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"That's what I want, yeah. They'll let you rule the galaxy if you're doing a good job, being good at people means you're better off having met them."


"What if I was someone currently doing a poor job of running the galaxy?"


"Uh, if I could model a Maitimo I wouldn't need one, but it'd probably depend why?"


"Would I be removed if I were doing so out of malice? Because then it seems I would be worse off for having met them."


"I mean, we kill Melkors and Thaurons. Because they're awful, and should die. Most people don't just want to cause as much suffering as they can? If someone did then they'd be stuck."


"Well. I have no interest in running the galaxy, poorly or otherwise. If I can pursue my archaeology and maintain my archive in peace I will be more than content."


"I am sure you can do that. Do you know who could be good at running the galaxy?"


"No candidadates spring to mind. It is a large job for one person to manage."


"Could also split it up, I guess."


"You'd have an easier time finding people competent enough to manage small chunks of the galaxy than finding one who can do the whole thing. And if the division was done sensibly, many of the problems that arise from having too many species and cultures under one government could be mitigated or eliminated."


"I'm not good at that stuff but it sounds important. Maybe Cipher Nine'll know?"


"She may. One underestimates a Cipher's capabilities at their peril."


"Her ship was cool."


"I'm sure. Intelligence had a generous budget while she was there."


"How is she related to the Empire, exactly?"


"The Ciphers were the elite of the elite, Imperial Intelligence's answer to a galaxy populated by Sith and Jedi. Non-Force sensitives trained to an exacting standard and given all the tools tgey needed to compete. The program had mixed success, over its forty-year run perhaps a dozen operatives made it into the field. Cipher Nine was the last, and perhaps best, to graduate. Despite the impressive contributions those few individuals made, the Council deemed the project unfit for further investment when Intelligence was restructured a few years ago. Cipher Nine vanished around that time, I imagine she felt betrayed."


"She doesn't seem to like them much, no. She doesn't seem to like anyone much. ...I think maybe some dead people? But still."


"It is not a line of work that lends itself to forming strong interpersonal connections."


Nod. "But she's not doing it anymore. Right?"


"Not for the Empire, at least. You would have to ask her."


"Maybe when I'm done practicing my mental protectedness."


"I'll leave you to it."

Occlus goes back to interrogating the holocron.


There are a lot of nuances to the use of the gems and he's happy to expand on them.



Later, Cipher Nine calls Epic.


He answers.

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