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fate meets ellie
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Lightning spears! And body-flickering away from the explosions!


The firebenders are less able to deal with lightning.


Someone else is.

Hisame's lightning gets redirected safely into the ground.

There's a fire-bender in far nicer clothes standing before her, eyes narrowed.


"Oh, are you going to be a challenge?" Hisame asks, teasingly. "These others have been so boring..."


The soldiers back up to give the duel some room.


But not too far back, because then they'd have to deal with the mage on the other side, who has now gotten the blood sacrifice chain rolling right along. The impressiveness of the effects begins to approach Hisame's level.


The new woman is no slouch, fast and agile with hot fires and accurate lightning - 


She's no Hisame, though.

Hisame starts making a game of using openings in the girl's guard not to press her advantage - but to kill the Fire Nation soldiers. Can't do, after all, to make the girl think she can get away with being boring.


Eliana will obligingly keep herding soldiers in that direction, then.


"Stop playing with me," the girl snarls, sending a wash of blue flame at Hisame.


"Would you rather I killed you?" Hisame asks, her Susano flickering to life long enough to deflect the fire. "Or perhaps took you as my pet?"


"Fuck off."

And lightning!


Which Hisame dodges, then darts forward, striking the girl hard in the chest, enough to send her flying back.


She springs back to her feet.

"What do you want?"


"To challenge myself. To make a legend of myself. To scare people. To kill them."


"I'd suggest the spirit Koh, if you want a real challenge. I'm the best human there is."


"Perhaps I'll look them up."

And back to the dance.


Hm. She seems to be running low on soldiers.

But she has discovered that she puppet benders with blood magic. She sends a few of them into the duel.


The girl manages to disable them without killing them, though they're unlikely to ever walk unaided again.


That's too bad. Eliana will just have to end their suffering, then, and throw the resulting surge of power at the girl. The Kirkwall Circle of Magi was known for specializing in so-called force magic, directly manipulating gravity and momentum and so forth. She's always been more of an elementalist, but she did pick up a few tricks. She combines a localized surge of gravity with an invisible hammer-blow from above to knock the girl down.

Such power there is in blood, and all hers for the taking.


The girl goes down, and only shakily gets back to her feet.


"If you surrender, we might let you live," Eliana says. "Though I don't think we'll be making any promises as to quality of life."


"Such astonishingly good terms. I'm shocked and appalled. Truly," she says, deadpan. She still doesn't seem at all scared, just annoyed and disgusted, like she stepped in something nasty and is pissed about it.


"Aw. Surely there's something we all want, some term of surrender you'd enjoy?" Hisame teases, leaning into the girl's space.


"You fucking off away from my planet."

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