Theo skips sleep pretty often, so when he does actually sleep he tends to sleep for a while. Kaede will probably wake up before he does.
She will soon exit her room, a couple of doors right of his, wearing a different but equally revealing not-quite-an-outfit.
"Let's go?"
So they go.
"This place has different clothing standards from most parts of the mortal world I'm familiar with."
"I mean, most people go around dressed as I do?" he responds. "At least in the mortal world. So, uh – in comparison, yeah, pretty much."
She snorts. "Well, you won't see me complaining if you decide to do away with the shirt." Pause. "Or anything else, for that matter."
"Presumably somebody would take issue if I stripped to my underwear? Or am I too brainwashed by a prudish society?"
"Hmm... People would find it weird and unfashionable, probably, but not be offended," she says, gesturing at her own only-barely-not-underwear outfit. "The dominant style is sort of a variety of disjoint pieces covering a variety of body parts, nowadays."
"… Okay, so what would going around literally naked count as. Do you have laws against that, or is that just 'weird and unfashionable' too, or…?"
"I don't think there are any laws about it? It's just, you know, you wouldn't have the magical protections clothing usually has against the elements, and you might get dirt in places you don't want to get dirt in?"
He snorts. "So those wouldn't apply to me as much as they would to the rest of you, so I could literally go walk around naked if I wanted."
"I don't think I plan on that," he smirks. "I'll lose the top for now, though."
(He does.)
—they reach the agency's reception, into which Auron has just walked.
"The fiend's outside. Let's go."
And out he goes again.
"People were talking about a Chocobo Eater fiend yesterday, they must've found it!"
And out she goes.
And outside there is a squat fiend with two jaws and tongues and huge hands holding a yellow chicken, large enough to be ridden—presumably a chocobo—who kicks the and manages to run away. Go chocobo!
The others already have their weapons at the ready.