lost!fëanor in wormverse
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"I'm going to test whether chiplocked computers are safe for parahumans - that's the kind I have, I control it with my brain - but since parahumans have different brain structures than most humans I'll have to be careful about testing before I give it out. Wouldn't be responsible." Bounce bounce.


She nods. "If you can connect this to the internet..."

    And guess who shows up. Hi.


Hi! Want a thumbnail computer, I'm overthrowing the government of Brazil because they're really annoying and mean.


Sure, how're you overthrowing them? Hannah waves at Sadde, and Sadde waves back. "Hi."

    "Hello," Hannah says, in a lower volume than the one she's been using with Fëanáro.


They have censorship, I want to see if I can undermine it by giving everybody thumbnail computers - here is one! - and the Internet.


Ooooh. ...why the Internet? Sadde takes a seat on a sofa there and opens the book she's carrying—the one Fëanáro gave her—and resumes reading it.

    Meanwhile, Hannah gets back to figuring out how to use the computer. "How will you test the brain... thing?"

Brain thing? "Brain thing?" Sadde asks aloud.


"Chiplocked computers, like mine, store their data on a chip in your brain. Don't want to test if it works on parahumans - I might see if I can make parahuman basement-dwellers, get scans of their brains, see if they take chips okay..."


    "What's a basement-dweller?" asks Hannah.

"You can get brain scans?" asks Sadde.


"Not with my powers, just the old fashioned way. And basement-dweller is what people call it when a demon tries to make a person, they come out - not a person -"


"Then how will you know it worked?" asks Sadde.


"I should be able to see on the brain scan."


"The brain scan would work even if the person is all... not a person? I mean, it'd tell you things?"


"Yeah, demon-made people are atom-for-atom the same as real people, they just. Aren't there."


Sadde opens her mouth, looks at Hannah, closes it, then looks at Fëanáro. Doesn't that mean souls are real?


Uh? I mean, flat Elves have souls, and it is true that you'd get a soulless Elf but that comes up other ways, like you can find us when we're dead. Materians have souls, and afterlives, Midgardians have external souls, something gets resurrected on Stork... it works that way for animals too so if standard-issue humans have souls then so does everything smarter than a snail...


I mean that, like... do we have something other than brains making us go?


I don't know. Maybe. But demons can make space Elves, and it'd be weird if they were the only species without something more than atoms to them -


It's kinda weird that any do.

    Hannah looks between them and asks, "Are you talking with..." She gestures around her head vaguely.


"Yeah. About what it means that I can't make people - I can make a kind of people who keep their brains on computers, see -"


"So, you can make computer people but not... not-computer people?"


"With computer people the computer I make isn't a person but I can copy the data to another computer and that one is a person."


"Wait, but then... the information and the... personness is there. It's just not... working?"


"Yeah exactly. It's really weird. "


"So there's probably some magic keeping it from working."


"And there's a magic to get around it, but I don't have it here which is why I can't resurrect anybody."

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