lost!fëanor in wormverse
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Well, he can't even tell, he kind of hates that about Allspeak. He answers in Kurdish too. "Yep!"


"Oh. I can speak a bit of English—I could get by—but I don't like doing it, not while I have this accent. How do you understand me?"


"Magic. Not one of the kinds I can share, sorry - you can have one of the pocket translators but they don't help with accent as much as with other stuff -"


"No, I want to learn to speak English perfectly. I'm an American, no matter where I was born. I—" She switches to halting, shy English. "M-maybe I should be practicing."


Now he'll have to twiddle so she doesn't keep hearing Kurdish - "Practicing's definitely the only way to learn a language. Well, the only non-magic way, demons get languages by being summoned."


"Yeah. But I have the... accent. And I don't have much... words."


"Yeah, but you'll get there." Probably not as fast as he would. He manages to not say 'English is my third language and I speak twenty, it's not hard at all'. "Uh, my telepathy can help speed up language-learning - if I talk and send at the same time, so you can figure out the unfamiliar words - but my telepathy kind of weirds people here out..."


"Oh. Do you—see my—" She gestures around her head. "Thoughts? It's probably not a good idea. They're not nice."


"No, I'm not listening, that's not an okay thing to do to people. But I can send you mine, and with practice you can send me just the ones you want and no others, and then I could listen once you had it down."


"Well—you can do that, then, it's okay."


Great then he'll project a translation. "So I went to Brazil because I wanted to build São Paulo back except instead they wanted me for their version of the Wards and Eidolon thinks they're bad so I didn't tell them about all of my magic only I'm not great at lying and they might guess at some point, especially because they put cameras in my bedroom - do they do that to us here, too, I should check -" he checks -


One camera in this room, a few in various other spaces like meeting rooms and the entrance hall, none in their bedrooms. The girl's eyes widen, though, and once she sees the small model she points at a corner on the ceiling, where there's a clearly visible camera pointing at them. "They're a—a—" She switches to Kurdish—" Dictatorship?"


"Dictatorship," he says in English. "I don't mind that inherently, some of the Ardas were too, during the war, and they say they're not, but Eidolon says they are - these're the cameras in the Ward building, there aren't secret ones in our bedrooms, I was just checking -"


"I know a dic—dictatorship when I see one. They don't let people out, they almost never let people in, they control all the—information? Public... TV things, and papers?"


"Media? Okay. Yeah, the not letting people out and controlling the media makes it the not okay kind of dictatorship." Bounce bounce. "But I don't know how to fix it - and we can't ask the grownups because it's a war if the grownups of one country are figuring out how to overthrow the grownups of another country - it's not really a war if I do it, they can say they can't control me and they can't."


"But you're part of the Wards, now, aren't you? So you're part of this country. And also that's... what America stands for, isn't it?"




"The... Everything a dictatorship is not. Freedom. Peace. Justice."


"I don't actually know that much about Earth politics in 1994, I'm not from here and the heres I'm sort of from are way in the future. But freedom and peace and justice sound good and I like the people I met here and they didn't lie to me, so that's something."


She nods. "Anyway, what I meant was that... even if you're not a grownup, if you're part of the Protectorate they will think it's war," she says, enunciating "Protectorate" carefully.


"So probably I should've thought of that before doing stuff for the Protectorate. Ugh."


"I don't know. Maybe. Maybe you could convince them anyway."


"...the censorship I could maybe fix without convincing anyone, I can just drop a proper 23rd century internet on you and then hand out thumbnail computers left and right..."


"That could help," she nods. "But I think they have a thinker who can do things to... the media?"



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