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"...and lastly. The gems. The flow of the Force is warped in their presence, but I cannot determine how or why."


The cowled figure bounces on his heels in a manner that is very very reminiscent of Fëanáro. "No one ever figured that out? Such a shame."


"Enlighten me."


"It sounds like you already have half of it. They're lenses for the Force. They can magnify it, distort it - you need them in the right configuration to accomplish anything - there was no one intelligent in the galaxy for ten thousand years? That's so disappointing -"


"That is completely unprecedented."

But it makes sense, explains so much-


That is a smug bouncing cowled Sith. "Of course it is."


"Explain the principles."


"What do you know about optics?"




"Then start there and come back here when you know something about optics, I'm not going to give an introductory science lecture."


"This is why your peers never bothered to desecrate your tomb."

But she reach for her datapad and pull up an entry on optics.


"I know about optics."


"Yes, but I don't want to explain myself twice."


In forty minutes, Occlus declares herself to have a grasp of optics.


"Fine. Most people talk about the Force in terms of flow and currents, like water. That's a mistake. It's an obvious mistake, really, or would be if people tried acting on their pretty metaphors and studying fluid dynamics and checking if that matched the behavior of the Force. You want to think of it much more like light. And light can be refracted, can be bounced, can be amplified -"


"-as in Kostn Gal's Third Proscriptive, yes, yes, it fits, I always thought that inconsistent but I have achieved acceptable results... And with the focii as external independently persistent objects you could extend the duration- Tell me more about what configurations you've discovered."


He warms to her considerably. "Did you get far enough to see how a microscope works? Two lenses, at the right distance from each other relative to their own focal points -"


"And the effect compounds, yes. Is there an analogue to the inversion? Working at that level of power I would expect it to be difficult to handle."


"There is. Start with a distance that gets you a mild amplification - one and a half - and figure it out, it's in my notes but it's hard to characterize compared to actually trying to work with it. Get really, really precise before you work with anything stronger."


"I have some experience with augmented power already." She stands. "I am going to go fetch the notes and the gems."


"You didn't bring them with you? I'm astonished the incompetence of the Sith hasn't eaten them alive yet."


"They are in my archives, together with the rest of your effects and precisely catalogued. I had not anticipated they would be so valuable I would wish to begin experiments at once."


"When resurrected I will want them back."


"I am certain you will."

She departs before the holocron can say any more.


He follows. "And you should give them back, they're his."

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