lost!fëanor in wormverse
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He makes three Space Silmarils and brackets to hold them on the walls, and he vanishes his bed to intergalactic space and makes one more suited to his wings, and he flops down in it and buries his face in his pillow like a little kid who is sad that his parents are dead and thinks.

He doesn't mind that Brazil is a military dictatorship, by some definitions lots of the Ardas were military dictatorships and Shine was a military dictatorship with child labor that kidnapped and forcibly relocated all of the humans in the world. They had a really good reason but Behemoth and Behemoth-like things are also a really good reason. 


(This'd be so much easier to figure out if he could read their minds. But that's not ethical. He's a very ethical demon, that's important, that's more important than figuring this stupid Earth out -)

He rolls over and stretches out his wings and sings and waits.


Forty-seven minutes later, there is a polite knock on his door.


"Come in."


A prim and proper woman in a prim and proper grey suit does so. "Good afternoon. Epic, yes?"


"Yeah. Hi."


"I'm Doctor Ximenes. May I take a seat?"




She does, crossing her legs. She's carrying a little clipboard with a pen attached. "I work here at the Center to help parahumans such as yourself deal with anything bad that happens in their lives. I'm here to talk, and listen, and understand you and your needs so that we can best fulfil them. Do you understand?"


"...you're a therapist? Boots's a therapist."


She nods. "Boots?"


"My parents weren't really okay after everyone died, so Boots sort of took care of me."


"Were they a friend of the family, then, or a relative?"


"Friend of the family." 


"And they were taking care of you for how long...?"


"Since São Paulo got destroyed and most everybody we knew died, until yesterday." He wraps himself in his wings.


"I'm very sorry for your losses," she says, sounding and looking sincere.


"I'm gonna figure out how to use my power to resurrect people and then they'll be back and they'll be so impressed with me for being so clever and everything'll be okay."




"Epic... your family's gone. I can't rule out powers being able to do that, but... holding onto this hope may hurt you even more."


"I'm going to figure it out."


She pauses. And nods. "I hope you do."


Bounce bounce. He hugs himself with his wings, very tightly.


"What do you want to talk about?" she asks after a few seconds.


"I want them to let me put São Paulo back but apparently that'll take a week because grownups - Boots'd let me, Boots'd have a list of hundreds of things for me to do by now and she'd explain why she thought they were good ideas and if I had ideas she would explain what might happen and trust me to think about consequences - Boots trusted me, no one else ever trusted me - and Brazil is a military dictatorship and I don't care about that especially because it might be necessary because there might be more Endbringers but I don't want to help anyone hurt people, I want everyone to be safe, and I don't know how to do that if it happens to be a not-good military dictatorship and I don't know how to tell because I'm seven and I'm not good at this stuff - my dad was really good at this stuff, he'd know what to do -"


"—who told you this? About a dictatorship?"


"Some Americans. Since I was in New York. When I triggered. I said I wanted to go back home and they said maybe I shouldn't and should stay there but I grew up in São Paulo and I wanted to put it back so I left anyway."

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