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Salmons and Carmines in Azurite
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"I don't know how to elaborate? I wouldn't usually look at a mug and think of all the ways I could destroy it and how easy it'd be, I wouldn't usually plot out in detail how to do it – it's fascinatingly destructible."


"That's really vague!"


"It is really vague!" she agrees. "I don't know how to pin it down further! I literally just looked at it, thought about how to destroy it a bunch, and maybe I'm just in a weird mood today."


"Let's not chalk anything up to coincidence, though. Try something else?"


"Chance… of the oven being turned on? In the next, like, hour?"


"Sounds reasonable."


So she looks at the oven and focuses on that!


There are also several ways of making the oven be turned on in the next hour.


Gosh. She is utterly shocked.

Any novel ways? Ooh, is there a Rube Goldberg machine she can do for it, she's always wanted to have a really convoluted setup to achieve a trivial thing.


...yeah, actually, she could build one if she wanted to. She could even build one with people as some of its elements, and they needn't even know this!


… She wants to know more and like – okay slotting a vampire to go where she wants is going to be hard, any chance she can – without just asking mysteriously, asking mysteriously is cheating – get him to go turn the oven on—

"This is weird."


"What is?"

(Yes. Yes she can.)


"I have the weirdest compulsion to set up a Rube Goldberg machine."


"… To turn the oven on?"


"Yeah, like – I was thinking of all the ways I could do it and then that came to mind and I had some ideas."


", what, you can think of, like, ways to accomplish a goal? Ooor... to make it more likely, perhaps?"


"Yeah it seems like that might be the case."


"That sounds like it could be useful."


"Can you include your own magic in that?"


"As one of the possible ways to influence something? You know, I'm not sure, I wasn't thinking of it just then. I'll try?"


"Yeah, maybe if this is a magic thing you can figure out new ways to apply your magic, or more efficient ones, or whatever."


… So she looks at the oven and thinks about how to turn the oven on including ways she could try to do it with her magic.


Well they were always possibilities but if she wants to constrain to that, she sure can! She could pull on this thread and bring to fore an urge of Theo's to bake—she could pull on that one and make the AC unit misbehave and make the room really cold—she could entwine a couple of those threads to something that would make the oven turn on on its own—


… She didn't know Theo liked to bake. She sort of assumed he lived on pasta. Though he does have an oven so he presumably uses it for some things.

"Hazarding a guess that you like to bake?"


"– Me? Uh, yeah, sometimes?"

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