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"I've got updates on the response to your announcement. It's... not favorable."




"The Empire and Sith are unwilling to back down. The Republic doesn't want to move first and leave themselves exposed to an offensive push by the Empire. The Jedi aren't going to stop fighting as long as the Sith don't, in the name of protecting innocents."


"Why are people so terrible."


"Fear. Hatred. Pride. Anger. Take your pick."


"Okay. So, what's next?"


"There's beginning to be whispers of secession floating around, I'm going to do what I can to encourage those. I also have some ideas for making the economic benefits of your aid more concretely obvious. How much do you know about the Hutt Cartel?"


"Uh, nothing."


"It's the largest criminal organization in the galaxy and controls a significant fraction of the Outer Rim. Heavily involved in the slave trade and drug smuggling, though it's big enough to have more legal businesses as well. What I propose is making them a demonstration of the 'do what I want you to and you get really nice stuff' principle.


"...sounds good. How?"


"The Hutts are criminals, but more essentially than that, they are businessmen. They'll respond to material incentives much more readily than Sith or Jedi, and more quickly than a bureaucracy can. If we find one Hutt who is willing to reform in exchange for wealth beyond his wildest dreams, and then give him that, the others will tie themselves in knots to follow suit."


"Okay. Sounds good. So how do we find the first one?"


"We need to strike a balance between moderately successful such that others will take note but not so entrenched that it will take too long to shift his enterprises. I've got my network on it, they're narrowing down the list."


"Okay. Can we also just free all the slaves, or would that work against the peaceful path somehow?"


"Freeing slaves would be part of the reformation."




"So I'll let you know when I find a candidate, and in the meantime the bacta warehouses could use a top-off."


"I can do that."


He does that. 


He practices his mind-control exercises.


He makes progress.

Occlus finishes extracting a working knowledge of Fienus's gems from his holocron, and, not having any pressing need to destroy a planet at the moment, sets them aside. She moves her collection from the old archive to the new, and reinstalls her own holocron as the overseeing presence therein.


And Cipher Nine finds a Hutt. His name is Nagoota and he runs a gas mining operation on a small moon. It is incredibly polluted. He wants enough droids to replace his slave laborers and a laundry list of material goods, including three pleasure yachts made of solid gold.


They won't float. Not that he cares, especially.


That's what the repulsors underneath are for. Including little details like that is how the majordomo lets his master know he cares.




...he can't make droids. He tries and gets basement-dweller droids.


"Space had that problem. Some computers can be intelligent enough to count so it's trouble making them."


"Hmm. Let me see... All right, I think this is solvable. Can you make just a droid shell with a networking chip, no verbobrain?" She provides relevant schematics.


He can do that!

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