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Salmons and Carmines in Azurite
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"What'd you look for?"


"Weird things in senses – like, fuzz or something interesting that I'm looking at, noises that I didn't notice, some sort of synesthesia thing – weird pulls towards things, generally anything I wouldn't usually notice as a sense but that might be curious?"


"Hmm, I'm not sure that's... how it'd present."


"I mean I don't have any idea how it would present. I can't think of any… sort of similar case that would definitely manifest a certain way, I've got nothing to go off here."


"It... I don't think it would be like something you would normally just notice? Like, if I hadn't actually paid attention explicitly for a magical thing making me pay lots of attention to Theo I don't think I'd've detected it as a thing-that-was-going-on-in-my-brain by just looking for any ways my brain was misbehaving."


"… So I should just go about my day and note how I'm acting and go 'huh I don't recall why that' or what?"


"No, I meant more like... You should come up with specific hypotheses about possible things like that and try to see whether they're the case?"


"… Like I would be more likely to notice the local vampire is interesting and go visit him with cookies and wish him well?"


"...not quite what I meant but why did you, uh, decide to do that?"


"I had at least passing acquaintance with him, he died, he was apparently not dead, he came into school and– it felt like a thing I should do? Go say hi, reassure him the social scene is still available if he wants to get back into it, people aren't permanently frightened or superstitioned away from him, I should know, and if he wants to get back into the swing of things I can help? … Plus cookies."


"Hmm. Okay, see, if there was any magic making you... more likely... to do this, for some subconscious reason, you might not have noticed it, and what I meant is that... Like I said, I wouldn't have noticed the sway thing if I weren't looking for itspecifically, or something like it. So if you have anything like a passive aspect to your magic, like a new sense, or something that influenced you to come here today, you should first think about what it could possibly be, and then try to look for it."


"… So it could be a weird sense that I haven't noticed, or it could be me getting sort of – pulled towards certain things, maybe unlikely events, I'm not really sure, or… uh, I'm not really sure. There's a huge number of things that are 'potentially magic' and 'not currently noticed', and I'm not sure how to narrow that down with 'unlikely' or 'linked to luck'."


"It was sorta clear once I had narrowed down enough to be able to look at it, so there isn't a very big penalty if you just come up with bunches of hypotheses and test them sequentially."


"So. Somehow being able to notice luck or chances, or possible events?" Pause. "I don't think I'm precognitive but I'm not sure how to check other than just knowing or not."


"Could try focusing on a single event, seeing if it'll occur."


"Hm. Okay that might work but I'm not sure what to focus on. Chance of rain the day of my party?"


"Might be a bit too far in the future? And too out of your control, maybe."


"… Chance I'll get a phone call before I go home?"


"Sounds good."


She tries finding out what the chance is that she'll get a phone call before she goes home!


Who knows.


"Didn't get anything."


"Okay so you can't get chance of stuff happening... which is weak evidence against that being what your magic's about... hm."


"Could try… chance of something breaking in the next month, looking at the object? It might be a visual thing."


"Might work, yeah."

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