elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<We can discuss it further over the next few weeks. We are very much reliant on your assistance for the time being.>


"They didn't know what pizza was," Andi tells Charlie. She omits that they also didn't know they should wear clothes in human morph.


They did not know either of those things! 


They leave the humans to their reunion and set to designing suicide capsules. 


Charlie advises leaving the twins' disappearance an unsolved missing persons case rather than risk someone apprehending a random innocent for proximity to faked bodies, unless the situation gets substantial media attention, which it hasn't so far.


Good to know. They're going to go make the information-gathering trip they made in Phoenix in three other cities on other continents; do the humans have recommendations on how to change their approach, other than 'wear clothes'?


Wear clothes, consider preferentially picking up really drunk people who are at least sort of open to the possibility of losing time even if it's not the standard of informed consent Bella would really like, is there a way to give the humans translation thingies or no dice...?


It is regrettably a microchip implant they do not have the equipment to install here and would not give out to random humans.


So having the humans say hi first is a no go, they know, like, fragmentary poorly-taught Spanish and that's it besides their native language, okay. Thoughtspeak's kind of freaky but not all of them have the hang of talking yet and even if they did they don't have the hang of Mandarin or anything so they won't be able to completely dispense with the telepathy... if you pick up people together maybe put them together and don't wait for them to ask...


They can do that.


"Also the grass floor is weird, I'm not sure how much you want to alert people that something weird is going on."


They can do other kinds of floors too, grass is just most comfortable. He shows her floor samples.


This one's pretty unremarkable and should retain this property crossculturally.


And the next day most of the Andalites leave for more intelligence-gathering. They leave the humans, a few guards, and the completed suicide capsules.


They're really sure they will yield only to serious chomping and not dissolve in human saliva or lemonade or anything inconvenient like that?


The computer is very sure that no substances humans consume will erode the coating.


Humans install suicide capsules.


Andalites depart.


<So. Want to run risky operations with us?>


"Have anything specific in mind?"


<I think the next item on the agenda is surveillance of your country's political and military leadership, but no, the question was more 'is that a thing you are going to want to be part of'.>


"If I can be useful versus Yeerks I want to be useful."


<Yup. Andi? Your dad?>


"...similarly inclined, possibly not similarly stress-tolerant."


<Okay. You do not have to make a decision today.>


"Not sure it's wise to go behind Matirin's back... metaphorically... on this."


<I don't know how long it'll take him to get his head straight but my guess is he'll offer eventually.>

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