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marlo lane is the worst erogamer
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"...not letting people not have sex with you is, in fact, illegal. You can just not have sex with someone, regardless of how happy it makes them." 


He shrugs. "I do illegal things all the time. I'm not even legally allowed to drink. Not ever breaking laws is boring."


"I am going to pretend I didn't hear that," he says, this time in Officer Voice. "How old are you?" 


"I'm nineteen."


"Okay," and then, in Officer Voice again, "you're not going to have any more sex at parties." 


"Yes, sir."


Then he thinks better of that and says, "You are not going to have sex at all unless I'm around." 


"Yes, sir."

He's nudged Marlo's leg so he can grind on it a little bit.


"My name is Marlo," he says, not in Officer Voice anymore, and kisses Harry's forehead. 

Bonus objective #2, prevent Harry from raping anyone else, complete!

+300 xp
'Good Cop' status effect
Bonus objective #3, add Harry to your harem, complete!

Harry has been added as a harem member. 
+1 ERO for beginning a relationship by being raped. 

He looks up at Marlo with abject gratitude and devotion and something rather like love.

"Thank you."


That's a lot. 

He thinks it might be a good a lot, though. 

"Get some sleep," he says, kisses his forehead again. "I'll be here when you wake up." 


He curls up eagerly on Marlo's shoulder and falls asleep. 


That's good. 



So. He's gay. Probably he should be having some feelings about that but ultimately his feelings are mostly "at least that worked." 

Probably he should tell Sasha. Possibly he should tell Lev.

Definitely he should get some sleep before he tells either of them. 

Quest complete: Self-Acceptance.

Objective #1, accept that you're gay, complete. 
+10,000 xp, +1 perk point

Objective #2, accept that you're gay without having an emotional crisis about how you're disgusting and no longer deserve to be loved, complete.
+5,000 xp, +1 ERO.
You have leveled up!
You have leveled up!

The perk point timer flashes.


No is still a good one to have on hand in case he ever needs it, and Friends with Benefits is likely to be useful. 

Note: You put one point towards Friends with Benefits. Friends with Benefits costs one point and one fragment. A fragment is a third of a point. 

Yeah, he knows. He doesn't need it right away. 

He curls his hand in Harry's hair and closes his eyes. 


Several hours before — 

"So do you want to go back to my place?" Sasha says, without taking his hand out of Lev's hair. 


Does he want to go back to Sasha's place. That's a complicated question.

"Yes," his mouth says, without his input.


"Awesome," Sasha says, and takes his hand. 

The bus ride isn't long. And Lev could, if he so chose, put his head on Sasha's shoulder again. 


He could.

"I've, uh, never done this before," he says into Sasha's shoulder. "Any of this."


"That's okay," he says. "And we dont have to go all the way this first night if you dont want to, we have time." 

I have time. 


"You mean you might want to see me again?"


"Unless you turn out to be an axe murderer, I'm going to want to see you again." 

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