At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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"Did the 'averting a war' plotline just get dropped?"


"Haven't heard back from the fairy that threw the letters but he should get dismissed any day now."


The fairy suggests to the Valar that they find one demon they can tolerate having under friendly-like but safe bindings in Valinor so that this demon can do correspondence for them. This will make Valinor way less a Tempting Mystery With Maybe Monsters And Captive Elves And Stuff In It, if there's a way to get information in and out without showing up on daring courier missions.


The Valar think this is a good suggestion and they will take it into account as soon as they know enough about bindings to figure out what's friendly-like but safe.


He can have Shipka bring her Kindle with its textbook when they summon her to fix her. But it's in some human language.


And she probably won't want to stay to do translation work. They can arrange for a different tutor, maybe.


Shipka's not going to want to stick around, or delay getting fixed to find a volunteer, but he's willing to come back.


Great! The circle for Shipka is fetched, what would one for him be like?


That's her name. His name is Nosso which is spelled like this.


And soon enough he vanishes.

Shipka appears, shaking and barely sitting up, in her circle.


And they change the way the magic suppression is targeted and then she can go home.


She disappears again.


Humans think Valinor sounds kinda dystopian. Humans want Cam's thoughts on sending drones? Humans want Cam's thought on sending stealthy stealth drones the Valar would never see coming?


Valinor is dystopian in the sense that there are in fact obvious people running it and responsible for things that are wrong there. This is actually fewer things than in most human societies - he credits the Elves much more than the Valar, for that, but it's still true - so just because there are people obviously in charge does not mean that it is an emergency. It is not an emergency. No one is dying. Literally no one is dying. The Valar probably sense matter directly or some shit like that and the state of the art in stealth is not going to help.


The CIA put robots in a cat once. They could build birds around the drones?


It is a terrible idea.


Maybe he's just saying that because he's literally a demon. 


Being literally a demon did not affect his psychology, it just gave him magic powers.


Why are demons disproportionately kinda weird, then?


Why are the people at dentistry conventions disproportionately dentists? Most demons don't answer summonses. This is way more true of demons than of angels or fairies, a wider variety of whom are getting something out of the experience than the experience itself or the humanitarian opportunities. You can meaningfully affect a fairy's economic situation. Demons don't have economic situations. They're there because they hope you might be interesting. Or because they want to see Nightwish in concert, but realistically that's very unlikely - especially with gags, maybe cut it out with the gags.


Then they talk you out of their soul.


Bring headphones and if you feel tempted to do things you don't want to do put on loud music and dismiss the demon.


The news breaks in Fairyland that the monsters, upon being confronted, fixed Shipka.


Oh thank fuck. Cam publicizes this with appropriately festooned exhortations to not fucking go to Valinor.

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