lost!fëanor in wormverse
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...Hannah looks slightly uncomfortable.

I think she's religious, Sadde explains to Fëanáro.


I don't know much about Earth religions, but some of them might be true? I can look things up for you if you're curious, too, old records and stuff. My home world has a god...


I guess? Don't—tell people, though, they'll be upset.

"Anyway what do you want to do with Brazil, exactly?" she asks, changing the subject.


"I don't know exactly what to do, I'm not great at governments and stuff, but they want me to make lots of stuff for them and I want to do that if it'll make peoples' lives better but not if it'll just help an evil government, and I want to put São Paulo back for them but again not a way that helps an evil government - what I'd want to do is put São Paulo back but make it so anyone can live there and the Brazilian government can't enforce bad laws there, if I were older or more good at people I'd just tell them that I'm running it but that might not go well..."


    "And if you get an adult to do it they will think it's war," Hannah nods.

"What if it's an adult that's not in the government?"


"If they really obviously had nothing to do with the government so Brazil couldn't even credibly claim they were secretly the government..."


    "They could still invent stuff," reasons Hannah, "just to have a good reason."

"But America is stronger than they are, military, right?"


"So they wouldn't want to attack us because they would know they'd lose," Sadde suggests.

    "Not if other countries think we are wrong and help them," muses Hannah.


"So it needs to at least look to other countries like we didn't start it. 'I'm an indestructible teleporting traumatized seven-year-old and no one has any luck telling me what to do' might be convincing but even if I'm developmentally a human seven I know lots of stuff a human seven-year-old wouldn't so it'd seem plausible someone's coaching me."


"You could maybe do stuff like that all over the world, so it wouldn't look like anyone was a target."


"Yeah, I could do that. Where else would benefit from that kind of thing?"


"Pretty much all of Africa and South America and some of Asia."


"So in order for any particular dictator deposing to not be very provocative I need to depose all the dictators. Pretty fast."


"I think we are not the best people to ask these things."


"Yeah but who is."


Hannah shrugs.

"I don't know if you can find people who are good at this, really," says Sadde dubiously.


"I could make them but this doesn't feel like a good enough reason."


"Make them? Make people?—space Elves?"


"Yeah. Some of them are really good at that kind of stuff - they couldn't, like, just take over the world from a standing start, but with a teleporting demon they totally could."


"Okay but then... shouldn't you do it anyway? I mean there's millions of people in Brazil and all of these other places, if you could do better and fix everything..."


"Shouldn't I make some people who can take over the world? I don't know - like, it seems to me like I should, but it seems like the sort of thing to be really sure of -"


"But if you're gonna do anything to, like, lots of countries, that sounds like you should be even more sure of."




"Wouldn't the heroes know more about that?" asks Hannah.

    "More about what?" asks Nathan, coming from the dormitories.


"The best way to end all the dictatorships in the world - the problem is that they can't do it, it'll be provocative, and it might not be provocative if I did it on my own and it was really obvious they weren't coaching me, but I sort of need them coaching me to do it without messing up."


Nathan blinks. "All the dictatorships—well, do people have to know they were coaching you? Anyone could be coaching you."

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