elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<I admittedly haven't tried it with any humans yet. It's possible your species is much harder somehow.>


"Politics has always seemed very complicated to me. Also the sorts of things humans react to as strongly as you guys react to food are mostly controlled substances."


<Once I know enough about humans not to be disadvantaged by my lack of information I will let you know if you are a more complicated people.>


"I'll look forward to your verdict." She munches her sandwich.


And they arrive back at their undisclosed location within striking distance of Forks.


"We don't have to wait for a bus to have plausibly made it if we're going the suicide route. She will have called him and it'd be a good provocation for him to seize control if he thought his Yeerk was going to have more access to us."


<We still need a body.> Pause. <Animals given morphing abilities and then a morph will successfully complete the morph occasionally, about one time in twelve. That was a good suggestion.>


"Good. It's probably way easier to find twelve animals nobody'll miss than to filter well enough for suicidal humans. - Twenty-four? Will the other Controllers check to see if there's a Yeerk in there?"


<Should the two of you turn up dead eventually as well, or should you just go missing?>


"Might be convenient to have us turn up dead but what it'll look like if anyone looks that hard right now is that we didn't even make it to the bus station, which means abducted, which means we can be missing indefinitely - I'd want to consult Charlie on when and where and in what condition to have us appear dead as long as we'll have him handy anyway, he's a cop -"


<Then just twelve; the right kind of head injury would make it hard to identify a Yeerk, and we do not have the means to acquire one without arousing suspicion.>


"If the timing's right you'll have Charlie's one."


<That would be convenient but cannot be relied upon.>


And that evening when Charlie arrives home from work there are three Andalites in his house, in human morphs; they stun him before he sees them. It takes nine rats to get one which can morph Charlie; they stun it, too, before it morphs back, and put the rat-morphed-Charlie in Charlie's clothes. 

They take the gun and follow Andi's instructions on how guns work and how to avoid leaving footprints, and the rat-morphed-Charlie is puppeted into shooting himself in the head, and then they check very carefully for tracking devices, find none, drag Charlie into a ship and well north of Forks but not to their original site just in case, and report this progress to Matirin, who reports it to his human advisors.


"Oh thank fuck," breathes Bella.


<Three days before we can be confident he is not a Controller. Would you prefer to see him now or wait until then.>


"He's still - awake, right, just because he's not in charge - I don't know, can you keep him unconscious that long -?"


<I would prefer not to attempt keeping a human hydrated and fed while unconscious. We do not know enough about human physiology to be confident in doing it safely.>


"If he's going to be awake I'd want him to know what's going on - not sure if we should tell him ourselves -"


<His Yeerk will make the inference that it is going to be starved out without commentary on our part, when he wakes up. 



It would be useful to read the Yeerk's mind in the telepathic morph form I mentioned earlier, but it will not be possible to do this except while it is in your father's head.>


"He's been having his mind read far less benignly for a year now. How - comprehensive is it -"


<Surface thoughts. It is most urgent to know whether the Yeerk thinks its fellows might have some way to track him or might have arrived on the scene sooner than expected or might have already been suspicious of anything about your absence.>


"Yeah. Seems urgent. You can target it just at him, right, it's not everyone in the vicinity -"


<It is everyone in the vicinity but I can arrange for there to be no one in the vicinity.>

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