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If he were fully a person, he would not have the problem.

...Would Epic be interested to know that there is an arrangement such that a stable resonance effect can be maintained over an area, disrupting any attempts at mind control within?


"Really? How do you do it - I wish I had the Force -"


"You set the gems up thus, stand in the center there, then I give it a push." She twists her hand and directs a tendril of power into the nearest gem just so.

Wave. "Raise both your hands."




"Good. It's not exactly subtle and it is confined to the area, but it does work."


"Could have them under the floor, if I got to pick the location for a meeting."


"That would work. Be very wary of revealing the gems' existence. Almost all Sith and many Jedi would not be able to withstand the temptation, if their true power were known."


"Yeah, Silmarils. That's like a rule with them."


"Your alts create desirable things. This speaks well of your capabilities."


"In worlds without writing I'm the inventor of writing. In worlds without electricity I create that, and eventually faster-than-light travel. There's a world where my alt got his people from electricity to nuclear weaponry in sixteen years and a world where my alt invented a way to kill a god. I don't know what I'll do yet but I'm going to be careful of Silmarils because of the bit where they're always a disaster."


"These seem to have so far avoided that fate."


"Always is a bit of an exaggeration, Shine's're fine and Space's were only briefly a problem. But in the default timeline there are four wars fought over them and the only one of my children not to die in the wars commits suicide once they're over."


"Just how many of you are there?"


"Do forks count?"


"Let us say no."


"Ten, counting the one in this world."


"I wonder if there are any of me in other universes."


"Might be. There're lots of people with duplicates though I haven't heard of any of you doing anything especially. Maitimo'd know."


"'Maitimo' being who?"


"When I get married and have kids I have seven and the oldest one's - good at people. Really good at people, might as well be able to read minds, they follow him into anything including in the worlds where it's relevant a lot of mass murder. Anyway, they all remember everyone they've ever met and share notes on it between each other and can tell pretty quickly if people are alts. If any of them met any of you they'd know."


"That sounds useful."


"Yeah. If it weren't unethical to make people I'd definitely make one of him so he could help us."


"Are any of the others' skillsets relevant?"


"Not obviously so...music, magic, economics, engineering, diplomacy - a Maitimo'd know who else we might want for their skills, if we had him."


"Hm. It seems to me you are making acceptable progress on your own. Perhaps by the time one of him shows up, you will no longer need his help."

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