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marlo lane is the worst erogamer
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"Kissing you sounds good." 

And he does. 


"Pants stay on no matter how good an idea it seems for them to come off."


"Sounds like a plan." 


Marlo wakes up in a bed that belongs to someone he doesn't know, holding someone he met yesterday, and bizarrely at peace with both of those things. 




Quest available: Consent Is Sexy

Teach Harry Hook what consent is.

Success: +5000 xp, +1 ERO

Failure: Unlocks "cover up your boyfriend's rapes" quest tree.

Quest available: Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are

Tell your loved ones that you're gay.

Objective 1: Tell Sasha. +300 xp

Objective 2: Tell Lev. +400 xp.

Objective 3: Tell your family. +1000 xp.

Objective 4: Tell your work. +600 xp.

Quest available: Friends To Lovers

Acquire Sasha as a harem member.

+1 LST, +1000 xp

Bonus objective: ????? +700 xp, Hypnosis skill


He clicks "yes" on Consent Is Sexy and Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are, and stares at Friends To Lovers. 

It's not that he doesn't want to date Sasha, when he thinks about it. It's just — 

— it's just that "dating him" and "accepting a quest to add him to your harem with experience points as a reward" are different. 

Well. He doesn't actually have to poke the Yes button. He can just... let that quest stay pending, if he wants to. Or, alternately, he can accept the quest to do the thing he was going to do anyway, and deal with the fact that the game doesn't use the same words for it as he would. 


He pokes 'yes,' and waits for Harry to wake up before he leaves. 


"Good morning," Harry says sleepily.


"Good morning," he says, and kisses him. On the mouth this time. 


Harry immediately reaches for Marlo's dick.


He holds onto Harry's wrists. "Ask first." 



"Can I please touch your dick?"


He lets go. "Yes. — good boy," because it seems like something Harry would want to hear. 


He hesitates. "What do I have to ask before doing?"


....he wasn't expecting Harry to generalize this fast and he doesn't have a list ready, that was a mistake —

"Kissing people who aren't me. Touching people who aren't me. Touching me —" what range of places makes sense, he cannot say things like 'in a sex way' and expect that to mean the same thing to Harry as it does to him — "between the waist and the knees." 


"Can I suck you off without asking? --I'm very good at it."


"You cannot suck me or anyone off without asking and how good you are at it doesn't matter." 


"And knives and cigarettes and guitar picks and clothespins and things count as touching."


"Yes. — if you have to ask whether it counts, it counts." 


"Hot," Harry says, and starts to give Marlo a handjob while very carefully avoiding touching the skin of his pelvis or his balls.

If Harry were the Erogamer (and Marlo can be grateful he is not), he would have FUK 30. As it is, he is merely very very good.



Harry is very good at this and Marlo has had sex he enjoyed a grand total of twice now and it does not take long for him to finish. 


He can't lick the come off Marlo's stomach but he can lick it off his hand with all the care and attention it deserves.


Not can I, Harry would say yes to can I whether he wanted it or not, but "Do you want me to touch your clit?" 


"Not really," he says.


"Alright," he says, and puts one hand in Harry's hair and one on his back and holds him. 


"...why aren't you touching my clit."

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