Theo skips sleep pretty often, so when he does actually sleep he tends to sleep for a while. Kaede will probably wake up before he does.
"When it was hiding away doing nothing. And sometimes he could nudge it a bit, he said?"
"And what could someone who wanted to encourage Sin's more antisocial tendencies do?" he wonders.
"Nudge it to attack more often? But I'm not sure if they could do it much – I said it sort of went dormant, right, and you sort of knew that already – it might be hard to move it out of that state. Or, maybe not."
"The way magic works, feelings add up or mix and that's where the power comes from. If someone wants to help Sin, I'm not at all sure that won't actually work."
"… I don't understand why he'd – what motivation he'd have to do this. The guado – Jyscal – said he'd become twisted?"
"I guess people don't always have the most reasonable responses to stuff like that."
"So I guess the question is, what do we do about that? If it's false it's ridiculous, if it's true it's—he is one of the four most powerful people on Spira."
"Maester Kelk Ronso, Minister of Civil Affairs; Maester Wen Kinoc, Minister of Military Affairs, head of the Warrior Monks and overseer of the Crusaders; and Grand Maester Yo Mika, leader of all the peoples of Spira. Maester Seymour is the Minister of Temple Affairs, who maintains the temples' rituals and teachings and oversees the summoners."
"… Okay, so he's pretty strongly linked to the church and also summoners. I'm guessing there are no convenient 'detect evil motive' spells we could use?"
"So we don't seem to have any convenient ways to verify whether he is insane and-or evil, and a really bad potential fallout if he is."
"Would anything particularly tragic happen if he went missing for, say, a month? – I am not suggesting it happen, just trying to work out how much he's holding things together."
"Not really. Other than people panicking his duties can be done by his immediate underlings."
"What sort of level of magic do most people have around here? And do you know if he does a lot of magic – I assume he does some?"
"Well, he just wants to use Sin, right? So... do we have to change anything? We just go and kill Sin and fix everything!"