green."

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"Of course, darling."

And if they make good on their intent to kill a significant portion of Tamriel's dragons (which are mostly in Skyrim in the north but have somewhat spread south), they'll have their pick of colors, patterns, glossiness... There's some rather gorgeous greens, some with varying levels of iridescence or metallic accents on the edges of their scales.

Hisame finds a dragon with shimmering, bloody red scales to keep for processing - dragons are big, so she's figuring they can just tell Glint where they left the other de-souled bodies.

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The Keres claims one with dark green scales and a finish that seems reluctant to let the light bounce off it. And she can store the bodies in a pocket dimension.

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That does seem like it simplifies things, yes. Wouldn't want to make too much work for the others.

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They are the very model of forethought and convenience.

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She bursts into laughter.

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The Keres is practicing her very good poker face.

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Hisame kisses her.

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"We're going to need to find a world without protective alts we can be reckless and inconvenient at, aren't we. Though the dragons have been fun."

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"Not quite the same as a person with legible emotion, though."

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"Then it's a date."

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That calls for a kiss, clearly.

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Glint gets quite a bit done over the next two days. She updates Meridia, helps with forging a path to Sovngarde, gets the dragons processed for alchemy ingredients and scales for armor - Hisame and the Keres can have some snazzy new coats.


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And, of course, planning.

Unfortunately, Hisame shoots down the idea of soul-sucking Alduin. It's an iffy technique to begin with, and she suspects it'd be overloading, even if it worked. Which, none of the Daedric Princes feel like valid targets.


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Then they'll do something different.

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There's always the old standby of 'kill it until it dies'.

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That might actually be viable, according to Ellayania's research. If they thoroughly discorporate Alduin, he'll be unhooked from the timestream again. That will give them, at minimum, more time to find a way to neutralize him permanently.

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And Merid-Nunda has her superweapon. She'd prefer to fire up at Alduin, to minimize the amount of annoyed the Aedra are at her for wrecking an afterlife - and she'll want to aim so the beam leaves the layers of Aetherius and disperses before it hits any other universes -


People who need their bodies corporeal and not on or made of fire should be shielded or on a different plane when she fires. It should create enough turbulence in space-time to very thoroughly unseat Alduin - buy them millennia instead of centuries, and leave him wounded when he comes back around.

It has a long charge time, and Alduin is probably not stupid enough to let her do that unattacked, so she'll need help defending or disguising the device.

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Eliana appreciates not being made of fire. Mark her down for a ticket out at that point.

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Elatra needs time with the area beforehand to dig in defenses. Perhaps she and Eliana can be in the first wave of attackers while the Keres protects the device, and when it's charged, they switch out.

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"That works. Unfortunately, Jyggalag has been incommunicado, but if he appears I'll get him updated. Likely at the final moment we should only have gods and those of our servants we can easily resurrect present."

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"That seems most prudent."

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"I'll be on making sure everyone's out in time."

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"Prioritize, if you need to."

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"Yeah. Of course some people can get themselves out - but it's good to have one person who's job 'checking' is."

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"Do you think you could make me a body to take over? I can have up to six running around but can only actually make temporary ones, and it might be good to have my body proper not in the plane we're planning on setting on fire."

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"I can try."

She makes a dull-eyed body with Hisame's face.

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Who places odd black rods in it, and her Rinnegan manifests in its eyes as she moves the bulk of her powers over.

"Seems to work."

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Slightly creepily.

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She laughs. "The second body should still be able to open portals, but it's pretty disposable as long as the control rods get destroyed, too, and it'll just be inconvenient if I have to track down the body to remove those."

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"What does it take to destroy the rods?"

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"I haven't tested, sadly. They're durable, but it's also possible the body disintegrating around them will be close enough to removal for government work."

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"I don't think we're sanctioned, unless Ellayania or Glint counts, so hopefully it won't come to that."

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"I used to be a government worker! For, like, six months before I figured out how to survive running, but it counts."

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"If you say so."

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"Unfortunately I quite outgrew my uniform..."

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"I think we could probably contrive to make you a new one..."

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Eliana coughs.

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She grins.

"Sorry. Where were we?"

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"Distract Alduin until Meridia is ready, then evacuate everyone who's not a god or easily resurrectable."

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"Very doable, I think."

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"Let's hope so."

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She updates them on everything she's learned from the dragons and of how they've seen him fight, though her general sense is he'll be more powerful in Sovngarde than he was in the mortal realm.

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Fortunate then that they'll have to worry less about collateral damage in Sovngarde.

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Quite so. They can get a bit destructive, after all.

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It sound like they have most of a plan, then?

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When are they ready to move out?

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Meridia's ready now.

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So's Glint.

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Mora and Hisame, too, though they had little to prepare.

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Off they go, then.

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Sovngarde is practically pastoral, mountains and rolling tundra plains shrouded in mist, a stone castle soaring over the fields...

No dragon in sight, yet.

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"Nice place," Elatra says, looking around. "Suppose we'd best take the chance to begin setting up."

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Meridia seems to be trying to find flat-ish, stable ground for setting up, searching rather quickly then ripping open jagged rainbow portals to drag something made of dark metal through.

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If they've got some time, Elatra will begin setting out some wards around the spot to add to the Keres' protection.

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Mora sets up her ritual and starts chanting. This is mostly prep work, but...

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And then a roar shakes the horizon.

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Ah. Showtime.

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Hisame's secondary body has the same good reflexes of her primary. She soars, Susano active and spectral bow drawn, arrow of black fire arcing towards Alduin.

He's massive, larger than mountains - but Hisame's fought monsters as large.

Alduin roars, shattering her arrow - which turns into a wall, tendrils wrapping around him.

He's not injured, not yet, but the persistent fire is doing a pretty good job of distracting him.

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Elatra and Eliana begin their combination. She seeks to use the initial rush to cut into the beast's hide so she can get at his blood.

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He doesn't seem to have any, nor any sort of conventional anatomy.

Glint summons ranged daedra like her flame atronach alongside assorted fliers to harass Alduin, and then starts shooting him with powerful blasts with a randomized effect. She also starts a blood rain for Eliana.

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She'll have to make do with external effects. Hope Alduin likes having to deal with his wings perpetually icing over while being struck by lightning.

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Along with as many of the strongest curses as she can cast.

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Mora's bolstering them dramatically, and countering many of the more exotic effects he flings around as Hisame throws bombs and black holes and ever burning flame at him.

He roars, and meteors streak down from the sky.

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A pair of ghosts appear suddenly in the air, flitting between meteors. Each one they appear at abruptly reverses direction, rocketing back into the sky.

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Another roar causes the ground to buckle, and an exhausting mist to begin to close in.

He mostly seems annoyed by them, his attention more on the gods present.

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Well, if he wants a god...

Ellayania's avatar rises into the air with her own Susano, each hand holding a clone of her. She throws the clones at Alduin, and in midair they multiply, assaulting Alduin with a variety of chakra techniques. Any that land on the dragon begin extruding a variety of corrosive, poisonous, and debilitating substances.

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"Annoying little fleas!" he roars, shaking himself and diving down towards where Meridia's still swiftly setting up.

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The two ghosts who were dealing with the meteors appear in front of his snout. One gives him a tap, and his velocity is suddenly exactly reversed.

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He makes a strangled sound, flares his wings to slow down, says a few words, and breathes a thick mist at the ghosts.

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This does make them hard to see.

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And meanwhile, the attacks from other quarters continue.

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It was supposed to steal their souls except for how apparently they aren't actual ghosts.

Alduin is increasingly grouchy, but still not wounded.

Mist starts to seep up from the ground as he roars, over and over.

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" - There's something weird with the mist!" Mora calls, catching her breath between rituals.

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Eliana conjures a handful of whirlwinds to whip around and clear the air.

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Hisame drops in front of Alduin, and, frustrated, slams him with Tsukiyomi - an illusion of death, her heart stopping, her soul leaving her body, the Pure Land willow by the riverbed and knowing even if she had to cross over she'd be okay -

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Alduin screams.

And falters.

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An opening swiftly exploited.

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Their blows do damage, now - not greatly, not deeply, but he's accumulating any injuries as he recovers mentally.

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It's about time they started seeing some results.

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And a new contender approaches.

Jyggalag appears just as Alduin's trying to rend apart the ground, stabilizing everything around Meridia and forming a massive crystal dome over her.

Alduin's wings start to crystallize - just the edges, and the dragon god is able to quickly reverse it, but it's enough to throw off his flight.

Alduin roars and starts flinging meteors in massive quantities, aiming especially for the other gods - Jyggalag seems to be focusing on messing up his attempts at earthquakes at least, and Glint's able to turn quite a few meteors into swarms of bats or butterflies or pigeons or swifts -

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The Keres has a shield erected around the critical area that's mostly invisible. When struck, it crackles with white energy that dissipates across the dome, strengthening the structure as a whole.

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And Hisame's weapons are now able to do actual damage - and quite a bit of it - though she mostly focuses on defending herself and reinforcing the death illusion.

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It appears they are winning.

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Alduin isn't beaten yet, and he's vicious and fully capable of wounding them - he opens rifts in the ground and Jyggalag is only barely able to close them, he summons meteors and the group is hard-pressed to turn them, he occupies them with strange fogs and creates firestorms layered with dropping the temperature, he anticipates harsher blows and moves far too quickly for something his size -

But slowly, inch by inch, they're pressing him back.

And, more importantly, he isn't successfully destroying Meridia's weapon.

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That is the goal, here. Hopefully they won't have to hold out too much longer.

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And then the call goes out to retreat, finally.

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Finally. She was beginning to get a bit tired.

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As the others depart, the Keres switches fully into offensive mode, pummeling Alduin into position above with all the physics-twisting power at her disposal.

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This works.

Everyone not a god nor a disposable body gets out; Hisame's secondary body can take over the holding.

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The Keres will evacuate, towards the end.

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Leaving Ellayania to witness.

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Glint, as well - this seems wonderfully, insanely mad.

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And Merid-Nunda punches a hole in the universe, in searing light and blinding flame, in colors that can be tasted, felt, smelled, heard -

Time shatters, briefly. The mortals won't notice. The gods will. Like the Dragon blinked, and fumbled a few thin moments all on top of each other -

In Mundus, visible clearly from Skyrim, a new star blazes in the sky.

Sovngarde is rather on fire, but Alduin appears to have been shoved through the hole Merid-Nunda just made. And possibly a small bit disintegrated along the way.

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Very impressive.

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Merid-Nunda reforms in the Colored Rooms, and sends word to Glint, who passes on the message: "Alduin appears to have been thoroughly unlatched. While he might eventually return, we have centuries through millennia."

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"I am going to tell that story to Sanguine so it gets into all the taverns, you know," Glint teases. "Get the star named Alduin's Bane."

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"Will they write a song about it?"

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"A very terrible one with no tune at all, I suspect."

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"Not having any musical talent to speak of myself, I can be satisfied with that."

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"Tone deafness has its advantages!"

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"If you want to count not being offended by terrible tavern songs as an advantage..."

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She giggles. "Makes it easier to hang around taverns, at least. But there's some really good musicians in the Shivering Isles. I could commission something! It'd probably have a cannon going off as part of it, but, hey, art."

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"Might make it hard to play indoors."

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"You'd have to get creative."

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"Miniature cannons. Sized for a tabletop."

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"Or no ball in it, though that'd change the sound."

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"Art requires sacrifice, or so I've heard."

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"Just a little bit."

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"A small sacrifice for a small cannon."

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"I could probably make a performance hall built for setting cannons off in, but it wouldn't work at all for a tavern, unless you really disliked the proprietor."

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"Well, let's see what the bards come up with, first."

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"Wouldn't want to get ahead of them, after all."

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"Indeed not. Still, I think a little celebration now might be in order..."

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"Oh, absolutely," she purrs.

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That seems like a cue for them to break into smaller, more private groups, here.

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Oh, yes.

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Hisame is quite on top of whisking her girlfriend away for celebrations (and extensive compliments on that fight).

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What a delightful little kitten she has.

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Glint gets to know her girlfriends a bit better over the next while, and then gets her Realm set up to her tastes. The surface is bright and friendly and artistic and creative, and beneath it the world grows increasingly dangerous as you descend. Everyone can be resurrected if they want, and she grants people substantial freedom over their shape.

She makes inroads on changing Sheogorath's image, too - but that'll take a long, long while.

And, of course, she commissions several songs and a tapestry about Alduin's defeat. One is even an orchestral piece containing a cannon! Delightful, that. (Some are better suited for taverns, too.)

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And Hisame takes her girlfriend on a murder tour of less well-protected worlds.

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Ooh. It has been a while since they've done some proper terrorizing.

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Mhm, and especially just the two of them. It's really not the same with the others along.

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It would be rude and not entirely true to say that the others cramp their style, but there are fewer constraints with just the two of them.

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She laughs.


On to the next world, then?

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On to the next pile of tinder awaiting their spark.

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There's a mountain, here. A fortress carved into it, protected. A hall to keep the clan safe, before shinobi learned to walk through walls and shadows and to root themselves into their enemy's minds and bodies -

There's a long meeting hall, vaulted ceiling destroyed, letting light filter in softly.

There's black char on the stone, and burnt scraps of fabric.

There's someone curled up in the throne, holding her head.

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"Hello?" Hisame calls, unsettled.

This world feels familiar.

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"Go away."

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"No. Tell us who hurt you."

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She starts laughing then choking. "You can't get anything from me. No one can."

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"We don't- want anything from you."

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"People usually do. And it's almost never even to kill me."

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The Keres looks at Hisame- her Hisame.

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She goes to kneel before the other her.

"Kotoamatsukami," she says, firmly.

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The other Hisame flinches, hard.

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"That was the technique used on you, wasn't it?" the Keres' Hisame continues. "I don't have the trick of it. I never would. It's a horrid thing." Half turning to the Keres: "It's mind control. Mind editing. Implant commands, and reshape someone's mind like putty. I've known of very few who could use even a cheap knock-off. Whoever did this wasn't particularly skilled, or perhaps was incautious, or simply trying to leave some of her mind intact."

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"I will kill them."

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"Already dead. Can say that."

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"Didn't make it better."

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"Didn't make it worse."

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"Might've. Now he can't change it."

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"We can find a way."

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"I have seen this, before."

"In my world it only broke on death - but it did break. The resurrected were free."

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"We can."

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"I'm not allowed to let you."

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The Keres growls.

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"Fortunately I'm at least a year older and rather dramatically more powerful than you. Do you have much leeway in twisting your head around to make you think you're following orders, or should I just kill you now?"

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The Keres does not like this conversation or this situation.

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Softly: "Darling, do you want to go somewhere else for a bit?"

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"I'll just- be outside."

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"I'll take her straight to be resurrected, once I'm done."

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The Keres goes outside.

And blows up some trees in interesting ways.

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There's the sounds of a very, very quick fight.

And then silence, for a few long, long minutes.

Hisame steps out of the destroyed hideout when she returns, her younger self trailing quietly behind her.

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"Is it done."

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"Yeah," says the younger Hisame. "The orders are gone."

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"Did you - want to know what happened."

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"Possibly not here. I wouldn't want all this to be overheard." She can explain Zetsu when Zetsu - or any of an array of people - isn't statistically likely to be spying.

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"Let's go back to Ellayania."

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And off they go.

"That world's one we'll need to move on soon - how old are you, actually?" Hisame asks her younger self.

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"Turned sixteen a few months ago."

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Closer to two years younger than the older Hisame, then.

"Then we have a bit over a year before it ended in my world, though it's close enough Zetsu might try to accelerate things - I'll explain all that later, though. I think for now we need your story." She glances at the Keres.

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The Keres looks like she could use a hug.

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Very tight hug, then, and tugging her girlfriend to a couch, gesturing so her younger self can sit across from them while Hisame and the Keres cuddle.

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This helps.

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"Your first question was who did this."

"My brother was the one who cast it."

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"He said he loved me too much to kill me."

"Yours didn't?"

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"I had a sister, she would never have - "

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Very hug.

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"Well, mine did. He'd never even really hurt me before, beyond a couple broken bones - nothing that couldn't be quickly fixed - so I - didn't expect - "

"He wanted me to protect the Hidden Leaf Village. Not even to not kill, just - to kill on their pleasure. He wanted me to survive. He didn't want me telling anyone the truth. Not so many orders, but they were - big."

"I - subconsciously figured out it'd force me to eat and drink but only delayed, and I could skip enough meals I'd weaken over time and eventually be unable to follow the survival orders, as long as I didn't think about actually dying."

She is, in fact, very, very thin, especially next to Hisame, skin pulled tight over her bones.

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The Keres would like to bring this man back so she can kill him again, only more painfully.

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Hisame extra hugs her girlfriend.

And then, to her younger self: "Do you mind coming here? You look like you could use a hug."

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She approaches, but pauses just short of them, looking questioningly at the Keres.

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She extricates an arm and grabs the other Hisame, pulling her close.

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She lets herself be pulled into the cuddle pile.

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She can be very hugged too.

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She's a bit tense at first, then gradually relaxes into the hug.

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Good. Hisame should not be sad. Or at least not alone when sad.

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Older Hisame pulls her younger alt into a less emotionally fraught conversation comparing world differences - it sounds like not many, though the younger Hisame has a more dramatically tense relationship with Naruto, their best friend, apparently. (Older Hisame's of the opinion that's a good relationship to repair; younger Hisame makes a face at that.)

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They have lots of resources to help younger Hisame find a better life. Whether she wants to go back to her world or not.

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"We'll want to avert that world's destruction, either way."

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"I don't want to go back. You can have it, since you apparently like anyone there."

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The Keres pets younger Hisame's hair.

"You don't have to. You can stay with me or find somewhere else or- anything you want."

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"You like her? Even with - everything she is - "

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"She is a strong, brave, smart, gorgeous, talented woman who does whatever she wants to. And so are you."

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Younger Hisame doesn't seem to quite know what to do with that.

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Older Hisame gives her girlfriend a quick kiss.

"She's quite on board with all the chaos, and delightfully inventive."

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Snuggle, and an assessing look at the Keres.

"...I think doing everything I'm not supposed to for a while would - help. Maybe."

"I don't think I'm going to decide I endorsedly want to be dead since there's no one waiting for me anyways, so I think having - connections - is alright, too."

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Pet pet.

"I want you to be happy, too."

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She smiles, slightly.

"I think I can be, sooner or later."

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Smile. "Good."

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She hasn't really considered having a girlfriend before.

This is nice.

(She's maybe a lot touch starved.)

"Having two people named Hisame might be confusing..."

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"We can pick nicknames."

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"I think Koro or Naraka, for me."

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"I can be Tentou, if you're Naraka - there's others of the two of us, though not from worlds like ours, and we decided collectively we're a murder of crows, which Koro might run into. Still, it is cute. Do you have an opinion, darling?"

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"I like Tentou and Naraka. A matching pair, like you two."

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Kiss. "Tentou it is, then."

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Cuddle. "Naraka does work well."

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"It's cute." Her own little heaven and hell, and her the shepherd to the afterlife.

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"We are."

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A kiss for her girlfriend! And an extra hug for Naraka.

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Mmm, kisses...

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And quite determined cuddles.

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Still - "We should introduce her to the others. Eventually. Not now, of course."

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Eventually. They can go over the basics of who everyone is, first.

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Explaining all their adventures so far makes for a good idle conversation topic, at least.

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And suitable visuals for the fun parts.

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That certainly makes Naraka quite happy.

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After a while, Tentou disentangles herself, leaving her girlfriend and alt to continue cuddling, and goes to see if she can find their alts.

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Elatra is taking a break from exploration, focusing instead on research and her girlfriend.

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"Hey," Tentou says. "The Keres and I found another Crow alt."

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"Congratulations. You two are still in the lead, I believe."

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"Perhaps. This one's actually a Hisame, as well - from a copy of my world a year before its destruction, near as I can tell, though that Hisame had a different elder sibling than me. Which is - part of the problem. I'd like to introduce her to the group, but I think I should explain what's up with her first, and maybe not throw everyone at her at once, at least until we're planning how to avert her world's destruction."

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"Ah. Well, then." She spends a moment putting her papers in order. This seems slightly longer than a momentary distraction. "What is the complication?"

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"Her brother was an asshole and put her under mind control. I had to kill her to break it. She's been resurrected, but she's - perhaps a bit fragile. I'm fairly sure she's unendorsedly suicidal, which I think shouldn't be explicitly addressed at this point."

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She frowns. "I see. That does not sound pleasant."

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"It isn't. Still, she's latched onto the Keres well enough - I think we'll be able to care for her, and smooth her transition back to freedom."

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"Good, I'm glad she's found one of us."

"What of the brother?"

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"Dead. Though I think my girlfriend might want to resurrect him so she can kill him again, more painfully."

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"I'd consider that likely."

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She laughs a bit. "Should be cathartic."

"Oh, since we had a name collision - I'm now going by Tentou, and the other Hisame by Naraka."

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"Tentou and Naraka. I shall endeavor to remember."

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"Glint is around variously, and I believe Eliana and Mora mentioned visiting Solitude, in Tamriel."

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She nods. "I'll see who I can find. Thank you."

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"Good luck."

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And she goes to find the others - updating Glint's fairly easy, and she mostly just makes sure Ellayania was listening - and then to Solitude for Eliana and Mora.

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Enjoying a fine day at market. Solitude reminds her of Denerim. Fewer dogs, of course.

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Nausicaa's out in front of her shared body, though Mora's hovering close to the surface of her mind, enjoying socializing and gossiping with stall owners and bards - really anyone who looks friendly. Mora flits forward on occasion to talk to Eliana, of course.

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And here's Tentou.

"Eliana, Nausicaa, Mora - I'd like to talk to you all when you have time."

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"Has something happened?"

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"The Keres and I found another me - as in, from a world eerily like my own. The other me had a rough time of it, and also at some point soon we need to avert her world's destruction."

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"Another apocalypse. Wonderful."

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She laughs. "This one should be easier, at least - I know its failure points."

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"And the new Crow? What constitutes a rough time?"

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She leads them somewhere less in the middle of the street, and gives them the same summary the others have gotten.

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"What a terrible place to live."

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"The world wasn't so bad for me, but - I can see how it would've very easily turned sour for her. I think the way that her brother was kinder before betraying her actually screwed her over some, too, because she would've kept defending him, and it damaged her relationships. My sister was smart enough to tell me that my continued fondness for her after the Massacre needed to be a secret; Naraka's brother wasn't."

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"Does she want to participate in saving her world?"

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"She wants to wash her hands of it. Said it was mine, now."

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"Can't say I entirely blame her."

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"Yeah. She probably won't want to be involved in the planning more than peripherally, come to think of it."

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"If your memories are accurate enough, we shouldn't have to."

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She nods. "And we've gone over the recent divergences already."

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"Are we going to want to move on this soon?"

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"I'd like us to move in the next week or two. There's forces in my world that might've noticed me and my girlfriend taking away Naraka, and the - pieces for a very, very hard fight are already on the board. We'll want to cut those off."

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"Let us know when you're ready to begin, then."

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She nods. "A few days, perhaps, then I'll call a planning session. Get everyone up to speed on the strategic front - there's one enemy we need to remove who I can't even track, so I'll need help with him."

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"I'm sure we can find a way."

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"If you need anything in the meantime, you have only to ask."

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"I'll keep that in mind, and get out of your hair for now."

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"All right."

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And she's off, back to her girlfriend and Naraka.

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"So this is a slightly worrisome development," Eliana says to Mora.

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"Very much so."

"Though I think the Keres is perhaps handling it better than we would've guessed? Just, second hand."

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"Mm. Protective instincts, I would say."

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"Yeah. But - she hasn't set that world on fire. Yet."

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"Hisame wouldn't like that. And the brother was already dead."

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"So instead she's... nesting, I think."

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She smiles. "Keeping her girlfriends safe?"

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"Waiting until they're ready to fly again."

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"They're kind of really cute when they're not being highly concerning."

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"Must be why we put up with them."

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"Too adorable to stay mad at?"

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"Or something to that effect, anyway."

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She laughs.

"They also make us look good, I'll admit. Not that we need help."

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"Models of poise and rationality that we are."

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"Paragons of good decision making."

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"The pinnacle of our form."

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She laughs. "The prettiest ones, too."

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Naraka, meanwhile, is greatly enjoying being patted.

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The Keres enjoys doing the petting.

"I feel that we should at some point.. clarify. What it is you want."

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"In general or - with relationship stuff?"

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Pet pet. "The latter seems more immediately relevant."

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"If you want to."

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"It is important."

"I - I'm not actually sure."

"I think I hadn't realized how touch starved I was, but - I don't know. That might be something to get a dog about."

"I... haven't really had any sort of - mutually affectionate relationship - since I was seven, unless my brother counts, but I don't think he should."

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"No. He shouldn't."

"I like- Tentou very much. I could like you very much. But you're you and not her. So I'm asking. If you want to try, we'll try. If you want to not, I'll not."

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"Thank you."

"I don't think she's thinking of me as - very separate. Or of herself as separate from the other Crows. But I didn't make the friends she did, and..."

"I don't want to - go back to being lonely and touch starved."

"And I think I probably could do - some kind of relationship."

"I just... Don't know how long it's going to take me to trust again."

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Snuggles and pets.

"Take as long as you need. I'll be here. And so will the others."

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"I'd still like - something like this, even if we're not officially dating, though. It's nice."

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"I like it too. We can keep doing it."

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"Good." Snuggle.

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Pet pet.

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Apparently this one purrs, too.

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And a few days later, after it's been established to Tentou that Naraka isn't immediately interested in dating, once Naraka feels thoroughly cuddled and like she'd actually like some alone time with a library now, Tentou calls the meeting of Lightnings and Crows to deal with Naraka's world. (Naraka is absent.)

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All the Lightnings are in attendance.

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So are Mora and Glint.

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Tentou's summary focuses on strategic concerns and not story, this time - especially Zetsu and Kaguya and all the cascading events leading up to the end.

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"So our main problems are the Akatsuki, the Edo Tensei, and Zetsu's influence over the same."

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"Yes. And Zetsu will simply cause trouble later if he isn't killed now."

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"So if we focus on removing him, we'll have more time and space to deal with the other problems."

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"Yeah. I'd suggest Zetsu, Kabuto, then Pein, for strike order. Possibly all at once; Zetsu's hardly powerful, more sneaky."

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"He'll be difficult to pin down, I think."

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She nods. "And moving too soon on someone other than him might alert him we're looking."

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"So we'll need two parts. Draw him out, and keep him out."

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"Yes. He's cautious, though - hard to draw out. It's possible to track him - my friend Naruto eventually was able to in my world, though I doubt he has the talent yet in Naraka's. He could sense emotions, and apparently the amount of hatred Zetsu feels stood out."

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"Hm. I might be able to replicate that."

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"Do you want to test that before trying it in the field?"

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"The uncertainty is more about whether Zetsu's emotions are the right kind of thing."

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She nods. "I don't know enough to say, sadly."

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"We'd best have a backup, then."

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"Re-teaching Naruto would work but might take too long."

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"Is there anyone else we could retrieve?"

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"I suppose my world's Naruto... Might work oddly with him being a jinchuuriki, but might not."

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"Worth a try, I think."

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"Yeah. Shouldn't end explosively, at least."

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"Let's get moving on that - there's no point delaying."

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"What do you need?"

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"That guy who promised us infinite resurrects should be reliable enough for this - otherwise for Edo Tensei, my world's native intelligent undead technique, I'd need some of his body, and that's rather vaporized right now."

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"Ah, the cleric of- whichever god that was."

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"Someone unimportant, I'm sure."

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"An opinion perhaps best kept amongst ourselves, though I will not dispute it."

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She laughs. "Anything else, before I go to bother the cleric?"

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"I do not believe so."

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"Very well. I'll return shortly, then." She uses her own portal for leaving.

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"We should look into getting a proper in-house solution at some point," Ellayania says.

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"I should be able to spread my auto-resurrect to you guys... Less sure about fetching people I've never met..."

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"That would be the principal use case."

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"I'll play around. See what I can do. And who knows, we might keep getting lucky with our alts."

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"It has been somewhat a trend."

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"Best not to rely on it."

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"We might hit more drama, yeah. Almost everyone's had a problem, so far I think...?"

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"Around half, depending if you count the Keres and Hisame- excuse me, Tentou."

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"Hm... Unclear, there, yeah."

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"Still, not odds we should gamble with at this point."

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"One problem at a time, then."

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And Tentou returns shortly thereafter.

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With her old friend in tow.

"Hey," he says. "Hisame explained some of what's going on - you want me to track Zetsu?"

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"Yes. We found another world like yours, and intend to short-circuit its doom."

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"I'm in, and so's the Nine Tails."

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"I'm ready to go, unless there's anything vitally different I need to get caught up on...?"

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"Not as far as we're aware."

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"Right, then."

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"I can go ahead and portal us, unless we want to do more planning?"

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"After Zetsu, we may want to split up to deal with the other members of Akatsuki."

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"Hit them hard and fast? Naruto can help track, and I know someone else in that world who's a good sensor - and will likely want news of how Naraka's doing. That gives us two groups..."

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"The Nine Tails can link my clones, and I can maintain a lot, especially if they're not in the center of the fighting."

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"We'll also need to consider transportation."

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"If we're choosy enough about how we split up - I can manage transportation for my group, and it's easy enough just to stick me in a separate group from Hisame and the Keres."

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"That seems to suggest two groups as the natural split."

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"Yeah. More groups to hit than two, but we can move fast."

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"With luck, that will be enough."

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"And with skill."

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"So two groups. Tentou and the Keres, and- everyone else?"

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She giggles. "Unless anyone wants to volunteer to join those two."

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"I think they can handle themselves."

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"We are quite competent."

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"So I think we're ready to go."

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Then a portal it is! Tentou waits to be the last one through.

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Everyone else obligingly proceeds her.

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Naruto steps aside and closes his eyes when he's through, slowly developing a golden glow. His eyes, when they open, are orange. "I'm not at full power, yet, but this'll help me with sensing."

He points north.

"That way. He hasn't made his army of white Zetsu yet; it's just the black shadow - the dangerous one - and one white Zetsu. The white Zetsu can control plants. The black Zetsu can possess people. I don't think they're expecting us."

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"Let's move quickly, then." Anyone who needs a lift can have one.

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That's pretty much only Mora, of the Crows.

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Naruto can apparently fly at shinobi speeds.

He also gets increasingly intensely glowy over the short flight, and, when they reach the mountain Zetsu's hiding under, manifests a massive golden fox under him.

Their opening move is vaporizing the mountain.

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Tentou laughs and lands on the fox's back, her spectral armor unfolding around him to aid his blows.

She wreathes the spears of wood that race for them in black fire, covering deftly for Naruto and the fox's weaknesses, aiding their strengths.

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The Keres adds some special effects to the general destruction.

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Zetsu is quick, nearly slipping away -

But between them they can isolate him from the earth - and from anyone he can possess - and Naruto can charge up something capable of ripping him to shreds, even where he's resistant to anyone else's actual powers.

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That seems to have gone smoothly enough.

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"Easier when he doesn't have an army, huh..."

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"Or a goddess to back."

"And now for the Akatsuki?"

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"Figure? The ones I can feel are Pein and Konan - I'd like to take those two, they're the leaders of a nation and I think I can talk them down without destabilizing things - and then the zombie twins Hidan and Kakuzu, who I've fought, Kisame, who I haven't fought, and Deidara and Obito. Also can feel Kabuto, I think by now he's allied with Akatsuki and he's a pain in the ass in general - he'll probably have more of his undead, especially if we give him warning..."

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She makes a face. "I have zero problems with wiping Kabuto off the face of this planet. Preferably without giving him a chance to talk - he's annoying. I can handle his undead."

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"I can point you guys to your old renegade team, then you two take Kabuto and Kisame - I think you've studied his fighting - I talk down Pein and Konan... How we split up the rest probably doesn't matter much, except someone who can move dimensions should fight Obito. Who I can maybe also talk down but it'd be riskier..."

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"My thoughts exactly. With more stabbing and less talk therapy."

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He snorts.

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"I would like to see the zombie twins."

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"We'll take Deidara and Obito, then."

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"Kabuto first, then?"

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"Absolutely. With a stop to fetch a tracker of our own, but that shouldn't take too long."

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"Then let's begin."

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Tentou nods, opening a portal and stepping through.

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"Where'd you take Hisame?" the woman on the other side asks immediately - she seems to have been ready for them, flanked by two men - one, slim, with white hair and a massive sword, and the other enormous, with orange hair and a deep frown.

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"It's good to see you too, Karin. I'm an alternate universe Hisame. We fixed the mind control on her, and she's recovering in another world, well away from all this. And, yes, that did require killing her - which I am sorry about."

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The two men trade looks, while Karin frowns. "We'll want to see her - but for now, you've been picking fights here. What do you want from us?"

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"We're taking down major threats to this world. Kabuto is ready to set an army of Edo Tensei against everyone. The shadow was planning worse. We'd like your help with tracking down Kabuto and the Akatsuki's members."

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"As long as I get Kisame's sword, I'm good," the white haired man says, grinning.

Karin flicks her gaze at him, frowning deeper. "Alright. We're in," she says.

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"Excellent! One of my alts controls Madness, by the way - she should be able to help Juugo with his rages. Probably best if after that we drop Suigetsu and Juugo on you guys' Hisame - we'll be moving fast, you understand."

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"I don't think any of us have a problem avoiding fights over our head," she says. "Who are your friends?"

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"I'm her girlfriend."

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"I can tell other Hisame likes you, so - I'll see how our Hisame's doing, I guess."

"But let's get the Akatsuki dead, first."

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"Of course. Juugo, Suigetsu, you two good to just hang out with the local me?"

They nod, and she portals them back, then solicits Kabuto's current location from Karin.

To the Keres: "If you would, darling?"

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"Of course." And away they go.

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Kabuto's strong, but they're better, and they have the element of surprise - Tentou takes down the two Edo Tensei he has guarding him, first, ripping their souls out with a touch, and leaves killing Kabuto to her girlfriend.

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He is restrained from moving, crushed with despair, and diced into extremely small pieces which are then set on fire by a grid of lasers.

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This is highly effective!

Tentou laughs. "This is all so much easier than the first time."

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"You should have come and found me earlier, clearly."

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"Of course. What did I ever do without you?"

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"Flounder hopelessly." She grins. "But with style, of course."

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Giggle. "I always have style, but life was ever so boring."

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"Well, best not to dwell on the past."

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"Especially when the present is so much better."

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"Onward to our next target then, darling?"

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"We've accomplished about all the gloating necessary here."

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And onward to terrorize the rest of the Akatsuki.

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With the other group -

Their Akatsuki members are easy, if slightly obnoxious, to remove from the equation. After the zombie twins, Naruto's talking down of Pein and Konan apparently involves a lot of shouting as he fights them. Still, he brings them around, and they agree to support his local alt in rebuilding the world.

As they're returning to the rendezvous with Tentou and the Keres, he says, "Oh, hey, local me's heading this way."

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"Shall we say hello?"

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"I'd like to."

Slowing down so local Naruto can get caught up, then?

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Glint and Mora are fine with introductions.

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It is always nice to meet new people.

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For a given value of 'new'.

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And local Naruto catches up. He's obviously a lot less powerful than the Naruto they're familiar with. For one, he's not glowing or flying. He also has less of a presence, the solemn air around him more a result of his body language and less one of him bringing his power to bear.

He stops a bit short of them.

"You guys aren't from this universe," he says, flatly. His gaze flickers to the other him, who seems almost taken aback. "And Hisame died - I felt it - but then she was fine, right?"

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"Very perceptive. Yes, she was killed briefly, then resurrected, in order to break the mind control her brother placed on her."

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He nods. "Yeah. Her brother was a dick."

"There's - something I wanted. In that vein."

His gaze flicks to Eliana.

"My best friend is a girl named Elieyha. The Akatsuki killed her. I want her back." His voice cracks a little.

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Isn't that a suggestive name and glance.

"We can almost certainly help with that."

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"Thanks. I - she's important. I don't know what you need for resurrections..."

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"Either the remains of the deceased or someone who knew her personally."

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"I can get her remains; I'm still in touch with her siblings. I knew her pretty well, though."

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"Then a stop at the cleric's is in order."

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"It is our pleasure. We were on our way to meet the first version of Hisame we encountered; yours was the second. Do you care to join us?"

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"Sure? My world's Hisame and I were never really close, though..." the local Naruto says.

"Really? Weren't you guys on a team?" Tentou's Naruto asks.

Local Naruto shrugs. "Yeah. She didn't really - interact with anyone, though. But if she's found someone she likes, that's good for her."

"Huh. That's different..." Tentou's Naruto mutters.

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"Her brother had effects further back than the most recent, I suspect."

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"She was kind of just... Laser focused on him. Would get into fights defending him. Didn't really talk to anyone unless they were making her mad," local Naruto says. "I like her and want her happy, but I like a lot of people."

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"Perhaps you'll have more insight when you can compare and contrast."

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"Yeah. We can do that later, though. For now I really don't wanna delay getting Elieyha back."

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"Very well."

Continuing onwards.

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Tentou seems rather happy to see them. She's got Kisame's sword with her, to give to Suigetsu, and remembered to detour to destroy the Gedo Mazo statue, so is in a rather good mood.

"Hi! Another Naruto! Did you guys have an interesting time of it, then?"

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"Not excessively so. This Naruto has someone he'd like resurrected."

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"Yeah. My best friend. Elieyha," local Naruto says. "Preferably sooner over later."

"That's not someone I recognize from my world," Tentou's Naruto says, somewhat generally.

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"Me either. These small differences are fascinating, aren't they? Still, I won't delay you - though I suppose you might not want a large audience?"

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Local Naruto shakes his head.

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"Then if we're all good here, I'll get him to the cleric, how about? And meet you all back in Ellayania's world - I think our broad business here is done."

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"Sounds like a plan."

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"Be right back."

She opens a portal.

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Local Naruto goes with her.

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And the resurrection can happen.

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So it can.

She's somewhat surprised, to say the least.

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Fine. Under the circumstances.

"What have I missed?"

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"It's been three months since you died. I let the Nine Tails out. He killed Sasori, but Deidara ran away. The Nine Tails and I are friends, now. Nothing much happened for a while - I was just trying to get you back - but apparently there's multiple universes and at least one of them has resurrection. The alternate universe people took out the Akatsuki and then said they'd help me get you back when I approached them about it."

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"Wasn't that nice of them." She looks at Hisame. "And what did you have to do with this?"

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"I'm an alternate universe version of your world's Uchiha Hisame. I'm friends with my world's Naruto. He did me a favor, so returning it seemed appropriate, even if indirectly so."

"There's also a chance I know a few alternate universe versions of you, though I'm not capable of confirming that myself."

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"I... see."

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"I can leave you and Naruto to get caught up, if you want, and provide a portal to where we're all staying when you feel like it."

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"Let's go with that."

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She nods, before leaving them alone.

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"So. Three months to bring me back from the dead? I thought we were friends."

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"Best friends get proper ressurections, instead of Orochimaru's second rate zombies."

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"Hmm. Acceptable."

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He laughs. "I was actually pretty close on figuring out Six Paths chakra, but - I didn't want to wait anymore than I had to get you back."

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"Impatience is a character flaw, you know."

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"I have a lot of rather excellent flaws."

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"So the multiverse people, they just came in and killed Akatsuki, just like that?"

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"Yeah. They got local Hisame first, waited a few days, then swept through the Akatsuki like they were nothing."

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"Sounds like they'd be good friends to have."

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"Still like you better."

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He laughs. "I'm just - so, so glad to have you back. Also I like Hisame as much as I like any person, but she's kind of an ass... Her alternate selves seemed friendlier at least..."

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"I think I might be friendlier than Uchiha Hisame. It's not exactly a high bar to clear."

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"I wonder if alternate universe versions of me are friendlier too."

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"Probably varies..."

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"On the other hand, I doubt your friendliness varies at all."

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"I'll have you know I've punched several people recently, including an old lady."

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"Admittedly they started it. Insulted you. Couldn't let that slide, you know."

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"So it was a friendship thing after all."

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"Who was it that got punched? Anyone I know?"

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"Possibly. Old lady, name begins with Chi, kinda full of herself..."

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"Old lady Chiyo? The founder of Suna's Puppet Corps?"

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"Think that was it!"

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"I'm surprised you're still alive. She must be at least eight percent poison by volume at this point.

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"Nine Tails helped! - His name's Kurama, by the way, he said I could tell you since you're important to me; he just didn't want Hisame hearing his name."

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"Tell him hello, then."

"I haven't heard Shukaku bitching at me yet. I presume Akatsuki was successful in sucking him out."

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"He says hello back." That is definitely not what Kurama just grumbled.

"And yeah, we think so, though I didn't ask what happened to that statue thing the Akatsuki were using..."

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"Well, no great loss to me."

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"Yeah. Know he bothered you a lot..."

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"We weren't what you'd call friends, no."

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"Don't know why. You're horribly charming."

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"Whereas Shukaku is just horrible."

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"Somehow managing to be the unfriendliest person I know, despite rather stiff competition."

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"But at least no longer my problem."

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"Yeah. Maybe he can go be grouchy in some corner of the desert."

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"It'd be the best thing for everyone, really."

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He rubs the back of his head a bit sheepishly, too - "Man, I just - wanna keep you to myself for - I guess until it sinks in you're alive, but... Guess you wanna get more info at some point?"

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"That'd be nice."

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"We can go talk to alt-Hisame and the others, then?"

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Portal time.

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Alt Hisame is happy to provide a portal to Ellayania's realm!

She definitely seems a lot friendlier than local Hisame.

"By the way, I'm calling myself Tentou, and your local Hisame's calling herself Naraka, to disambiguate which of us is which," she tells Elieyha and Naruto.

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"How grandiose. Appropriate, I guess."

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"It seemed on theme."

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Well, onward to the others, then.

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Everyone's waiting.

"I was right," Ellayania announces.

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"About what?"

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"That you were a Lightning. One of us."

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"There is a similarity, yes..."

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"Alts seem to be an exceptionally strange phenomenon all in all." To Elieyha: "My type of person decided to call ourselves Crows. That's currently me, Mora, Glint, and Naraka, of those present in this world. So far we haven't noticed other templates repeating - other than of course the people shared between our worlds, which are slightly off copies - and we're unsure how widespread the phenomenon is."

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"In point of fact, that is no longer strictly true. It did not seem opportune to mention this at the time, but Naruto's fox is the same person as Mora's Nausicaa."

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" - Wait what? What's going on with Mora's Nausicaa - "

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"She's my headmate. She was originally this body's first person's headmate, who was also named Nausicaa, and then this body's first person kind of - died. And my Nausicaa made me."

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He makes a complicated face, and then seems to be listening to something. "...Are names similar across alts at all?"

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"Not amongst Crows. But of Lightnings we have Eliana, Ellayania, Elatra, Elieyha, and the Keres." She points at each. "And there was an Eliko who declined to travel that we retroactively suspect of being one of us."

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"Original Nausicaa's mom wouldn't happened to have a name like Uzumaki Kushina, and her dad a name like Namikaze Minato, would she - "

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" - Nausicaa's last name was Uzun, but her father's name was Mamun ibn Najm. We're - not sure of her mother's first name, but 'something like Kushina' sounds - about correct."

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"...Huh. Those're my parents' names. Kushina and Minato."

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"Interesting. I believe this is the most extensive correspondence yet."

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"Says really weird things about - whatever."

Also Kurama is kind of iffy about having alts, which is adorable.

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"An odd lack of imagination, perhaps, considering the rest of it."

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He snorts. "Maybe I should try befriending the whatever."

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"If you can open a line of communication, that would truly be impressive."

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"It'll be my next project." After accumulating enough power he can protect his friends and pull arbitrary people out of the Pure Land whenever he feels like it.

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"Good luck."

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"Is there anything else that seems - really likely to be relevant to us?"

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"That largely depends on whether you prefer to focus on your own world by yourselves or enlist our aid in any further matters or engage in this project of exploration. We are always happy to host another Lightning."

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"Probably we'll wanna think it over. Once we've got a good idea of where we stand, and all."

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"Reasonable. In the meantime, take this." She pulls a slim volume out from her chest. "A brief summary of who we are, our activities, powers, and plans." She offers it to Elieyha.

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She takes it.

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"Thanks. Again."

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"You are quite welcome."

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He glances to Elieyha, mostly just basking that she's here. "Wanna head out and think, or ask a bit more now?"

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"Let's go back. For now."

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"It's been good meeting you," Hisame says. "I can portal you back, though there's the question of how to keep in contact..."

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"I suppose a messenger hawk won't work."

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"I might leave a clone on your world, for a time, and you could contact her."

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"Or you could take a piece of my land. I will be able to hear through it."

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"I think most people would prefer to not have a clone of Hisame around, even if you're not the one they knew. No offense."

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She laughs. "None taken. Ellayania's land is as convenient as anything."

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"One for each of you then? Or just one?"

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"I can get in contact with Elieyha pretty easily even if we split up, so just one, probably?"

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"As you like." She produces a small statue in the shape of a stylized lightning bolt from her palm and gives it to Elieyha.

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She takes it.

"It's a little creepy the way you do that."

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"This body is only an avatar. All of my self is as one."

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"Yeah. It - feels that way." Then, to Hisame, "So, portal? To the edge of Wind and Rivers maybe? And then we can head to Suna or wherever."

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"Sure." And: portal.

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Back home, then.

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Back home.

After Hisame leaves: "So, wanna head to Suna? Or - anywhere, really."

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"I'm not that eager to go back. Suna's survived without me for this long."

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"I kinda burned a lot of bridges in Konoha. Guess we could just find somewhere scenic to settle for a bit."

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"You have some chakra studies to catch me up on."

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"I do! All the Six Paths chakra stuff, and Nine Tails is pretty sure we can do anything - possible with chakra? With it eventually."

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"Depending on the duration of 'eventually', that sounds variably useful."

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"Yeah. 'Sorry but you gotta meditate a thousand years first' would be at a minimum pretty boring."

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"In a thousand years, we'd have a good shot at just learning to use regular chakra to do whatever we want."

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"Probably! Really mostly useful if it's a short cut."

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"Mm. Does the fox think he knows how close you are?"

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"Unfortunately, the Sage already knew all this by the time the Tailed Beasts were around, so he doesn't have a scale on how long it takes anyone to learn. But I'm already able to use some of it, and he thinks most of the rest isn't far, probably 'terrifying Sage' on a scale of years or decades but 'same weight class as foreign Hisame' closer to a few months..." His expression goes distant. "Apparently you might learn it faster? Fox thinks Six Paths chakra is pretty similar to what's in the Pure Lands, so I had a whole big stumbling block trying to learn to feel it at all, but passing through the Pure Lands should give you some kind of sense for it?"

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"At least getting killed is good for one thing."

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"And horrible for just about everything else! Let's not do it again, please."

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"Not planning to. Wasn't planning to the last time either, for the record."

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"We'll have to keep ahead of any competition, then."

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"With Akatsuki gone, we're in the running for the most dangerous people in the world, you know."

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"Always someone out there who can surprise you."

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"Not for long."

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"Maybe we'll just have to expand the definition of 'out there,' then."

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"You want to form your own merry little interdimensional band?"

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"I'm - not really happy with this world. It needs to be fixed, there's - so much wrong - but I'm having trouble seeing why I shouldn't just throw my alt at it. He's - probably in a better position to actually do the fixing, anyways."

"I wouldn't want to just... Hare off, if I didn't have an alt floating around, but since I do - I guess it depends on where you want to go?"

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"It might be fun to see other worlds. Once we've worked out how to travel there."

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"Could meet all sorts of new people."

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"And all sorts of new magic."

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"New techniques are always fun."

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"Speaking of, wanna start on Sage stuff?" Also he's unsure if she wants her goddess alt listening in...

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The statue's in a pocket and it's not like it has eyes, so whatever.


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Teaching! A lot of this actually does happen in the mental landscape the Tailed Beasts share, which Kurama figures out how to pull Elieyha into.

Six Paths chakra, like regular nature chakra, is frustrating, finicky, and risky to get wrong, but it's also somehow more intuitive than typical techniques once you get past the initial hump.

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Front-loaded difficulty she can deal with.

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They won't get to ripping open the borders between dimensions today, but progress is still noticeable - at the very least, it's a new source of chakra to draw on, even if one prone to slipping out of your fingers.

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At least this source of power doesn't talk back while it's failing her.

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He nods.

So, practicing this for the next little while then?

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It's the most fun they've got going right now.

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Mora, meanwhile, has finally cracked a ritual she'd been working on for a while. She tests it with Glint's help -

And it works.

She goes to let Eliana know she's obtained her own interdimensional travel method.

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"Oh? How exciting."

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"I was thinking we could take a vacation. Everyone else seems stable for now, and, well - it'd be nice to get away."

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"True. We can always sort them out again when we get back."

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"And just not return if the explosions get too large."

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"Large enough that we can hear them from that far away, say."

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"Pretty much."

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"Do you have a particular destination in mind, or is this to be an adventure?"

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"I was thinking 'an adventure.' See what we find."

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"For us, at least."

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"We count."

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"The most!" She laughs. "I don't think this takes parameters very easily, unfortunately, beyond specific destinations..."

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"It shall be a lottery, then."

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"That's the way I like it."

"I'm not at all busy, so I suppose I can start whenever you're ready?"

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"Now suits."

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Now it is, then.

Her ritual's different from other methods of travel, somewhat. Rather than a portal or an instant shift it creates a dark distortion in the air in front of them (in addition to taking several minutes to cast).

"Onward to adventure?"

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"Or whatever else, certainly." Into the distortion.

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She follows after.

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The world they land in is lush. No alleyways, here. Just a beach, and an ocean, and a jungle behind them, and a gleaming, beautiful city across a shallow bay. Flying craft - and flying people - come and go, and colorful sails dot the port, but no one seems to have noticed the two visitors.

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"Very appropriate for a vacation. Are you sure your spell was untargeted?"

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"Haven't tested it enough to make sure it doesn't have anything running in the background. Still, we seem to have lucked out."

She stretches, grinning.

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"Shall we investigate the city, or stay and enjoy the beach a while?"

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"Hm... I'm curious about the people, but this is a very nice beach... I suppose we could simply walk slowly over, enjoy the path."

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"That sounds like an agreeable compromise."

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She laughs, nodding.

The walk over is pleasant, the surf cool and the air just warm and humid enough to be relaxing. The city seems on a scale that dwarfs even the greater cities of Mora's homeworld, as they get closer - it sprawls back into the forest, climbing up a nearby low mountain, woven in with the trees. Much of this hadn't been visible from a distance, as many of the buildings seem to be designed as massive vertical gardens, trees on their roofs and hanging and climbing plants winding up their sides, most with balconies hosting further plants woven in.

Also, barely visible from here, on the other side of the city - far up the mountain - appears to be a rather large district made of stone rather than metal and glass. Likely centered around a palace or temple, given the monumental size of some of the buildings within.

"Impressive," Mora says, looking around.

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"Quite large, at least. An interesting design, with the vegetation."

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"Shows interesting priorities - beauty, or nature, rather than cost efficiency, I think."

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"Must be wealthy, then."

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"Enough for their whole society to profit, or else their leaders are less prone to hoarding wealth than most, or for aesthetic concerns to override public health..."

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"Further exploration is called for, it seems."

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"Into the city, then?"

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"The concrete jungle, such as it is."

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She laughs and keeps going.

The city has significant outlying areas - it's not a walled city at all, and suburbs sprawl into the surrounding jungle. The roads here are paved, and there's a network of swift, silent trains spreading out into the suburbs like blood vessels. The suburban buildings are mostly only two to four stories, increasing in height closer to the city, turning from quasi-rural detached properties to row houses fairly quickly. There's certainly poorer areas, but nothing looks ill maintained, and people go about their days - biking, chattering, walking dogs, running - with no apparent fear.

They'll be walking a while, to get into the city proper, unless they feel like finding their way onto a train or into one of the craft that come and go on the streets or in the air.

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Are these craft public transportation or private?

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Trains seem to be public, and there's a mixture of public and private among the other craft - though most are probably public, even some of the smaller ones. People don't seem to interact with anything on the trains or larger busses, though there's a pad they interact with via a handheld phone on the smaller ones.

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"Let's try a train. See if we get into any trouble."

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"Alright. They seem interesting enough."

There's a platform with a waiting area. Not very crowded - one of the two there is tapping at a phone, the other apparently listening to something on headphones. Both ignore the two women, as do the three teenagers in school uniforms deposited by the next arriving train.

There's no trouble getting on the train, nor in finding seats this far out from the city. There's some people a few rows behind them gossiping about some museum opening, and a map on the wall of the train network and its stops. The train's quiet and smooth when it moves, green landscape, colorful neighborhoods, and distant glinting ocean zooming by.

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They'll see if the idyll holds up on closer inspection.

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"Want to explore that museum?" Mora asks. "It sounds as good a stop as any to get off at."

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"Fine by me."

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To the museum it is! The architecture is a rather artsy statement itself, odd, modernist, smooth and sharp. There's signs outside advertising a new exhibit on art from and about Unification, and most of the crowd's teenagers through thirty-somethings.

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And a quite familiar face loitering off to the side, glancing down at her phone and grinning.

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Eliana nudges Mora. "Guess who I see."

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Mora looks over and laughs. "Let's go say hi, then."

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"Seems our luck is still in full force." Over they go.

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The woman looks up when they approach, not at all wary or suspicious, her expression open and friendly. "Can I help you?" she asks.

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"Possibly. Do you believe in alternate universes?"

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"Yeah. This's Universe 1023, planet Earth - we don't get visitors very often, though. Guess there's not much interesting here."

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"Well, there's you."

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"What's so interesting about me, then?"

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"I know several of you. Her, for one."

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She glances over at Mora, something - shifting - around her, her finger tapping.

"Odd. She is a me, though," she says, then grins. "Good mental shields. I'm Loki. You guys are...?"

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"Mora. Did you just try to read my mind?"

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She laughs. "I glanced. I'm not an asshole." A distant expression briefly flicks over her face.

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"I'll thank you not to read my mind either, while we're at it."

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"I won't. Though I'd appreciate a name to call you."

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"Eliana Fabil, once of Tevinter."

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"I haven't heard of there, though I suppose the universes could vary pretty dramatically." She looks briefly distant, then, a bit distractedly: "I'm from Asgard, myself. A different planet than Earth."

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"This will make the third Earth we've encountered, I believe."

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"It's a weirdly common planet."

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"Yes. We've found two of a different world, but I believe all the others have been one-offs."

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"Unfortunately I don't know a lot of the theory there... How long have you guys been on this world?"

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"Not very. An hour, perhaps."

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"Interesting you found me so fast, then."

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"Sometimes we land almost on top of the local alt. We suspect the interference of a higher power."

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"Not impossible, I suppose."

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"No, considering we've met one of me who is a god, and one of who is a different sort of god."

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"There's plenty who say Asgardians are a kind of god. Not that much of anyone's worshipped us in a few centuries."

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"The gods we know do actually get material benefit from being worshipped."

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"Odd. We're certainly different than mortals, but there might be differences of degree - and there's magical things I could do more easily in the role of a god, but those are mostly niche nowadays."

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"The role of a god?"

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"Our magic's - or at least my magic's - all about story. Tell a pretty little lie to the universe, get it to believe just long enough that things are a certain way. One of my titles is Father of Lies, and invoking that - helps, somewhat. My brother Thor is quite a bit more powerful when he remembers - or invokes that - he's God of Thunder, too."

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" - Norse mythology Loki?"

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"The one and only! Don't ask about the horse thing, everyone asks about the horse thing and it's kinda annoying."

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"Not being from an Earth myself, I am unfamiliar with the 'horse thing'."

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She snorts. "Fine. Guess I brought it up anyways. My father's horse Sleipnir is magic and sapient. The Norse had some very overactive imaginations about where he and some other similar monsters came from, and I was the convenient shapeshifter around, known for ignoring rules about who not to sleep with. They thought Sleipnir was my kid, and mostly ignored me pointing out I don't have kids, and then some dick wrote down the most conveniently Christianity-compatible stories he could find, and 'the slut is a mother of monsters' was a good one for that. - Christianity is a monotheistic religion popular locally, very prone to annoying rules."

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"Ah. I see how that could grow tiresome."

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"Humans mostly don't recognize my name anymore, so hanging out on Earth generally isn't so bad."

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"Is Asgard disagreeable?"

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"It's a court, and I'm a princess there, and people have been holding the same petty grudges for centuries. It's... Tiresome."

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"Ah. It sounds that way."

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She nods. "What are you guys thinking of doing while you're here?"

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"We don't really have any specific plans. This is a vacation."

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"Want a tour guide, then?"

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"That would be very kind of you."

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"No problem at all! What sort of a tour do you want?"

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"One suited to new visitors to this world, perhaps. Whatever you consider the highlights not-to-be-missed."

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"Most people think the palace is pretty exceptional, and I'm friends with the kids of one of the Princesses so can get you guys past security... Though there's also a lot of neat museums, and zoos, and architectural sites. I tend to prefer art and history museums, and I'm guessing Mora's the same - what about you?"

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"History would be welcome, though I find art for its own sake tends to rather pass me by."

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"History it is. And we probably have a different history than the other Earths - have either of the ones you guys know about had a Unification?"

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"I do not believe such an event occurred, no."

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"Here, most planets have a single government. Earth's formed pretty recently, during Unification. This's the capital city, actually, on the island of Genosha - there's a good history museum nearby, or I can bother my friend Nausicaa for a teleport to a bigger one?"

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"Let's begin locally."

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"Locally it is then!" She stands, stretching. "You guys want to get anything like food on the way?"

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"If you have a recommendation that is convenient, we won't decline."

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"The street stalls along the way aren't bad at all, and those are pretty convenient."

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"Well enough. Though I'm afraid we have no local currency."

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"I'll pay, no problem."

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"Thank you."

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Heee. "Welcome!" And onward towards the museum - Loki correctly guesses what Mora would like, needs more guiddance from Eliana, and, of course, asks questions - "So how many of us are there so far?"

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"Seven Crows- that's what we've been calling you- and six Lightnings, which are mes."

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"Huh. 'Crow' seems weirdly appropriate. The birds certainly seem to like me..."

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"Well you did pick it. In a manner of speaking."

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She laughs. "Anyone else repeating?"

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"One or two. None quite so widespread or... interesting."

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"Huh. I wonder if there's just some kind of selection effect there or something..."

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"Perhaps. Our understanding is rather limited."

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"It'll be interesting to learn more about, then - my magic system might be able to help? It's a bit focused on story, but it's fairly broad within that."

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"Story-focused seems appropriate."

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"Yeah. Works out well for me."

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"I'm sure it does. My own magic is sadly limited away from my native world."

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"Pity. What can you do?"

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"I am a blood mage. I manipulate its power to a variety of effects. Either external or internal, if I strongly dislike you."

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"Sounds like quite the power."

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"The trick is in getting someone to start bleeding in useful quantities."

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"I'd imagine so. Does it have any non-combat applications?"

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"Yes. Healing, illusion, enchantment. Sadly, these also require blood to fuel, limiting the opportunities for their usefulness. Were I in my native world, I could draw upon the Fade, which is a realm of magic overlaid on the real world. That is the usual way of doing magic; blood mages are regarded with fear and suspicion by most of the world."

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"Interesting." She frowns off into the distance. "I - don't think we have any feared magic types..." But she sounds unsure. (She's never thought about this before - the answer is obvious, of course no one hates magic - but that feels weirdly false - )

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"In my experience, it's usually more about the practitioner than the practice."

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She nods. "That makes sense."

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"What other sorts of magic is there here, besides your stories?"

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"I don't know what you fully consider magic, but there's powers that aren't traditionally sorted under that heading - a type of powered person called 'mutants' are fairly common, who have a mutation to a gene that usually suppresses the development of supernatural abilities. Most mutants have small powers, or ones that cause more harm than good, but a few have very useful things. Telepathy, weather control, teleportation, magic sensitivity, super healing, super speed... Most mutants get one main power and a few smaller powers related to it. There's also a few powers that arise from mixing bloodlines from different peoples - anyone with Skrull blood can shapeshift, for instance, and the Jotnar have the ability to control ice, so someone who is half Skrull, half Jotunn would have both those powers, and possibly a syncretic power from their interaction. There's also people who were altered by external processes - on Earth, mostly super soldiers from the pre-Unification wars."

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"Those sound magic to me."

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"We use a slightly different framing, then."

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"Only to be expected, really."

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"Yeah. It's neat to consider other ways of doing it all."

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"Yes, that's one of the things I've enjoyed about interworld travel."

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"I'd like to do some myself, I think." She glances over in the direction they're walking. "Though we're almost at the museum."

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"The experiences of this world will have to suffice for now."

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She laughs and leads the way.

The museum mostly focuses on the history of Genosha - both ancient, in terms of the assorted cultures of native people who've inhabited it - and since it became a focal point of the world. Erik Lensherr escaped the Holocaust (the display assumes you know what this is) with the help of his powers, decades ago. He rallied mutants to his cause, helping bring down the Third Reich despite his young age. He fought in many of the conflicts afterwards, helping refugees, organizing mutants, and drawing more and more people to his banner. 

The Unification War proper occurred in the 1960s and 1970s - the display talks about the wars leading up to it, such as the Second Indochina War, and, of course, the ongoing Cold War between the historic polities of the Soviet Union and the United States of America, and how mutant involvement in those wars was often seen as a major cause of escalations. Lensherr's cause quickly gained allies, notable among them being his five children. The most powerful of these are Cecilia and Miriam Maximoff, a sorceress and a speedster respectively, and the Unification War was won within a year of them entering the battlefield at sixteen, with Unification declared in 1979 and Erik Lensherr made King of the United Earth.

Genosha had served as a mutant sanctuary during the 1950s, and the local polities had remained ardent in their support of King Lensherr throughout the war. Genosha's largest city was selected as the capital of the new unified nation, and since then King Lensherr has pursued scientific advancement, social progress, and increasing trade with interplanetary allies. Asgard is mentioned as one of these, alongside a few other alien species.

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Ah, an empire. Like if Andraste had been on Tevinter's side, instead of against it. The pattern is familiar, even if the details are not.

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There's some more about important interplanetary peace summits hosted in the city, but the recent history displays are fairly sparse compared to the displays about things that happened centuries or even millennia ago. There's a definite cast to the information, a narrative portraying Genosha as a shining beacon of freedom and progress, but mistakes that've been made aren't hidden and are instead presented as something to learn from - Genosha's had its share of troubles and even revolutions and civil wars over the past five centuries.

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Slightly better than it could be, perhaps. The government is at least secure enough in its power to admit to past mistakes.

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There is an edge of a framing around the mistakes justifying King Lensherr's rule, but it's not too strong or blatant.

Loki's looking around, interested, stopping to read the displays as much as the visitors - she doesn't seem familiar with the information.

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Well, she is a visitor too. But it's better if the group is moving through the museum at the same rate. Saves people from getting bored.

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"It's interesting seeing how humans did on their own - Asgard was involved in Earth up until around one thousand A.D., then withdrew and declared Earth a protectorate, kept others from interfering - though that got broken somewhere in the nineteen hundreds."

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"What made Asgard decide to leave?"

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"Old King - my grandfather - died, and the new King - my father - was an isolationist, mostly. Didn't want to bother with administering a province with minimal resources, and didn't want anyone else taking it - Earth's in a vaguely strategic position - so just left them to self govern under Asgard's protection from external interference."

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"As colonialist policies go, that's not the worst."

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"Pretty much, yeah. Not that Odin - the King - hasn't been an asshole elsewhere."

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"Of course. I would hardly have expected it of him."

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"I think my brother might actually manage to hit 'good King' someday. It'll be a shocker for the galaxy, at least."

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"What is he like?"

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"Hm..." Her gaze goes distant, and she frowns briefly. "Forgiving," she says first. "And... Brave, honorable, charismatic. Very good at getting legal systems and public opinions to do what he wants..." She pauses. "I'm sure I had an anecdote for that, something about him charming his way around Earth's laws? Forgot it, though." She shrugs. "People like him, especially outside of Asgard - he's the type who runs around fixing other people's problems for them, and he's friends with two of King Lensherr's kids - the twins, Cecilia and Miriam. More with Princess Cecilia than Miriam, though." Cecilia was the one mentioned as the sorceress in the history display, and Miriam is the name of the speedster. "He's dating one of Earth's darlings, which - Earth's pretty minor for now, on the galactic stage, but it's a good look for - showing he's different from his father? I like his boyfriend, too. They're both stupid at times - they've gotten into some ridiculous scrapes with people more powerful than them - but their type of stupid makes for a good war story."

"Thor's ever pissed off Odin - he's on Earth so much because he got banished here for a while - but we're Odin's only two kids he'll admit to having, and if anyone tries to make me Queen I'm abdicating immediately. And 'Odin banished him for a while' looks good to everyone who hates Odin, so."

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"He sounds formidable."

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"He manages to be a good brother in all that, too. I can introduce him?"

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"Would you recommend the experience of meeting him?"

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"Hmmmm - he's not too intense, but I don't know if you'd find meeting him worth the bother."

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"We'll see how further events eventuate, I suppose. But it's not as though we've a time limit to our vacation."

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"Yeah. It's nice to get visitors, too - have you all just stumbled on each other?"

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"More or less, I think so."

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"What's people's stories - far as you're all comfortable sharing, of course."

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"That is a long and moderately complex tale."

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"We can find somewhere quiet to sit, then, if you feel like sharing."

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"Very well."

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There's a small park nearby, tucked in between some buildings - mostly trellises and climbing vines. It's shaded and cool - and decently quiet, for something in such a big city.

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"The story begins, conveniently enough, in my native world. Two of our number, Hisame and the Keres, found their way there by apparently unrelated means, and met each other." She provides a brief description of the two.

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"Hisame manages to both sound quite like and quite unlike me..."

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"Alts can be strange like that. Her world... provided very few outlets, I think."

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"Even if my only pastime was violence - " She frowns. "It's - helping people is important to me. But - "

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" - I had a reason. I know I had a reason - "

"I'm sure it's nothing - " Her frown deepens. "- Is being forgetful normal for us?"

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"The opposite." She glances at Eliana.

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"You mentioned telepathy as a power here. Would that extend to tampering?"

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"Yes, but my shields are really strong - " She winces, putting a hand to her head. "I don't remember where I learned them, though..."

(A couple of local birds seem to have noticed their group. There's a particularly bold crow hopping over, watching them intently.)

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Shoo, crow.


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"Definitely not - pleasant."

The crow hops away a bit.

"If someone's been messing with my head - I'll want to give Thor, Nausicaa, and Nausicaa's sister a heads up; they're all higher profile targets than me."

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"Understandable. Do you mind if we tag along?"

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"No. Not at all." She fidgets with a bit of hair, then takes out her phone - "I don't know if all at once or individually is better - Nausicaa and her sister should be together, and they're in this city - Thor's possibly on Asgard still, I'll need to check, but he's on Earth a lot too..."

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"Start with the ones you know for sure first."

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"Yeah." She starts typing - glances up at a noise - and stills, looking to the side, off at the birds.

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"Something wrong with the corvids?"

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"No, nothing's wrong - " She frowns, eyebrows pulling together.

"...Crows aren't native to Genosha. It's too warm."

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"Perhaps we should move inside."

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"Let's. My hotel room is - best, I think. It's near."

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"Back to your room already? How forward."

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She laughs. "I've always been that sort of girl."

She stands and starts walking. "I'm about two blocks away - small ones, at least - and I'll have more room for certain actions when I'm on land I can even tentatively claim. Rules of hospitality, mostly, but that'll keep out most intruders."

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"Sounds convenient. What sort of intruders would not be kept out?"

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"Magically powerful ones - though I'll have an easier time ejecting them than I would here - and anyone with a stronger claim to the land than me. Won't keep out the King, for instance."

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"Hopefully we won't have to, then."

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"That'd be quite the escalation, yeah."

She leads the way.

The hotel is rather nice - large and airy inside, with a garden courtyard and a tea shop. Loki's up a rather long ride in a glass elevator - she doesn't have a penthouse suite, but her suite is still quite high up, with a good view of the city and the bay and rainforest. It's four or five rooms, depending on how you divide up the living room and little kitchenette. There's a balcony through a set of sliding glass doors opposite the entrance. Loki leads them to sit in the living room - "Nowhere in here except the bathroom without windows, sadly. Since you're my guests - want anything to eat or drink?"

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"Tea, if you have any."

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"I can do both. The lemonade has flavors but I bet you'll like it." Drinks can be served. Over her own cup of lemonade: "So, someone screwing with my head... And odd crows."

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"What's the bet those two are unconnected?"

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"Not a bet I'd take."

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"Right. So, avenues of investigation and attack. Unless you have any neighbors you don't like, I won't be of much magical use."

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"I might be more use, but my magic is slow and - finicky, at times."

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"For now, I prefer all my neighbors with their insides where they are. For investigation - " She pauses, thinking.

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And there's a tap-tap-ratta-tat at the balcony door.

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"Oh, for fuck's sake..." Loki mutters, turning and glaring at the crow.

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"Perhaps it wishes to talk."

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It doesn't feel like a shapeshifter. It feels like it fits the shape it is.

She gets up, opening the door harshly enough it rattles in its frame.

"Who are you?" she demands.

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The crow flaps in, landing on her desk, regarding the women in the room then laughing. It's an almost human sound.

"Might as well ask who are you, little girl."

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"Was that an answer or a sarcastic deflection?"

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"Do you think me incapable of both?"

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Heavy sigh.

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"I asked your name first, crow. This is my domicile. You're an intruder - and a rude one."

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"Rudeness is such a droll concept."

"Still, who am I to break the rules of hospitality?" It sounds mocking.

"I suppose you may call me Ikol."

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She probably wouldn't have thought of it if she hadn't just met an alternate universe her -

"That's just 'Loki' spelled backwards," she says, cross.

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"Are you from this universe, or another, then?"

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"This. I was here first, for the record."

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"And what does that mean, then?"

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"Loki knows, doesn't she?"

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Loki has her hand to her head and seems to be in pain. "You're the old Loki," she says, slowly. "The one who burned."

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"Got it in one. I'm impressed."

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"What's the story we're missing?"

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"I - "

"I didn't remember it until now, but - "

"There was... A tapestry of fate. Woven by the Norns, keepers of the past and future. The old Loki burned it, and burned Asgard and herself up with it."

"I was born from her ashes. I - All my memories - they're fake - that was two years ago, I haven't existed long enough for - for anything I remember - "

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"So what's she doing back?"

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"I don't know."

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"Care to shed any light on the issue?" she asks the crow.

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"I didn't fully die," she says, fluttering her wings. "And when this perfect little lie was created, I was pulled in."

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"What do you mean, 'perfect little lie'?"

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"This world is fake. Loki's memories weren't the only ones altered - the entire universe is dancing to one person's tune, right now."

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"And who is this person?"

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"Cecilia Maximoff - I doubt you'd know her, but Loki does."

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"Nausicaa and Sue's mom," she identifies, frowning. "Controlling the universe doesn't seem like her."

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"Well, it wouldn't, would it. That'd give the game away."

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"No - I - think I knew her, before. She didn't seem like this..."

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"No one is how they seem, Loki," Ikol drawls. "People hide themselves. She had the power to rearrange the world, so she did."

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"I expect there is slightly more to it than that."

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She flutters her wings. "I hardly knew the woman. Still, humans are much the same as anyone."

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"What other pertinent information do you have?"

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"I would recommend being cautious who you trust."

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"I suppose I should have specified specific, as well."

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She laughs. It's a harsh sound.

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Eye roll.

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"I'm starting to really remember not liking you."

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"Most don't."

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"Goodness, I wonder why."

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"It's my charming personality, clearly."

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She laughs - and then vanishes in a whirlwind of feathers.

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"Do you think she's really gone?"

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She closes her eyes, listening. "She isn't here right now, I don't think, but she might be able to view us from afar. Or might be better at magic than I am."

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"Well, I think for now we'll have to proceed under the assumption she's not going to interfere too much."

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"Yeah. Not sure what else there is to do..."

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"That depends if you want the real world back."

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"I do. I don't like cages - even very nice ones."

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"Then we will have to convince Ms. Maximoff to put the world back, one way or another. Her children might be a good place to start gathering more information about what would have prompted her to do this."

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She nods. "There's - also a feeling I have, halfway to a memory... I think there's somewhere from the original world I would be able to find out more..."

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"Also worth checking on, if you can narrow it down any."

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"Teleporting to unfamiliar places isn't easy for me, but - I know I've been there before, so I should be able to manage it."

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"Whichever you'd like to attempt first, then."

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She hesitates. 

"I - "

"The place. I need to think before I talk to my friends."

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"Fair enough. Is there anything we can do to help?"

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"...I'm not sure. I - suspect this might come down to a fight."

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"We had best prepare for one, then."

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"Prepare for the worst, even as we aim for the best, if nothing else."

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"Just so. What can we expect fighting her to be like?"

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"Her powers work on intent - Nausicaa theoretically has the same ones, and might be able to shed more light on the internal workings. When I've seen her use them she makes a single statement of intent to focus herself, but I suspect she doesn't actually need to talk. She can fly with no apparent mental effort, and fling energy bolts fairly trivially. She's not very fast, though, and she's probably normal human levels of fragile, so she'll go down easily if actually hit. She has strong psychic defenses and might have offensive psychic abilities, but I'm not actually sure on that. Directly interfering with other people is hard, so she'll probably lean 'throw energy bolts' over 'willing someone to die'. She's more dangerous at range - I'm not sure she actually has a range limit - and to people she genuinely wants to hurt. Another advantage of recruiting her kids - if she can't bring herself to wish them harm, she can't harm them."

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"So we should strike first, and from a position of surprise, if possible."

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"I don't know I want to escalate that suddenly - at least not without knowing more about what's going on."

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"Right. Information first. And some of us can be in reserve at the initial confrontation. Mora and I, likely, as we have the best chance of being unaccounted for."

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"Yeah. She probably knows my personality and powers pretty well. Me and her kids can handle the talking initially."

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"Sounds like a plan."

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She nods. "To the place from my memory first, though, I think..."

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"Of course. When you are ready."

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"I am. One moment - "

She spreads her arms, chants -

And they're elsewhere. A stone mansion surrounded by several other buildings, and a stacked stone fence, and what was once grand gardens, now all destroyed and overgrown -

"This was Xavier's School," Loki says, softly. "I - learned magic here, I think."

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"Doesn't seem like she has very fond feelings for it."

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"She taught here. I think - I was in her classes." She frowns. "She didn't seem miserable..."

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"Perhaps she was hiding it from students. Or there was an unseen trigger event."

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"Yeah. I - don't know." She shakes her head.

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And there's a very deliberate rustle behind them.

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What now?

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Seems to be five identical girls in their late teens, though they're dressed differently from each other.

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" - I know you guys."

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"We'd hope so," says the leader. "We taught you psychic defense, after all." They glances as one at Eliana and Mora. "But we haven't seen your new friends before."

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"You wouldn't have. We're recent arrivals."

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"To this universe? That's promising. We think we escaped detection by whatever caused this, but our ability to investigate has been limited."

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"What have you discovered so far?"

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"We've confirmed the simulation has only been running for a few days, and that people who were widely known to have powers that could've more easily broken this are reported as dead. The power running this is not omniscient, and the mental alteration is not ongoing - once someone is made aware of the changed world, they won't be brainwashed again. We believe we can break people out but haven't tried this yet - we were trying to figure out how to get close to Loki unobtrusively as a trial. She seemed likely to side with us."

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"That's marginally good news."

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She nods. "Someone calling herself Ikol - I think the old Loki - claimed Cecilia Maximoff was behind this."

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"That doesn't seem impossible. She didn't seem to have this level of power, but, well, we likely weren't the only ones hiding how powerful we are. But the old Loki does not have a reputation for trustworthiness."

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"Do you have any better leads?"

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They shake their heads. "No."

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"Then we will move forward with investigating this one."

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"That does seem wisest for now."

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"Mm." She turns to Loki. "Do you think this is what you came for?"

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"I think so - not them, exactly, but... This place features in a lot of my memories."

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"Good or bad?"

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"Good, mostly. I think school had any assholes, but..." She shakes her head. "People basically just behaved like the old Loki was my mom, and I wasn't the only one with a villain for a parent, and there were... Things I had in common with people, and the way people were assholes was mostly - the way teenagers anywhere are assholes."

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Eliana nods knowingly. "Teenagers, yes. I am familiar."

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She smiles a bit. "I'd still like to contact Nausicaa and Sue next - " Then, to the new girls: "The Maximoff kids. Do you guys know any reason not to?"

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"We're not sure they actually existed in the main world - we haven't heard of them."

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" - But they feel real. Like Thor does."

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"That would be an interesting wrinkle. How surprising is you not having heard of them?"

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"The Scarlet Witch was a celebrity hero. Cecilia Maximoff was less well known - it wasn't impossible to find out her identity under the mask, since her father's identity was public, as was the Scarlet Witch's connection to Magneto - but most people avoided drawing attention to Cecilia the private citizen. However, she taught at my school under the Maximoff name, and if she had children - I would've expected them to be students, for one, or at least the subject of gossip."

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"Not quite conclusive."

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"Unfortunately so."

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"Then on balance, I'll support Loki."

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"Reasonable. Loki has good instincts. And we aren't opposed to contacting them, regardless."

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She nods. "Thanks."

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"Then it sounds like that's our next move."

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"I'll message them to meet me somewhere - won't say why, but they should listen."

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"Shall we all attend?"

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"Probably I should go by myself."

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"Be safe."

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"I will."

"If there's nothing else - ?"

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"Where shall we meet?"

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"Back here's probably best. I'll find somewhere else to meet them."

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"Very well. Good luck."

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And she's off.

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The Maximoff twins accept her invitation shortly thereafter. Nausicaa even has a suggestion for a nature park to meet in - they've all been there before. It's isolated and quiet, a good place to talk privately.

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She's pacing nervously on the dirt path, trees arching far over her head, when they get there.

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"Loki? Something wrong?" Nausicaa calls, flying over from the teleport pad. She looks worried.

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Sue zips up, looking just as concerned.

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" - Not here. Come on. Let's walk around a bit." She turns, heading deeper into the woods.

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Her friends follow along.

"You're acting weird. What happened?"

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There's a crow, high in the tree branches, watching them. Alone.

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She sees Ikol. She can't not.

"Have you ever felt - something was weird? Or - that something's wrong, or your memories aren't lining up?"

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" - What? No - not any more than normal..."

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A pained expression crosses Sue's face. She puts a hand to her head.

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"We're being messed with. My memories - some of them are wrong."

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Nausicaa flinches. "That makes no sense! Who'd do that?"

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Sue's slowly pulling her hand away from her head.

"It does. It - "

"I remember being scared."

"It hurt. I - didn't know what was going on."

"And then - there wasn't anything at all."

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"That was a nightmare, it didn't happen - "

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She shakes her head. "I don't know."

"Loki - what's going on?"

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"This world's overlaid on another. I don't know if it's some kind of shared illusion of what. Everyone's memories were altered to fit. It - it's perfect, in a way nowhere can be - nothing's ever this good."

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Nausicaa's shaking her head, but she's - upset, in a way she wouldn't be if she fully didn't believe that -

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"That makes more sense than it should. Who though? How?"

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"Someone I spoke to thought it was you guys' mom. She's powerful. Maybe - maybe enough."

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"Her powers don't work like that, though - "

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Nausicaa goes quiet.

"They do, though."

"They're - whatever we want, as long as we want it hard enough, the right way."

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"And this would've been easy to want."

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"So what's our plan?"

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"I have some friends. They have abilities we don't, so - probably that's something to discuss with them."

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Loki nods, bringing them back to the ruin of Xavier's Institute - and to her allies.

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"Hey. I'm Nausicaa, that's my sister Sue - Loki said you guys were trying to help her with the whole... Thing?"

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"More or less. I am Eliana, this is Mora."

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"The identical quintuplets are the Cuckoo sisters - Sophie, Phoebe, Irma Mindee, Celeste, and Esme. They used to get called Five-in-One a lot. Polite but powerful telepaths."

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"Nice to meet you all."

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"Have you any insights to share with us?"

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"Mom's not got much in the way of defenses - a hard blow she's not expecting should bring her down. She's got really good sensory powers, though. And - I think I can maybe talk to her. I think - there's a memory I have. I think me and Sue died, in that other world."

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"That would fit with the story we've heard so far."

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"I'm - not actually sure what happens to us if this world unravels..."

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Loki sucks in a sharp breath.

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"We can come back with resurrection."

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"Thanks. I - don't want to lose them."

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"Understandably so."

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She nods. "So we should start planning - I guess whether Nausicaa's going to talk to her, and what our options and fallbacks are if that doesn't resolve peacefully..."

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"I'm not sure any one of us should know the entire plan."

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"That'd be protective if she's at all good at mind reading, yeah, but would make coordination hard."

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"Our advantage in the fallback option is being unexpected. Coordination with negotiations is not necessarily worth trading off for."

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"Yeah. I'd definitely recommend leaving anyone negotiating out of the rest of the plan - possibly even including who else we recruit as allies."

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"That would be- you and Nausicaa?"

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She pauses. "I - probably should be involved in recruiting."

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"And I don't really want to leave Nausicaa's side - she'll be vulnerable if things go violent. Mostly to our aunt, who's a speedster like me."

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"The two of you, then."

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"We'll wait to approach her until you guys give the go ahead, then, and mostly otherwise back off?"

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"That seems the most efficient."

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"I'll invent something for us to be off doing for a while - mom knows I sometimes wander off to talk to people and do touristy stuff. Loki should be able to get in contact with us."

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"Very well. We'll be in touch."

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"Good luck."

And she steps over to her sister and teleports them both away.

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"Who else would you like to recruit?"

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"My brother, Thor. Also a man named Steve Rogers."

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"Do you need any help talking to them?"

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"They might want proof, and I don't think their shields are as good as mine - probably I'll want Five-in-One's help restoring their memories."

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Eliana nods.

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"As far as powers - mine are pretty broad, but I'm mostly useful in a support role - strengthening other people, misdirecting and tricking the enemy, that sort of thing. Five-in-One should probably focus on mentally attacking and defending from the Scarlet Witch. My brother's God of Thunder and can control lightning; he also has a hammer with - basically absolute momentum, it goes where he wants it to and he's one of the only ones who can move it. Thor and I are both usually tough against blows. Steve is a super soldier - he's as strong, fast, and agile as a baseline human can be, and he's a tactical genius. He has a shield that negates energy; it's one of the only things that can stop Thor's hammer."

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"My powers require lead in - I'll be best in prep and in support."

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"I can snowball into significant amounts of direct damage, but I prefer not to be on the front lines."

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"With any luck we'll have only a few direct opponents. But you might be better positioned keeping guards and the King and such from interfering. I'm hoping to get this resolved before backup can arrive, but - there might be distractions to the main fight."

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"I can do that."

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"I might try to stay out of the main melee, and see if I can't build up a ritual as backup."

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"It is our pleasure."

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"If no one has objections I might read in Thor and Steve - opinions on whether I bring up you guys' powers, or just that we have backup?"

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"The latter, I think. Better to compartmentalize where we can."

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She nods. "I'll probably just use illusions to let them know what you two look like, bring them separately to the field - I don't know how much is being monitored but we might want to avoid too many high profile people teleporting here."

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"A good idea."

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"Anything else I should relay?"

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"Not from me, I think."

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"I'm good."

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Loki nods and teleports off.

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"Not quite the vacation we were hoping for," she comments to Mora.

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"I might have to tweak my targeting parameters next time."

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"Keep the surf and sun but turn down the mindreading and artificial reality."

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"Might just filter for somewhere with no people. At first, at least."

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"That might do it. Or someone would fall out of the sky on top of us."

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She laughs. "That's seeming increasingly likely, isn't it?"

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"Rather. The mysterious forces don't like calm."

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"Maybe next time we should talk the others into causing some chaos while we slip away somewhere else."

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Heh. "Worth a try."

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"Seems like something the Hisames would be up for. Maybe Naraka would find it cathartic."

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"As long as we point her well away from anything we'd have to clean up."

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"I think we can find something."

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"I have faith in our resourcefulness."

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"And we can always keep trying."

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"There is that."

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"Experiences to learn from."

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"On the whole, I prefer to do the learning in advance."

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"Probably for the best."

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"Like everything I do."

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She laughs. "We do have that touch."

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"How long do you think Loki will be?"

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"Not sure. Nausicaa and Sue took her a short while..."

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"We might have time for... distraction."

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Saucy wink.

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They can get quite distracted.

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Enjoyably so.

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And Loki returns in due time. She looks a little frazzled.

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"Did you meet with complications?"

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"Not really. It was just - a lot." Thor gets emotional.

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"I think we're about ready to go, otherwise?"

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"Yes, I believe so. As long as you do not need more time."

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She shakes her head. "I'll let Nausicaa and Sue know we're ready. I'm expecting things to explode pretty soon after they start talking to their mom..."

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"We should get into position, then."

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"Yeah. Perhaps not too near - it'll be safer for me to teleport in, I think. I'll start working on a scry past her defenses - I gave Nausicaa a token that should help my magic focus."

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"Sounds sensible."

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She nods. "I don't much like waiting, but, well..."

She sighs, turns away slightly, and starts spinning up the scry. She's long since been capable of silent magic - but something about remembering that she's actually technically two years old has shaken her. Imagine that. And the Scarlet Witch is powerful...

She narrates her lie out loud, then. To center herself, and to give it more power. She's a good performer, weaving a tale about how this would be appropriate to have work, how she's sly (and she names herself as "daughter by fire of the great weaver of lies") and capable of moving about unseen, her hand invisible in events like her mother's before her - her path different from her mother, who burned herself when she burned fate, and Loki is the heir of that legacy, and no chains may bind one of her name.

If she dislikes her mother's legacy, it doesn't show in her face or voice.

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If it works, it works.

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And the scry unfolds before them, a watery scene.

Nausicaa and her mom are arguing. It's hard to hear the words. Nausicaa seems like she's trying not to be upset; her mom has her arms crossed. Sue and a woman identical to their mom - presumably their aunt - are staring warily at each other.

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"So far, so good."

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"Yeah - don't think she's noticed me, too... Still, seems likely to escalate."

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"There is not much to do about that at this point, beyond trust your friends."

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She nods, slowly. "I suppose I'll have to."

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What happens next?

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Nausicaa and her mom grow increasingly agitated.

Her mom says something, sharply, and starts floating, a red glow forming around her hands -

Sue vanishes, as does their aunt, apparently clashing, only briefly visible, as Nausicaa jumps back -

"Let's move," Loki says.

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"I am ready."

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Deep breath, and -

She teleports them all in, successfully placing Eliana and Mora away from the fighting proper along with Five-in-One, pulling Thor and Steve to her location. A red glow suffuses everyone on their side, spreading from Loki's hands, invigorating them and making their powers stronger - for a while, at least.

Steve falls in to defend the less martially talented support, while Thor and Loki fall into step with each other, throwing themselves against the Scarlet Witch in a flurry of lightning and magical bolts. Five-in-One go still as a unit, all staring at the Scarlet Witch. Mora appears to hook into Loki's initial power boost, chanting to keep it maintained with that first spike, building on itself.

Sue and her aunt continue appearing only in flickers, their exact movements hard to track.

And guards begin to arrive, trying to get through to the combatants.

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That seems like Eliana's job. Are they armored?

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They have anti-ballistic armor but there's gaps she can exploit.

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She parlays the initial cut into more, finessing the gaps. With that, she begins disabling the reinforcements, hobbling them inside their armor.

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They fight back, but for all their training they weren't prepared for an actual threat, and Steve deftly blocks any shots they get off towards his side.

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Hopefully the main fight is going as well.

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It's definitely going! 'Well' might be an exaggeration - Sue and her aunt are evenly matched, apparently, and the Scarlet Witch seems just about equal to her opponents, even with Mora's rising boosts to her allies and needling attacks against her enemies.

Loki's spitting out spells as quickly as she can - but every one is countered, often without much effort from her target.

Loki starts dialing back, faking exhaustion, so she can circle around, vanish under the combined threat of Thor and Nausicaa - it only somewhat works, though. The Scarlet Witch is fairly broadly alert.

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Eliana can spare some attention and power to add some explosions to the distraction.

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That helps a little - so does the sudden arrival of Ikol when a blow seriously threatens Loki. The crow moves fast, a whirlwind of feathers, destabilizing the Scarlet Witch's spells - and, it seems at times, the very air.

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Questionably helpful, that.

She tosses razor flecks of blood at the Witch's face.

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The Witch deflects most - but not all - of them, but then her face twists in fury, and her eyes and skin begin to glow red as she rises into the air, the earth shaking.

Loki hasn't attacked in a short while, kneeling, curled in on herself like something's hurting her -

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Eliana seizes control of the Witch's blood, making her fight for every movement.

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Slowing down her words is about the only thing that helps.

Still, even with words slurring, she screams out spells, intent mattering more than action -

Ikol seems to be shielding Loki, before taking off, abandoning the girl -

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Who is now, incongruously, twelve somehow -

And raising a gun engraved with glowing runes, pointed at the Scarlet Witch's turned back.

Loki fires.

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And the world starts to shatter.

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Oh this is definitely a bad thing.

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Judging by all the screaming, it seems people agree with her on that assessment.

Loki falls first, the floor under her shattering, spiraling down into a starry void -

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And Ikol flies after her, even as the world heaves and spins.

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And then the cracks around Mora and Eliana grow past tenability -

Mora wraps herself around Eliana, her true self boiling up from under her skin, as the void tries to swallow them, keeping Eliana safe from the screaming stars.

They fall for quite a while before landing.

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Not an experience she is especially eager to repeat.

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They land in an autumn forest. It's hard to tell if the orange sky indicates sunrise or sunset.

The landing, at least, is soft.

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Eliana stands and brushes herself off, offering Mora a hand up if she needs one.

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She takes it, apparently a bit woozy.

"The area of - space that isn't universes - around that universe was really unfriendly," she grouches. "I think we're safe, though. And not unconscious. Always a bonus."

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"Indeed. Quick thinking on your part to save us."

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"Thanks. Sorry I couldn't steer us back to the others - not sure where this is, but I don't think we've been here before."

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"We're alive, so eventually we'll get back."

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"Yeah, we will." She takes a deep breath, steadying herself. "Hopefully this place won't be so bad vacation-wise..."

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"The bar was just set fairly high."

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She laughs. "It quite was!"

A glance around, and - "That direction looks as good as any other. Besides, I think I hear water..."

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"That promotes it to a better direction. Let us go."

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The slope of the mountain's gentle, just enough to lead them to a gentle stream, pouring over mossy river stones. Mora keeps grinning around at all the nature. It's a bit quiet, for a forest at what's distinctly now dawn, but not too much so, and the air has a pleasant coolness to it.

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"Less of a pristine idyll than the last world. Still nice."

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Mora opens her mouth to respond -

And is interrupted by a distant horn blast, that shakes the ground and makes leaves shake. Birds take off in massive flocks, crying out and wheeling away from the woods. Something - perhaps a deer - near them starts crashing through the undergrowth in a blind panic.

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"-Seems I spoke too soon."

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"...Yeah." She turns, slightly, in the direction of the blast. "I get the feeling whatever that was is gonna concern us."

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"Doesn't it always?"

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"Has a rather irritating tendency to." She looks around. "We should possibly get somewhere more defensible... Though I'm not sure much's better than here." She pats her bag. "I have my book, at least..."

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"And I have my knife, so I suppose we are as ready as we can be."

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She sighs, mutters a quick incantation under her breath, and squares her shoulders. There's definitely something approaching by now, animals fleeing past them, trees creaking in a wind they can't feel.

Mora turns to face whatever's coming. "Especially together," she says.

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Eliana steps to her side. "Together."

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She grins, fondly, at Eliana.

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And then a huge black wolf, bearing someone in brilliant crimson robes, with an exceptionally familiar face - though the coloration's different, saturated, intense and leaving her hair and skin glowing a bloody red - bursts through the trees like a whirlwind, darting to circle around them. The woman's laughing, glancing at them.

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She's followed by another woman on the back of a large spotted cat, which leaps into the clearing with more grace but no less menace. She's less deeply colored, less overt with her enjoyment.

"And what have we found?"

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"Some rather brave prey, seems like. Two of them, even!" A teasing glance at her companion. "I'm going to be practically spoiled with how many have stood up to me this year."

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"Good things tend to follow each other."

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Eliana glances at Mora.

"...Who are you?"

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She grins at Shade.

Then, to her prey: "I'm the Yew Queen. This is Shade Eclipse Heart. We're leading the Wild Hunt, for now."

Her wolf paces, circling them. "I wonder who the two of you are, to be so confident against us? Do you think you can put up a fight?"

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"More of one than you're expecting. Or at least of a different sort."

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"Is that a challenge?"

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"A statement of fact. We are visitors from another world."

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"Oh? An unusual claim."

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"We are unusual people. And we've met your faces before."

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The wolf keeps pacing, circling closer.

"Another us? What are they like, then?"

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"Of your face in particular, we've met three. Of your alts in general, I believe we're up to nine or so."

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"Oh? And do you have any of my darling?"

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"That would be Shade? Yes, though slightly fewer. I am one of them."

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"Shade is my darling, yes. You don't seem much like her, but I suppose there's a certain ring of similarity - she was the first to stand up to me in centuries. And you two are the second and third."

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"You are not the first pair of us that has gotten together."

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"Are you a me, then?" she asks Mora.

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"Yes. One of the more reserved ones, but - we're all different."

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"How fascinating!" She glances back at Eliana. "So you two are exploring? Or are you hunting for something?"

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"We are looking for a vacation."

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Shade snorts in amusement.

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She laughs. "I suppose we are, too, with side hunts like this."

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"Already discovering common ground."

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The wolf continues pacing.

"You're quite positive you don't want a fight, then?"

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"It seems unlikely to be productive."

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"Awww. I suspect fighting you would be fun, though I would rather not turn our alts against us..."

To Shade, "What do you think, darling?"

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"I think friendly alts with foreign magic could be useful."

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"Something our ultimate prey won't be expecting, certainly."

She laughs.

To their alts: "Very well. We won't fight you. Will you come with us, though? I suspect there's much to discuss."

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"We don't seem to have any other plans going."

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"Perhaps not. We will go at your pace, then - perhaps not back to the full gathering yet, though... I know a small clearing near here that would be a more pleasant locale." And easier for her to secure.

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"Very well."

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She turns her wolf, padding off through the forest. There's sounds of the Hunt in the distance - some pursuit or another, some celebration of a victory or licking of wounds over an escaped prey will be going on all day. They have quite a bit of time.

The clearing is cool and sunny and mossy, scattered with stones at a good height for sitting on. The Yew Queen doesn't bother with any of those, instead sprawling against her wolf as is her wont.

"I'm quite interested in your stories - all of yours. But it'd be quite rude, to demand a tale without giving one of my own," she says, smirking. "Still... Both of you seem, to my eyes, to be Heartful, if strange ones - do Heartless and Heartful, as magical categories, mean anything to you?"

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"They do not. It is quite rare that magical systems repeat between worlds."

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"Then I suppose I'll start there. It's at the root of a lot, after all."

"Our world has two sorts of people - fairies, who are born Heartless, and humans, who are born Heartful. The Heartless are incapable of forming attachments of any sort. They can feel joy, frustration, pain... But it's immensely fleeting, and the emotions rooted in attachment - love, sorrow, grief - are utter strangers to them. The Heartful, on the other hand, form attachments rather easily. The source of the joy, the pain, matters as much as anything, and our emotions are rather more enduring."

"Each sort of person has their own magic. The Heartless use artifacts, which are made from whole or broken hearts. The magic scales with the size of the stolen heart. The Heartful use their own hearts for strength, and can do - anything they care enough about, really. The Heartful can't use artifacts safely - doing so breaks their heart, which is usually fatal - but I find I prefer Heartful magic."

"It's possible to move between the two states. The Heartful can have their hearts stolen, or, usually, can reject their heart. The Heartless can steal hearts - or apparently be granted them - and place a stolen heart in their own chest."

"Being Heartful has its own risks, though. Some things - certain magics, intense grief - can break a heart in its owners chest. For the ex-Heartless, the death of whoever they stole their heart from risks doing this, too. This is called the Harrowing. Most Harrowed die. Many who survive come out of it Heartless. Some emerge Heartful - but usually unable to use certain magics on themselves. I've generally found how you emerge from the Harrowing is mostly a matter of conviction."

"There's some visual distinction - anyone Heartless is entirely drained of color, them and all their possessions. Those born Heartful look much like you. The Heartful who were once Heartless - do not. Some have unusual coloring. For most of us, the intensity of our coloration rises with the capacity of our hearts. I've even heard it's possible to become accidentally Heartless if you stop caring for long enough."

"Both Shade and I were originally Heartless fairies. I've been Heartful for centuries. It's been a bit over a year, for her. I chose to be Heartful - I'd always been miserable Heartless - but she didn't. While she was collecting hearts for her artifacts, a rather annoying old man forced a heart into her chest. I ran across her a few months ago, on one of my Hunts, and we've been hunting him down to kill him ever since."

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"Hm. What you call Heartful is the norm among other worlds. Though without the magic or risk of having your heart literally broken."

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"Interesting. Here most people are Heartless, largely because fairies invented cities and such first."

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"That would do it."

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"The Heartless are dreadfully boring. I've been picking at their edges, trying to get more Heartful in the world overall, but, well - I'm a match for any hundred Heartless, not for an army, and arranging agricultural logistics is even more boring."

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"It doesn't play to your strengths."

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"I might help that girl you found - September? - with her revolution. That seems like my speed. But, yes, I'm not at all a farmer."

To the visitors: "Would you two be interested in helping us? At the very least with hunting our current prey - overthrowing a regime is a rather different and more delicate matter."

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"It seems we're doomed to find no relaxing peace, But killing one man might serve. At least in comparison to regime change." She turns to Mora. "What do you think?"

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"Seems Hisame's style of vacation. Could be fun, though."

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"Is that a yes?"

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"I think so."

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"It is - we'll help your hunt."

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"Thank you."

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"Then this will be quite the exciting hunt, won't it?"

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"It'll be up there. This could be the edge we needed."

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"I do believe so. He certainly won't see all of us coming - especially if we move fast, now."

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"Do you know where he is?"

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"We have a good idea, by now - we've been focusing on cutting off places he can go to ground, since we got his scent."

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"Ah, good."

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"We'll want to know something of what you two can do, and share our own talents, but I see no strong reason to delay past that."

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"Speaking personally, a night of sleep would be pleasant."

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"We can certainly pause that long."

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"Many thanks."

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"Would you like a feast as well? Or something quieter?"

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"I have not the energy for a grand party."

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"Quiet it is, then - and the people who've been accompanying us lately are rather used to Shade, so I suspect they won't be too rambunctious for your tastes, even if you're more widely introduced around."

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"I suppose alts must be convenient like that."

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"We all seem to have the same good tastes."

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"In women, at least."

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"I'll admit to having especially exceptional taste there."

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Fond grin at Shade, then: "So it seems we should turn in for the night, and resume our hunt in the morning?"

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"It does seems so. Have you accomodations, or are we roughing it?"

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"We've been sleeping under the stars. I suppose I could find you a bed in a human village, but they're dreadfully behind the times."

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"They don't even have books."

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"Oh dear."

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She giggles. "Maybe you should aim for a world that's just libraries next," she says, teasingly.

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"That would be a sight. I bet they'd have great organization schemes."

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"A very complex one, certainly, to be able to find any books. Unless they're all immortal and think searching for a book is as fun as reading it."

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Shade makes a face. "Not forever, it wouldn't be."

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"They'd have to have a very strange psychology indeed."

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"Seems it'd be a little like what you do, with this 'Wild Hunt'."

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"The chase is rather thrilling, but I prefer intelligent opponents. I've always caught my prey in the end, too, though it's delightful if someone evades me long enough for a challenge."

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"Catching is more fun."

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"Quite a bit more fun."

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"An opinion I do hope our other selves share."

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"I don't think anyone will disagree with you, though you've dedicated yourself to this pursuit in a new fashion."

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"Oh, good, I'd hate to be unoriginal."

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"We've only come across one set of duplicates, though there were subtle divergences."

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"The whole business is rather fascinating..."

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"Some of us suspect someone is telling stories about us."

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"Well, so far I've only had good things come of the interestingness, though I suppose I might just be living in the prologue so far."

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"The authors, if they exist, seem mostly benevolent."

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"Honestly telling stories is the type of thing I might entertain myself with if omnipotent. Most other pursuits would be - boring, I suspect."

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"Once you can do anything you want, the only thing left is to see what other people do."

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"Exactly! Getting responses out of people is just so delightful in general, too."

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"Somewhat difficult to scale, but you seem to be managing well."

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She laughs. "I suppose I am! Is that a common trait, among the other me's?"

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Eliana glances at Mora. "...Maybe fifty-fifty."

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"I think we all enjoy seeing people feel emotions? But it's not always in a sadistic way, and it's not always at random strangers."

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"That's fair."

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"And the Crows we've met are not as old, I think."

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"I haven't changed much over the last few centuries. But I do see your point. I was rather - a handful, when I was young, in a way I'm not now. I know who I am, and I'm happy with that."

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"I don't know, I think you're still a rather nice handful now."

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She giggles and kisses her girlfriend. "A nicer handful, then. I bite rather significantly less."

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"A little biting is okay."

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Mmmmm. "Be careful before you tempt me, darling."

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Shade grins the grin of a girl who knows exactly what she's doing.

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"Let's get our guests settled, how about?" she purrs, running a finger down Shade's cheek, her nail trailing only lightly. "Then we can have some fun."

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Shade sticks her tongue out at the Yew Queen.

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"Speaking as a guest, that would be appreciated."

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Firm kiss for her girlfriend, then she disengages with a laugh, claps her hands twice, sharply, and two good-sized tents form out of vines and leaves and flowers. "A treat! On me."

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"Much appreciated."

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"The intent is for each pair to share one - if that's acceptable to you?"

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Glance to Mora.

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"I like having my own space, but separate beds and a divider would be fine in a big enough tent, if it's alright with Eliana."

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"That will serve."

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"If you wish." Gesture. "That one with the blue flowers is set up for you two." She wraps an arm around Shade's waist. "Now, if you'll excuse us..."

She doesn't wait for a response before whisking Shade into the red-flowered tent.

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"Not quite as bad as the Keres and Tentou."

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She laughs, startled. "From how the Yew Queen talks... Hopefully she's a good sign of how Tentou will calm down over time, if Tentou's like a young her."

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"I suppose we'll find out in six hundred years."

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Laugh. "I look forward to it."

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"In the meantime, shall we take some rest?"

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"Sounds good to me."

And into the tent for the night.

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The Yew Queen is no less bouncy in the morning, though she politely waits for her guests to be coherent and fed before unleashing the full force of her mania on them.

"Are you two ready for the grand hunt? Or would you prefer some practice hunts first - ?"

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"It might be good to see our magics in action first."

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"Certainly safer, that way. If my Shade is willing to delay, then, we shall add in some smaller hunts first."

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"We're closer than we have been. I don't mind setting up the best chance we can."

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"Alright. Hunting together is a good way to get to know someone, besides."

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"What shall we seek?"

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"I'd prefer a challenge, though not an overwhelming one - it'd be a better circumstance for us to learn how to work together, for one. Otherwise, divination can define fairly arbitrary parameters for who I want to find, though it doesn't always guarantee they're close."

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"Very well."

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"Do you have a preferred sort of prey?"

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"This sort of thing is not really one of my hobbies. But my magic works best on things with blood."

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"The Heartless have blood, though it's an odd sort - but perhaps a Heartful. More classic, and more like the actual threat we'll be facing."

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"That sounds suitable, then."

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"Ready for the Hunt, then?"

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"I suppose so. Mora?"

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"I'm ready enough."

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"Find our target, then."

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She laughs, spins, and points. "Our initial heading!"

"Do you two require mounts? We move rather faster than the normal human can run, after all."

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"That would be helpful."

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She whistles, and two other wolves run up. "They'll bear you quite well."

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"One hopes." She essays a pet.

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The wolf pants, apparently pleased, and presses against her side.

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Hooray. Perhaps this will not be terrible. She climbs up.

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The Yew Queen graciously waits for her guests to be settled, before taking off like a blast of wind through the trees.

Somehow, they don't crash into anything or fall off.

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As far as modes of travel go, this is not her favorite.

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Mora seems to agree, keeping a death grip on her wolf.

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Well, the Yew Queen is having fun, and it gets them where they're going quickly, ripping down from the woods and into a plain, crossing that in a blink, the grasslands turning into desert, the desert opening into a mighty river spilling down an enormous canyon, their mounts' footing sure -

And their mounts bring them easily out of the way of a lashing whip of water, their target stepping out from a cave in the cliffside, her teeth bared in fury. She seems to have allies, several weaker Heartful fanning out behind her.

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Well, it seems there won't be any difficulty in getting the fight started.

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The Yew Queen gestures at one, her nails lancing out and piercing his body in several places - not killing him outright, but making him stumble, and certainly making him bleed rather profusely.

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Eliana turns the blood into whips to attack everyone in the area.

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More than a few of them can shield themselves.

The Yew Queen flash boils the air around them. They scream, their attention broken, their desires turned towards make it stop -

Leaving them open to Eliana's continued attacks.

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She feels almost superfluous, but once more blood is in play, she switches her magical manipulations to make the enemy group physically attack each other.

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The Yew Queen is powerful, but seems allergic to taking the fight seriously.

Making the enemy group attack each other disrupts their counter spells, most importantly - it's hard for them to fight the Yew Queen while they're also fighting Eliana.

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Not being in control of your own body can certainly be distracting. Pity she can't activate their magic.

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Well, between the lot of them, they'll get this group quite messily killed. The Yew Queen shows off a disregard for gravity and getting her hands dirty. She's viciously good, probably approaching the 'destructive force of nature' weight class Hisame hovers near the top of.

But she doesn't seem to be actually fighting as recklessly as Hisame would, even if their styles look similar on the surface - and she draws out the fight long enough to make that apparent. She scrupulously avoids injury, and she keeps control of the battlefield in a way Hisame probably can't. Even where her allies falter, even when one of their enemies gets a few moments to breathe and start to gather want - the Yew Queen's in all the cracks, disrupting them, keeping them contained. She's either done this a thousand times before or has some element of precognition running, or perhaps both - she responds to problems before they arise, several times.

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Isn't that refreshing.

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Still -

Their opponents fall, all the same.

"A good fight," the Yew Queen says, standing over the last of their bodies.

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This doesn't get less hot.

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"We're all still alive, so I can agree."

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She's giving Shade a rather promising look.

"The fight against our final enemy will be significantly harder - unfortunately, people who are between this level of deadly and his are few and far between." She tilts her head, smiling. "You three practicing against me might be worth something."

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"Perhaps, though hampered somewhat by refraining from lethal techniques."

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"That is one problem, yes."

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"Still, you are closer to the power of the one we seek, yes?"

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"Quite. I've never actually faced him - but I suspect he's more powerful than me, but likely not by much."

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"Will you give us a moment to formulate a strategy?"

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Once the Yew Queen has gone off a ways, Eliana turns to the others.

"I don't think either I or Mora can stand against her. Can you?" she asks Shade.

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"Not for long."

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"Given enough time I can increase everyone's powers, at least some."

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"I propose a three-layer plan. Shade distracts, I harass, and Mora works on supplements."

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"I think that works out well for me, though how effective I'll be depends on how much lead time she gives us."

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"Can you start now?"

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She nods, closing her eyes and starting chanting softly.

Her magic's definitely doing something - the ritual needs to bolster both Shade and Eliana without bolstering the Yew Queen as well... She's not used to bolstering the intensity of someone's caring, but maybe... She might be able to damage the Yew Queen's ability to use magic too, but should hold that in reserve...

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"Can you start with blood?"

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"Not from anything. Certainly not her, unless she finds it funny."

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"It doesn't have to be."

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"Then yeah. We ready?"

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"I think so."

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Shade turns to the Yew Queen, winks, then launches into an attack.

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"Time to dance?" she calls, parrying and flowing into her own attack, harsh and sharp.

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"You know how I like dancing."

She conjures a hail of blood in needle spikes, only some of them intended to hit.

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"You're going to have to try harder, darling."

She twists out of the way of the needles, swirling around Shade.

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The blood congeals, reaches back out to the Yew Queen to slash, to burn.

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Mora's chant starts sapping the Yew Queen's motivation - her Heartfulness - and feeding it into Shade, starts summoning blood, too, albeit slightly weird eldritch blood (a nifty trick she found as a footnote in one of her books).

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Her gaze snaps to Mora.

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Shade is in her face again.

"Don't make me jealous."

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"I wouldn't dream of it, darling."

She lashes out at Shade, lightning quick, striking at her chest with a thundering blow.

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Shade is solid, immovable, untouchable. She strikes back when the Yew Queen gets close.

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The ground also reaches up to attack her, while lightning strikes from all sides.

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She allows Shade's blow in exchange for one of her own, forceful enough to send her darling flying back if it connects.

Lightning redirects into the ground, blowing apart the earth that dared turn against her.

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She recovers quickly and flies straight back, not bothering to touch the ground.

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She uses the opening to pounce - at Mora, covering the distance quickly.

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A succession of fire walls and pits block her progress.

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And Mora had noticed her attention - far enough ahead to make space slightly more unreal.

She slips to the side - or perhaps the space around her slips away a bit, curling so attacks won't quite touch her.

Still, it takes concentration, and her building chants summoning blood and stripping the Yew Queen's strength and bolstering Shade falter, lingering on a long note for now but threatening to fade entirely.

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The Yew Queen can fly, unfortunately, and the fire only scorches her lightly. Still, she's delayed at the border of Mora's - strangeness - staying still long enough to be hit in turn.

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Something both Shade and Eliana take advantage of.

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The Yew Queen spins Shade into Eliana's attack, and then lunges for Mora, slamming through her defense - she wants to get through, desperately, and that's enough -

She picks Mora up with one hand, disrupting her chants, and then throws her at Eliana.

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A gust of air softens the impact, but not enough to catch her.

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Mora is not able to catch herself or in any way prevent herself from crashing into Eliana. She yelps.

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And she goes after Shade, hard and fast - not playing anymore.

Much, at least.

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Shade's no slouch, but she's not the Yew Queen.

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She gets everyone pinned down, puts her hands on her hips, and declares, "I think I win."

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"Yes, that seems... true."

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"You all fought well, but there's a few obvious points to fix."

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"Of course."

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"The first - you drew me into the fight too soon, rather than first building your strength and letting Mora get some momentum behind her."

"Second! It was far too obvious Mora was doing something significant."

"Third! It was far too easy for me to locate and close with Mora."

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"Fair points. But not unsolvable."

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"Exactly. The other problems - like coordinating better among yourselves - sadly mostly take practice."

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"Not something in infinite supply, alas."

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"Pity. Still, we can drill a few more times, how about?"

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"Now that you know our best trick," Shade grumps.

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"I can pretend I don't."

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"Pretend how hard?"

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"Like I haven't even considered people might have other magics, perhaps?"

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And she proceeds to run the group through a few more - rather exhausting - practice fights. She always wins, but they lose more slowly each time, and even get a few blows in.

She's fairly good at pointing out and correcting where their teamwork is slipping, too.

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All very helpful.

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"Our best bet against our final enemy will probably be using as much subterfuge as we can - at least long enough to give Mora time to work. Sadly, I think he might recognize me and escalate fairly quickly if I confront him right off the bat..."

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"Shade and I to begin with then, and you intervene to cut him off before he raises too far."

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"That seems like a good strategy, yes."

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"Then we should take him."

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"As soon as possible, darling. Let's rest, and then we can begin our ultimate Hunt."

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"All right."

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She leans on her girlfriend, and then starts getting them ready to rest.

The next morning - the hunt begins quietly, of course. She sets a series of scries for their target, finally narrowed enough to find where he's not, even if his defenses still make his exact self elusive.

She gets a hit - nearby - and calls up mounts for those interested in riding - and then with Mora's help spins a cloak of shadows around them, most strongly around Mora, second most strongly around herself, layering misdirection upon camouflage upon lies upon sweet stories upon simple want.

"Ready?" she calls.

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She grins, and they're off, the Yew Queen stabilizing Mora so she can continue the rituals she began before dawn, slowly bolstering all of her allies, making them tougher, stronger, more alert, more keen.

It's a short ride to their target, when you're as fast as the wind, and the Yew Queen and Mora peel off before they're on top of him. Still - Shade knows where to go, her want highlighting him now that's she so close.

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She hurls herself straight at him as soon as she has a line of sight, in a spray of blood and mist and shadow.

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He defends himself - not apparently surprised by her - with swirls of light, gentle nudges to redirect her - almost like the air is thicker some directions, throwing her off.

He's very, very good, and she's barely able to land hits on him, and none draw blood.

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Eliana also beings to attack, aiming more to distract and dazzle than inflict damage.

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Shade focuses on knives, cutting, slicing away defenses and flesh.

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He's the wind, leaves dancing away by the very force of her blows - grasses tripping her up, gusts making it hard for them to keep their footing -

His return blows wind Shade, sometimes bruise - but aren't as hard as they should be, and Mora's ritual is making her power far, far more effective.

But he also doesn't seem to be applying much effort. Looks somewhat annoyed, mostly, and he tries a few times to chide Shade - he seems to recognize her.

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She takes his taunts as fuel for her focus, and launches some angry curses of her own right back.

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A few land - but most he bats aside. Until one series of blows lands properly, actually visibly injuring him -

He looks furious.

He lunges for Shade, too fast to dodge, too strong to parry - the air nearly choking her -

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And the Yew Queen is there, blocking his attack.

"I do believe your fight's with me, now."

His eyes narrow - and the Yew Queen launches an attack of her own, throwing him back, launching herself in his wake to harry him.

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Shade stays at her back, adding her fury and want to the Yew Queen's attack.

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Nonetheless -

They're losing, piece by piece, inch by inch.

The Yew Queen escalates - to a level far past anything Shade's seen out of her before - the air's distorting strangely, the ground under them cracking, an aurora dancing through the sky -

She presses her attacks, hard, injuring her opponent - taking injuries of her own -

Still, she shields the others, weaving their help in, creating blood for Eliana, preventing any attacks from reaching them.

(She hasn't let herself go like this in so, so long - )

( - but she doesn't want this enough, doesn't know what the consequences will be of killing this man would be - is afraid, almost, creeping in the back of her head - )

(She's not as good as she could be.)

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"Come on!" Shade snaps at the Yew Queen. "Are you better than him or not?"

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Deep breath.

She gestures, a broad sweep of her hand -

Eliana and Shade goes flying back, away from the fight - landing safely.

And the Yew Queen flings herself forward, tackling Shade's enemy, digging her fingers into his skin - glowing, so bright she hurts to look at -

The color goes out of the world, briefly - rushes back, too vibrant - settles -

The man explodes.

The Yew Queen's thrown away, body limp.

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That's not- She can't-

Shade fairly teleports over to where the Yew Queen landed.

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She appears to be quite dead - severely injured, for one. Not breathing. Her skin bears signs her heart shattered.

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As she turns away, something inside her breaks.

Her face is calm when she rises and she begins walking away.

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"Are you all right?" Eliana calls.

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"I am fine. I will be leaving now." She doesn't stop walking.

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The shadows hiding Mora fail, of course.

She takes a step toward the Yew Queen - "We can get her back - we have resurrection, in our main group - "

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"I have other things to do. I need to reacquire my artifacts."

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"...Alright. We - won't stop you."

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She continues leaving.

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Mora collects the Yew Queen's body.

To Eliana - "We... should go back to the others now, I think. Get her resurrected."

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"Yes, I think that would be best."

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The ritual, at least, safely directs them back - to Ellayania's world, first, since Mora's more familiar with it.

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"I see the two of you had fun."

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"Yeah. Had a bit of an adventure. Found two other Crows - maybe a third - and lost track of all but this one. And found one Lightning, who... Is complicated, I guess."

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"Interesting. I presume a resurrection is in order?"

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"Yeah. We can relay the whole story after."

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"I have alerted Tentou."

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"Thanks; she'll be faster than me..."

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Speaking of the devil: a Tentou!

"Hello!" she chirps, landing nearby. "Oh, another me face! How delightful. Do you wanna stick around while she's being resurrected?"

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"I would, so I can at least explain what happened."

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"Yes, I think it would be best if she had as much context as possible."

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And: to the wizard dude! ("We should really get native capabilities at some point, rather than relying on one guy who owes us a favor...")

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"I'm close in my own studies..."

Still: resurrection. Tentou stays out of the room, to not crowd it.

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And, shortly thereafter, the Yew Queen opens her eyes.

"Where's Shade?" she asks, almost immediately.

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"She- wandered off."

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Pause. Deep breaths. Try to stop the trembling in her hands.

"Was she - visually desaturated?"

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"Do you know what happened?"

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"Probably... Either killing that man made her back into one of the Heartless, or - stopped forcing her to be Heartful, and she made herself Heartless, or - her heart broke from my death."

"The Heartless - " humorless laugh, almost a sob - "They don't care about anything. It - I wouldn't matter to her."

"It's why you're not supposed to fall in love with fairies."

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"Would seeing you alive again restore her heart?"

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"I... Don't think so. Or - it's a low possibility."

"I - need to think, first. Then... Talk to her, I suppose."

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"All right. We should go back to Ellayania's world. That's the- safest place we have."

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She seems subdued, mostly.

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And Tentou, with frequent somewhat worried glances at the Yew Queen, brings them back.

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"Do you need anything?"

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"...Possibly something to think about beyond just - misery. I'd like to hear all your stories for one, and I can... Talk through the context for me and Shade. After."

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"Our story starts, as it were, with Tentou and the Keres."

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She listens, attentive, up through where the story crosses her path.

"For me... In my world, there's the Heartless and Heartful - usually fairies and humans, respectively. The Heartful have difficult to use but freeform magic; the Heartless can create defined, easy to use artifacts out of hearts. Both have - advantages. The fairies have the cities, and rule most places."

"The Heartless are - incapable of forming attachments to people or things. They can be happy or sad, but one source of pleasure is identical to any others. A Heartless won't get any more upset over a lover dying than they will a stranger, except perhaps some annoyance at needing a replacement..."

"I was born Heartless. I hated it, as much as I could've been said to hate things back then - I made myself Heartful as soon as I figured out how. Shade... Was also born Heartless, but was - content. She got into a conflict with a powerful Heartful, while she was collecting hearts. He forced her to be Heartful. She - hated him. Sided with me because I promised her a path to strength, to killing him."

"I... We had to divine his location first. Search for him, despite him hiding from us - "

"I'm familiar with him. It's impossible to be Heartful and powerful for any length of time and not know about the others in your weight class and above. I knew it'd be perhaps centuries before Shade could face him, especially since she was - reluctant to care. I... Taught Shade how to search for him anyways. Mostly out of boredom, I knew him and knew he probably wouldn't kill her, she'd just learn a lesson about caution, but then - "

"I fell in love."

"I... Could have led her to him much sooner. I didn't. I - didn't want to risk losing her, if she talked me into committing. I didn't know if the spell keeping her Heartful would break on his death. So I delayed as long as I could."

"And then you two showed up, and - it seemed as good an opportunity as any, for me to survive that fight."

She shrugs, looking away.

"I suppose I underestimated him."

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"Ah... for what it's worth, I'm- fairly sure she didn't desaturate until she was sure you were dead."

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"It's - worth anything. Implies heartbreak, rather than - that she simply decided she'd rather not care."

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"I think it is very unlikely that she would have decided not to care about you. Complicated somewhat by your magic system, but evidence suggests that it would be a rare Lightning to voluntarily give up her Crow."

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"I suppose the best thing is to talk to her, then."

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"It usually is, yes."

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"I'd -prefer not a crowd with me. Just Tentou, perhaps."

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"Fair enough. Good luck."

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"Good luck," Mora repeats.

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"Thank you."

And - off with Tentou, to her home world.

The Yew Queen pauses once they're there, though.

"I have a request," she says, softly. "Two, really."

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"I don't want to be resurrected a second time, unless Shade requests it. And... I don't want you to interfere between me and Shade. Whatever happens."

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"...Alright." She hugs her alt. "...Good luck."

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She hugs back.

Then she detangles herself, takes a deep breath, and goes to find Shade.

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Shade hasn't gotten that far from where they were, riding her cat to the nearest city.

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She lands nearby, in Shade's path, and calls her name.

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"You're dead."

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"Our new friends resurrected me."

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"That's good."

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Shade's still Heartless, apparently.

"Do you - want me to see if I can restore your heart?"

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"Not if you're going to die again."

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"I'll stay safe, and I'll do my best not to."

"But - "

"I don't think you'd be able to - go back to being Heartless while I was alive. If - I made you Heartful."

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Shade jumps down and hugs the Yew Queen.

"If it's you- if it's for you- then I don't care."

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Hug, and a hungry kiss.


It seems Shade already has a bit of her heart. Leftover, or regrowing -

Makes this easier.

The Yew Queen wants her to care. Wants her to be able to love, as much as she wants to love - wants her to love the Yew Queen but she's trying not to focus on that, to avoid specific things she wants Shade to feel, more focused on the capacity...

She wants her girlfriend back.

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Shade starts crying as color seeps back into her, and hugs harder.

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She's crying too! And clinging. Very clinging.

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"You're not- you're not allowed to die again, okay?"

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"I know. I'm sorry."

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Many hugs.

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She's definitely not going to be the one to stop this hug. Mostly she nuzzles Shade, hugging her tightly, crying into her shoulder.

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It'll be teary hugs for a while then.

"So the others, they brought you back to life?"

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Kiss. "Yes. And then brought me back to you."

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"I'm sorry I didn't go with them. But I just- didn't want to be that sad."

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Kiss. "It's okay. I was - worried - but... You should look out for yourself, too."

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"Wanna look out for you."

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"I love you. I - can try to be more open with what I need or fear."

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"Love you too."

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Happy nuzzle.

"I don't want to leave your side for - a while."

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"Good. But it's been kind of a long day, so maybe we can go somewhere else?"

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"We can introduce you to all your alts! While cuddling, of course. Perhaps on a very soft couch. I hear one of your alts is a library goddess..."

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"Oh, that sounds nice."

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"It's a date, then, darling."

She solicits Tentou for a ride back, keeping an arm around Shade the entire time.

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Eeee girlfriend.

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They world hop, and the Yew Queen solicits the location of the nearest comfortable cuddling place (Tentou has some quite well refined suggestions).

"I didn't actually get to meet many of our alts, just got the overview story..." she comments, draping herself over Shade's lap.

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"How many of them are there?"

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"Hm... A lot. Of the crows - that's my alts - we have... Me, the other Hisame, Mora, Glint, and then your darling, and three or four not connected to our group - Acererak we killed and plan to leave dead, Mara chose to stay in her world before we obtained easy methods to go back and forth, and Loki seems to have vanished, with Ikol who may or may not be an us. So now we're up to five crows plus three or four elsewhere."

"Of the lightnings - your alts - we have you, the Keres, Eliana, Ellayania, Elatra, and Elieyha, with Eliko having stayed with Mara. So we're up to six lightnings plus one elsewhere."

"I'm Tentou, one of the two of us named Hisame - from mostly identical worlds, with some divergences. The other Hisame is Naraka. Mora is our ritualist. Glint is a goddess of madness. Acererak was one of our enemies, briefly. Mara was a powerful bridge between the human and spirit worlds. I never met Loki or Ikol."

"The Keres is my and Naraka's darling. She's from a world we haven't been able to find again, with strong powers. Eliana is from the world the Keres and I met in, and she controls blood. Ellayania is a goddess, and the host of our main base. Elatra is a magic user from Acererak's world. Rather interesting system. Both Ellayania and Elatra are Glint's darlings. Elieyha is from Naraka's world, but didn't have an alt in my world - she's more reserved, doesn't really talk to the rest of us, and isn't attached to a crow."

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"That is a lot. ...And the same face thing is kind of weird."

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"It is! You have the same face as Eliko, actually."

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"I wonder what different faces have in common."

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"Do you mean what I'd have in common with your darling, or with Glint - who is a rather different face than me?"

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"The former."

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"We're unsure. Acererak didn't stop to talk, Naraka is me in a lot of ways... Though I had some backstory overlaps with Mara - another same face as me - and she reminded me of myself at her age, moreso than my other alts have. Reportedly, Loki reminded Mora most strongly of Glint, and they share a face."

"The faces seem to be a bit different with lightnings, though. I'd say Ellayania and my darling are in different... Clusters? Almost. Despite sharing a face."

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"Weird," Shade diagnoses.

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"It's all exceptionally weird. Interesting, though."

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"I suppose."

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"I think we should try to find more of us in general, to get more data, but Eliana's noted the others of us usually have problems that need solving."

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"And we're not exactly a counterexample."

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"Perhaps someday we'll figure out how to filter for that."

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"Depends on the method of travel, probably."

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"Mine filters a good bit - tends to land us near others of us, unless I'm specifically trying for not that, and always lands me somewhere conventionally habitable. Elatra's does less filtering. Mora's hasn't been widely tested, and neither has Glint's. ...I think that's most of the travel methods we have?"

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"You would know better than I."

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She shrugs. "Do you want to meet anyone else now? Or would you rather get reacquainted with each other for a while first?"

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"I think a bit of time would be appreciated."

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"Alright. I'll leave you both to it."

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The Yew Queen laughs and curls into her darling more as Tentou takes her leave of them.

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Yay cuddles!

She loves her Yew Queen.

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She loves her Shade. She loves being Shade's.

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And, elsewhere, with another Crow -

Naraka (it's a bit hard to think of herself like that, instead of as Uchiha Hisame, but it's better than being 'the second, less cool Hisame') has been experimenting with techniques. Tentou figured out how to get her a Mangekyou and Rinnegan of her own, and, well, she has to play catch up now...

Still, she's pretty sure she has the cross-world portal technique down. That one seems most important to her, right now.

She goes to find the Keres.

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"Hello, sweetie."

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"Hello darling," she says, giving her girlfriend a quick kiss. "I finally got that portal jutsu to work."

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"Ooh, exciting. Are you planning a trip?"

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"I was thinking... You and me could go on a bit of a date. See a new slice of the multiverse."

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"Sounds like fun."

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"We'll see how much chaos we're in the mood for when we get there." She offers an arm. "Shall we?"

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She slips her arm through Naraka's. "Let's."

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And: portal into mystery!

Naraka steps through, more focused on grinning at her girlfriend than at paying attention to where they're landing. It's unlikely to be dangerous, anyways.

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Her girlfriend is smiling back at her.

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Somewhere far, far away -

Ani is happy. She has her Occlus, her Mistress. She has her grandbabies (three!!! And she gets to help raise them!!! And Leia naming the youngest after her is honestly somewhat funny, even if Ani objected at the time). Currently, Ani's with said wonderful excellent amazing girlfriend, watching slash bodyguarding said terminally adorable children. Toys lay scattered over her apartment, and she's currently reading to Jaina and baby Anakin, as Jacen ignores her in favor of Occlus (which, cute; she certainly agrees with his taste in favorites).

And then a black portal opens in her living room.

Ani calmly puts her grandchildren behind her, lightsaber in her hand, posture ready for a fight by the time anyone steps through.

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"...This is new and different," the Keres says upon stepping out of the portal.

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"Yes, it is." Occlus says from behind her. "Usually kidnappers are at least polite enough to use a window, if not the door."

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"Not kidnappers!" Naraka says. "Inter-dimensional tourists with weird aim." She's eyeing the signs of babies suspiciously.

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"Ah huh."

They do, however, feel like her and Occlus - and Elesse.

(Jaina makes a curious upset noise from behind her.)

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"She kinda looks like an older Glint," the Keres says to Naraka.

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"...Yeah, she does."

To Ani and Occlus: "We're from another universe. People repeat across universes sometimes; the way I travel has a weird tendency to drop people on their alternate selves - which, I think you two might be alternates of us. We don't interfere with our alts unless they're, like, trying to murder us. Generally we help each other out."

Muttering: "And definitely not going to kidnap babies, what would I even do with one..."

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"You do look familiar, girl."

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The Keres bristles.

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Occlus laughs.

"Don't scare the children, now."

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"What, are you two married?"

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"Why wouldn't we be?" she says, voice teasing. "Mistress Occlus is quite the catch." She relaxes, a bit, as Jaina leans over to peek around her.

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"You're old."

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"And you're young!" She smiles, as Jaina tugs on her shirt. She half turns, helping the child up onto her hip, and checking on baby Anakin, who is currently crawling in the opposite direction across the couch. Ani just sighs.

"If you're not going to start a fight, you might as well sit down, get comfortable..."

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Occlus prods Jacen in the direction of rescuing his brother.

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"Since you're offering."

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Jacen is gonna toddle so hard to go tell baby Anakin no! Ani smiles at them, then sets Jaina down just long enough to pick up Anakin to set him on the floor, where he'd have to get really creative to fall off of anything. Can Jacen play with his baby brother? (He can! He sets about teaching Anakin the best ways to destroy block towers. This is a Very Important skill.)

Jaina insists on staying on her grandmother's lap as they settle in. Ani bounces her idly, contemplating how to word this when it comes time to update Leia on how babysitting went.

"I take it most of our - alternate selves? Aren't old?"

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(Naraka perches on the seat farthest from the children, thank you very much.)

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The Keres places herself as a buffer between Naraka and the smalls. She doesn't really see the point of them, but is not quite so jumpy as Naraka apparently is.

"Not... visibly, no. Or domestically."

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"I quite enjoy being domestic and... Not so much old as settled, actually." She leans against Occlus some. "Though I wouldn't turn down younger hips."

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Occlus settles an arm around Ani.

"The children are not ours. We are babysitting for Ani's daughter."

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"...I can't imagine willingly having a child, let alone grandchildren."

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Ani looks briefly sad.

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Then smiles. "Children, actually. Two, both rather excellent - they're up there with my mistress for favorite people. Though I suppose I never knew what to do with babies as a teenager, either."

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Gentle squeeze.

"Call it a shift in perspective."

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"More like a teleportation thereof."

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She tucks her head under Occlus's chin.

"One that worked out well for me."

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"...Why are you calling her mistress?"

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Gentler smile. "I love her, and I belong to her, and it was more to her taste than 'master.'" Also she noticed it bothered her younger alt, and she's a horrible goose of a person.

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"Do you two not...?"

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"...We're dating. I'm not - that subby. At all."

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"I wouldn't ask her to be."

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Quick kiss. "My darling is very excellent."

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Ani's smile is soft. "It's good your arrangement works for you. Ours - works very well for me."

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"I suppose your life must have been- different."

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"Perhaps. It might be interesting to - compare different lives."

"Though I'm also curious about your universes. If they're much like ours, or if they have different technologies and the like..."

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The Keres casts a gaze around the apartment.

"You seem to be higher-technology than what we've encountered so far."

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"I haven't been with the group for very long, to know what they all look like - but so far every world's had different magic, except for two that were just - the same world repeated, with small differences."

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"It'd be strange if the Force worked differently..."

"And - do your worlds have space flight? That's the big divider, here, between low technology and high technology worlds - though mostly because those with space flight tend to join the galactic community."

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"No, we don't have space travel."

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"Huh. Yet you can walk between worlds - what powers do you have?"

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"Hm... Lots of different ones related to combat - everyone can pretty much do something different, at a lot of different scales... For some of the less violent stuff - lots of healing options." She nods to Ani. "I noticed something's - off, with your limbs and lungs. If you want, we can probably help fix it."

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"I wouldn't mind; it's all old injuries, though, and there's scarring in awkward places."

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"Even if it's not something we can handle directly - which is most things - we can call in favors. Tentou - another of me and you - saved some really powerful magic users once, and some of us have political connections to people with healing magic." Mostly Glint, really, though probably Tentou's Naruto is building ones to the medics of her original world.

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"There's also a lot of other stuff, though I'm not sure how all of it stands up to your world's technologies, and some of it's localized. One of the lightnings - alts of my darling and yours - named Ellayania can hand out blessings for..." She takes a moment to remember. "Water-walking, enhanced vision, enhanced memory, more stamina, faster speed, and resistance to the cold and damp. She has an ally that can do preservation, her blessing she's willing to hand out usually slows down aging for a decade each time she gives it, but interacts weirdly with some unusual circumstances."

"For other worlds... There's a couple of contagious or teachable magic systems, which so far haven't interacted catastrophically with each other. Most of them do different things. Mine's more focused on enhancing the body and manipulating the environment and is pretty free-form, while the other three main ones do discrete spells or rituals."

"We also have safe worlds - Ellayania's territory is our main base, though there's also Glint's world, which is more under her control but less safe overall. Glint's one of the crows - my and your alts. Glint's a goddess of madness, and can impact anything in her domain - like, one of the other crows had an issue with her mind that Glint helped resolve."

"A couple of us have inter-world transit, so we're not extremely bottle necked, though no one has anything suitable for mass trading and such. One of the learnable magic systems might eventually solve that, but the ritual would need to be developed, and that's still being worked on - Mora, its source, has inter-world transit already, but it's just for a few people."

"For favors... The favor we call in most is resurrection - that's only come up a few times; twice for crows, once for a lightning, once for one of Tentou's friends. We're trying to get that so it's in-house, but that's also slow going."

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"...You can put back the dead?"

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"Yeah. Is there someone - ?"

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She goes tense and glances at Occlus. "...There - was. A time ago."

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Her hand tightens on Ani's shoulder.

"Someone I'm told I bear a striking resemblance to. A claim which may need to be reevaluated in light of recent developments."

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...She's pretty sure their visitors are being honest. She also - needs to talk with Occlus.

"Sadly, I can't run off right now." Faint smile. "My daughter would gut me if I took her children off to other universes without consulting her. But - if you don't mind hanging around, or coming back, I can arrange some free time."

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"I think we can wait. Perhaps you can recommend somewhere to eat?"

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"Sure." She names somewhere with food she suspects they'll both like, that Occlus nonetheless isn't well recognized in.

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Occlus floats a credit chit over to them with a wave of her hand to send the pair on their way.

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She contacts Leia, explains the situation, and arranges to hand off the children to Luke, who's fortunately near enough.

Then, once they're not going to be interrupted, she curls into Occlus's lap.

"I - want Elesse alive. Somewhere. It - was wrong, that she died. But - I'm yours."

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"Mm." She strokes Ani's hair. "You are. And I do not appreciate competition. If Elesse is truly an... alt, neither would she, I think."

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"She's - not competition. If you felt like sharing, I'd - go along with it. But I belong to you. And - there's a very large part of me saying that if she wanted me, she shouldn't have tried to kill me. I..."


"I want her to apologize. I want to apologize to her. I want to be friends with her again. I - want to introduce her to my family, and laugh with her over all the problems I had with teaching Luke and Leia, and ask her to teach one of my grandchildren someday - "

"I don't want to belong to her. Maybe even if I - didn't have you to compare to. I'm... Not sure I'd trust her enough. ...And she's not much older than my children. That would be weird."

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"Yes, I suppose she would be."

"Wanting that closure is understandable, and I do acknowledge your devotion. Saying that you would not go to her- helps. The main component of my reservation now is, I think, that I do not entirely trust my own reaction. I do not approve of people who hurt the things that are mine."

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She smiles and kisses Occlus. "I'd really rather no one draw weapons on each other in my presence, but... It seems likely we'll have more than enough time to patch over... Unkind or upsetting words." Also there's a part of her that's rather happy about the idea of Occlus scolding Elesse. Probably the part with self esteem.

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"One hopes."

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Longer kiss. "You're so good to me."

"Are there - arrangements that'd make you happier, with Elesse returning?"

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Occlus hums.

"I have been thinking of granting you a token to wear," she says, hands lightly brushing Ani's neck. "Something shiny, perhaps."

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Her eyes flutter shut, and she presses her neck a bit more into Occlus's hands. "Oh?" she asks, voice breathy.

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She traces a finger around, under her chin and up over her nape. "Perhaps a phrik alloy. Silver filigree."

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Shiver. "Appropriate for formal occasions, too," she murmurs. "How soon - ?"

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"I have had my eye on an artisan. Tomorrow, I think. With the proper... encouragement."

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"Hm... The day after tomorrow, then, for when our alts should take us back with them? Will give me time to sort out logistics, too."

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"That will do. Assuming we can keep our guests occupied and out of trouble."

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"Might be a small challenge."

She grins and leans her head against Occlus's shoulder.

"Should we go see what they've gotten up to, speaking of?"

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"I think we have a bit of time yet..."

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Squirm and deeper kiss.

"No sense interrupting their date..." she murmurs.

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"And we have some unexpected time away from the children. Not an opportunity to waste."

And she certainly doesn't intend to.

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Ani is quite on board with this plan; responsibility can wait an hour or several.

She relaxes into Occlus, kissing her eagerly.

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Her Ani is the best. She will settle for no less.

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Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, happy wiggle.

Ani's Mistress is the best. (And Ani is going to forget entirely about their alts.)

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As amusing as their reactions might be, Occlus prefers to keep this particular side of her pet to herself.

So she arranges them back to merely mildly dishabille when she senses their alts returning.

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Ani's contentedly leaning, still, though she can be nudged out of kneeling and leaning against Occlus's legs if desired.

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Kneeling is good. She strokes Ani's hair.

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"Uh. Should we come back later?"

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Happy hum. "You're not interrupting," she says after a pause, twisting so she can glance at their alts without budging from Occlus's feet. And hair pets. Hair pets: good.

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"...Okay." This sure feels like interrupting. Though also she and the Keres have no room to talk about being irrepressibly horny.

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"Please, make yourselves comfortable."

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She sits on the couch opposite them. "What did you guys decide?"

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The Keres curls up next to her, half into her lap.

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"We would like a few days to set some affairs in order, if the two of you don't mind waiting."

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She snuggles her girlfriend, wrapping an arm around her.

"I don't. We were planning some dates, after all..." She glances at the Keres. "Darling?"

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"This world is interesting. I wouldn't mind staying. Maybe look at a few spaceships."

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"It certainly all sounds like nothing we've seen before."

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"Perhaps I can recommend some sights and such."

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"That would be appreciated."

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There's plenty on Coruscant, museums and theaters and the like, but if they can portal all over the galaxy there's more places she can recommend - beautiful and historic sites, odd restaurants, interesting chances to see local flora and fauna... It's rather more than a few days' worth; they'll have their pick of entertainments, though Ani would prefer if they caused minimal chaos for now.

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Well, if she would prefer that...

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"I like this world stable. Also, my children would pout at me if my new friends made messes for them to clean up."

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"We behave for Ellayania. We can behave for you."

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"Thank you."

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"Mm. You're welcome."

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She hums, leaning against Occlus a bit more.

"It's no problem."

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"So we'll come back in a day or two, then?"

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"Two would be best."

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"We'll go entertain ourselves, then."

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And off they go.

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And Ani closes her eyes and leans against her Mistress properly, relaxing.

She has things to do - updating and talking to her children, figuring out how to tell the government as a whole what's up - Leia might want to wait until she has a better read on the situation - figuring out how she's going to approach Elesse -

But, for now, she wants to simply be Occlus's. Responsibility can wait.

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For a while longer, at least.

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Once she's gotten a bit of belonging out of her system, she starts talking to her children - Luke's excited to explore, Leia wants someone to talk more formally with the more responsible of Ani and Occlus's alts, about trade and the like, but is willing to delegate especially since childcare is still a problem until she's satisfied gallivanting across the multiverse is safe for her children...

Probably Luke will accompany Ani, is their decision, and Leia will stay behind.

And far, far too slowly, the next day rolls around.

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Occlus takes delivery of a smallish black box late in the day. She places it on the living room table with a small smirk.

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She shivers, glancing at the box, and sets down what she'd been doing to walk over to her Occlus.

"Is that for me, Mistress?" she asks.

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"It's mine."

She catches Ani around the neck and pushes her down.

"Just like you are."

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She whines, breath catching, says, "Yours," and shivers as she drops to her knees, relaxing in her Mistress's hold, pulse picking up. (Fuck, she loves having Occlus's hand on her neck, loves every bit of this.)

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Gentle squeeze. "Now, you know what is in there."

"Tell me how much you want it." Less gentle squeeze.

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How is she supposed to have coherent thoughts when her Mistress is squeezing her neck. This is patently unfair.

Still, she can beg even while her thoughts are scattering into 'yes yes yes' and 'Mistress'.

"I want it so much," she says, moaning. "I want you to collar me, Mistress, I want everyone to know I'm yours - please, I want it, I belong to you, please put your collar on your pet - want to touch it and know I'm yours, want to feel it every day - "

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"That is what I like to hear, pet." She takes her hands off Ani's neck, fists one in her hair and uses the other to beckon the box over. She twists her pet's head to look at it and flicks it open with a finger.

Inside, nestled in white velvet, is a dark metal ring about an inch wide. Traceries of silver spiderweb across it, glimmering in the light and spelling out ancient Sith runes. Ani can just about (if her brain is functional) make out that some of concepts involved are 'fealty-to-rightful-master', 'loyalty-to-the-highest', and 'worshiper-who-is-owned'.

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She processes the meanings she can, whining softly. Oh that's - so good - so much better than what she'd imagined -

(Her brain is definitely a lot less functional than it was before her Mistress opened the box.)


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The collar floats out and the box returns to the table. Occlus sends a spark leaping from her hand to the collar and it splits in half with a soft click. She pushes Ani's head down to the floor and throws her hair off her neck. The collar slips down to brush the nape of her neck before snapping closed. It is a perfect fit.

It's also cold.

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Her breath catches in her throat when Occlus pushes her down, and she whines when the collar snaps into place, cold and there.

"Thank you Mistress," she manages, between heavy breaths, her arms quivering lightly, keeping her head down of course.

(She loves Occlus so so much, it's hard to have any other thought in her head or feeling in her chest.)

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"Stand up now, pretty girl."

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She rises, beaming up at her Mistress, reaching up to brush her fingers over her collar.

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She melts into Occlus.

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Occlus scoops her up and carries her to the bed.

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Occlus has a very, very happy (and immensely eager to please) pet to do whatever she wants with, it seems.

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Her favorite kind.

It is a good thing they have a day before the others return.

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A day seems to be barely enough to worship her Mistress in.

Still, Ani can manage coherency and propriety by the time their alts show back up. Mostly. Even if she still feels like she's floating.

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Occlus makes sure she's arranged to show off her new collar.

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The Keres acknowledges this with a raised brow.

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Mmmmmmm yes she is fully behind this plan. (Teasing her alts will probably be a lot more fun when there's more of them around.)

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Naraka has so many questions about Anakin's life now. Including 'how are we alts.'

...Also 'is that as hot as it looks.'

...Possibly Naraka should ever do some introspection.

"Ready to go?"

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"We should collect my son - but, I do believe yes." She glances up at Occlus. "Mistress?"

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"Indeed." She stands and gestures for her pet to do the same.

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She rises, obediently, and pokes Luke for his current location.

Collecting him's easy enough, at least.

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And then back through Naraka's portal, to Ellayania's world.

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"Welcome back. I see we have new guests. Greetings. I am Ellayania."

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She smiles. (Feeling - the lightning sort of person, she supposes - everywhere is rather interesting.) "Greetings." She inclines her head lightly, smiling. "This is my Mistress, Occlus, and my son, Luke Skywalker. I'm Anakin Skywalker - or just Ani, really."

She orients herself to Occlus's individual Force signature briefly, then, "I apologize for any abruptness, but - I have resurrecting someone as a high priority. Still, Luke is able to stay and talk."

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"Nice to meet you," Luke says, smiling as well. (He seems to be the same sort of person as Naruto, actually, if significantly more - distantly so, perhaps, than how Naraka and Tentou are the same person.)

(And - it's more obvious with Luke - but Anakin is herself a bit distant from the other crows.)

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"I will not keep you, then. If the Keres will show the way to the temple, I will send my avatar to speak with Luke."

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"Sure." She gives Naraka a quick kiss. "This way, then."

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Luke follows.

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Naraka smiles at her girlfriend, then opens a portal into the world they're getting their resurrections from.

Setting things up is quick enough... (Naraka won't be in the room with them.)

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Does Occlus want to stay with Ani for this - ?

(Possibly they should have discussed that earlier.)

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"Do you feel like you need the support?"

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"I - in some ways, but... I can feel you through our bond. Always." Lean. "And also it might be - complicating. To have you there at first."

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"Very well." She presses a kiss to the top of her pet's head and strokes her hair. "I'll be just outside."

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"Thank you, Mistress. I love you."

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"I know you do, pet."

And she leaves the room.

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And she settles in to wait for the spells to be cast, for Elesse to wake up...

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Which she does, of course.

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Ani has curled in on herself out of arms reach and is trying and mostly failing to not project intense anxiety! (...It's been a very, very long time since she was so anxious she felt sick, and the last time she had the additional excuse of being pregnant.)

"Elesse?" she asks, softly.

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Anakin: is visibly much older. Not the storm of grief and shock and mental screaming she was during their fight. Calm, and centered, and even the anxiety washing over her is being felt and acknowledged and released into the Force, not controlling her.

She's also starting to cry. (Bursting into tears was not planned.)

"It's me, yeah," she says, squeezing her eyes shut to try and stop them from tearing up, not to much success.

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(Her lightsaber in Elesse's chest, the claws of darkness hooked deep in her mind-)

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She re-centers herself.

"What happened? Where-" did you go, have I been, "are we?"

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"I - "

Her voice shakes.

She takes a deep breath, artificial lungs adding a deep, mechanical rasp to it. (She doesn't sound entirely like Vader anymore, she's been healed enough she's not on full life support - but she hates the sound, nonetheless.)

"I killed you - I'm so sorry - I figured out how to get you back - we're in another universe, one with different powers, ones that - can - "

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"Anakin!" she says sharply, the same tone of voice she used to remind her Padawan to slow down, to pay attention. "One piece at a time."

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Deep breath.


That - centers her, actually. It's reassuring, Elesse being - the same as she was, before everything went wrong.

"When we fought, I - panicked. I thought you were going to kill me. So I - killed you."

"I didn't actually - mean to."

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"You should have known yourself better than that."

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She glances down.

"I'm sorry."

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Elesse takes one deep breath. Then another.

"How long has it been?"

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"Thirty years."

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"The Sith Lord?"

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"I killed him, seven years ago."


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"Twenty-three years... Oh, Anakin."

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"I - "

"Should explain. Chronologically. From when - when he got his hooks into me. Before you died."

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"Please do."

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A few calm, even breaths. Re-centering herself. (This is - incredibly hard to tell. She broke down crying when she told Occlus, and that was - under less stress than here.)

"Palpatine was the Sith Lord. I don't - know if you ever learned that. I didn't learn that for - a while."

"I - spent a lot of time in the Senate, between deployments. Trying to convince anyone to give my girls their rights. Trying to - keep the Republic from being slavers."

"Palpatine offered to help. Taught me - politics, and who to talk to. I - believed him. It took me too long to start to question why he was - so nice, so helpful..."

"He... Isolated me from the other Jedi, looking back. Requested me for missions - brutal, horrible missions, that - would've been enough to traumatize me on their own - whenever he wasn't actively dealing with me. And then - he'd call me into his office as soon as I got back, push me back into the political fight. I never - got rest. I never felt like I could."

"Palpatine... Started hinting he knew secrets of the Force that even the Jedi didn't. I started - being a bit wary, around then. I pushed him, sometimes, on why he wasn't being more helpful."

" - I don't remember a lot. About my conversations with him, or what happened. My head's - all muddled."

"A - few things in there I remember. He claimed - credibly - he could cause life with the Force - hinted he'd created me. He built on more of his claims, and... Said he could make people immortal."

"Lots is missing, from around then. I - discovered I was pregnant, though I couldn't remember how. I - hid that. I felt like I had to."

"Palpatine knew. I suspected - confirmed later - he was the father."

"I thought - I wasn't really thinking, but I did try to talk to you, but - you weren't around, whenever I came to the Temple. I guess our schedules were being set up... Palpatine kept claiming he could make you immortal if I cooperated - kept hinting he'd have you killed if I told on him - "

"Eventually I got - proof he was the Sith Lord. I think he let me have it on purpose, because I took it to the Council... I'd - had enough, and I - couldn't keep being his. And then he killed them when they tried to arrest him, and used that as an excuse to destroy the Jedi."

"It's - everything that happened after that was a horrible nightmare, and then - " she laughs a bit, voice cracking, "Then my body picked the worst time to go into labor. I gave birth to twins - a boy and a girl - and... Palpatine wanted them. I knew he had plans for them, so... I twisted my head in on itself. Convinced myself they died. Cut myself off from - everything. All my Force bonds, my battle meditation - I couldn't learn they were alive, because Palpatine could see into my head and he'd find them. Managed - I think it was obvious, that I'd fucked with my own head, but - I made it look like I was burying guilt over killing them."

"And then - I got a message with your location. Probably from Palpatine."

"I went to find you, and - I don't actually remember how we started fighting."

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"You were ranting about Jedi and a coup. How I'd just killed the last chance for peace with the Separatist Council. And I-"

"Had just felt almost every single person I knew die. Including you."

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"'M sorry."

She curls in on herself a bit more, hugging herself, steadying herself with her bond to Occlus - Occlus probably should not come in because Ani does not want this mess to get any more out of order but Ani could really use a steady rock right now. Even just a mental one.

"I don't - remember." Her memories are actually pretty much just a highlight reel of the most intensely traumatizing moments from that.

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"I do not think you would want to." Her words are clipped.

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"There's a lot. Like that."

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"Padawan. Where did we go wrong?" she says, mostly to herself.

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"Existing in the same universe as Palpatine?"

"...And not talking enough. Letting - letting ourselves drift apart."

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"I had thought you able to stand on your own."

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Dry laugh.

"Probably I could've, in - a more normal world. Not gotten knocked down so many times I forgot where I'm supposed to stand."

Reflexively, she touches her collar.

"Discovered I - prefer not to, though."

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Elesse is silent, her face very still, presence in the Force entirely closed off.

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"I am here," she says, letting herself leak back into the world.

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She goes back to hugging herself, absently.

"After you died - "

She closes her eyes. Breathes, slowly and calmly. Reaches again for her bond to Occlus.

"I tried to kill myself. I'm - not sure how many times. Palpatine - Sidious - stopped me and kept me alive."

"I - by the time I really have coherent memories again, I was trapped in a life support suit. Couldn't breathe on my own. Couldn't get pregnant again, though. There was that."

"He - declared me his apprentice. Darth Vader. He wouldn't accept anything else. He'd declared himself Emperor, destroyed the last remnants of the Republic with the full and eager consent of most of the Senate."

"I learned to stop wanting things. Or caring, or feeling, or - having a personality. I did a lot I regret now, even if the entire thing is - like I was dreaming, and watching someone else pilot my body around."

"And then... I met my daughter. Leia. She was a junior Senator in the Imperial Senate of all things - she'd ended up taken in by Bail Organa." Small sob. "Really the best place she could've ended up. Bail'd always been - a good person."

"I recognized her. I couldn't not. I - tried to keep it to myself that I had, and Palpatine wasn't looking into my mind much anymore. I guess blank screaming wasn't entertaining. I still didn't really - feel things, or want things. But I knew I'd rather die than betray her, so... I kept the secret."

"And then - nineteen years after you died - there was a weapon Palpatine was building. The Death Star. I ended up stuck serving on it as a punishment, at one point, and then Leia got captured - she'd been part of the rebellion against the Empire. She was implicated in leaking the specs of the Death Star. So - the officer in charge of the Death Star tested it on Alderaan - on her home planet - destroyed it." She trembles, closing her eyes.

"I didn't stop him."

"I - was starting to learn how to be scared, again. That officer wanted Leia dead. But... The Force was with her, I guess. Her brother - Luke - came and rescued her. He destroyed the Death Star a few battles later, too, when it was threatening a Rebel base."

"I started... Dreaming of not being Palpatine's slave again. I couldn't see a path forward with the Rebellion - they'd never accept his attack dog - I couldn't see a path forward on my own, I didn't know how to be a person anymore - so I tried reaching out to my kids. To form our own side, where I could be theirs. Win their battles for them."

"They both refused. Rather strongly. They - didn't want to do things my way."

"And - four years after the Death Star was destroyed, Luke confronted Palpatine. Palpatine won. Tortured him in front of me. Threatened to kill Leia."

"I didn't know how to - how to want anything. But I couldn't let Palpatine hurt my children. So I killed him."

"I think he wasn't expecting it. He managed to strike against me, anyways, shorted out my life support. Luke dragged me off the base, healed me - he barely knew how to use the Force, but he was so strong in the light, so sure of himself - "

"Luke and Leia kept my past as Vader secret. Introduced me as a prisoner Luke had rescued. I - spent the next five years trying to be a good teacher to them. Trying to support their dreams. Help Leia rebuild the galactic government, help Luke be a Jedi. I - tried to be a person again, too, as best I could."

"Wasn't always good at it, but I was - doing okay."

She pauses again, tries to figure out how best to explain Occlus - her hand goes back to her collar, fingering it.

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"Until you found a replacement." For her or for Palpatine she leave unspecified.

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...Yeah it's probably really obvious.

"Occlus is - she's her own person. Not a replacement. I love and trust her. I'm hers."

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"She didn't - try to claim me or anything. I met her in my job, and - we were just coworkers for a really long time. She'd neglect to eat, would instead stay late working in the Archives, so I'd bring her dinner. We talked about the Force, and our work, and - she's the most brilliant person I've ever known. She got along with my kids. Even Leia, who's a bit... Prickly, at times. She listened to me when I was having problems. Trusted me with some of her own secrets. She set aside her work to help me, more than once, and we went out on assignments together, sometimes."

"I fell in love with her normally. I thought about what a relationship with her would mean - rationally, and for a while. I actually talked it out with someone else, even. I - wanted somewhere stable to go to, and I knew she liked - control. Of herself, of her surroundings, of her possessions. I wanted to be hers like that - that intensely. And I hadn't wanted anything in decades, but I wanted her. And she likes it when I want things, and helps me when I - can't be a person. Helps me with my kids and grand kids, too. She - fully supported me in getting you back, even though she knows I love you, and she's not - a sharing person. But - you being alive was something I wanted, and she makes sure I get what I want."

"She's just - so incredibly good for me."

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"I see."

"I think that I need some time."

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"Should I step out?"

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"Something longer-term."

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"I - There's definitely a place for a Jedi in the New Republic. We can avoid each other. Or... There's a lot of universes. I - haven't wrapped my head around it all, I just found out a few days ago, but - you could stay in one of the others. I'd - stay away."

She doesn't sound very happy about this.

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"I do not yet know if that is what I wish."

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"Okay. I - you can change your mind, whatever you decide - "

"...One relevant thing is people apparently - repeat. Or their patterns do. Same Force signatures, similar enough personalities. There's - a group of people from across universes, who apparently pattern match to - the same sort of person you and I are. Resurrecting you was one of their resources, and they have - a lot set up, I think."

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"I see. I will take this into consideration."

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- Wanting things is currently being really hard but Ani kind of wants to not be in this conversation anymore. She's - overwhelmed, sad, hasn't gotten the closure she wanted, just - just Elesse unhappy with her -

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Occlus knocks on the door, sending a silent summons to Ani.

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She relaxes, and goes to open the door.

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Occlus pulls her in close, narrowing her eyes at Elesse.

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She stares blandly back.

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Snuggle. She leans her head on Occlus's shoulder.

(She loves Occlus so much, and the anxiety and stress and sadness that's been washing through her throughout the conversation just - floats off.)

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"We're leaving now, pet," she says.

Turning to Naraka, "If you would be so kind."

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Naraka has been trying really hard not to listen in but that's a bit hard when you have super hearing.

She nods, creating a portal - then, to Elesse, "You should come to, we don't come by this world that often..."

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Ani just leans against her Mistress, nodding.

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Occlus takes Ani through and continues walking.

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Elesse waits a moment before following.

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And Naraka brings up the rear, closing the portal behind her.

She's - eyeing Elesse, seeming a bit concerned, actually.

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"I would like to find a place to meditate for a few days. Somewhere quiet. Do you know where might be good?"

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"Yeah. There's lots of places. If you don't mind a kind of omnipresent you hanging around there's some nice nature spots in this world - there's also some nice places in Glint's domain, but that has an omnipresent me... There's some really pretty, quiet places in Tamriel, though - that's a world kind of attached to Glint's domain. Doesn't have any of us right now."

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"That sounds ideal, thank you."

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"Okay. I'll bring you there - should I come find you in... Four days?"

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"That ought to suffice."

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She pauses, biting her lip, and - 

"Are you okay? You're - acting really weird."

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"As far as I know, half an hour ago my Padawan, who I raised since she was ten years old, was thirty years younger and trying her very best to kill me. The last thing I remember was her succeeding. This came at the end of a war we had been fighting for almost half a decade and on the heels of the psychic reverberations of the deaths of almost every adult being I knew on a personal level. And then she tells me she is 'sorry' and that she has chained herself at the foot of a dark mirror of what I could have been, after spending twenty-three years in thrall to the man who plunged the galaxy into chaos and darkness."

"So no. I am not 'okay'. And because of this, because I am not the idealized image she has built in her mind over the years, she is further upset. Her teacher is mortal after all, imperfect. If I were the one in the mirror and I knew someone was hurting my Padawan, making her feel this way- well. I am sure you can extrapolate the vengeance that would be wrought from your own relationships. The only reason I am alive is because Anakin asked for it and that woman trusts her to make her own decisions. Therefore, I am waiting to deal with the emotions my resurrection has caused me until I can do so in private, and on my own terms."

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" - I think Ani's not - holding you up to some ideal. I - from my own history - I think she's actually just kind of background trying not to be suicidally regretful, and knows this is a really shitty situation but - she's going to calm down and she's going to be really worried about you."

"And I think she was mostly upset from remembering everything that happened. Not because you weren't - being perfect. Though she probably could've used a hug."

She opens the portal into Tamriel. "I - don't know if that was helpful. Sorry. I'll - leave you alone for a few days."

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"Thank you."

She steps through the portal and settles down nearby.

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And Naraka closes the portal, leaving her alone (in a rather pretty and comfortable glade by a pool, sheltered by willows and full of butterflies).

Naraka then sighs, goes to let Glint know the new them almost definitely needs therapy (Naraka's found it really helpful, at least), and then finds and flops on her girlfriend.

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"Hey sweetheart." Pet pet.

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"Hey darling."

"The new us have - a bit of drama."

Weirdly familiar drama. Naraka now has a couple more things to work out with Glint...

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"Oh dear. And here I hoped to have my life together by the time I turned forty."

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She laughs and kisses her girlfriend. "Eh, I think Occlus and Ani mostly do, modulo some therapy... Elesse - the person Ani wanted back, another you - needs some time."

Thoughtful snug.

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"Are you all right?"

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"I'm - thinking?"

"I'm kind of the me who - has her shit together the least. I think."

"...Kind of sometimes feel like a - bargain bin Hisame. And I think Elesse maybe feels a bit like that, maybe, with - Ani being Occlus's."

"...Also Ani's - trauma - was really similar to mine. Just... Longer. And the way she talks about - submitting - sounds nice - but I dunno I can. At least... Not while my shit's not together."

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She pokes Naraka in the ribs. "You're not a bargain bin anyone." Poke. "You're a top shelf you." Poke. "That's the girl I love. The Hisame who's still standing after all the shit her life threw at her, who was given a chance to put herself back together and took it, who's still fighting."

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Wiggle. (Her ribs are a bit ticklish.)

"I love you so much."

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"Love you too."

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(She'll let the others worry about their newcomers, she decides. For now: kisses!)

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Elsewhere, the newcomers are doing their own worrying.

Occlus strokes Ani's hair.

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She feels better with being in Occlus's lap, right now, than kneeling. More fully enclosed, curled up, head tucked under her Mistress's chin. A bit awkward, but...

Ani's a lot calmer, now.

"...I don't think I handled that well," she says, softly.

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"I think that was a hard situation to handle at all."

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"Yeah." Nuzzle. "Want her to be - okay."

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It is very hard to think charitably of someone who failed her pet so badly, but-

"She will be. You have had thirty years. For her, it was yesterday."

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She sighs. "Yeah. Even if - most of those thirty years didn't count - I've had seven, since Vader. It's - meant a lot. Especially my time with you."

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"So allow her time to put her head in order."

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"I will."

She wants to not really have to think or process her emotions, for a little while... Just be Occlus's.

But after that, she thinks she should perhaps try getting her own head a bit more in order.

(Maybe talk to that therapist alt Naraka mentioned?)

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"Whatever you need, I am here."

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What she needs is - possession. Just to be Occlus's toy, and nothing else.

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Some time later - after some very thorough distraction, and sleep, and time kneeling at Occlus's feet spent meditating - Ani goes to find Naraka to ask for a ride to Glint.

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"Sure," she says. "You doing better?"

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"Yeah. Just - a therapist alt will be novel, if nothing else."

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She nods, feeling a bit awkward. "Glint's - helpful." And: portal!

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She smiles and squeezes her alt's shoulder. "Thank you," she says, and then steps through.

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This part of the Shivering Isles is peaceful. It's a small building - a library - built into a mountainside, overlooking a white stone canyon full of similar small balconies in a variety of stones. Bridges arch between them, mostly fine, almost gossamer, like they would break if brushed against. Yet - oddly sturdy.

There's a river, far below, of crystalline green water. There's people, about, sitting on balconies, admiring the view. A flew flying between balconies, or jumping off bridges to float down to the river below. There should be noise, probably, but - only a small murmur, soft and unobtrusive but friendly all the same, reaches Ani.

There's no railing, on this balcony. A black bench curves along the very edge - Ani could sit with her feet over nothingness, if she wanted. The bookshelves are of a similar dark stone, finely engraved, full of paper books with colorful spines.

(Omnipresent - an echo, like she's standing on an enormous mirror of herself. One friendly, and curious, and welcoming, and a bit charmingly insane.)

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She doesn't call out, at first, instead turning to examine the books.

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They seem to be all fictional - poetry, literature, plays. Romances, fantasies, tragedies. All the titles are interesting, all the covers imaginative, and none of them are anything she's ever heard of.

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...She should - get on with talking to her alt. Her her head sorted out, so she can get on with her life - 

She takes down a book of illustrated poetry, sits with her legs dangling over the empty sky, and reads, entranced.

To fight aloud, is very brave - 
But gallanter, I know
Who charge within the bosom
The Cavalry of Woe -

She loses track of time - 

To learn the Transport by the Pain
As Blind Men learn the sun!
To die of thirst—suspecting
That Brooks in Meadows run!

- as she reads, finding herself - not tearing up, but pensive - 

As if my life were shaven,
And fitted to a frame,
And could not breathe without a key,
And ’twas like Midnight, some -

- she always loved poetry, as a teenager. Went silly reading love poems, when she started puzzling out her feelings for Elesse. Found - companionship, or something, in dead poets' words. Even as a child, she loved listening to songs…

When did she forget?

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The sense of herself, mirrored, becomes - more present, somewhat, while Ani's taking a break from reading.

There's a person sitting on a bench across from her, now.

An - oddly familiar face, though not one Ani's ever seen outside of the mirror.

She's smiling, softly.

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...This is stranger than meeting Naraka was.

She bookmarks her place in the book - there's a ribbon on the spine, how cute - and looks at her alt.

"Glint?" she asks.

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"Yeah." The other her waves. "Though - I suspect you want me more in my capacity as Sheogorath, Lord of Madness, right now."

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"...I suppose so. Though I - hope I'm not mad."

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She laughs, and, voice teasing: "That's a real pity! All the best people are."

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That startles a laugh out of her.

She looks more fondly on her alt, and -

"You remind me of something. Long ago..." Ani smiles to herself. "When I was a kid - not much after Elesse started raising me - I got annoyed or - something - with all the Jedi Order's rules, and said if I ever founded an Order, I'd make the first two rules - something like 'Never believe anything you read' and 'Disobey everything written in these rules'. Both being written and part of the rules referenced, of course."

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She smiles. "Aw." And, swinging her legs a bit: "Those sound like great rules. After we're done here - you should help me make some rules like that for my followers." Pause - "I don't know how much context you got, but - I'm the Lord of these lands, and of a significant chunk of people in Tamriel, and I replaced the other Sheogorath fairly recently. I'm still working to distinguish myself, so... A new set of directives would help that."

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"I'd love to - and no, I got barely any of the story." Laugh. "Just - that you were the one of me who was a god, and also a therapist."

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Heh. "Well..."

And she tells her story - in full, stretching back to before she was even Glint.

Being trapped, in a small, limited place. Being - not a slave, but chained all the same.

Boiling over. Rebelling. Ending up actually in chains, and finding freedom in madness.

Finding Sheogorath in her dreams, Lord of Madness - finding freedom in her body, too.

She worshiped Sheogorath for a long while, slotted nicely into the role of priest of Madness, patron of the arts and of story, carer for the sick...

And then the world began to end, and another god destroyed their world's only hope - so she decided to rally the Daedric Princes to unite against the threat.

Sheogorath refused, and Glint - didn't take that for an answer.

She met several of their alts while petitioning him, and they helped her overcome the challenges he set before her - promising if she completed them she'd have the help of Sheogorath -

Which apparently meant she'd become Sheogorath, freeing him of the curse binding him to the role of the Mad God.

She's been trying to do her best by her people ever since - rearranging the Shivering Isles, releasing prisoners, healing those who wish it, drawing in a new flock...

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Ani's gaze goes soft over the course of Sheogorath's tale.

"You've done well for yourself."

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"I like to think I have! But - "

She pauses, humming.

"I could go mad, and stay that way, and - have everything I wanted."

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"...And I couldn't."

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"I - my story's - big. And hard to tell."

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She gives divinely good hugs.

And then Sheogorath steps back, keeping hold of Ani's hands.

"You don't have to. Madness is my domain - and with it all the corners of the mind, for all minds are mad in some way. We can step into yourself, together."

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Small smile, with barely any tears in her eyes.

"That - sounds nice."

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Sheogorath smiles, keeps a hold of one of her hands, squeezing reassuringly tightly, and leads her over the edge -

And into somewhere else.

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Ani's mind is -

Ani's mind is a ruin. The Jedi Temple - where she grew with Elesse - as it was when it fell. Sand, blowing in from a howling storm outside, soaking up the blood. The Archives where she spent so much of her time exposed, the ancient records mostly smashed. Light, airy, suffusing most of it - there's joy, here - and dark shadows clinging to the walls.

There's doors, off this first room. Ani - somehow knows where they lead.

Outside, into the sandstorm.

Inside, into the Archives and the training rooms.

Down, into the clinging darkness.

Up, to a spire from which she can watch over her family.

Before her, to Occlus. Probably the only stable part of the structure, actually.

(There's more, too. Somewhere in here are all the broken bonds to the clones she failed. Somewhere in here are the bodies of all the friends she had through the years. Somewhere in here are her visions. Somewhere in here is meditating properly, like she hasn't in decades, embracing the Force.)

Ani closes her eyes, overwhelmed.

"...This is more metaphorical than I expected my mind to be," she says, weakly.

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"My method - spools madness into metaphor. Makes it easier to grasp what you're working with."

She squeezes Ani's hand, and -

Pulls her out into the sandstorm.

It won't touch them. Not while Sheogorath is here.

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It's loud, though, harsh and grating, bright, even if her vision is clouded -

But she knows where she's going.

This is - familiar.

Something she'd forgotten.

She leads, as if in a trance - like she used to walk, so long ago, before Elesse -

And the storm parts, to show -

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A little girl.

She's scowling at Ani - at her older self - arms crossed over her chest.

Shadows flick around her - people she passed by, never interacting with. Dangers who couldn't see her - allies who kept forgetting she existed -

A little girl, who raised herself, who walked as a demon among the worst people in the galaxy, who avenged the downtrodden and got her people out -

Anakin Skywalker stood alone, once, a vicious monster in the desert.

"Why did I have to become you?" she demands, cheeks puffing out in anger.

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She'd -

Forgotten, being a child. As if she dreamed her entire life before Elesse.

She remembers now.

Ani had a mother, technically, once. One who loved her - one who let her go, who never would have put bounds on her fire. One Ani didn't give a chance to actually parent her.

She has no idea what happened to Shmi Skywalker, after they parted.

"I don't know," she says, exhausted.

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The girl sighs.

"You did good," she says, grudgingly. "Killing that piece of shit. Keeping our kids safe, too - that was a good trick. Should'a been tricking him always, though. That's what I would'a done. Lied and plotted and planned and helped him kill himself in the end."

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"I should have."

"I forgot how to be you, though."

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"'Cause you wanted to be a Jedi. And Jedi aren't demons."

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"It was lonely, being a demon."

"I couldn't stand - walking on my own anymore."

"...It's silly, isn't it, but - no one hugged us."

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She considers her older self.

"It's worked out," she says. "We've got someone who hugs us, now, and you remembered a bit of being a demon, I think. Enough to make it out alive."

"Now you gotta figure out, though, how to be something other than a demon or a Jedi or a slave." Pause. "And Occlus would make a good demon, too."

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She smiles, hugging her younger self.

"I think - I'm managing, actually."

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And she dissolves into sand.

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She sighs, turning to Sheogorath.

"Is all of it going to be difficult conversations with my younger selves?"

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Amused: "Maybe, maybe not. Some people get to fist fight representations of their arrogance, or turn their nightmares into bunnies."

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A bit dryly: "I'd rather not fist fight Vader today, if it's - all the same to you."

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Softly: "Of course."

"You've made a lot of progress today, but - healing's never a one day process. Sometimes not even a one decade process."

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"But I'll get there, someday."

And - for the first time since she was a child -

She believes that.

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"Yeah. You will."

She holds out her hand.

"Come on. Let's get you back to your Mistress."

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She takes it.

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And they're back in Ellayania's world, near Occlus.

With a small pile of books, including the one Ani'd been reading.

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"You seem better."

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"I feel better," she says, before giving her alt a quick hug. "Got some perspective on myself."

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Laugh. "And poetry! Poetry's good for your soul, you know. Drives you a bit mad."

She grins, more softly, at them both, squeezing Ani's hand. "I can leave you two alone, though."

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"I think that would be appreciated. Thank you."

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She lets go of her alt and then vanishes.

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"Come here, pet..."

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Ani obeys, happy, eager - wanting Occlus, desperately.

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Occlus is only too happy to oblige her.

"I am very proud of you," she whispers. "My pet is a good girl."

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She squirms, delighted.

(She loves Occlus so so much - )

(And it's strange, because - she was only talking to her child self, not to the Anakin who had learned how amazing it was to not be trapped in her own head, but - )

(She can feel the Force so much more. Remember things she used to do with it.)

"Mistress - I want to give you - me, let you have my thoughts," she says. "I'm yours - everything I am is yours - "

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"Of course you are. Show me."

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She reaches out - easily, like she's been doing this her whole life - 

She loves Occlus, of course. That's the main thing on her mind right now. She really adores Occlus - 

- There's secondary stuff, too. Glint is nice, though Ani's really only interacted with her as Lord Sheogorath. Has good taste in poetry, or a good ability to predict Ani's taste in poetry - Ani used to love poems so much, she forgot about it until Sheogorath reminded her, she should find poems that make her think of Occlus - perhaps try to write some - 

- Sheogorath showed her a metaphorical shape of her mind. Allowed her to interact with herself, frozen in time from before she met Elesse, but - aware. (Memories of young Anakin bubble up.) Baby Anakin was cute and terrifying and lonely and - Ani appreciates, remembering her - she's so much happier with Occlus, though, and Ani's happy that she would've approved of Occlus, even as that vicious child - 

- Ani's worried about Elesse, still, but less than she was - she's reassured more, now, that things will get better - 

- She thinks that child she'd been had skills she lost in becoming a Jedi - and perhaps healing will involve remembering some of those, though hopefully they're not too attached to her old viciousness - she really loves being Occlus's, and doesn't want any of her old armor between them - 

- She wants to help Sheogorath develop a Madness Code, that sounds like a lot of fun, actually, and - 

- Ani loves fulfilling Occlus's desires, loves working towards her children's dreams, but it seems - nice - to have a few projects tied just to what she finds fun - to relearn how to do want things for herself - 

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The only proper response is a thorough kissing.

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Yes definitely she loves Occlus so much - it's very unfortunate constantly kissing Occlus would be inconvenient - 

(Occlus can, apparently, kiss her until she stops thinking.)

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Which is an entirely delightful experience, at both ends.

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It's quiet here. Unfamiliar, uninhabited. Just what she needed, in other words. Enough outside to ground her without distracting from the inside.

(Not that she would mind the distraction, especially. This task promises to be unpleasant. How much easier if she had an excuse to simply not-)

She takes note of this thought and tucks it away with the others of its kind. She will take things in turn. She schools her breath into a regular rhythm, the familiar habit coming easily.

Begin, then with the end. An argument. Tempers worn ragged by long years of war, of too much time spent moving without clearing her head. Her failure here, she acknowledges. There was always something else to do, but she should have made the time to recognize and address her emotions.

Then, in the midst of heated words, a hand twitched to a saber hilt. That single spark was enough, for two as sensitive they. There was anger, yes, and the shock of betrayal, the hint of fear. But also... Anakin was always beautiful when she fought. To see her at the other end of the blade, with that deadly intent was...


And there is the key, the final piece of the puzzle that lets her take her feelings of the duel, accept them, and let them go. It is that swoop in her gut that places the others in their context. She loved her Padawan. She did not want to kill her.

She lets that fill her before breathing it out.

And then the resurrection. Anakin's grief, the memory made newly raw. Her own mindset, still trapped half in the fight. She was unnecessarily hostile, blindly lashing out, trading hurt for hurt. She understands now why, and does not approve. Anakin's perspective is easier for her to see now. She allows the full measure of sorrow, rage at the Sith, things she was too confused to grasp fully at the time. Allows it, and breathes it out.

Then... Occlus. She had sensed something of the woman, and shut her reaction down. (What she sensed was sent on purpose. That's what she would have done.) She has a measure of her: icy control of a pit of passion. Not festering, but seething. A different approach than her own, but the same in that no stagnation is permitted. Occlus's is perhaps better in that it does not require calm meditation to maintain. And maybe- better matched to Anakin, as well.

That hurts.

She breathes.

This is something she does not want to face. Anakin is- no longer her Padawan. No longer the same girl and young woman she knew, but more than that-

She failed her, when she let her face the war alone.

If Anakin has found someone new to support her, to lean on, that is her right. She should be happy for her, that she has found a way to keep living.


She is happy for her.


She lets herself sink into the pulse of the Force, mind traveling idly along its currents, exploring the strange whorls and eddies of this new world unburdened, until someone comes to disturb her.

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Naraka does, eventually - she's still pretty concerned. She portals in at the edge of the glade, quietly watching Elesse.

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Elesse opens her eyes calmly to look at Naraka. Her posture and general demeanor is much more relaxed. At peace.

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"Are you feeling better?"

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"Yes, I do believe I am."

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She smiles, relieved. "That's good."

"Where do you want to go?"

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"I would like to apologize to Anakin, if she is willing to meet me."

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"I think she is - she's been worried about you."

"...She's probably in Ellayania's world, still, she and Occlus have been hanging out there a lot. Might be in Glint's world, though, but if she is she's probably doing therapy stuff and Glint would frown at us if we interrupted..."

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"Let us try Ellayania's first, then."

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And - portal, to a common area in Ellayania's domain.

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"Excuse me," she says. "But might you carry the message to Anakin that Elesse wishes to speak with her?"

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"I shall."

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Ani shows up, soon enough, having been reading through one of Glint's poetry books when Ellayania relayed the message.

She hesitates at the entryway.

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"Anakin," Elesse smiles.

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She relaxes, relieved, and smiles back, walking up to her teacher.

"Elesse - "

She sounds a little bit overwhelmed, and has to take a deep breath.

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She hugs her.

"I'm sorry."

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Very tight hug.

"I'm sorry too."

She buries her face in Elesse's shoulder, blinking back tears. (Still, she's - happy, mostly.)

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"I forgive you."

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" - I forgive you, too."

Small laugh.

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"So. I hear I have grandchildren now."

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...Yeah that's probably the healthiest way of framing her and Elesse's relationship.

"Luke and Leia, and Leia has three kids - Jacen and Jaina are twins, toddlers, and the youngest is baby Anakin."

"They're all great."

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"I'd love to meet them."

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"I'll let Leia know she needs to take a break from work, then, and have a family dinner."

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"Thank you."

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Slight squeeze.

"Thank you. I - " She closes her eyes briefly, takes a deep breath, then opens them, smiling still. "I'm very glad you're back."

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"I am glad to be back, Anakin."

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She holds Elesse, just - breathing, letting herself accept Elesse's here.

And then lets go, dries her tears, and lets her smile soften. "At some point... I do want to - get to know you again. Tell you more about my life recently. The happy things, too, not just - the long list of everything that's sucked."

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"I would enjoy hearing about that."

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"I have time now - I can get you something to eat, and we can talk?"

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"Very well. I did not wish to assume."

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"- I don't mind being - imposed on. It's also easier, for me, if the people I love make sure they're in my life."

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"I will remember this."

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She smiles, gets them food and drink, and sits with Elesse - not quite touching her, but definitely close, in easy hugging distance.

She laughs, and - "I don't really even know where to begin, now..."

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"Tell me about teaching Luke," she invites.

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She has a lot of stories about flailing in the general direction of teaching - Luke hadn't gotten any training before nineteen, where he got a small amount from Obi-Wan and then Yoda... A small amount as in, Obi-Wan informed him the Force existed, and then he ran off from Yoda after three days, apparently.

Mostly her stories are assorted mishaps and shenanigans - and a fond acknowledgement that Luke taught her just as much, it feels like. Luke's a fairly intuitive learner, very in tune with the Force - easy for her to understand.

She's also tried to teach Leia, some, around Leia's work in the government - Leia's been harder, she started out liking Ani less, and is both more direct and methodological...

Luke has a student of his own, now, who Ani's been helping with...

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Perhaps Elesse should return to teaching. She is somewhat at loose ends.

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"You're good at it," she says, leaning more. "And - I think you'd have good insight for Luke, on building a new Jedi Order."

She puts her head on Elesse's shoulder.

"But if you'd rather not - it's a big multiverse, and there's a lot to do."

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"It is a big multiverse," she agrees. "Which is why I think I would like to stay closer to familiar territory to begin with."

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"I certainly would like having you around."

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"There's that, too."

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"Right now I'm in this world and Glint's mostly - there's a couple useful magic systems I want to pick up, though I might switch to living back home and visiting here, soon... Or see if I can convince someone to come visit us and take students."

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"Are any of them inclined to do that?"

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"Of our alts - I think Mora, actually, she's a me who's curious about our world, and her magic system's... Probably, long term, going to be the most useful, and the most useful for her to teach because it gets more powerful with research. She does rituals, which you can just write down, and then anyone trained can use them. Her world lacked pretty much schools for it. Right now she has enhancing other people's abilities, and ways of hampering her enemies, and the ability to move between universes, and some miscellaneous things, and she's close on resurrection - and unlike the method they used for you, her resurrection technique can probably scale."

"Glint, the me who's a god of madness, can also be in multiple places at once, and thinks she might enjoy teaching or be able to assign someone to teach - at least the things her magic does very well, like healing - and she benefits from having worshipers, who she can do things for in turn, so she's interested in seeing if she can get worshipers from our world. Ellayania - the you who's the landscape here, and also a god - might be similarly interested, I haven't actually asked..."

"Outside of that... People from Naraka's world might be interested, and almost certainly people from Elatra's world, many of whom owe the group a huge number of favors. The resurrection they have right now is running off of one of those favors. I don't really understand, yet, how Elatra's world's magic works; Leia's been investigating the magic systems more thoroughly, though, and seems to want to hold off on introducing either magic system at all broadly..."

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"Yes, that makes sense. Such a thing would assuredly be disruptive to... whatever system the galaxy is running on at the moment."

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"Yeah. We don't actually know how to balance potential interactions between magic systems, especially ones that work with something ambient. Glint knows someone who can evaluate how her world's magic works elsewhere, at least..."

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"Ah, if only there were more of that sort of person."

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"We have - a lot to start with, at least, and we can afford to be cautious. See if Glint's friend can get a feel for other magic systems, maybe."

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"Yes, this is a good thing to take one's time with."

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She smiles, leaning into Elesse, and lets the conversation drift through their alts, and the different magic systems, and Elesse's future in the New Republic...

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It's been a while since she and her Padawan have been able to chat.

It's nice.

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Naruto - the one from Naraka's world, though he thinks Elieyha's presence is more significant - thinks he's finally cracked interworld travel via Six Paths chakra. Maybe. Hopefully. Probably.

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"I think that's more conditionals than I'm strictly comfortable with."

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"You wanna do the honors, then?"

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"As someone who didn't fail their Academy exam three times due to abysmal chakra control- yes."

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He sticks his tongue out.

"I overload one technique..."

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"And no one is ever going to let you forget it. Rightfully so."

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Laugh. "Fine, fine. I'll let you handle the finicky parts. I'll manage any explosions."

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She begins forming Six Paths chakra, beginning the technique.

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It goes smoothly, opening a dark portal sized just perfectly for them.

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"After you."

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He smiles and heads through.

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Elieyha follows on his heels.

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They're in... A forest! They sense a city nearby - one full of nervous people.

The world is full to the brim with something a lot like nature chakra, too, ebbing and flowing around them.

Also, there's some familiar signatures on the city's edge. A Naruto alt, and then a lightning and crow pair a bit away from the Naruto, likely in the same room.

The crow alt feels very, very badly injured.

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"Seems we've inherited whatever trait keeps landing travelers on interesting people."

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"Let's go check on them."

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Off they hop.

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Wyld isn't very conscious, right now.

She'd exhausted herself ending the siege, taking the city - leading her forces oh so carefully, this is a big prize and it's tempting to loot -

Her Essence pools had been nearly empty when Cecelyne decided to punish Luc'.

Wyld -

Had reached, reflexively, like she always does now when the wind kicks up and the sand starts swirling. Reached for her bond to Luc', to see if she could pull some of Luc's torment to herself...

It worked. It's never worked before.

Wyld had forgotten how low her Essence stores were.

She'd had just enough to shift into her war form - not enough to close any wounds - instead forced to rely on her half-beast shape's natural toughness.

She regrets that probably made her harder to remove from the field, in the small corner of her mind having thoughts.

Now... She's mostly trying not to make too many pained noises, while wishing she could just fall unconscious. Sleep through the slow trickle of her reforming Essence pool.

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Luc' is not happy about this state of affairs.

She is also not happy about the two people who have suddenly appeared at high speed.

"Who the fuck are you?" she asks, brandishing her whip.

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"Here to help?" Elieyha offers.

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"Potential allies and friends," he says. "Promise. We have healing powers."

"...And also a long story but she looks like she really needs healing."

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"...Prove it." She slashes her own hand and holds the bloody palm out.

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He steps forward, slowly, and touches her hand -

Warmth fills her, and knowledge settles within her reach - she understands her hand, and the wound, and what he's doing, and also that he's concerned and non-hostile. There's a soft golden glow around his own hands, barely visible.

The wound closes.

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"Hrm. Fine."

She steps aside.

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He nods, stepping forward to place his hands on Wyld, focusing on healing her.

The glow is a bit more noticeable, now (though he's not forming a caste mark or anything).

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She groans, waking up and ignoring the weird flashes of insight.


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"I'm here."

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She sits up and pulls Luc' in for better cuddles. Also a better angle for defending her from.

...She wasn't expecting to be healed, and starting healing herself probably would've taken another little bit and some focus. She also seems fully healed - this much would've taken her at least an hour of exhausting every bit of Essence she regained.

She glances at the strangers, wary. "Who're you?"

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"My name is Elieyha. This is Naruto. We're from another world."

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" - Like from Heaven? Or like from outside Creation."

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That startles a laugh out of her.

"No, not Heaven. Outside Creation, I suppose you would say."

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"...You don't seem much like raksha," she says, focusing more keenly on them.

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"Probably because we aren't."

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" - You're from another Creation?" she asks, after a pause.

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"If that makes sense to you. We've been calling them worlds or universes."

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"That's not something I've heard of before."

And it's potentially momentous.

"...Why help us?"

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"Some people tend to- repeat, across worlds. We've met your kind before, and Luc' is the same as me."

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Her arm tightens briefly around her girlfriend.

"Can you prove that?"

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"Perhaps." She gathers up some chakra in her hand, glowing, and holds it out towards Wyld. "If I can?"

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She reaches out the paw-hand not holding Luc' to take Elieyha's.

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Elieyha presses the best sense-impression she can give into the chakra and feeds it to her.

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Brief flinch.

...That is so weird.

"...I believe you."

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"So why are you here?"

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"We were exploring. We seem - apparently really unusually likely to land on interesting people; I can also sense a me around here..."

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" - I bet you're Jubilee's pattern." He'd felt distantly familiar when he healed her...

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"She's nearby?"

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"Yeah. I can send someone for her. Probably this room is crowded enough, though."

She examines Elieyha, looking for - something.

"...What's your story?" Also why isn't there a Wyld with them.

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"It's kind of long. And complicated."

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"We're kind of long and complicated too... But if your world's settled enough you can afford to go exploring..."

She glances down a bit at Luc'.

"We could use some help."

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"It's in good hands. We can spare the time."

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"Luc'... How much are you okay telling them? - And I can relay it all, if you'd rather."

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"If she's me, then- all of it."

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Nuzzle. "I love you."

Turning to the two newcomers: "So... Very background context first. Our world was made by the primordials, who made the gods to serve them. The primordials were tyrants. The gods wanted to overthrow them, but were bound to obey their creators, so the gods made the Exalted in secret. Exaltations are - a thing that happens to mortals, making them more powerful and freeing them from fate. There's a couple kinds. The important original ones here are Solars and Lunars. Solars were designed by the Unconquered Sun, the leader of the gods, and Lunars were designed by Luna, the goddess of madness and the edges of the world."

"Our first lives - Luc' was a Solar, and I was a Lunar. We were bound together - Luna made all the Lunars in love with a Solar mate, at the Unconquered Sun's demand, so Lunars couldn't overthrow the Solars."

"The Exalted went to war with the primordials, overthrowing them. The dead primordials became the Neverborn. The captured primordials were bound to oaths and thrust into another layer of the world called Malfeas, where they became the Yozis. That was thousands of years ago. The Yozis were really mad about this."

"For a couple thousand years, the Solars ruled Creation. Then - something went wrong." She nuzzles Luc'. "I don't remember. Luc' remembers a bit. The Solar rule stopped being good and fair and started being - controversial."

"Apparently the me then objected to this enough to kill the Luc' then. We - don't know what happened to the me after, just that she eventually died. Around then - another kind of Exalt, the Terrestrials, overthrew all the Solars. They trapped most of the Solar Exaltations so people couldn't keep exalting."

"A bit ago that trap broke. The Neverborn and Yozis caught some of the Solar Exaltations and - changed them."

"Luc's Exaltation was one of the changed ones. It enslaves her to the Yozi who claimed her Exaltation."

"I didn't know that when I met her two years ago. I was just - a fairly recent Lunar, plotting to change the world. I've been working to conquer this region to end slavery in it... I fell in love with Luc' really fast when we met, and she let me believe she was a Solar, but the whole time she was obeying the Yozis. Working to spread Yozi cults, undermining me."

"That - "

"A year ago I figured it out. We fought. Luc's owner got mad at her for - implying she didn't want to do what the Yozis wanted, so the Yozi caused a bad sandstorm around us. Both of us got pretty hurt. We - talked things out, more calmly, after that. We decided... That pissing off the Yozis was worth it."

"I can heal pretty well, so the punishments don't bother me, but they were hurting Luc', so I prayed to Luna until I got a power to let me take Luc's injuries. Which's why I was so badly hurt when you guys showed up, the Yozi had just finished throwing a temper tantrum."

"Our - big important thing is making it so Luc' isn't bound to the Yozis anymore, and overthrowing those assholes again. And also I want to end slavery in Creation, but - "

She's quiet.

"...I'd rather save Luc' first."

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"What do you think, does that beat out Hisame?" she asks Naruto.

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"Does seem like a pretty big mess."

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"Who is Hisame?"

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"The her from our world," he says, nodding to Wyld. "We don't actually know her that well - there's a group of a lot of you two from different worlds she ended up joining... She had a problem where she ended up mind controlled for a while, in a way no one could break without killing her. ...Which the group solved by killing and immediately resurrecting her. There's a lot of ridiculous powers flying around."

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"That is ridiculous."

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"...Yeah we usually can't resurrect people, though, like, ghosts exist..."

"Do you think you guys could help Luc'?"

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"Me and Elieyha might be able to, maybe even near term... I'm not actually clear on what all the powers of everyone we can reach are - but someone's gotta have something."

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"Hm. A seal, maybe some kind of barrier or purification..."

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"Depends on exactly what's going on..."

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Nod. "Right. It won't be in the next five minutes, if you have, uh, things to clean up."

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Sounding a bit amused: "I do need to shower, and also make sure my army's situated well..."

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"I guess you two will need more information."

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"It'd help."

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She nuzzles her girlfriend. "Do you mind talking to them while I get things sorted, darling?"

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"That's the efficient distribution."

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She detangles herself from her girlfriend, shifts back to human, kisses her on the cheek, and heads off to figure out how she'll be getting clean, to contact Jubilee and her lieutenants...

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And Luc' can answer some questions about her Exaltation.

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It'll take a while, including some time spent examining Luc's Essence directly, to know what they need to do here...

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"It seems like there's more than one person..."

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"The unwoven coadjutor, maybe. The demon that carried my Exaltation. It was sort of- blended in."

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"That gives us a target to seal, at least."

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"It talks to me sometimes."

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"Don't worry, we have experience with unwanted talkative passengers."

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"...Yeah, that's familiar."

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"Your world must be interesting."

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"It's - different from this one." He summarizes a few things.

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"Huh. So you were both- jinchuuriki?"

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"Until I died, yeah."

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"I still am. Though I got the Nine Tails to like me."

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"That does sound like something Jubilee would do."

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"Heh. It's exciting there's a me here!"

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"You should have a ramen-eating contest to determine who the prime alt is."

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Laugh. "We should! I bet there's different styles here, too... So clearly I should introduce her to the best kinds."

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"Oh, I should have guessed that'd be a trait you'd have in common."

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"I might disown her if it wasn't."

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Luc' laughs.

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Wyld returns a bit after that, kissing Luc' on the cheek. "Got everything settled."

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And Jubilee enters after her, glancing at the newcomers with a smile.

"Wyld updated me on some of what's going on. - What're your names, by the way?"

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"Elieyha. This is Naruto."

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"It's good to meet you both. For proper introductions - I'm Shining Jubilation - or Jubilee - and these are Shimmering Wyldclaw - or Wyld - and Elucidation of Immanent Will - or Luc'."

"It'll be great if you can help Luc'; are you two interested in helping beyond that?"

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"At least somewhat."

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"We honestly could use even small amounts..."

"Wyld mentioned there were more of you somewhere, too - do you think any of them would want to help, too?"

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"Depends on what you'd want them to do, mostly. There are a couple gods who can do the being-in-more-than-one-place thing."

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"It... Honestly depends on their powers. Creation's shrinking as the edges break away. The Yozis in Malfeas are trying to turn Creation into a tortured mirror of their realms and need to be stopped. The Realm - the biggest kingdom around - is gearing up to tear itself apart after the Scarlet Empress disappeared. A significant chunk of our world's population is enslaved. Our gods are often distant and uninterested - or overly interested and tyrannical. Many of the ones who should be humanity's greatest allies find themselves addicted to the Games of Divinity, unable to turn their minds to earthly matters. Heaven's bureaucracy is exceptionally broken. A significant chunk of Solar Exaltations have been corrupted. Something resulted in the Solars going mad, but we haven't established prosperous societies outside of them - but if your worlds lack Solars and yet remain stable, clearly you've figured out some solution that doesn't rely on three hundred overpowered despots."

"We also can't defend ourselves against even the old, known threats - the Fair Folk from outside reality who might invade again, or plagues..."

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"Most of them will probably be more interested in the chance to fight things than reforming governments. They can at least point to other societies for examples, I guess."

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"I don't like leaning on violence as the only solution to problems - but there's plenty to fight without running out of blatantly acceptable targets anytime soon."

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"They might have picked up new skills; it's been a while since we've checked in."

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"Once I make a few public appearances and reassure everyone I'm okay... Honestly it might not be a bad idea to go talk to the group? Vanishing out of Creation for a bit will confuse anyone looking at our Fates, if nothing else."

And she could kind of use the break, if she's being honest with herself. Two years of warfare - of behaving, of being a good leader - have taken their toll on her, and the last year's been especially rough.

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"I can make a portal when you're ready."

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"It might be a few days... Do you guys mind sticking around?"

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"Not at all."

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"That'll give us time to work on helping Luc', too..."

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"And maybe see some of the sights."

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"Lots of those. My nation's pretty."

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"Almost as pretty as she is."

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Kiss. "I've got some temples to us, if you want the best of both worlds."

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"I don't really go in for religion."

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"Fair enough. I can point out some nice nature places and museums and stuff then."

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"We'd appreciate that."

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She finds a spare map, one that includes their current area, and marks her territory, her contested territory, and tourist locations.

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She takes a moment to memorize it.

"For now then- pen and paper, and somewhere to work. Unless you have more questions?"

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"Not right now."

Pen and paper are doable, too, as is a work area they won't be disturbed in.

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Then it's time for some fuuinjutsu brainstorming.

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Naruto fortunately has a lot of ideas!

He also needs to poke both Jubilee and Luc' a few times - it helps, he thinks, comparing what's different between their Exaltations (and then he also pokes Wyld to see what's different with her.)

It's going to take a good bit of development time, but they can cannibalize a lot of the work on jinchuuriki seals, and he can bug the Nine Tails for ideas... (That aren't "eat the co-adjucator." Although...)

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That seems like a bad idea if it's still tied up with the Exaltation somehow. They need to be very careful what they're defining here.

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Yeah - maybe not the system Naruto has, since it allows him to talk to the Nine Tails (on purpose) and Luc' doesn't want to be bothered...

There's a place here, where the many dimensional machine that is Exaltation has a little circuit in Jubilee, which seems to have been co-opted for the co-adjucator to annoy Luc', which they should be able to straightforwardly reroute given these seals... These changes over here seem to be linked to making the Exaltation Infernal rather than Solar... Oh, shiny, given enough of an Essence load this one set of sub-systems can probably be fucked with to hyper-empower Luc' past what Jubilee's more carefully designed system would allow, probably they should not poke that but they should leave it so future Luc' can poke it when she has more Essence at her disposal... This one is what Naruto's pretty sure allows the Yozi to trigger the sandstorm, and this one allows the Yozi to send commands to the co-adjucator, and this one is a lever the co-adjucator has on Luc's power use, and these seem to be monitoring Luc', and probably this one could be used to outright shut down Luc's Exaltation if she fought the Yozis but Naruto's not positive it actually works... This is probably the routine for fleeing and finding a new person to Exalt, it seems like it isn't being used right now... They shouldn't touch these bits over here, these bits seem important... This little circuit seems like it gets overloaded when Luc's stressed, and seems like it's currently co-opted to send signals to the Yozi...

Hey wait a second, Jubilee and Wyld both have something similar to the stress circuit... Which... Has feedback inputs into their minds? Probably they should poke that eventually, that seems bad, and the chakra Essence woven into it is funky and doesn't really match the rest.

Anyways -

For breaking the Yozi's hold over Luc', Naruto's pretty sure they can just stick the co-adjucator in a little self-enclosed feedback box watching butterflies and puppies frolic in a field of flowers with all its controls just making the flowers change color. They'll probably want to filter the connection to the Yozi like so to avoid alerting her too much... Which'll leave Luc's Exaltation basically the same, minus the Yozi and co-adjucator influence and control. (If Luc' wants her Exaltation more thoroughly messed with, it'll take more than a few days of work probably.)

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That, uh. That seems like enough to be going on with for now.

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The best way to get the seal to stick on her is to tattoo it. Where does she want it?

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How about the back?

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The back's a pretty good canvas for this!

He chatters about seal design a bit - they'll paint the seal a lot bigger than it'll actually be when compressed, and they'll be using their chakra to make a larger, multidimensional seal that gets compressed into the inked characters... They'll need a lot of oomph for this so they should probably use Naruto's blood, a good chunk of Naruto's power, and then Elieyha channeling it to give it the fine control...

The process of getting the seal inked is mostly boring for about two hours - Luc' needs to stay still - and then briefly Luc' gets the sense that she would be in a lot of pain if not for this warm fuzzy blanket of not-Essence wrapped around her, and then something sort of clicks...

The co-adjucator shuts up, is the first change.

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That's different.

She channels Essence into her whip and flicks it through the air. It trails green sparks.

"Charms still work," she reports.

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"That's great!"

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"And I'm not getting any voices, so... Seems like it worked."

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"I'm really glad. Though let us know if there's any problems, okay?"

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"I will."

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Next thing seems to be him and Elieyha taking a vacation, then.

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And well-earned.

"It's a little strange seeing a me and a Hisame," she muses. "Out in the wild, as it were."

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"Yeah. And - I dunno, but Luc' seems a lot more like you than like the Keres?"

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"I can see that."

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"Wyld's not much like Hisame either, though."

A bit teasingly: "Do you like her?"

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"Which one?"

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"Either. Maybe 'any of them'; I'm also pretty sure Jubilee likes girls..."

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"You are not really my type. Luc' is still a special bundle of issues even with the seal, and Wyld- spends too much time as a tiger. Shukaku has soured me a bit on animals."

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"Noted." There's a bit of a mischievous look in his eyes.

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"Naruto," she says sternly.

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"What?" he says, definitely innocently.

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"You're planning something." She points a finger threateningly. "Do not."

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"I will make sure to avoid planning anything, then."

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"Why are we friends."

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"Because we both have excellent taste? You're awesome, I'm awesome..."

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"You're a menace, is what you are."

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He laughs. "Guilty as charged."

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"Eh, I won't set you up with anyone if you don't want me to. Promise."

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"You can just go ahead and assume I'm never going to ask you to do that."

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She lasts about ten seconds before she starts laughing too.

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He does calm down eventually...

So! Sight seeing! (Naruto really likes interacting with new people, especially super foreign people.)

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Elieyha is more interested in broader sweeps of culture than individual people. And some of the rivers are quite nice.

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The Sage stuff has been giving him more of an appreciation for nature... And the nature here's sometimes pretty weird. He wouldn't mind going to poke those elemental poles...

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How about not on this trip.

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Alright. He'll hold off.

And, a little bit later, they wind their way back to the local alts.

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Wyld's gotten command handed off to Ling, reassured everyone she's not dead or badly wounded, given some speeches, made sure the city's getting settled...

She's more than ready to head out.

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Then: portal. To Ellayania's world, even.

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Jubilee sees them off - but elects to stay behind for now. Wyld knows what her concerns are, and it's good to keep an Exalt resident here...

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Wyld heads through the portal first, looking around with interest.

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They're in a foggy clearing. The ground is slightly damp, with a tang of salt in the air. In the distance, a city.

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She sniffs, and grins at Luc' and the other two.

"I'm guessing head to the city?" she asks.

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"That's right." 

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"Ooo, are you the goddess one of - sounds more like Luc' than me..."

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"I am Ellayania. A Lightning, as we say. A pleasure to meet you."

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"It's nice to meet you, too! Always good to have more of my girlfriend in the world." She sends a flirty grin Luc's way. "What's the word for a me?"

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"Crow. Elieyha, Naruto, welcome back." 

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"Thanks! I think we inherited you guys' luck in stumbling on anyone interesting right away..."

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She makes a face. "Crow? I might have to poke my alts about changing that..." she grumbles. "I'm a pretty kitty."

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"You will be the first of your alts to claim such a form."

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Tiger! And languid, almost preening stretch.

"Being a tiger is fun. Crows are squishy. No proper claws." She grins. "But I can argue that with my alts."

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"I will let them know you have arrived." 

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"Thanks." To Luc': "Do you want a ride, darling?"

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"Have you ever known me to say no?"

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Small laugh. "Should I instead say 'your ride awaits, my lady?'" She settles into a good position for mounting. 

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"That might be nice," she says, laughing as she mounts up.

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One problem with being ridden is she now can't headbutt Luc'. Still, she can purr, a deep rumble in her chest.

She sets off at an easy lope for the city. "It'll remind people of your great station, too," she teases. 

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"Benefits all around." She leans down to nuzzle Wyld.

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"Sounds good to me."

She picks up speed a bit as she gets her footing, enjoying the light run.

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The city approaches quickly.

The citizens do not seem used to large white tigers roaming freely, but Ellayania calmly providing directions to the temple soothes the worries.

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Heh. She's a perfectly well behaved oversized tiger!

She trots up to the temple, looking around with only mild interest, more trying to see if she can spot - or guess, really - at any alts than gawking at the architecture.

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There's one who looks rather like Elieyha.

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She's incredibly curious about her own alts, but seeing another of Luc' is still really, really nice.

She slows down, padding over to Luc's alt, waiting for a signal from Luc' before bowing to let her down.

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Luc' pats her on the shoulder.

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"Hello. You must be the new pair."

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She lowers herself to the ground so Luc' can slide off and says, "Yup! I'm Wyld, and this's Luc'. Luc' is the you." She nuzzles Luc'.

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Then bops back to human shape.

"It's good to meet you."

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"Yes, it is always a pleasure to meet new alts. My name is Eliana."

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"There are places to sit and talk inside, if you'll follow me."

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"Sure." She takes Luc's hand and follows.

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To a sitting area!

"Would you like food or drink?"

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"If there's anything interestingly local, sure." She sits snuggling Luc', of course.

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A selection of interestingly local nibbles on a platter obligingly slides up out of the table.

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She laughs, grabbing a nibble and popping it in her mouth. Mmmm, food...

"So - I summarized our story to Elieyha and Naruto, but I'm guessing you guys haven't heard?" she says between bites.

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"Not yet, no. It's polite to offer newcomers a chance to tell their story themselves. Though If you'd prefer not to repeat yourself, Ellayania can certainly rely the information to others."

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"Oh, I quite enjoy telling a good tale. I'll have to see how quickly I get bored of the repetition, though..."

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"People filter in and out. You may be able to space out the tellings."

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"Honestly - there's a lot of reasons I could use a long break, but... My world's fucked up. In long term ways, at least, nothing that'll blow up in the next month, but I'd still like to petition assorted alts for help unfucking at least parts."

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"Which leads me to explaining the whole mess..." She pauses, putting her thoughts together. There's of course what she told Elieyha and Naruto, though she'd trusted them less at the time...

Still, she summarizes, mixing in her world's current state with her and Luc's personal journey.

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"...I see. That is quite the tale."

"We recently made contact with a galactic civilization who may be the best bet for large-scale help, regardless of any individual contributions some of us may make. Occlus, as well as Ani and her daughter would be the ones to talk to about that. Glint and Ellayania are both able to spread their domains physically and scale efficiently with the number of worshipers they have, if you wish to invite them in to your world. And having someone on the same level to speak with may aid with divine negotiations. Glint is a god of madness, and extends that to mental health more generally, if such things hold any interest for you."

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"Oh, Glint'll probably get along with Luna, then - Luna's my goddess, the delightfully insane protector of the borders of the world. My own head's..." She shrugs. "I'm a lot more fine now Luc's more out from under that damn Yozi's thumb." She squeeze's her girlfriend's shoulder, possessively.

"Anyways, I'd be delighted to host Glint and Ellayania - I have a pretty good-sized cult I don't mind sharing, so they can hopefully get a foothold fast. Me, Luc', and Jubilee are already in a lot of people's prayers..."

"And - what're Occlus and Ani and Ani's daughter's stories? Or should I wait to ask them?"

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"Ani's story is- moderately complex and involves two separate Lightning instances. You may wish to hear it directly."

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"Alright. If they've got a whole civilisation I could ally with I'll wanna spend some time explaining my strategic position more in depth anyways, so we can just talk for a while..."

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"She does like talking."

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"Definitely a me, then."

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"She is also... somewhat older than we are typically encountered."

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"Oh? That'll be interesting - I think my last life got to one or two millennia but I don't actually remember that..."

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"Nothing so extravagant, but she has been through rather a lot."

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"I do know how not to pry, if there's anything she doesn't wanna tell me."

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"Ah, well, that would be up to her."

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"Anything else interesting about the people around here? I'm curious about everyone's stories, pretty much..."

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"I suppose we can start with Hisame and the Keres, as they instigated this little get-together. Apparently, they both arrived in my own world through unrelated means..." She summarizes the story of the Crows and Lightnings up through finding Ellayania.

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"Oh, that's fun!" she says with a laugh. "It's interesting how much is different between us, though..."

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"Many of us are of the opinion that there is some sort of guiding presence behind our meetings."

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She hums. "There could also be some sort of metaphysical narrative - story's a powerful thing, in my world at least. The Fair Folk are best at it, but - if you're wandering into the wyld outside the borders of the world, it doesn't matter so much what makes sense as what's interesting."

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"'Interesting' is perhaps the one constant."

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"If anything must be constant, that's a good one."

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Eliana laughs. "A true Crow."

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She laughs as well. "I really need to argue my alts into a prettier name. Crows are horrid, rude birds."

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"Tentou- that is, the first Hisame- picked that one. The Keres had taken to calling her 'kitten' and I suspect she did not wish to share the appellation."

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She giggles. "Awww, that's cute."

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"They have their moments," she allows.

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"I'm not a kitten, anyways. She can keep the pet name." She leans against her girlfriend, grinning.

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"You are a little big for that," Luc' says, petting her.

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Deep rumbling purr.

"Maybe we can all just be different kinds of Cats. Me, the tiger, Tentou, the kitten..."

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"That somewhat defeats the purpose of a collective noun..."

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She laughs. "'Cats' is a perfectly acceptable collective noun, I think, just one with room to be different sorts of people."

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"Ah, that makes sense. Your proposal may gain some traction."

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"I'll see how easy my alts are to convince."

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"Perhaps start with others and work your way around to the Hisames."

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"They're the stubborn ones?"

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"The ones most likely to be contrary for the sheer sake of it, shall we say."

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She laughs. "Man, I think I used to be like that..."

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"Then you ought to have some idea how to deal with it."

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"Hopefully! I tended to respond pretty well to silliness and flirting and girls who were willing to fight me for dominance back then..."

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"Try to remember to remove yourself from bystanders before escalating too far. In, ah, either direction."

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Innocent face. "I have definitely never forgotten to do that."

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"Perhaps stage it somewhere our hosts won't have to clean up," Luc' murmurs.

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"True." She kisses her girlfriend's cheek. "...Also I should be responsible and properly check with you about flirting and more with alts first."

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"Just don't leave me out of it."

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"I'll invite you to any shows."

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Kiss! ...Politely restrained kiss, considering company.

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Look at how polite and restrained she can be! (She's definitely making eyes at her girlfriend.)

Anyways - she breaks off from Luc', squeezes her girlfriend's shoulder, and says to Eliana - "I can probably get the rest from everyone else? And I'm guessing Ellayania can let me know if I miss anyone..."

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"That she can. Or you can compare lists as you go."

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"It sounds like there's a decent chance more of us will show up sooner or later anyways, too."

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"Yes, especially if Elieyha has decided to take up exploring."

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"Exploring's fun! I might ever tag along if my world's stabilized for a bit..."

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"It makes for a nice vacation. Some of the time."

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"That sounds like a story."

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"Mora and I stumbled across a world containing one of you that turned out to be some kind of illusion or simulation. We were unceremoniously dumped out when it ended."

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"Weird! Is the me from there okay? Or, like, actually existing..."

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"We hope so. Given her position in the simulation I believe it likely she does at least still exist, but we have had no luck in finding her again."

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"Eeesh. Well, good luck going forward... Still, if we're being guided, she'll probably turn up sometime."

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"When things get too boring for too long, perhaps."

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"Well, I might prevent that for a little while."

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"I should say so."

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Heh. "I am exceptionally interesting - though I'm in quite good company there, too."

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"Some of the best, if you'll take our own opinion."

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"Oh, definitely the best," she purrs.

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Luc' is getting wiggly.

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She squeezes her girlfriend and gives Eliana a distinctly flirty look. "Would you like to see how interesting we can get?"

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"As a gracious host, I can hardly decline."

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She grins, wickedly, and then rises fluidly to her feet and crosses the distance to Eliana, plopping in her lap, leaning closer, and murmuring, "It's the duty of a host to entertain their guests, isn't it?" Her breath ghosts across Eliana's cheek. "Why don't you be a bit mean to me, put on a little show for my girlfriend?"

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"If that is what you wish."

"Might I borrow a knife?" she says to Luc'.

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She slides hers over across the table.

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"Don't flinch," she says as she draws the blade lightly across Wyld's arm, leaving a thin line of red.

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Not wiggling is harder than not flinching. 

She grins, holding still, and rewards Eliana with a small noise and a quick kiss.

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A drop of blood creeps up from the wound to settle on Eliana's finger. She licks it off with a smirk.

Then, with a wave of her hand, Wyld finds herself slipping off Eliana's lap to kneel at her feet.

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Oh, interesting.

She fights it, of course. Not too hard - not with charms or anything - but enough to give her a feel of struggling.

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She can feel Eliana's magic like fire in her veins, pulsing in time to her heartbeat.

Her head is pulled down to kiss the floor, and then she's puppeted into a twitchy kind of rising dance, pulling articles of clothing off as she goes.

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She has enough control of her vocal chords to purr, and enough of her eyes to stare intently at whichever lightning alt catches her gaze.

This is a new sort of control - she wonders idly if it's enough to overcome the charm she now has preventing her from ever being turned against Luc'. Perhaps something to test, later.

(It's perhaps clear she's slightly distracted).

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And shortly even more distracted, when Eliana trips her right into her into her waiting arms.

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Luc' certainly appreciates the show.

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Wyld appreciates being the show.

She makes sure to moan at appropriate moments - which is frequently - but otherwise goes along for the rather delightful ride.

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"Mm," she says at the end. "You are very interesting indeed."

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"Mmmmm. Good," she murmurs, head a bit fuzzy, glancing around for a Luc' to snuggle.

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Here she is!

"Have fun?"

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"Yesssss," she says, curling into Luc' and kissing her. "You have fun alts."

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She laughs a bit.

"So glad you approve."

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Nuzzle. "Approve of you always."

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"Thank you for the hospitality," she says to Eliana.

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"It is my pleasure. Do you need some time, perhaps?"

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"I think so."

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"Very well. We'll be around when you're ready." She takes her leave.

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Nuzzle nuzzle nuzzle purr.

"...At some point we should check if any of the foreign control magic can override my Shining Lunar Bond charm..." she murmurs after a bit. (Which's the one that - was honestly terrifying to activate, since with it she not only can't be mind controlled into hurting Luc', she can't be mundanely convinced to even just adore Luc' slightly less. But she can be mundanely convinced to turn the charm off, which was... Enough, for her, and being impossible to mundanely convince is important around supernaturally persuasive Exalts and gods and miscellaneous assholes anyways.)

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"That does sound important to know before it becomes a problem. Could also help us gauge- relative strengths."

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"And if it's a problem now I can work on strengthening it... And, yeah, there's a lot to a system's strength other than 'can I beat Hisame in a fist fight.'"

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"Having options other than a fistfight for starters."

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Kiss. "We're good at that. And luckily it sounds like there's a bunch here that's shareable..."

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"Extra options to take home."

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"Hopefully we'll entice some of the extra fun alts to follow us, too. Even if just for a bit."

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"I bet we can get some, at least for a bit."

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"Given our charming nature..."

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"And the way there doesn't seem to be much exciting happening right now..."

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"Stealing the Hisame's probably counts as a favor, even. Keep them from getting bored."

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"We are the very souls of graciousness. The group will be so pleased to get to know us."

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"I'm certainly pleased to get to know them," she says, with a languid stretch.

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Luc' pounces on the opening for tickles.

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Shrieking laughter! (Luc' is cheating.)

Wyld squirms and tries to tickle Luc' back, but her girlfriend definitely has her at a disadvantage here.

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For once.

She makes the most of it.

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Wyld eventually collapses into a giggling puddle.

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"Victory is mine."

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She tilts her head back, grinning at Luc'.

"To the victor go the spoils," she murmurs. "What'll you have of me?"

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"I'll start with your mouth and work down," she says, going in for the kiss.

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Mmmmmmmm good.

She's mostly a well-behaved prize. (Partially because she's too languidly tired for mischief.)

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Sometimes that's fun too.

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She loves Luc' so much.

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The feeling's entirely mutual.

"Shall we see if there's anyone else around?"

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Then off they go!

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The next people they encounter don't look familiar. Two human adults, apparently the same age, chatting in one of the side rooms, and three very small children playing under their watchful eye. The woman's on the ground, focusing more on playing some game with her toddler daughter; her infant's in sight, too, apparently enjoying floor time, and her toddler son appears to be currently sulking.

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The man looks over at Luc' and Wyld when they enter, smiling slightly.

"Hey," he says, straightening from where he'd been slouching. "I don't think we've met yet?"

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"We're new. I'm Luc', this is Wyld."

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"It's nice to meet you. I'm Luke. This's my sister, Leia, and my nephews Jacen and Anakin and niece Jaina. We're Ani's family."

" - Ani's one of Wyld's alts, we're all... Fairly new, also, so I don't know if you've met her - "

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"Pleasure's all ours. Eliana'd just said Ani was older, didn't mention a family..." She's pretty surprised, actually, but recovers quickly. "But we also just found out about all this a few days ago, and only got here a few hours ago..."

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Leia smiles over at the two newcomers, politely. "Then welcome. It's all - quite a bit to adjust to, isn't it?"

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She laughs. "It's been something all right."

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"A couple somethings."

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"Possibly someone should make some kind of welcome packet... It's going to take me a while to get used to who everyone is."

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"Well, I like telling stories, and don't mind chattering about myself and my girlfriend a few more times..."

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"I'd be happy to hear about it - here, have a seat, there's space..."

(Jacen is sneaking glances over at the newcomers with clear interest, though he still seems to be in a sulk.)

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She grins at the completely inexplicable grandchild (...though the kids are cute...) and snuggles with Luc' on one of the couches, launching into a fairly quick, mostly problem-focused summary of their story and world. (She remembers Eliana commenting on Occlus and Ani's world having potential resources...).

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She frowns a bit, clearly thinking. "Honestly, collaborating between worlds is something that interests me a lot..."

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"We could really use literally any help at all."

"It'd - be easy, probably, to just leave, now that we're not bound anymore, and that's what it sounds like a lot of my alts have done, but..."

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"They're your people, and they're in need."

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"Yeah. I started on this path. I'm gonna see it through."

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She nods.

"I don't have the pull right now to promise a galaxy's worth of resources... But I've got a lot of contacts in programs meant to help planets in need, and if I'm reading your technology level right - it sounds like even a small commitment of food and agricultural supplies would make a huge difference."

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She blinks.

" - I'd been thinking militarily, but - nine out of ten of my people are scraping by as only technically free farmers, and there's been a lot of disruptions to supply chains - if you can change that... Yeah, that'd be a really huge deal."

" - To be clear if your goal is to avoid enabling war, given food surpluses I will one hundred percent be hiring more soldiers."

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She smiles a bit. "I've fought my own share of wars. They're horrible things... But I understand they're sometimes necessary, and would rather a society of plenty that hires its soldiers than one of want that enslaves its farmers. But - I'll try to get you more general aid, too."

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She bounces, grinning.

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"We'd appreciate whatever you can give us. It's hard to move the world while you're standing on the edge."

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"A familiar feeling."

(Her son chooses that moment to toddle over closer to Luc', staring at her intently.)

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"Hello?" she says to the boy.

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He considers this. "Hello," he says, solemnly.

His mother smiles again. "Sorry - Jacen likes your alts quite a bit. I can have Luke hold him, if he's bothering you..."

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"Ah, it's- fine? I don't have much experience with children."

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"Jacen tends to like just sitting quietly, fortunately. Fairly easy to entertain, especially next to this one." She bounces Jaina - who is presently occupied with trying to undo her mother's braids - demonstratively.

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(Wyld leans over, making faces at Jacen, and completely fails to get any of his attention.)

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"That's very cooperative of you," she says to him. "Is that why you like us, we also sit quietly?"

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"Ah," he says, nodding and then squinting suspiciously at Wyld. "...Loud Granny."

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Luc' sporfles.

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"Hey!" Wyld says (loudly), then giggles.

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"He's," laugh, "he's got you there."

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"Not a Granny."

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"Close enough, apparently."

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She laughs, then, to Jacen: "Can your Granny do this?" She stands...

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And turns into a tiger.

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Wow that is so suspicious. He squints.

"...Weird Granny."

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"Not Cat Granny?"

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Jaina looks up, notices the giant kitty, and promptly abandons her mother for giant kitty pats. "Cat Granny!" she says, happily, while Jacen makes a face at her.

"Weird Granny," he repeats, stubbornly.

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Wyld laughs, purring.

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"Secretly, I agree with you," she stage-whispers to Jacen. "She is weird."

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Wyld snickers, tilting her head so Jaina can scratch her ear better.

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Jacen nods and climbs up on the couch beside Luc', sitting and looking around a bit but apparently done with all this nonsense.

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And, with the children sufficiently entertained, Wyld returns to talking to Luke and Leia (mostly Leia, though Luke promises his help as an individual Jedi) about world problems and potential ways of solving them.

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Luc' contributes some clarifying details where needed and fills in gaps about the world-at-large.

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Both siblings are attentive and good at asking clarifying questions, though Leia's notably better at grasping government-scale issues, while Luke's notably better at personal inferences. Leia's also good at spotting things Wyld and Luc' and their world could plausibly do for hers, to get more political favors and therefore more help from people outside their alt family - and mentions a few projects Glint and Mora have going that're going to earn those two favors, if Wyld wants to talk to them about cashing some of those in on Wyld's world's behalf...

Eventually, though, Leia has commitments she needs to get to. She ends the conversation politely (sincerely sorry she can't stay longer), and expresses interest in talking to both women again soon, before heading off with her children and brother.

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"That went well."

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"It did! I like them."

She seems a bit pensive.

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"Something on your mind?"

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She laughs. "Nothing much - just had an idle thought about alts and whether I'd have a Luke and Leia if I got pregnant..."

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"Oh. Uh."

"That's. An interesting question...?"

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She leans against Luc'. "Won't go testing it if you're not into the idea. And I don't really have time for a family now anyways..."

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"It's... not something I've really thought about."

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"And not like anything we've done before." Small shrug. "My whole life's pretty much been - war, or planning for it, and that's... Kinda the opposite of having kids?"

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"Jacen was kinda cute."

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"He was! Same with Jaina."

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"I need time to really think about it, but- Maybe. I won't say no right now."

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Kiss. "I love you."

"And... I'd need to think, too." She squeezes Luc's hand. "We'll probably be at war for years yet anyways..."

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"Maybe we could take a break. If enough alts get involved."

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"We'd need quite a lot, but... Yeah." Longer kiss. "A break sounds good."

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"Best girlfriend."

And, humming - "Probably we've got enough time to talk to one other someone before I'll wanna sleep..."

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"One more person, okay."

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"Should we look for someone specific, do you think? Or just wander?"

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Luc' hums. "It might be nice to meet Ani."

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"Yeah. I've been thinking that too..." She offers Luc' her arm. "Shall we, then?"

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She takes it. "Let's."

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Then off to find their older alts. (...Assuming they're even in this world.)

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Occlus and Ani are sitting together. Occlus cards her fingers through her pet's hair, holding a book with her other hand.

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She has her head in her Mistress's lap, mostly just relaxing.

Still, she does turn a bit to smile at the new set of alts, softly.

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"Hey!" Wyld says, glancing at the two of them. "Are we - interrupting?"

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"Not overly so. You must be Wyld and Luc'."

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"Yeah; the newest ones. We've spoken to a few of Luc's alts so far - though none of mine - and also Luke and Leia..."

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"Here is a chance, then. I am Occlus, this is Ani. Say hello, pet."

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"Hello," she says, smiling and stretching a bit. She sighs, then straightens enough talking isn't awkward - still leaning pretty heavily on Occlus, of course. "It's good those two are making friends..."

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"They're great. And Leia's kids are adorable." She sits near them, keeping her hand in Luc's.

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"And here I'd thought all my alts were terrified of babies."

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She laughs.

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"I bet most of them haven't seriously thought about ever having any."

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" - Have you?"

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"A bit..."

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"The beginnings of thoughts."

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"Your kids are really delightful," she says, cheerfully. "And..." A more melancholy shrug. "We're busy with war in our own world. So it's not something we could do anytime soon. But - I had the thought."

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"They're good kids."

"A war...?"

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"Yeah. It's." Awkward shrug. "I grew up a slave. When I broke free, I Exalted as a Lunar - becoming one of our world's sorts of magic people. Lunars protect things - the world - and we bring all the rage of Creation to bear - that's who we are on a really fundamental level. So I dedicated my life to stopping slavery. And raiding caravans and stuff was really fun? But I've been actually taking territory for about two years now - "

She stops, frowning.

"And I freed thirty thousand people a couple days ago and it doesn't feel real, isn't enough."

"Also there's more problems. The original Exalts were made to overthrow the world's creators, who were assholes, but some of those creators - the Yozis - survived and are now continuing to be assholes, is a big one."

"Personally - Luc' and I met a few months before I declared war on basically everyone. We're pretty much soulmates, so we recognized each other. Luc' remembered me from a past life, and I just knew she was important... She spent a year pretending to be a Solar - a type of Exalt on the side of Lunars - then I learned she was actually an Infernal - a type of Exalt on the opposite side, the Yozis' side. And then the Yozis got pissed at her when she switched to my side. That caused a lot of problems for us, which Elieyha and Naruto have mostly fixed, but I swore to destroy the Yozis for hurting Luc' and I meant it."

It's not nearly as coherent as her usual explanation, but she's tired and also a bit off balance.

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"Don't get so caught up in your grand dreams that you neglect the smaller ones. Little joys are what keep you going. You are as important as any of those you would save; more so, perhaps, if you can continue having an outsize effect on the world."

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"Awwww, you're sweet."

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"And older, and long experienced at matters of war."

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"I don't think our kind of person is cut out for wars," Ani says, softly. "I've spent most of my life in one or another. It's... Miserable."

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Awkward shrug - but she nods. "Just - I can't do nothing."

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"Nothing is precisely what you will be doing, if you burn yourself up trying to do too much too quickly."

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She glances away.

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"You're a good kid, and meaning well's worth a lot," Ani says, softly. "But - there's ways to help that aren't throwing yourself into all the things you hate. Do you have lieutenants you can trust?"

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"Yeah... But we don't exactly have Exalts crawling out the woodwork, and I'm the best specialized for leading armies."

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Hum. "What would they need, to replace your war effort with mundane people?"

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She pauses. "...Training. Siege breaking. Those're the two big things I do that don't pass off well, and - training people's more tiring, I really don't have a problem showing up to sieges. It's - all the stuff in between."

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"Our world happens to have recently turned from war to peace, leaving us with an excess of drill instructors. Less so officers, but - I could fairly easily find you ten seasoned leaders."

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Quietly: "...That'd replace me, yeah. Especially with the food aid Leia wants to send..."

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Small smile. "Diplomacy is an overlooked part of war, I've found."

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Luc' hugs Wyld.

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She snuggles into her girlfriend. 

"...There's still a - fire burning in my skin. To act. To do something."

Deep breath.

"But - this's helping. Lots." She turns her head to kiss Luc's cheek. "I'll take a break from - being their leader," she says, voice soft. "Promise. Ling and Jubilee can fight over the paperwork."

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"Who gets to not do it?" she teases.

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"Exactly. Jubilee'll probably just pretend to be illiterate again..."

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"Ling will organize the bureaucracy to point people at her anyway."

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"She'll convince every single bureaucrat to repent of their wicked ways."

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"And then get stuck with all the work because there's no one left to delegate to."

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"We might come back to an anarchist friendship commune."

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"Is that better or worse than a militant religious dictatorship, I've lost track."

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"I dunno; it sounds pretty neat to me."

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Nudge. "So really, you've got nothing to lose here."

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She leans her head on Luc's shoulder, happy. "Yeah." And then she grins adoringly at her girlfriend. Then, addressed to pretty much everyone: "Thanks. A lot."

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"You are quite welcome, of course."

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"We definitely lucked out on excellent alts."

(Her tone's only a little flirty.)

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Occlus smiles placidly at her.

"I'm quite fond of the one I possess."

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She nuzzles Luc'. "So am I."

She glances back over at their alts, gaze catching only briefly on Ani's collar. (She exchanges raised eyebrows with Ani, then - something in her posture and expression relaxes. She's still friendly, but the hunger's gone out of her gaze, replaced with something soft and understanding.)

"...What's peace - like?"

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"It is what you make of it. In all senses."

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She stops making 'this is my Mistress' expressions at Wyld, instead smiling and tilting her head against Occlus's shoulder. "It was strange for me, for a very long time. It didn't feel real, at first..."

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"We'll have to make something good of it, then," she says, squeezing Luc's hands. "...What're kids like?"

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" - I didn't actually get to raise Luke and Leia."

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"...Oh. I'm sorry."

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Asking 'why not' might be a bit much for their first meeting...

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"...I don't think it'll be a problem for you. We were - still in the middle of war. I had to hide them from a powerful enemy, but... I couldn't hide with them."

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"That's... too bad."

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"We survived, at least. And things are better now."

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Pet pet.

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She presses herself a bit into her Mistress's hand, mood settling back into contentment.

"You two might want to make sure your lives are stable, before having kids, but - "

"I think you'd both do great, no matter what."

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"It's no problem."

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"Still. Everything here's been - so much help."

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"We seem good at that!"

"I think it'd be - also useful to make a list of how we can help each other. It took a bit for resurrection to get mentioned to me..." Or, well, she'd been missing Elesse so much it felt like forever. " - Which is a thing the group can do, by the way."

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"Don't know there's anyone we want back right now..." She glances at Luc'. 

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"You're still here, so no."

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She nods. "Though you'd mentioned past lives...?" Which it sounded like Luc' remembers but Wyld doesn't...

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"...Yeah. We weren't- happy, at the end. I don't think- Bringing them back would not be a good idea."

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"...Only one of them might be less of a disaster but - yeah definitely not past me." She squeezes Luc's hand.

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"I don't want her to be around you," she murmurs.

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Move to hugging Luc'. "...Same."

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"So it seems that is a definite 'no'."

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"There was - drama."

Quiet pause.

"...Past me killed past Luc'. Like. Premeditated."

Wyld would be more inclined to be forgiving (given that Wyld, herself, has come close to accidentally hurting Luc') if she wasn't very sure her past self had spent years scheming against Luc's past self.

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"My former self had been going insane for- a number of years."

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Grumble. "She still shouldn't have hurt you."

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"She wasn't- completely herself either."

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Poke. "I won't blame myself or feel bad for my past life if you don't, then."

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"All right."

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"I do apologize for - stumbling into that wound."

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She squeezes Luc'. "It's okay."

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"You couldn't have known. It's mostly scabbed over, anyway."

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"With luck it will heal all the way, then, sometime."

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"Hope so."

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"I've heard kisses help with hurts," she says, then kisses her girlfriend, "So I can help."

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Kiss. "You do help."

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"And you help me." Kiss. "Best Luc'."

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Her girlfriend is very good.

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She snuggles Luc', smiling over at their alts.

" - I don't think I have a lot more questions right now, but there's one thing I wanna check - does your world have like mind control things? I've got a defense up that I wanna test against foreign magic as best I can..."

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"We can do mental influence, yes. It works best on the weak-willed, which has described none of us so far, discounting whatever extra defense you have."

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"Yeah probably that's not a useful test... The thing I have up is - basically continually mind controlling me to specifically not act against Luc' or stop liking her, and it works against normal persuasiveness and supernatural stuff from our world. It's also something I'd wanna find any holes in..."

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Ani shifts a bit.

"That should rather thoroughly protect you against the mind trick. Though - there's a technique I can use that's extremely rare in my world, that I can override people's wills with, and I suspect it'll actually work better against my own alts... But that application of it's - mentally uncomfortable to use."

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" - Can anyone else in your world do that?"

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Pause. "As far as I know... The only others are dead."

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"It is a wild talent, so I expect more users will eventually crop up."

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"It's - worth testing then. If you're willing to try." She shivers a bit.

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"I understand entirely. But - perhaps not tonight."

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Small smile. "I can handle tonight. And getting a chance to sleep'll help space tests out for different worlds..."

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She glances at Luc'. "Are you okay with me - doing this?"

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"I'd rather know," she says. "And you seem... stable."

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She nods and turns her focus to Wyld.

She's been easing back into her battle meditation, recently, after Glint helped her regain the skill.

Controlling someone - dominating them - and not just making the borders between their minds fuzzy... That's a part of it she's never consciously used. An exceptionally dark application, and... Ani hasn't reached for the dark side in years.

But Palpatine could dominate minds, and it's rather easy to imagine how she'd feel, if she was confronted with the possibility of being used against Occlus. How horrid it'd be - she knows first hand, even, from being turned against Elesse...

But she does have to, actually, genuinely want to erase her opponent. And while being the same person as Wyld seems easy, controlling her is another matter...

Still. She focuses. She breathes. She reaches out into the Force, becoming more than just her - settling into Wyld's head is as easy as settling into her own. Hard to tell the borders, there. Wyld's closer to her than the other crows, her mind a mirror of Ani's own.

She examines Wyld's thoughts for a little bit first, experiencing her nervousness, her curiosity, her determination. Essence is strange, so much like and unlike the Force...

And then Ani steels herself and reaches into the howling darkness.

Be still.

The part of Ani currently in Wyld's body freezes.


Ani stands up Wyld's body. Wyld's concerned. Not terrified. Ani smooths over her thoughts; Ani is her, of course, and why should she be concerned about what she's doing?

Hold my breath.

Wyld sinks a bit. Ani settles into her skin more thoroughly. Stops her breathing for a few moments.


Ani uses Wyld's lungs to take a few breaths.

Hit Luc'.

Ani tenses Wyld's muscles - 

And rocks back, suddenly shoved back into her own head, pain lancing through her skull.

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Wyld growls, lightly, glowing silver stripes flaring across her skin.

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She's pushed back by an invisible force.

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"...I'm fine," she snaps, taking a deep breath. And also not budging nearly as much as she should. "Just - " Another deep breath. "That was unsettling."

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The pressure lets up.

"As you say. I simply wished to forestall any potential incidents."

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She waves a hand. "Reasonable. I'm not - in lunacy right now and I'm usually good at recognizing when it'll happen but there are definitely times it's good to pin me down."

To Ani: "Are you alright?"

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"I am. Just wasn't anticipating that."

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Deep breath. Some of her tension drains out.


"...Now that I know what that feels like I'd like to work on throwing it off in general, but - not tonight."

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"Perhaps after you finish testing different magic systems." She's going to need to spend a good bit of time meditating, herself...

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Small smile. "Alright. Thanks - all of you." 

She flops directly into Luc's lap for maximum cuddles.

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Which she is happy to provide.

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"I'm actually tired now..."

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"So am I." And nursing a headache. "We'll see you two around?"

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"Sure. It was really nice talking and all," she says.

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Then off they go. Luc' can carry Wyld if necessary.

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It's not necessary... But does sound fun.

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Good enough!

Presumably there are places to sleep somewhere.

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Ellayania can direct them.

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Then Luc' will carry Wyld all the way to a bed before dumping her out and collapsing on top of her.

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She laughs, wiggling.

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"I love you."

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"I love you too."

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She kisses her girlfriend. "I got the best you. 'M lucky."

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"I'm happy we can do it right, this time."

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Hug. "I am too."

"I think it helps, knowing - how much we could screw up. Like a giant danger sign."

"Which I might wander over to anyways because of who I am as a person, but, like, we know where the danger is."

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"It's not going to sneak up on us."

"I want Elieyha and Naruto to look at your Exaltation too, when we get a chance."

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"Okay. Why?"

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"There was a thing they were talking about, some kind of stress circuit. With a different Essence profile, like it was added later."

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"That sounds - worrying."

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"Yeah. So let them poke you."

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Hug. "I will. Promise."

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Seems like sleep time to her. Staring into her soul can wait for the morning.

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And meanwhile her girlfriend will be right here.

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Good Luc'. Best blanket.

Wyld wiggles enough to get her boots off, then drifts off to sleep.

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There's breakfast waiting on a tray beside the door when they wake up.

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An excellent opportunity for breakfast in bed, then! (And cuddles. And kisses.)

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Almost like it was planned to be so. It's what she would do.

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"You have the best alts."

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"The best alts for the best girl."

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She laughs and kisses Luc'.

"Speaking of really great alts - you'd wanted me to talk to Elieyha and Naruto about my Exaltation?"

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"Yeah. If they're around and you didn't want to keep meeting new people."

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"I do wanna keep meeting new people, but - this sounds important to you. And with the help we've already got... I'm in less of a rush, pretty much?"

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Smile. "Let's go, then."

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She takes Luc's hand, asks Ellayania for directions please, and they can head off.

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Elieyha apparently did not wake up as early as Luc'; she's still sipping a cup of tea and hardly responding to Naruto when they find her.

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Naruto is wide awake.

He waves to Luc' and Wyld, grinning.

"Hey! Settling in okay?"

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"Yeah. We talked to Eliana some," she grins more widely, "And also then to one of the more recent us's - Ani and Occlus - and Ani's kids. They're gonna help with our world."

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He pauses.

"...One of you guys' alts has kids?!?!"

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Elieyha half-heartedly bats at his head for shouting.

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"They're fairly new arrivals."

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"Ani's the me. She's older. And, yeah, her kids are pretty great."

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More quietly - "Huh. A you with kids..."

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"Incidentally, her son Luke is an alt of you," Ellayania says to Naruto.

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" - Wait what?"

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"Which makes Luke a Jubilee alt, too... I can see that, actually?"

Also she's suddenly randomly glad she has never made out with Jubilee. That would be So Awkward.

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" - I'm still stuck on 'there's a me with a Hisame as a mom'!"

"...Absolutely no offense whatsoever but Hisame is..." Wibbly hand.

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She giggles.

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"I'm not sure if this makes it better or worse, but Luke wasn't actually raised by Ani."

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"I wasn't actually raised by my parents either... Still, they have each other now, right? And..." Shrug. "Wyld's a lot less - that - than Hisame, though I haven't met Ani..."

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"Ani's really settled. And Luke likes her a lot."

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"That's good. I'll have to track Luke down at some point..."

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"Ani would probably introduce you if you asked."

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"I'd hope so. Guess it also depends on who's available when."

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"Did the two of you want something?"

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"Yeah - Luc' had wanted you guys to look at my Exaltation. Something about a weird stress circuit?"

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"Oh, that thing. I had some notes somewhere-" she begins rifling through her pack.

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"Yeah. I'm - not actually sure what it's doing right now, though watching you under stress would help..."

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Luc' makes a face.

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She hugs her girlfriend.

"...Toggling the thing keeping me from acting against Luc' off causes - mental backlash that's a lot like stress - but. I don't like doing that."

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Elieyha has found her notes. "It's the one that was sending information to the Yozis. And it seems like it's supposed to induce or exacerbate some kind of response in the normal course of things."

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"If - something like that's on me too. We really need to know."

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"It's probably worth some temporary inconvenience," she agrees.

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" - Uh if I get really stressed I get these violent outbursts. Like. Go insane for a solid day. I'm not. Super close? To that? But my stress doesn't really go down on its own, and..."

"...If it's something none of my alts do it might be the Exaltation causing it. And I also need to know that."

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"That is far beyond the norm."

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She makes an unhappy face. "Great."

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"...I'd hope we could get enough info to - stop whatever - without having to intentionally trigger that..."

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Deep breath. She squeezes Luc's hand.

"...It'd be worth going through it once more to get it to stop. Including - anything you guys would have to do to restrain me. And my stress goes way down once it clears up, anyways..."

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"I can provide a sealed underground chamber."

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"That should work? And - I'm a lot less violent when I'm not around people. Maybe I could just - read or something once Elieyha and Naruto get their data..."

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"I can accommodate that as well."

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Small smile. "Thanks."

She takes a deep breath and leans against her girlfriend. To Elieyha and Naruto: "Are you guys ready?"

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"Mm." She finishes her tea. "Now's as good as ever."

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Serious nod.

Then, to Luc', voice low: "Do you wanna go do something else while we experiment?"

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"That might be a good idea."

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Kiss. "I hear there's a library around here somewhere..."

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"Yeah, I'll just- Come find me when you're done?"

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"I will. Promise." More thorough kiss. 

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"All right." She pulls herself away.

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And Ellayania can direct the others to a tunnel below the basements.

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She's uncomfortable, leery. Still, she gets settled in, and waits for Elieyha and Naruto to give her the go ahead before messing with any charms.

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They can reuse most of the arrays they developed for Luc', so after borrowing some ink it doesn't take too long.

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Turning off the charm tying her to Luc' is extremely unpleasant.

There's a backlash of Essence through her, that reverberates throughout her Exaltation - agitating the stress circuit. Several things shift, coiling around. It's just different enough from Luc's that even if they applied Luc's seals the stress circuit wouldn't really be shut down - the base Exaltation is an entirely different design philosophy, and the stress circuit interwoven more thoroughly, more subtly.

(Mentally, she feels like she's teetering on something.)

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Well if it were easy it wouldn't be fun. Or something.

Perhaps they can isolate one end, turn it at itself or something else.

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Naruto plays around with the shapes of things - he thinks this seal, or something like it, painted on Wyld could help prevent the ratcheting, though it won't address undoing the damage yet...

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She can keep toggling the charm to test seal changes, then.

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Elieyha keeps half an eye out for uncontrollable berserk madness while they work.

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She does seem to be getting agitated. Still, she's taking deep breaths. Staying in control.

And, when they're nearly done (the backlash through her Exaltation getting worse with each repetition; it's definitely hitting her mind, power washing along the same paths as the mind control charm; it's also getting stronger, in a way that throws off their calculations), voice tight: "I'm. Close." Deep breath. "Do you need to - keep going - "

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"I think we have enough data."

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"Okay. Just."

"...I need to be alone."

Deep breath. A bit shaky.

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She gathers up her notes and her Naruto, and they take their leave.

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The door slides shut behind them.

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She turns into a tiger, first, because it's harder to injure herself, and paces, agitated, quickly, breathing fast.

(A storm of Essence builds up in her, rattling through her Exaltation - the stress circuit now looks like it was supposed to be a release valve and instead it's redirecting everything back in on itself, causing the machine as a whole to spasm.)

Wyld snarls, throws herself against the door hard enough to injure herself. Shakes her head. Backs off.

Paces some more.

The Essence storm keeps building.

(She's trying to regulate it herself. Succeeding a good bit, actually.)

Wyld starts running, as much and as far as she can, back and forth - turns into a house cat so she can get more steps in and so she can bounce off the walls a bit better.

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The walls soften enough that she won't hurt herself bouncing off them.

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That actually seems to frustrate her some. Still, the movement's helping.

She runs around until she exhausts herself (which takes quite a while), then collapses and turns back to human.

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A stack of books appears nearby.

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"Thanks," she mutters, curling in on herself briefly, then going to investigate the books.

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They're all things her alts have enjoyed in the past.

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She intersperses reading with pacing, the occasional small self-injury... Mostly giving herself light bruises.

It's going to take a while, for this episode to end. (To those who can sense it, the Essence storm is building, cresting, changing. It doesn't seem to be getting significantly worse, though, at least not with her isolated.)

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It's still very interesting, even at this remove. They might have a few ideas to try out by the time it's over with.

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She sleeps, eventually. (Her Exaltation continues seizing, waking her up frequently.)

It's the next morning before she tells Ellayania she's feeling better. She seems wrung out, but her Exaltation has relaxed, the storm over.

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She's let out without fuss.

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She goes to find Luc'.

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Luc' is also going to find her. Hug time!

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"Wanna spend today just. Relaxing," she murmurs into Luc's shoulder.

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"Good plan. Let's find somewhere comfortable."

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Their bedroom had been pretty cozy, and had a good start for a proper nest of blankets and pillows... Needs more, of course.

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Additional bedding can be acquired.

The cost must be paid in kisses.

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Of course. A rather good economy, that.

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It's her own personal design.

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It's important for every Queen to mint new coins in her name, after all.

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She won't go quite that far yet. Keep this test case just between the two of them.

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Awww. Wyld would like coins she could trade in for kisses...

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She'll simply have to content herself with membership in an exclusive club.

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Kiss. "An empire of one?"

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"Only the best."

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Heeee. "Being empress of just me sounds like a lot less work, too. Leaves more time for kisses."

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"Clearly the most important duty."

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Kiss. "Which is why you're the best empress."

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Then the day can be quite delightfully winnowed away, in kisses and snuggles and reading (while snuggling).

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The next day, Elieyha and Naruto may have a solution.

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Oh, good.

What do they need from Wyld?

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Confirmation that they should proceed, and a spot to put the seal.

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She definitely wants this.

Her back's probably a good place, if they're looking for a body part she's unlikely to lose and have to regrow... Also it's a big canvas.

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Both helpful. Luc' selected the same location.

She'll also need to stay still until the seal is completed.

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"I can manage." Shirt off?

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And face down, yes.

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She does both, with no apparent modesty.

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It has to be done.

They get to work.

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The pain of the seal setting in gets a small noise out of her.

The seal looks stable, and when Wyld toggles the charm binding her to Luc' on and off (making a far worse face than she did for the actual pain), the Essence backwash bypasses the stress circuit, instead being bled off by the seal so it doesn't hurt Wyld. (Which is Naruto's guess about what that region was originally meant to do.) And, given the more central design of seals for energy storage...

Wyld makes a triumphant noise, pulling the Essence the seal had collected back out - stabilized, now - and immediately passing it around her, flexing her ability to control it.

"Feels like it didn't increase my stress at all," she says.

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"That is excellent news. Do let us know if something malfunctions."

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"I will."

"And - thank you. If there's ever a way I can repay you..."

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"We'll keep that on hold, if that's all right."

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"Not even a small repayment right now?" she asks, lightly. "Well, if you insist..."

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"If you are attempting to flirt, I would not count such activities as payment."

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"Kisses are the best currency, though," she says, only mostly keeping a straight face. "And, yes, I'm definitely attempting to flirt."


"...Maybe not with Naruto because I haven't sorted out my alt family tree feelings yet."

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"...Yeah, that's fair," he says, smoothly switching to keeping his gaze on her face.

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"I'm not looking for anything right now. Maybe some other time."

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"Fair enough."

"Do you mind doing the same sorts of seals, for more people in my world?"

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"For Jubilee, at least, certainly. More would depend on how consistent the Exaltations are between people."

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"That's fair. It'd also be a big enough deal you could probably get Heaven to compensate you for your time, somehow... Though it doesn't seem like you guys want for much."

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She smirks. "We are enlightened."

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"An ascetic sage alt of Luc'. Now I've seen everything."

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"Welcome to the multiverse."

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Laugh. "It's a delightful place."

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"So it is."

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"I'm enjoying meeting our alts, too..."

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"The people are part of the charm."

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"I'd say just about all of it."

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"That does sound like you."

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"I'm pretty sure I'd just disown any asocial me's."

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"What about antisocial?"

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Fake serious hum. "Depends on her other qualities, I suppose. But she'd be on thin ice."

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"There was that one from Elatra's world... Acererak? She was collecting souls or something."

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" - Didn't she, like, break the alt code in as many ways as she could?"

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"Kind of, yeah."

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"Yeah, so, that's completely baffling to me. I can - see the shape of my head that'd produce 'omnicidal megalomaniac,' but I'd have expected that shape of me to pause when she notices alts opposing her and... Negotiate? Rather than deciding also killing her alts sounds like a fun cherry on top."

"Like... Okay so from descriptions of her personality Hisame sounds quite frankly kinda evil and not like someone whose goals I'd support. As far as she has goals that aren't 'alleviate boredom.' Which she might not. But - if she decided it'd be funny to burn down a city, I'd fully expect her to not do that anywhere it'd cause problems for me? And I'd expect her to tolerate me trying to redirect her into less damaging pastimes. And if we somehow throw an alt whose life goal is 'general sapient flourishing,' I expect Hisame would pout but find some other way to entertain herself?"

"And I haven't actually met her, but just from - looking at my own head. And also knowing that as long as she's not fucking over my people I only kinda sorta care what she gets up to in the abstract."

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"That sounds, uh, mostly accurate."

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"Hisame's weirdly... Unmoored? But, yeah, it's - she still sounds like a me."

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After some more small talk, they do need to eventually head back to their own world.

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They'll probably be back soon - maybe with Jubilee - but given how short their notice was... They've been gone long enough, now.

(Wyld is definitely going to work on making arrangements for coming back here for longer stretches - maybe throw Jubilee at some of Leia's reluctant allies, maybe meet some other alts, maybe just relax...)

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Jubilee's ready fairly soon after their return to leave Creation (and let Naruto and Elieyha stare into her soul long enough to place more solar-specific seals on her). Leia's asked her to come help with logistics coordination and also talk to some people who're skeptical about giving funds to another universe. Jubilee's additionally interested in meeting her alts; Naruto and Luke both seem interesting.

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They can hit several bird with one trip, then.

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Especially since Ani is by then ready to catch a ride to go join Wyld and Luc'.

(She's a bit restless. Almost jittery. But - this is important.)

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She won't be going alone.

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That helps; her worries feel far less present when Occlus is around.

Still, it's just Ani and Occlus for now - Luke's staying in their home universe.

She lets Occlus take the lead when they're dropped off, of course.

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Who is in charge here, aside from Wyld?

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A man named Lingering Orchid - though Wyld insistently calls him Ling - seems to be Wyld's second in command, supported by a cast of officers militarily and governors politically. His official title is 'Grand General Lingering Orchid;' most just call him 'the Grand General.' He's not present when they arrive, though a young officer is, who bows deeply to Occlus and apologizes for the Grand General's absence; he did not know exactly when his most esteemed guests would arrive, and is awaiting them in the command center.

(Wyld's command center has been upgraded from a near-permanent encampment, lately, and is now being hosted in the central castle of the recently conquered city. The agreed on arrival point is a rather nice plaza surrounded by gardens to its side.)

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Well then, they had best be led on to the command center proper.

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The castle is more practical than ornamental, but also clearly expanded over the years, and some of the additions have different design aesthetics.

Ling stands when they enter, and inclines his head to Occlus in a shallow bow.

"You would be Darth Occlus and Ani?" he confirms. "I'm Grand General Lingering Orchid."

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"A pleasure to meet you, Grand General. Have you been informed of our purpose here?"

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"The pleasure is all mine."

"The Lady Wyld said you intended to assist with our war effort, including and perhaps especially logistics. She said that your nation might be sending drill instructors and assorted civilian relief, but not right away."

"She also identified you as alternate universe versions of Luc' and her."

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"That is correct. We would like to assess the state of your territories and armies, to more precisely identify what your needs are."

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He has a very full briefing on that - their territory is large for the Hundred Kingdoms, small for Creation as a whole. Wyld's been taking territory rapidly, but she's been hampered by not having enough loyal soldiers drilled to her standards - the slaves she's released are eager, certainly, but Wyld demands an exceptionally thorough level of discipline. Which does mean their troops are a significantly higher quality than the village militias they're steamrolling, and they've been able to open multiple minor fronts... Still, their major operations - especially sieges - have been constrained by Wyld's availability, as have much of their efforts to rapidly drill soldiers... (Her usual strategy is to turn into a small animal or a known member of the target, get close to the guards, and then turn into something big and dangerous. She's usually then able to get the gates open without significant injury to her. Still, it's an unideal strategy, for several reasons...)

Currently newly occupied territories are kept under martial law; still, Wyld's strategy has involved carefully managed transitions to local power answerable to her empire. This has only panned out fully in a few places, but has been successful so far. She doesn't assign soldiers to their home region - or any neighbors they'd have history with - if she can help it.

None of their neighbors will trade with them right now - not openly - so they're forced to be mostly self sufficient for food and commodities...

Their major bottleneck in his estimation is actually the ability to effectively hold and govern territory they've taken - which a larger army would help with, as would logistical support. They can win most arbitrary local fights; if Wyld just wanted to burn everything down, she'd probably have reached the Realm by now. (And lost; the Realm isn't an arbitrary local fight in the slightest.)

(It's somewhat clear Ling has a far more classically militant background than Wyld, who still fundamentally thinks like a guerilla fighter.)

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Taking territory is always easier than holding it.

Still, not the largest front she's overseen. Low technology level, which works both for and against them... Communications are the low-hanging fruit here. Perhaps transportation, but that's more vulnerable. A single hardened relay can more than cover the area of interest.

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Better coordination and faster communication will make a huge difference - they already have better communication than most of their enemies, because Wyld has intelligent birds among her scouts, but that's still fundamentally a courier system.

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Holocomms are instantaneous. A spysat would also be useful, but perhaps impractical given the nature of the world. Still, there are several famous thought experiments regarding orbital mechanics and an infinite flat plane. This is an opportunity to put them to the test.

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It's not even slightly infinite - the borders fade off into the wyld, where physics stops pretending to work, distance is fake, and everything runs on stories. 

Presumably the part that's past the actual proper gate of the world - which is itself farther out than where you can reasonably expect to still be made out of biology - is infinite, but also possibly it's somewhere math is fake and therefore so are concepts like 'infinity.'

Still, if something could move in a circle - or if Lady Wyld could petition the goddess Luna to let them have a satellite orbiting her moon palace - then it'd probably work.

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Interesting. Options, then. They shall see.

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Options, at least, are good to have.

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Quite. They'll also need to see a typical training regimen and go over favored tactics and command styles.

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He has documentation on that, both for the forces trained by Wyld using a charm, and for the forces trained more conventionally, and for forces trained in a blend of both, and he can arrange for them to watch some training. Tactics and command styles vary a bit between differently specialized forces, and with whether Wyld can be present... (But are, mostly, actually fairly sophisticated, especially given their low technology level.)

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Occlus takes notes on her datapad.

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And eventually he wraps up the meeting, setting in place times for them to observe the various troop training regimens. 

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The next thing is to talk with Wyld.

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She's available - she's been getting caught up with some of the rest of her command structure, but can really easily get free to meet with Occlus and Ani.

"Everything going okay so far?"

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"Quite so. I believe it will not be difficult to arrange for your time away."

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She smiles. "Ling's been bugging me to take off, too..."

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"At least three months. Perhaps longer if you are satisfied with the quality of the new troops in your absence."

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"That's a long time..."

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"And how long have you been at war now?"

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"Two years for this campaign... But I've been at some war or another pretty much since I exalted... Six years ago?"

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"In my era, an active-duty officer would serve a maximum of eight months on the frontlines, and were required to take one month leave and serve a minimum of three months on rotation at headquarters before being sent out again."

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"...I can see how that'd be a good idea for our officers once we have enough, but..."

She makes a face.

"I'm Exalted."

Another face.

"But also having a government built entirely on a couple hundred super powered assholes didn't go well last time."

She sighs.

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"Not even if there were several thousand." Occlus lets her lips quirk in a hint of a smirk. "In war or governance, if your campaign depends on the efforts of a single person, your campaign has already failed. Build the habits that will carry you in the future now."

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She hums, thinking. "I'm actually trying to build stuff to be proof against my death, but... I never feel like I have the time, to sit and wait and let things happen slowly and cautiously."


"...So this is only kind of part of my official governance, since it's a secret, but - "

"I've had a lot more lives in between me and Luc's last one together. Like - I tend to reincarnate fast. It's been nearly seven hundred and seventy years since Silver Ambush - the First Age me's name after the Usurpation - died. And she lived for about seven hundred and fifty years from the Usurpation to her death, and she wasn't just moping in the backwoods somewhere, and as far as I know I'm the thirteenth me since her."

"I think she knew she might never see the overthrow of the Shogunate through, so she went to war, and she made amazing things for her future selves to use, and she kept notes. And - we don't lose. We don't stop. Every me tried to win, and gave their best, and did their damnedest to leave behind something for the next go around, even if it was just a cautionary tale."

"I don't want to be the one who falters. But... We've been trying for one and a half millennia. And no one's succeeded yet. So..."

She rubs at her face. "Maybe I'll have to be the one who tries something new."

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"That would seem to be indicated."

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"New resources helps, there."

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"Indeed. It would behoove you, therefore, to take our advice seriously."

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"I can afford three months off. I'll even trust all the diplomacy to Jubilee. Just - we'll see, after that."

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"So we shall. That will do, for now."

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Smile. "I guess you don't want me hovering, then?"

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"It would be counterproductive."

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"I'll let Luc' take me on some dates in other worlds, then."

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"That seems like an excellent plan."

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"Though if there's an emergency, I would like to be informed..."

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"Have fun with your girlfriend," she says, smiling. "And don't worry about things here." She sends a fond look Occlus's way. "We have things well in hand."

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"An advantage to alts over reincarnations. I can cheat and get a second me to do all my work without dying first," she says, teasingly.

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She seems amused.

"That does help, yes. Helps even more in that you get to keep your Luc'."

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Soft, fond smile. "Yeah. She's important."

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"I fully expect you to make the most of her, the next few months," she says, a bit mock serious.

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"Oh, I will."

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"Good luck, and have fun."

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"Same to you. May your enemies tremble at your coming."

She grins at Occlus again. "If there's nothing else, I probably should go find my girlfriend... And avoid keeping our ride back too long."

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She waves a hand dismissively. "Off you go."

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She laughs and turns into a tiger, bounding off to hunt down Luc'.

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Not very challenging, since Luc' isn't exactly hiding.

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Girlfriend! She lopes up, headbutting Luc's hip.

"Our alts have informed me I'm taking a three month vacation," she says, cheerfully.

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"Oh really? That was nice of them."

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Nuzzle. "Gives me lots of time to treat my best girl the way she deserves."

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"And what way is that?"

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"Hmmm... Lots of snuggles... Plenty of kisses... Some nice dates to exotic locales... Perhaps a few extravagant gifts, mixed in there..."

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"Mm, I like the sound of that."

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She turns into a human, so she can wrap her arm around Luc's waist and kiss her. "Gonna spoil you rotten."

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"I can't wait."

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Then it sounds like their next order of business is finding Elieyha and Naruto and starting their vacation...

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It will be.

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Meanwhile, Occlus requisitions quarters. It seems they'll be here a while.

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Things aren't too hectic, at least, even with their overhauls - Wyld's been recruiting good people, who're apparently used to a leader who frequently wanders off into the woods. Several of her lieutenants have been with her for years; they're more hesitant around Occlus than Ani.

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She's used to working around that sort of thing; she can use intermediaries if that's more effective.

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That seems to be the case, at least at first while people are adjusting to the new situation.

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As long as it works.

Are there any fronts open now?

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Some minor ones, mostly related to the city they took relatively recently - they're in a brief consolidation phase overall, right now, and some people were really unhappy about that particular conquest and are objecting, making for some on and off hot fronts.

There's also one critically nearby castle they weren't able to take prior to the city, which they're actively besieging. They haven't taken it because the castle's lord established a kill zone around it, and no animal larger than a small insect (currently smaller than Wyld can transform) is getting in or out alive, and sieges are otherwise stupidly drawn out affairs with their technology. They're currently just starving the inhabitants out, and have dug in enough the inhabitants can't really trivially sally out to harass them. The lord seems to have the help of a minor spirit with the kill zone, but is mostly relying on conventional weaponry.

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"Do you feel like taking some exercise?" she asks Ani.

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"Sounds fun."

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Then off to the besieged castle. What is the nature of the killing field?

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It's a pretty wide strip - out to confident bowshot - denuded of vegetation around a large castle. There's an angry spirit rustling around it, and while there's the occasional mouse, there's nothing larger alive. Archers stand on the castle's ramparts, wary.

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"I suppose the first thing we'll have to do is trap the spirit. Hm. A modified binding ritual, I think."

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"It's possible that'll alert the castle we're up to something," she says, idly, and then gives suggestions for the modifications, tracking the spirit.

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"Good thoughts. I do not believe stealth is a priority in this case."

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She nods.

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"Care to be my ward against arrows as we do this, then?"

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"As long as I get to terrify the archers while I'm at it."

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"I would be disappointed if you did not."

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Grin. "Then just let me know when you're ready."

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She sets a few protective rituals, then they can cross into the killing field.

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The spirit promptly tries to attack them, and arrows arch for them.

It's been a while since Ani's seen proper combat. Longer since she wasn't worried about giving away 'being Vader' or anything like that. Even longer since she got to enjoy it.

She perhaps shows off a little. None of the arrows reach their targets; she reaches out a hand, and a few very visible archers rise into the air, clutching at their throats. It's not quite enough for panic among the ranks, yet, but is certainly alarming the others in the castle. She identifies all of them, spies on the webs of who's moving towards or yielding to whom to tease out their command structure, whispers fear us into their minds.

She also wards off the spirit, attacking its mind and distracting it from Occlus.

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Occlus traces runes in the air, finger trailing ethereal sparks, sigils of domination, binding, and pacification. She reaches out with the Force to grab the spirit, force it into her trap and hold it down.

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This works, and Ani continues to wreak merry havoc on the enemy forces.

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Once the spirit is neutralized, Occlus begins to stride towards the castle. She bats aside arrows with negligent waves, and blasts particularly annoying archers right off the battlements with lightning.

When she reaches the base of the wall, she jumps straight up onto it, and ignites her lightsaber.

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Ani joins her, a step behind.

The castle tries to mount a defense. It's not very effective.

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It's refreshing, really, like fighting training droids on a low setting.

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Training droids are a bit less entertaining.

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It must be the feedback.

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The sense of another mind, too.

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Just so.

She pushes the gates open when the castle is secured.

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And Wyld's army is prepared to hold it, to take any surrendered enemies left alive, and to sort out and provide for the civilians and slaves and prisoners who'd been held there. (Their emotions are generally split between 'in awe' for the younger soldiers and a combination of 'gleeful sadism' and 'respect' from the veterans; the siege had quickly ended up being somewhere for Wyld to get her newer recruits used to army life, so many of them haven't fought alongside even Lunar bullshit yet.)

They're professional about sweeping the castle for hidden enemies, anyways, though, and checking that the dead enemies are actually dead (which also allows them to collect the bodies for proper rites, to prevent the dead from growing restless). Mystic sensory bullshit from another world is no reason to let good procedure slip.

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Occlus approves of this attitude; it will doubtless serve them well.

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Ani rather likes this army Wyld's built for herself.

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A strong foundation to build on.

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"I think the way it's set up is good for her, too, in an odd way... She's less stressed than I'd have expected from war."

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"That is one good thing."

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"And she's given us a decent amount to work with." Small smile. "Still... There's a lot more to be done."

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"Always. Shall we bring the trainers over?"

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Then when they return to the command center, they can coordinate returning to their own galaxy to pick up the military volunteers and begin integrating them into Wyld's training structure.

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This goes a bit bumpier - people don't really trust the new volunteers yet, and the volunteers are mostly selected for being people Vader knew would jump at this opportunity - but Wyld's lieutenants work to make it smoother and to recruit more potential soldiers, especially from among the ex-slaves. Right now they majority of the quick increases are happening in their reserves; while Leia's sent some food aid and some more agriculture aid, they won't be able to pull every interested in fighting away from the farms right away. (Still, anyone invading or raiding's going to get a nasty surprise, and after harvest they'll be able to do a push, and soldier-farmers are perfectly capable of holding territory.)

Some of their neighbors try to push them, in fact, two separate city-states having apparently allied to raid what they're perceiving as weak spots.

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This is a good opportunity to test the military unaided. Occlus will offer advice and will step in herself if necessary, but they should be able to handle something like this themselves.

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They do, in fact - the assorted issues are usually handled fairly low in the chain of command.

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Good, good. Then she can focus on matters of grand strategy and organization.

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Something Ani seems to settle into - though she makes a point of getting to know Wyld's people, and takes some time to practice battle meditation with them. It's - a skill she'd long set aside, for one, and for another it's easier with people she's familiar with. And it might be needed eventually, here.

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Not something Occlus can, for all her power, help directly with. Still, she supports her pet as she is able.

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And then, one clear night when the moon is about a week from full...

There's a strange ladder in a clearing. It's made of some sort of odd, silvery rope, and stretches down from the sky. The top isn't visible.

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That is strange. And possibly dangerous. She will not be climbing it.

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The ladder lingers for a while and then vanishes when the moon passes out of sight.

And a week later, on the first night of the full moon, a silver mist, glowing in the moonlight, swirls around Occlus and Ani.

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"Stay close to me."

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She steps close enough to Occlus that they're nearly touching, as visibility drops to zero.

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Occlus grabs her hand and pulls her tight.

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And their sense of distance in the Force goes briefly really weird. Near and far invert and then tie into each other. Landscape slides around in ways it shouldn't.

And then the disorientation fades, and they're elsewhere. They're standing on a white stone terrace, looking down at Creation far below. Silver grasses with glowing flowers ripple in an unfelt wind, and silver trees dot the landscape. There's white buildings scattered here and there, strange creatures - and some humans - moving around between them.

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"What... is this?"

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"The Silver Chair of Night," says a rather cheerful voice from behind them. "One of the nicer parts of it."

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Occlus turns. "And you are?"

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A woman, or something that currently wishes to appear as a woman, with hair as black as the night sky, speckled with stars, and faintly silvery skin, dressed in swirling moonsilver armor with a bow on her back. She's currently floating, and behind her is an open air plaza with ringed by white columns and large jade rabbits, an elegant throne on the other end.

"I am Luna, Second Most High, protector of this world. I apologize for the rudeness of dragging you here like this, but you didn't climb my ladder."

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"Perhaps you ought to have left a note."

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"Yes, but that'd have been boring."

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"Hm. What do you want?"

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"To talk, currently, and get an idea of the changes coming. You've made quite a stir in Yu-Shan already."

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"Oh really? Well, we have hardly been keeping a low profile."

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"Not at all. You've quite broken everyone's ability to predict the future, you know."

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"The future is always in motion."

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"A rather delightful feature, that's gotten more interesting of late." She laughs. "Come, let's make ourselves comfortable."

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She gestures for Luna to go first.

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She smiles and twirls, floating into the throne plaza. A gesture, and seats for Occlus and Ani coalesce out of moonlight. Luna drapes herself over her throne.

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She beckons the seats closer together and sits.

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Ani sits with Occlus.

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"I find it rather curious that there's other versions of my Wyld and her girlfriend out there," she says. "Is this normal, for people to repeat across creations?"

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"We have found four or five... templates, which do so. There may be others which have not risen to our attention."

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Grin. "Your stories are powerful ones."

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She tilts her head. "That is one way to phrase it, I suppose."

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She smiles.

"What are your intentions in this world?"

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"To continue the work Wyld has begun. And do what we can to see she survives it."

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"She's a good kid. It's good she has allies."

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"Do you count as one of those, I wonder."

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"Of course. She's my favorite of my Lunars right now."

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"I am unclear on what exactly the relationship is between you and the Exalted."

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"I can't command them, which is sort of the whole point, them having been made to overthrow those who would chain me. I helped make their Exaltations, which is a significant portion of their selves after their second breath. The Exaltations were originally tuned to aspects of me, so my Lunars tend to take after me in some way. I also picked my Lunars' soulmates from among the Solars when the Unconquered Sun demanded my Lunars be made unable to rebel. I visit my Lunars when they exalt, and I help those I can. Most of them worship me, and my aspects influence their culture. If I ever decide to leave Creation, I'll pick one of my Lunars to take my seat."

"The other kinds of Exalted mostly don't concern themselves with me very much."

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"I see."

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"I'm already not supposed to interfere in human affairs as much as I do. Still, with how much you've thrown all Yu-Shan's monitoring into disarray... Well, perhaps I'll be able to work more openly."

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"What is the nature of Yu-Shan's monitoring? Why do we in particular upset it so?"

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"There's a mix. Some of it's straightforward watching over Creation. Some of it's reports from the numerous spirits of the world. Much of it involves watching over the Loom and Tapestry of Fate. That last is vulnerable to disruption - the Celestial Exalted and anything from outside Creation can fairly trivially tangle the Loom's threads, changing Fate. You're not just from outside Creation - the Loom certainly survives the actions of a few raksha here and there - but you're apparently set to change the world."

"I suspect I'm the only major actor in Yu-Shan who's figured out who is causing the disruption, though."

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"Can we expect more abduction attempts when others catch on?"

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She laughs. "Most of those capable actually obey the rules about not openly interfering with humanity too much, and I'm Second Most High - I can make it a very, very bad idea for agents of Yu-Shan to do things I disapprove of."

"They might still try, but I'd expect more spying and clandestine approaches, less dramatic kidnappings."

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"It is useful to have allies in high places."

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"Somewhat literal, in this case," she says, smiling. "Though there are concessions I would ask of you and your people."

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"And what might those be?"

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"My charge is the integrity of this world. I know Wyld, and I know her ambition - and her hatred for anyone who'd hurt her loved ones."

"But we left the Yozis alive for a reason. Do not kill them, at least not until that reason is obviated."

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"Why do you want this?"

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"The existence of Creation is tied to the Primordials who made it. When we killed Primordials, whatever part of Creation they made ceased to exist, and Creation's now a tiny fraction of the size it once was. Right now, killing the Yozis would destroy the world - killing even one would destabilize it."

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"How inconvenient."

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"Rather obnoxious, really. Though I am trying to find other ways to stabilize Creation."

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"We may be able to provide options, depending on certain interactions. Gods who exist as landscape, for example."

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"If any of them want to try claiming territory out in the wyld to test that, I'll welcome them."

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"We will arrange it."

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"Good. It'll be an entertaining experiment, if nothing else."

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"We are nothing if not entertaining."

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"I'm beginning to notice."

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"It is the suspicion of some of our number that the entire enterprise was set in motion and is guided by meta-universal beings that are optimizing for entertainment."

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Laugh. "They have good taste, then."

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(Ani has such complicated feelings about the theory that her life is someone's idea of entertaining.)

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"Sometimes, of course, we must rewrite our tales."

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"There's some other things that'd be good for you to keep in mind, operating here, but I also don't want to keep you too long - mortals don't tend to do well, when the Silver Chair reaches the end of its route for the night."

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"Perhaps leaving a note will be more palatable now that we have met in person?"

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"Then I look forward to our next conversation."

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"Should I return you to where I got you from?"

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"We would appreciate that."

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She waves a hand, negligently.

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And then the mist swirls around them -

Depositing them back in the clearing.

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"Not an experience I care to repeat too soon."

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"Me either. I can - see the shape of why Wyld might like her. But that was unpleasant."

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"The appeal is rather lost on me."

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Small smile. "I'm not really sure on the specifics enough to explain it, sadly... Though it might be worthwhile to ask Wyld more about Luna, if Luna will be actively allying with us."

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"Yes. And alert any others who might join us of Luna's... proclivities."

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"Hopefully she'll be less likely to kidnap future alts, now that she's opened communication with us."

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"Unless she thinks it would be particularly 'entertaining'."

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"Perhaps we should try to keep around one of my alts who'd find it funny, too, then."

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"That may be the best solution."

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"Wyld can add it to her diplomatic duties."

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"I will make a note."

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"We should let Glint and Ellayania know about their invitation here soon, too..."

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"Indeed. I suppose one is as good as the other, in their case."

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"I don't actually know if they claim territory the same way..." Small smile. "And Ellayania might not want to claim territory somewhere reality frequently misbehaves."

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"I was more expecting them to decide between themselves which would be first, once either was made aware."

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Nod. "We can update Ellayania then sleep, perhaps." She's a bit tired.

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"A sound plan. Come." They return to their quarters where Occlus can inform Ellayania's totem of the opportunity.

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And she in turn shares with Glint.

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"The Wyld sounds like my kind of place. Though it's harder for me to claim territory outside of Oblivion..."

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"Shall I pave the way for you, then?"

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"If you like! I might explore it, too, before committing anything... I suspect I'll have an easier time with the less stable bits."

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"That does fit you."

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"I'll have to bug Meridia about her world creation and stabilization theories..."

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"Her insight may be useful," Ellayania agrees.

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"Hopefully directly applicable, too."

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"Indeed. I was thinking of beginning soon. Would you like to confer with Meridia before joining me?"

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"Yeah, that was my plan."

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"Then I will meet you in the new world."

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"See you there, darling."

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And so a goddess sets forth to walk upon Creation.

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Creation is - strange. It feels like someone maybe used to claim this land, and like this land is, itself, a being capable of claiming, or part of one. There's an echoing thrum from every hill, every leaf, every bit of dirt - 

Someone made this land, and someone once was it. They're not here, but the land is waiting, still.

The land's defined, strongly, by its five elemental poles, each giving it certain characteristics, and by the tides of chaos on its shores.

There's certainly other gods here, but none of them seem to be claiming anything.

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How interesting.

She stays in the city long enough to establish a small temple before heading for the border of the world.

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It's -

Not quite like the Shivering Isles. It's not quite madness. It's narrative, a bit of world built on a thousand stories (and all of Creation is built on a story, just a really, really big and loud one) by a thousand authors who all disagree with each other, and some of them have rather peculiar tastes. The effect grows worse the farther out she heads, but - the world seems ready to behave in her immediate vicinity, the rising cacophony of stories giving way for hers.

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She will have to be sure to keep her self firmly in mind. Not really a problem, for the class of being she is. She can hardly be other than herself.

She spreads a trail of her domain along her explorations, using chakra to speed its growth.

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The landscape shivers around her -

And she seems to be stabilizing the stories. The landscape abutting her domain very quickly twists into the sort of thing compatible with existing near her. (There's consciousnesses moving within it - several someones have definitely noticed her. They seem to be mostly watching, for now, but there's a few very intentional prods at the edges of her domain, trying to twist her story into something else.)

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She declines to change her identity.

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Most of them don't prod very hard, not this close to the stable parts of Creation.

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Well enough.

She will wait on venturing further in to see if any unexpected problems crop up with what she has already.

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Mostly seems to be slowly escalating challenges to her territory from curious denizens of the wyld.

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Then when Glint shows up, she will share her observations.

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Glint does head over sooner rather than later, appearing in Ellayania's territory in her full Sheogorath regalia.

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"Hey! Everything going well?"

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"Well enough. The denizens of this place seem not so much hostile as alien, at least thus far."

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"We'll see if that keeps up around me."

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"They may appreciate you less."

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"I'll have to show them the light, then."

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"I am sure your radiant glory will leave them utterly bereft."

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"They'll be converted to my worship with a single glance."

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"A compelling story, which may be enough."

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Laugh. "I'd hope so."

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"They do seem to strongly operate on- narrative contrivance."

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"Which is a bit odd..."

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"Indeed. But in character for this world, it seems."

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"It's cool how different they all are."

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"It would be more convenient if they had more commonalities."

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Laugh. "It'd simplify our jobs. But I like complexity..."

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"You would not be you if you didn't." she says fondly.

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"And I am a very excellent me."

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"One of the best I know of."

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She laughs. "Well, time to show Creation what they're missing, I suppose."

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"Keep me informed."

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"I will. I promise."

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Messing with Creation goes smoothly, for the most part, or at least it does at first. They garner quite a bit of interest, but for the first month most of their potential enemies and allies seem content to observe, with only the occasional challenge. Still, there's definitely a sense of something building, of some great interest they've gained...

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Ani hasn't, exactly, been in constant contact with Elesse - she's been moving between worlds a lot, especially helping Wyld and Luc' out, and that takes a lot of her attention -

But they usually see each other every now and then. Ani's aware Elesse had been planning on visiting some outlying temple or another on the Mid Rim, too, but...

Shouldn't she have been back by now? Possibly she left on another trip...

- Has anyone heard from her -

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-No, it has been some time.

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 - Leia's had no contact, either, or Luke, and they have been talking to Elesse more often...

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What resources do they have for figuring out where she is? (She's not dead, Ani would know...)

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Elatra can set up some scrying, see what comes.

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The Yew Queen can try, too, though hers is less robust interworld...

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Neither of them finds anything. The scries fail when targeted for Elesse - even when they work on other known lightning alts presently in other worlds.

The Yew Queen is able, while standing in Ani's home universe, to get a wavering scry - almost a concept - of Elesse leaving in her ship for the Mid Rim, over a month ago, and very quickly something interfering, crashing the past scry - and Elesse's unfindable in the past scry of the universe after that point.

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"Something has stolen her."

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"Something has a reckoning coming."

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"Indeed. This shall not pass unanswered."

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She nods, tightly.

After that - they need to keep searching. The slow way, if they have to. (Preparing, also. Ani starts seriously stretching her powers in the Force again, far more than she had been these last few years...)

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Some time later, in a universe far away, a woman's rechecking her logic on a new spell. She's been closely observing the weave of the world from her primary castle - well positioned for that, and usable now that she's not hiding being the (ex) Villain any more, and she's fairly sure entering without the world itself making an opening might be next to impossible -

But they should be able to cut their way out.

Of course, it's possible they won't be able to return - Ashes is unsure if the wounds they make on their passing will close on their own. But they've done good work, helping this world back on its feet, and -

Perhaps with no Summoned Hero or Summoned Villain around to template, this world will simply stop its nonsense.

They can take all they wish to have with them when they go, just to be sure.

Ashes takes her final notes to Elesse for review.

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"You would know better than I, but... this seems correct. I assume we will be asking your children along?"

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She nods, smiling. "I'd rather not leave them... I suspect Luka will be the easier sell. Leya's - attached, still, even if she sometimes chafes at this world's restrictions."

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"I'm sure, properly phrased, we can pry her loose."

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"Give her a whole set of universes to make behave."

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She laughs, a little, and sets to preparing them to leave. They need to talk to her children, of course, but also there's a few final things to wrap up, or arrange for someone else to take care of...

Still, they've been doing a lot of prep work as Ashes has plucked away at this spell. It's not much, in the end.

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Elesse's time here has been almost entirely pruning rather than setting roots, so soon enough, they're ready.

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Luka agrees to come along, though he's thoughtful - he has a Name, by now, and he's been doing a lot of good.


Their world's small, and without the Summoned disrupting it... He suspects there'll be so much more to help, out there.

(And he doesn't want his family torn apart again. Not yet.)

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It's Luka who convinces Leya to come - she'll miss her adoptive parents, of course, but... When you're one of the Great, leaving home and never returning is normal.

She doesn't want to leave her brother, and... She agrees with him, that they can do far more out there than in here.

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The transit spell's the sort that's stronger when cast by a group.

Ashes has taught it to their entire party, of course.

She hold hands with Elesse and Luka, Leya between Luka and Elesse, and, together, the spell weaves around them, sharp, cutting, intense -

And they fall, and land - elsewhere, again.

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And a stack of books is knocked over prompting a cry of "Shit!"

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Ashes turns, surprised. " - Sorry!"

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- And someone sticks her head around the door.


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"Ah. Our apologies for intruding, but we had no way of picking our destination. Still, it seems to have been fortuitous."

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" - You really shouldn't use arrays without checking the math yourself or going through a licensed agency; your coordinates for the Khazad-dûm Interdimensional Welcome Center are about a thousand feet off."

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"We were not using an... array, did you say? Our method of travel is peculiar to the world we came from. My name is Elesse. This is Ashes, and her children."

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Leya nods at the two new people, while Luka waves.

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"We're the Elric sisters - I'm Bellona, this's Elizabeth. And I'm guessing you're not from that world with magical girl and monster artifacts, wrong aesthetic, so your world's new..." She glances at El. "How about I go get them settled?" (And out of her sister's hair, of course.)

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"Have the two of you established your own group, then?"

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"You are not the only ones of- your sort of person across the universes. In fact, Ashes is the same as Bellona, and I and Elizabeth are akin."

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" - There's Ruby and Ellie. But we have the same faces as them."

"You can detect that?"

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"I can. Through the Force, which is magic from my native universe, and different from the one we just left. And I know a collection of a great many of our two sorts of people, from a number of worlds."

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"Cool. You're exploring, then?"

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"Evacuating, rather. The previous world was rather hostile."

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" - Should we be expecting refugees or is this a personal thing."

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"Personal, though now that we have left, my compatriots may be better able to find me."

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"Okay. If you're unable to get back to your world on your own, 'this person's origin world' is a parameter our dimension-finder array can take - it's a bit of development work, and we've only proven it on one world so far, though. Or we can host you for a bit if you want to wait for the cavalry."

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"We would be glad of your hospitality. Though if you can send a note, that may set some minds at ease."

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"Notes are a lot easier than people, yeah; I don't have to check the math as many times, and smaller masses are easier to move..."

She goes to help El gather up the knocked over books.

"This room's probably not the best to sit and chat in?"

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"No, it isn't. Why don't you take them out to the front room, and I'll- finish fixing this."

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"Sure. Sorry about lingering." She gives El a kiss on the cheek. Then, to their alts and alt-relatives, "This way," as she leads them out of El's now kinda cramped office.

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Elesse gives her a nod of apology on the way out.

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And Bellona leads them into a rather nice parlor - comfortable couches with brocade cushions, electric lights in exceptionally well made artisan-crafted lamps, stained glass windows letting (clearly artificial) light in but not letting the street see in, detailed area rugs, cats that've claimed all the softest pillows... The walls are all stone, looking carved out of the mountain rather than built, with a few areas of tile for a pop of color, and many incredibly delicate looking geometric details carved into the stone.

"You guys want any refreshments or anything?"

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"Perhaps something to drink, if it isn't an imposition..." Ashes says, taking in their surroundings. This place looks - rich, in a way many kings would envy.

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"This is a lovely house."

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"Thanks," Bellona says, stepping up to what appears to be a wet bar - it has a faucet, and tea cups, which Bellona fills with water, heats with a clap of her hands and a touch, then measures out tea into sachets to put in. "I helped with a lot of the designs, actually... Feel free to move the cats, by the way, they have their own pillows."

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"Indeed, they seem to have made their ownership quite clear."

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She giggles as she distributes tea cups, then picks up a cat of her own, resettling the (now slightly grouchy) kitty in her lap and sitting where it'd been (and giving conciliatory pats, of course).

"So - you guys are an El, a me, and a me's kids?" ...Man a her having kids is weird.

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"Yes. The group I am part of has been calling my sort of person Lightnings and you Crows."

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She snorts. "Lightning fits El. But me and Ruby are Pantheras."

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"A minor point of contention among the others. I believe one of the first of you in the group wished to keep the endearment 'kitten' between herself and her girlfriend."

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She snorts. "Maybe we'll find enough proper big cats to outvote her. Though, seriously, why Crows? They're not even pretty, they're graceless assholes... I guess they're smart..."

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"I think because the collective noun is a murder."

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...She looks really confused. "Okay but why call a group of yourself a murder."

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"Because you are around twenty years old and spent most of your life in a military dictatorship that was grooming you to be a child soldier, and left your world in ashes behind you after an apocalyptic battle with an ancient god-alien who was woken up from her prison in the moon by a deranged ancestor of yours."

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"...So I think the military dictatorship and ancient god aliens got handled possibly slightly better in my world."

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"It is hard to see how it could be worse."

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"Yeah. I don't think I'd - ever end up with a brain shape where I think 'a group of me is a murder' is funny, though."

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"Then you are indeed fortunate."

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Uncomfortable shrug. "Dying sucks. War sucks. Death sucks. I'm not sure knowing that's really fortunate."

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"It is in knowing that and yet retaining the clarity of mind to acknowledge it."

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Hum. "I mostly try to - get less of that mess existing. Develop and roll out vaccines. Mediate peace talks. Get refugees resettled, and set up services for them like schools. Push for amnesty."

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"That is quite admirable of you."

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Shrug. "I don't want what happened to me or El or September - our little sister - to happen to other people and - I made a trade for all the medical knowledge our universe could have, it'd be stupid if I didn't use that. And - I ended up with a lot of political power after getting caught up in a war like a decade ago. It'd have - sucked more, if I didn't do anything."

(Unless she's delayed her aging, 'a decade ago' would've had her as a preteen.)

She shifts, uncomfortably. "Though I'd maybe rather talk about other stuff."

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"Of course. You mentioned an Interdimensional Welcome Center?"

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"Yeah. There's pretty much only two worlds we've got that're talking to each other - here, Arda, and me and El's home world, which everyone normally calls 'Earth' but we've mostly agreed should be called 'Array' for interworld purposes. Ruby and Ellie are from a third world we can't actually access - it kicks us out in a random direction if we try - but we can fetch things from it, so we were able to get Ruby's dad out and all. We met Ruby and Ellie in a fourth world, but the magicals there ended up being hostile so we don't go there a lot. There's also a dragon around from a fifth world, but she's advised against traveling there."

"I spread around hard to modify versions of the interdimensional array after inventing it, that're point to point, so now a couple cities have receiving grounds set up for travelers."

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"Currently all our interworld transit relies on personal power, so you have an advantage in that."

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"It's not easy, but - once you get universal primary education, alchemy's not hard to teach, and the interdimensional array can be run by anyone with a university degree in alchemy or math - our biggest logistical problem there's been decoupling alchemical education from the military, but, like, once demilitarization started it wasn't that hard to pay people to switch to teaching, and by now the first class of alchemy students from this world are taking their own students."

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"You've been going for a while, then."

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"Yeah. Me and El dropped on this world like... Ten years ago, pretty much, and we figured out the interdimensional array a year after that, and then we ran into Ruby and Ellie around four years ago."

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"I think that puts you at the longest-running interdimensional contact, then."

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"...Huh. So you guys've been just - expanding rapidly, then?"

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"The original two have both lost their native worlds, and the first other they met also did not much care for her home. That rather set the tone."

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"We explore some, but... We all like this set of worlds, and me and El are the only ones who can find new worlds right now anyways. Though probably once Ruby and Ellie figure out their own interdimensional transit we'll get more aware of other worlds - they're more restless than us."

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"The other group settled on a home base when they met a Lightning who is a goddess embodied as local landscape."

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"Huh. There's gods kinda like that in Arda, but they pretty much don't involve themselves with mortals anymore."

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"She also separately maintains a humanoid body and gains power in proportion to people who worship her, which promotes a degree of continued involvement."

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"Yeah, the Valar don't work like that."

" - Are any of our other alts related, by the way?"

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"You are unique."

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Smile. "Ruby and Ellie aren't related, either - and meeting them was weird."

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"Do they have the same faces as you?"

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"Yeah. That was the only reason we really noticed we were alts."

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"I imagine that would be disconcerting."

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"Ended up working out."

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"You do seem happy."

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"Yeah. I've got my El."

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She asks a couple more questions about their worlds and the other alts they've met - and shows some interest in Luka and Leya.

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(Elesse is quietly proud of Luka and Leya. They are very talented.)

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Ashes is more openly proud of her children, and more in her element once the discussion shifts towards her family and world.

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"...You guys are cute," she says to Elesse and Ashes.

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"Let it be a lesson to you about things one need not sacrifice as one ages."

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Giggle. "I'm pretty sure me and El will still be sickeningly adorable in a few thousand years."

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"Assuredly, with that attitude."

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"If there's one thing Lion has, it's attitude." El walks into the room and plops down next to her sister. "What are we talking about?"

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"How adorable you are," she says, kissing her sister's cheek and wrapping an arm around her.

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"Oh yes, I am very much that."

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Hmmm that deserves another, proper kiss.

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Ashes raises an eyebrow at them, clearly amused.

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"Ah, the exuberance of youth."

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Giggle. "We'll save the actual making out for when we're not entertaining guests."

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"Some guests would find that entertaining."

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"I think Ruby's more into putting on a show."

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And Ashes summarizes what they've talked about so far for El.

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El thinks she likes this group better.

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"Yeah. Uh. No offense? But some of y'all's group sound - difficult to get along with..."

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"Not an observation I necessarily disagree with. But cooperation is worth a little effort."

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"Cooperation's good, and it's not like anyone's morally pure, but - " She pauses.

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"Some things are a jump too far?"

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"Perhaps. Certainly if you wish to limit your interactions with some, no one will fault you for it."

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"...Ignoring it when people harm others doesn't make that harm stop."

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Sigh. "No, but one's resources are not infinite. There are planets full of people with more urgent concerns."

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She nods. "Which sucks."

"...And I don't think my brain's the kind where going 'I have the secret to immortality, behave if you want it' doesn't backfire."

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"Not especially."

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She sighs.

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"We've had more success in setting one of you Pantheras up with a moderating Lightning."

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That amuses her at least. "That'd probably do it, yeah."

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"So d'you want the tour?"

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"That sounds nice."

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The tour, then:

Their house is large, with its own workrooms and multiple studies and a very large library. There's five bedrooms - only one of which is set up for guests, but they can clear one of cat toys if their alts end up staying the night. (It seems to be El and Bellona's room, Ruby and Ellie's room when they're over, September's room - and she's currently in Arda despite being not presently in the house, a guest room usually used by their teacher, and a guest room the cats took over.)

The area around them is upscale, with several grocery places and restaurants nearby, apparently considered a scholar's district - they're in walking distance of the city's largest public library. (Which has a special collection named after them.)

The whole place has a lot of attention to detail in decorations, and Bellona's clearly been gathering knick knacks and such from around both worlds.

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"Is this- underground?"

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"Yeah. We're living with the dwarves, who build all their halls underground - we're currently under the tallest mountains on the continent. Some of the outer levels meant for visiting foreigners have natural light allowed in, though."

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"Their civil engineering knowledge base is awesome. And they've really taken to all the imported technology - and to alchemy."

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"Useful friends to have, it sounds like."

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"They've been good, yeah. We dropped near here first time we ended up in Arda..."

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"Did you meet anyone similar to one of us at the time?"

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She hums. "We weren't exactly on top of anyone, but we ran into a woman pretty quickly - Agon, an orc. Her people were bound to work for the petty god Sauron, and she was opposing him... And just before we hit the dwarven halls we ran into two dragons, Ellisaria and Brisingr... They hold territory to the east of here, so we've interfaced with them or their representatives a lot with trade... Ellisaria considers herself a guardian of the earth, and she's not originally from this world or ours. She likes the dwarves because they're good stone masons. Brisingr is - I think younger, she's really kinda silly... I remember hearing she set up her hoard as a museum - local dragons apparently compulsively hoard stuff."

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"I ask because when traveling at random, we quite often run into alts."

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"Well, if you'll be sticking around, I can almost certainly arrange for you to meet the dragons... Agon might be harder, she's the primary ambassador of the main orcish nation and is constantly roaming around. Though I can probably leave a message for her with her people."

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"That would be good. We wouldn't want to miss anyone."

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"Anyone else tend to alt? There's some people we interact with a lot..."

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"Luka shows up alone sometimes."

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"Hm. Well, you guys are gonna meet September soon - and I'll try to get Estel and his girlfriend Arwen over here at some point, as well as Akira-sensei... Estel's my best friend, and Akira-sensei's the one who taught us alchemy."

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"I look forward to meeting them."

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"The other people important to our personal narratives were mostly enemies - there's, like, some people we talk to a lot, like King Thorin, or Russet Took, but I don't know we're close... If I'm calling Estel over I might as well call Russet, though..."

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"We don't seem to have recurring villains, thankfully."

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"Yeah. There's some ones that'd really suck to have repeats of - the big ones who hit us personally were Dante and Sauron, but Father probably counts, too, even if the dragons ended up taking care of him..."

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"There's not much that can stand up to our combined forces."

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"One major advantage of working together."

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"I don't want to go out of my way to enable people who use their power to hurt others to have more power, but - I'm not actually opposed to helping with issues like it sounds like Luc' and Wyld have."

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"Their problems are- mostly of scale."

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"And I think our worlds are going to be shy about another great war."

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"Entirely reasonable."

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"We can do trade, though, pretty happily - even just knowledge for knowledge."

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"That will be useful, I am sure."

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She nods.

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- And there's a small chime as someone unlocks the front door.

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"That will be September."

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The door opens...

Revealing a girl in her mid teens, wearing a dark blue outer robe with fine but not extravagant embroidery and decoration over a reddish orange inner robe, her hair in complicated braids. "I'm home big sis!" she says as she sets her bag down and hangs her outer robe on a hook, then glances over. "Oh, we have guests?"

(She, in fact, appears to be the same template as Luka.)

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"Yeah," Bellona says, grinning. "Come say hi."

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She heads over. "Hey! I'm September Elric."

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"Hello. I am Elesse."

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"I'm Ashes. These're my children, Luka and Leya." (The two wave.) "It's nice to meet you."

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She props her arms on the back of El and Bellona's couch. "Nice to meet you guys, too. Is this - a business thing?"

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"Not exactly. I am an alternate universe version of El, and Ashes is Bellona. And you have an alt in Luka."

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" - Cool! I didn't know alternate universe versions could have different faces."

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"It keeps life interesting."

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"Sounds it."

"Are there lots of versions of me?"

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"You will be the, hmm, fifth, I think."

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"I'd like to meet them, then." She looks at Luka. "If you're not busy...?"

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He smiles. "I don't have a ton to contribute here. We can get to know each other, sure."

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"Sweet." Pause. "Though I don't want to be, like, rude and take off, and my sisters' alts are cool, too."

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"It is quite understandable."

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"Go have fun, Sept. Maybe you can wow your alt with all the alchemy homework you've definitely been doing."

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She sticks her tongue out at Bellona.

And, to Luka: "C'mon, I wanna show you my car."

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He grins, standing. To the group: "I'll see you guys later, then."

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"Have fun."

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And September leads Luka back outside.

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"She seems nice."

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"Sept's a really good kid. And we've tried to make things easier for her, at least while we've been able..."

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"That's very good of you."

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Uncomfortable shrug. "Akira-sensei helped a lot, especially at first."

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"She was pretty young, when we met."

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She leans against El. "Yeah - Sept's adopted, we met her... When she was like six I think?"

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"Around that," she agrees.

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"Man, that whole period feels - kinda fake to me, memory-wise..."

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"A lot happened."

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She squeezes her sister, snuggling in. "Probably it'd be useful to ever actually summarize everyone's life stories for each other... At least make comparisons among alts' personal trajectories..."

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"That sort of context can be helpful."

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She glances at El. "Are you up to talking now? - If we are, I'd maybe prefer Leya go help Sept and Luka..."

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"Yeah, let's do it."

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And, once Leya leaves:

"...Hm, probably makes sense to start with like some world context... So alchemy's a science. It works on predictable principles, and you can do experiments at it, and you can derive new principles logically. The fundamental basis of it is equivalent exchange - in order to gain anything, you must first sacrifice something of equal or greater value. It took a really long time to be properly discovered, though. An ancient civilization called Xerxes was the first to get even crude alchemy, and one of their experimenters - pulled something into reality. A homunculus, which was initially a small creature of shadow and blood... It was made with the blood of our father, who was a slave, and it was fond of him and gave him the name Hohenheim. It promised to make the king of Xerxes immortal - but first he had to create a massive array around his nation, and prime it with blood at five points."

"The array went off, killing everyone in Xerxes - including the king, but not including the homunculus or our dad. The homunculus had used the energy from all those deaths to make itself a body, identical to Hohenheim's, and to create two philosopher's stones - one for each of them. A philosopher's stone is a way to convert the energy from souls to other things, to give an appearance of cheating equivalent exchange. The philosopher's stones made them immortal, but Hohenheim objected to all the mass murder, and the two parted ways. Both wandered the world, and tried to keep tabs on each other. Like a few hundred years ago, Hohenheim took a student, Dante, around the same time the homunculus was consolidating our home nation - Amestris - into one whole. Hohenheim and Dante ended up marrying and having a kid, who died, and who Hohenheim was only able to partially resurrect - her personality changed. Dante and Hohenheim fought over that, and over Dante wanting the secret to the philosopher's stones so she could be immortal, too - she figured out her own method, but it wasn't efficient enough to make her body immortal, so instead she ended up jumping between bodies a lot."

"Hohenheim wandered off, and the homunculus started puppeting Amestris, expanding it so its borders could host another national array, and arranging carefully timed mass slaughters at key points. Hohenheim eventually wandered back, because he'd finally realized the homunculus might be up to something - and he met our mom and had the two of us. Then he wandered off again when we were really small."

"Mom fell sick. Really sick. We met Akira-sensei about a year before she died - Akira-sensei was able to make her more comfortable, but not cure her - and once she died we left to apprentice under Akira-sensei. That was when I was... Seven, El was eight..."

"Dante was Akira-sensei's teacher. We didn't know all the history, then, and Akira-sensei didn't either, so she thought Dante was safe for us to be around. We studied with Akira-sensei for two years, and then Dante tried to convince El to make philosopher's stones for her. We decided to talk to Akira-sensei first, but - when we got back to her house, there'd been a fight, and she was dead."

Bellona shifts a bit uncomfortably.

"So I ran back to Dante's and begged a small philosopher's stone off her, and ran back, and me and El tried to resurrect Akira-sensei - and it worked, Akira-sensei's fine and she doesn't have any weird personality changes, but - "

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"It turned out that-"

"Human transmutation is not like other alchemy."

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"The exchanges for a soul - and for the attachment of a soul to a body - are fairly consistent, but not - predictable based on other alchemic principles. We didn't have enough, so there was - backlash, and we ended up before the Gate of Truth. Which is - this weird non-place, and behind the Gate is all the knowledge possible, and it's guarded or... Something... By a being that claimed to be the truth, and god, and the universe, and us, and a bunch of other stuff. We both - ended up through the Gate, briefly, and when we exited - "

"Akira-sensei was alive, but El'd lost her leg, and I'd lost my body. El reacted fast enough to attach my soul to some armor, so I didn't really die, but - that cost her an arm. And I stopped being able to actually feel things."

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(Ashes winces a bit, sympathetically.)

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"I am so sorry."

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"It was... Usually tolerable. We had each other, and we were able to get prosthetics for El..."

"We had to leave the area, though, because we were pretty sure Dante was our enemy, so we went to hide in our hometown for a bit - it helped that one of our neighbors, who'd liked our mom, was an extremely skilled automail maker. But while El was still recovering, someone from the military showed up, looking for Hohenheim - and he saw me, and realized we'd done human transmutation. Which is really illegal, but he offered to cover it up for us, and tried to recruit us to the military - we turned him down, but he left his contact information... And Akira-sensei decided that our best bet might actually be getting the military's protection. She was a medical alchemist, and the military didn't have any of those at the time, so - she was in high demand, and if she recorded us as her kids then the military would protect us, too. Even though she really hated the military, because they'd shot her brother for cowardice after he refused to fire on civilians... She was willing to swallow that."

"So we moved so Akira-sensei could prepare for her alchemy entry exam, and we ended up staying with a chimera alchemist - chimeras are alchemically created combinations of multiple animals, with modified abilities. That guy was September's dad. Akira-sensei passed pretty easily, and we stayed with September and her dad when Akira-sensei left on her first tour of duty, and then..."

"So the alchemist had gotten famous for making a talking chimera, though it didn't survive very long. Everyone figured he'd used a parrot, but - "

"He hadn't. He'd used his wife. And he hadn't produced any really big successes since, so he - decided to use September for another experiment."

"We killed him when we found out. September was - in a lot of pain, though, and we didn't know what to do, so we called Akira-sensei and one of her friends in the military, and... Prepared for a trial for killing a state alchemist, while Akira-sensei rushed back to try and help September."

"The Fuhrer - the military dictator of Amestris - ended up showing up and personally pardoning us, though, which was - very weird and also made us nervous, because of some of the things he said hinted that - he suspected us of human transmutation, and saw a use for us."

"That - all got interrupted, though. A bit after Akira-sensei got back, we ran into Dante and Hohenheim's daughter - the one he'd failed to resurrect properly. She kinda worked for Dante but not really, and wanted to mess with Dante's plans, so she used an interdimensional array on us, and flung us into - this world, actually."

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"I see."

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She shifts, somehow snuggling into El even more.

"So Arda mostly wasn't - that bad. We got settled here, and started carefully introducing technologies from our world, and got really rich doing that. The dwarves had the economic base to jump to industrialization with fairly little prompting. But then - word reached us. A war was brewing, between the lesser god Sauron and... Basically all the mortal races, though Sauron had the orcs and goblins and some others enslaved and fighting for him. The dwarves were reluctant to help the free peoples. They didn't see it as their war. King Thorin decided that they would, though, especially as engineers - and me and El thought really carefully about introducing war technologies, mostly decided to be very slow about that..."

"But then - "

"So Sauron'd fought the free peoples before, and they'd won and killed him. But it turned out he'd made an artifact anchoring his soul, so he was able to reform, though he was a lot weaker without the artifact in his possession. It was - designed, though, to prevent people from destroying it, and to drive its bearers mad, and to try to get back to Sauron, and complete his goals if it couldn't. It had a way of - skipping bearers, whenever it didn't like its last one, because it could move itself, a little."

"It - ended up in our apartment. Someone who came through must've been carrying it, and it must've ditched them, and - El found it. It just... Looked like a normal ring, at first."

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"It got into my head. At first it was just- pretty, something that would be nice to keep. It helped with alchemy, I could see more details, make more connections."

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She nuzzles her sister, stroking her hair a bit. "...We can just skip this part," she says, softly, "If you want." (They ever talk about it now - Ruby was insistent that helps - but, well.)

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"...It was evil. Made me think- my sister-"

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She kisses El's cheek. "It wasn't El's fault, at all. But it made El mad at me, and then - kind of hot and cold. I got - hurt. But I eventually figured out it was the ring - it couldn't grab my mind in the armor, we don't think, but I couldn't destroy it with alchemy, so I - took it away, and found out how to destroy it the hard way, and left."

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"I am... glad you were able to resolve that successfully."

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She shivers.

"Yeah. I had to take it to Mordor - where Sauron ruled from - and throw it in the volcano it'd been forged in. That was - mostly just a really long time behind enemy lines, but my friend Estel knew where I'd gone, and convinced the army generals to create some big distractions so there'd be less of a defense..."

"The volcano kinda exploded after I threw the ring in, but the dragons rescued me and brought me back to El, who wasn't being mind controlled anymore. I - was in a rough place, but three of the really important people in the war apparently had magic rings of their own, which they decided they no longer needed because Sauron was gone, and their rings had been forged against him - so they gave those to us as thanks for what we did, to use as sacrifices to get our bodies back. It was - a lot of a sacrifice, so I was also able to trade for a ton of medical knowledge and the original interdimensional array."

"We've been - fixing things, mostly, since. Pushed for amnesty for Sauron's slave armies before heading back to Amestris... And then Hohenheim showed back up, told us about the homunculus - which was calling itself Father - but the dragons took care of that problem, as well as Dante. And by the time we'd gotten back, Akira-sensei had gotten September comfortable, and I was able to fix her the rest of the way."

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"The dragons are very useful."

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"Yeah. Good friends to have, and all that."

"Ruby and Ellie have been - helping me get over stuff, too. So I'm in a better place."

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"So that's pretty much the story of our life."

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"It does sound - eventful."

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"The curse of interesting times."

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"Things are - interesting, still, but in the way history books skim over. Which's a good place to be at, I think."

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"I prefer it this way."

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She grins, squeezing her sister. "Where we're at now is great."

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She giggles a bit, before kissing El. "Exceptionally great."

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It's nice to see the young people can still be happy.

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"...Oh, and, uh... As long as we're on kind of - odd topics," because she doesn't have a good way to say 'incredibly personally upsetting' right now, " - there's this thing Ruby and Ellie do with - dom and sub stuff - and is that. The norm? With - us."

Probably she shouldn't be asking about that but she sometimes get So Anxious about whether the only reason she finds the thought of subbing upsetting is her trauma... Though now she can actually think about it ever without having a panic attack and dissociating, so, hey, progress.

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"It is not uncommon, precisely, but not the norm."

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Slow nod. "...Thanks."

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"You are not the first to find the idea uncomfortable, either."

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She nods, slowly.

"I don't - like being traumatized, but - "

Uncomfortable shrug.

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"It is what it is."

"Incidentally, one of your alts offers therapeutic services, as part of her domain as God of Madness."

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She snuggles into her sister. "I might - talk to her ever."

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She's - getting tired, somewhat. Mostly emotionally.

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"I think that's enough talking for one day. What should we do about dinner?"

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"Might be nice to go out. Or get takeout. Have someone else handle cooking."

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"How about that new place down past the jeweler's?"

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"The Blacklock place? Yeah, I've been wanting to try them out."

She stands, offering El a hand up. "Does a restaurant work for you guys?" she says to their guests. "We can pick up the others on our way out."

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"That is fine with me," Elesse says, also standing.

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"Me as well." She joins them.

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So Bellona takes El's hand and leads them out, picking up September and Luka and Leya. The halls are underground as well, of course, arching easily five stories up, with apartments along both sides of a broad avenue. There's no plants evident, but there are public works of art - and the facades of the building are incredibly well designed, with mosaic tiles apparently a popular cladding. There's electric lamps with beautiful casings, and dedicated sidewalks and a road for cars (which don't go very fast). Bellona decides not to take September's car - especially since it's currently being 'upgraded' - since the restaurant's in walking distance.

Their neighbors greet the Elrics with joviality but not much blatant curiosity. Most of them seem to be dwarves - stout folk, with long beards and barely any difference between the sexes - with a few humans, the odd halfling - especially short folk, who go about bare-footed - or orc - a folk usually the height of humans or shorter, with tough and mottled skin, who seem to be regarded with a small amount of suspicion, but no open scorn. (The orcs and halflings are far more chatty than the dwarves.) The restaurant they're headed to is run by a dwarf, advertising 'traditional southern Eastern Halls cuisine,' and they're able to get a booth fairly easily - the food's good, too, though anything best enabled by electricity (especially cold foods) is somewhat experimental still.

(Bellona does not, actually, seem to be at all shy about acting romantically with her sister in public.)

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If it makes them happy, then that's fine. The city is not quite cosmopolitan by galactic standards, but the food is still good.

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It'd be cool to someday get that cosmopolitan... Though it might be a bit of a culture shock. Still, probably not worse than the existing ones.

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Some non-humanoids require very specialized accommodations, and you also get things like ammonia-breathers, though those tend to already have developed technology for carrying their particular gases with them.

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That's actually really cool. How different are things like medical needs - ?

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Not precisely her area of expertise, but she knows at least basic first aid.

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Probably something for Bellona to bother an expert about, then, when they get transport back to Elesse's world. (Does she probably need this information anytime soon? No. Is it absolutely awesome to learn about? Yes.) There's some really interesting differences between humans and most of the other Arda species - subtle ones, actually, they all have the same basic body plan, but at least two of the species were almost certainly the result of intelligent design...

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Actually intelligent or simply purposeful?

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Well, whoever designed elves and dwarves actually seems to have done so sensibly - their bodies are effectively optimized for the body plan, though elves have a few systemic tweaks making it so their bodies won't die of old age, unlike dwarves who usually live about three and a half centuries, which as far as she can tell was intentional... Of course she's working to change that, but there's a difference in how elven souls interface with their biology that makes direct replication in other species difficult - the most easily replicated improvements are in the immune system, actually...

(She's bouncing as she zooms off into info dumping.)

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It's cute when her sister does that.

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Brief digression to kiss El! Then more nerdery. (Trying to explain some bits slightly so they're more accessible to her audience, of course...)

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Appreciated. They are starting from more or less nothing.

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September successfully lures her into actually explaining alchemy and not just anatomy nerdery - she successfully charms some paper and a pencil out of the wait staff (a common request, apparently) and sketches out the basics of some simple arrays (not closing them; that's an important safety thing - full arrays can accidentally trigger).

Probably they should eventually head back, but she's having fun for now, and long meals aren't culturally weird, here.

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They can order a second round of coffee, with those little biscuit things.

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Essential provisions of every scholar.

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Among other things.

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Kiss. "Charming colleagues are the most important part, of course."

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"Do colleagues really count as provisions?"

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She hums, tapping her chin. "Well, knowledge is a potential trade good..."

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"The heads containing that knowledge are generally not."

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"Probably depends on whether you define 'trade' to include service and labor... But not all provisions are necessarily traded, either - though knowledge, unlike food, does not deplete with use." She grins at her sister. "Though you can certainly exhaust your colleagues."

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"Exhaust their patience, maybe."

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"I can't exhaust you any way else?"

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"That's usually the one you get to first."

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"Perhaps I need to try some other ways, then..."

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Elesse coughs, gently.

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Bellona giggles. "I'll save it for later. Sorry."

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"The biscuits are quite good, though."

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"And some very excellent coffee."

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Sip. "Yep."

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"Good company, too. Thanks for joining us - and listening to me."

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"It is always a pleasure to hear one who loves her topic speak."

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"Probably why El puts up with me and my exhausting ways."

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"I am sure that contributes."

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She grins.

"About ready to head back? Speaking of rest and exhaustion."

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"I think so."

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"Cool." She handles paying for the meal, and then they can walk back. The street's just as populated as before.

Bellona falls into a light conversation with September about her studies, offering to help with her homework - "Can you guys entertain yourselves until you're ready to sleep?" she asks their guests.

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"We'll manage somehow."

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"Okay, cool. Feel free to come get us if you need anything, though..."

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"Don't let us interrupt your routine unduly."

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There isn't a ton to do before Bellona naturally goes to bed - and it appears there's no artificial day/ night cycle, here, the lights outside never dim (but all the windows have heavy curtains you can pull to block the light, and the interior lights are most of the illumination, anyways, and those can be turned off). She helps September with her homework, does some of her own work, and then settles in to cuddle El.

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"So this is an alternate universe," Elesse says to Ashes.

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"It's certainly interesting," she says. "Bellona is - especially odd to see."

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"She has a very different outlook than the others."

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She nods. "Though I think one more similar to me, with some differences - I don't think it's that she doesn't understand cruelty, but..."

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"She came to that understanding in a different way."

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"Far sooner than I did, too."

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"She has some advantages over you in that regard."

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She smiles, a bit.

"I wonder if we'll find anyone else with a similar story to hers."

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"It may well be that she is the seed of a new pattern, given how long they've been... active, I suppose."

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She hums.

"...If there's notable patterns... I wonder how stringent those are, and how early we can identify them... Like, would the patterns continue happening despite contact with the group?"

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"It'd be a poor author who wouldn't recalibrate their narrative in light of such an extraordinary disruption."

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She laughs. "Perhaps only if they run out of other plots."

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"In which case we may not be allowed to find anyone until their pattern has run its course."

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"Unless our interruption would be entertaining."

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"A fair point. Perhaps we ought to resolve to be more chaotic in our interworld dealings."

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"Resolve everything as interestingly as possible."

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"While steering carefully away from the truly tragic."

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"Of course."

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"A narrow line to walk."

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"Maybe we should find an alt of us who's a professional storyteller. Someone who understands the basic concepts, here."

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"That would be convenient."

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"Preferably not an alt of me who thinks arranging dramatic and tragic stories is amusing, though."

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"That would rather defeat the point, I think."

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"Unless we found her a you to rein her in a bit."

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"I would have to be fairly convincing."

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"I think you're pretty good at that."

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"My charming and pleasant demeanor, no doubt."

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"A face that's hard to say no to."

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"And devastatingly sensible arguments."

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"And keen intelligence."

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"A keen appreciation of my own value."

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"Confidence - and a sense of authority, which more than a few of my alts seem to find irresistible..."

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"Including you?"

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"Hm, irresistible is a strong word..."

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"I am a strong person."

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"Exceptionally so."

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"But then, I suppose you are also rather resilient."

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"It does take a lot to convince me..."

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"I will have to sculpt my approach carefully."

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"Firm enough to achieve my objectives. Gentle enough not to scare you away."

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"A very careful balancing act, that."

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"I think I haven't been doing too badly."

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She hums, leaning in a bit. "No. You do rather well. I don't feel scared away at all, actually..."

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Soft kiss.

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She kisses back, just as gently.

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Elesse's cute.

Ashes kisses her more, of course.

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Everything is proceeding exactly as she has foreseen.

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A very clever woman... (Kiss.)

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"Mmm, certainly convincing..." she murmurs between kisses.

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"Ah, sweet success."

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"I think I'm rather happy with my consolation prize."

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"The best kind of compromise."

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"Wouldn't have it any other way."

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It seems they can in fact occupy themselves quite happily until they are ready to sleep.

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Always a benefit.

Ashes sleeps well.

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 - And the middle of the next day, while September's out at school, something made of smoke slides in the cracks around the front door and reforms as a tiger.

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-that is an Anakin-tiger.

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She rears up, unlocking the door with a paw (and some oddly firm smoke), then notices Elesse. 

"Hi!" she chirps, pulling the door open. "Didn't know we had guests."

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El pokes her head out in time to see Ruby opening the door from the wrong side.

"I know you have the concept of knocking in your world, too."

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"I," she says, with much dignity, "Lost my keys."

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"And I suppose you dropped your ability to bang your paw on the door in the same place?"

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"Yup! It's a very hard skill. Tricky to keep." She makes a noise of triumph as she figures out the latch and wrests the door open for Ellie.

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"She always gets mad at you when you do this, like I was just about to say," says the cat-shaped electricity that walks in. "And now she's going to get huffy and not offer you any of that tea."

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" - Awwww, but I like tea."

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"Then you should have thought of that three minutes ago. Let it be a lesson to you. Anyway. We have guests. Two new alts of us, a September, and September's hypothetical twin."

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"Hello," Elesse says, with faint amusement.

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"Oooo, alts!" she says, the tea question apparently forgotten. "I'm Ruby - a Panthera, same as Bellona. Which're you?"

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"My name is Elesse, a Lightning as we call those such as El and myself."

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She tilts her head. "'We'?"

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"There is another group of we alts kicking about the multiverse. I became separated from them some time ago, lost in a world hostile to extraction by outside forces."

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"Oh. That sounds unpleasant."

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"The company made it less so."

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She nods, leaning against Ellie. "Makes sense." She turns to nuzzle Ellie. "This's my girlfriend Ellie - unless we're doing formal introductions..." Her voice sounds teasing.

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She baps Ruby on the nose. "The impertinent lout here is Ruby."

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She wrinkles her nose. "Aw, you don't like your title?"

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"You're too clever for your own good."

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She sighs, dramatically. "Okay... Mystic Storm of Feline Destiny Nyx."

She darts out of bapping range as she's speaking.

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She hisses and arches her back dramatically, wild sparks flaring off, before darting playfully at Ruby.

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She flits into smoke and fire, flowing out of Ellie's reach and circling around. (Laughing, too.)

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"Don't break my house, you two."

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This is such an innocent looking tiger!

"We wouldn't dream of it!"

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"Of course." She sits down primly. "Her full name is Burning Ruby Tiger Decima, since we're sharing," she informs the guests.

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She preens. And: "Titles are your artifact name plus your working name. So the formal short forms are actually Decima and Nyx..."

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"Yeah. My shape's an artifact - if someone else got this shape, they'd also use Burning Ruby Tiger in their title, and their powers would be on a similar theme to mine. And if I used Ellie's shape, I'd be the Mystic Storm of Feline Destiny Decima. But I'm not sure bonding to a new artifact's actually possible outside our home world, and our home world won't let us back in..."

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"Interesting. I don't think we've come across magic quite like that before."

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She nods. "It felt weird even to us, really... Magic's a secret in our world. Possibly because of the world kicking out people who try to write things on the moon, actually, come to think of it. But the ways people thought magic might work were mostly pretty different."

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"...Writing on a moon would be classified as ecological vandalism in my universe. And is a prosecutable offense in most jurisdictions, though exile is an- atypical punishment."

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She laughs. "Fair. We were trying to break the masquerade, but also being impulsive young adults who'd originally flown out for a vacation..."

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"Ah, teenagers."

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Snicker. "Technically still, yeah. But it wasn't a bad plan - there were a lot of people I knew who'd gone missing after expressing they were going to try to break the masquerade, and a lot of other people sort of mysteriously dropping off the map after their names got known, and I'd never heard of anyone being active for more than a decade, usually not more than five years... So we figured, hey, we're up here on the moon, even if there's a shadowy cabal enforcing the masquerade and they can go lightspeed it'd take them a bit over a second to get here and we should be able to break the masquerade in that time, right, if we do something big enough, and while hitting lightspeed's theoretically possible with our magic the framework for it wasn't one I'd ever heard a rumor of - we hadn't planned it ahead at all, and were planning at that time over telepathy, which's a secure channel with our system. So, if the masquerade can be broken, we're in a good position..."

"So we went to do it and landed in another universe. And Bellona got notes back and forth with my dad and there weren't even, like, paw prints on the moon or anything even though I'd totally stepped on the surface. And I scried some of the people I knew who'd gone missing - couldn't find most of them 'cause of shields, that's distinct from 'cause of not existing, but did find one in that universe with us, and a whole bunch of people using our magic system on a galactic scale which is way bigger than anything anyone ever used it for back home."

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"That sounds unfriendly in the opposite direction of Ashes'."

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Sigh. "Yeah. We weren't very attached to the world itself, though, luckily. Though I missed some media releases I'd been looking forward to..."

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"I will never find out which king Kvothe killed. Though probably I wouldn't have even if we'd stayed."

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She giggles. "I'll never find out what's up with the 'corpse of the day', even if All Night Laundry's still updating..."

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"We have so many very serious problems, it's true."

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"Not least of which the inability to remember and abide by the customs of polite society in the company of your close friends."

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"And a lack of pockets for keys."

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She nods. "Both valid points! Why don't monster artifacts come with pockets, actually, that seems like the sort of poor design I'd expect of magical girls."

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"We'd probably be overpowered if we had pockets."

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"Very true. It's important to maintain balance in things like this. We get to be banned from going all out in a spar over an inhabited planet, everyone else gets pockets."

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"You have quite a bit of power at your command, then."

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"Yeah. Ridiculous amounts, especially if we get clever with it."

"Universe we got dropped on has some serious warfare going on - we've been looking at importing some of their defenses for planets, actually, in case we ever get in a fight with anyone on our scale - those mostly aren't based in magic, but we don't have the material, technological, skills, or political infrastructure yet, and acquiring the artificial intelligences you apparently need for a proper planetary defense grid is also really hard, even if you had the hardware to run them..."

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"Artificial intelligence is a solved problem where I'm from. Droids make up a significant fraction of the labor force."

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"Yeah, we might try to import some of you guys' stuff so we're playing less catch up... Though droids plural being a fraction of the labor force seems like a different thing? Like, the thing that universe has is a single centralized set of intelligences controlling all manufacturing on and around a planet and the vast majority of space ships and especially military things, because they can react significantly faster and more consideredly than even magical people, and if you're running cheap you gotta have multiple processing centers because of lightspeed delay, but if you've got ansibles you don't even need to worry about that, though the amount you need to dedicate to processors gets prohibitive if you're centralizing more than a very active solar system's activities... And as far as I can tell you keep magicals away from your planet by constantly monitoring... Basically everything in your solar system, subject to lightspeed delay... And having networks of robots spread out in defensive shells - magicals suck at point defense, usually, so you can overwhelm them if you fill a large enough volume of space with weapons discharge for a long enough time, as long as you can keep tracking them because well trained magicals can jump to faster than light pretty quickly... And if your computer's fancy enough, it can generally predict where a magical's about to end up and fill that space with explosions, and the best computers can out-predict all but the best combat precogs, because they're just smarter and better at taking data into account."

"I think that universe considers sheltering most targets to that extent prohibitive, and mostly just goes with the 'too many targets to hit a significant fraction of them all' defensive approach, but that's the accepted narrative for how major important targets are protected. And we only have two planets we actually care about, so."

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"Mm, yes, that might be different enough of a use that our technology would not be that helpful."

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"Probably a shorter jump from you guys to there than from us to there, though."

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"Quite possibly."

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"Hopefully it won't be a concern soon, though, and ideally not ever; we've been trying not to pick fights with other universes..."

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"A good plan."

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She stretches. "So you guys planning on hanging around ever even after Bellona gets you back?"

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"I will most likely rejoin my group, but I hope we can still visit from time to time."

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She nods. "We'll probably stick around here a lot, but we're pretty mobile..."

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"I'm sure the others would love to meet you as well."

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"It sounds fun, yeah."

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"Since you two decided to visit, does one of you want to see if the dragons want to meet the new people?"

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"Sure. Why?"

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"Elesse can detect alts, and given the dragons are interesting people, it'd be worth checking."

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She nods. "Makes sense. Should I check if they feel like flying out here, or bring Elesse along for a ride?"

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"I will go with you. We can return together if that seems warranted."

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"Okay. I wouldn't mind chilling here for an hour at least, but otherwise I'm ready to head out when you are."

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"I can leave now."

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"Cool. I'll probably just be TK'ing you around with me, tigers are not actually designed for riding..."

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"Do you need me to... do anything?"

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"Nah. I guess, like, don't try to use magic to break my hold?"

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"All right."

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"Cool. I'll say hi to Bellona and get a snack and then we can head out..." (She doesn't actually need to eat, but she's a firm hedonist and the food here's nice.)

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Elesse will be waiting when she's ready.

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Which she is, sooner than the promised hour.

"I'm not supposed to fly around within the city," she says, "But it's not a bad walk to get out, and we can take the trolley anyways - quickest is heading to the West Gate, since we're on the western side 'cause that's where the newer roomier buildings are, then loop over the mountains... The dragons are a good bit to the East."

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"Lead the way."

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She does, at a light lope - switching into a human shape (the same face as Bellona, in fact) for the trolley. The rest of the city's as well designed and artistic as the wealthy district, apparently, though the richness of people's clothes vary - still, the poorest person using the (free) trolley would be considered wealthy in many other worlds. The plazas feeding into the West Gate are grand, with the city's laws enshrined on giant pillars in the middle, and the road out's marginally busy - there's a town that's sprung up on the western slopes of the mountain, meeting the needs of foreign traders, and a huge network of farms feeding both city and town. Once there's clear sky above them, Ruby turns back into a tiger, navigating them to somewhere free enough to take off.

She leaps into the air, smoke billowing around Elesse to lift her in Ruby's wake, and soars up the side of the mountain. The bubble of smoke keeps the wind from reaching Elesse too harshly, and keeps the air around her warm - helpful, as Ruby shoots above a layer of mist and cloud. The mountains here are apparently rather tall.

East of the mountains - more towns spilling from the Eastern Gate, then a wide valley around a large river, a forest two hundred miles wide... The land falls away below them quickly as Ruby soars over it, coming to a young seeming mountain range cutting north to south, ending at a large inland sea.

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Small dragons in a huge variety of colors flock around it - mostly staying clear of a central territory, where a massive red dragon is currently sunning herself. Brisingr has by now grown to a bit over two hundred feet in length, her frame still relatively lithe, and she raises her head to track the incoming tiger with interest.

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Ruby lands them about a hundred feet from Brisingr's head, putting Elesse down gently.

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"Hello," Elesse calls.

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"Hello!" she calls. (She is certainly a Panthera, albeit an enormous one.) "Who're you?"

Her voice caries well, somehow not sounding like she's a massive dragon shouting from a hundred feet away.

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"My name is Elesse, an extra-world visitor."

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"Neat! Are you from any of the worlds we've met?"

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"I am not, no. I am part of a collection of alts from a variety of worlds, primarily composed of people like me and people like Ruby and yourself."

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She tilts her head. "Separately, or as the same sort of alt?"

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"The same sort of alt."

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"Huh." She considers this. "I can see it, I guess."

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"My magic lets me identify alts by- the feel of their mind, more or less."

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She hums. "Identity's clear in my magic system if someone's not hiding, but I've never used it around Ruby..." She croons, softly, a few notes - the air feels strange, something shifting around her. "...Huh, you're the same as Ellisaria."

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"I suspected that, but did not wish to guess in advance of the evidence."

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Squint. "A bit different, though... But she'll wanna meet you, I bet."

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"I would if I were her."

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She laughs. "This way, then." And she turns to slither into the mountain, wings tucked close to her body.

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Into the mountain then, following the dragon. Certainly there's no way this would go wrong, were this a story.

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Brisingr leads them both down into the mountain, whistling cheerfully, then calls out, "Ellisaria! I found guests!"

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Another dragon emerges, dark-scaled and sturdier in build than Brisingr, though less than half her length. "So I see."

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"One of them says she's an alternate universe version of you. And she feels kinda like you, in the Song."

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"Interesting..." She moves out for a closer look.

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Elesse stands patiently.

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Big sniff. "I suppose I can see it."

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She snickers and nuzzles Ellisaria. "If you have to have squishy alts..."

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"If it helps, you are the first dragons we've encountered."

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She cranes her neck around. "Awww. Being a dragon's fun."

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"I am sure it must be."

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"Meeting our other alts sounds fun, though. Even if they are squishy."

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"That might be slightly complicated, logistically. You are both much larger than the spaces we usually design for."

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She makes an amused noise -

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And sings - then shrinks, morphing into a human shape (with carefully arranged scales instead of clothes, mostly because clothes feel so weird, but squishy people get weird about squishies with skin showing in a way they don't get weird about naked dragons). Her hair's a bit odd, stiffer than it should be, but she's passably human.

"Tada!" she says.

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Ellisaria also turns into a human shape, though without the singing.

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She shifted so her body was pretty close to the point of her in reach of Ellisaria, which means hopping over to her's pretty easy.

"It took me forever to figure this out. But sometimes being squishy sized is convenient, yeah."

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"At some point Bellona and El will be sending a message to my group, and I expect a response fairly promptly. If you would like to join us for that, you're welcome to."

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"Okay. Lemme know when and where to be, then, I guess."

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"I think they just need to finish working out how to target the array. We're staying with them in the dwarves' mountain for now."

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She nods. "I like the dwarves."

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"A practical people, with good priorities."

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"I can zoom over here to let y'all know when they're ready," Ruby says. "If y'all don't want to hang out in the mountain."

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"It has been some time since we visited. This may be a good excuse to do so."

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"Yeah! And Bellona and El are smart. It shouldn't take them that long."

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"We will return with you, then."

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"Cool. Our house is full right now, but I don't think you guys would have trouble finding somewhere to sleep, if it's more than a day..."

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"I dare say we will manage."

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"Wanna head back now?"

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"We might as well."

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"Okay. I can fly all of us, or just Elesse."

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"I will take my own wings."

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Brisingr nods, firmly. "Same."

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She stretches, then lifts herself and Elesse into the air.

She goes slow enough on the way back that the dragons can stay in sight of her, setting them down outside the West Gate again.

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It's not quite as fast as the trip out, but still quick enough.

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And to human form for heading inside.

Ruby leads them back to the Elrics' place.

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It's right where they left it, of course.

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Ruby did not pick up keys while she was visiting, but she actually knocks this time!

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It takes a dragon to make her mind her manners, then.

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She figured she'd put her best foot forward for their guests.

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They might as well come in, then.

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She bounces in and makes herself some tea.

"So it turns out Ellisaria and Brisingr are us alts, Elesse guessed right," she says, cheerfully.

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"Huh. This alts thing is getting weird."

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"Yeah. Especially if it's, like, predictable from stuff that happened in the past..."

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"I think it unlikely our lives had anything in common, except in very broad strokes."

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"Hm, yeah. More meant how Elesse guessed you guys were worth checking out..."

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"I wasn't here for that conversation? But it sounded like she figured that since El and Bellona met you guys early after getting dropped, and they're alts, you had a really high chance of being someone's alts too..."

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"An... interesting way of looking at things."

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"Yup. And ended up being right."

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"A popular theory in my group is that someone, or something, is using us to tell a story."

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"Without asking? Wow, rude." She looks up at the ceiling. "I hold omnipotent gods to informed consent standards, too!" she says, presumably to the ceiling.

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"They probably already knew that, dear."

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"Yes, but stating my objections for the record is important, here."

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"Establishing a paper trail?"

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"It'll be really important if I ever sue for damages."

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"Where would you find a court that would hear your case?" El wonders.

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"Maybe there's a government for omnipotent beings! Weirder things have happened."

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"Name one."

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She hums. "...Okay, most of my examples are plausibly the intervention of an omnipotent being..."

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Kiss. "You're going to have to have better arguments if you want them to stand up in god court."

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Kiss! "I'm not sure doctors are meant for the courtroom... Though maybe one of us is a lawyer, and can take up our case."

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"That'd be convenient."

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"Though perhaps we can save our legal motions for later, when there's less going on."

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"Probably a good idea."

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Nuzzle. "Next I guess is getting everyone all on the same page... And waiting for the Elrics to do their math."

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Which she should get back to helping with, now that their guests are more or less settled.

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Bellona works hard on it - but does take a sensible number of breaks. (Some of them when dragged into it by El.) And, of course, she has her myriad obligations - vaccine research, classes she's teaching, talks she has scheduled, being a good older sister for September... But the Elric sisters have always been greater together than apart, and September and Akira-sensei can help on some of the minor calculations - it takes long enough for everyone to get more or less acquainted with each other's stories and natures, and enough for them to settle a bit around each other. Not too long, though.

Soon enough - Bellona thinks she can target a message to a known template currently located in Elesse's homeworld. It won't fire if there's no one fitting the description, but, well, they have pantheras, and lightnings, and Luka and Leya to play off of - one of those four should be resident. (If there's multiple template members present, it'll select one at random.)

It's up to Elesse, of course, who they try first, and what the message says.

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Elesse has been spending the time working on the message, explaining how Ashes' world abducted her, who Ashes is, a brief summary of their efforts in escaping, and short introductions for everyone else she's met so far.

It's addressed to Anakin to start with.

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The letter goes through on the first try.

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It lands in front of Ani.

Elesse has been gone over a year. They've stopped scanning as actively by now. Ani has - tried, and mostly succeeded, at actually doing things with her life other than getting in an obsessive spiral -

She opens the letter immediately.

She's shaking, by the time she finishes, schools herself - the mess in her head can be straightened out later -

Naraka's been around a decent amount. She can trace the letter's origin, and she likes Elesse -

(Ani does actually pause long enough to inform Leia where she's going.)

And then, within an hour of Bellona's array activating, she and Naraka land in the new world.

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Ani steps forward to hug her.

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Big hug.

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Tight hug, Ani isn't letting go anytime soon.

"...You worried me," she mumbles.

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"I know. I am sorry."

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Deep breath.

"I'm - glad you're back."

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Soft smile. "It is good to see you again."

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She smiles back. (Blinking back a few tears, too.) "Tell me - more of your journey?"

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"All right. The first person I met was an alt of Luke..." She spins the tale in more detail than she was able to write.

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She listens, intently - letting go enough they can actually sit down.

"...Most of my alts haven't - resonated that much," she says, softly, leaning against Elesse.

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"Indeed. There were a large number of correspondences between you and Ashes."

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"Not an exact copy, though."

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"No, not quite."

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She hums, thoughtful.

"Leia will like having an alt of her own, I think."

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"They can swap tips on effective governance."

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"Suss out what's universal or different between governing in preindustrial and modern societies."

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"This will lead to great advances in the field, I am sure."

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"To everyone's benefit."

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"I've missed you, Anakin."

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She quiets, a bit.

"I've missed you, too. Just - so much." She shivers.

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"Would you like to meet the others?"

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...She doesn't know the answer to that. She - doesn't know how to say all the - unreal thoughts and emotions she can't quite grasp.

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"Anakin. Remember to breathe."

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Deep, even breaths, leaning against Elesse, for a short while.

Her emotions still don't feel like they belong to her - they usually don't for a while when she gets like this, no matter what anyone else does -

But she's getting a bit more centered in her actual body, and her thoughts are - slipping away less.


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Pat. "You do not need to apologize."

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Shrug. "I don't like it when my thoughts do that."

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"Have you... been meditating?"

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"Yes. As best I can, though - sometimes I dissociate while meditating, which isn't pleasant... But it's - something I've dealt with before, anyways, and... Healed from, eventually. After Vader. I'd... Stopped, for a while, but - I guess I backslid a bit."

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"Oh Ani," there's an echo of the teacher in Elesse's tone as she brushes her hair back. "You deserve to be happy."

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She presses her face into Elesse's neck a bit.

"I - am. Usually."


"Isn't always... Real."

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Hug. She's shaking, a bit.

"I don't - know how to be okay just - all the time."

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"It takes time, and work, and a clear-eyed view of oneself."

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She smiles, a little, squeezing Elesse.

"...The - view of myself - seems to be... Hard." Deep breath. "I - feel like - I was less... Stuck... When I was - recovering from being Vader... And I don't - actually know why."

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"That is a question only you can answer. I will meditate upon it with you, if you wish."

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"I'd like that."

"I - missed you, and I missed that."

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"We have a lot of time to make up for."

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Lean. "Yeah." Squeeze. "I think - possibly we should make more of an effort to have everyone able to communicate with our alts in an emergency... And able to get between worlds themselves."

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"That may not have helped my case, but a good idea regardless."

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Nod. "There's a lot of other ways for things to go wrong."

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"More contingencies are always helpful."

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Snug. "Yeah."

She's kind of - tired, a bit.

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"Do you feel up to meditating now?"

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Hum. "I think so."

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They can arrange themselves to start, then.

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She centers herself - drifts back into touch with her emotions.

It helps, a lot, having Elesse here.

She's - anxious, maybe. Apprehensive. Things - seem to keep changing, and Ani's ability to adapt isn't entirely intact, she thinks.

(Ashes seems important to Elesse. Ani - shouldn't be anxious about that, let alone jealous. But... She thinks she is. It's - all tangled up in everything else, though, so she marks it to come back to later.)

She's not healing as fast as she'd like, which makes her unhappy with herself, and frustrated, and more anxious. 

It's painful, going back over the memories of her time after Vader...

No one had been there to catch her. Luke - hadn't known how, Leia hadn't been interested. So Ani had... Fallen pretty frequently, actually, she'd start dissociating and it'd take her hours to stop, sometimes - 

And she'd had to catch herself.

She pokes that, then leaves the thought alone to spin itself out.

It's - there's less riding on her mental health now, too. Just her own happiness, pretty much. Her children don't need her coherent anymore, and even babysitting her grandchildren is - a favor, not an essential. That should make things easier, but...

It maybe doesn't make things faster, she realizes. 

She'd learned how to be a person, again, after being Vader, because she had to, because she couldn't fully lean on anyone else - 

It'd been. Exhausting. Bone deep, enough that she often felt stretched thin, dissociating when her overwhelming fatigue would get past her ability to keep moving anyways. It didn't used to be exhausting - not before Vader - not when she'd been used to being a person.

She hasn't been - exhausted all the time, mostly, since she became Occlus's...

...It's possible she off loaded a lot of the exhausting things, which also were possibly the same - vicious bits of herself she'd had as a proud, rebellious child, or at least the foundations for those - and she knows, already, from working with Glint, that a lot of her ability to stand alone was rooted in those vicious tendencies. Possibly a lot of her ability to bounce back quickly from stress - to keep fighting no matter what.

There's... A lot of little implications of that she could chase. That she probably should eventually chase. But right now - she's a bit tired, emotionally, and more centered. She - doesn't think it's a problem that she's trusted a lot of her mental structure to someone else, anyways, it's... Easier, and less stressful usually, and makes her happier than the alternative.

She drifts back her to own body, mind syncing back with the world around her, a bit pensive.

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"Feeling better?"

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"Yes. Much."

"Thank you."

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"You are welcome. We should do this more often."

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"I'd love to."

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"Suppose I should meet the others, now."

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"If you are ready."

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"I am."

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Then up, and out to see the others.

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She sticks close to Elesse, looking around and admiring the decor.

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"Hello," says one of the Lightnings. "I'm Ellie."

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"Hello. I'm Ani. It's good to meet you."

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"This is Ruby, my girlfriend. The one that looks like me but isn't me is El, and that's her sister Bellona. And those two are Ellisaria and Brisingr. They're actually dragons but as this home was designed by humans and dwarves they don't fit in their natural state so they have very graciously chosen to look like humans. And over there is Ashes, and Luka and Leya and September."

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"It sounds like you all have rather interesting stories..." she says. (She's not - overwhelmed. But, well, this is a lot of new people at once.) "Thank you all for helping me find Elesse."

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"That was mostly El and Bellona."

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To El and Bellona, "Extra thanks to you both, then."

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"Ah, we were happy to help. Getting split up's sad."

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"No fun for anyone."

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Serious nod. "It was - an unpleasant year, yes."

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"I'm glad we could help end it."

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"Same, yeah."

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"So it sounds like there's at least three pairs of us with your group?"

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"Unless there's someone wandering around out there who hasn't promoted herself to our attention, yeah."

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She nods. "Alts tend to show up sooner or later..."

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"What about the orc?" Ellisaria asks.

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"Oh yeah, we thought she might be an alt, didn't we... Not sure where she is, right now, unless you guys have a way of searching a whole continent for someone?"

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"Not efficiently, personally, but we have some scryers."

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"Huh. What do you need to scry?"

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"Knowledge of or some sort of connection with the subject, generally."

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"Does 'an alt in this world' work?"

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"Most likely."

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"If it's not hard... Might be good to run that on worlds you know about? Like, one at a time even. In case there's alts who haven't been revealed by narrative convenience."

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"I believe we do, most of the time."

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She nods. "Makes sense, yeah."

"Have you guys figured out any cool ways magic can combine yet?"

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"One of our number requires blood to work her magic away from her native world, and another can summon blood from nothing. One is a ritualist whose magic is conceptual in nature, and with preparation she can enhance others well beyond their normal capabilities."

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She hums and nods. "Making something from nothing would help alchemy, if it gives us new things to exchange... Though I haven't figured out all the weird ins and outs of alchemy focused on more conceptual things, like knowledge or souls..."

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"There's a lot of tricky hangups in there."

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"Some of it's - I don't know. About more than the literal contents of an item. I think it might have to do with... Equalizing impact on the world? Even if some of it's metaphorically so. Which I suppose could be called 'narrative weight.'"

"But that's a very vague guess, and alchemists who think they know how human transmutation works end up dead a lot."

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"That does sound difficult to work with."

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"Yeah. We're chipping away at it, though."

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"We're immortal. We'll get there eventually."

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Shoulder bump.

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She leans on her sister, smiling.

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"Last I checked, most of us weren't properly immortal..." Ani says.

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"We earned it."

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She nods. "I believe that."

"Is your system shareable?"

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"Alchemy is learnable. The immortality thing is different, you'd have to talk to your Truth and we don't recommend doing that if you don't have to."

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"If you know enough medical alchemy you can just indefinitely keep yourself from dying, probably, though it's possible your soul will eventually reject your body - but understanding your own body's different from manipulating others, and instilling 'won't die of old age with no further maintenance' requires manipulation on a genetic level which I'm not quite good enough at yet."

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"Alas for the sad fate of mortals."

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Snort. "We're really quite a mess. But we're striving to fix that, every day."

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Kiss!!! (Best sister.)

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Naraka watches curiously. Then: "Do you guys want to head back to Ellayania's world?" she asks. "Let everyone know we found Elesse and a bunch of the rest of us, too."

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"Let me just grab a couple transport arrays..."

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"I can also just make a portal and leave it open a little bit."

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"It'll be easier to modify them if we have some there to work against."

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She nods. "Alright. That does make sense."

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And El can fetch those quick enough, ducking back into her study.

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Naraka opens the shimmering black portal back to Ellayania's world with a little flourish when she returns. "I'll go through last, to make sure it stays stable," she says. (Important, when they have quite the crowd to get through.)

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Elesse goes first with Anakin.

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Ashes and her children come behind Anakin and Elesse.

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Though Ruby's not far behind - alts are exciting!

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Neither is Brisingr, giggling.

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Bellona's fine waiting with El and September for everyone else but Naraka to get through. Avoid the crush and all that.

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And eventually everyone is through.

"Hello there."

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Brisingr flops on the ground. Still human sized, fortunately, but she seems not to have noticed human limbs aren't meant to sprawl with dignity or that human vocal chords aren't designed for pleased rumbling. "Ooooo, hello, there's so much yummy magic here - "

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"Yes, it is very... interesting."

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"I am pleased you enjoy my domain," she laughs. "I am Ellayania. Welcome."

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"Hi! I'm Brisingr!" Pleased hum. "Your magic does taste like Ellisaria's."

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"Interesting. The others are gathering, if you wish to mingle." She directs the latter statement at the wider group.

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"Sounds fun," Bellona says, taking El's hand to make her way over.

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Brisingr sighs and climbs to her feet. "Guess I can appreciate all this magic from over there."

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Ruby just laughs, bounding ahead.

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"The magic is everywhere that I am, and in my domain, I am everywhere."

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Giggle. "Excellent, then."

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Ahead are the others! Also snacks.

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Brisingr doesn't need to eat and since dragons don't really have taste buds she didn't bother giving her squishy shape a sense of taste. So she just finds a comfy place to flop (and look at anything shiny... Plenty of dragons have hoards with interdimensional stuff by now of course, but this is a new set of worlds maybe with new shinies...)

"Hi!" she says to the others once she's found a cozy place to sprawl on her belly - tucking her arms under her properly feels weird when squishy shaped, so she ends up sprawled on a couch with them folded under her chin. "I'm Brisingr, a dragon."

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Bellona laughs a bit at her dragon alt - actually grabbing some snacks, she loves eating - and then says, "I'm Bellona Elric. This's my sister Elizabeth. There's - really a lot of us, huh?"

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"Indeed there are. Almost more than one can reasonably be expected to remember."

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Ani goes to lean against her mistress, humming happily.

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"I can see that, yeah. Especially when we all have different backgrounds and relationships and things we bring to the table..." Small laugh. "And our group just added a bunch."

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"Introductions seem to be the thing required, then."

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"Right." She hums. "So for our group, there's three of the lightnings, three or four of me - there's one we're suspicious might be a me, but she wandered off a bit ago so Elesse couldn't confirm. Elesse also arrived with Ashes, a me, and a Luke and Leia, and apparently September," she points, "Is a Luke, too."

"I'm Bellona Elric, my older sister is El, our little sister is September. We're all from the same world, Array, which has alchemy. Alchemy lets us turn things into other things, but we have to stick to equivalent exchange - nothing can be attained without sacrificing something of equal or greater value. This also runs into stuff like souls, but figuring out esoteric exchanges is hard and risky."

"The cats are Ruby and Ellie, though Ellie also goes by Nyx. They're from a world we've lost direct access to since it kicks us out, but we can still pull stuff from it. They can change shape, but their powers are stronger in cat form. They can do... Uh, lots of stuff, they're unfairly overpowered to the point where they're no longer allowed to spar over planets we'd like to keep. They can also do scrying and telepathy."

"The other two are Brisingr and Ellisaria. They're usually dragons, but they don't fit in most buildings and can shapeshift so they're currently human shaped. Brisingr's from the world we usually hang out in, Arda, and Ellisaria is from a fourth world she's recommended we not go looking for. They have a really broad stretch of powers..."

"The one who wandered off is Agon, also from Arda. She's probably still on the planet, but we weren't sure how to find her quickly."

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"A lovely bunch," one says. "I'm Tentou, one of the two versions of Uchiha Hisame - Naraka and I are from slightly alternate versions of the same universe." She gestures over. "My world has - or, well, had, it's quite thoroughly destroyed now - a magic system based around an energy called 'chakra', which exists in everything native to our universes and can apparently be spread elsewhere with some effort. Chakra techniques range from weak illusions to immensely powerful magics capable of reshaping worlds. I'm on the upper end of that. For utility - I can heal bodily injuries to myself and others, I can open portals between worlds, I can place a fragment of my awareness in another body. I actually have a non-sapient clone of me in storage to use when we're facing extreme threats, since the bodies my mind inhabits have all my powers, as well as a shared consciousness - convenient for communication." Smirk. "It's also rather useful for certain other things..."

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Ruby giggles.

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Tentou laughs, lightly. "Anyways... I'm also rather talented at combat, if I do say so myself. I can lay powerful illusions over my enemies with just a glance, I can summon black flames that will burn anything, I can summon a spectral warrior to surround me, enhancing both my offense and defense... I can move faster than ordinary humans can perceive, and my eyes allow me to spot details no one else can - and they grant me short term precognition of everything in my line of sight. I can control the classic elements - earth, fire, water, lightning, and wind, not all that hydrogen and carbon stuff. I'm best at fire and lightning, of course. I know techniques for summoning the souls of the dead into indestructible bodies of ash under my control. I can summon any technology I have witnessed or conceived of, though that's a bit costly..."

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"Costly? How so?"

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"Chakra is life force - and it's a resource. It renews slowly over time, more quickly if I'm meditating, but it can be burned down, and it's required for every technique I have. If I run low, I get sick. Mostly with symptoms like hypothermia. If I run out, I risk dying - though I've never actually gone nearly that far into chakra exhaustion."

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Bellona nods. "Yeah, that makes sense."

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"As for my story... I was born into a prominent and famous clan, the Uchiha, within an organization of shinobi called Konoha. Shinobi are the main sort of magic user from my world. The Uchiha were discontent with their role in Konoha, and the seeds of rebellion began germinating within them... So Konoha retaliated. All in secret, of course - plausible deniability is rather important to any sensible military dictatorship. They tasked my older sister, one of the only loyal Uchiha, with the massacre of our family - except me, a condition my sister laid down for her cooperation. So, when I was seven... Bye bye went the Uchiha, and my sister took all the blame as a lone wolf, tragically snapped, fleeing from Konoha before any response could be levied."

"I was discontent, after, restless, and at thirteen an opportunity presented itself - a man named Orochimaru, who offered me power and a place at his side... There was a catch, of course - he wanted to possess my body after his current one expired, three years from that point. I agreed, leaving Konoha behind. Of course, I'm not one to go quietly - at the end of my apprenticeship with him, I turned the tables back around, killing him and then leaving to seek out my sister."

"Events happened, my sister died, and I found myself swept up in an enormous war - one ultimately against a self proclaimed goddess, Kaguya. She destroyed my universe, I suspect intending to use the released energy to empower herself enough she could remake it in her image... But I'd stepped out of reality in the moment before its dissolution, and I struck her down in the vulnerable moment before her ascension."

"And then I wandered off to another world, where I met the most beautiful woman in the multiverse - my darling, the Keres, who was making some rather impressively bloody work of a labyrinth full of monsters." She grins at her girlfriend. "I rescued my distressing damsel, of course, and we surfaced in a world strange to the both of us."

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"I remember it as rather more of a mutual affair, kitten. Though the world was foreign, that I will grant."

"I summon shades," she gestures and ghostly figures form behind her, "which possess a wide variety of powers, mostly physics-enabled, rather than strictly defiant. I can summon up to three at a time naturally, though I have... acquired one that can summon three shades of its own, increasing my useful limit to five. The method of my initial transit remains unknown even still, though I no longer begrudge it as I did for those first few hours. Regardless, after Tentou joined me, we quickly made for the surface and thence to the nearest city."

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"We caused some delightful chaos within... I'm fairly sure the first hour, actually, though we took a little bit to escalate to terrorizing the entire city. We'd actually only sown a few seeds before we ran into the native lightning - though we didn't realize who she was at the time - Eliana."

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"That is I. Eliana Fabil, erstwhile magister of Tevinter. The city was called Kirkwall and it was a truly dreadful place. The source of my native magic is called the Fade, a realm of dreams and demons separated from the waking world by a Veil. It is possible for the Veil to become worn thin or damaged in an area by powerful magics, prolonged and extreme human suffering, or mass killings. Kirkwall had seen all three in abundant quality. This is a problem that feeds on itself, as a thin Veil means demons may cross more easily, and they like nothing better than causing all sorts of trouble in the real world. I dare say the end result of your chaos is a net improvement in the quality of life in the region, as it has likely caused the city to be abandoned for good. I certainly have no desire to return."

"I was born in Minrathous, the capital of Tevinter, of low parentage, but as my talent for magic manifested at a young age, I was soon lifted from that into the upper echelons of society. Tevinter, you see, is ruled by mages. It is a popular style of tale, the lowly commoner discovering their unexpected gifts and increasing their station, thereby winning the heart of the fair lord or somesuch. So is the shape of my story, though the magister I was taken in service to was concerned rather more with elevating his own power than any advancement of mine. Still, I made do, and eventually surpassed him in my own right. My reward for such effort was the ambassadorship to the City of Chains, so I was not entirely successful in stamping out his influence."

"Without the Fade to draw on, my magic is much limited. I can still cast spells by using the power of blood, however, though this does require I have a ready supply. The practice is frowned upon in my home, both for the wastefulness and the ready tendency to draw demons. This latter downside is obviated by the same thing that necessitates the use of blood magic in my particular circumstances. I can invoke the elements, manipulate perception, and even do a bit of healing."

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"Man, foreign magic gets strange..." Bellona says, after a moment.

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"Indeed it can. Though I am hardly the limit. The next the Keres, Tentou, and I ran into might have a claim to that herself."

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Mora laughs, a little. "That'd be me - once they finished terrorizing a city and convincing everyone Tentou was some kind of evil god, as far as I've heard."

"My name's Mora - I'm a crow, like Tentou. My magic involves ritual, and it functions by twisting reality to my whim - in a subtle, controlled manner, ideally, which makes it sometimes inconvenient for combat except as a way to boost others. When these three met me, I'd just had quite the bad time of it... I came into existence as a voice in someone else's head, a woman named Nausicaa Uzun. Our world used to be a normal planet, but then something changed - anywhere not populated by humans fell into the Void, and even smaller population centers began to crumble away. The people raised living metal walls around cities, to hold back that darkness, and train tracks began to grow between them - a thin line of light in a nothingness of black oil. My Nausicaa was on one such train, when something odd happened - the train collapsed into the Void, everyone within it eaten... Except me. I clawed my way out and over a city wall, collapsing in a puddle of gasoline before dragging myself away from that rather suspicious sight. I found myself quite disoriented and in control of Nausicaa's body, which had never happened before - and Nausicaa's voice was nowhere to be heard."

"And then I saw three people nearly as weird as I am. We danced around each other a bit, but they decided I was interesting enough to humor, perhaps - and set about corrupting my rather shaky moral fears out of me. They agreed to help me find Nausicaa's mother - I'd hoped she might have a key to returning Nausicaa to me. That... Didn't happen. Nausicaa's mother was a thing from the void - a distorted image of humanity, a many layered nexus of possibility and insanity and knowledge with a little tendril reaching out to puppet around a shape vaguely pretending to be human. She rejected me, and we found ourselves dumped into the void - I managed to protect us from being consumed, but we washed up in another world."

"There were a crow and a lightning there - the crow, Mara, was actually our first indication of alts, since she had Tentou's face, though we didn't expect the lightning, Eliko, who had the same face as El here. Both had simple elemental powers. Neither wished to continue traveling with us, so we did some investigation of their magic system, caused a bit of chaos to help Mara, and then moved on."

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"At this point, I enter the picture. The four of them arrived in my domain on their next jump. As a god, of course, I recognized my alts immediately." She smiles slightly.

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"It was a rather delightful surprise."

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"Indeed. My contributions at this point were along the lines of offering a safe harbor, a place to rest and recuperate."

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"Something we've definitely come to appreciate."

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"Especially in light of the next sequence of events. My name is Elatra. I am a tiefling necromancer. Tiefling means that one of my ancestors was demonic- different than her demons," she gestures at Eliana. "Necromancer means that the magic I study deals primarily with binding and controlling the undead and death as a force. In my set of planes, a powerful wizard named Acererak," she grimaces, "was harvesting souls en masse, disrupting the life-afterlife cycle on a scale far grander than I could dream of doing. I was in the process of hunting her when the group happened upon me."

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"Acererak was a crow, a major asshole, and soon enough thoroughly dead. We're not putting her back."

"Moving on!"

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"Unpleasant all around, yes. I joined the group on a permanent basis following that incident, and we began exploring slightly more cautiously with the aid of a plane shift spell of my own devising. It was perhaps not as wildly successful as Tentou's travels, but the first truly interesting locale we hit upon did prove... enlightening," she says with a slight quirk of the lips.

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Glint laughs. "Exceptionally so. They stumbled across me eventually, before I was a goddess. In fact, I was at the time petitioning the god I worshipped - Sheogorath, Daedric Prince of Madness - to ask that he take up arms to defend our universe from an existential threat. That threat was Alduin - the final part of the tripartite god Akatosh who rules over time, and who becomes, eventually, the end of time. Alduin, like Akatosh, took the form of an enormous dragon, and he had swayed the dragons of my world - who were Akatosh's creations, originally - to his side as he tried to gain power in our time. He'd come a bit early, you see, and that was making things difficult..."

"Anyways! Difficult it may have been, but Akatosh wasn't being a very big help fighting off his future self, and our gods are terrible at agreeing to do anything. At least two others were trying to use the chaos to cause their own apocalypses, and a third was only refraining 'cause he was still licking his wounds from trying four centuries ago. So - I was going around arguing for an alliance. At least a temporary one."

"Lord Sheogorath, though, was nothing if not mad, and he asked me to complete a challenge, first. He framed it as protecting his realm from an invader, and to do this I'd need to run around merrily reactivating the realm's many decayed defense systems. Easy enough... But apparently madness in the old style makes you a terrible communicator, because what he hadn't revealed - "

"He was not originally Lord Sheogorath. He was, in fact, a different god - Jyggalag, the god of perfect order. He kept trying to force everyone's creative chaos to behave, so several of the other gods stripped his sanity from him, trapping him as a 'weak fool' - Sheogorath, too insane to use his immense powers to any end. Jyggalag didn't like this one bit, and he still lurked at the heart of Sheogorath's madness... And so, every time the destiny of the world grew thing - every time an apocalypse drew close - he tried to break his chains, invading his own realm with the intent of purging all madness from it - and therefore from him."

"Which, well, left our rather ragtag group trying to fight off a god. We won - but something strange happened, you could say."

"I took Sheogorath's divinity - his role, for there must always be a god of madness. Jyggalag became himself again, though a bit more restrained in ambitions this time, and I found myself with a divine realm and a tantalizing amount of power."

"We joined forces with Jyggalag and one other god - Meridia, goddess of infinite energies, which I'm pretty sure is her being poetic about the word 'science.' Meridia had a plan to beat back Alduin, even though we lacked the full force of the pantheon. She believed she could craft a weapon of immense power, which would force Alduin outside of the bounds of reality. Incidentally, it would set whatever plane she launched it from on quite a bit of fire, and it took some time to be set up - only where she'd be firing it from, she couldn't teleport in with it ready to go. So we fought a delaying action, got Meridia lined up... And then got all our squishy members out. It worked rather well! Only tore a very small hole in the fabric of space-time."

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"Only a small one. Nothing unmanageable."

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Kiss. "Completely reasonably sized, all things considered."

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"More than one good was accomplished in the midst of all that."

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She leans over and kisses Ellayania, too. "Yeah. We did spend a little while after cleaning up my world, adverting some minor apocalypses. Though the important part was I started dating my own lightnings - my lovely Elatra and Ellayania." Teasingly: "The two biggest goods, I'd say."

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"As I recall, it was fairly shortly thereafter that we found Naraka."

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Soft smile as she leans against her girlfriend. "I'm the other Uchiha Hisame. Since we had the same name, Tentou and I picked new names for ourselves."

"I was... In a really rough, bad place when Tentou and the Keres found me. I didn't want anything else to do with that world - I'd had far fewer positive experiences of it than Tentou... So my darling swept me off my feet and far away from that place." Kiss. "I suppose probably our group also prevented that world from going down the same path as Tentou's, but I never bothered with the details."

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"Mostly a few well-targeted assassinations, as I understand it. Though I was dead for the actual happenings, and resurrected later."

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"I directed a lot of it... It really wasn't anything exciting. We did need to move quickly and at once, but our group was big enough for that by then."

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"I'm from that world, too," Naruto says. "Name's Uzumaki Naruto - one of the Lukes, I guess. I have really far ranging sensory powers, and realized that there were interdimensional alts with resurrection capabilities - so I tracked them down to ask them to bring back Elieyha."

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"Hence my present state."

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"It was a reasonable request, and we were more than happy to oblige."

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"Definitely - it's become a bit of a routine service, all told."

"After that... Eliana and I wandered off for a vacation of our own." She laughs. "That was... A bit of an adventure all on its own - we ran into a crow, Loki, and a maybe crow, Ikol, who actually was literally shaped like a crow... Anyways, Loki's world looked nice and idyllic on the outside, but was secretly a mind control dystopia being run by the mom of her best friends. So we decided to help her undo that, which went, uh. Kind of sideways. The fake world cracked open, we think dropping everyone who belonged there out of the simulation and back to their original world... But Eliana and I weren't native, and we fell out of that reality - without Loki or Ikol, and we haven't been able to find either of them since."

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"Somewhat unfortunate, but we did land almost on top of another pair. The Yew Queen and Shade, here."

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"They were very helpful. My darling Shade and I had been hunting a man who'd harmed Shade in the past, without significantly closing in on him - he was more powerful and canny than us. But Mora and Eliana gave us an edge, enough we felt confident upping our pursuit... Somewhat too arrogantly, at least without getting the rest of the group as backup - we killed our quarry, but I ended up very briefly dead." She hugs her girlfriend. "That was... Tough, though we've been working toward a more stable place."

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"It turns out that for our sort of people, if you have a heart and it gets broken, it's not very pleasant."

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Snugs. "We're healing. That's what matters."

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"The next meeting we had was rather interesting, actually, as the first documented instance where two of the same template coexist natively in one universe."

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"That was us," Ani says, smiling. "The Keres and Naraka had apparently decided to take a vacation just for them... And landed in our living room."

"It was a bit startling for all of us - I'd grown up with Elesse, and then met my mistress Occlus, so the idea of alts was strange but not entirely unfamiliar to us... Though it seems I was also the first subby crow we ran across, and the first with children." She smiles a bit wider. "And unless I'm guessing ages wrong, still the only one with grandchildren."

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"Neither of mine have gotten around to it."

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"Leia has very delightful children."

"Still... Our world was stable at the time, but it'd seen its own tragedies." She looks sad, a bit. And, softly: "One of those was Elesse's death. It'd been - decades."

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"It was- difficult, to come back and see how much time had passed. And how things had changed."

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Ashes leans against her, leaning her head against Elesse's shoulder.

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There's an awkward pause, which Wyld decides to break. "I'm Shimmering Wyldclaw, or just Wyld, a crow." She smirks at Ruby. "Though maybe we can get that changed to panthera finally. I've got a tiger form too, after all."

"My darling here is Elucidation of Immanent Will - Luc' for short. There's also a Luke from our world named Jubilee, though she's currently in that world..."

"Anyways, we're a sort of magic person called Exalted, who are mortals that get a kind of divine magic machine stapled to their soul. There's different types, depending on which deity made your exaltation, and individual exaltations outlive their hosts, reattaching later to their reincarnations. I'm a Lunar - my exaltation was made by the god of madness, Luna. Luc's exaltation was originally made by the Unconquered Sun, so her past lives were Solars." She pauses and takes a deep breath. 

"But between Luc's last life and this, the Yozis - evil demon things kind of like gods - had gotten ahold of her exaltation and modified it, making her an Infernal and binding her to their will. They sent her on a mission to spread their influence farther... Right into the area I was building a nation of freed slaves in. Our exaltations are bound together - we've loved each other in every life we've met - and this one was no different."

"Except... I didn't know she was an Infernal. She let me believe she was still a Solar, claiming she'd allied with me while still working for the Yozis. And... I didn't remember our last life, though I knew the name of who I'd been - other Lunars had remembered her, and she left behind a few records. Luc' did remember, and..." Quietly: "She remembered how things ended last time, which... Wasn't information that made its way to us."

She shifts, a bit uncomfortable. "The Yozis had slightly modified all the exaltations even before successfully trapping some Solars. It was the Great Curse - it'd drive us slowly mad. Our previous selves lived a very long time, and... Things did not end amicably. My past self killed Luc's, then threw herself into war after war until she found one that killed her."

Sigh. "Which still - haunted us, I guess. I kept building my nation, and Luc' and I grew closer... And then I found damning evidence she'd been working against me. I confronted her, we argued... But neither of us actually wanted to hurt the other. So Luc' turned fully to my side, and I made destroying the Yozis - and setting her free - my greatest goal."

She smiles, a bit. "Which the group has been amazingly helpful with - Naruto and Elieyha removed the curses on us, and we've been chipping away at our world's problems significantly faster now." Teasingly: "Maybe someday we'll see if I can have tiny tiger cub Luke and Leia."

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"I'm sure they'd be just as cute as you."

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Kiss! "And next really big thing was Elesse vanishing, I think? The rest's been just - plugging along in the same direction we were going."

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"I was kidnapped, to be precise," she says. "By a rather unfriendly sort of world that seems to appreciate grand conflicts between so-called heroes and villains. It imports these on a regular schedule, whenever the previous winner is getting stale, I suppose."

"The first person I met was Luka, and together we went to rescue Leya from an unpleasant local warlord. We began helping with her endeavors after making our getaway. Word began to get around, and Ashes decided to investigate."

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"Elesse and I actually ran into each other accidentally, anyways. She and the twins had come to investigate attacks on a local town, from an aggressively spreading Tomb of the Great - which are a thing that springs up from the bodies of powerful magic users in that world, usually altering the landscape in their borders and generating guardians. Elesse was... Very impressive, in that fight, and she recognized me and offered to introduce me to my children."

"Things were... Complicated, though. The cycle - the world drags in a person, up until Elesse a child, from outside its bounds, and grants them a potential for amazing magic. It also changes their aging - I was pulled in, the turn before Elesse, and it took me twice as long as it should have to go from 'about eleven' to 'teenager' - and I stayed stuck at that age for decades more. The world tries to pit the alternating heroes and villains against each other, and I'm fairly sure it - pattern matches people to play off each other. Possibly referencing the sort of thing that alts are, actually..."

"The Great Hero before me had approached me, early when I was playing around with the idea of being a Great Villain. He'd established an empire of absolute peace and prosperity, with revolution fermenting at the edges... And he wanted neither of us to fight. I - agreed, after a time, and we mostly avoided each other for... At least two decades, I think. But - nonetheless, I eventually went to war and overthrew him. I didn't exactly bother reigning as a villain, unlike most - I preferred roaming, causing trouble wherever I popped up. I was still - trapped in that cycle, though."

"I... Realized I needed to grow up, then, decades too late. There was a lot in that, a lot of things I saw or did..."

"And - apparently, given I wasn't aging, I'd gotten pregnant at some time in the decades since my body froze in time, and it'd simply never advanced. I found myself physically growing up, then - I didn't know how to do... Anything, actually, around being a responsible adult, so I disguised myself and sought out two couples to adopt my children, and then set about screwing my head back on straight."

"I started opposing the universe, as well - started trying to find a way out, to end the cycle... Elesse was pulled over before I finished."

She smiles at her girlfriend. "It took me a while to tell her all this, but - she's rather wonderfully even keeled."

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She smiles back.

"I believe that catches everyone up on our story."

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"It's all eventful... And when they got out they dropped on us - on my sister, actually, knocked over a few of her books." Bellona laughs. "Our stuff was... Kind of complicated..."

She trails off, a bit - unsure about relaying everything.

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Brisingr, from where she's flopped, pipes up. "It was fun! Bellona and El got trained under this alchemy lady when they were kids, and the alchemy lady's kinda cool I guess but mostly boring, and an evil alchemy lady tried to trick them into making evil gems out of people's souls and killed the cool alchemy lady to keep her from going 'hey that's a really dumb idea, it's dangerous' at the tiny alchemy kids. But Bellona and El are super clever, I guess 'cause they're a me and Ellisaria, and they resurrected cool alchemy lady, which no one thought you could do at all, and it'd go bad if you tried anyways. It kinds went bad anyways, apparently El lost some limbs and Bellona got stuck in a metal body? Which made her less squishy but she didn't like. But everyone was alive, so that was cool. Except for evil alchemy lady being alive, that wasn't cool."

"Cool alchemy lady went to work for the evil government which was being secretly run by a super evil alchemy dude who was apparently the like clone or brother or something of El and Bellona's mysteriously immortal dad, but he kept calling himself their father even though I think he was probably their uncle? Squishy reproduction is weird. But cool alchemy lady didn't know about evil alchemy dude and thought the government would protect her and the smalls from evil alchemy lady. Which they did! While also being evil."

"And then they went to live with September and her dad, who was just a lame alchemy dude trying to be as evil as the super evil alchemy dude but mostly just being pathetic. But he hurt September so El killed him and then cool alchemy lady unhurt September. But then El and Bellona apparently had an evil older half sister or something, who was the kid of their actual dad and the evil alchemy lady. Evil sister decided to fling them into Arda, where us - being very cool dragons - were hanging out."

"Ellisaria, to back up a bit, isn't from Arda, though I am. She dropped on me after an encounter with a snake with a mirror for a face that's apparently very bad at eating people. Kinda feel sorry for it, you gotta really suck to try and eat someone and actually send them to another universe. But while I was lurking and plotting the overthrow of this one asshole dragon, Smaug, Ellisaria dropped on me, and she's really cool, so we killed Smaug and scattered his hoard everywhere - usually you just steal people's hoards, right, but he'd cursed it, like an asshole, and sunlight's good for curses. And then the dwarves whose mountain Smaug had stolen to put his hoard in showed up, and we talked to them, and Ellisaria agreed to kill some asshole minor god who'd kicked them out of their other home - I have no idea what our universe has against dwarves, it's weird. So we went and did that! And then we started building a proper dragon nation. With rules about not stealing treasure, even, and I started building a really big hoard because I made my hoard into a museum-hoard and charged people admission, which was the best idea I've ever had."

"We also met Agon when we ran into Bellona and El. Agon's cool but also weird. She'd been trying to overthrow a different minor god - this cockroach dude who kept coming back after people killed him, super obnoxiously. He'd had most of the orcs - Agon's people - enslaved. Anyways, we didn't like cockroach dude, she didn't like cockroach dude, so it was a perfect match, and we funded her revolutionary efforts."

"Bellona and El moved into the cool dwarf home Ellisaria and I'd cleared of pests for them, and they made it super cool technologically advanced, which was fun, they started producing the awesomest things to stick in my hoard. But then cockroach dude declared war on like everyone, because he's dumb, and the dwarves decided to kick his ass instead of turtling in their mountain. They asked Bellona and El to make weapons for them, which they were kinda reluctant about at first, but then this evil ring cockroach dude made somehow ended up in El's possession and mind controlled her into thinking weapons were a great idea. There was some drama about that or something because evil mind control ring, but Bellona was immune so she just took it away from El and then jogged into cockroach dude's stupidly underdefended homeland and threw it in a volcano. Which cockroach dude had been trying to, like, keep secret that this specific volcano is where you throw the evil mind control ring to destroy it, but apparently this random kid Bellona was friends with knew about it somehow?"

"Anyways, cockroach dude had apparently been using the ring as a soul jar or something, and it was how he kept cheating and coming back from the dead, and he died when it was destroyed. Mopping up his army after that was kinda boringly easy, we mostly just offered everyone fertile lands to relocate to and help learning how to farm. Those are the orc nations, now, Agon bounces around everywhere being their main ambassador."

"El and Bellona got their bodies back, too, and figured out how to get back to their homeworld, where super evil alchemy dude was causing problems, so we ate him and his government and also evil alchemy lady, and everything's been great since."

"And then I guess other than Ruby and Nyx showing up and then Elesse showing up nothing else really interesting's happened since."

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"Yeah, we're mostly a lot more boring than that. We were just being normal teenagers messing around with magic until we tried to write our names on the moon, then we got booted out of the universe because it apparently doesn't want the masquerade broken."

"Magic isn't commonly known on our Earth, but there's basically two kinds: monsters and magical girls. If you find a totem of one kind or another, you can bond with it and use it to do magic. Magical girl totems give you a fancy outfit, and monster totems change you into some kind of beast. Ruby's a fire tiger and I'm a lightning cat. The magic you can do relates somehow to your form, but it's pretty conceptual so really you just have to think of a way to relate what you want to what you are. And the upper limit of the power is stupidly high, like be careful of the planet behind you high."

"Ruby and I were flexing our power and trying to figure out what we could do, and we found out that we could survive in space in our monster forms. So we decide on taking a moon vacation and leaving a little mark of our presence up there. As soon as we decided to do that, we were ejected from the universe into another one that contains a lot more monsters and magical girls, and they're commonly known about."

"We landed basically on top of El and Bellona who were taking their own vacation. Which worked out, because we were able to show them a trick or two." She waggles her eyebrows. "So we've been helping with their stuff in between getting better at our own magic.

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"By trick she means 'conspired to get us to stop being useless lesbians and start making out.' Involving, among other things, shoving us into an alcove and telling us we couldn't leave until we talked about our feelings."

"But... Yeah, there hasn't really been much else? We've just - been growing over time."

She hums, looking around the group. "So I guess this is all our stories." She grins. "Though I'm sure we'll end up with way more to tell, someday... Though I think I'm alright taking my time getting there."