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"I guess I don't want to talk to them, if it's not going to get anywhere."


"Maybe try again once the galactic situation has changed."


"Okay." Sigh. "Is it changing? Do I need to teleport all the Sith away?"


"Let me see..." Type type type. "The Empire's been emboldened by the secession, looks like they're stepping up the offensive.. no, that's a smokescreen. They're actually going to attack the confederacy. Here are the orders. Three strike forces, simultaneous. Starting in sixty-seven hours."



"...I'm mad at them. The confederation stopped being part of the war with them. That's mean.



Not everyone on the ships'll be a Sith, right?"


"The vast majority will be ordinary military personnel. For groups of this size... perhaps five to ten Sith in each, depending on how heavily they are going to push on the ground assault."


"I don't have enough time to make decoy planets and teleport them there, that seems like it'd be the best way to handle it if I had time -"


"You need to make a definite action, something to impress upon them your seriousness."


"Oh, I'm going to teleport them ten billion lightyears from here, the question is what to do with them once they're there."


"You could just leave them there for a week or so, spend the time prepping decoy planets for if they try again after you bring them back."


"The Sith won't kill lots of people for no reason in a tantrum?"


"That's a risk you'd be taking with any action that thwarts their desires without outright killing them."


"I mean, I could try kidnapping them in particular off of the ships and putting them somewhere else? Or would that cause even more chaos?"


"That shouldn't cause any particular difficulties, apart from those posed by finding the Sith."


"I wonder if I can conjure for 'people in this room with Force potential' or not - sometimes things like that work, sometimes they don't, it depends on whether the magic thinks 'Force potential' is a real category -"


"That'd be a useful shortcut, if it works."


He tries conjuring for scale models of people on his planetoid with Force potential.


Look it's a smol Occlus!


"Looks like it works!"


"I guess that makes separating the Sith a lot easier, then."


"So - teleport the fleet away, kidnap the Sith and put them in - some kind of situation where they won't immediately kill themselves - if those exist -"


"Okay. If I give them an interesting environment to try to break out of, will that help?"


"Couldn't hurt. It'd keep me entertained if you did it to me."





And he goes ten billion lightyears away and finds a planet and builds a super awesome half-underground labyrinth prison thingy - it'd be safe to keep even Elves here, everyone has at least a square mile of space and plenty to eat and that's assuming they don't break out, and there's Valian ecology and dinosaur eggs incubating and stuff strewn around on the surface to let them build spaceships but not hyperdrives, and in sixty two hours he is back. "Fleets on their way?"


"Made the jump about six hours ago. Should be coming out right on schedule."

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