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Of course they recognize him. Very soon, an excited crowd gathers, each babbling for this or that little frippery.


Eeeeeeeee being a demon is so great he will make all of the stuff they want! In their hands! Just like that!


Wow!! Epic is so great, all these people clearly adore him!


Bounce bounce bounce bounce making stuff! Making so much stuff!!!! He flies up over their heads a bit so he can see more people and so the near ones don't squish him and now there is so much stuff for everyone!!!!


Stuff is so great!! And life on this planet is so much better since they seceded from the Republic, it used to be really terrible!




Helping people feels really really great.


Good thing there's a lot of people right here, then.


He knows how to do math, he knows flying around giving people computers and chocolates and a new copy of their lost wedding earrings and their favorite books and inflationary amounts of various metals isn't how to make everything good.


But gosh it really does feel wonderful.


The crowd does not look to be getting smaller any time soon. He could probably stay here a good day or two doing this.


...eventually he will make letters flutter down on everyone saying that if they write 'letter to Epic' and a list of things they need he'll drop packages in some more orderly way. And he'll pop back to check on the fleets he left 10 billion lightyears away.


They're still there.


They didn't get access to his communication, probably. He can presumably broadcast it from here? He spends a while figuring out how.


He'll have to conjure a Holonet relay, they are well outside the normal coverage area.


And he doesn't want them to be able to talk with the rest of the galaxy - he should probably just check with Cipher.


He pops back there.




"Hi. I wanted to talk to the fleets far away but I wasn't sure how."


"Hmm. You could just make a bouy, but we don't want to let them talk with the people here, though... A freq-swap would do the trick, just have to force their transponders on to it. Let me slice together a dataspike."


"Can you teach me all this stuff?"


"Yeah. Now or later?"


Bounce bounce - "I guess probably not when we're right in the middle of stopping a war."


"Fair. This will take a couple minutes."


He wraps himself in his wings and watches.


If he's familiar with the concept of computer programming, the process will not be entirely opaque, though the language is unfamiliar.

When she's done, a slim datacard emerges from one of the computer ports. She hands it to him.

"Just slot this into the relay after you make it. It'll automatically update holocomms in local range with new protocols."



And now he can go and make a relay and give it the card and get in touch with his relocated fleets.


Once he makes it, the relay lights up with furious intership communication.

They won't know he's there to talk to until he calls them.

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