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fate meets ellie
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"I was under the impression that there were yet other powers that challenged your Fire Nation dominance. That is why we are here outside this wall, yes? Playing with your toy soldiers. The Avatar certainly doesn't seem to feel this planet belongs to you."


"It's everyone who belongs here. You do not."


"That is hurtful. It's not as though we chose to come here."


She scowls. "I'd be more sympathetic if your friend hadn't declared she was just bored. What's to stop you from razing this world in search of entertainment?"


"You know, that is a fair question. I don't suppose you might have any ideas for what sorts of things there are to do?"


"Assorted mild chaos that doesn't involve killing people. Learn bending from the spirits. Read. Assassinate the Fire Lord without anyone even knowing you're there. Lots of options."


"Indeed." And do any of them seem to appeal to Hisame?


"Aren't you one of the Fire Lord's subjects? I'd think you wouldn't be giving us such suggestions."


"His daughter."


"The conqueror of the world has a dysfunctional family. How surprising."


"My sister killed my and her parents, you know. It's quite understandable. Would you like to help? Surely he owes you quite a bit of suffering."


That is an immensely impressive unimpressed look!


"I think that's a no."


"It's a pity when they don't cooperate. Makes it harder to figure out if they'll be more entertaining dead or alive."


"We could go kill the Fire Lord and come back. Perhaps she'll be more talkative then."


"Perhaps! Or should we bring her with... It's not like she'll be able to escape either way."


"Killing a parent can be a formative life experience."


"And certainly it'll be entertaining, seeing his reactions to her there..."


"Especially given she's supposed to be halfway across the world."


"Then I suppose we are agreed about bringing along a little captive audience."


And as the captive's opinion is presumably of no consequence, it's off to the Fire Nation with them.


Hisame's hardly going to keep the girl long-term if she disagrees with the idea, but, well, this doesn't really count.

Hisame can, in fact, make them all undetectable by every sense she knows of, though some of this relies on illusions and won't work on people immune to having their minds messed with.


It seems like this works, or at least, no alarms are raised as they infiltrate the Fire Lord's palace, housed in a dormant volcano's caldera, in the center of the capital city.


...She is massively tempted to switch the volcano to 'active' but resists the urge. Partially because it's against the rules of the game.

Is the Fire Lord findable?


Reasonably so. He's holding court in the main room of the palace, a curtain of flame separating him from the petitioners' view. The low throne he sits on is gold with a plush red cushion and has a dragon theme to the decorations.

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