Once the lair is reached, Ari stands proudly and shouts traditional challenges. "Foul beast! I hear tell you have kidnapped a fair maiden! Release her or suffer my wrath!"
*sort of
Oh. "Well, I'm not attached, but I'm told she's passing fair etcetera. It'd be very nice of you."
"Yep. School, sword on the shoulders, the whole deal. Are you not? This may present a problem if you're not a knight or a prince and you rescue a princess and then have to hash something out with her parents."
"Well, I'm not officially a knight, but it doesn't seem to make much difference to the dragons, they all think I am. And parents don't necessarily have to get involved, it's just a little bit of rescuing etcetera. Or just rescuing, if she'd rather."
"So, what makes you willing to give up your shot at a maiden passing fair etcetera? Do you already have someone back home, maiden or otherwise?"
"Not right now, but I usually don't have too much trouble even sans heroic rescues. Actually, the only person I've ever rescued was my cousin. My male cousin who was taken by a very nearsighted dragon."
"That's amazing. Personally I like rescuing because it lets me be heroic and woo ladies at the same time. Though really, it'd be nice if there were more nearsighted dragons around. I'd love to rescue a prince some time for variety's sake."
"My cousin's attached to a duke, and I don't know of anybody else with his nearsighted carrying-off problem, but best of luck."
"Ah well. I'll have to make do with non-rescue wooing. You wouldn't happen to be woo-receptive, would you?"
"It seems like that would be slightly awkward what with us waiting for a dragon and a princess," Jann points out.
"I just like to check, is all. And in case the princess is non-receptive, it'd be nice to have someone around to aim at. And you're nice, and very pretty, and I don't know that I've ever been with a knight."
"If you just have a checklist with an empty box next to 'knight' in your back pocket I can point you to one of my friends who's generally keener on boys than I am, but, eh, if we both strike out with the princess you could talk me into killing some time."
"Well, I wouldn't object to a referral, but you're nice and you're here and you seem to have just issued me a challenge. Unless you haven't."
"It's not a challenge, really. I lean very much to girls. When there are no girls to be had I get less picky, that's all. You're very cute but do not appear to be a girl."
"Ah. Well, we'll see about this princess. And I may take that referral. Have I mentioned you're very nice?"
Ari enters the cave and sits and removes his trusty cat from where he has been lurking in his shirt. The cat meows sarcastically. "No. Oh- Jann, this is Leo." Leo meows, again sarcastically. "No, Leo."
Leo meows. "He says hello." Leo meows again. "No."