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"Exactly simultaneous, or is there someone I should grab first?"


"There's always a little variation in these things, which hyperdrive has had an overhaul most recently, that sort of thing. No way to tell who'll be first until they drop out, though."


He refills warehouses that need refilling, and he conjures for fleets dropped out of jump, every few seconds, anxiously -


Four hours fifty-eight minutes and forty-six seconds later, there's the first one. Six seconds after that, the second one reemerges into realspace, and four and a half seconds after that, the third.


He hops up to within sight of them and moves them ten. Billion. Lightyears.


Hop. Hop. Hop. 



Okay, now, by ship, conjure for Sith and their surroundings, go and find them -


Some are on the bridge of their ship, some are in starfighters, some are in drop shuttles with combat teams.


Now all of them are in separate designed-to-entertain-you-enough-you-don't-kill-yourself-immediately cells. 

All of them. 


It takes a while.


Then he teleports back to the place where he confronted the would-be Emperor.


No sign of him.

Oh no, wait. There he is. Or, well, there's his body, collapsed in a heap on the ground.






Back to Cipher.


"Nicely done. They didn't even have time to call for help before it was over."


"I want to go yell at the Empire for being idiots, will that be counterproductive?"


"It'd be more effective if you recorded something for broadcast."


"Okay. Do you know what to say or should I just imagine what a grownup would say like I did last time?"


"Better if it's in your own words."




"This afternoon, three fleets of ships leapt into a star system under my protection. Their goal was to draw into this war planets that had chosen not to be a part of it. It was stupid and evil and indefensible. They were there for six seconds. Now they're ten billion lightyears away. The people involved should count themselves lucky that no one stands a chance against me, because if they had succeeded in harming a single innocent all of the Sith and everyone in a position of authority in the entire empire would be ten billion lightyears away.

I hope everyone learned a valuable lesson today. Any planets newly interested in joining the consortium for peace and getting arbitrary material objects and absolute protection can submit their requests to Epic. Anyone who has a loved one who is ten billion lightyears away can write me a letter explaining why they ought to get to come back."



"That will do nicely."


He hands her the recording. "Why are people so horrible?"


She slots it into the computer.

"Because they think they can get away with it."


"Well, now they can't."


"They'll catch on, eventually."


"In timelines where I don't get fantastic cosmic powers I kill a lot of people. I can kind of see why."


"In the absence of fantastic cosmic power, it is a tempting solution."


"And they were all Elves so it only sorta counted. It still works out badly. This is nicer."



Type type type.



...he goes back to his protected planets and makes them more nice things. When all of the warehouses are topped off he flies around in lazy circles and then lands in the middle of one of the cities.

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