At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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I'll tell her.


Responsible word gradually circulates that Cam's claim to being Revelation is accurate. The prison where his murderer is held hosts a protest or maybe a rally or maybe just a big exuberant slightly drunken expression of anger.

The video about the Dwarf planet generates considerable excitement, too. Cam is nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Would Cam like to be TIME Magazine's Person of the Year.


Cam is probably ineligible for a Nobel Peace Prize. Since he's dead. He does not have this objection to TIME.


Nobel prizes are on special occasions awarded posthumously and this seems like a very noncentral kind of posthumous award anyway. Who's Cam's summoner, what binding is he under that he can just casually make stuff like his wings? TIME wants to do a photo shoot. Cam has eighty-seven marriage proposals and two-thousand forty one to forward to Elvis.


"If I weren't already married I'd go for it, honestly."


He would love the Nobel Peace Prize.

Cam does not wish to disclose his summoner's identity. (He considers getting his mom to resummon him under a responsible binding with exceptions for things she lets him do and having her tell him he can do as he likes. He checks: there are 409 other circles out for him. He sticks with the one he's got.) He will show up for his photo shoot. He does not want to marry anyone who opens with a proposal.

"I didn't know you were married."


"It was a very long time ago."


"That didn't seem to matter to Caranthir."


"I mean, he thought she was dead and gone forever and it transpired she was instead tantalizingly close. I thought she was in Valinor and she is in Valinor."


"You didn't send her a letter with the fairy."


"It is vanishingly unlikely she is on terms with the Valar that would enable any kind of emergency petitioning."


"Suit yourself."


"I have actually no idea how to find out whether any of these eighty-seven people would be nice if I got to know them and merely differ from me on willingness to propose to celebrities without having to meet all eighty-seven of them."


" - are you looking for somebody? Because I would be absolutely delighted to filter your admirers for compatible ones!"


"...I mean, not actively, but I don't have explicit plans to stay single forever and now I'm concerned that my celebrity status will contaminate my theoretical love life forever..."


"Back when my brother was sane people just told him 'introduce me to the right person', gets around things like that rather neatly. You could date in Hell? It's presumably less of a big deal there."


"Revelation is actually a kind of a big deal there. Suddenly people can get summonses if they want them. I haven't received demonic proposals of marriage mostly because marriage is much less of an institution there but I did get a few asking about my sexual preferences and some others assuming they'd probably match and making suggestions."


Giggle. "Well, if you want a social secretary - or someone to finish circles, I guess - let me know."


"If there's anything in there more useful than an invitation to find out whether dead people have the right to marry I guess I'd at least read it."


"I'll take a look!"


The government, once they finish checking that Matt really hasn't been to Valinor in nearly a thousand years and hasn't been there and alive in thirty-two thousand and hasn't spent his long career secretly sabotaging them, is very grateful for his service but thinks he should probably retire now. He gracefully agrees. The summoning department is well-staffed and will handle new surprises responsibly. 


He comes home. 


He gestures for 'I'd hug you if you didn't hate that'. "Help me sort Cam's suitors?"


"Colony project'll work better if a participant is a girl, I suppose."


"Now, now, that's not very romantic of you. And I'm not so closed-minded as to disqualify the boys, here."

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