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fate meets ellie
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Ba Sing Se, probably. Or maybe regrouping on the Home Islands, after the fleet was smashed at the North Pole.


Oooh, where's Ba Sing Se?


Foot swipe. Dirt map.


She thinks she wants an audience for this. They can visit the Home Islands second!


Eliana assumes Hisame will be providing transport?



(Does the Keres want to come along?)


She's occupied with her alchemical experimentation. She's been meaning to run some analysis on the Thedosian plants and potions she's collected, and this seems like a fine opportunity to do so.


Alright! Hisame will preserve the memories, all the same.

And then she and Eliana can zoom off to Ba Sing Se?



"That is an absurd wall," is the first thing she says upon their arrival. Four hundred feet high and half as wide, it stretches into the distance in both directions, enclosing enough farmland to feed the city nestled inside another wall in the center, as well as an entire lake and several mountains.


"Unfortunately we didn't come to sink it... That is very tempting, but I wanted to help Mara's campaign."


"Let us find ourselves an army, then."


Which isn't that hard to do. The encampment is on the south-western quadrant of the outer wall, around three huge half-built machines, giant drills on wheels.


Hmmmmm is it cloudy at all, perhaps threatening thunder... Her most dramatic entrance here will be hard without that, though she could still figure something out.


It's a bright, sunny summer's day. Unfortunately.



Well, Amaterasu is possibly overkill, but it's fun overkill, and if Hisame forms her chakra correctly...

She positions Eliana as Eliana wishes, then moves to the top of Ba Sing Se's wall, dead set before the Fire Nation army, and drops her chameleon technique at the same time she lashes out, chakra carefully corralled so just the Susano's arrow appears - a mass of black lightning. Three bolts lash out, one for each of the drills.


The drills start burning. There are some minor explosions within the innards of the rightmost one. The camp is thrown into utter panic. One officer has spotted her up on top of the wall and is attempting to muster a force to attack her.


A more coordinated response is inhibited by the veritable rain of blood that has begun in the corner of the camp where Eliana was left.


"Hello Fire Nation!" she yells, amplifying her voice with a small wind-natured technique. "I would appreciate it if you could at least try to be a challenge."

And then she jumps down, landing effortlessly at the very bottom of the four hundred foot drop.


They do try. An enemy at the base of the wall is better than an enemy at the top. The first to reach her are the regular soldiers, who are very ordinary and very, very mortal.


Then they will fall! She doesn't cheat, though, not yet. Other than being ridiculously fast and good with knives, of course.


A line of fireballs arc over the ranks to crash down on her position.


She jumps over the ranks! Who is sending her fireballs...


A group of armored firebenders in death's-head helmets! They move as one and send a wave of fire washing at her.


Her Amaterasu consumes their flame, and then she breathes a dragon of fire at them!


Two of the group don't manage to deflect the dragon and burn horribly. The remaining four switch to rapid punches, each shooting a stream of small fireballs at her that explode concussively.

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