They make their way out the emergency exit unmolested.
"Just – around, between things." She shrugs. "Apparently I'm supposed to pay attention to them but it seems like it's just like a lucid dreaming thing, pay attention to the unimportant." She pauses and frowns. "Except not."
"Just – I'm confused, hold on a second."
She specifically wondered if this was just like the lucid dreaming thing again, general mindfulness, and the response was no and that the specific threads are what she should pay attention to, which should only be if they're important or as a general technique, but there shouldn't be the exclusion of other things if it's just a general technique—
"Why are we doing this again? Apparently drugs will help some, I think ADHD medicine."
"Weeee are doing this to get you better at using your magic sense," she sighs.
"I mean yes, but drugs will help some with that." Pause. "Not that I really want to use drugs, but still?"
"Continue to be boring and I can, like, stare at them when I'm bored someday?"
"Because we could do less boring things to try to improve my ability, or just set other things in motion?"
"But didn't your magic thing tell you that was the thing to do to improve it?"
"Yeah, but like, it wasn't insistent and there are other things we can probably do too – like, if I spend a bit longer finding other things to do?"
"Kinda? This system has pretty consistently made interesting things seem boring."
"Wouldn't that make them more interesting? Actual threads are normal and mundane, threads-that-are-not-really-actual-threads are interesting."
"But, like – they're still boring." Pause. "But I think you have a point."
"… Supernaturally seemingly boring, uh, would be weird? But still think you have a point. So should I, like, do something here? I'm really lacking ideas for the boring."
"You could just look at them. Try to keep watch on them, paying attention to them, like you said would help."
"I don't know that I'd forget about them – I mean, I haven't yet – it's just that they're really boring. Sort of."