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marlo lane is the worst erogamer
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"Because you didn't want me to." 


"...but I'm yours."


"That's true. And I'm not going to do things to you that you don't want." 


He considers this.

"Well, I don't want cuddles."


He lets go. 


"Now I do want them."


....cute. But. 

"That's unfortunate," he says, and gets out of bed and starts looking for his clothes, he'll have to go back home and get a shirt that isn't cut open before he tells Sasha anything but that's fine, "because I have errands I need to run. What's your phone number." 


He gives it.

"I can go with you."


Ahahaha how about he does not introduce Harry to Sasha just yet. 

"No, you can't." 


"I can't have sex and I can't break laws," Harry says, with the tone of someone who is trying hard to remember a lesson.


"You can't have sex and you can't break laws," he confirms. "You're doing great and I'll see you tomorrow." 

Thank you random library girls for telling him where Harry's apartment is. 


Well, that just forbade him from doing every fun thing in the world.

Except music.

Harry goes home and sets about writing some songs.


He stops and gets the donut holes Sasha likes before he shows up. 

And then, so he definitely can't chicken out once he's in the door, he opens with "Hi! I have news. Not good news or bad news, just news." 


Lev was having an EXCELLENT DAY. He woke up with Sasha in his arms and then he got to make Sasha breakfast in bed. Admittedly, the breakfast in bed was cereal and milk, but it's the thought that counts, and someday (he hopes) he will be able to make Sasha pancakes.


And then Marlo shows up with news and, more importantly, with eyeballs that are capable of seeing Lev's current shirtless state.


"What's the news?" 


Marlo smiles at Lev and then turns to Sasha. 

"The first news is that I'm gay and the second news is that I love you." 


So, probably that's a no on ever getting to make Sasha pancakes.

It's a good thing they didn't have sex or he'd feel even worse.


Sasha is smiling. 

(Like he's just gotten something he's always wanted — like he's been in love for years and years and now —) 

"I love you too," he says, and kisses him. 


Oh. Oh. This should not be a surprise and yet. 

Quest objective #1, come out to Sasha, complete!

+300 xp
Quest objective #2, come out to Lev, complete!

+400 xp

Fine! This is. Fine. He's just going to-- not leave, because the happy kissing couple is blocking the doorway-- look at a book. Yes. 

He grabs randomly for a book and winds up picking Macho Sluts, then Two Knotty Boys Show You The Ropes, then Seen from Behind: Perspectives on the Male Body and Renaissance Art, which is probably the best he's going to get here.


Marlo can absolutely pick Sasha up. He can probably do it with one arm. 


fuuuuuuuuuuck that's hot. 

He makes a startled pleased sound and the way he's kissing Marlo changes, gets more desperate. 


Wonderful. The book is fully illustrated.

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