"Ah. I'm sure it would've been very embarrassing to go to one expecting the other, then. Thank you for the tip. Are the two on good terms?"
"Yeah. The duke of one's dating the prince of the other, and with any luck they can go back to being one kingdom soon."
Leo meows and mimes a hairball. "Shut up, Leo."
The princess comes home. She does this in advance of her dragon.
"Uh, hi," she says.
"Hi!" says Jann. "Is your dragon expected soon?"
"Xorech'll be back any minute. Uh, look, this is probably very awkward, but even if one... or both?... of you defeat Xorech, I have a girlfriend back home, so..."
"Ah," says Jann. "Ah well."
"I mean I really want to go back to her so if it wouldn't be too much trouble for one or both of you to defeat Xorech anyway I would really appreciate it."
Jann looks at Arel. "I mean, I will still fight your dragon for you, but he was first in line."
"Oh, I'll do it. How much defeating is called for? I'd hate to vanquish him excessively if he's only doing it for form's sake."
"I'll just go back down that way a bit in case it goes pear-shaped, shall I?" says Jann, and he heads down the path away from the cave entrance.
"Dragons these days are never properly attached to their maidens. Very disappointing for someone who wants a good fight."
"I am, in fact, mostly a knight! I'm here to rescue your princess so that she can be returned to said girlfriend. And defeat you in the process."
Ari dodges his first attack, to all appearances by sheer luck, and spins into an enormously powerful kick to the dragon's side. He almost presses the attack, but then remembers that he's not supposed to be fighting, and hops back into a resting stance.
Ari jumps out of the way, and the claw finds itself trapped in the suddenly liquid stone of the cave, which is suddenly not liquid again! (Dwarf magic, Ari loves dwarf magic.) He takes the opportunity to snap a kick down on the dragon's arm while it's not available to savage him.
"Hey, I said I'm only mostly a knight! The rest is various magic." He demonstratively pulls a long warhammer out of his sleeve and uses it to bash Xorech in the side. (Close to the spot where he kicked, but not close enough for Arel's liking. He needs to get some more practice in on his larger target strategy.)